Four double page music spreads

Post on 14-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Four double page music spreads

Masthead- there isn’t a masthead on this page. Instead there is a ‘J’ for his name which is on top of the article. It is the colour red which emphasises the significant of that letter as it stands out. It also links to the colour palette. Red has connotations of blood, violence death and danger which could possibly portray his rap industry background and the messages they portray. This is effective as it stands out on the white background. Some may find this effective as it shows clearly what the article is about. However some might not find it effective as it is harder to read the article because it is covering it and it could possibly present the wrong message in some viewer’s eyes.

Colour palette- the colour palette is mainly red. Red has connotations of blood, death, violence and anger this could possibly represent his rap industry and what he does in his music, it also shows a different side to him. On the main image the colours are split into two. Once side being red which again shows the music industry while the blue could show his personal and family life. The colours are all effective as they link into one theme and are effective as it portrays something.

Cinematography- I think this image is effective of Jay-Z as he portrays himself in a confident and tough manor. This links into the fact he is in the rap industry. The fact he is wearing sunglasses could possibly mean he is hiding something which could later be represented in the text. The shot is also a front shot so it is directing the reader and it is on a background, half being red showing a more rap side and one being blue possibly showing his family or personal life.

Genre- the genre of this magazine is a music one. This is shown through a famous artist- Jay-Z. It is easily shown to the audience.

Typography- there is a lot to the article of this magazine. Some could find it too much as it isn’t broken down and it is a lot to take in as it is only a double page spread. Certain letters are larger and bold which is also effective as it highlights where the start of the paragraph is. The text is also black on a white background which is a good colour contrast as it stands out as it is dark on lights.

Copy- the text is split up into two columns so it doesn’t look like there is too much for the reader to take in. the letter ‘J’ also breaks up the text so people won’t think there is a lot to read.

Jay-Z represents the music industry through the front shot as it shows his rebellious side. This shows his target audience would be teenagers as they might find it offensive.

Layout- the layout is split into two, half is split into the image of the artist and the other half is the text. I think this layout is most effective as it isn’t cluttered and well organised. This always looks effective as the reader will be intrigued to read the article. It is also not put into one massive section so the reader won’t be put off with the amount of text given.

Colour palette- the colours in this double page spread consist of a grey/ silver tone and red. This is effective as red links to the colour of her hair so it all links into one theme. It is also effective as she is directing citizens in the USA and the colour of red which represents the flag on which she is sitting on. This Is effective as it shows clearly that is a US magazine. The silver/grey background tone is also effective as it makes the artist and the flag stand out which makes the reader intrigues as it is the first thing they pay attention to.

Typography- The text used is a medium font so the reader can clearly see the text for some readers it could be larger. There is a large font in the background which says ‘USA’ this is effective as it shows who the magazine audience is and who they are addressing it to. The text which is lyrics from the song ‘you’ve got the love’ suggest about her music career and tells the audience what she is doing within it before even reading the article.

Cinematography- the image used is a side shot with the artist looking directly at the camera this drags the reader in as it looks like she is directing them. She also has red hair which links to the American flag. The outfit used is all black and she is quite pale so it stands out. She also has one leg raised and her arm on her knee which portrays a confident look. This shows how she is confident in the music industry and is portraying a good message to women.

Masthead- the masthead isn’t shown clearly but there is a title across the page. It says ‘USA got the love’ the ‘USA’ is in bold and spreads up across the page. It is also a dark shade of grey which is effective on the silver/grey background. The ‘got the love’ is lower case in black in an italic writing. This masthead also links to the song she has made so it is ironic and could possibly promote her new album which is advertisement.

Genre- the genre of this magazine is a music magazine. This is shown through the artist.

Copy- the text is in columns so it easily identified. It is also in black which stands out on a silver/grey background. This is effective as it is easily identified. The more significant words are in black so it highlights the key words. It also shows where the paragraph starts which is also effective to the viewer’s eye.

I like the layout of this magazine as I think it is effective because it is spread across to pages and isn’t too much information to take in. it also shows clearly that it is a music magazine however if I was to change it I would make the masthead clearer.

Cinematography- the shot used here is a side shot, it shows a confident loo which is important to the target audience as it is a message to younger women. The image goes across two pages. The artist is wearing dark clothing and makeup showing her personality. It also creates a mysterious look. She is making eye contact with the audience showing she is directing them and it makes the reader feel more involved with the article as it is like she is informing/ addressing them.

The masthead says ‘wild CHILD’ with the word ‘child’ being capital it emphasises the word child and how media presents teenagers. The first word being lowercase shows an informal side top the magazine. It also shows how the writers would want the audience to read the article, it could also portray a message about the artist herself and a message to teenagers reading it. ‘wild’’ being pink associates with young girls/teenagers which shows who the magazine audience is I also links to the theme colour of being pink. With the word overlapping ‘CHILD’ it shows a good colour contrast as it stands out on the white writing.

Genre- the genre of this magazine is a music one which is interview based.

Colour palette- the colours in this magazine are mainly pink, white and black. The background colour of this double page spread It black as well as her eye makeup, this could show the gothic theme of the magazine. The colour pink is used on the masthead, subtitles and key words. With the colour pink it shows a girly side to the artist this could sow the side that the media doesn’t. the colour white is effective as it stands up on a black background making the information clear to red. The pink is also effectiv3e as it is used on subtitles which is a clear indication of where the interview is, it also separates the questions from the responses so it is clear who says what.

Mise-en-scene- the image used shows the artist in black clothing, black is normally a gothic colour which could possibly portray her personality. Her hair is a white colour which stands out on the magazine this makes the reader automatically attracted to image as it takes up half the page and is centre of attention.

Layout- I like the layout of this magazine as one half is taken up of the image while the other is an article, I think this is effective as it shows clearly where the article is and where the image is.

Typography- the text used is in a medium sized font so the reader can clearly see what the article is about, it also what the more significant information is in pink, this is effective as the reader is automatically drawn to things that stand out on magazines.

Cinematography- Nicki Minaj is presented in a confident manor, her posture of her body language shows her right arm titled up As by the posture of her body language showing her right arm tilted up, with her hand faced down showing her ring ‘icon’ showing on the palm of her fingers 'Icon' suggesting the message of the article. This is effective as it shows a confident female which many readers would look up to as inspiration. The front shot used shows her facial expression as being shocked or considered happy. By using a front shot it shows how she values her importance in the music industry.

Colour palette- the colours used on this magazine consist of a pink background. Pink is known to be a feminine colour, this could possibly show who the target audience is (young women). The text also used is black writing which is a good colour contrast as it stands out on a pink background. The masthead is also a dark pink which again stands out on the background.

Masthead- the masthead is bold capital letters of the artist name ‘Nicki Minaj’ this shows her significance in the magazine. It is also bold so it automatically grabs the reader’s attention. The colour of dark pink is effective as it links into the theme of being pink which represents her personality as being girly and bubbly. It is also effective as it takes up the left hand side of the page so the reader can automatically identify what the magazine is about.

Genre- the genre of this magazine is a music magazine which is clearly shown as the artist represents herself proud in the music industry.

Layout, the magazine layout can be seen as in your face due to the bright colours. This could be effective on certain readers others may find it annoying. Nicki Minaj takes up just to the right hand side of the page which her article is centred on her. I like the layout of this magazine as it appears to be girly and eye catching. The bright colours draw me to reading the magazine which is effective as it means people will buy it.

Typography- the text is black which is effective as it stands out on a pink background. The text looks like an interview based magazine and the subheadings which are questions are black and bold this means the reader can see where to look when reading the article. The text below is her response. The text is limited and there isn’t too much to reader. It is also separated and spread out around the page so it doesn’t look like it is in one bulk.

Copy- the subheadings are in black so the colour contrast draws you to certain sections of the magazine. This is effective as you can see what to read and it highlights what’s more significance.