Forwards guidelines for demonstration of deep draft pump ...

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Transcript of Forwards guidelines for demonstration of deep draft pump ...

Docket Wo.: 50-397

tir. R. L. Fergusonflanaging DirectorWashington Public Power Supply SystemPost Office Box 9683000 George Washington WayRichland, Washington 99358

ihE4 erase aa~l i !5@QQQ8 'I

Dear Hr. Ferguson:

Subject: Long Term Operability of Deep Draft Pumps

IE Bulletin 79-15, dated July 11, 1979, was issued to all licensees andholders of construction permits as a result of de'ep draft pump deficienciesthat were identified at facilities both operating and under construction.For pending OL applications, long term operability of deep draft pumps isnow being revieved by the staff during the .normal licensing review process.

In order to facilitate this review, enclosed is a document entitled,"Guidelines for Demonstration of Operability of Deep Draft Pumps". Within30 days from the issuance date of this letter, you should provide a scheduleindicating when a response, in the form of a supplement to FSAR Section 3.9.3,would be provided that discusses your assurance program for demonstratinglong term operability of your deep draft pumps and the extent to which itconforms to the various portions of these Guidelines. Emphasis should beplaced on (1) the establishment of installation procedures that are followedeach time these pumps are disassembled and reinstalled, and (2) the testingrequirements and bearing wear criteria. The instrumentation called for inthe Guidelines should not be considered a requirement.

These Guidelines establish an acceptable method of assuring long termoperability of deep draft pumps. They do not necessarily constitute theonly method for demonstrating long term operability. The staff will reviewthe information you submit to determine whether your long term operabilityassurance program for deep draft pumps is in sufficient conformance withthese Guidelines to assure long term operability. If not, the staff willdetermine whether you have established and utilized other methods andprocedures, preferably with the assistance of the jump manufacturer, thatalso demonstrate and assure that these pumps will perform their intendedfunctions for the length of time required.




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~ \ ~ ~

-U4 44 I ~ 4 ~ . I I RII

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact R. Auluck,Licensing Project I1anager for WHP-2, on t301) 492-29778.

The application/reporting requirements contained in this letter have been* approved by the Office of Management and Budget; OHB Approval No. 3150-0011.

Enclosure:Guidelines for Demonstration

of Operability of DeepDraft Pumps

cc w/enclosure:See next page



FileLB82 FileAttorney, OELDDEisenhut/RPurp1eRTedescoASchwencerRAuluckMServiceISE (3)


.~/~55Robert L. Tedesco, Assistant Director

for LicensingDivision of LicensingOffice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation




Rp~|.,Mph. „




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Mr. R. L. FergusonManaging DirectorWashington Public Power Supply SystemP. 0. Box 9683000 George Washington Way.Richland, Washington 99352

ccs: Nicholas Reynolds, Esq.Debevoise 5, Liberman1200 Seventeenth Street, N. W.Mashington, D. C. 20036


Ri chard g. oui gl ey, Esq.Washington Public Power Supply SystemP. 0. Box 968Richland, Mashington 99352

Nicholas Lewis, ChairmanEnergy facility Site Evaluation Council820 East Fifth AvenueOlympis, Washington 98504

Mr.. Albert D. TothResident Inspector/WPPSS-2 NPS

c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionP. 0. Box 69Richland, Washington 99352

Roger Nelson, Licensing HanagerWashington Public Power Supply SystemP. 0. Box 968Richland', Washington 99352

Hr. 0. K. Earle, Project Licensing SupervisorBurns and Roe, Incorporated601 Milliams BoulevardRichland, Washington 99352


~ ~



I;E. Bulletig 79-15 dated July 1979, identified problems associated1

with deep-draft'pumps found at operating facilities and near tenn

operating licensee facil'ities.'eep draft pu-.,ps,&iich are alsot~ ~ ~ I

called 'vertical turbine punps; 'are usually 30 to 60 feet in length.~ I ~ . ~ ) ~

~ Ixjth i,".pell ers located iri casing ho~is at the 'lowest elevation of '.~-

. he pu"..p. The r;otor (driver) is located at the highest pumpW

~ ~

elevation x<th the. discharge no2:zl e )ust



Bulletin 79-1S was .ini iated because several nuclear po~er'.plant

facilities could not derDonstrcte operability of their punps. The

5 q'DD«e 4 hDeriet cin( 4 (455~Ye (<<rc ion cn< bDc, ino ece ~T'h 4

rapid bearing ~Der suggested that these pu;.,ps (culd not. pe'I op1

Dt f~<.rDA (u~( tiops ~Q i nr or f0 11 o+'inc cn a"cl dDn o As

Dv Dg 4 hD r45 «I%545 f I

DyD«C ~ «> «l yD ~ 4 ( tlerht q4) as c( "" o 4 cl b~- s d

.their'de p.drai t "umps. These. guid lines are provided for these

plan s'so .hct the lic nsee'r

acc +w the staff for de~

draft pumps.

applicant i Yolved .".ay have a nethod

onstrating the operability of deep-


I < ~ ' 'I e

)~ ei

~ 0


In order to bet er understand the operating characteristics of.1

these pumps, a rotor dynamics analyses sas perforriid to ascertain

the respons'e of the pump rotor under steady state operation.

The analyses considered journal'earing to shaft dynamic response

. ag. various eccentricities and fluid viscosities The podel'for'he

analysis depicted a typical deep draft pu~, utilized by. the

nuclear industry. The analysis resulted in recorriendztions for

improving the stability-of the pump rotor from externally applied'.~ 'I

inputs" a,nd by self-generated inputs.'-'

The. conclusions xh(ch vere derived frcm the analysis and sta f.evzl z.icos o; Hcrth Anna,, Beaver Y>1'ey and Su~ fzci$ i ies

~Jig S4 'z» ~u~s 4 icludeo

1.) Pu.—,s with this type cf con,igur ticn are prore to b ring

r cb i~. 5 du" tc ""~sl~"' 1 i tv c e rotc

nd c s',n" s..~c: .. This -"he;.c~ncn is i'itu t i'd as

~ %g$ ''%8% I+~~ ~ ~ icl vc s bing

1 ~ "s .o bearin

c',e rance lzr" ~

c v'ezr (Jcurnzl bearings).

'I ills pnenopcascn~ ~

1I.m Head Sz ety In„'tion Purq Rc.or Dynamic Analyses', by

Frz.".colin Resezr,ch Cen er, Report FC-'.gBZ> dz" ed Yizy '""BO.

~ '~

~ ~ ~




2.) There ray be natural frequencfes assocfated xfth the pump

assembly xhich occur near the operating speed of thepm:p.'ump

opera fon xf11 drive these frequencies-=and can cause0

bearing xear. The severity of this condftfon fs dependentr Ir ~ ~ 7 ~ ~

on bearing diametral clearance, rotor unbalance condftfonsr ~ ~ ~

and housing flexfbflity. 'As an example, if the xear fn~ ~

col u ln )ournal bearf ngs become's svfff cf ently 1 arge

{txice the original diametral clearance} so that

these bearings are n'o longer'c $ ve and the undampedr

cri.ical frequency near the operatfng spe d of the'ump.r's alloxed to. expand, the additfonal'ncon rolled bearing.

x'll ccc "...Th',s xo*r c n contin ."."Il th shia',.

rubs a"ai,rst the support s rue vre Gl th bearina:nd can

eCIIe+Cal 1) pVpre ~ 4p SI


One acceptable le ~ cd for corrpctf log fnsta flities in re

~ e c )lr Ical lr S I ~ ~ Ir ~ 5 w eel I I ~ v'vv ~ ~ I ~ 1 ev ~ ~ ~ iy I ~ e '

J ~ e ~ I !IIIII ~

exhib'lts stable characterfstfcs. One such design fs the

Taper land bearing'. This design is more

plafn Journal bearing, is less susceptibler

of re taper and xfll causa the. bearing to

dynamic if1m quiet:1'y during s-artup.

stable t an the

to xear because.

fo'm a hydro-

~ ~

1 ~ ~~ »

l~~ tI

4 ~

~ ~ 0

4.) Stfffenfng of the column sections of the pu™p fs

advantageous ff there fs a column frequency near the

~ op'eratfng speed of the pump. The '~hfftfng of the~ 4

~ . 'olumn frequency to a higher level xfll eliminate~ ~

~ » ~

a~. coupling be'bmen the pump. operating speed and the

. column frequency.~ P

'»I ' ~l

5.) Flox inlet conditions to the. pumps and 5'~~p designs can~ M ~ ~

be important to.pump operabf1 fty. Cer ain fns allations

have demonstra"ed flox characteristics s%fch produced

vor.exing a, the bellmou h of the pump. This vortexing

a I'C 5 p das> l»r 5" w 5 ply 1 Za a»» s» a C»

diticns. This condition can con" rlbu e to addf tic'nal


- '." fcn o

ya a re»1 »x» J «a g»»» a» a» (la ~ 4

~ v D»l ~ ~ »» I ~ 4)

'.m"u.h d;arne.ers, and

I» .'\ ht»5 P a (aI ~ rcya»»» 4a a <aC~< Va a»C»(I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I

'hfs .problem.I

G.) This type of p~~p has exhfbf ed operational pro5lems

due to design and fnstalla+Jon deficiencies. The high

flexfbf1f.y of the shaft and column make this design0

rather forgfvfng 'when ft corn s to fnstalla.icn deffcien-.

cfes such as mfsal fgnmen be ~ n the sha; and column,

~ ~


» ~

C' ~ ~

~ ~ .




'os-precfsfon coupling fes, and.non-perpendfcular „.

rrountfng f1anges. This act ho'~ever,'can lead o excessfve

bearing ~ ar vfthout. signi,icant noticeable change. in -'pump

operating characteristics; .To ensure, proper pump operation;

proper ali ghent'houl'd be 'es ablished; between-all r~ting ~ ..»

sur,aces and- m asures-should be,emphasized which prevent col~mn-

and shaft" eccen+rfcftfes.:.These measures can include optical

'lignmpnt of the colvrin.segm 'nts,.use;of hfgh: precision

couplirgs- and.use.of accurate techniqu s. o-'establish thh

the si-...p plur:,b line is. perpendicular o tbe pump. mounting .


~ The above findings a~d c'onc1usfons hiav 'con r butp0 sfcrif icantly

~'~ i.t p )p'yp ~ i» o ae 'op e»i(Jo1 4 ~ ps ~ l p ~ ~ 4 do» f pS

~ »» ~ » ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ w i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a

hei c< are dlv p '. 0 fins ilk i n nd est ' eas ~ Ine s" gee 5

'pro Sod <q "%esp a, ooS i». Sf)o, o) kp p,Ca


I 1»i

',mportahce- ~hen es ablis«ing a pt.-.i.p- operabili:y assur nce'rogram.

I ho 'e" .pr, to ~'h ich each o, the .ii'o are'zs are mpl en~rited a.

speci iic facility is dependent on specific sy-„ptoim Aifch have

been identified vi th hese.pu".,ps xhfle in operation and during

servfce periods.



~ ~


~ ~ «\ ~

Imple.-..e'ntfng he measures outl fned be1ox, at North Anna 1 h-2 .fn

total, has be n shcxn to provfde reasonable assurance that the. pumps~ ~ ~'fll be operable shen re'qufred for thefr 'safety'unction.'-These

""gufdel.ines are'ot 'fnten'ded to replace the'requfr ~ents'of

'5't'andard Revfex Plan 3.9'.3, Reg'ula ory'uide 1.68 or 'any other'e I

rlequfrements presently''nforce'd by'he 'staff. Rather,'he

'., gufdel fnes are Eo be used's 'sup'plementary 'ri'aterf'al for esitablfshfng .

do p-draft pu6p operabf1.f ty.e ~ r ~

l'r ~



. - Experfence has sho~a that these. pumps" are„,prone o having operabflfty

probl ms as a result of poor fns allatfcn procedures.'he cufdelines

e."..phas'=2 .'-.cse ar=-as c he installs .j o procedur~ x c i )pie¹~e»eel 4 )

cauld sjgnffican ly improve .he lfkel jhacd of an operab1 p.-...p. Th.

w ~ ver vv ~ S~ ~ »<5«r ~ ye)eeb), l) tell (++nA»re)»)l «+e'ceo eye ~ i

~ I 4 « ~ v»id«' s»»ee ~ el er«v ea e»e» 5 vve l Ivl ~ l ~ ck ~


~ «ye ~ e~ «pig l / r lv«eQjl

Detemfne by measuremen tha all sha t segments are srafgh~'l:hfn

ulerances specf,ied by .he manufactur~.".~ 'l

b. De erafne by measurement or provide certfffcation that.al1

, coupl fngs (for shaft segments ! 'pump to mo or couplfng) are

of hfgh precfsfon as specified by the manu acturer.

c. De. rmfne by ." zsuroment hat a)1 p mp segment flanges are

per,endicular w th c nterlfne cf .he se".men , 'ha Qe

segments are s rafght and that'ny mating sur. aces are

nc2rl. fc to Kn es tabl i s hed'a t z. ")i'he re „'our~'ale




~ t«~ P 0

bearing guides (SPIDERS) are used, es ablish con'-.

centrici'ty between this asserkly and its r'ating surface-

d- Align'full'pump casing asseably optically to assure.'.

maxirum straightness 'and concentricity of 'the assembly.e

Any".equivalent method is acceptable, as long as the

- .procedure. stress'es- colUmn stra,'i ghCness"and concentzicity.'.=

e. Assure purq t'o motor:flange:perpendicularity and tha.

proper coupling installa~io'n i's perfomed-

f. Assure that 'all mating surface bolting is properly

at~ached and'th'at'anufacturer torquing seguences are

adhered to. ~, '„'1 7« ~ « , Sl<vP . %STAGFLATION

« ~r I ~ I" ~p< rs ~ ~ ep> I «<)» ts ~ r 5/«u~ 'ec ~)>golos««s g. ~ ~ I o «s «} «l< s .s«e ~ sr/j~ a~ i ~ o«« I ~ ~ s «ss

is pe~endic lar to the su;.p pur,z lin ~

As ~" re «n= «sump des i gn pre Ye.". 5 '"3 C ~ "«C~d, l 1 5

such as vortexing cr t"rbule.".ce nea'r the inta" e

««~ ~ r ~

«« ~ ~ ««««« ~«<o««s ~ 1 « ~ ~ ~ I ~ Iy «« ~ io«

is nct so designed as o allow,luid condi i'ons


favorable to these anomalies (i.e., sharp

bends in piping prior to entrance. into sump).

Assur'e tha" inter erence does no exist be ~een

the su~ and arg pu—.p appendage such as a seismic,

res tra i nt.

J ~

4 ~~ ~ '

% ~



2.0 Testing Reouirements

~ ~

~ ~


The installation procedures are essential in establishing pump

operabi1ity. 'In addition to careful installation, testing ray,-be'equired which Mill verify proper operation of these pumps.

After cc~letion of the installation checks, licensees. or appli-P

'ants should e'valuate the need for further testing and report.~ ~

P i

the. results of this evaluation'together arith the details of any.,

'test 'plans tb the 'staff. Should 'tests be required, an acceptable~ < ~ '

test proce'dure shoJ'ld include the items listed.~ los. The staff'I

recognizes hat the instrumontation and procedures outlined belowJ» > ~


r, y be di;,icult to i<~lerent at all facilit'ies and, therefore, the

sta f is'e~h sizing 'good installation practices ~hich load to

cperable cc~~cnents. '; f tests demns'perability cannot

~ss all -.he I-.ems listed bel o~, th'en"a".ive procedures

shculd b> pcrpcsed for evaluation by the staff. The tests'hould>P I

~ ~ ~ »0 I

» ~ I»


I. ui e<, i G ~<u.q dy>I > ~ lc cila c 5 ~<os ai<» 'r<' da ?

lminat>ng vi:h an e .<-apolat'Icn cf

C CP» PPP»» S > ~ PP < < I »»'»al

2.1 S. Instrumenta=i<on

The following instrumentation should be incorporated into the

tes procedure aside'from nor-al floe measu'rement, pressure andJ

vibra ion 'ns.;.mentation:

~ ~

~ P

~'0 ~ ~P

- 9-~ »

. a;) X, Y proximity probes at three axial locations on'het v

pumj column, for measuring and recording radial positions'of

shaft kith respect to the column.

b.) X, Y, acceleroneters (at proximity probe locations)

for measu'ring and recording radial "accelerations of the


c;) 'ynamic pressure transducers for- reasuring fluid pressure

~ a 'the..following locati.ons:.

3., Bottom of Column (suction)

2. Mid-Column =

'3. Top -of Column..

d.) Sha t Rotational speed and'. dynamic variation" instrument.

2.2 ."-"«.~-7. ST OATn«

81th the pump disassembl pd, neas~re all jcurnal bearing 0.0,'s,

"par':"g I.O.'s and calcula»e bearing diamptral clearances. In

~ st '«v +«p ««»~ 4 +v i««gptI\a»s ~ ~ Iy»II» pl UA I ~ ~ I i ly pl »» 5

c<=? rance c cle a each o'he =. " ax 'l stations bv

roll'ing the shaft sec.ion ~i "hin the clearance volume of its bparings

'nd .in .hi's ~'ay, stablish proper operation of »he probes.


~ ~

~ ~

0 ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ri~ ~


2I'I ~I'„'IIII' tII I'I -II)I

This phase of testing should be co-..prised of '6 hours of


testfng .(Break-fn} followed by start-stop testing..- Testr

-conditions should. simulate as nearly as possible normal .

: and accident conditions,. Parameters to be consfdered..

~ 're flbN; temperature, .debrf 5, and chemical compos f tion.r

. of flufd being pu'mp.ed.. -. Static torque ..ests .should:be.=.~r

per oned before and a ter the test (f.e. me'sure amount

torque required to turn shaft by hand). Data s'hould be. .

.aken .during 'the '.sfx, hour test at. }./2 hour fn ervals.

A total of 12 start'-'stop tests xfll"be performed con-

5-.p «pd ~ Jg krI Pit~ 1 5rI+prg

}O-r.:f,".ute dwell at full-speed a,".D a shutdowns from fullppJ r««ri r5D '«4 « i «>ir r

turf.".g full cycle cf

~ rq prr r)4 rq'ii i ra ~ i «vs 4 ~ ~ i)I

5 vari.-s iOpo

of Phas }. sting," he ~ c'ox ng Ca=a .5'ulc. U;.pl ptionI

~ be r cor"ed:

proxfmfty probes. "

in&v «end

a1.} Ob afn the 'clearance circles'sing he'.hree sets of

Tests at North 'Anna }. a 2 and Harufactur rs inpu~ fndfcates„.hia..G hours, is an adequate tive fn~rYal for bearfng break in

~ ~ ~

~ r~ ~


~ ~ ~


2.) Heasure and record the following'imension" for each bearing:

a. ) 'Journal O.D.

b. } Bea ring I .D.

~ c. } Bearing .to Journal .diametral clearance

d.) Establish Phase;1 test bearing prear.


1.) ...If,.sear is7 5 mils.f.or any b aring, ~ear is-'3'nd

test-should be terminated.

.2.) If Mear is/5 .mils for all bearings ..l

a. ) Reasse™kl e he pu~

b.) Obtain "clearance ci rcles"

ca ) Reins all pulmp in test loop'



v ~ I ~ l

~2. i. t:8 h

><a(II 0 ~IIevi~l ie I ~ ho~ II V +4 V III' QVVvg ~ I I I ~ l ty(I O rO(v ~ lva

an" erature a.".d luid ccnditicns s -. la,;-g "hose e""„c.edVI ~ I VV )VV~ OVbv ~ ~ ~ ~ w C I VI


should be

cocip 1 et i on of P

..Or.-.'1 c= rat'.cn. "= -.-r sta. ~ an"P

hase 2 est.,obtain wasur ment of s a, ic'torque.~ ~

recorced con" inucuIsly during the


p r'.od,

~ F

~ ~

l3This v ar Yalue ."ay be modified based on;, nufacturzrs



'~ ~

~ ~

- 12-~ o~ ~

and during the shutdown period. Oata should a1so be recorded; ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~

at 1-hour time intervals during the 48 hour test.~ ~ ~

'the folloxing measurercnts: should:he. made at the.(oaqletion: --...,-

of Phase 2 of the test -'-.-:.;.-.;::

1.)-:Obtain the-"clearallCe'-CirCles using" the: three.;.its.=of;.-, .'I

~ ~'proxlmltg;probas;-;=-r .'*:.;;--. ==.:. '-: "- ~ -"---.. ~ ~ --..

2'.: e sure-.and: record: 'the: folloxing dirZnsions: for 'each..-- -„'-,-

:b ~ ~t

=-:-"=-z:) Qourna.l 0 0..= =--=----.-'- " ---.b.) Bearing I:.0-; . =.:.=...:

'c'.) Bearin'g to 'Journal



d.) =s" Nish ceo~let d bering xear.

~ r


c z c» ~xi'~d boar'ing z~~r on ~zy ~'r ng ls~ 1 3 4


~ ~--- "7 mils, x r is un cceptable and test shculd be

ter., ina=ad.

I, acc ..~l ted xe r'n all be rings isC7bails'or

all bearings'.

a.) Reasse,ale pu~

b. ) Obtain "clearance circles"

c ) R install pump in tes. loop.

A4J ~


~ ~





~ ~

~ I\

~ ~ 0

6.3 ~66 33 6 (666 3

Phase 3 testing $ s to be performed at full 'system pressure

and temperatur'e and fluid.conditions s<mulat(ng those expected, ...'..'..~ I

, ~ . ~ ~ ' I

ring accident and normal opera&on'. The same proceduresI

I~ ~ ~


should be.'ollowed.'as in Phase 2 testing except. th t d ta.:-- ——— --.I

..ri y be taken,M< th-less,.freque'ncy '-'-,,'I... ~ ~


same measurements shoul taken. a t the ccmpl.eti on of': ~~ ~ I ~

th/s phase as 4.h the other Phases ~1th the folloKiig acceptance."..

.: . criteria:

1.) If accumula.ed.bearing Kear esp 8'ils" for any bearirig,.I

~ear is unacceptable and test'should be terminated.:

If accu..ulated ~ear is ( 8 mils for all bea",'.ngs, a

decision needs to be made "o establish:

a. } the ne d 'or addi ticnal es t, ng

b.) Kh .her or not the bearing K



i'l be ac" e"".ably

The.recommended decision process is outlined belch. '.~ r


Plot'the values of accumulated.Kear versus tine {H) for e ch


~ ~

bearing a t r Phase 2 and Phase 3 tests, namely.

Mear at HZ i 54 hour

Year at, H3 150, hours

~ ~ ~

0 ~

~ % ~


"~ ~

~ e(

~ ~

-14- ~ 0»»

~ ~

~ ~

4 » ~

Strafght lines are then dragon through the p1otted values of ~ear

and ex.ended to th'e right {See example Figure I}. If the extension:—: fntercepts the maximum acceptable value of ~ear (8 mils)-at-a value

H.less than the lffe goal'or thfs pump, additfonal testing should

..Pe performed.':.If the intercept of. the line fifth xear of-8 mfls

. -.....exceeds .the .lfje goal .for this pump, no. additional. tesXfng.'3s:>. ''"=-. ''.

~ ~

.,„: ..:required and bearing.~ear..fs.acceptable.: If additfona3testfi'g-'s

deemed necessary ft should. be done in a sfmflar manner . o that',1»

~ - .... perfor ed during Phase 3 similar acceptance criteria and.

decision process. It is expected that such addi )onal teitfng ..~ ~ ~ „»

sfll efther shoi a stable'pu".'p operation


no Increase fn

bearing xear or fncre'ased bearing ~ear xfth unaccept:ble results.»»

2.6 Evalua-.fcn o Pump Acceptability

If be ring ~ear (after all t sting phases) is acceptably lo~'(zs -er

decfsi "n "„rocess) .ard ff vibration levels o~

of 3 cps .o CCO c„s aro accept bly 1c~ and»

of inc- sing m gnitude during the testing,.

acceptable o- i s fntended use.

shee no unfavorable r ad

:he p|;mp may be. ju".ged

l ~

~ »

~ ~ »'»

eeto ~

~ ~

»~ Oe

p e ~~~ e P ~ taa~ O

»~O ~ 'PP

~ ~

« ~


~lpp«) ~ oo ~ p «I v

«4«e«»ao« ~e o

~ ae II~ ~ I~ I ~ o

Ie ~ cope St «e» «A

~ ee «Qr POS «~ »e{ re ~ ~W) 7 )I Po7$

Jr ~«I

~ ~ ~I

~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~

p«oe»o 3


~ eeP

~ ~ ~ ~

I Q Qo ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ « ~

~ ~

~ oa

o e ~ ~

e e

~ o» ~

e ~ « ~

~ ~ I

S~ I ~ ~

o ~ ~~ e ~ o

~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ \ ~

~ ~ I


~ \ \~II u ~ ~

~ ~

u I ~

~: I ~ I

I ~: I I I 'Se]3 I I' I ~ e I

~ 'I o ~

o ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ co«

~ ~

~ ~

~ »o ~ e

~ ~ 3

» p\e p~oI oe I o~ P I ~

I ~

r~ ~ ~

P ~~ ~ ~

~ ~ a~ ~ ~

~ ~~ I P ~

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o ! ~,

I o ~ ~~ e ~ ~

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