FORTIS L FUND - · FORTIS L FUND Société d'investissement à capital variable...

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Transcript of FORTIS L FUND - · FORTIS L FUND Société d'investissement à capital variable...

FORTIS L FUND Société d'investissement à capital variable

de droit luxembourgeois ______


M A I 2 0 0 9

VISA 2009/49195-51-0-PCL'apposition du visa ne peut en aucun cas servird'argument de publicitéLuxembourg, le 18/05/2009Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier

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FORTIS L FUND 46, avenue J.F. Kennedy L - 1855 LUXEMBOURG


This Prospectus may not be used for the purpose of an offer or entreaty to sell in any country or any circumstance in which such an offer or entreaty is not authorised.

The Company is approved as an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) [Organisme de Placement Collectif en Valeurs Mobilières (OPCVM)] in Luxembourg. It is specifically authorised to market its products in Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Macao, Norway, The Netherlands, Finland Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. Not all the subfunds, classes or sub-classes of shares are necessarily registered in these countries. It is vital that before subscribing, potential investors ensure that they are informed about the subfunds, classes or sub-classes of shares that are authorised to be marketed in their country of residence and the constraints applicable in each of these countries.

In particular, the Company’s shares have not been registered in accordance with any legal or regulatory provisions in the United States of America. Consequently, this document may not be introduced, transmitted or distributed in that country, or its territories or possessions, or sent to its residents, nationals, or any other companies, associations or entities incorporated in or governed by the laws of that country. Furthermore, the Company’s shares may not be offered or sold to such persons.

In addition, no one may issue any information other than that presented in the Prospectus or the documents mentioned in it, which may be consulted by the public. The Company’s Board of Directors vouches for the accuracy of the information contained in the Prospectus on the date of publication.

Lastly, the Prospectus may be updated to take account of additional or closed subfunds or any significant changes to the Company’s structure and operating methods. Therefore, subscribers are recommended to request any potentially more recent documents as mentioned below under “Information for Shareholders”. Subscribers are also recommended to seek advice on the laws and regulations (such as those relating to taxation and exchange control) applicable to the subscription, purchase, holding and redemption of shares in their country of origin, residence or domicile.

The Prospectus is only valid if accompanied by the latest audited annual report as well as the latest interim report if more recent than the annual report. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity regarding the meaning of a word or sentence in any translation of the Prospectus, the French version shall prevail.

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Contents.............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 General Information ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 Terminology ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 General Provisions............................................................................................................................................................ 12 Administration and Management....................................................................................................................................... 13 Investment Policy, Objectives, Restrictions and Techniques ............................................................................................ 15 The Shares........................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Tax Provisions................................................................................................................................................................... 22 General Meetings and Information for Shareholders......................................................................................................... 23 Appendix 1 – Investment restrictions ................................................................................................................................ 24 Appendix 2 – Techniques and financial instruments ......................................................................................................... 27 Appendix 3 – Investment Risks ......................................................................................................................................... 30 Appendix 4 – Co-management.......................................................................................................................................... 32 Appendix 5 – Conversion formula ..................................................................................................................................... 33 Appendix 6 – Suspension of the calculation of the net asset value and the issue, conversion and redemption of shares 34 Appendix 7 – Composition of assets and valuation rules .................................................................................................. 35 Appendix 8 – Liquidation, merger and absorption procedures .......................................................................................... 37 Appendix 9 – List of sophisticated subfunds ..................................................................................................................... 38


Absolute Return Balanced................................................................................................................................................. 40 Absolute Return Bond Euro Plus....................................................................................................................................... 43 Absolute Return Bond Global Opportunities...................................................................................................................... 45 Absolute Return Currencies (Currency World from 1 August 2009).................................................................................. 47 Absolute Return Equity Europe ......................................................................................................................................... 50 Absolute Return Euro........................................................................................................................................................ 52 Absolute Return Growth.................................................................................................................................................... 54 Absolute Return Stability ................................................................................................................................................... 57 Absolute Return V150 (V150 from 1 August 2009) ........................................................................................................... 60 Absolute Return V300 ....................................................................................................................................................... 63 Active Click Euro ............................................................................................................................................................... 66 Bond Asia ex-Japan .......................................................................................................................................................... 68 Bond Best Selection Convertible Europe .......................................................................................................................... 71 Bond Best Selection World Emerging ............................................................................................................................... 74 Bond Convertible Asia....................................................................................................................................................... 77 Bond Convertible Europe .................................................................................................................................................. 80 Bond Convertible World .................................................................................................................................................... 83 Bond Corporate Euro ........................................................................................................................................................ 86 Bond Corporate High Yield Euro ....................................................................................................................................... 88 Bond Corporate High Yield USD....................................................................................................................................... 91 Bond Corporate High Yield World ..................................................................................................................................... 93 Bond Corporate World Emerging ...................................................................................................................................... 95 Bond Currencies High Yield .............................................................................................................................................. 98 Bond Euro ....................................................................................................................................................................... 100 Bond Europe Emerging................................................................................................................................................... 103 Bond Europe Opportunities ............................................................................................................................................. 106 Bond Europe Plus ........................................................................................................................................................... 108 Bond Government Euro .................................................................................................................................................. 110 Bond High Yield World .................................................................................................................................................... 112 Bond Inflation-linked Euro ............................................................................................................................................... 114 Bond Inflation-linked World ............................................................................................................................................. 116 Bond Long Euro .............................................................................................................................................................. 118 Bond Medium Term Euro ................................................................................................................................................ 120 Bond SRI Euro ................................................................................................................................................................ 122 Bond USD ....................................................................................................................................................................... 125 Bond World ..................................................................................................................................................................... 127 Bond World 2001 ............................................................................................................................................................ 130 Bond World Emerging ..................................................................................................................................................... 132 Bond World Emerging Local............................................................................................................................................ 136 Commodity World............................................................................................................................................................ 140

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Equity Asia Emerging...................................................................................................................................................... 143 Equity Asia ex-Japan ...................................................................................................................................................... 145 Equity Best Selection Asia ex-Japan............................................................................................................................... 147 Equity Best Selection Euro.............................................................................................................................................. 149 Equity Best Selection Europe.......................................................................................................................................... 151 Equity Best Selection Europe ex-UK............................................................................................................................... 153 Equity Best Selection Japan............................................................................................................................................ 155 Equity Best Selection USA.............................................................................................................................................. 158 Equity Best Selection World ............................................................................................................................................ 160 Equity Biotechnology World ............................................................................................................................................ 162 Equity Brazil .................................................................................................................................................................... 164 Equity China.................................................................................................................................................................... 166 Equity Clean Tech World................................................................................................................................................. 169 Equity Consumer Durables Europe................................................................................................................................. 171 Equity Consumer Durables World ................................................................................................................................... 173 Equity Consumer Goods Europe..................................................................................................................................... 175 Equity Consumer Goods World....................................................................................................................................... 177 Equity Energy Europe ..................................................................................................................................................... 179 Equity Energy World ....................................................................................................................................................... 181 Equity Euro...................................................................................................................................................................... 183 Equity Europe.................................................................................................................................................................. 186 Equity Europe Emerging ................................................................................................................................................. 188 Equity Finance Europe.................................................................................................................................................... 191 Equity Finance World ...................................................................................................................................................... 193 Equity Fundamental 130/30 Euro.................................................................................................................................... 195 Equity Germany .............................................................................................................................................................. 197 Equity Gradual Accumulation World................................................................................................................................ 199 Equity Growth Europe ..................................................................................................................................................... 201 Equity Growth USA ......................................................................................................................................................... 203 Equity Health Care Europe.............................................................................................................................................. 206 Equity Health Care World................................................................................................................................................ 208 Equity High Dividend Europe .......................................................................................................................................... 210 Equity High Dividend Pacific ........................................................................................................................................... 212 Equity High Dividend USA............................................................................................................................................... 214 Equity High Dividend World............................................................................................................................................. 217 Equity India ..................................................................................................................................................................... 220 Equity Indonesia.............................................................................................................................................................. 222 Equity Industrials Europe ................................................................................................................................................ 224 Equity Industrials World................................................................................................................................................... 226 Equity Japan ................................................................................................................................................................... 228 Equity Latin America ....................................................................................................................................................... 231 Equity Materials Europe .................................................................................................................................................. 233 Equity Materials World .................................................................................................................................................... 235 Equity Middle East and Africa ......................................................................................................................................... 237 Equity Netherlands.......................................................................................................................................................... 239 Equity Pacific ex-Japan................................................................................................................................................... 241 Equity Russia .................................................................................................................................................................. 243 Equity Small Caps Europe .............................................................................................................................................. 246 Equity Small Caps Japan ................................................................................................................................................ 248 Equity Small Caps USA .................................................................................................................................................. 250 Equity Small Caps World................................................................................................................................................. 253 Equity SRI Europe........................................................................................................................................................... 255 Equity SRI World............................................................................................................................................................. 257 Equity Technology Europe .............................................................................................................................................. 259 Equity Technology World ................................................................................................................................................ 261 Equity Telecom Europe................................................................................................................................................... 263 Equity Telecom World ..................................................................................................................................................... 265 Equity Turkey .................................................................................................................................................................. 267 Equity USA...................................................................................................................................................................... 269 Equity Utilities Europe ..................................................................................................................................................... 271 Equity Utilities World ....................................................................................................................................................... 273 Equity World.................................................................................................................................................................... 275 Equity World Emerging ................................................................................................................................................... 277 Global Asset Opportunities.............................................................................................................................................. 280 Green Future................................................................................................................................................................... 283 Green Tigers ................................................................................................................................................................... 286 Inflation World ................................................................................................................................................................. 288 Lifecycle 2015 ................................................................................................................................................................. 290

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Lifecycle 2018 ................................................................................................................................................................. 292 Lifecycle 2020 ................................................................................................................................................................. 294 Lifecycle 2022 ................................................................................................................................................................. 296 Lifecycle 2025 ................................................................................................................................................................. 298 Lifecycle 2028 ................................................................................................................................................................. 300 Lifecycle 2030 ................................................................................................................................................................. 302 Lifecycle 2032 ................................................................................................................................................................. 304 Lifecycle 2035 ................................................................................................................................................................. 306 Lifecycle 2038 ................................................................................................................................................................. 308 Lifecycle 2040 ................................................................................................................................................................. 310 Liquid Alpha .................................................................................................................................................................... 312 Model 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 315 Model 2 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 317 Model 3 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 319 Model 4 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 321 Model 5 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 323 Model 6 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 325 OBAM Equity World ........................................................................................................................................................ 327 Opportunities Euro Plus .................................................................................................................................................. 329 Opportunities Europe ...................................................................................................................................................... 331 Opportunities Japan ........................................................................................................................................................ 333 Opportunities USA .......................................................................................................................................................... 335 Opportunities World ........................................................................................................................................................ 338 Real Estate Securities Europe ........................................................................................................................................ 340 Real Estate Securities Pacific ......................................................................................................................................... 342 Real Estate Securities USA............................................................................................................................................. 344 Real Estate Securities World........................................................................................................................................... 346 Safe Balanced W1 .......................................................................................................................................................... 348 Safe Balanced W4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 351 Safe Balanced W7 .......................................................................................................................................................... 354 Safe Balanced W10 ........................................................................................................................................................ 357 Safe Conservative W1 .................................................................................................................................................... 360 Safe Conservative W4 .................................................................................................................................................... 363 Safe Conservative W7 .................................................................................................................................................... 366 Safe Conservative W10................................................................................................................................................... 369 Safe Growth W1.............................................................................................................................................................. 372 Safe Growth W4.............................................................................................................................................................. 375 Safe Growth W7.............................................................................................................................................................. 378 Safe Growth W10............................................................................................................................................................ 381 Safe High Growth W1 ..................................................................................................................................................... 384 Safe High Growth W4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 387 Safe High Growth W7 ..................................................................................................................................................... 390 Safe High Growth W10.................................................................................................................................................... 393 Safe Stability W1............................................................................................................................................................. 396 Safe Stability W4............................................................................................................................................................. 399 Safe Stability W7............................................................................................................................................................. 402 Safe Stability W10........................................................................................................................................................... 405 Short Term Euro.............................................................................................................................................................. 408 Short Term USD.............................................................................................................................................................. 411 Strategy Active Click Balanced ....................................................................................................................................... 413 Strategy Active Click Stability.......................................................................................................................................... 415 Strategy Balanced SRI Europe ....................................................................................................................................... 417 Strategy Balanced USD .................................................................................................................................................. 419 Strategy Balanced World................................................................................................................................................. 421 Strategy Conservative World........................................................................................................................................... 423 Strategy Growth SRI Europe........................................................................................................................................... 425 Strategy Growth USD...................................................................................................................................................... 427 Strategy Growth World .................................................................................................................................................... 429 Strategy High Growth World............................................................................................................................................ 431 Strategy Stability SRI Europe.......................................................................................................................................... 433 Strategy Stability USD..................................................................................................................................................... 435 Strategy Stability World ................................................................................................................................................... 437 V350................................................................................................................................................................................ 439 Volatility World ................................................................................................................................................................ 443

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An individual fact sheet is available for each of these subfunds. The fact sheet specifies each subfund’s investment policy and objective, the features of the shares, their currency of expression, valuation day, methods of subscription, redemption and/or conversion, commissions, and, if applicable, the history and other specific characteristics of the subfund in question. Investors are reminded that, unless otherwise stated in the fact sheets below, the general regulations stipulated in Part I of the Prospectus will apply to each subfund.

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Chairman Mr. Nicolas FALLER, Head of Distribution Partners, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT S.A., Brussels

Members Mr. Marnix ARICKX, Managing Director, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT BELGIUM, Brussels Mr. William DE VIJLDER, Chief Investment Officer, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT S.A., Brussels Mrs. Emmy LABOVITCH, Head of Marketing, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT S.A., Brussels Mr. Thomas LEAVITT, Head of Institutional Clients, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT S.A., Brussels Mr. Paul MESTAG, Director, Fund Structuring, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT BELGIUM, Brussels Mr. Thierry SCHUMAN, Member of the Management Board, BGL, Luxembourg ASR NEDERLAND N.V., Utrecht, represented by Mr. Hans VAN DER KNAAP FORTIS BANQUE S.A., Brussels, represented by Mrs. Barbara ROELS BGL, represented by Mr. Carlo FRIOB.

MANAGEMENT COMPANY FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A. 46, avenue J.F. Kennedy L-1855 LUXEMBOURG FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A. is a Management Company as defined by Chapter 13 of the Luxembourg law of 20 December 2002 concerning undertakings for collective investment. In this capacity, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A. performs the administration, portfolio management and marketing duties. The duties of the calculation of net asset values, transfer agent and registrar are delegated to: • FASTNET LUXEMBOURG S.A.

31-Allée Scheffer L-2520 Luxembourg

The portfolio management duties are delegated to: • FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT BELGIUM

Avenue de l’Astronomie, 14, 1210 Brussels, Belgium A company incorporated under Belgian law, formed on 30 June 2006 by contribution of the entire Asset Management branch of FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT S.A. (FIM S.A.). A subsidiary of FIM S.A. Also acting through its office FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT BELGIUM S.A. GERMANY BRANCH

Ulmenstrasse 23-25 D-60325 Frankfurt am Main • FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT FRANCE

23, rue de l’Amiral d’Estaing, F - 75209 Paris, France A management company incorporated under French law, formed on 9 September 1986 under the name of FIMAFONDS S.A. A subsidiary of FIM S.A.

• FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT USA, INC. 75 State Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02109, USA A management company incorporated under US law, formed on 7 August 1979 under the name HARBOR CAPITAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY INC. A subsidiary of FIM S.A.

• FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT NETHERLANDS N.V. De Entree 99, NL-1101 HE Amsterdam ZO, The Netherlands FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT NETHERLANDS N.V., a management company incorporated under Dutch law, formed on 23 April 1982 under the name of PIERSON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT NEDERLAND B.V. A subsidiary of FIM S.A.

• FORTIS ASSET MANAGEMENT JAPAN CO LTD. Yamato Life Building 23F, 1-5-7 Uchisaiwaicho Chiyoda-ku, 100-0011 Tokyo, Japan A management company incorporated under Japanese law, formed on 21 January 1992, absorbing FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT JAPAN Ltd. on 1st October 2008. A subsidiary of FIM S.A.

• FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SINGAPORE LTD One Raffles Quay #21-10 South Tower, Singapore 048583 A Singapore company, formed on 26 June 1997, under the name of ABN AMRO ASSET MANAGEMENT (SINGAPORE) Ltd. A SUBSIDIARY OF FIM S.A.

• ABN AMRO ASSET MANAGEMENT (ASIA) Ltd. 43/F Cheung Kong Centre, 2 Queen’s Road, Central Hong-Kong A Hong Kong company, formed on 29 October 1991. A subsidiary of FIM S.A.

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• FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT U.K. Ltd. 82 Bishopsgate, LONDON EC2N 4BN A UK company, formed on 15 May 1970 under the name of ABN AMRO ASSET MANAGEMENT HOLDING Ltd. A subsidiary of FIM S.A.

• From 1 August 2009: FORTIS PORTFÖY YÖNETİMİ A.Ş. Büyükdere caddesi No:173, Kat:, 7 34330 Levent Şişli İstanbul, Turkey A Turkish company formed on 18 August 2002. A subsidiary of FIM S.A.

• NEUFLIZE OBC ASSET MANAGEMENT (NOAM) S.A. 3 Avenue Hoche, F-75008 Paris A French company, formed on 11 July 1997. A subsidiary of Banque Neuflize OBC Manager of the following subfunds: “Bond Best Selection Convertible Europe”, “Equity Clean Tech World”, ”Opportunities Europe”, “Opportunities Euro Plus” and “Opportunities Japan”.

• NEUFLIZE PRIVATE ASSETS (NPA) S.A. 3 Avenue Hoche, F-75008 Paris A French company, formed on 11 July 1997. A subsidiary of NOAM Manager of the following subfund: “Opportunities USA”

• From 1 August 2009: RIVER ROAD ASSET MANAGEMENT, LLC 462 South Fourth Street, Suite 1600 Louisville, Kentucky 40202-3466 A US company (Delaware), formed on 10 March 2005. Manager of assets invested in “North America High Dividend Equities”

Investment advice is also sought from: • KIT FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT

1/25 Kazanskaya U1, Litera A, 191186 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Joint stock company incorporated under Russian law, formed on 26 March 2007. 50% owned by FIM S.A. Investment Advisor for the "Equity Russia" subfund.


Mr. Karl-Hendrik ROBERT, Founder and Director, “The Natural Step”, Stockholm (Sweden) Members

Dr. Mariitta R.v.B. KOCH-WESER, Director, “Global Exchange for Social Investment”, London (United Kingdom) Mr. Cyril LIN, Founder and Managing Director, IFG Development Initiatives, Oxford (United Kingdom) Mr. Robert RUBINSTEIN, Founder and Director, “Brooklin Bridge”, Amsterdam (Netherlands) Mr. Raymond VAN ERMEN, Executive Director, “European Partners for the Environment”, Brussels (Belgium)

CUSTODIAN BANK / PAYING AGENT BGL 50, avenue J. F. Kennedy L - 2951 Luxembourg


STATUTORY AUDITOR PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS S.à r.l. 400, Route d’Esch B.P. 1443 L - 1014 Luxembourg


- Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG (paying agent) In Belgium

- Fortis Banque S.A. (paying agent) In the Czech Republic

- Česká spořitelna, a.s. (paying agent) In Denmark

- Alfred Berg Fondsmæglerselskab A/S (information agent) In Finland - Alfred Berg Asset Management Finland Ltd (information agent) In France

- Fortis Banque France S.A. (paying agent) In Greece

- Aspis International MFMC S.A (paying agent) In Hong Kong

- ABN AMRO Asset Management (Asia) Ltd (representative)

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In Ireland - Fastnet Ireland Limited (facilities agent)

In Italy - BNP PARIBAS Securities Services – Milan Branch (correspondent bank) - Banca Intesa (correspondent bank) - Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. (correspondent bank) - Allfunds Bank S.A. – Milan Branch (correspondent bank) - Société Générale Securities Services S.p.A. - Milan Branch (correspondent bank)

In Liechtenstein - LGT Bank in Liechtenstein AG (paying agent and representative)

In Luxembourg - CACEIS BANK LUXEMBOURG (principal paying agent) - BGL (paying agent)

In Macao - China Construction Bank (distributor) - Banco Weng Hang S.A. (distributor)

In the Netherlands - Fortis Bank (Nederland) N.V. (paying agent)

In Norway - Alfred Berg Kapitalforvaltning AS (information agent)

In Poland - Fortis Bank Polska S.A. (paying agent and legal representative)

In Portugal - BEST - Banco Electrónico de Serviço Total S.A. (paying agent)

In Singapore - - Fortis Investment Management Singapore Ltd. (representative)

In Slovakia Across Wealth Management o.c.p. (paying agent and representative)

In Spain - ValoresFortis Bank, S.A., Sucursal en España (information agent)

In Sweden - Alfred Berg Kapitalförvaltning AB (information agent)

In Switzerland - Fortis Foreign Fund Services AG (legal representative) Fortis Banque (Suisse) S.A. (paying agent)

In Taiwan - Fortis Securities Investment Consultant Co., ltd (Master Agent)

In the United Kingdom - Fortis Investment Management UK Ltd (facilities agent)

AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION The Company was formed on 29 November 1989 and a notice was published in the Mémorial, Recueil Spécial des Sociétés et Associations (the “Mémorial”). The Articles of Association were amended for the first time at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 26 September 1995 and a notice was published in the Mémorial. The Articles of Association were amended for the second time at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 4 November 1996 and a notice was published in the Mémorial. The Articles of Association were amended for the third time at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 4 May 1998 and a notice was published in the Mémorial on 24 June 1998. The Articles of Association were amended for the fourth time at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 30 September 1999 and a notice was published in the Mémorial on 5 November 1999. The Articles of Association were amended for the fifth time at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 22 April 2003 and a notice was published in the Mémorial on 13 May 2003. The Articles of Association were amended for the sixth time at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 21 June 2004 and a notice was published in the Mémorial on 14 July 2004. The Articles of Association were amended for the seventh time at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 27 April 2006 and a notice was published in the Mémorial on 15 May 2006. The Articles of Association were amended for the eighth time at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 18 December 2006 and a notice was published in the Mémorial on 9 February 2007. The latest version of the Articles of Association has been filed with the Registrar of the District Court of Luxembourg, where any interested party may consult it and obtain a copy.

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For purposes of this document, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Active Trading: subscription, conversion or redemption in the same subfund over a short period of time and involving substantial amounts, with a view, among others, to making a quick profit. This activity is prejudicial to other shareholders as it affects the subfund’s performance and disrupts management of the assets.

CBFA: Commission Bancaire, Financière et des Assurances [Belgian Banking, Financial and Insurance Commission], the regulatory authority for UCI in Belgium.

CDS: Credit Default Swap CFD: Contract for Difference Circular 07/308: circular issued by the CSSF on 2 August 2007 concerning the lines of conduct to be adopted by

UCITS relative to the employment of a financial risk management method, as well as the utilisation of derivatives. This document is available on the CSSF website (

Circular 08/356: circular issued by the CSSF on 4 June 2008 concerning the rules applicable to undertakings for collective investment when they utilise certain techniques and instruments based on transferable securities and money market instruments. This document is available on the CSSF website (

Company: FORTIS L FUND CSSF: Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier [Luxembourg's Financial Sector Oversight

Commission], the regulatory authority for UCI in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Currencies:

CHF: franc, monetary currency in use in Switzerland. CZK: crown, monetary currency in use in the Czech Republic. EUR: euro, monetary currency in use in some countries of the European Union. GBP: pound sterling, monetary currency in use in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Northern Ireland. JPY: yen, monetary currency in use in Japan. NOK: crown, monetary currency in use in Norway. PLN: zloty, monetary currency in use in Poland. SEK: crown, monetary currency in use in Sweden. USD: dollar, monetary currency in use in the United States of America.

Currency of expression: currency in which the assets of a subfund are stated for accounting purposes. Currency of reference: currency in which the assets of a class of shares are stated for accounting purposes if it is different

from the currency of expression. Currency of valuation: currency in which the net inventory values of a subfund or a class of shares are calculated. There

may be several valuation currencies for the same subfund or class of shares. Directive 78/660: European Council Directive 78/660/EEC of 25 July 1978 based on Article 54 §3 (g) of the treaty and

concerning the annual accounts of certain forms of companies, as amended. Directive 83/349: European Council Directive 83/349/EEC of 13 June 1983 based on Article 54 §3 (g) of the treaty

and concerning consolidated accounts, as amended. Directive 85/611: European Council Directive 85/611/EEC of 20 December 1985 regarding the coordination of

legislative, regulatory and administrative provisions concerning undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS), as amended by Directives 2001/107/EC and 2001/108/EC (UCITS III).

Directive 2003/48: the directive of 3 June 2003 from the Council of the European Union (EU) on the subject of the taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments

Directive 2006/48: the directive of 14 June 2006 from the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union (EU) concerning access to and engaging in the business of credit institutions.

Distribution commission: commission calculated and deducted monthly from the average net assets of a subfund or class of shares, paid to the Management Company and serving to cover remuneration of the distributors, supplemental to the share of the management fee that they receive.

EDS: Equity Default Swap Institutional investor: investor as defined by the notice issued by the CSSF dated 27 December 1999. This notice is

available upon request at the Company's headquarters. IRS: Interest Rate Swaps Law: Luxembourg law of 20 December 2002 concerning undertakings for collective investment. This Law

transposes Directives 2001/107/EC and 2001/108/EC of 21 January 2002 into Luxembourg law. Law of 10 August 1915: Luxembourg law of 10 August 1915 on commercial companies, as amended.

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Management fee: commission calculated and deducted monthly from the average net assets of a subfund or class of shares, paid to the Management Company and serving to cover remuneration of the asset managers and also distributors in connection with the marketing of the Company's stock.

Market Timing: technique of arbitrage whereby an investor systematically subscribes and redeems or converts units or shares in a single UCITS within a short space of time by taking advantage of time differences and/or imperfections or deficiencies in the system of determining the NAV of the UCITS. This technique is not authorised by the Company.

NAV: Net Asset Value OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development One-off expenses: expenses other than management, performance, distribution and other fees described above borne

by each subfund. These expenses include but are not limited to legal fees, taxes, assessments or miscellaneous fees levied on subfunds and not considered as ordinary expenses,

OTC: Over The Counter Other Expenses: commission calculated and deducted monthly from the average net assets of a subfund or class of

shares and serving to cover general asset deposit expenses (remuneration of the depositary bank) and daily administration expenses (calculation of NAV, record keeping, domicile, etc.), except for brokerage fees, commissions for transactions not related to the deposit, interest and bank fees, one-off expenses, and the subscription tax in force in Luxembourg, as well as the specific Belgian tax.

Performance commission: the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is paid out when each net asset value is calculated using the "high water mark with hurdle rate" technique. This performance fee is payable to the manager.

Prospectus: the present document Risk profile: The classification of risks is determined on the basis of the calculation of the standard deviation –

measure of dispersion on an average – on an annual basis of the monthly returns expressed in EUR, observed over the course of the last five years. For new subfunds, the risk class of a benchmark index representative of the investments is used. Seven risk classes have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. They are defined as follows: - class 0: standard deviation ranging from 0 to 2.5%, - class 1: standard deviation ranging from 2.5 to 5%, - class 2: standard deviation ranging from 5 to 10%, - class 3: standard deviation ranging from 10 to 15%, - class 4: standard deviation ranging from 15 to 20%, - class 5: standard deviation ranging from 20 to 30%, - class 6: standard deviation of over 30%. The risk class may change over time and is consequently updated whenever a new prospectus is issued.

TER: Total Expense Ratio: TRS: Total Return Swap UCI: Undertaking for Collective Investment UCITS: Undertaking for Collective Investment In Transferable Securities VaR: Value-at-Risk, specific risk valuation of a subfund (see Appendix 3)

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FORTIS L FUND is an open-ended investment company (société d’investissement à capital variable – abbreviated to SICAV), formed under Luxembourg law on 29 November 1989 for an indefinite period under the name “INTERSELEX WORLD”, in accordance with the provisions of Part I of the Luxembourg Law of 30 March 1988 governing undertakings for collective investment. It was renamed “INTERSELEX EQUITY” at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 4 November 1996, renamed “INTERSELEX” at the Extraordinary General Meeting on 4 May 1998, and renamed “FORTIS L FUND” at the Extraordinary General meeting on 30 September 1999. The Company is governed by the provisions of Part I of the Law of 20 December 2002 governing undertakings for collective investment further to the General Meeting held on 21 June 2004. The Company is governed by Directive 85/611.. The Company’s capital is expressed in euros (“EUR”) and is at all times equal to the total net assets of the various subfunds. It is represented by fully paid-up shares issued without a designated par value, described below under “The Shares”. The capital varies automatically without the notification and specific recording measures required for increases and decreases in the capital of limited companies. Its minimum capital is defined by the Law. The Company is registered in the Luxembourg Trade Register under the number B 32 327. The Company takes the form of an umbrella fund, which is a multi-subfund investment vehicle, with liabilities consisting of several subfunds, each representing assets comprising a collection of holdings, various rights and specific commitments that correspond to a distinct investment policy, governed as applicable by its own investment restrictions. The Company comprises a single legal entity. In accordance with Article 133 (5) of the Law: • the rights of shareholders and creditors in relation to a subfund or arising from the constitution, operation or liquidation of a subfund

are limited to the assets of that subfund; • the assets of a subfund are the exclusive property of shareholders in that subfund and of creditors where the credit arises from the

constitution, operation or liquidation of the subfund; • in relations between shareholders, each subfund is treated as a separate entity. The Board of Directors may at any time create new subfunds, whose investment policy and offering methods will be communicated at the appropriate time by an update to the Prospectus. Shareholders may also be informed in the press if required by regulations or if deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. Similarly, the Board of Directors may close certain subfunds, in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 8.

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The Company is directed and represented by the Board of Directors acting under the authority of the General Shareholders’ Meeting. The Company outsources management, audit and asset custody services. The roles and responsibilities associated with these functions are described below. The composition of the Board of Directors and the names, addresses and detailed information about the service providers are listed above in “General Information”. The Management Company, the Portfolio Managers, the Custodian, the Administrative agent, Distributors and other service providers and their respective affiliates, directors, officers and shareholders are or may be involved in other financial, investment and professional activities that may create conflicts of interest with the management and administration of the Company. These include the management of other funds, purchases and sales of securities, brokerage services, custodian and safekeeping services and serving as directors, officers, advisers or agents of other funds or other companies, including companies in which a subfund may invest. Each of the Parties will ensure that the performance of their respective duties will not be impaired by any such involvement that they might have. In the event that a conflict of interest does arise, the Directors and the relevant Parties involved shall endeavour to resolve it fairly within reasonable time and in the interest of the Company.

Board of Directors The Board of Directors assumes ultimate responsibility for the management of the Company and is therefore responsible for the Company’s investment policy.

Management Company FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A. was formed as a limited company (société anonyme) in Luxembourg on 25 March 1998. Its latest updated Articles of Association were published in the Mémorial on 12 May 2004. Its share capital is EUR 1,308,879.29 fully paid up.

Its Board of Directors comprises the following members:

Chairman Mr. Pieter CROOCKEWIT, Head of Europe, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT S.A., Brussels

Members Mr. Marnix ARICKX, Managing Director, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT BELGIUM, Brussels Mr. William DE VIJLDER, Chief Investment Officer, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT S.A., Brussels Mr. Carlo FRIOB, Directeur Commercial Private Banking, BGL, Luxembourg Mr. Jean-François FORTEMPS, Managing Director, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A., Luxembourg Mr. Laurent NICOLAÏ de GORHEZ, Head of Network Management, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A., Luxembourg Mr. Benoit QUISQUATER, Head of DP Sales, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A., Luxembourg Mr. Bernard WESTER, Managing Director, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A., Luxembourg Mr. Richard WOHANKA, Chief Executive Officer, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT S.A., Brussels

On the date of the Prospectus, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A. is the appointed management company as defined by Chapter 13 of the Law for the following undertakings for collective investment:


In its capacity of Management Company, FORTIS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LUXEMBOURG S.A. performs administration, portfolio management and marketing tasks on behalf of the Company. Under its responsibility and at its own expense, the Management Company is authorised to delegate some or all of these tasks to third parties of its choosing. It has used this authority to delegate: • net asset value calculation, transfer agent and registrar tasks to FASTNET LUXEMBOURG S.A. • the management of the Company’s holdings and the observance of its investment policy and restrictions, to the managers listed

above in “General Information”. A list of the managers effectively in charge of management and details of the portfolios managed are appended to the Company’s interim and annual reports. Investors may request an up-to-date list of managers specifying the portfolios managed by each.

Investment advice is also sought from the investment advisors mentioned above in "General Information". In executing securities transactions and in selecting any broker, dealer or other counterpart, the Management Company and any Portfolio Managers will use due diligence in seeking the best overall terms available. For any transaction, this will involve consideration of all factors deemed relevant, such as market breadth, security price and the financial condition and execution capability of the counterpart. An investment manager may select counterparts from within the FORTIS Group so long as they appear to offer the best overall terms available. In addition, the Management Company may decide to appoint Distributors/Nominees to assist in the distribution of the Company’s shares in the countries where they are marketed. Distribution and Nominee contracts will be concluded between the Management Company and the various Distributors/Nominees. In accordance with the Distribution and Nominee Contract, the Nominee will be recorded in the register of shareholders in place of the end shareholders. Shareholders who have invested in the Company through a Nominee can at any time request the transfer to their own name of the shares subscribed via the Nominee. In this case, the shareholders will be recorded in the register of shareholders in their own name as soon as the transfer instruction is received from the Nominee. Investors may subscribe to the Company directly without necessarily subscribing via a Distributor/Nominee.

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Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee This committee validates the research processes and methodology for investments in the “Bond SRI Euro”, “Equity SRI Europe”, “Equity SRI World”, “Green Future”, “Green Tigers”, “Strategy Balanced SRI Europe”, “Strategy Growth SRI Europe” and “Strategy Stability SRI Europe” subfunds.

Custodian bank Custody and supervision of the Company’s assets are entrusted to a custodian bank, which fulfils the obligations and duties prescribed by Luxembourg law. In accordance with standard banking practices and current regulations, the custodian bank may, under its responsibility, entrust some or all of the assets in its safekeeping to other banking establishments or financial intermediaries. The custodian bank must also ensure that: (a) the sale, issue, redemption, conversion and cancellation of the Company’s shares are conducted in accordance with the Law and

the Articles of Association; (b) in transactions involving the Company’s assets, it receives the proceeds in the prescribed time; and (c) the Company’s income is allocated in accordance with the Articles of Association.

Statutory auditor All the Company’s accounts and transactions are subject to an annual audit by the statutory auditor.

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The Company’s general objective is to provide its investors with the highest possible appreciation of capital invested while offering them a broad distribution of risks. To this end, the Company will principally invest its assets in a range of transferable securities, money market instruments, units in UCIs, credit institution deposits, and derivatives, denominated in various currencies and issued in different countries. The Company’s investment policy is determined by the Board of Directors in light of current political, economic, financial and monetary circumstances. The policy will vary for different subfunds, within the limits of, and in accordance with, the specific features and objective of each as stipulated in Part II. The investment policy will be conducted with strict adherence to the principle of diversification and spread of risks. To this end, without prejudice to anything that may be specified for one or more individual subfunds, the Company will be subject to a series of investment restrictions as stipulated in Appendix 1. In this respect, the attention of investors is drawn to the investment risks described in Appendix 3. Under normal conditions, the composition of the subfund portfolios in the “Strategy” and “Safe” ranges will be orientated towards that of "Smart Benchmark" as follows:

To 30 June 2009: Conservative Stability Balanced Growth High Growth

EQUITY 0.00% 18.50% 40.50% 58.00% 82.00% Europe Large Caps 0.00% 5.00% 11.50% 16.00% 23.00% Europe Small Caps 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 3.00% US Large Caps 0.00% 4.00% 10.00% 15.00% 21.00% US Small Caps 0.00% 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 3.00% Japan 0.00% 3.00% 6.00% 8.00% 12.00% Emerging Countries 0.00% 4.50% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% REAL ESTATE * 0.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 10.00% Europe 0.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 6.00% Asia 0.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 4.00% BONDS 52.00% 44.50% 25.50% 16.00% 0.00% Global Government Bonds 17.00% 22.50% 10.00% 5.50% 0.00% Euro Inv. Grade Corp 7.00% 8.50% 4.50% 2.00% 0.00% Euro Inflation Linked 8.00% 7.50% 5.00% 2.50% 0.00% Euro High Yield 3.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.00% US High Yield 3.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.00% Emerging External Debt 7.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 0.00% Emerging Local Debt 7.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 0.00%

CONVERTIBLES 16.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% 0.00% COMMODITIES ** 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 8.00% ABSOLUTE RETURN 32.00% 25.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% TOTAL 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

From 1 July 2009: Conservative Stability Balanced Growth High Growth

EQUITY 0.00% 20.00% 41.50% 60.00% 90.00% Europe Large Caps 6.00% 12.00% 18.00% 27.00% Europe Small Caps 2.00% 4.00% 4.00% 6.00% US Large Caps 4.00% 8.00% 12.00% 20.00% US Small Caps 1.00% 1.50% 2.00% 3.00% Japan 2.00% 4.00% 6.00% 10.00% Emerging Countries 5.00% 12.00% 18.00% 24.00% REAL ESTATE * 0.00% 2.00% 3.00% 3.00% 6.00% Europe 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 2.00% US 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 2.00% Asia 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 2.00% FIXED INCOME 74.00% 61.00% 39.50% 24.00% 0.00% Global Government Bonds 17.00% 21.00% 9.00% 3.00% Euro Corporate Credits (IG) 20.00% 16.00% 9.50% 6.00% US Corporate Credits (IG) 9.00% 3.00% Euro Inflation Linked 17.00% 14.00% 10.00% 6.00% Euro High Yield 4.00% 4.00% 7.00% 7.00% 0.00%

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US High Yield 1.00% 1.00% 2.00% 2.00% 0.00% Emerging External Debt 2.40% 0.80% 0.80% Emerging Local Debt 3.60% 1.20% 1.20%

GLOBAL CONVERTIBLES 12.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% COMMODITIES ** 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% ABSOLUTE RETURN 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 6.00% TOTAL 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%

* investments in negotiable securities issued by real estate companies or by companies in sectors linked to real estate assets (real estate certificates, shares, SICAFIs [closed-end real estate investment companies], closed-end REITs, etc.), in financial instruments representing real estate assets and in derivative financial instruments based on this type of asset

** investments in derivative financial instruments based on financial indices concerning commodities, and in negotiable securities linked to changes in commodity prices

For the purposes of active portfolio management, the manager will deviate from this composition according to market conditions and its forecasts. The currency risk (USD, JPY, GBP) is hedged against the euro in variable proportions. The Board of Directors has adopted a corporate governance policy, stipulating amongst others that votes can be cast at shareholders meetings of companies in which subfunds invest. The main principles governing the Board's voting policy relates to a company's ability to provide shareholders with transparency and accountability with respect to the shareholders' investments, that a company should be managed to assure growth and return of the shares over the long term. The Board of Directors shall execute the voting policy in good faith taking into account the best interest of the shareholders of the investment funds. For further reference please consult also the website Furthermore, the Company is authorised to utilise techniques and instruments on transferable securities and money market instruments under the conditions and limits defined in Appendix 2, provided that these techniques and instruments are employed for the purposes of efficient portfolio management. When these operations involve the use of derivatives, these conditions and limits must comply with the provisions of the Law. Under no circumstances can these operations cause the Company and its subfunds to deviate from the investment objectives as described in the Prospectus. Lastly, in order to reduce operating and administrative expenses while facilitating a broad diversification of investments, the Board of Directors may decide, in accordance with the stipulations in Appendix 4, that some or all of the Company’s assets be co-managed with assets belonging to other undertakings for collective investment or that some or all of a subfund’s assets be co-managed with other subfunds.

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FORM(S), CLASS(ES) AND SUB-CLASS(ES) Within each subfund, the Board of Directors will be able to create the following classes and/or sub-classes of shares (“classes” and “sub-classes”): “Classic” These shares are offered to individuals and legal entities. Unless otherwise specified in Part II, they may, at the investor’s choice, be in registered or bearer form, and feature capitalisation (“Classic-Capitalisation” or “C”) or distribution (“Classic-Distribution” or “D”) of income. Once the “Classic-New Distri” sub-class is created within a particular subfund, the “Classic-Distribution” sub-class in that subfund is closed. The Board of Directors may decide to create the following different sub-classes: - “Classic-New Distri” designed to receive the assets corresponding to the distribution shares issued by the subfunds set up after

1994 and absorbed by the Company as well as the new subscriptions. In Belgium, the dividends distributed in this sub-class are subject to the withholding of a withholding tax (précompte mobilier) of 15%.

- “Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94” designed to receive the assets corresponding to the distribution shares issued by the subfunds set up before 1994 and absorbed by the Company. In Belgium, the dividends distributed in this sub-class are subject to the withholding of a withholding tax (précompte mobilier) of 25%. This sub-class is not open to subscriptions.

- “Classic-QD” distributing the interim dividends on the 20th of the month following the end of each calendar quarter (or, if this is a bank holiday in Luxembourg, the next banking day thereafter) provided that this class has been active throughout the quarter in this subfund.

The valuation currencies are the subfund's reference currency, the EUR and the USD. "M" This class is distributed exclusively in Belgium by the FORTIS Group "FINTRO" network. Within this class, subfunds in the “Safe” range are sold in Belgium by the FORTIS Group “FINTRO” network under the name “MAESTRO” followed by the name of the subfund. The characteristics of this class are identical to those of the “Classic” class. The valuation currencies are the EUR and the USD. “UK” These shares are reserved exclusively for United Kingdom investors. They are in registered or uncertificated bearer form at the investor’s choice, and distribution-only. This class is distinguished from the “Classic” class by its distribution policy in accordance with the status of “distribution subfund” as defined by UK tax law governing foreign funds. The reference currency of this class is the GBP. The valuation currencies are the GBP, the subfund's reference currency, the EUR and the USD. “T” These shares are offered to investors looking for a temporary investment while waiting for new favourable investment horizons as the markets develop. This class is distinguished from the “Classic” class by a fixed front-end load of 2.5%, the absence of a conversion commission on both entry and exit, and the issue of distribution-only shares in uncertificated bearer form. The Board of Directors defines those subfunds to which this class is open in Part II. The valuation currencies are the EUR and the USD. “I” These shares are reserved for institutional investors. This class is distinguished from the “Classic” class by its commission structure and reduced taxe d’abonnement. The special conditions applicable to this class are summarised for each subfund in Part II. Shares are exclusively capitalisation shares issued in registered form. The valuation currencies are the subfund's reference currency, the EUR and the USD. “ASR” These shares are reserved for the ASR FONDS Luxembourg SICAV and the Dutch insurance company, ASR NEDERLAND N.V. acting as institutional investors. This class is distinguished from the “Classic” class by its commission structure and a reduced taxe d’abonnement. The specific conditions applicable to this class are summarised for each subfund in Part II. The shares are exclusively capitalisation shares issued in registered form. If it transpires that shares in this class are held by persons other than those authorised, the Board of Directors will convert them, at no charge, into “Classic” class shares. The valuation currencies are the subfund's reference currency, the EUR and the USD. “L” These shares are reserved for the Belgian insurance company FORTIS INSURANCE BELGIUM S.A. acting as an institutional investor. This class is distinguished from the “Classic” class by its commission structure and reduced taxe d’abonnement. The special conditions applicable to this class are summarised for each subfund in Part II. The shares are registered and capitalisation only. If it transpires that shares in this class are held by persons other than those authorised, the Board of Directors will convert them, at no charge, into “Classic” class shares. The valuation currencies are the EUR and the USD.

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“P” These shares are offered to individuals and legal entities. At the investor’s choice, the shares may be in registered or bearer form (bearer shares are uncertificated), but they are capitalisation only. This class is distinguished from the “Classic” class by its commission structure: a maximum 2% issue commission, a maximum 1% redemption commission, a distribution commission in addition to the management fee.The valuation currencies are the subfund’s reference currency, the EUR and the USD. This class will be established on a date and in subfunds yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Before subscription, investors are invited to seek information on the subfunds in which this class is open.

In some subfunds, "Classic H", "IH" and "UKH" classes may be created. These classes are distinguished by hedging, as far as possible, the exchange risk, in the currency of reference for these classes, of the net asset value in the currency of expression for the subfund. The exchange risk is thus partially maintained because the above-mentioned hedging does not take into account the currency of expression for the underlying investments of the subfund concerned. The currency of reference for these classes appears in the name of the class (for example, "Classic H USD" for a class hedging in USD the NAV of a subfund expressed in EUR). The valuation currencies in these classes are the currency of reference for the class, the currency of expression for the subfund, the EUR and USD. If no specific information is given by the investor, orders received will be processed in the currency of reference. The characteristics of these classes are identical to those of the "Classic", "I", and "UK" classes existing in the same subfund. These classes will be established on a date and in subfunds to be defined by the Board of Directors. Before subscription, investors are invited to seek information on the opening of the classes, their currencies of expression and the subfunds in which they are open. From 1 August 2009, if the assets of one of these classes in any subfund fall below one million euros or equivalent, the Board of Directors reserves the right to close the class and merge it with the “Classic” class of the same subfund. In some subfunds, “Classic Overlay” and “I Overlay” classes may be created. These classes are distinguished by hedging the exchange risk for the underlying investments of the relevant subfund, in the currency of reference of these classes. The currency of reference for these classes appears in the name of the class (e.g. “Classic Overlay EUR” for a class that hedges in EUR, up to 95% minimum, the underlying investments in currencies other than EUR of the subfund in question). The valuation currencies in these classes are the currency of reference for the class, the currency of expression for the subfund, the EUR and USD. If no specific information is given by the investor, orders received will be processed in the currency of reference. The characteristics of these classes are identical to those of the "Classic" and "I" classes existing in the same subfund. These classes will be established on a date and in subfunds to be defined by the Board of Directors. Before subscription, investors are invited to seek information on the opening of the classes, their currencies of expression and the subfunds in which they are open. If the assets of this class in any subfund fall below one million euros or equivalent, the Board of Directors reserves the right to close the class and merge it with the “Classic” class of the same subfund. In some subfunds, an "FIM" class may also be created. This class is dedicated solely to FORTIS INVESTMENTS acting as an institutional investor. It is differentiated from the "I" class in the same subfund by the absence of rights of entry and withdrawal, as well as of management fee. This class will be established on a date and in subfunds to be defined by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors also has the option of added new valuation currencies to a subfund or class of share. If this option is utilised, the simplified prospectus(es) of the subfund(s) concerned will be modified accordingly.

Before subscribing, the investor should check in Part II which classes and sub-classes are available for each subfund. If it transpires that the shares of a class or sub-class are held by persons other than those authorised, the Board of Directors will convert them, at no charge, into “Classic” class shares. The denominations for bearer shares will be defined by the Board of Directors for each subfund, class and/or sub-class in Part II. The register of shareholders is kept in Luxembourg by the registrar indicated above in the “General Information” section. Unless otherwise specified, shareholders requiring their shares to be held in registered form will not receive a certificate representing their shares. Instead, they will be sent confirmation of their entry in the register. The shares must be fully paid-up and are issued without a par value. Unless otherwise indicated, there is no limitation on their number. The rights attached to the shares are those described in the law of 10 August 1915, unless exempted by the Law. Fractions of shares may be issued for registered shares and for uncertificated bearer shares, up to one-thousandth of a share. All the Company’s whole shares, whatever their value, have equal voting rights. The shares of each subfund and/or each class and/or sub-class have an equal right to the liquidation proceeds of the subfund and/or each class and/or sub-class. DIVIDENDS Capitalisation shares retain their income to reinvest it. The general meeting of shareholders holding distribution shares for each subfund concerned decides each year on the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay a dividend, which are calculated according to the legal and bylaws limitations provided for this purpose. In any case, the Company distributes to the distribution shares as a minimum all of the interest income collected, after deducting the remuneration, commissions and expenses proportionately related to it. If it deems it advisable, the Board of Directors may decide to distribute advances on dividends. The Board of Directors determines the payment methods for the dividends and advances on dividends that are decided on. Dividends and advances on dividends, even when legally required, shall be paid by the Company regardless of the date of presentation for payment.

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Subscriptions, conversions and redemptions of shares are made with reference to their unknown net asset value (NAV). They may concern a number of shares or an amount. The Board of Directors reserves the right to: (a) refuse a share subscription or conversion requests for any reason whatsoever in whole or in part; (b) redeem, at any time, shares held by persons who are not authorised to buy or hold the Company’s shares; (c) reject subscription, conversion or redemption requests from any investor who it suspects of using practices associated with Market

Timing or Active Trading, and, where applicable, take the necessary measures to protect the Company’s other investors. For each subfund, the Board of Directors is authorised to set minimum amounts for subscription, conversion, redemption and holding. If, in a single subfund, following redemption or conversion, a shareholder comes to hold a number of shares that is lower than the minimum specified holding, the Board of Directors may enforce the redemption of the remaining shares held. Lastly, in certain cases stipulated in Appendix 6, the Board of Directors is authorised to temporarily suspend the issue, conversion and redemption of shares in any subfund, class and/or sub-class, and the calculation of their net asset value. In connection with anti-money laundering procedures, the subscription form must be accompanied by the identity card or passport of the subscriber, in the case of an individual, authenticated by a competent authority (for example, an embassy, consulate, notary, police superintendent) or by a financial institution subject to equivalent identification standards to those applicable in Luxembourg or the Articles of Association, and an extract from the trade and companies register for a legal entity, in the following cases: 1. direct subscription to the Company; 2. subscription through a professional financial sector intermediary resident in a country that is not subject to an obligation

for identification equivalent to Luxembourg standards as regards preventing the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering;

3. subscription through a subsidiary or branch office, the parent company of which would be subject to an obligation for identification equivalent to that required under Luxembourg law, if the law applicable to the parent company does not oblige it to ensure that its subsidiaries or branch offices adhere to these provisions.

The Company is also bound to identify the source of funds if they come from financial institutions that are not subject to an obligation for identification equivalent to those required under Luxembourg law. Subscriptions may be temporarily frozen pending identification of the source of the funds. It is generally accepted that finance sector professionals resident in countries that have signed up to the conclusions of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) on money laundering are deemed to have an obligation for identification equivalent to that required under Luxembourg law. Processing of personal information In submitting a subscription request, the investor authorises the Company to store and utilise all of the confidential information that it may acquire on it with a view to managing its account or their business relationship. To the extent that this usage so requires, the investor also authorises the sharing of this information with different service providers of the Company. It is to be noted that some service providers established outside of the European Union may be subject to less stringent rules on the safeguarding of information. The information may be used for purposes of filing, order processing, responding to shareholder requests, and providing them with information on other Company products and services. Neither the Company nor its Management Company will disclose confidential information on shareholders unless required to do so by specific regulations. Subscriptions All the terms and conditions for subscriptions made during the launch of a subfund, class and/or sub-class (“initial subscription period”) are described in Part II. At the end of the initial subscription period, the shares will be issued at a price corresponding to the net asset value per share plus the issue commission described in Part II. Furthermore, investors who subscribe through a paying agent may incur costs related to the work carried out by the paying agent in question in the countries in which the shares are offered. For an order to be executed at the asset value on a given valuation day, it must be received by the Company before the time and date specified in the detailed conditions for each subfund in Part II. Orders received after this deadline will be processed at the asset value on the next valuation day after the valuation day in question. In order to be accepted by the Company, the order must include all necessary information relating to the identification of the subscribed shares and the identity of the subscriber as described above. Unless otherwise specified for a particular subfund, the subscription price of each share is payable in one of the valuation currencies of the shares concerned within the time period defined in Part II, increased, where necessary, by the applicable subscription fee. At the shareholder's request, the payment may be made in a currency other than one of the valuation currencies. The exchange expenses will then be borne by the shareholder and added to the subscription price. The Company reserves the right to postpone subscription requests if it is not certain that the appropriate payment will reach the custodian bank within the required payment time or if the order is incomplete. The shares will not be assigned until the duly completed subscription request has been received accompanied by the payment or a document irrevocably guaranteeing that the payment will be made before the deadline. If payment is made by uncertified cheque, the shares will be assigned after receipt of confirmation of payment. If payment is made in a currency other than the valuation currency for the shares subscribed, the exchange costs will be borne by the subscriber. The Company cannot be held responsible for the delayed processing of incomplete orders. The Board of Directors may accept the issue of shares in exchange for the contribution in kind of transferable securities, in accordance with the conditions defined by Luxembourg law, in particular with respect to the obligation for the submission of a valuation report by the statutory auditor mentioned under “General Information” above, and provided that these transferable securities meet the Company’s investment policy and restrictions for the subfund concerned as described in Part II. Unless otherwise specified, the costs of such a transaction will be borne by the applicant.

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Conversions Without prejudice to the specific provisions of a subfund and/or class and/or sub-class, shareholders may request the conversion of some or all of their shares into shares of another subfund and/or class and/or sub-class. The number of newly issued shares and the costs arising from the transaction are calculated in accordance with the formula described in Appendix 5. Furthermore, shareholders who request conversion through a paying agent may incur costs related to the work carried out by the paying agent in question in the countries in which the shares are offered. Conversions are only permitted between the following classes of shares:

To From

Classic Classic H

Classic Overlay M UK



I Overlay FIM


Classic Classic H

Classic Overlay Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

M Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes UK

UKH Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

T Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes I

IH I Overlay

FIM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

ASR Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes L Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes P No No No No No No No Yes

For a conversion order to be executed at the asset value on a given valuation day, it must be received by the Company before the time and date specified for each subfund in Part II. Orders received after this deadline will be processed at the asset value on the next valuation day after the valuation day in question. Conversion requests for bearer shares can only be processed if accompanied by representative securities with unexpired coupons attached. Redemptions Subject to the exceptions and limitations prescribed in the Prospectus, all shareholders are entitled, at any time, to have their shares redeemed by the Company. The shares redeemed by the Company will be cancelled, but bearer shares will not be destroyed. For an order to be executed at the asset value on a given valuation day, it must be received by the Company before the time and date specified in the conditions for each subfund in Part II. Orders received after this deadline will be processed at the asset value on the next valuation day after the valuation day in question. In order to be accepted by the Company, the order must include all necessary information relating to the identification of the shares in question and the identity of the shareholder as described above. Unless otherwise specified for a particular subfund, the redemption amount for each share will be reimbursed in one of the valuation currencies of the shares concerned and within the timeframe specified in Part II, less, where necessary, the applicable redemption commission. At the shareholder’s request, the payment may be made in a currency other than the valuation currencies of the redeemed shares, in which case the exchange costs will be borne by the shareholder and charged against the redemption price. The redemption price of shares may be higher or lower than the price paid at the time of subscription (or conversion), depending on whether the net asset value has appreciated or depreciated in the interval. Furthermore, shareholders who request redemption through a paying agent may incur costs related to the work carried out by the paying agent in question in the countries in which the shares are offered. The redemption proceeds will only be paid when the custodian bank has received the bearer securities representing the redeemed shares, with unexpired coupons attached, or a guarantee from an independent custodian of the forthcoming delivery of the securities. The Company reserves the right to postpone redemption requests if the order is incomplete. The Company cannot be held responsible for the delayed processing of incomplete orders. The Board of Directors is entitled to meet payment of the redemption price for each consenting shareholder, by the allocation in kind of transferable securities from the relevant subfund, provided that the remaining shareholders are not prejudiced and that a valuation report is produced by the Company’s statutory auditors. The type and kind of assets that may be transferred in such cases will be determined by the manager, taking into account the investment policy and restrictions of the subfund in question. The costs of such transfers will be borne by the applicant.

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CALCULATION OF THE NET ASSET VALUE PER SHARE Each net asset value calculation will be made as follows under the responsibility of the Board of Directors: 1. The net asset value per share of each subfund, class and/or sub-class will be calculated, unless otherwise stated in Part II, daily

except for Saturdays, Sundays and the following public holidays in Luxembourg: 1 January, Good Friday, Easter Monday, 1 May, Whit Monday, 25 and 26 December, provided that the financial markets corresponding to a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund’s assets were open at least one day after the date that served as the basis for calculating the previous NAV. It will be calculated in the valuation currencies specified in Part II for each subfund.

2. The net asset value per share will be calculated with reference to the total net assets of the corresponding subfund, class and/or sub-class. The total net assets of each subfund, class and/or sub-class will be calculated by adding all the asset items held by each (including the entitlements or percentages held in certain internal sub-portfolios as more fully described in point 4, below) from which any related debts and commitments will be subtracted, all in accordance with the description in point 4, paragraph 4, below.

3. The net asset value per share of each subfund, class and/or sub-class will be calculated by dividing its respective total net assets by the number of shares in issue.

4. Internally, in order to ensure the overall financial and administrative management of the set of assets belonging to one or more subfunds, classes and/or sub-classes of shares, the Board of Directors may create as many internal sub-portfolios as there are sets of assets to be managed (the “internal sub-portfolios”). Accordingly, one or more subfunds, classes and/or sub-classes of shares that have entirely or partially the same investment policy may combine the assets acquired by each of them in order to implement this investment policy in an internal sub-portfolio created for this purpose. The portion held by each subfund, class and/or sub-class of shares within each of these internal sub-portfolios may be expressed either in terms of percentages or in terms of entitlements, as specified in the following two paragraphs. The creation of an internal sub-portfolio will have the sole objective of facilitating the Company’s financial and administrative management. The holding percentages will be established solely on the basis of the contribution ratio of the assets of a given internal sub-portfolio. These holding percentages will be recalculated on each valuation day to take account of any redemptions, issues, conversions, distributions or any other events generally of any kind affecting any of the subfunds, classes and/or sub-classes of shares concerned that would increase or decrease their participation in the internal sub-portfolio concerned. The entitlements issued by a given internal sub-portfolio will be valued as regularly and according to identical methods mutatis mutandis as those mentioned in points 1, 2 and 3, above. The total number of entitlements issued will vary according to the distributions, redemptions, issues, conversions, or any other events generally of any kind affecting any of the subfunds, classes and/or sub-classes of shares concerned that would increase or decrease their participation in the internal sub-portfolio concerned.

5. Whatever the number of classes and/or sub-classes created within a particular subfund, the total net assets of the subfund will be calculated at the intervals defined by Luxembourg law, the Articles of Association and/or the Prospectus. The total net assets of each subfund will be calculated by adding together the total net assets of each class and/or sub-class created within the subfund.

6. Without prejudice to the information in point 4, above, concerning entitlements and holding percentages, and without prejudice to the particular rules that may be defined for one or more particular subfunds, the net assets of the various subfunds will be valued in accordance with the rules stipulated in Appendix 7.

7. Swing pricing: In certain market conditions, taking account of the volume of purchase and sale transactions in a given subfund, class or sub-class and the size of these transactions, the Board of Directors may consider that it is in the interests of shareholders to calculate the NAV per share based on the purchase and sale prices of the assets and/or by applying an estimate of the difference between the buy and sell price applicable on the markets on which the assets are traded. The Board of Directors may further adjust the NAV for transaction fees and sales commissions, provided these fees and commissions do not exceed 1% of the NAV of the subfund, class or sub-class at that time.

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TAXATION OF THE COMPANY At the date of the Prospectus, the Company is not liable to any Luxembourg income tax or capital gains tax. The Company is liable to an annual taxe d’abonnement in Luxembourg representing 0.05% of the net asset value. This rate is reduced to 0.01% for: a) subfunds with the exclusive objective of collective investments in money market instruments and deposits with credit institutions; b) subfunds with the exclusive objective of collective investments with credit institutions; c) subfunds, classes and/or sub-classes reserved for institutional investors. The value of assets represented by units in other UCIs is exempt from this taxe d’abonnement, provided that these units have already been subject to the taxe d’abonnement. When due, the taxe d’abonnement is payable quarterly based on the relevant net assets and calculated at the end of the quarter for which it is applicable. In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCIs, representing 0.08% of the net amount publicly sold in Belgium by the Company, from the date of its registration with the CBFA..

TAXATION OF THE COMPANY’S INVESTMENTS Some of the Company’s portfolio income, especially income in dividends and interest, as well as certain capital gains, may be subject to tax at various rates and of different types in the countries in which they are generated. This income and capital gains may also be subject to withholding tax. Under certain circumstances, the Company may not be eligible for the international agreements preventing double taxation that exist between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and other countries. Strictly speaking, according to some States only taxable persons in Luxembourg qualify under these agreements.

TAXATION OF SHAREHOLDERS a) Residents of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg On the date of the Prospectus, the dividends earned and the capital gains made on the sale of shares by residents of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are not subject to withholding tax. Dividends are taxable, however, at the base rate. Capital gains made on the sale of shares are not subject to income tax if the shares are held for a period of over six months, except in the case of resident shareholders holding over 10% of the Fund's shares. b) Non-residents In principle, according to current law and in the event that the provisions of Directive 2003/48 as specified in item c) below do not apply: - the dividends earned and the capital gains made on the sale of shares by non-residents are not subject to withholding tax; - the capital gains made by non-residents on the sale of shares are not subject to Luxembourg income tax, except in two specific

cases: • when the shareholder who holds over 10% of the Fund's shares sells his shares within six months of purchase; • when the shareholder who holds over 10% of the Fund's shares has been a resident for over fifteen years and has become a

non-resident taxpayer less than five years prior to the sale of the shares. Nevertheless, if there is a convention against dual taxation between the Grand Duchy and the shareholder's country of residence, the capital gains made on the sale of shares are tax-exempt in principle in Luxembourg, with the taxation authority being attributed to the shareholder's country of residence. c) Residents of another member state of the European Union, including the French overseas departments, the Azores, Madeira, the

Canary Islands, the Åland Islands and Gibraltar. Any individual who receives dividends from the Company or the proceeds from the sale of shares in the Company through a paying agent based in a state other than the one in which he resides is advised to seek information on the legal and regulatory provisions applicable to him. Most countries covered by Directive 2003/48 will report to the tax authorities in the state of residence of the beneficial owner of the income the amounts of income from debt claims included in the amount distributed by the Company (if the subfund invests more than 15% of its assets in debt claims as defined by Article 6 of Directive 2003/48) or included in the capital gain from the sale, refund or redemption of shares in the Company (if the subfund invests more than 40% of its assets in debt claims as defined by Article 6 of Directive 2003/48). In lieu of such reporting, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, as well as certain other countries, including Austria, Belgium and Switzerland, will generally apply a withholding tax on the interest and other income related to interest paid to a beneficial owner resident in another member state. This withholding tax will be 20% until 30 June 2011 and 35% from 1 July 2011. Such withholding will be taken into consideration for tax purposes by the tax authority of the state of residence of the individual, in accordance with applicable tax law. The beneficial owner may instruct the paying agent to submit to the information-exchange system or to use a tax certificate as an alternative to the withholding tax. d) Residents of third countries or territories In principle, no withholding tax is levied on interest paid to residents of third countries or territories. However, withholding tax is levied, in accordance with Directive 2003/48, on interest and related income paid out to beneficial owners resident in the Netherlands Antilles, Aruba, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man, the British Virgin Islands and Montserrat. The foregoing provisions are based on the Law and on the practices currently in force, and are subject to change. Potential investors are advised to seek information in their country of origin, place of residence or domicile on the possible tax consequences associated with their investment. The attention of investors is also drawn to certain tax provisions specific to individual countries in which the Company publicly markets its shares.

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The Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting is held at 2.30pm on the third Friday of April at the Company’s registered office or any other location in Luxembourg specified in the notice to attend the meeting. If that day is not a bank business day in Luxembourg, the Annual General Meeting will be held on the following bank business day. Other General Meetings may be convened in accordance with the prescriptions of Luxembourg law and the Company’s Articles of Association. Notices inviting shareholders to attend General Meetings will be published according to the forms and times prescribed in Luxembourg law and the Company’s Articles of Association. Similarly, General Meetings will be conducted as prescribed by Luxembourg law and the Company’s Articles of Association. Every share, irrespective of its unit value, entitles its holder to one vote. All shares have equal weight in decisions to be taken at the General Meeting when decisions concern the Company as a whole. When decisions concern the specific rights of shareholders of one subfund, one class or one sub-class, only the holders of shares of that subfund, class or sub-class may vote.


Net asset values and dividends The net asset value and the issue, conversion and redemption prices of the shares of each subfund, class or sub-class are published on each valuation day at the Company’s registered office, at the offices of the local agents, as well as in any newspaper designated by the Board of Directors. Notification of any dividend payments to be made will be published in the Luxembourg newspaper d’Wort and in any other newspapers deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors in countries in which the Company publicly markets its shares. This information is also available on the website:

Financial year

The Company’s financial year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

Financial reports

The Company publishes a detailed annual report on its activity and the management of its assets. This report includes the consolidated balance sheet and income statement expressed in euros, a detailed breakdown of the assets of each subfund, and the statutory auditor’s report. In addition, every six months, the Company publishes an interim report describing the portfolio composition, changes in the portfolio over the period, the number of shares in circulation and the number of shares issued and redeemed since the last published report.

Documents for consultation

The Articles of Association, the Prospectus and periodic reports may be consulted at the Company’s registered office and at the establishments responsible for the Company’s financial service. Copies of the Articles of Association and the annual and interim reports are available on request. Information on changes to the Company will be published in d’Wort and in any other newspapers deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors in countries in which the Company publicly markets its shares. The documents and information are also available on the website:

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1. A subfund’s investments consist exclusively of: a) transferable securities and money market instruments listed or traded on a regulated market; b) transferable securities and money market instruments traded on another market of a European Union member state that is

regulated, operating regularly, recognised and open to the public; c) transferable securities and money market instruments officially listed on a stock market in a state that is not part of the

European Union or traded on another market in one of these states that is regulated, operating regularly, recognised, and open to the public;

d) newly issued transferable securities and money market instruments, provided that: - the issue conditions include an undertaking that an application is to be made for official listing on a stock market or other

regulated market, operating regularly, recognised, and open to the public; - admission to listing is obtained within one year of the issue;

e) units in UCITS authorised under Directive 85/611 and/or other UCIs, whether or not they are located in a European Union member state, provided that: - these other undertakings for collective investment are authorised in accordance with legislation requiring that the

organisations are subject to supervision deemed by the CSSF as equivalent to that prescribed by EU legislation and that there is a sufficient guarantee of cooperation between the supervisory authorities;

- the level of protection guaranteed to holders of units in these other UCIs is equivalent to that prescribed for holders of units in UCITS and, in particular, that the rules regarding the division of assets, borrowings, loans, and short-selling of transferable securities and money market instruments are equivalent to the requirements of Directive 85/611;

- the activities of these other UCIs are described in interim and annual reports enabling a valuation of the assets and liabilities, profits and transactions for the period in question;

- the proportion of assets in the UCITS or other UCIs that are to be acquired, which, according to their constitutional documents, may be wholly invested in units of other UCITS or other UCIs, does not exceed 10%;

f) deposits with a credit institution that are redeemable on request or that may be withdrawn and have a maturity of twelve months or less, provided that the credit institution has its registered office in a European Union member state or, if the registered office of the credit institution is located in another country, is subject to prudential rules deemed by the CSSF as equivalent to those prescribed in EU legislation;

g) derivative financial instruments, including equivalent instruments with cash settlement, which are traded on a regulated market of the type described in clauses a), b) and c) above, and/or derivative financial instruments traded over the counter (“OTC derivatives”), provided that: - the underlying asset consists of instruments coming under this point 1., financial indexes, interest rates, exchange or

currency rates, in which the corresponding subfund may make investments in accordance with its investment objectives, as described in the Company’s Articles of Association.

- the counterparties to OTC derivatives transactions are establishments subject to prudential supervision and belonging to categories authorised by the CSSF, and

- the OTC derivatives are reliably and verifiably valued on a daily basis and can, whenever the Company so chooses, be sold, liquidated or closed by a symmetrical transaction, at any time and at their fair value;

h) money market instruments other than those traded on a regulated market and specified in Article 1 of the Law, as long as the issue or issuer of these instruments are themselves subject to regulations designed to protect investors and savings and that these instruments are: - issued or guaranteed by a central, regional or local authority, by a central bank of a member state, by the European Central

Bank, by the European Union or the European Investment Bank, by a third-party state, or in the case of a federal state, by one of the members comprising the federation, or by an international public organisation to which one or more member states belong, or

- issued by a company whose securities are traded on the regulated markets specified in clauses a), b) or c) above, or - issued or guaranteed by an establishment subject to prudential supervision according to the criteria defined by EU law, or by

an establishment that is subject to and conforms to prudential regulations deemed by the CSSF as being at least as strict as those prescribed by EU legislation, or

- issued by other entities belonging to categories approved by the CSSF as long as the investments in these instruments are subject to investor-protection rules that are equivalent to those prescribed in the first, second or third sub-clauses immediately preceding, and that the issuer is a company with capital and reserves totalling at least ten million euros (10,000,000 euros), which presents and publishes its annual accounts in accordance with Directive 78/660, or is an entity within a group of companies including one or more listed companies whose purpose is the financing of the group, or is an entity whose purpose is the financing of securitisation vehicles benefiting from a bank financing line.

2. Nevertheless: a) a subfund may invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in transferable securities and money market instruments other than those

listed in point 1.; b) neither the Company nor any of the subfunds may own or invest in property, and the Company may only acquire movable

property if it is indispensable to the direct operation of its activity; c) a subfund may not acquire gold, precious metals, commodities or certificates representing any of these.

3. A subfund may hold cash, on an ancillary basis.

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4. a) A subfund may not invest more than 10% of its assets in transferable securities or money market instruments issued by a single

entity. A subfund may not invest more than 20% of its assets in deposits invested in a single entity. The counterparty risk for a subfund in an OTC derivatives transaction may not exceed 10% of its assets if the counterparty is one of the credit institutions specified in clause 1.f), or 5% of its assets in other cases.

b) The total value of the transferable securities and money market instruments held by a subfund with issuers in each of which it invests more than 5% of its assets may not exceed 40% of the value of its assets. This limit does not apply to deposits with financial institutions under prudential supervision and OTC derivatives transactions with these institutions. Notwithstanding the individual limits defined in clause a), a subfund may not combine: - investments in transferable securities or money market instruments issued by a single entity, - deposits with a single entity, and/or - risks arising from OTC derivatives transactions with a single entity, that are greater than 20% of its assets.

c) The limit stipulated in the first paragraph of clause a) may be increased to a maximum of 35% if the transferable securities or money market instruments are issued or guaranteed by a European Union member state, by its regional public authorities, by a third-party state or by international public organisations to which one or more member states belong.

d) The limit stipulated in the first paragraph of clause a) may be increased to a maximum of 25% for certain bonds, if they are issued by a credit institution which has its registered office in a European Union member state and which is legally subject to special supervision by the public authorities that is designed to protect bondholders. In particular, funds arising from the issue of these bonds must be invested, in accordance with legislation, in assets which, throughout the lifetime of the bonds, are able to cover the debts resulting from the bonds and which, in the event of the issuer’s bankruptcy, would be used in priority for redemption of the principal and payment of the accrued interest. If a subfund invests more than 5% of its assets in the bonds described in the first paragraph and issued by a single issuer, the total value of these investments may not exceed 80% of the value of the subfund’s assets.

e) The transferable securities and money market instruments mentioned in clauses c) and d) are not included in the application of the 40% limit mentioned in clause b). The limits stipulated in clauses a), b), c) and d) cannot be combined; consequently, investments in transferable securities or money market instruments issued by a single entity, or in deposits or derivative instruments made with this entity in accordance with clauses a), b), c) and d), may not in total exceed 35% of the subfund’s assets. Companies that are grouped together into a consolidated accounting entity as defined by Directive 83/349 or in accordance with recognised international accounting rules are considered as a single entity for the calculation of the limits stipulated in this point 4. A single subfund may invest a cumulative total of up to 20% of its assets in the transferable securities and money market instruments of a single group.

5. Without prejudice to the limits specified in point 8., the limits specified in point 4. are increased to a maximum of 20% for investments in shares and/or bonds issued by a single entity, if the subfund’s investment policy is designed to replicate the composition of a particular index of shares or bonds that is recognised by the CSSF, provided that: - the composition of the index is sufficiently diversified; - the index constitutes a representative benchmark for the market to which it refers; - appropriate publication has been made. The limit stipulated in the preceding sentence is 35% if this is justified by exceptional market conditions, especially on regulated markets where certain transferable securities or certain money market instruments are largely dominant. Investment to this limit is only permissible for a single issuer.

6. As an exception to point 4., under the principle of the diversification of risks, a subfund may invest up to 100% of its assets in different issues of transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by a European Union member state, by its regional public authorities, by a state that is not part of the European Union or by international public organisations to which one or more member states of the European Union belong. These securities must come from at least six different issues, while securities from a single issue may not account for more than 30% of the total.

7. a) A subfund may acquire units in UCITS and/or other UCIs specified in clause 1.e), provided that it does not invest more than

20% of its assets in a single UCITS or other UCI. For the purposes of the application of this investment limit, each subfund in a multi-subfund UCI, as defined by Article 133 of the Law, is considered as a separate issuer, provided that the principle of segregation of the commitments of the different subfunds with regard to third parties is assured.

b) Investments in units of UCIs other than UCITS may not in total exceed 30% of the assets of a subfund. If a subfund has acquired units in UCITS and/or other UCIs, the assets of these UCITS or other UCIs are not combined for the purposes of the limits stipulated in point 4.

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c) Due to the fact that the Company may invest in UCI units, the investor is exposed to a risk of fees doubling (for example, the management fees of the UCI in which the Company is invested). A subfund may not invest in a UCITS or other UCI (underlying) with a management fee exceeding 2.50% per annum. When a subfund invests in other UCITS and/or other UCIs which are managed, directly or by delegation, by the same management company or by any other company with which the management company is associated within the context of a management or control community, or by direct or indirect ownership of more than 10% of the capital or votes, the subfund will not incur any subscription or redemption fee for the units of these underlying assets. The maximum annual management fee payable directly by the subfund is defined in Part II.

8. a) The Company may not acquire shares accompanied by voting rights that entitle it to exercise significant influence on an issuer’s

management. b) In addition, the Company may not acquire more than:

- 10% of shares without voting rights in a single issuer; - 10% of bonds from a single issuer; - 25% of units in a single UCITS and/or other UCI; - 10% of money market instruments issued by a single issuer. The limits stipulated in the second, third and fourth indents above need not be respected at the time of acquisition if, at that time, the gross amount of bonds or money market instruments, or the net amount of securities issued, cannot be calculated.

c) Clauses a) and b) do not apply with regard to: - transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by a European Union member state or its

regional public authorities; - transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by a state that is not part of the European Union; - transferable securities and money market instruments issued by international organisations with a public remit to which one or

more member states of the European Union belong; - shares held by the Company in the capital of a company from a state outside the European Union investing its assets mainly

in securities of issuers from that state when, by virtue of its legislation, such a holding constitutes for the Company the only possibility of investing in securities of issuers from this state. However, this exemption is only applicable if, in its investment policy, the company from the state outside the European Union respects the limits established in points 4., 7. and 8. a) and b). In the event of the limits stipulated in points 4. and 7. being exceeded, point 9. will apply mutatis mutandis;

9. The subfunds are not bound to conform to the limits stipulated in this Appendix during the exercise of subscription rights on transferable securities or money market instruments that form part of their assets.

While continuing to respect the principle of the diversification of risks, newly authorised subfunds may be exempted from points 4., 5., 6. and 7. for six months following the date of their authorisation. If the limits stated in the first paragraph are exceeded by the subfund unintentionally or following the exercise of subscription rights, the subfund must aim as a priority in its sales transactions, to regularise this situation taking account of the interests of shareholders.

10. A subfund may acquire foreign currencies by means of a back-to-back loan. A subfund may borrow: a) up to 10% of its assets, provided that these are temporary borrowings; b) up to 10% of its assets, provided that these are borrowings to enable the acquisition of property that is indispensable to the

direct pursuit of its activities; in this case, these borrowings and those specified in paragraph a) may not, under any circumstances, jointly exceed 15% of its assets.

11. Without prejudice to the application of points 1., 2., 3. and Appendix 2, a subfund may not grant credits or stand surety for a third party. The preceding paragraph does not prevent a subfund’s acquisition of transferable securities, money market instruments or other financial instruments specified in clauses 1.e), g) and h), that are not fully paid-up.

12. A subfund may not short-sell transferable securities, money market instruments or other financial instruments specified in clauses 1. e), g) and h).

As a general rule, the Board of Directors reserves the right to introduce other investment restrictions at any time when indispensable for conforming to the laws and regulations in force in certain states where the Company’s shares may be offered and sold. On the other hand, where permitted by current regulations applicable to the Company, the Board of Directors reserves the right to exempt one or more subfunds from one or more of the investment restrictions specified above. These exceptions will be mentioned in the investment policies summarised in Part II for each of the subfunds concerned.

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Without prejudice to any stipulations for one or more particular subfunds, the Company is authorised, for each subfund and in conformity with the conditions set out below, to use derivative financial instruments in accordance with point 1.g) of Appendix 1 of the Prospectus. Each subfund ensures that the total risk associated with derivative instruments does not exceed 100% of the total net value of its portfolio. The risks are calculated by taking account of the current value of the underlying assets, the counterparty risk, the foreseeable development of the markets and the time available for liquidating the positions. Each subfund may, in the context of its investment policy and within the limits defined in point 1 of Appendix 1 of the Prospectus, invest in derivative financial instruments provided the total risk to which the underlying assets are exposed does not exceed the investment limits stipulated in point 4 of Appendix 1. When a subfund invests in derivative financial instruments based on an index, these investments are not necessarily combined with the limits stipulated in point 4 of Appendix 1 of the Prospectus. When a transferable security or a money market instrument comprises a derivative instrument, the derivative instrument must be taken into account for the application of the present provisions. 1. General Information The Company may have recourse to derivative instruments, whose underlying assets may be transferable securities or money market instruments, both for covering risk (hedging) and for trading purposes. The sophisticated subfunds have recourse, for a major part, to derivative financial instruments and/or have recourse to more complex strategies or instruments both for hedging and for trading purposes. These subfunds are listed in Appendix 9. The non-sophisticated subfunds have recourse to less complex positions on derivative financial instruments or to derivative financial instruments used for hedging purposes only. If the aforesaid transactions involve the use of derivative instruments, these conditions and limits must correspond to the provisions of Appendix 1 of the Prospectus. If a subfund has recourse to derivative instruments for investment (trading) purposes, it may use such instruments only within the limits of its investment policy. Each subfund ensures that the total risk associated with derivative financial instruments does not exceed the total net value of its portfolio. The risks are calculated by taking account of the current value of the underlying assets, the counterparty risk, the foreseeable development of the markets and the time available for liquidating the positions. 1.1. Risk evaluation systems adapted to the risk profile of a subfund

The Company employs a risk management process that allows it at all times to monitor and measure the risks associated with the positions and their contribution to the overall risk profile of the portfolio. Each subfund must employ risk evaluation systems adapted to its particular risk profile in order to ensure accurate evaluation of all the risks borne.

1.2. Limitation of the total risk associated with derivative financial instruments Each subfund ensures that the total risk associated with derivative instruments does not exceed the total net value of its portfolio. This means that the total risk associated with the use of derivative financial instruments cannot exceed 100% of the net assets of a subfund, and therefore that the total risk exposure of a subfund cannot exceed 200% of the net assets on an ongoing basis, after taking account of collateral for the evaluation of counterparty risk and any netting.

1.3. Limitation of temporary recourse to borrowing The total risk exposure of the subfund may not be increased by more than 10% through temporary borrowing, so that the total risk can never exceed 210% of the NAV.

1.4. Method of calculating total market risk Calculation of market risk Non-sophisticated subfunds and Sophisticated subfunds: Standard use of a VaR (Value at Risk) approach combined with stress tests: a VaR approach must be applied on a regular basis. In this type of approach, the maximum potential loss capable of being generated by the portfolio and the derivatives of a subfund is estimated for a given time horizon and a given degree of confidence. The subfund must use stress tests in order to facilitate the management of risks associated with possible abnormal movements of the market. For the application of VaR-based approaches, the following parameters must be used: a 99% degree of confidence, a holding period of one month and “recent” volatilities, i.e. not more than one year from the calculation date. As an exception to the above, and provided there is adequate justification, parameters other than those described above may be used on a case-by-case basis, subject to prior approval by the CSSF. Calculation of counterparty risk In conformity with point 4.a) of Appendix 1 of the Prospectus, the counterparty risk for a subfund in an over-the-counter derivatives transaction may not exceed 10% of its assets if the counterparty is one of the credit institutions cited in clause 1.f) of Appendix 1 of the Prospectus, or 5% of its assets in other cases. Point III.2. of Circular 07/308 deals in more detail with the rules for determining counterparty risk . In conformity with item 1.g) of Appendix 1 of the Prospectus, over-the-counter derivative financial instruments must form the subject of a precise valuation, verifiable by the Company on a daily and independent basis.

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2. Provisions concerning specific derivative instruments When buying or selling a credit default swap (CDS), the Company hedges against the risk of an issuer’s default by paying a quarterly premium. In the event of payment default, settlement may be made either in cash, in which case the buyer of the protection receives the difference between the face value and the recoverable value, or in the form of an in-kind settlement, in which case the buyer of the protection sells the defaulting security, or another security chosen from a basket of deliverable securities agreed in the CDS contract, to the seller of the protection and recovers the face value. The events that constitute default are defined in the CDS contract, along with the procedures for delivery of the bonds and debt certificates. The Company may also resell the CDS and thus reproduce the credit risk by acquiring call options in exchange. When buying an equity default swap (EDS), the Company hedges against the risk of a sharp fall (the current market norm is 70%) in the value of the underlying security on the stock markets, regardless of the cause for the fall, by paying a quarterly premium. When the risk is realised, i.e. when the closing price on the stock market reaches or exceeds the threshold (of – 70%), the payment is made in cash: the buyer of the protection receives a pre-determined percentage (the current European market norm is 50%) of the notional amount initially assured. The Company may also sell an EDS and thus reproduce the risk of a fall in the market price in return for a quarterly premium. A Total Return Swap (TRS) is a swap contract on the total performance of a bond or other underlying asset (share, index, etc.) against a reference rate plus a spread. Total performance includes interest coupons, dividends and the profits and losses of the underlying asset during the lifetime of the contract, according to the type of underlying asset involved. A contract for difference (CFD) is a contract between two parties whereby they agree on a cash payment between them in the amount of the difference between two valuations of the underlying asset, at least one of which is unknown when they enter into the contract. By entering into a CFD, the Company undertakes to pay (or receive) the difference between the valuation of the underlying asset at the time of entering into the contract and the valuation of the underlying asset at a particular moment in the future. The Company may trade only with first-rank financial institutions participating in these markets and specialising in this type of transaction. The use of CDSs, CFDs and EDSs for purposes other than hedging must comply with the following conditions: (a) they must be used exclusively in the interests of shareholders, with the aim of providing an attractive return with respect to the risks incurred; (b) the total risk associated with CDSs, CFDs and EDSs may not under any circumstances exceed 100% of the net assets of each subfund. In addition, the total risk arising from CDSs, CFDs and EDSs, as well as the total risk arising from other techniques used, may not under any circumstances exceed 200% of the total net asset value of each subfund on an ongoing basis; (c) the general investment restrictions defined in Appendix 1 are applied to the issuer of the CDSs, CFDs and EDSs and to the final debtor risk of the CDSs, CFDs and EDSs; (d) the use of CDSs, CFDs and EDSs is consistent with the investment and risk profiles of the subfunds concerned; (e) each subfund must ensure that it has adequate permanent cover of the risks associated with CDSs, CFDs and EDSs so that it is capable of honouring redemption requests from shareholders, and (f) the CDSs, CFDs and EDSs selected are sufficiently liquid to allow the subfunds concerned to sell/unwind the contracts in question at the determined theoretical prices. 3. Securities Lending The Company may enter into securities lending and borrowing transactions provided that they comply with the following CSSF 08/356 circular rules: 3.1. The Company may only lend or borrow securities through a standardised system organised by a recognised clearing institution or

through a first class financial institution specialising in this type of transaction. The CSSF requires the following from the borrower: - Collateral from the borrower is mandatory; - The borrower must be subject to prudential supervision rules which are considered by the CSSF as equivalent to those

provided by the Community Law. 3.2. Limits on securities lending transactions

The Company must ensure that the amount of its securities lending transactions is kept at 50% (unless appropriately amended if applicable) of the total value of the securities in the Company’s portfolio, or must be able to ask for the restitution of the securities lent such that it may at any time meet its redemption obligation and that these transaction do not compromise the management of the Company’s assets in accordance with its investment policy.

3.3. Limitation of the counterparty risk and receipt of appropriate collateral At any time, in securities lending transactions, the value of collateral received by the fund must cover at least the total value of the lent securities (interest, dividends and other potential rights included). Counterparty Risk vis-à-vis one single counterparty is limited to 10% of its assets if the counterparty is an EC credit institution as defined in point 1.f of the Appendix to the Prospectus, and no more than 5% if not. Daily valuation of the collateral is required.

3.4. Acceptable receiving collateral a) Liquid assets (cash, short term bank deposits, money market instruments, letter of credit); b) OECD sovereign bonds; c) Shares or units issued by money market UCIs (daily calculation and S&P AAA rating or equivalent); d) Shares or units issued by UCITS investing in bonds/shares mentioned below: e) Bonds issued or guaranteed by first class issuers offering adequate liquidity; f) Shares listed or dealt on a regulated market of the EU or on a stock exchange of a Member State of the OECD, provided that

they are included in a main index and that their issuer is not affiliated to the counterparty; g) Direct investments in bonds or shares with the characteristics mentioned in (e) and (f )

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3.5. Reinvestment of cash provided as collateral From 1 August 2009, the Company may re-invest the cash it has received as collateral in the following eligible instruments: a) Money market UCIs (daily calculation and S&P AAA rating or equivalent); b) Short-term bank deposits; c) Money market instruments; d) Short-term bonds issued or guaranteed by a Member State of the European Union, Switzerland, Canada, Japan or the United

States or by their local authorities or by supranational institutions and undertakings with EU, regional or world-wide scope; e) Bonds issued or guaranteed by first class issuers offering adequate liquidity, and f) Reverse repurchase agreement transactions

- The financial assets other than bank deposit and units of UCIs that the Company has acquired by reinvesting the cash collateral must not be issued by an entity affiliated to the counterparty;

- The financial assets acquired via the reinvestment of the cash collateral must not be kept with the counterparty, except if it is legally segregated from the counterparty’s assets;

- The financial assets acquired via the reinvestment of the cash collateral may not be pledged unless the Company has sufficient liquidities to be able to return the received collateral in the form of cash.

3.6. Reinvested cash collateral limits applicable as of 1 August 2009 The reinvestment of the cash collateral is not subject to the diversification rules provided that an excessive concentration is avoided with respect to the issuers and the chosen instruments. No diversification rules shall apply regarding the reinvestment in shares or units of money market UCIs or short term bonds. The reinvestment of cash collateral in bank deposits is subject to the following limit: investments with a same entity must not exceed 20% of the net assets pursuant to point 4 a) of Appendix 1 of the Prospectus.

Once the return of reinvested cash collateral is greater than the related risk free rate, the global risk exposure must be calculated on every position according to reinvested cash collateral.

4. Repurchase Agreements 4.1. In accordance with the CSSF 08/356 circular, each subfund may, on an ancillary basis, engage in repurchase agreements which

consist of purchases and sales of securities with clauses reserving the seller’s right to buy the sold securities back from the purchaser at a price and time stipulated between the two parties at the time of entering into the contract. Each subfund may engage in repurchase agreements either as buyer or seller. However, the involvement of a subfund in such agreements is subject to the following rules: (a) Each subfund may buy or sell securities with repurchase options only if the counterparties in these agreements are first-rank

financial institutions specialising in this type of transaction; and (b) During the lifetime of a repurchase agreement, a subfund may not sell the securities forming the subject of the contract until

the counterparty’s repurchase option has been exercised or the repurchase term has expired. In addition, each subfund must ensure that it keeps the scale of repurchase agreements at such a level that it is capable at all times of meeting its share/unit repurchase obligations to shareholders/unitholders.

4.2. Eligible Securities for repurchase and reverse repurchase transaction a) Short-term bank certificates; b) Money market instruments; c) Bonds issued or guaranteed by a member of state of the OECD or by their local authorities or by supranational institutions

and undertakings of a community, regional or worldwide nature; d) Money market UCIs ( daily calculation and S&P AAA rated or equivalent); e) Bonds issued by non-governmental issuers offering an adequate liquidity; f) Shares listed or dealt on a regulated market of the EU or on a stock exchange of a member state of the OECD, provided that

they are included in a main index. 4.3. Limits for repurchase transactions The securities which are the subject of repurchase transactions must be compliant with the investment policy of the Company and must together with the other securities which the Company holds in its portfolio, globally comply with the investment restrictions of the Company. 5. Temporary Purchases of Securities Each subfund may: (I) Borrow securities (via a repurchase agreement) for a given period, accepting physical delivery of these securities; (II) Sell these securities; (III) Repurchase them subsequently; (IV) In order to then returns the borrowed securities to the original lender; Provided such transaction do not represent more than 10% of its net assets and be only made with first-rank financial institutions. 6. Particular Requirements in Taiwan In addition to the prohibition on investing in gold, property and commodities (general rules already cited in point 2. b) and c) of Appendix 1), each subfund registered and marketed in Taiwan shall comply with the following additional requirements: - The total value of open long positions on derivatives may not exceed 40% of the net assets of the subfund; - The total value of open short positions on derivatives may not exceed the total market value of the corresponding securities held by

the subfund.

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The investments of each subfund are subject to market fluctuations and to the risks inherent in investments in transferable securities. Risk linked to Share Markets The risks associated with investments in shares (and similar instruments) include significant fluctuations in prices, negative information about the issuer or market and the subordination of a company’s shares to its bonds. Moreover, any fluctuations are often amplified in the short term. The risk that one or more companies will suffer a downturn or fail to grow can have a negative impact on the performance of the overall portfolio at a given time. There is no guarantee that investors will see an appreciation in value. The value of investments and the income they generate may go down as well as up and it is possible that investors will not recover their initial outlay. There is no guarantee that the investment objective will actually be achieved. Some subfunds may invest in initial public offerings ("IPOs"). In this case, there is a risk that the price of the newly floated share may see greater volatility as a result of factors such as the absence of an existing public market, non-seasonal transactions, the limited number of securities that can be traded and a lack of information about the issuer. A subfund may hold such securities for only a very short time, which tends to increase the costs. Subfunds investing in growth stocks may be more volatile than the market in general and may react differently to economic, political and market developments and to specific information about the issuer. Growth stocks traditionally show higher volatility than other stocks, especially over short periods. These stocks may also be more expensive in relation to their profits than the market in general. Consequently, growth stocks may react with more volatility to variations in profit growth. Some subfunds may base their objective on simple stock market growth, which produces higher than average volatility. Managers may temporarily adopt a more defensive attitude if they consider that the stock market or economy of the countries in which the subfund invests is experiencing excessive volatility, a persistent general decline, or other unfavourable conditions. In such circumstances, the subfund may be unable to pursue its investment objective. Emerging Market and Small-Cap Risk Subfunds investing in emerging markets, small caps or specialised or restricted sectors are likely to be subject to a higher than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, there is less liquidity, or due to greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed markets. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and conservation on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. With regards to the Russian market, investments there are made with the Russian Trading System Stock Exchange (or “RTS Stock Exchange"), which brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows for almost total coverage of the Russian equity universe. By investing with the RTS Stock Exchange, investors can take advantage of the liquidity of the Russian market without having to deal in the local currency, as all issuers can be directly traded in USD. Smaller companies may find themselves unable to generate new funds to support their growth and development, they may lack vision in management, or they may develop products for new, uncertain markets. Liquidity risk There is a risk that investments made in the subfunds may become illiquid due to an over-restricted market (often reflected by a very broad bid-ask spread or by substantial price movements), or if their “rating” declines or their economic situation deteriorates; consequently, it may not be possible to sell or buy these investments quickly enough to prevent or minimize a loss in these subfunds. Credit Risk This is the risk that may derive from the rating downgrade of a bond issuer to which the subfunds are exposed, which may therefore cause the value of the investments to go down. Some strategies utilised may be based on bonds issued by issuers with a high credit risk (junk bonds). Subfunds investing in high-yield bonds present a higher than average risk due to the greater fluctuation of their currency or the quality of the issuer. Currency Exchange Risk The value of an investment may be affected by fluctuations of the currency of the country in which the investment was made, or exchange control regulations. Taxation Risk The value of an investment may be affected by the application of tax laws in various countries, including withholding tax, or changes in government ,or economic or monetary policy in the countries concerned. As such, no guarantee can be given that the financial objectives will actually be achieved. Risks related to investments in China Investments in China involve risks linked to restrictions imposed on foreign investors and counterparties, higher market volatility and the risk of lack of liquidity for some lines of the portfolio. Consequently, some shares may not be available to the subfund due to the number of foreign shareholders authorised or if the total investments permitted for foreign shareholders have been reached. In addition, the repatriation by foreign investors of their share of net profits, capital and dividends may be restricted or require the approval of the government. The Company will only invest if it considers that the restrictions are acceptable. However, no guarantee can be given that additional restrictions will not be imposed in future. Interest Rate Risk The value of an investment may be affected by interest rate fluctuations. Interest rates may be influenced by several elements or events, such as monetary policy, the discount rate, inflation, etc. The investor's attention is drawn to the fact that an increase in interest rates results in a decrease in the value of investments in bonds and debt instruments.

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Derivatives Risk With a view to efficient portfolio management, the manager may, in the context of a subfund’s overall investment policy and within the limits of the investment restrictions, conduct certain operations involving the use of derivative instruments, such as (i) put and call options on securities, indexes and currencies, including OTC options; (ii) futures on stock market indexes and interest rates and options on them; (iii) structured products, for which the security is linked to or derives its value from another security; (iv) warrants; (v) credit derivatives, in particular CDS, EDS and CFD. The investor's attention is drawn to the fact that these derivatives include leveraging. Because of this, the volatility of these subfunds is increased. In using derivatives each subfund may make over-the-counter forward and spot transactions on indices and on other financial instruments, as well as on index swaps or other financial instruments with first-rate banks or brokerage houses specialising in this area, acting as counterparty. Warrant Risk The investor’s attention is drawn to the fact that warrants are complex, volatile, high-risk instruments: the risk of a total loss of the invested capital is great. In addition, one of the principal characteristics of warrants is the “leverage effect”, which is seen in the fact that a change in the value of the underlying asset can have a disproportionate effect on the value of the warrant. Finally, there is no guarantee that, in the event of an illiquid market, it will be possible to sell the warrant on a secondary market. Inflation Risk Over time, yields of short-term investments may not keep pace with inflation, leading to a reduction in an investment’s purchasing power.

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In order to reduce operating and administrative expenses while enabling greater diversification of investments, the Board of Directors may decide to co-manage some or all of the Company’s assets with assets belonging to other undertakings for collective investment or to co-manage some or all of the assets of subfunds together. In the following paragraphs, the term “co-managed entities” refers either overall to the Company and all the other entities with which and between which a co-management arrangement exists, or to the co-managed subfunds. The term “co-managed assets” refers to all the assets belonging to these co-managed entities that are co-managed by virtue of this co-management arrangement. Under co-management, the manager makes investment, disinvestment or portfolio adjustment decisions for the co-managed entities as a whole that will affect the Company’s portfolio composition or the composition of the portfolios of its co-managed subfunds. Of the total co-managed assets, each co-managed entity owns a share of the co-managed assets corresponding to the proportion of its net assets in relation to the total value of the co-managed assets. This proportional holding will be applied to each line of the portfolio held or acquired under co-management. In the case of investment and/or disinvestment decisions, these proportions will not be affected and the additional investments will be allocated to the co-managed entities in the same proportions, and assets sold will be deducted proportionally from the co-managed assets held by each co-managed entity. In the case of new subscriptions to one of the co-managed entities, the subscription proceeds will be allocated to the co-managed entities according to the amended proportions resulting from the increase of the net assets of the co-managed entity that received the subscriptions, and all the lines of the portfolio will be adjusted by transferring the assets from one co-managed entity to another to adapt to the amended proportions. Similarly, in the event of redemptions of shares in one of the co-managed entities, the necessary cash may be deducted from the cash held by the co-managed entities in the amended proportions resulting from the decrease in the net assets of the co-managed entity from which the redemptions were made, and, in this case, all the lines of the portfolio will be adjusted in the proportions thus amended. Investors should be aware that, without specific intervention by the Company’s competent authorities, the co-management technique can result in the composition of the assets of the Company or of one or more of its co-managed subfunds being influenced by events specific to other co-managed entities such as subscriptions and redemptions. Accordingly, all other things being equal, subscriptions made to one of the entities with which the Company is co-managed or to one of the co-managed subfunds will result in an increase in the Company’s cash assets or those of the other co-managed subfund(s). Conversely, redemptions made from one of the entities with which the Company is co-managed or from one of the co-managed subfunds will result in a decrease in the cash assets of the Company or of the other co-managed subfund(s). Subscriptions and redemptions may, however, be retained in the specific account held for each co-managed entity outside the co-management arrangement through which subscriptions and redemptions are normally made. Assigning major subscriptions and redemptions to the specific account, and the option of the Company’s Board of Directors to decide at any given moment to discontinue the co-management arrangement, will enable the Company’s portfolio adjustments or the portfolio adjustments of its subfunds to be compensated if these adjustments are considered to be against the interests of the Company or its subfunds and investors. In the case when an adjustment to the composition of the Company’s portfolio or to the portfolio of one or more of its co-managed subfunds is necessitated by redemptions or payments of expenses attributable to another co-managed entity (i.e. not attributable to the Company) would risk resulting in a breach of the corresponding investment restrictions, the assets concerned will be excluded from the co-management arrangement before the adjustment is implemented in such a way that the portfolio movements are not affected. Co-managed assets will only be co-managed with assets designed to be invested according to an identical investment objective applicable to that of the co-managed assets in such a way as to ensure that the investment decisions are fully compatible with the investment policy of the Company or its subfunds. The co-managed assets will only be co-managed with assets for which the custodian bank also acts as custodian so as to ensure that the custodian bank can, with regard to the Company or its subfunds, fully exercise its functions and responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of the Law. The custodian bank will at all times ensure a rigorous segregation of the Company’s assets in relation to the assets of the other co-managed entities or between the assets of co-managed subfunds and as such will be able, at any given time, to determine the assets belonging to the Company or co-managed subfunds. Given that the co-managed entities may have investment policies that are not strictly identical to the Company’s investment policy, it is possible that the joint policy applied will be more restrictive than that of the Company or than that of one or more of the co-managed subfunds. A joint management agreement has been and/or will be signed between the Company, the custodian bank/central administration agent and the manager in order to define the rights and obligations of each party. The Board of Directors may, at any given moment and without prior notice, decide to discontinue the co-management arrangement. Investors may at any time contact the Company’s registered office for information on the percentage of assets co-managed and the entities with which such co-management is in force at the time of request.

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The number of shares allocated to a new subfund, new class or new sub-class will be established according to the following formula:

A = [(B x (C - (C x F)) x D) / E] + X where - "A" represents the number of shares to be allocated to the new subfund, new class or new sub-class; - "B" represents the number of shares to be converted from the original subfund, original class or original sub-class; - "C" represents the net asset value, on the applicable valuation day, of the shares to be converted from the original subfund, original

class or original sub-class; - "D" represents the exchange rate applicable on the day of the transaction between the currencies of the shares to be converted; - "E" represents the net asset value, on the applicable valuation day, of the shares to be allocated to the new subfund, new class or

new sub-class; - "F" represents the commission rate for conversions mentioned in the description of each subfund in Part II; - "X" is the unassigned balance which, if any, will be reimbursed to the shareholder. Investors are reminded that the Company may

issue fractions of shares up to one thousandth.

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The Board of Directors is authorised to temporarily suspend with immediate effect the calculation of the value of the net assets of one or more subfunds, and suspend issues, conversions and redemptions in the following cases: (a) during any period in which one or more foreign exchange markets or stock exchanges that are the principal markets or stock

exchanges on which a substantial portion of a subfund’s investments are quoted at a given moment are closed except for normal days of closure, or during which trading is subject to significant restrictions or is suspended;

(b) when the political, economic, military, monetary, or social situation, or any other event of force majeure, outside the Company’s responsibility or power, makes it impossible to access its assets by reasonable and normal means, without severely prejudicing the interests of the shareholders;

(c) during any break in the communications normally used to determine the price of any of the Company’s investments or current prices on any market or stock exchange;

(d) when restrictions on foreign currencies or the movement of capital prevent transactions from being made on the Company’s behalf or when the Company’s assets cannot be purchased or sold at normal exchange rates;

(e) as soon as a decision is taken to liquidate the Company or one or more of its subfunds; (f) in order to establish the exchange parity in the case of a merger, asset contribution, split-off, or any restructuring operation, of, by

or in one or more of the Company’s subfunds and for a maximum period of two bank business days in Luxembourg; (g) or any other cases when the Board of Directors considers by reasoned decision that such a suspension is necessary to safeguard

the general interests of the shareholders concerned. In the event that the total net redemption/conversion requests received for a particular subfund on a given net asset value calculation day concern over 10% of the net assets of the subfund in question, the Board of Directors may decide to reduce and/or defer the redemption/conversion requests presented on a pro-rata basis in order to limit the number of shares redeemed/converted on that day to 10% of the net assets of the subfund concerned. Any redemption/conversion requests deferred in this way will be received in priority over redemption/conversion requests received on the next net asset value calculation day, subject always to the aforementioned limit of 10% of net assets. In exceptional circumstances that could have a negative effect on the interests of shareholders, or in the event of subscription, redemption or conversion requests for more than 10% of the net assets of a subfund, the Board of Directors reserves the right not to set the value of a share until it has made the necessary purchases and sales of transferable securities on behalf of the subfund without delay. In such cases, subscriptions, redemption and conversion requests in the course of execution will be processed simultaneously on the basis of the net value thus calculated. Every investor who has made a request for subscription, redemption or conversion will be advised of the suspension of the calculation of the net asset value. Suspended requests may be withdrawn by written instructions provided that these are received by the Company before the end of the suspension. Suspended requests will be taken into account on the first valuation day following the end of the suspension. In the event that not all the suspended requests can be processed on a single valuation day, the earliest requests will have priority over the most recent.

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The Company’s assets primarily include: (1) all cash in hand or on deposit including interest due not received and interest accrued on deposits before the payment date; (2) all notes and bills payable on demand and accounts receivable (including the results of sales of securities before the proceeds have

been received); (3) all securities, units, shares, bonds, options or subscription rights and other investments and transferable securities owned by the

Company; (4) all dividends and distributions to be received by the Company in cash or securities that the Company is aware of; (5) all interest due not received and all interest yielded before the payment date by securities owned by the Company, unless such

interest is included in the principal of these stocks; (6) the Company’s establishment costs, where these have not been amortised; (7) all other assets of any nature whatsoever, including prepaid expenses. Without prejudice to anything specified for an individual subfund, class and/or sub-class, the value of these assets will be determined as follows: (a) the value of cash in hand or on deposit, notes and bills payable on demand and accounts receivable, prepaid expenses, and

dividends and interest announced or due but not yet paid, will be constituted by the face value of these assets, unless it seems unlikely that this value can be achieved; in which case, the value will be determined by deducting such amount as the Company considers appropriate in order to reflect the real value of these assets;

(b) the value of units in undertakings for collective investment will be determined according to the latest available net asset value; (c) the valuation of any security admitted to official listing or traded on any other regulated market, operating regularly, which is

recognised and open to the public, is based on the closing price on the day of receipt of the order, or the price on the market day following the day of receipt of the order for Asian markets, and, if the security is traded on several markets, on the basis of the security’s principal market; if the last known price is not representative, the valuation will be based on the probable realisation value that the Board of Directors will estimate prudently and in good faith;

(d) securities not listed or traded on a stock market or any other regulated market, operating regularly, which is recognised and open to the public, will be valued on the basis of their probable realisation value estimated regularly, prudently and in good faith by a qualified professional appointed for this purpose by the Board of Directors in agreement with the custodian bank;

(e) securities expressed in a currency other than the currency of expression of the subfund concerned will be converted on the basis of the exchange rate applicable on the valuation day;

(f) the Board of Directors is authorised to draft or amend the rules relating to the determination of the relevant valuation prices. Decisions taken in this regard will be reflected in the Prospectus;

(g) IRS will be valued on the basis of the difference between the value of all future interest payable by the Company to its counterparty on the valuation date at the zero coupon swap rate corresponding to the maturity of these payments and the value of all future interest payable by the counterparty to the Company on the valuation date at the zero coupon swap rate corresponding to the maturity of these payments;

(h) the internal valuation model for CDS utilises as inputs the CDS rate curve, the recovery rate and a discount rate (LIBOR or market swap rate) to calculate the mark-to-market. This internal model also produces the rate curve for default probabilities. To establish the CDS rate curve, data from a certain number of counterparties active in the CDS market are used. The manager uses the valuation of the counterparties’ CDS to compare them with the values obtained from the internal model. The starting point for the construction of the internal model is parity between the variable portion and fixed portion of the CDS on signing the CDS.

(i) since EDS are triggered by an event affecting a share, their valuation depends mainly on the volatility of the share and its asymmetrical position. The higher the volatility, the greater the risk that the share will reach the 70% threshold and therefore the greater the EDS spread. The spread of a company’s CDS also reflects its volatility, since high volatility of the share indicates high volatility of the assets of the company in question and therefore a high probability of a credit event. Given that the spreads of both EDS and CDS are correlated with the implicit volatility of the shares, and that these relations have a tendency to remain stable over time, an EDS can be considered as a proxy for a CDS. The key point in the valuation of an EDS is to calculate the implicit probability of a share event. Two methods are generally accepted: the first consists of utilising the market spread of the CDS as input in a model to evaluate the EDS; the second utilises the historic data of the share in question to estimate the probability. Although historic data are not necessarily a good guide as to what may happen in the future, such data can reflect the general behaviour of a share in the face of crises. In comparing the two approaches, it is very rare to see historic probabilities higher than the shares’ implicit probabilities;

(j) the valuation of a CFD and TRS will at any given time reflect the difference between the latest known price of the underlying stock and the valuation that was taken into account when the transaction was signed.

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The Company’s liabilities primarily include: (1) all loans, bills due and accounts payable; (2) all known obligations, whether payable or not, including all contractual obligations reaching maturity, due for payment in cash or in

kind (including the amount of dividends announced by the Company but not yet paid); (3) all reserves, authorised or approved by the Board of Directors, primarily those that have been constituted to meet a potential capital

loss on any of the Company’s investments; (4) any other commitment of the Company, of any kind whatsoever, except for those represented by the Company’s own resources. To

value the amount of these other commitments, the Company will take into account all the expenses to be borne by it including, but not limited to, the costs of any amendments to the bylaws, the Prospectus and any other document relating to the Company, management, performance, distribution and any other one-off commissions and fees, all taxes and duties withheld by government authorities and stock markets, financial, banking or broking expenses incurred during the purchase or sale of assets or otherwise. To value the amount of these commitments, the Company will take into account, on a time-prorated basis, any recurrent or occasional administrative and other expenses.

The assets, liabilities, expenses and fees that are not attributable to a subfund, class or sub-class will be charged to the different subfunds, classes or sub-classes in equal shares or, where this is justified by the amounts in question, in proportion to their respective net assets. Each of the Company’s shares that is in the process of being redeemed will be considered as a share issued and outstanding until the close on the valuation day applicable to that share’s redemption and, from the close of that day until the price is paid, its price will be considered as a liability of the Company. Each share to be issued by the Company in accordance with subscription requests received will be treated as being issued at the close of the valuation day of its issue price and its price will be treated as an amount due to the Company until it is received by the Company. As far as possible, every investment or disinvestment decided by the Company will be taken into account on the valuation day. Swing pricing: Under certain market conditions and taking into account the volume of buy and sell transactions within a subfund, a class or a sub-class, and the size of the latter, the Board of Directors may feel that it is in the interest of the shareholders to calculate the NAV per share on the basis of the share purchase and sale prices and/or by applying an estimate of the spread between the buy price and the sell price applicable to the markets on which the shares are traded. The Board of Directors may again adjust the aforesaid NAVs for all transaction expenses and sales commissions, subject to these expenses and commissions not exceeding 1% of the NAV of the subfund, class or sub-class at that time.

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Liquidation, merger and contribution of a subfund

The General Shareholders’ Meeting of a subfund can decide: - either on the straightforward liquidation of the subfund; - or on the closure of the subfund by contribution to another subfund of the Company; - or on the closure of the subfund by contribution to another UCI incorporated under Luxembourg law within the limits authorised by

the Law.

In this case, no quorum is required and resolutions are taken by a simple majority of shares present or represented.

In the case of contribution to a collective investment fund, the formal agreement of the shareholders concerned will be required and the decision taken regarding contribution will only affect those shareholders who declare in favour of the contribution.

The same decisions can be taken by a majority of the Board of Directors only in the following cases: - when the net assets of the subfund concerned fall below a threshold that is considered sufficient to ensure the efficient management

of the subfund; - when substantial changes occur in the political, economic and social situation, or when justified by the interests of shareholders. The decisions thus taken either by the General Meeting or by the Board of Directors will be published in the press as prescribed in the Prospectus for notices to shareholders.

In the case of closure of a subfund by contribution, for a period of one month from the publication of a notice described in the preceding paragraph, shareholders of that subfund will have the option of requesting redemption of their shares. No redemption fees will be charged in this case. At the end of this period, any shareholders who have not requested redemption will be bound by the contribution decision.

In the case of straightforward liquidation of a subfund, the net assets will be distributed to the eligible parties in proportion to the shares held in the subfunds concerned. Any assets not distributed by the date of closure of the liquidation will be deposited at the custodian bank for a maximum period of six months effective from that date. After this time, the assets will be deposited at the Public Trust Office (Caisse de Consignation) until the end of the legally specified limitation period. Dissolution and liquidation of the Company

The Board of Directors may, at any time and for any reason whatsoever, propose to the General Meeting the dissolution and liquidation of the Company. The General Meeting will give its ruling in accordance with the same procedure as for amendments to the Articles of Association.

If the Company’s share capital falls below two-thirds of the minimum capital specified in Article 5 of the Articles of Association, the question of dissolving the Company will be submitted by the Board of Directors to the General Meeting. The General Meeting, for which no quorum is applicable, will decide based on a simple majority of the votes of shareholders present or represented.

The question of the Company’s dissolution will also be submitted by the Board of Directors to the General Meeting when the share capital falls below one-quarter of the minimum capital specified in Article 5 of the Articles of Association. In this case, the dissolution will be declared, without any quorum, by shareholders possessing one-quarter of the shares represented.

In the event of the Company’s dissolution, the liquidation will be conducted by one or more liquidators that may be individuals or legal entities, and will be appointed by the General Shareholders’ Meeting, which will determine their powers and remuneration, without prejudice to the application of the Law.

The net proceeds of the liquidation of each subfund, class and/or sub-class will be distributed by the liquidators to the shareholders of each subfund, class and/or sub-class in proportion to the number of shares they hold in the subfund, class and/or sub-class.

Any liquidation proceeds that have not been distributed at the time of the closure of the liquidation procedure will be held on deposit in the safekeeping of the Public Trust Office (Caisse de Consignation) for the benefit of unidentified shareholders for the legally defined limitation period of thirty years.

The calculation of the net asset value, and all subscriptions, conversions and redemptions of shares in these subfunds, classes and/or sub-classes will also be suspended throughout the liquidation period.

The General Meeting must be held within forty days of the date on which it is recognised that the Company’s net assets have fallen below the minimum legal threshold of two-thirds or one-quarter, as applicable.

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Absolute Return Balanced Bond World Safe Balanced W7

Absolute Return Bond Emerging Bond World 2001 Safe Balanced W10

Absolute Return Bond Euro Plus Bond World Emerging Safe Conservative W1

Absolute Return Bond Global Opportunities Bond World Emerging Local Safe Conservative W4

Absolute Return Currencies (Currency World from 1 August 2009)

Commodity World Safe Conservative W7

Absolute Return Equity Europe Safe Conservative W10

Absolute Return Euro Equity Fundamental 130/30 Euro Safe Growth W1

Absolute Return Growth Equity Gradual Accumulation World

Safe Growth W4

Absolute Return Stability Global Assets Opportunities Safe Growth W7

Absolute Return V150 (V150 from 1 August 2009)

Inflation World Safe Growth W10

Absolute Return V300 Lifecycle 2015 Safe High Growth W1

Active Click Euro Lifecycle 2018 Safe High Growth W4

Bond Asia ex Japan Lifecycle 2020 Safe High Growth W7

Bond Best Selection Convertible Europe Lifecycle 2022 Safe High Growth W10

Bond Best Selection World Emerging Lifecycle 2025 Safe Stability W1

Bond Convertible Asia Lifecycle 2028 Safe Stability W4

Bond Convertible Europe Lifecycle 2030 Safe Stability W7

Bond Convertible World Lifecycle 2032 Safe Stability W10

Bond Corporate Euro Lifecycle 2035 Short Term Euro

Bond Corporate High Yield Euro Lifecycle 2038

Bond Corporate High Yield USD Lifecycle 2040 Short Term USD

Bond Corporate High Yield World Liquid Alpha Strategy Active Click Balanced

Bond Corporate World Emerging Model 1 Strategy Active Click Stability

Bond Currencies High Yield Model 2 Strategy Balanced SRI Europe

Bond Euro Model 3 Strategy Balanced USD

Bond Europe Emerging Model 4 Strategy Balanced World

Bond Europe Opportunities Model 5 Strategy Conservative World

Bond Europe Plus Model 6 Strategy Growth SRI Europe

Bond Government Euro OBAM Equity World Strategy Growth USD

Bond High Yield World Opportunities Euro Plus Strategy Growth World

Bond Inflation Linked Euro Opportunities Europe Strategy High Growth World

Bond Inflation-linked World Opportunities Japan Strategy Stability SRI Europe

Bond Long Euro Opportunities USA Strategy Stability USD

Bond Medium Term Euro Opportunities World Strategy Stability World

Bond SRI Euro Safe Balanced W1 V350

Bond USD Safe Balanced W4 Volatility World

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FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Balanced

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Absolute Return Balanced

Investment policy The objective of this subfund is to generate performance 2% higher (before commissions and fees) than its benchmark index, the EONIA (Euro OverNight Index Average, which reflects the weighted average rate of overnight interbank lending transactions in euro) and that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance. To achieve this objective, the subfund may invest in international equities, international convertible bonds, international bonds and treasury notes, provided that all investments are transferable securities issued on international markets. Subject to the limits set by the law, it may also invest in any other transferable securities admitted to the official listing on a securities exchange, in money market instruments and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. Emphasis will be placed by the manager on his skills in the selection of individual securities, i.e. on the ability to select transferable securities that are expected to outperform the overall market. Emphasis will also be placed on decisions to eliminate or increase general market risk. To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to a maximum of 10% of its assets. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect..

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -4,92% 2,26% 1,66% Classic H USD NA NA NA I -4,31% 2,90% 1,87% IH USD NA NA NA P NA 1,59% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 2 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0161139562 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0161139646 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372927615 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0372927706 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,11% 0,05% Classic H USD 0,75% none none 0,11% 0,05% I 0,20% see below none 0,10% 0,01% IH USD 0,20% see below none 0,10% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,35% 0,11% 0,05%

Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “IH USD” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (Merrill Lynch USD Overnight Libid (USD) RI). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none

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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes on 3 February 2003 under the name "Fortis L Fund Dynamic Treasury Euro 200". The "Classic H USD" and "IH USD" classes were launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAVs will be set at USD 100.00 per share. Historical information : current name first applied on 1 November 2003

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Bond Euro Plus

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Absolute Return Bond Euro Plus

Investment policy The objective of this subfund is to record a performance comparable to the medium or long-term return offered by the bond market indexes of the eurozone (i.e. a return considerably higher than the day-to-day yield) without being correlated to movements in interest rates. The performance objective will be achieved by using the manager's investment process and applying effective risk control procedures in three areas: (1) active management of duration, (2) active management of the rates curve, (3) diversification and active management between the various bond classes, and (4) active management of foreign exchange positions. In terms of volatility, the subfund's objective is to generate the specified return with a volatility comparable to that of the bond market indices of the eurozone. For this purpose, the subfund may invest in any kind of international bonds denominated in various currencies, in deposits and money market instruments, and in derivative financial instruments. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro may not exceed 20%. The manager may take long and short positions to take advantage of anticipated market trends, for example to benefit from a widening or narrowing of yield spreads between government and non-government bonds, or to benefit from an expected long-term interest rate trend. The manager may take short positions by using derivative financial instruments within the limits and conditions specified in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to a maximum of 5% of its assets. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 2,93% 1,71% -2,87% I 3,64% 2,40% -2,29% P 2,55% 1,27% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 2 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0194603634 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0194603808 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Bond Euro Plus

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,20% see below none 0,15% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,35% 0,15% 0,05%

Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

I Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

P Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 1 September 2004. Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "Absolute Return V150 (V150 from 1st August 2009)" subfund on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Bond Global Opportunities

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Absolute Return Bond Global Opportunities

Investment policy The objective of this subfund is to generate a higher return than its benchmark index, the EONIA (Euro Overnight Index Average, which reflects the weighted average rate of overnight interbank lending transactions in euro) and that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance. The performance objective will be achieved by using the manager's investment process and applying effective risk control procedures in three areas: (1) active management of duration, (2) active management of the rates curve, (3) diversification and active management between the various bond classes, and (4) active management of foreign exchange positions. To achieve this objective, the subfund may invest in bonds of any kind issued on the international market and denominated in various currencies, in deposits and money market instruments and in derivative financial instruments. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro may not exceed 50%. The manager may take long and short positions to take advantage of anticipated market trends, for example to benefit from a widening or narrowing of yield spreads between government and non-government bonds, or to benefit from an expected long-term interest rate trend. The manager may take short positions by using derivative financial instruments within the limits and conditions specified in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to a maximum of 5% of its assets. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 2,34% 2,22% -7,88% I 3,24% 3,15% -7,34%

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0230104704 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0230104969 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,25% see below none 0,15% 0,01%

Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

I Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 27 October 2005 Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "V350" subfund on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Currencies (Currency World from 1 August 2009)

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Absolute Return Currencies (Currency World from 1 August 2009)

Investment policy Until 31 July 2009: The objective of the subfund is to generate positive absolute return that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance, by actively managing a portfolio of negotiable debt securities and by actively using forward currency contracts. The subfund's investments in futures are based on a quantitative model as well as a qualitative selection of the recommendations generated by the model. The selected strategies are then employed in a portfolio construction process that relies on revealed value and a liquidity utility function to calculate the associated risk exposure before the futures can be included in the portfolio. The subfund may invest at least two-thirds of its assets in foreign exchange futures with maturities up to 12 months in "liquid" and freely convertible currencies including, among others, the currencies of OECD countries for hedging or other purposes (in the latter case, the subfund acquiring active exposure to particular currencies). The use of these forward currency contracts may involve a net short exposure of the subfund to certain currencies. In exceptional circumstances (such as, but not limited to, when the economic environment presents a higher than normal risk), and on a temporary basis, the subfund may close all currency contracts. The remainder of the assets of the subfund will be essentially invested in money market instruments, time deposits and other short term debt instruments, or in a combination of such assets. These instruments will have an effective remaining life time of less than 365 days and a minimum credit rating of A (Standard & Poor’s) or P1 (Moody's). To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to 5% of its assets. The objective of the subfund is to generate positive absolute return that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance, by actively managing a portfolio of negotiable debt securities and by actively using forward currency contracts. From 1 August 2009: The subfund’s investments in forward currency contracts rely both on the output of a quantitative model and on a qualitative selection process. The strategies selected for implementation in the final portfolio are weighted as a function of market risk, correlation and liquidity. The subfund may invest at least 2/3 of its assets in forward currency contracts with maturities of up to twelve months, for hedging and other purposes (in this latter case, the subfund acquires active exposure to specific currencies). The use of these forward currency contracts may involve a net short exposure of the subfund to certain currencies. Exposure to non deliverable currencies will however be limited to 15%. The subfund may also enter into spot and forward currency transactions and close them within a time horizon of 24 hours. In exceptional circumstances (such as, but not limited to, when the economic environment presents a higher than normal risk), and on a temporary basis, the subfund may close all currency contracts. It is recognised that some extreme events (such as central bank interventions or financial failures) can not be factored accurately into any investment process. The remainder of the assets of the subfund will be essentially invested in money market instruments, time deposits and other short term debt instruments, or in a combination of such assets. These instruments will have an effective remaining life time of less than 365 days and a minimum credit rating of A (Standard & Poor’s) or P1 (Moody's). To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to 5% of its assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH GBP NA NA NA IH USD NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Currencies (Currency World from 1 August 2009)

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Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", "Classic-Distribution" and "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377060354 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377060438 "Classic-Distribution" LU0377060511 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377060602 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0377060784 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH GBP” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,75% see below none 0,12% 0,01% IH GBP 0,75% see below none 0,12% 0,01% IH USD 0,75% see below none 0,12% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,35% 0,15% 0,05%

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Currencies (Currency World from 1 August 2009)

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Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 20% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “IH GBP” Class : 20% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (SONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “IH USD” Class : 20% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (Merrill Lynch USD Overnight Libid (USD) RI). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH GBP 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "IH GBP" class. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "IH GBP" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "Classic H USD", "I", "IH GBP" and "IH USD" classes under the name "Absolute Return Currencies" on 8 December 2008 by contribution of the "A", "AH (USD)", "I", "IH (GBP)" and "IH (USD)" classes of the "Currency Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Equity Europe

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Absolute Return Equity Europe

Investment policy The objective of this subfund is to offer shareholders a stable, positive return that is slightly higher than the 5-year notes German government bond rate, coupled with a volatility much lower than that of the European stock markets as a whole and that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance. To achieve this objective, the subfund may invest in positively valued shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in one of the member states of the European Union (long positions), and it may establish short positions. At least 2/3 of the assets will be invested in assets and instruments from issuers domiciled or exercising the majority of their business activity in Europe. The subfund is also authorised to invest 100% of its assets in money market instruments in order to create short positions by using derivative financial instruments on European equities within the limits and conditions set out in Appendix 2 of the full prospectus. The net total of these short positions will not exceed 100% of the subfund's assets. If the subfund’s net assets exceed a certain level and if stock market events do not permit the achievement of the intended objective, the Company’s Board of Directors may decide to close the subfund to subscriptions temporarily or permanently. To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to a maximum of 5% of its assets. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -0,94% -0,75% 4,73% I -0,51% -0,31% 4,86%

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0186253182 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0186253265 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% see below none 0,20% 0,05% I 1,50% see below none 0,15% 0,01%

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Comments on the performance commission “Classic” Class : 20% of the positive difference between the quarterly performance of the subfund and the performance of five-year bonds issued by the German government. This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “I” Class : 20% of the positive difference between the quarterly performance of the subfund and the performance of five-year bonds issued by the German government. This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

I Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every Friday that is not a bank holiday in Luxembourg, provided that the financial markets corresponding to a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the assets of the subfund were open at least one day after the day that served as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. If this day is one of the following holidays in Luxembourg: New Year's Day, Good Friday, 1st May, 25 and 26 December, it will be calculated on the next business day in Luxembourg. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg three banking days preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg three banking days preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 1 March 2004 Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "Absolute Return Growth" subfund on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Euro

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Absolute Return Euro

Investment policy The objective of this subfund is to generate a higher return than its benchmark index, the EONIA (Euro Overnight Index Average, which reflects the weighted average rate of overnight interbank lending transactions in euro) and that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance. To achieve this objective, the subfund may invest in bonds of any kind issued on the international market and denominated in various currencies, in deposits and money market instruments and in derivative financial instruments. A maximum of 25% of its assets will be invested in bonds rated below Moody's Baa3 or Standard & Poor's BBB-. At least 2/3 of the subfund‘s assets will be denominated in euros. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil. The manager may take long and short positions to take advantage of anticipated market trends, for example to benefit from a widening or narrowing of yield spreads between government and non-government bonds, or to benefit from an expected long-term interest rate trend. The manager may take short positions by using derivative financial instruments within the limits and conditions specified in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to a maximum of 10% of its assets. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect. Risks By investing a significant portion of its assets in high-yield bonds that are rated below Baa3 by Moody’s or BBB- by S&P, this subfund presents a greater than average risk due to the quality of its issuers.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -44,38% -1,38% 3,37% I -44,20% -1,03% 3,77%

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 1 year This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0175517449 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0175517522 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,15% see below none 0,15% 0,01%

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Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

I Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 1 March 2004 Historical information : renamed "Absolute Return Bond Euro" subfund on 1 November 2005 current name first applied on 1 October 2007 Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "V350" subfund on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Growth

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Absolute Return Growth

Investment policy The objective of this subfund is to generate performance 4% higher (before commissions and fees) than its benchmark index, the EONIA (Euro OverNight Index Average, which reflects the weighted average rate of overnight interbank lending transactions in euro) and that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance. To achieve this objective, the subfund may invest in international equities, international convertible bonds, international bonds and treasury notes, provided that all investments are transferable securities issued on international markets. Subject to the limits set by the law, it may also invest in any other transferable securities admitted to the official listing on a securities exchange, in money market instruments and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. Emphasis will be placed by the manager on his skills in the selection of individual securities, i.e. on the ability to select transferable securities that are expected to outperform the overall market. Emphasis will also be placed on decisions to eliminate or increase general market risk. To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to a maximum of 10% of its assets. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -5,70% 1,29% 1,50% Classic H CZK NA NA NA Classic H PLN NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA I -4,92% 2,08% 2,19% IH USD NA NA NA P -6,14% 0,71% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0161140149 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0161140222 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H CZK” Class "Classic H CZK-Capitalisation", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372929157 "Classic H CZK-Capitalisation"

Shares – “Classic H PLN” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0293289517 "Classic H PLN-Distribution"

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Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372929231 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0372929314 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,11% 0,05% Classic H CZK 1,00% none none 0,11% 0,05% Classic H PLN 1,00% none none 0,11% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,00% none none 0,11% 0,05% I 0,25% see below none 0,10% 0,01% IH USD 0,25% see below none 0,10% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,35% 0,11% 0,05%

Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “IH USD” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (Merrill Lynch USD Overnight Libid (USD) RI). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H CZK 5% 1% (1) none Classic H PLN 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

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Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. CZK, reference currency of the "Classic H CZK" class. PLN, reference currency of the "Classic H PLN" class. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic H CZK" class it is also calculated in CZK. In the "Classic H PLN" class it is also calculated in PLN. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes on 3 February 2003 under the name "Fortis L Fund Dynamic Treasury Euro 400". The "Classic H PLN" class was launched on 1 April 2007. The first NAV will be set in PLN at the equivalent of EUR 100.00. The "Classic H CZK" class was launched on 1 June 2008.The first NAV will be set in CZK at the equivalent of EUR 100.00. The "Classic H USD" and "IH USD" classes were launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAVs will be set at USD 100.00 per share. Historical information : current name first applied on 1 November 2003 absorption 13 July 2009 of the "Absolute Return Equity Europe" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return Stability

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Absolute Return Stability

Investment policy The objective of this subfund is to generate performance 1% higher (before commissions and fees) than its benchmark index, the EONIA (Euro OverNight Index Average, which reflects the weighted average rate of overnight interbank lending transactions in euro) and that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance. To achieve this objective, the subfund may invest in international equities, international convertible bonds, international bonds and treasury notes, provided that all investments are transferable securities issued on international markets. Subject to the limits set by the law, it may also invest in any other transferable securities admitted to the official listing on a securities exchange, in money market instruments and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. Emphasis will be placed by the manager on his skills in the selection of individual securities, i.e. on the ability to select transferable securities that are expected to outperform the overall market. Emphasis will also be placed on decisions to eliminate or increase general market risk. To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to a maximum of 10% of its assets. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 0

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -1,88% 2,55% 2,69% Classic H USD NA NA NA I -1,50% 2,87% 2,84% IH USD NA NA NA P -2,45% 1,80% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 1 year This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0161138671 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0161138838 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372929744 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0372930163 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,50% none none 0,11% 0,05% Classic H USD 0,50% none none 0,11% 0,05% I 0,15% see below none 0,10% 0,01% IH USD 0,15% see below none 0,10% 0,01% P 0,50% none 0,35% 0,11% 0,05%

Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “IH USD” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (Merrill Lynch USD Overnight Libid (USD) RI). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors.

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Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes on 3 February 2003 under the name "Fortis L Fund Dynamic Treasury Euro 100". The "Classic H USD" and "IH USD" classes were launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAVs will be set at USD 100.00 per share. Historical information : current name first applied on 1 November 2003

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return V150 (V150 from 1 August 2009)

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Absolute Return V150 (V150 from 1 August 2009)

Investment policy This subfund is an absolute return fund that targets a volatility in the region of 150 basis points measured by reference to the annualised standard deviation of returns that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance. When selecting securities, the subfund's manager will seek to diversify exposure across different classes of debt securities, maturities and issuers. When managing the subfund's exposure to a particular currency, the manager may seek to protect the subfund against foreign exchange risk resulting from the subfund's assets, but may also seek to buy or sell any currencies for purposes other than hedging by using derivative exchange products. The use of these derivative exchange products may involve a net short exposure of the subfund to certain currencies. When managing the overall duration of the subfund, the manager may seek to protect the subfund against the interest rate risk, but also allow the subfund to benefit from interest rate variations. The subfund may also invest up to 20% of its assets in asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities and investment-grade structured credits (CDO) such as those backed by residential and commercial mortgages, bank credits and consumer credits. To achieve these objectives, the subfund may also use financial techniques and instruments, as defined in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 0

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA UKH NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH GBP NA NA NA IH USD NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 1 year This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", "Classic-Distribution" and "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377061162 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377061246 "Classic-Distribution" LU0377061329 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377061592 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0377061758 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “UKH” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH GBP” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H USD 0,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% UKH 0,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,15% (0,10%

from 1st July 2009)

see below none 0,15% 0,01%

IH GBP 0,10% see below none 0,15% 0,01% IH USD 0,15% (0,10%

from 1st July 2009)

see below none 0,15% 0,01%

P 0,50% none 0,35% 0,15% 0,05%

Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 20% (15% from 1st July 2009) of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “IH GBP” Class : 15% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (SONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “IH USD” Class : 20% (15% from 1st July 2009) of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (Merrill Lynch USD Overnight Libid (USD) RI). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none UKH 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH GBP 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UKH" and "IH GBP". USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UKH" and "IH GBP" classes it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic-Capitalisation", "UKH", "I" and "IH USD" classes under the name "Absolute Return V150" on 8 December 2008 by contribution on of the "A"; "AH (GBP)" and "IH (GBP)"; "I" as well as "IH (USD)" classes of the "ARBF V150" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. This class was launched on 8 December 2008. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The “IH GBP” class was launched on 1 May 2009. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "Classic-Distribution" and "P" classes will be launched on 13 July 2009 by contribution on of the "Classic-Distribution" and "P" classes of the "Absolute Return Bond Euro Plus" subfund of the SICAV. Historical information : absorption on 13 July 2009 of the "Absolute Return Bond Euro Plus" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Absolute Return V300

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Absolute Return V300

Investment policy This subfund targets a volatility in the region of 300 basis points measured as the annualised standard deviation in performance. It aims to generate a positive absolute return (measured in euros) decorrelated from equity and bond market movements by actively managing a portfolio of negotiable debt securities on global markets employing strategies such as stock selection, credit and duration management, and active currency management. When selecting securities, the subfund's manager will seek to diversify exposure across different classes of debt securities, maturities and issuers. When managing the subfund's exposure to a particular currency, the manager may seek to protect the subfund against foreign exchange risk resulting from the subfund's assets, but may also seek to buy or sell any currencies for purposes other than hedging by using derivative exchange products. The use of these derivative exchange products may involve a net short exposure of the subfund to certain currencies. When managing the overall duration of the subfund, the manager may seek to protect the subfund against the interest rate risk, but also allow the subfund to benefit from interest rate variations. The manager may hedge credit exposure by using credit derivatives such as, among others, the credit derivatives on a single unique issuer and index, but may also use these instruments for purposes other than hedging in order to reflect his convictions concerning the investments via the transactions on credit derivatives. The subfund may also invest up to 20% of its assets in asset-backed securities, mortgage-backed securities and investment-grade structured credits (CDOs) such as those backed by residential and commercial mortgages, and in bank credits and consumer credits. The subfund may invest to a greater extent in debt securities in emerging markets and in speculative sub-investment grade debt securities, but may not acquire securities whose rating is less than Standard and Poor's and Moody's C grade, or an equivalent rating in another leading rating agency, or non-rated, unless the management company deems that they are comparable in quality. The subfund may use derivative instruments and techniques similar to those described in Appendix 2 to reach its investment objective.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA UKH NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 2 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution" in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0317289592 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0317290509 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372928779 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0372928936 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

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Shares – “UKH” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H USD 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% UKH 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,20% see below none 0,15% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,35% 0,15% 0,05%

Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 20% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

Classic H USD Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

UKH Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

I Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

P Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

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Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UKH" class. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK. In the "UKH" class it is also calculated in GBP. In the "I" class it is also calculated in NOK and SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : On 8 December 2008 in the "Classic", "Classic H USD", "UKH", "I" and "P" classes by contribution of the "A" and "B"; "AH (USD)" and "BH (USD)" classes; "AH (GBP)", "IH (GBP)"; "I", "IH (NOK)" and "IH (SEK)" classes as well as "D" classes of the "ARBF V300" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "V350" subfund on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Active Click Euro

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Active Click Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests primarily in the component stocks of the DOW JONES EURO STOXX 50 Index. On an ancillary basis, it may also invest in convertible and warrant-linked bonds, in warrants on transferable securities and in any other transferable securities admitted to the official listing on a securities exchange. Investments in debt securities of any kind may not represent more than 40% of its assets and those in UCITS or other UCI may not represent more than 10% of its assets. Because the prices of warrants are volatile, an investment in such instruments presents a greater degree of risk for the investor than a direct investment in the underlying securities. Its objective is to offer to shareholders the opportunity to participate, to a certain extent, in the performance of the eurozone stock markets while preserving, as far as possible, 90% of the highest net asset value recorded since the launch of the subfund, provided that the highest NAV is 3% higher than the initial NAV or the last preserved NAV. To achieve this, the manager will in particular make use of derivative techniques and instruments, as described in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. Any NAV level thus preserved will never be lowered. It will be raised every time the net asset value calculated on each valuation day is 3% higher than the highest net asset value preserved previously. The term "click" is used to describe this effect. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect..

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -8,11% 3,99% 6,73% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,20% see below none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,60% see below none 0,17% 0,01% P 1,20% see below 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the performance commission “Classic” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EURIBOR3M). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “I” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EURIBOR3M). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “P” Class : 10% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EURIBOR3M). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 15 November 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Asia ex-Japan

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Bond Asia ex-Japan

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in bonds (until 31 July 2009: quality bonds) of issuers that have their registered headquarters in or conduct the majority of their business activity in Asia (excluding Japan) and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. These bonds will be denominated in various currencies. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 10% of the assets. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. By investing a significant portion of its assets in high-yield bonds that are rated below Baa3 by Moody’s or BBB- by S&P, this subfund presents a greater than average risk due to the quality of its issuers.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H EUR NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH EUR NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", "Classic-Distribution" and "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377063028 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377063291 "Classic-Distribution" LU0377063374 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377063457 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0377063531 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,12% 0,01% IH EUR 0,65% none none 0,12% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none

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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 8 December 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B" classes of the "Asia Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "I" class was launched on 2 February 2009. The "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes will be launched at the price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of those classes. The "P" class will be launched at a price of USD 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Best Selection Convertible Europe

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Bond Best Selection Convertible Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in convertible and exchangeable bonds whose underlying shares are issued by companies with a solid financial structure and/or potential for earnings growth that have their registered offices in Europe or conduct a large proportion of their business in Europe and are admitted to the official listing on a European securities exchange and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. The manager will seek to achieve a balance between the debt character of convertible bonds and their dependence on their respective underlying shares. In this respect, the subfund will take advantage of bond yields and will also be sensitive to the performance of the underlying shares. At least 2/3 of the subfund‘s assets will be denominated in euros. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than those of the European Union will be nil and its exposure to currencies other than the euro will not exceed 5%. It may also invest up to 1/3 of its assets in any other money market instruments and derivative or liquid financial instruments, provided that the investments in shares and other equity interests do not exceed 10% of the assets and investments in other UCITS or UCI, 5% of the assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA UK NA NA NA UKH NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH USD NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", "Classic-Distribution" and "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377063960 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377064000 "Classic-Distribution" LU0377064265 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377064778 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0377065072 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Shares – “UKH” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% UKH 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH USD 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none UKH 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

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Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" and "UKH" classes. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" and "UKH" classes it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "Classic H USD" and "I" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B", "AH (USD)" classes as well as "I" classes of the "Europe Convertible Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "IH USD" class was launched on 24 November 2008.The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The “UK” class was launched on 24 November 2008.The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "UKH" class will be launched at a price of GBP 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Best Selection World Emerging

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Bond Best Selection World Emerging

Investment policy General information The "emerging markets" concept is a positive one, implying stronger growth than that expected for developed countries, bringing with it considerably enhanced investment opportunities and higher potential returns. Emerging countries are those that are undergoing economic liberalisation, establishing financial markets and developing the technological capabilities that are necessary to generate sustainable economic growth. Looking at the social and macroeconomic factors – GDP per capita, economic growth, level of foreign debt, return on capital invested, level of education, life expectancy, etc. – as a whole, the emerging markets and countries can be considered as a group that is developing along very similar lines. Some of the emerging markets present investors with an attractive opportunity for diversification with their potential for growth, an economic cycle different from that of the OECD countries and, in the opinion of the manager, a level of risk that is acceptable at the present time. For the purposes of this subfund, the following are considered as emerging markets: Korea, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Turkey, and all countries that are not part of the OECD. Investment policy and objective This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in a limited number of bonds and debt securities of emerging countries as defined above as well as in companies with a strong financial structure and/or potential for profitable growth that have their registered offices or conduct a majority of their business activities in these countries, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H EUR NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH EUR NA NA NA IH NOK NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

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Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", "Classic-Distribution" and "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377066807 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377067011 "Classic-Distribution" LU0377067367 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377067797 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0377068092 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH NOK” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH EUR 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH NOK 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none IH NOK 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. NOK, reference currency of the "IH NOK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. In the "IH NOK" class it is also calculated in NOK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "Classic H EUR", "I", "IH EUR" and "P" classes on 8 December 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B"; "AH (EUR)", "BH (EUR)" and "DH (EUR)"; "I"; "IH (EUR)" classes as well as "D" classes of the "Global Emerging Markets Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "UK" class was launched on 8 December 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The “IH NOK” class was launched on 1 May 2008. The first NAV will be set at NOK 1.000,00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Convertible Asia

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Bond Convertible Asia

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in convertible and exchangeable bonds whose underlying shares are issued by companies that have their registered offices in Asia or conduct a large proportion of their business in Asia and are admitted to the official listing on an Asian securities exchange and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. The manager will seek to achieve a balance between the debt character of convertible bonds and their dependence on their respective underlying shares. In this respect, the subfund will take advantage of bond yields and will also be sensitive to the performance of the underlying shares. It may also invest up to 1/3 of its assets in any other money market instruments and derivative or liquid financial instruments, provided that the investments in shares and other equity interests do not exceed 10% of the assets and investments in other UCITS or UCI, 5% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro may not exceed 25%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -40,10% 20,85% NA Classic H EUR NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA UK NA NA NA UKH NA NA NA I -39,71% 21,74% NA IH EUR NA NA NA IH USD NA NA NA P -40,48% NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0244322540 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0244322623 "Classic-Distribution"

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Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372930759 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0372931138 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372931641 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0372932029 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “UKH” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% UKH 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH EUR 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH USD 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

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In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none UKH 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" and "UKH" classes. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" and "UKH" classes it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 6 March 2006. The "UK" class was launched on 3 March 2007. The "P" class was launched on 26 April 2007. The "IH USD" class was launched on 1 September 2007. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The “UKH” class was launched on 2 November 2007.The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes were launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAVs will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "Classic H USD" class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

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Bond Convertible Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in convertible and exchangeable bonds whose underlying shares are issued by companies that have their registered offices in Europe or conduct a large proportion of their business in Europe and are admitted to the official listing on a European securities exchange and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. The manager will seek to achieve a balance between the debt character of convertible bonds and their dependence on their respective underlying shares. In this respect, the subfund will take advantage of bond yields and will also be sensitive to the performance of the underlying shares. At least 2/3 of the subfund’s investments will be denominated in a European currency. It may also invest up to 1/3 of its assets in any other money market instruments and derivative or liquid financial instruments, provided that the investments in shares and other equity interests do not exceed 10% of the assets and investments in other UCITS or UCI, 5% of the assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -35,58% 0,60% 9,36% Classic H USD NA NA NA UK NA NA NA UKH NA NA NA I -35,16% 1,37% 10,25% IH USD NA NA NA P -35,98% 0,12% 8,82%

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0128352480 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0128353298 "Classic-Distribution" LU0372934157 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372935048 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0372935550 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Shares – “UKH” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% UKH 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH USD 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none UKH 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

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Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" and "UKH" classes. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" and "UKH" classes it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 18 April 2001. The "I" and "P" classes were launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 3 March 2007. The "IH USD" class was launched on 1 September 2007. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The “UKH” class was launched on 2 November 2007. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The “Classic H USD” class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The “Classic-QD” class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Convertible World

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Bond Convertible World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in convertible and exchangeable bonds whose underlying shares are issued by companies admitted to the official listing on a securities exchange and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. The manager will seek to achieve a balance between the debt character of convertible bonds and their dependence on their respective underlying shares. In this respect, the subfund will take advantage of bond yields and will also be sensitive to the performance of the underlying shares. It may also invest up to 1/3 of its assets in any other money market instruments and derivative or liquid financial instruments, provided that the investments in shares and other equity interests do not exceed 10% of the assets and investments in other UCITS or UCI, 5% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro may not exceed 25%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -30,35% 5,68% 9,33% Classic H CZK NA NA NA Classic H PLN -39,57% NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA UKH NA NA NA I -29,89% 6,48% 10,20% IH USD NA NA NA P -30,76% 5,16% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0194604442 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0194604798 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H CZK” Class "Classic H CZK-Capitalisation", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372936798 "Classic H CZK-Capitalisation"

Shares – “Classic H PLN” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0293287909 "Classic H PLN-Distribution"

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Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372937259 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0372937507 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “UKH” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H CZK 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H PLN 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% UKH 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH USD 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H CZK 5% 1% (1) none Classic H PLN 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none UKH 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

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Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. CZK, reference currency of the "Classic H CZK" class. PLN, reference currency of the "Classic H PLN" class. GBP, reference currency of the "UKH" class. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic H CZK" class it is also calculated in CZK. In the "Classic H PLN" class it is also calculated in PLN. In the "UKH" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes on 8 September 2004. The "UKH" class was launched on 30 Mar 2007. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "Classic H PLN" class was launched on 1 April 2007. The "IH USD" class was launched on 1 September 2007. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share The "Classic H CZK" class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set in CZK at the equivalent of EUR 100.00. The "Classic H USD" class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Corporate Euro

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Bond Corporate Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in investment-grade corporate debt securities denominated in euros and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -13,81% -2,51% -0,47% UK NA NA NA I -13,30% -1,91% 0,03% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0083949205 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0083949973 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 19 January 1998 under the name "G-Bond Fund-G-Euro Corporate Bond". The "I" class was launched on 16 Aug 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 3 March 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Bond Corporate Euro" subfund actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 2 November 2001 of the "Euro Corporate" subfund of the FIM Group Assets L1 SICAV absorption 27 April 2007 of the "Yield" subfund of the Strategic Fund SICAV absorption 8 December 2008 of the "Euro Credit Bond Fund" subfund of the SICAV ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Bond Corporate High Yield Euro

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Bond Corporate High Yield Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities that are rated below Baa3 by Moody's or BBB- by S&P and which are denominated in euros and issued by companies and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil. Risks By investing a significant portion of its assets in high-yield bonds that are rated below Baa3 by Moody’s or BBB- by S&P, this subfund presents a greater than average risk due to the quality of its issuers.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -34,62% -3,05% 8,54% UK NA NA NA I -34,14% -2,33% 9,31% IH NOK NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0161744247 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0161743942 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH NOK” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Bond Corporate High Yield Euro

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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,17% 0,05% UK 1,25% none none 0,17% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH NOK 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,17% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH NOK 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. NOK, reference currency of the "IH NOK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. In the "IH NOK" class it is also calculated in NOK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Corporate High Yield Euro

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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 November 2003. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The “IH NOK” class was launched on 1 May 2009. The first NAV will be set at NOK 1,000.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Corporate High Yield USD

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Bond Corporate High Yield USD

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities that are rated below Baa3 by Moody's or BBB- by S&P and which are denominated in USD and issued by companies and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 10% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than USD will be nil. Risks By investing a significant portion of its assets in high-yield bonds that are rated below Baa3 by Moody’s or BBB- by S&P, this subfund presents a greater than average risk due to the quality of its issuers.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -25,03% -0,07% 11,04% I -24,48% 0,71% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0161746291 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0161746457 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,17% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,17% 0,05%

FORTIS L FUND Bond Corporate High Yield USD

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In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 18 August 2003 by absorption of the "Corporate High Yield" subfund of the Generalux SICAV. The "P" class will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Corporate High Yield World

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Bond Corporate High Yield World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities that are rated below Baa3 by Moody's or BBB- by S&P and which are denominated in various currencies and issued by companies throughout the world and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil. Risks By investing a significant portion of its assets in high-yield bonds that are rated below Baa3 by Moody’s or BBB- by S&P, this subfund presents a greater than average risk due to the quality of its issuers.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -24,15% NA NA I -23,54% NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0230103722 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0230104027 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,17% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

I Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 28 March 2007 Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "Bond High Yield World" subfund on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Bond Corporate World Emerging

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Bond Corporate World Emerging

Investment policy General information The "emerging markets" concept is a positive one, implying stronger growth than that expected for developed countries, bringing with it considerably enhanced investment opportunities and higher potential returns. Emerging countries are those that are undergoing economic liberalisation, establishing financial markets and developing the technological capabilities that are necessary to generate sustainable economic growth. Looking at the social and macroeconomic factors – GDP per capita, economic growth, level of foreign debt, return on capital invested, level of education, life expectancy, etc. – as a whole, the emerging markets and countries can be considered as a group that is developing along very similar lines. Some of the emerging markets present investors with an attractive opportunity for diversification with their potential for growth, an economic cycle different from that of the OECD countries and, in the opinion of the manager, a level of risk that is acceptable at the present time. For the purposes of this subfund, the following are considered as emerging markets: Korea, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Turkey, and all countries that are not part of the OECD. Investment policy and objective This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in bonds and debt securities of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in emerging countries as defined above, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. In order to reduce risk, the Company and the manager will adopt a diversification strategy for this subfund: * In terms of geographical region, investments will be limited to a maximum of 25% of its net asset value per country, with an overall maximum of: - 100% in securities denominated in major currencies, - 70% in securities denominated in local currencies, - 30% in government bonds, - 10% in notes and warrants on debt securities. * To reduce interest rate risk and manage overall duration, the subfund may reduce its exposure by buying and selling futures on U.S. Treasury debt securities, particularly for hedging its exposure to "emerging country" debt denominated in USD. Since the subfund’s currency is the US dollar, the subfund may hedge against other currencies through the use of forward transactions or options. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3 for the EUR investor

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

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Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0422804707 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0421763623 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,17% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market.

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Listing : none Launch date : This subfund will be launched at a date yet to be determined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this subfund. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Currencies High Yield

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Bond Currencies High Yield

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities that offer a gross yield superior to that of Belgian government bonds and which are rated at the same or better rate as Baa3 (Moody’s) or BBB- (S&P) and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. Emphasis will be placed on investments in debt securities denominated in currencies whose interest rates are higher than those of the euro. Risks By investing a significant portion of its assets in high-yield bonds that are rated below Baa3 by Moody’s or BBB- by S&P, this subfund presents a greater than average risk due to the quality of its issuers.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -1,11% 1,34% -3,72% UK NA NA NA I -0,41% 1,93% -3,21% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-New Distri", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0011928255 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0030437460 "Classic-Distribution" LU0270761579 "Classic-New Distri"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Bond Currencies High Yield

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 30 August 1985 under the name "G-Rentiplus". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Bond High Yield". The "Classic-New Distri" class was launched on 1 October 2006. The "UK" class was launched on 6 November 2006. The “P” class was launched on 13 February 2009. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. Historical information : renamed "G-Bond Fund-G-Rentinplus" subfund on 30 October 1992 contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Bond Rentinplus" subfund renamed "Fortis L Fund Bond High Yield" on 30 September 1999 absorption 4 November 2002 of the "High Yield Bond" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV current name first applied on 1 February 2004


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Bond Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities denominated in euros and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets, those in High Yield-type bonds 15% of the assets, those in shares or other equity securities or participation rights 10% of its assets, and those in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5% of its assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than those of the European Union will be nil and its exposure to currencies other than the euro will not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -3,25% -0,40% -0,27% UK NA NA NA I -2,81% 0,03% 0,17% ASR -2,59% 0,28% 0,42% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0087045380 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0087045547 "Classic-Distribution" LU0135027224 "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code



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Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,05% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none


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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 4 May 1998 under the name "Interselex-Bond Euro" subfund. The "I" class was launched on 16 Aug 2002. The "ASR" class was launched on 29 September 2005. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 2 November 2001: - of the "Bond Rentinbel", "Bond FRF", "Bond DEM", "Bond ITL", "Bond NLG", "Bond EMU" and "Bond GRD" subfunds of the SICAV. - of the "Bond Euro" subfund of the Fortis L Universal Fund SICAV; - of the "Bonds DEM" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV; - of the Europe Inter Luxembourg SICAV absorption 1 July 2002 of the "5" and "10" subfunds of the Fortis Rent-o-Net SICAV absorption 4 November 2002: - of the "Bond GBP" subfund of the SICAV; - of the "Francs Luxembourgeois et Francs Belges" subfund of the Belubond Fund SICAV; - of the "Bonds Euro" subfund of the Maestro Lux SICAV; - of the "Bonds Euro" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV absorption 18 August 2003 of the "Euro" subfund of the Generalux SICAV absorption 8 December 2008 of the "Euro Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Bond Europe Emerging

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Bond Europe Emerging

Investment policy General information The concept of "emerging markets" is a positive one, implying stronger growth than that expected for developed countries, bringing with it considerably enhanced investment opportunities and higher potential returns. Emerging countries are those that are undergoing economic liberalisation, establishing financial markets and developing the technological capabilities that are necessary to generate sustainable economic growth. Looking at the social and macroeconomic factors – GDP per capita, economic growth, level of foreign debt, return on capital invested, level of education, life expectancy, etc. – as a whole, the emerging markets and countries can be considered as a group that is developing along very similar lines. Some of the emerging markets present investors with an attractive opportunity for diversification with their potential for growth, an economic cycle different from that of the OECD countries and a level of risk that is acceptable at the present time. For the purposes of this subfund, the following are considered as emerging markets: Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Turkey, and all European countries that are not part of the OECD. Investment policy and objective This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in bonds and debt securities in emerging European countries as defined above as well as in companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in these countries and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. In order to reduce risk, the Company and the manager will adopt a diversification strategy for this subfund: * In terms of geographical region, investments will be limited to a maximum of 25% of its net asset value per country, with an overall maximum of: - 100% in securities denominated in major currencies, - 70% in securities denominated in local currencies, - 10% in notes and warrants on debt securities. * To reduce interest rate risk, the subfund may reduce its exposure by selling futures on U.S. Treasury debt securities, particularly for hedging its exposure to fixed-rate "emerging country" debt denominated in U.S. dollars. Nevertheless, these transactions entered into for hedging purposes shall not result in a reduction or increase of the investment limits calculated for the subfund. The risk of a transaction of this type is the inverse of the price difference between U.S. Treasury debt securities and "emerging country" debt denominated in U.S. dollars ("country spread" increase). Since the subfund’s currency is the euro, the subfund may hedge against other currencies through the use of forward transactions or options. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

FORTIS L FUND Bond Europe Emerging

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Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -8,26% -0,68% 0,58% UK NA NA NA I -7,32% 0,38% 1,56% P -8,97% -1,35% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0088340327 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0088340673 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,17% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Bond Europe Emerging

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes it is also calculated in PLN. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 1 June 1998 under the name "Interselex-Bond Europe Emerging" subfund. The "I" and "P" classes were launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. Historical information : actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 4 November 2002 of the "Bonds Eastern Europe" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Bond Europe Opportunities

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Bond Europe Opportunities

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities that are either issued or guaranteed by European countries or issued by companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe, and which are denominated in euros or in currencies that either participate in the euro or are likely to be integrated into the EMU in the future and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in bonds issued or guaranteed by local authorities, international public bodies of which one or more European countries are members and by companies throughout the world, as well as in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets, those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets, and those in other UCITS or UCI 5% of its assets. Assets invested in currencies other than the euro may from time to time be hedged against the euro, depending on market requirements and opportunities. In establishing the composition of the portfolio, the relative economic importance of the various currencies and markets is taken into account. This may be departed from to take advantage of specific currency and interest rate opportunities. Rate forecasts lead to a decrease or increase in the residual maturity of the portfolio.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 0,65% 0,17% -2,46% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 100 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0066955740 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0068065381 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 29 May 1996 under the name "Panelfund-Bonds EMU". The "I" class was launched on 16 Aug 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Panelfund-Bonds Europe Opportunities" on 1 January 1999 contribution 4 November 2002 to the SICAV by creation of the current subfund absorption 5 May 2008 of the "Bond Scandic" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Bond Europe Plus

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Bond Europe Plus

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in investment-grade debt securities of issuers based in Europe and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. These bonds will be denominated in various currencies. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -1,88% -1,98% -3,45% UK NA NA NA I -1,26% -1,50% -2,99% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-New Distri", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution" shares are not available for subscription. For “Classic-New-Distri” shares, the minimum subscription amount is ten shares, or a multiple of ten shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10, 50, 100 and 500 shares for “Classic-New-Distri” shares, and in denominations of 1, 10, 50 and 100 shares for “Classic-Capitalisation” shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0010000809 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0010001013 "Classic-Distribution" LU0270761819 "Classic-New Distri"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 4 May 1998 under the name "Interselex-Bond Rentinvest" by contribution of the "G-Rentinvest" and "G-Capital Rentinvest" subfunds of the G-Bond Fund SICAV. The "I" class was launched on 16 Aug 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "Classic-New Distri" class was launched on 1 October 2006. The "P" class was launched on 8 December 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Europe Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 20 June 2001 of the "International Bond Fund" subfund of the Banque Belge Asset Management Fund SICAV absorption 18 August 2003 of the "CHF" and "Multi Currency" subfunds of the Generalux SICAV absorption 8 December 2008 of the "Europe Bond Fund" and "Global Bond Fund Alrenta" subfunds of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Bond Government Euro

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Bond Government Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in euro-denominated bonds issued or guaranteed by eurozone countries and in derivatives on this type of asset. It may also invest up to 1/3 of its assets in debt securities issued or guaranteed by regional authorities in these countries or by international public organisations to which one or more of these countries belong, as well as in bonds issued by member states of the European Union. Other countries may be considered, provided that they become eligible to join the euro soon. In the case of the latter, the debt securities may be denominated either in euros, or in their own currency in which case the currency risk will be hedged. Investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options will not exceed 25% of assets, while those in equities and other securities and equity interests will not exceed 10% of assets, and those in other UCITS or UCI 5% of assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 8,93% 0,49% -0,64% UK NA NA NA I 9,63% 1,02% -0,14% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0164975764 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0164975921 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,20% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,65% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 1 April 2003. The “UK” class was launched on 11 August 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : absorption 8 December 2008 of the "Euro Government Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Bond High Yield World

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Bond High Yield World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities that are rated below Baa3 (Moody's) or BBB- (S&P) and issued in various currencies throughout the world and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro may not exceed 5%. Risks By investing a significant portion of its assets in high-yield bonds that are rated below Baa3 by Moody’s or BBB- by S&P, this subfund presents a greater than average risk due to the quality of its issuers.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH USD NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", "Classic-Distribution" and "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377069652 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377069900 "Classic-Distribution" LU0377070155 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377070403 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0377071047 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH USD 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched on 8 December 2008 in the "Classic", "Classic H USD", "I" and "P" classes by contribution of the "A" and "B"; "AH (USD)" and "BH (USD)"; "I" as well as "D" classes of the "High Yield Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “IH USD” class was launched on 8 December 2008. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. Historical information : absorption 13 July 2009 of the "Bond Corporate High Yield World" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Bond Inflation-linked Euro

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Bond Inflation-linked Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in bonds denominated in euros and whose returns depend on the level of inflation in the euro zone or on one or several countries in the eurozone and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 10% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than those of the European Union will be nil and its exposure to currencies other than the euro will not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 2,28% 0,74% -2,71% I 2,88% 1,35% -2,18% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0207758581 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0207759472 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 10 December 2004. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : absorption 8 December 2008 of the "Euro Inflation-Linked Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Bond Inflation-linked World

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Bond Inflation-linked World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in bonds whose yields depend on the level of inflation in one or several countries, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 10% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", "Classic-Distribution" and "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0374256641 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0374256724 "Classic-Distribution" LU0374256997 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : This subfund will be launched at a date yet to be determined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this subfund. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Bond Long Euro

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Bond Long Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities denominated in euros and in currencies participating in the euro whose average maturity is longer than the market average and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 9,75% -3,71% -2,75% UK NA NA NA I 10,33% -3,22% -2,24% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0075912765 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0075913490 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 0,65% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,20% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,65% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 21 April 1997 under the name "G-Bond Fund-Long Duration Bond". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Bond Long Duration Euro" subfund current name first applied on 30 September 1999

FORTIS L FUND Bond Medium Term Euro

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Bond Medium Term Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities denominated in euros whose average maturity will generally be between 12 and 36 months and will never exceed 6 years, and whose residual maturity will never exceed 10 years and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. For variable-rate bonds, the upcoming rate adjustment is considered equivalent to maturity. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 0

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -8,26% 1,91% 1,47% UK NA NA NA I -7,83% 2,31% 1,89% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0134404093 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0134730059 "Classic-Distribution" LU0135027067 "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 0,50% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,20% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,50% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 2 November 2001 through absorption of the following subfunds: "Bond Medium Term Euro", "Bond Medium Term DEM" and "Bond Medium Term NLG" subfund of the SICAV; "Medium Term BEF", "Medium Term NLG" and "Medium Term DEM" of the Interselex International SICAV. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : absorption 4 November 2002 of the following subfunds: - "Bond Medium Term GBP" subfund of the SICAV; - "Short Bonds Euro" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV absorption 8 December 2008 of the "Stable Euro Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV


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Bond SRI Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities denominated in euros and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 5% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 10% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil. The bonds issued by companies and institutions are initially selected from a universe defined by a "Best in Class +" process. The issuers whose practices are considered as the Best in their Class are judged on the basis of specific criteria in regard to environmental and social conduct and corporate governance. The subfund will also select (1) issuers whose products and services contribute to resolving problems linked to the environment and sustainable development, and (2) issuers whose products and services will have positive and sustainable impacts on the environment and the social climate. This justifies the "+" in the Best in Class approach. The government bonds come from a universe of countries that satisfy specific criteria for environmental and social conduct. The research process and methodology are validated by an independent committee of experts (the "Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee") that is composed as described in Book I of the Full Prospectus. The SRI Advisory Committee will produce at least one report per year on the SRI process in terms of robustness, pertinence and integrity. The subfund will contribute to remunerating this committee.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 6,58% 0,30% NA I 7,21% 0,84% NA ASR NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0269743562 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0269743646 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code



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Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,05% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none


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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "I" on 18 October 2006. The "Classic" class was launched on 6 November 2006. The “ASR” class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none


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Bond USD

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in debt securities denominated in USD and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 10% of the assets. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the USD may not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 1,03% 6,11% 2,84% I 1,61% 6,93% 3,30% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0061749734 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0061749817 "Classic-Distribution" LU0162803307 "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94" LU0372941368 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%


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In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 14 November 1995 under the name "G-Bond Fund-G-USD Bond". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "Classic-QD" class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of USD 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Bond USD" subfund actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 2 November 2001 of the "Bond North America" subfund of the Fortis L Universal Fund SICAV absorption 18 August 2003 of the "USD" subfund of the Generalux SICAV absorption 5 May 2008 of the "Bond Corporate USD" and "Bond Medium Term USD" subfund of the SICAV absorption 8 December 2008 of the "US Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV


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Bond World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in investment-grade debt securities issued on the international market and denominated in various currencies and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 9,26% -2,76% -8,88% UK NA NA NA I 9,83% -2,27% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0132149724 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0132150227 "Classic-Distribution" LU0152670112 "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94" LU0372941871 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none


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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 14 March 1990 under the name "Gammafund-International Bonds". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "Classic-QD" class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "UK" class was launched on 11 August 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : contribution 30 June 1998 to the Fortis Fund SICAV by creation of the of the "Bond Global" subfund, renamed "Fortis L Universal Fund-Bond World" on 30 September 1999 contribution 2 November 2001 to the SICAV by creation of the current subfund absorption 4 November 2002 of the following subfunds: - "Bonds World" subfund of the Maestro Lux SICAV; - "International Bonds" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV absorption 18 August 2003 of the "JPY" subfund of the Generalux SICAV absorption 8 December 2008 of the "Global Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

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Bond World 2001

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 85% of its assets in domestic and international bonds and other negotiable debt securities whose original issue was prior to 1 March 2001 or for which the original issue prospectuses were approved before that date by the competent authorities on condition that there was no new issue of these negotiable debt securities after 1 March 2002, if they were issued by a government or similar entity, acting as authority or whose role is recognized by an international treaty and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. If they have been issued by any other issuer, the subfund will not invest in the new issues of these securities made after 1 March 2002. Investments made in convertible bonds or bonds with options may not exceed 25% of the assets. It may also invest a maximum of 15% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in shares and other equity securities of any kind do not exceed 10% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 7,39% 0,46% -3,20% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0172350877 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0172351099 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,14% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

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In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 1 September 2003. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : absorption 8 December 2008 of the "2001 Euro Bond Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

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Bond World Emerging

Investment policy General information The "emerging markets" concept is a positive one, implying stronger growth than that expected for developed countries, bringing with it considerably enhanced investment opportunities and higher potential returns. Emerging countries are those that are undergoing economic liberalisation, establishing financial markets and developing the technological capabilities that are necessary to generate sustainable economic growth. Looking at the social and macroeconomic factors – GDP per capita, economic growth, level of foreign debt, return on capital invested, level of education, life expectancy, etc. – as a whole, the emerging markets and countries can be considered as a group that is developing along very similar lines. Some of the emerging markets present investors with an attractive opportunity for diversification with their potential for growth, an economic cycle different from that of the OECD countries and, in the opinion of the manager, a level of risk that is acceptable at the present time. For the purposes of this subfund, the following are considered as emerging markets: Korea, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Turkey, and all countries that are not part of the OECD. Investment policy and objective This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets bonds and debt securities in emerging countries as defined above as well as in companies who have their registered offices or conduct a significant portion of their business in these countries and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. In order to reduce risk, the Company and the manager will adopt a diversification strategy for this subfund: * In terms of geographical region, investments will be limited to a maximum of 25% of its net asset value per country, with an overall maximum of: - 100% in securities denominated in major currencies, - 70% in securities denominated in local currencies, - 10% in notes and warrants on debt securities. * To reduce interest rate risk, the subfund may reduce its exposure either by selling futures on U.S. Treasury debt securities, particularly for hedging its exposure to fixed-rate "emerging country" debt denominated in USD, or by entering into a 4-stage transaction consisting of (I) borrowing securities (via a repurchase agreement) for a given period and accepting physical delivery, (II) selling these securities, (III) repurchasing them afterwards in order to then (IV) return the borrowed securities to the original lender. Nevertheless, these transactions entered into for hedging purposes shall not result in a reduction or increase of the investment ratios calculated for the subfund. The risk of a transaction of this type is the inverse of the price difference between U.S. Treasury debt securities and "emerging country" debt denominated in U.S. dollars ("country spread" increase). Since the subfund’s currency is the US dollar, the subfund may hedge against other currencies through the use of forward transactions or options. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

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Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -23,51% 2,97% 11,95% Classic H EUR NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I -22,73% 4,06% 13,05% IH EUR -20,76% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0081707894 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0081707464 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0293287065 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0293287222 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH EUR 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,17% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" and "I" classes it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none

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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 6 October 1997 under the name "G-Bond Fund-G-World Emerging Bond". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "IH EUR" class was launched on 1 April 2007. The "Classic H EUR" class was launched on 1 April 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of USD 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Bond World Emerging" subfund current name first applied on 30 September 1999

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Bond World Emerging Local

Investment policy General information The concept of "emerging markets" is a positive one, implying stronger growth than that expected for developed countries, bringing with it considerably enhanced investment opportunities and higher potential returns. Emerging countries are those that are undergoing economic liberalisation, establishing financial markets and developing the technological capabilities that are necessary to generate sustainable economic growth. Looking at the social and macroeconomic factors – GDP per capita, economic growth, level of foreign debt, return on capital invested, level of education, life expectancy, etc. – as a whole, the emerging markets and countries can be considered as a group that is developing along very similar lines. Some of the emerging markets present investors with an attractive opportunity for diversification with their potential for growth, an economic cycle different from that of the OECD countries and a level of risk that is acceptable at the present time. For the purposes of this subfund, the following are considered as emerging markets: Korea, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Turkey, and all countries that are not part of the OECD. Investment policy and objective This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in bonds and debt securities in emerging countries as defined above as well as in companies that have registered offices or conduct a majority of their business activities in these countries and will try to benefit from the fluctuation of the currencies in these countries and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets. In order to reduce risk, the Company and the manager will adopt a diversification strategy for this subfund: * In terms of geographical region, investments will be limited to a maximum of 25% of its net asset value per country, with an overall maximum of: - 100% in securities denominated in local currencies, - 70% in securities denominated in major currencies. * To reduce interest rate risk, the subfund may reduce its exposure either by selling futures on U.S. Treasury debt securities, particularly for hedging its exposure to fixed-rate "emerging country" debt denominated in USD, or by entering into a 4-stage transaction consisting of (I) borrowing securities (via a repurchase agreement) for a given period and accepting physical delivery, (II) selling these securities, (III) repurchasing them afterwards in order to then (IV) return the borrowed securities to the original lender. Nevertheless, these transactions entered into for hedging purposes shall not result in a reduction or increase of the investment ratios calculated for the subfund. The risk of a transaction of this type is the inverse of the price difference between U.S. Treasury debt securities and "emerging country" debt denominated in U.S. dollars ("country spread" increase). Since the subfund’s currency is the US dollar, the subfund may hedge against other currencies through the use of forward transactions or options. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

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Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -8,75% 17,49% NA Classic H EUR NA NA NA Classic H PLN NA NA NA UK 26,20% NA NA I -7,85% 18,82% NA IH EUR NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0251280011 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0251280102 "Classic-Distribution" LU0372942689 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372943497 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0372944032 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H PLN” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372944545 "Classic H PLN-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% Classic H PLN 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,17% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% IH EUR 0,60% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,17% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none Classic H PLN 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. PLN, reference currency of the "Classic H PLN" class. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic H PLN" class it is also calculated in PLN. In the "UK" and "I" classes it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market.

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Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 10 May 2006. The "UK" class was launched on 6 November 2006. The “P” class was launched on 13 May 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "Classic H PLN" class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set in PLN at the equivalent of USD 100.00 per share. The "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes were launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAVs will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "Classic-QD" class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Commodity World

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Commodity World

Investment policy Within the limits authorised in Appendix 1 of the Full Prospectus, this subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in derivative financial instruments on financial indexes for raw materials and in transferable securities linked to raw materials price trends and in money market instruments and deposits with first-class financial institutions. The subfund's objective is to provide shareholders a return comparable to the Dow Jones-AIG TR Commodity Index, an index representing the overall trend of commodities prices, combining all sectors. Under no circumstances will the subfund acquire raw materials or certificates representing raw materials and the investments in UCITS and UCI will not represent more than 10% of the subfund's net assets. Derivative financial instruments used within the limits defined in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus will be futures and swaps contracts. The exposure to the Dow Jones-AIG TR Commodity Index or to any other indices representing the overall trend of commodities prices, combining all sectors, via derivative instruments may vary between 0 and 100% of the subfund’s net assets. The weighting of indices chosen may lead to a significant concentration of exposure in a more volatile business sector and thus present greater risk for investors.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -35,00% 28,10% NA Classic H EUR NA NA NA I -34,33% 29,55% -14,09% IH EUR -36,36% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0225185429 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0229438048 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0293288204 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0293288543 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% IH EUR 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none

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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "I" class only on 27 July 2005. The "Classic" class was launched on 13 February 2006. The "IH EUR" class was launched on 1 October 2006. The "Classic H EUR" class was launched on 1 April 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of USD 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Asia Emerging

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Equity Asia Emerging

Investment policy General information The "emerging markets" concept is a positive one, implying stronger growth than that expected for developed countries, bringing with it considerably enhanced investment opportunities and higher potential returns. Emerging countries are those that are undergoing economic liberalisation, establishing financial markets and developing the technological capabilities that are necessary to generate sustainable economic growth. Looking at the social and macroeconomic factors – GDP per capita, economic growth, level of foreign debt, return on capital invested, level of education, life expectancy, etc. – as a whole, the emerging markets and countries can be considered as a group that is developing along very similar lines. Some of the emerging markets present investors with an attractive opportunity for diversification with their potential for growth, an economic cycle different from that of the OECD countries and, in the opinion of the manager, a level of risk that is acceptable at the present time. For this subfund, the concept of emerging countries includes Korea, as well as all Asian countries that are not part of the OECD. Investment policy and objective This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in emerging countries in Asia as defined above, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution, in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377072284 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377072441 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Asia Emerging

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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "Asian Tigers Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Asia ex-Japan

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Equity Asia ex-Japan

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct a majority of their business activities in Asia (except for Japan) and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -52,45% 34,33% 23,19% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0185158069 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0185158226 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 25 March 2004 under the name "Equity Asia". The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : current name first applied on 1 July 2008

FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Asia ex-Japan

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Equity Best Selection Asia ex-Japan

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of a limited number of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Asia (except for Japan) and that are characterised by the quality of their financial structure and/or their potential for earnings growth, and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -57,45% 51,12% 40,41% I -57,08% 52,52% 41,84% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0095489554 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0095490057 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Asia ex-Japan

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 15 March 1999 under the name "Interselex-Equity Best Selection Asia". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Equity Best Selection Asia". The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis L Fund Equity Best Selection Asia" on 30 September 1999 absorption 20 June 2001 of the "Asia Pacific Region Fund" subfund of the Banque Belge Asset Management Fund SICAV absorption 4 November 2002 of the Fortis Azie Fonds Best Selection SICAV current name first applied on 1 July 2008

FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Euro

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Equity Best Selection Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities issued or quoted in euros representing equity in the capital of a limited number of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and are characterised by the quality of their financial structure and/or potential for earnings growth. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -40,28% 5,76% 16,86% UK NA NA NA I -39,64% 6,95% 18,07% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0090548479 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0090547315 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Euro

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 31 August 1998 under the name "Interselex-Equity Best Selection Euro". The "I" and "P" classes were launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. Historical information : actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 12 February 2007 of the "Equity Factor 1.3 Euro" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Europe

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Equity Best Selection Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of a limited number of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and are characterised by the quality of their financial structure and/or potential for earnings growth. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -39,79% 0,63% 13,93% UK NA NA NA I -39,17% 1,79% 15,06% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0191755619 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0191755882 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Europe

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 14 May 2004. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : absorption 5 May 2008 of the "Opportunities Income Europe" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Europe ex-UK

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Equity Best Selection Europe ex-UK

Investment policy This subfund primarily invests its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of a limited number of companies based in Europe excluding the United Kingdom that are characterised by the quality of their financial structure and/or their potential for earnings growth and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also, on an ancillary basis, invest in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -37,64% 1,06% NA UK NA NA NA I -36,95% 2,28% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0251282579 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0251282736 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Europe ex-UK

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 26 April 2006. The "UK" class was launched on 6 November 2006. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : 2

FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Japan

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Equity Best Selection Japan

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of a limited number of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Japan and that are characterised by the quality of their financial structure and/or their potential for earnings growth and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4 Class 3 for the EUR investor

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -51,97% -9,45% -10,79% Classic H EUR NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I -51,45% -8,46% -9,88% IH EUR NA NA NA P -52,20% -10,14% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0194602230 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0194602404 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372945781 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0372945948 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Japan

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Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% IH EUR 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : JPY, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in JPY, EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market.

FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection Japan

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Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes on 29 June 2004. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "IH EUR" class was launched on 1 October 2006. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. This class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. Historical information : absorption 13 July 2009 of the "Opportunities Japan" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection USA

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Equity Best Selection USA

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of a limited number of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the United States and that are characterised by the quality of their financial structure and/or their potential for earnings growth and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -40,71% 10,28% 14,50% UK NA NA NA I -40,12% 11,50% 15,69% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0092590669 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0092590230 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 3 November 1998 under the name "Interselex-Equity Best Selection USA". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of USD 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : current name first applied on 30 September 1999

FORTIS L FUND Equity Best Selection World

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Equity Best Selection World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of a limited number of companies that are characterised by the quality of their financial structure and/or their potential for positive earnings growth and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -41,37% 5,05% 5,62% I -40,73% 6,23% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0086352696 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0086352423 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "I" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 6 April 1998 under the name "Interselex Equity-Interselex Equity Best Selection World". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Global Equity Growth Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : transformation into "Interselex-Equity Best Selection World" on 4 May 1998 actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Global Equity Growth Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV absorption 13 July 2009 of the "Equity Small Caps World" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Biotechnology World

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Equity Biotechnology World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the biotechnology sector and in related or connected sectors and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -17,61% -7,83% -9,82% UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0086351706 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0086350724 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 6 April 1998 under the name "Interselex Equity-Interselex Equity BioTechnology" subfund. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "R" class was launched on 11 December 2006 by absorption of the "Biopharma Fund" subfund of the Tonic Sector Fund SICAV. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : Transformation into "Interselex-Equity BioTechnology" subfund on 4 May 1998 actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 11 December 2006 of the "Biopharma Fund" subfund of the Tonic Sector Fund SICAV absorption 5 May 2008 of the "R" by the "Classic" class of the subfund

FORTIS L FUND Equity Brazil

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Equity Brazil

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Brazil, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 6

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377073415 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377073761 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Brazil

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B" as well as "I" classes of the "Brazil Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The UK class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity China

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Equity China

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. The subfund is allowed to invest up to 10% of its assets in type "A" shares listed on the Shanghai or Shenzhen markets and that are theoretically reserved for private Chinese investors. Risks Risks linked to emerging markets: The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Risks lined to investments in China: Investments in China involve risks linked to restrictions imposed on foreign investors, counterparties, higher market volatility as well as risk of lack of liquidity in certain lines of the porfoliio. Consequently, certain shares may not be eligible for the subfund due the number of authorised foreign shareholders or because the permitted total investment by foreign shareholders has already been reached. In addition, the repatriation overseas of foreign investors' net profits, capital and dividends may be restricted or require the agreement of the government concerned. The Company will invest only if it considers that the restrictions are acceptable. However, no guarantee can be given that additional restrictions will not be imposed in the future.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -56,75% 56,54% 49,32% UK -40,27% NA NA I -53,33% NA NA P -57,06% 55,70% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0076717171 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0076717502 "Classic-Distribution"

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Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR, USD and JPY every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market.

FORTIS L FUND Equity China

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Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 9 June 1997 under the name "Interselex Equity-Interselex Greater China". The "I" and "P" classes were launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Equity Greater China". The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005 under the name "Fortis L Fund Equity Greater China". Historical information : transformation into "Interselex-Equity Greater China" on 4 May 1998 renamed "Fortis L Fund Equity Greater China" on 30 September 1999 current name first applied on 1 July 2008 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "China Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Clean Tech World

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Equity Clean Tech World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that are actively involved in the protection of the environment and innovative in the sectors of renewable and clean energies, clean transportation, clean water and other clean goods and services. Among the sectors the subfund invests in are water, solar and wind power, biofuels, fuel cells and agriculture. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

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Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR, SEK and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Clean Tech Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "Green Future" subfund of the SICAV on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Equity Consumer Durables Europe

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Equity Consumer Durables Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and that operate in the sectors of durable consumer goods, leisure and media, and in related or connected sectors. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -41,00% -0,81% 18,66% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0123340951 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0123341256 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 12 March 2001. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Consumer Durables World

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Equity Consumer Durables World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the sectors of durable consumer goods, leisure and media, and in related or connected sectors and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -38,86% -9,15% 4,06% UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0097714413 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0097714504 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 17 May 1999 under the name "Interselex-Equity Leisure & Media". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis L Fund-Equity Leisure & Media World" on 30 September 1999 current name first applied on 4 November 2002 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Durable & Luxury Goods Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Consumer Goods Europe

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Equity Consumer Goods Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and that operate in the consumer goods sector and in related or connected sectors. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -33,27% 13,04% 19,74% I NA NA NA P -33,74% NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0119118205 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0119119195 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 12 March 2001. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00. The "P" class was launched on 10 May 2007. Historical information : none

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Equity Consumer Goods World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the consumer goods sector and in related or connected sectors and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -22,95% 5,57% 5,77% UK NA NA NA I -53,64% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0080609679 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0080609240 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 15 September 1997 under the name "G-Equity Fund-G-Consumer Goods Equity". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Equity Consumer Goods" subfund actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 3 November 2003 of the "Equity Shopping World" and "Equity Prestige World" subfunds of the SICAV absorption 17 November 2008 of the "A" class of the "Consumer Goods Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Energy Europe

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Equity Energy Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and that operate in the energy sector and in related or connected sectors. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -49,10% 15,26% 16,44% I -48,56% 16,48% 17,64% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0123341413 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0123341504 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 13 February 2001. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Energy World

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Equity Energy World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or units representing shares in the capital of companies conducting business in the energy sector and associated or connected sectors, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -47,69% 44,21% 9,21% UK NA NA NA I -47,15% 45,83% NA P -48,10% 43,26% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0080608945 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0080608788 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 15 September 1997 under the name "G-Equity Fund-G-Basic Industries Equity". The "I" and "P" classes were launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund-Equity Resources World". The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005 under the name "Fortis L Fund-Equity Resources World". Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Equity Basic Industries" subfund renamed "Fortis L Fund-Equity Leisure & Media World" on 30 September 1999 renamed "Fortis L Fund-Equity Resources World" on 1 October 2006 current name first applied on 1 July 2008 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Energy Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV


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Equity Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities issued or quoted in euros representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -44,16% 8,64% 17,71% UK NA NA NA I -43,54% 9,81% 18,82% ASR -43,32% 10,25% 19,30% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0087045034 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0087045117 "Classic-Distribution" LU0176506706 "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,20% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,075% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none


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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 4 May 1998 under the name "Interselex-Equity Euro". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "ASR" class was launched on 29 September 2005. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 2 November 2001 of the "Equity Belgium" subfund of the Fortis L Universal Fund SICAV absorption 4 November 2002 of the "Equity High Yield Euro" subfund of the SICAV absorption 3 November 2003 of the "Equity France", "Equity Germany", "Equity Greece", "Equity Italy" and "Equity Spain" subfunds of the SICAV absorption 13 July 2009 of the "Equity Fundamental 130/30 Euro" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Europe

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Equity Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -45,96% 3,36% 14,86% I -45,39% 4,46% 15,99% ASR -45,19% 4,88% 16,43% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-New Distri", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0010012721 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0034877331 "Classic-Distribution" LU0176506888 "Classic-New Distri"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,20% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,075% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 15 September 1987 under the name "Interselex Europa". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "Classic-New Distri" class was launched on 3 November 2003. The "ASR" class was launched on 29 September 2005. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Europe Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Equity Europe" subfund actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 2 November 2001 of the "Equity Europe" subfund of the Fortis L Universal Fund SICAV absorption 18 August 2003 of the "Growth Europe" subfund of the General Management SICAV absorption 3 November 2003 of the "Equity Scandic", "Equity UK", "Equity Switzerland" and "Equity Europe Opportunities" subfund of the SICAV absorption 28 November 2005 of the Eufinvest SICAV absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Europe Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Europe Emerging

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Equity Europe Emerging

Investment policy General information The "emerging markets" concept is a positive one, implying stronger growth than that expected for developed countries, bringing with it considerably enhanced investment opportunities and higher potential returns. Emerging countries are those that are undergoing economic liberalisation, establishing financial markets and developing the technological capabilities that are necessary to generate sustainable economic growth. Looking at the social and macroeconomic factors – GDP per capita, economic growth, level of foreign debt, return on capital invested, level of education, life expectancy, etc. – as a whole, the emerging markets and countries can be considered as a group that is developing along very similar lines. Some of the emerging markets present investors with an attractive opportunity for diversification with their potential for growth, an economic cycle different from that of the OECD countries and, in the opinion of the manager, a level of risk that is acceptable at the present time. For the purposes of this subfund, the following are considered as emerging markets: Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Turkey, and all European countries that are not part of the OECD. Investment policy and objective This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in emerging countries in Europe as defined above, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 6

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -67,13% 20,86% 25,22% UK NA NA NA I -66,79% 21,88% 26,22% P -67,38% 19,97% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

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Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0088339741 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0088340160 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

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Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes it is also calculated in PLN. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 1 June 1998 under the name "Interselex-Equity Europe Emerging" subfund. The "I" and "P" classes were launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. Historical information : actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Eastern Europe Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Finance Europe

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Equity Finance Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and that operate in the financial sector and in related or connected sectors. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -56,46% -12,85% 19,83% I -56,01% -11,86% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0119119351 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0119119781 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 7 December 2000. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Finance World

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Equity Finance World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the financial sector and in related or connected sectors and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -63,31% -12,19% 9,95% UK NA NA NA I -62,94% -11,60% 11,56% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0076549012 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0076548550 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 12 May 1997 under the name "G-Equity Fund-G-Finance Equity". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class was launched on 13 May 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Equity Finance" subfund actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Financials Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Fundamental 130/30 Euro

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Equity Fundamental 130/30 Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the eurozone. The process of selecting these shares is based on a quantitative model developed by our management teams, that enables the economic value of the companies to be evaluated. Fundamental criteria of financial analysis (for example, sales volume, amount of dividends distributed, capital revenue, and operating income) are used to determine the proportion of shares in the portfolio. By combining long and short positions/investments, the subfund strives to achieve a risk profile normally limiting exposure to +/- 100% of its net assets. Short positions are achieved by using derivative financial instruments. To do this, it follows the investment policy defined below: In practice, the subfund's objective is to invest on average the equivalent of approximately 130% of its net assets in long positions and approximately 30% of its net assets in short positions or to obtain equivalent exposures by using special techniques and instruments bearing on transferable securities and money market instruments as shown in Appendix 1 of the Full Prospectus. The objective is to obtain exposure of 130% of the assets in long positions and 30% of the assets in short positions. The subfund may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. The net total of the long and short positions outside the eurozone will not exceed 20% of the assets. These derivatives will be used within the limits and conditions specified in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro may not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -45,66% NA NA I -45,10% NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0291274099 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0291274685 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,20% 0,01%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

I Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 28 March 2007 Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "Equity Euro" subfund of the SICAV on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Equity Germany

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Equity Germany

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Germany, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377077325 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377077838 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Equity Germany

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "P" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B" as well as "D" classes of the "Germany Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "I" class was launched on 24 November 2008.The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Gradual Accumulation World

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Equity Gradual Accumulation World

Investment policy The mission of the subfund is to invest progressively in equities with the aim to be fully invested in equities by the end of the year 2011. Therefore the subfund will start to be mainly invested in short term investment grade fixed income instruments and will gradually increase the allocation to equities in each subsequent quarter. In general, the subfund will be fully invested in equities at the end of 2011, after having increased the equity exposure each quarter by equal amounts and by decreasing the investments in fixed income instruments. Although the equity investments will gradually increase over time, the subfund can implement an active asset allocation overlay strategy depending on financial market movements and on the manager's expectations. For the equity investments, the subfund will invest in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of a limited number of companies that are characterised by the quality of their financial structure and/or their potential for positive earnings growth and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. All equity investments are transferable securities issued on international markets. Investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0426819974 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0426820048 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,17% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Equity Gradual Accumulation World

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : Launch of the "Classic" and "P" classes from 15 to 31 July 2009 at the price of EUR 100.00 per share. The first NAV will be calculated on 4 August 2009. Initial subscriptions will be paid for 5 August 2009. The “I” class will be launched on 31 July 2009.The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Growth Europe

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Equity Growth Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that are active in sectors that seem to have greater-than-average potential for growth, relatively stable growth in profits and that have their registered offices in or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. When deciding on allocations and selecting securities, the manager will seek to diversify exposure to different countries, sectors and issuers in order to reduce risk. The subfund may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0375761581 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0375761664 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Equity Growth Europe

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched on 28 August 2008 in the "Classic-Distribution" by contribution of the "ABN AMRO Trans Europe Fund" subfund of the Dutch law SICAV ABN AMRO Equity Umbrella Fund N.V. The "Classic-Capitalisation", "I" and "P" classes were launched on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A", "I" and "D" class of the "Europe Equity Growth Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : none


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Equity Growth USA

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other units representing equity in the capital of companies that are active in sectors that seem to have greater-than-average potential for growth, relatively stable growth in profits and that have their registered offices in or conduct the majority of their business in the United States, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. When deciding on allocations and selecting securities, the manager will seek to diversify exposure to different sectors and issuers in order to reduce risk. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of the assets, those in other UCITS or UCI 5% of the assets, and those on Canadian markets 10% of the assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H EUR NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH EUR NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377078216 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377078646 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377079297 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0377079537 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code



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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% IH EUR 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none


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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B"; "I" as well as "D" classes of the "US Equity Growth Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes were launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAVs will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "UK" class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Health Care Europe

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Equity Health Care Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the healthcare sector and in related or connected sectors that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -23,60% -3,20% 11,33% I -22,82% -2,18% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0119119864 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0119120441 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 23 November 2000 under the name "Fortis L Fund Equity Pharma Europe". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : current name first applied on 1 July 2008

FORTIS L FUND Equity Health Care World

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Equity Health Care World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the healthcare sector and in related or connected sectors and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -19,64% -4,79% -7,77% UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0074280149 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0074280222 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Health Care World

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 17 March 1997 under the name "G-Equity Fund-G-Pharmaceuticals Equity". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Equity Pharma World". The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005 under the name "Fortis L Fund Equity Pharma World". The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Europe Equity Fund". Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Equity Pharmaceutical" subfund renamed "Fortis L Fund Equity Pharma World" on 30 September 1999 current name first applied on 1 July 2008 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Health Care Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity High Dividend Europe

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Equity High Dividend Europe

Investment policy Until 31 July 2009: This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or units representing the equity capital of companies based in a Member State of the European Community whose dividend payments are higher than the European market average. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. From 1 August 2009: This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe and whose dividend return is greater than the average of the European market, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -45,39% NA NA UK NA NA NA I -44,80% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0317292893 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0317293511 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 28 September 2007. The “UK” class was launched on 2 November 2007. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Europe High Dividend Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Europe High Dividend Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity High Dividend Pacific

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Equity High Dividend Pacific

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the Pacific region and whose dividend return is greater than the average of the Pacific market, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377081350 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377081780 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B" as well as "I" classes of the "Asia Pacific High Dividend Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The UK class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity High Dividend USA

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Equity High Dividend USA

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the United States and whose dividend return is greater than the market average of the United States, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H EUR NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH EUR NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377083059 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377083307 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377083646 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0377084024 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% IH EUR 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none

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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "Classic H EUR", "I" and "P" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A"; "AH (EUR)" and "BH (EUR)"; "I" as well as "D" classes of the "US Equity Select Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "IH EUR" class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "UK" class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity High Dividend World

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Equity High Dividend World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies whose dividend return is greater than the market average, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of the assets, the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5% of the assets, and those in emerging markets do not exceed 20% of the assets. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA UK NA NA NA UKH NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH USD NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377085773 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377086078 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377086318 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0377086748 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Shares – “UKH” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UKH 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% IH USD 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none UKH 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" and "UKH" classes. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD".

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Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" and "UKH" classes it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "Classic H USD" and "I" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B"; "AH (USD)" and "BH (USD)" classes as well as "I" classes of the "Global High Dividend Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "UK" class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The “IH USD” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "UKH" class will be launched at a price of GBP 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity India

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Equity India

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in India, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 6

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377088363 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377088959 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B"; "I" as well as "D" classes of the "India Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The UK class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Indonesia

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Equity Indonesia

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Indonesia and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 6 Class 5 for the EUR investor

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -61,16% NA NA I -60,81% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0291299674 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0291300191 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 28 March 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of USD 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Industrials Europe

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Equity Industrials Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and that operate in the industrial sector and in related or connected sectors. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -50,26% 6,31% 23,63% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0123168287 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0123168527 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 2 February 2001. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Industrials World

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Equity Industrials World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the industrial sector and in related or connected sectors, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377089841 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377090187 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Industrials Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "I" class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The “UK” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Japan

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Equity Japan

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Japan and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. The assets thus described will primarily be invested in JPY.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -46,56% -11,81% -2,01% Classic H EUR NA NA NA UK -7,46% NA NA I -45,98% -10,94% -1,08% IH EUR NA NA NA ASR -45,78% -10,58% -0,70% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0116160622 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0116161190 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372947134 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0372947480 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,20% 0,01% IH EUR 0,40% none none 0,20% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,075% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : JPY, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in JPY, EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP.

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Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 16 May 1999 under the name "Fortis Fund-Equity Pacific", renamed "Fortis L Universal Fund-Equity Pacific" on 30 September 1999. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "ASR" class was launched on 29 September 2005. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The “IH EUR” class was launched on 1 October 2006. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. This class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Japan Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : contribution 02 November 2001 to the SICAV by creation of the current subfund absorption 21 May 2004 of the Fortis Japan Fonds S.A. sicaf absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Japan Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Latin America

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Equity Latin America

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Latin America and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 6 Class 5 for the EUR investor

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -58,90% 44,61% 41,00% I -58,51% 45,82% 42,07% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0109013671 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0109013754 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 17 April 2000. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Latin America Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Latin America Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Materials Europe

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Equity Materials Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and that operate in the materials sector (e.g. among others, building and packaging materials, base chemicals, metals, forestry, paper etc.) and related or connected sectors. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -54,08% 21,17% 30,42% I -53,60% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0123341769 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0123342064 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 13 February 2001. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Materials World

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Equity Materials World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the materials sector (e.g. among others, in building and packaging materials, base chemicals, metals, forestry, paper etc.) and related or connected sectors, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377091409 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377091748 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B" classes of the "Materials Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The “UK” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Middle East and Africa

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Equity Middle East and Africa

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Africa and in the Middle-East, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0374254786 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0374254869 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

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In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : This subfund will be launched at a date yet to be determined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this subfund. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Netherlands

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Equity Netherlands

Investment policy This subfund invests primarily in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of Dutch companies and in any other transferable securities that have Dutch companies as their basis and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest in convertible bonds and, on an ancillary basis, in warrants on equities issued by Dutch companies or that have Dutch companies as their basis. Investments in debt securities of any kind may not represent more than 15% of its assets and those in other UCITS or UCI 10% of its assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -50,16% 3,78% 14,52% I NA NA NA ASR -49,47% 5,20% 16,12% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-New Distri", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0043962355 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0043962199 "Classic-Distribution" LU0270761140 "Classic-New Distri"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,20% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,075% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 1 March 1993 under the name "G-Equity Fund-G-Dutch Equity". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "ASR" class was launched on 29 September 2005. The "Classic-New Distri" was launched on 1 October 2006. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Equity Netherlands" subfund current name first applied on 30 September 1999

FORTIS L FUND Equity Pacific ex-Japan

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Equity Pacific ex-Japan

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the Pacific (ex Japan) region and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -49,46% 28,32% 21,29% I -49,15% 29,14% 23,45% ASR -48,75% 30,10% 24,33% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0230103136 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0230103300 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Pacific ex-Japan

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,20% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,075% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "ASR" classes on 29 September 2005 under the name "Equity Pacific". The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : current name first applied on 1 July 2008

FORTIS L FUND Equity Russia

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Equity Russia

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Russia and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 6

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -72,00% NA NA UK NA NA NA I -71,71% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0269742168 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0269742325 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1.50% + 0.25% a year for the

investment adviser

none none 0,25% 0,05%

UK 1.50% + 0.25% a year for the

investment adviser

none none 0,25% 0,05%

I 0.55% + 0.25% a year for the

investment adviser

none none 0,20% 0,01%

P 1.50% + 0.25% a year for the

investment adviser

none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Russia

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Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 February 2007. The "UK" class was launched on 30 March 2007. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Russia Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Russia Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Small Caps Europe

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Equity Small Caps Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe and that have a small market capitalisation (less than EUR 3.5 billion) and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks Smaller companies may find themselves unable to generate new funds to support their growth and development, they may lack vision in management, or they may develop products for new, uncertain markets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -56,60% -2,18% 35,72% UK NA NA NA I -56,22% -1,34% 37,00% P -56,95% -2,74% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0076590677 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0076590321 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 26 May 1997 under the name "Interselex Equity-Interselex European Small Caps". The "I" and "P" classes were launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. Historical information : transformation into "Interselex-Equity Small Caps Europe" on 4 May 1998 actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 3 November 2003 of the "Equity New Market Europe" subfund of the SICAV absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Small Companies Europe Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Small Caps Japan

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Equity Small Caps Japan

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Japan and that have a small market capitalisation (less than JPY 200 billion) and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. Risks Smaller companies may find themselves unable to generate new funds to support their growth and development, they may lack vision in management, or they may develop products for new, uncertain markets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -37,18% NA NA Classic H EUR NA NA NA I -36,58% NA NA IH EUR NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0230102161 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0230102328 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372947720 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0372948371 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% IH EUR 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : JPY, currency of expression of the subfund. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in JPY, EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 13 February 2007. The "IH EUR" class was launched on 13 February 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. This class was launched on 1 July 2008.The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of JPY 10,000.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Small Caps USA

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Equity Small Caps USA

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the United States and that have a small market capitalisation (less than USD 2 billion) and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks Smaller companies may find themselves unable to generate new funds to support their growth and development, they may lack vision in management, or they may develop products for new, uncertain markets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -37,52% 17,15% 13,95% Classic H EUR NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I -36,94% 18,20% 15,74% IH EUR NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0126173995 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0126173136 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0293286687 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0293286844 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% IH EUR 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market.

FORTIS L FUND Equity Small Caps USA

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Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 20 December 1985 under the name "DP America Growth Fund N.V.", a Netherlands Antilles company, renamed "Fortis Amerika Fonds Small Caps N.V." on 24 November 1998. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The “IH EUR” class was launched on 1 October 2008.The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "UK" class was launched on 6 November 2006. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "Classic H EUR" class was launched on 1 April 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of USD 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : Transformation 16 October 2000 into a Luxembourg SICAV (Part I of the Law of 30 March 1988) contribution on 19 March 2001 to the SICAV by creation of the current subfund absorption 12 February 2007 of the "Classic" class of the "Equity Mid Caps USA" and "Equity Nasdaq" subfunds of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Small Caps World

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Equity Small Caps World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have a stock market capitalisation of less than: - 2 billion USD for companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the United States, - 3.5 billion EUR for companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe, - 200 billion JPY for companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Japan, - 3 billion USD for other companies. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. Risks Smaller companies may find themselves unable to generate new funds to support their growth and development, they may lack vision in management, or they may develop products for new, uncertain markets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -49,12% -3,06% NA I -48,65% -3,23% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0230100975 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0230101601 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

I Subscriptions are no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 25 September 2006 Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "Equity Best Selection World" subfund of the SICAV on 13 July 2009.


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Equity SRI Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. The subfund follows a "Best in Class +" process. The issuers whose practices are considered as the Best in their Class are judged on the basis of specific criteria in regard to environmental and social conduct and corporate governance. The subfund will also select (1) issuers whose products and services contribute to resolving problems linked to the environment and sustainable development, and (2) issuers whose products and services will have positive and sustainable impacts on the environment and the social climate. This justifies the "+" in the Best in Class approach. The research process and methodology are validated by an independent committee of experts (the "Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee") that is composed as described in Book I of the Full Prospectus. The SRI Advisory Committee will produce at least one report per year on the SRI process in terms of robustness, pertinence and integrity. The subfund will contribute to remunerating this committee.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -46,17% 1,40% 17,14% I -46,61% 2,48% 18,28% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0082276915 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0082276832 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 17 November 1997 under the name "Interselex Equity-Interselex Euro Job". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : transformation into "Interselex-Equity Euro Job" subfund on 4 May 1998, and then into "Fortis L Fund-Equity Euro Job" subfund on 30 September 1999 renamed "Fortis L Fund Equity Socially Responsible Europe" on 15 March 2002 current name first applied on 1 October 2006


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Equity SRI World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. The subfund follows a "Best in Class +" process. The issuers whose practices are considered as the Best in their Class are judged on the basis of specific criteria in regard to environmental and social conduct and corporate governance. The subfund will also select (1) issuers whose products and services contribute to resolving problems linked to the environment and sustainable development, and (2) issuers whose products and services will have positive and sustainable impacts on the environment and the social climate. This justifies the "+" in the Best in Class approach. The research process and methodology are validated by an independent committee of experts (the "Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee") that is composed as described in Book I of the Full Prospectus. The SRI Advisory Committee will produce at least one report per year on the SRI process in terms of robustness, pertinence and integrity. The subfund will contribute to remunerating this committee.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377094254 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377094684 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "I" classes of the "Sustainable Global Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Technology Europe

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Equity Technology Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and that operate in the technology sector and in related or connected sectors. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -46,19% -14,04% 3,29% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0119121928 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0119122496 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Equity Technology Europe

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 30 November 2000. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Technology World

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Equity Technology World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the technology sector and in related or connected sectors and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -44,52% 8,07% -1,75% UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0076273605 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0076272896 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity Technology World

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 12 May 1997 under the name "G-Equity Fund-G-Technology Equity". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Information Technology Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Equity Technology" subfund actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Information Technology Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Telecom Europe

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Equity Telecom Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and that operate in the telecommunications sector and in related or connected sectors. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -37,48% 14,77% 21,07% I -36,86% 16,00% 22,30% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0119122900 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0119123114 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 12 March 2001. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class was launched on 13 May 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Telecom World

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Equity Telecom World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the telecommunications sector and in related or connected sectors and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -33,10% 12,01% 19,53% UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0074280495 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0074280578 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 17 March 1997 under the name "G-Equity Fund-G-Telecom Equity". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Equity Telecom" subfund actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Telecommunication Services Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity Turkey

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Equity Turkey

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Turkey and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 6

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -63,77% 52,14% -9,91% UK NA NA NA I -63,44% 53,39% -9,14% P -64,02% 50,95% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0212963259 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0212963689 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched on 8 March 2005 in the "I" class and on 11 April 2005 in the "Classic" and "P" classes. The "UK" class was launched on 6 November 2006. Historical information : none


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Equity USA

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the United States and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%. The assets thus described will primarily be invested in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -39,41% 7,18% 13,26% I -38,80% 8,30% 14,34% ASR -38,59% 8,74% 14,77% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0116160465 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0116160549 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,20% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,075% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 10 February 1999 under the name "Fortis Fund-Equity North America". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "ASR" class was launched on 29 September 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of USD 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis L Universal Fund-Equity North America" on 30 September 1999 contribution 2 November 2001 to the SICAV by creation of the current subfund

FORTIS L FUND Equity Utilities Europe

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Equity Utilities Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 75% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices in one of the member states of the European Community and that operate in the sector of local authorities services and in related or connected sectors. It may also invest a maximum of 25% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 10%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -37,21% 16,03% 37,57% I -36,49% 17,21% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0119123387 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0119123460 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 1 February 2001. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Equity Utilities World

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Equity Utilities World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that operate in the local authorities services sector and in related or connected sectors and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -39,16% 28,80% 20,14% UK NA NA NA I -38,51% 30,23% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0103371943 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0103372594 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 11 October 1999. The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Utilities Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity World

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Equity World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -40,59% 1,70% 5,89% UK NA NA NA I -39,91% 2,81% 6,94% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-New Distri", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0072778490 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0072778227 "Classic-Distribution" LU0176507001 "Classic-New Distri"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Equity World

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 29 November 1989 under the name "Interselex World". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "Classic-New Distri" class was launched on 3 November 2003. The “UK” class was launched on 11 August 2008.The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : transformation 4 November 1996 into Interselex Equity, a SICAV with multiple subfunds, "Interselex World" subfund, then into "Interselex-Equity World" on 4 May 1998 actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 20 June 2001 of the "International Equity Fund" subfund of the Banque Belge Asset Management Fund SICAV absorption on 2 November 2001 of the "Equity World" subfund of the Fortis L Universal Fund SICAV absorption 4 November 2002 of the "World" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV absorption 3 November 2003 of the "Equity Multinationals World" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Equity World Emerging

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Equity World Emerging

Investment policy General information The "emerging markets" concept is a positive one, implying stronger growth than that expected for developed countries, bringing with it considerably enhanced investment opportunities and higher potential returns. Emerging countries are those that are undergoing economic liberalisation, establishing financial markets and developing the technological capabilities that are necessary to generate sustainable economic growth. Looking at the social and macroeconomic factors – GDP per capita, economic growth, level of foreign debt, return on capital invested, level of education, life expectancy, etc. – as a whole, the emerging markets and countries can be considered as a group that is developing along very similar lines. Some of the emerging markets present investors with an attractive opportunity for diversification with their potential for growth, an economic cycle different from that of the OECD countries and, in the opinion of the manager, a level of risk that is acceptable at the present time. For the purposes of this subfund, the following are considered as emerging markets: Korea, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Turkey, and all countries that are not part of the OECD. Investment policy and objective This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in emerging countries as defined above, as well as in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -61,32% 41,34% 30,83% UK NA NA NA I -60,95% 42,53% 31,91% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Equity World Emerging

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Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0081707118 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0081706904 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,75% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,22% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP.

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Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 6 October 1997 under the name "G-Equity Fund-G-World Emerging Equity". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "UK" class was launched on 6 November 2006. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : contribution 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Equity World Emerging" subfund actual name on 30 September 1999 absorption 4 November 2002 of the following subfunds: - "Equity Middle East" subfund of the SICAV - "Equity Emerging Economy" subfund of the Maestro Lux SICAV - "Emerging Markets" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Global Asset Opportunities

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 280 / 444

Global Asset Opportunities

Investment policy This subfund invests in various classes of assets chosen using a method of selecting asset classes and strategies based on modelling. The model identifies the classes of assets that are likely to generate positive performance during the next twelve months and uses several factors for selection per class of assets. The model's conclusions are then filtered several times to ensure efficient implementation of the prediction. There is no guarantee that the model will produce positive results. The classes include, among others, negotiable real-estate securities, high-yield bonds, emerging markets equities and bonds, securities linked to commodities, money market instruments, shares and American Treasury bills. Up to 100% of the subfund may be exposed to the money market but its exposure to other classes of assets is limited to 20% per class. The assets may be denominated in any currency. On an ancillary basis, it may also invest up to 10% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, financial derivatives, cash, UCITS or UCI. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377095814 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377096200 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


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Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% see below none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% see below none 0,17% 0,01% P 1,50% see below 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

Comments on the performance commission “Classic” Class : 20% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and a "Hurdle Rate" of 6.50%. This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “I” Class : 20% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and a "Hurdle Rate" of 6.50%. This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “P” Class : 20% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and a "Hurdle Rate" of 6.50%. This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market.

FORTIS L FUND Global Asset Opportunities

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Listing : none Launch date : This subfund will be launched at a date yet to be determined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this subfund. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Green Future

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Green Future

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or units representing shares in the capital of companies whose technologies, products and services bring sustainable development solutions to environmental problems and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Management will favour companies that are developing technologies (solar or wind energy, water filtering and decontamination technologies, biomass technologies, etc.) focusing on the preservation of water, air, soils and biodiversity. In choosing these companies, it will select those that represent the best balance between level of sustainability and risk profile. The research process and methodology are validated by an independent committee of experts (the "Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee") that is composed as described in Book I of the Full Prospectus. The SRI Advisory Committee will produce at least one report per year on the SRI process in terms of robustness, pertinence and integrity. The subfund will contribute to remunerating this committee.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -55,11% 23,38% NA Classic H USD NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I -54,64% 24,69% NA IH USD NA NA NA P -55,45% NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0251281332 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0251281506 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0372946243 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0372946599 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% IH USD 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. In the "UK" and "I" classes it is also calculated in GBP.

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Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 26 April 2006 under the name "Equity Environmental Sustainability World". The "UK" class was launched on 6 November 2006. The "P" class was launched on 10 April 2007. The "Classic H USD" and "IH USD" classes were launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAVs will be set at USD 100.00 per share. Historical information : current name first applied on 1 July 2008 absorption 13 July 2009 of the "Equity Clean Tech World" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Green Tigers

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Green Tigers

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in equities or units representing the capital of companies whose technologies, products and services bring sustainable development solutions to environmental problems in Asia. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%. Management will favour companies that are developing technologies (solar or wind energy, water filtering and decontamination technologies, biomass technologies, etc.) focusing on the preservation of water, air, soils and biodiversity. In choosing these companies, it will select those that represent the best balance between level of sustainability and risk profile. The research process and methodology are validated by an independent committee of experts (the "Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee") that is composed as described in Book I of the Full Prospectus. The SRI Advisory Committee will produce at least one report per year on the SRI process in terms of robustness, pertinence and integrity. The subfund will contribute to remunerating this committee. Starting on August 1, 2009, subfund is allowed to invest up to 10% of its assets in type "A" shares listed on the Shanghai or Shenzhen markets and that are theoretically reserved for private Chinese investors. Risks Risks linked to emerging markets: The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Risks lined to investments in China: Investments in China involve risks linked to restrictions imposed on foreign investors, counterparties, higher market volatility as well as risk of lack of liquidity in certain lines of the porfoliio. Consequently, certain shares may not be eligible for the subfund due the number of authorised foreign shareholders or because the permitted total investment by foreign shareholders has already been reached. In addition, the repatriation overseas of foreign investors' net profits, capital and dividends may be restricted or require the agreement of the government concerned. The Company will invest only if it considers that the restrictions are acceptable. However, no guarantee can be given that additional restrictions will not be imposed in the future.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0374654613 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0374655776 "Classic-Distribution"

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Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,80% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched on 28 July 2008 in the "I" class. The "Classic" class was launched on 20 October 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Inflation World

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Inflation World

Investment policy This subfund's mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose mission in turn is primarily to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in liquidities in order to achieve a return greater than the inflation rate in euros. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. The distribution of investments across different asset classes allows it to protect itself against periods of high inflation and to generate attractive yields when the inflation rate is low or normal. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Under normal conditions, the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: - Equities: 20% - Bonds: 61% - Commodity-related securities: 10% - Real-estate securities: 9% For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. * investments in derivative financial instruments on commodity-related financial indices as well as in transferable securities linked to price changes in commodities. **investments in transferable securities issued by real estate companies or companies operating in sectors linked to real estate (real estate certificates, shares, SICAFI, closed-end REITs, etc.) or in financial instruments representing real estate and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0429159048 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0429159394 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : This subfund will be launched at a date yet to be determined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this subfund. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2015

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Lifecycle 2015

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 7 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377097273 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377097513 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,25% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2015" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2018

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Lifecycle 2018

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377098321 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377098750 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1% when the Target Date is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.25% when the Target Date is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1% when the Target Date is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2018" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008.The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2020

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Lifecycle 2020

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 12 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377099725 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377100242 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1% when the Target Date is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.25% when the Target Date is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1% when the Target Date is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2020" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008.The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2022

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 296 / 444

Lifecycle 2022

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 14 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377101216 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377101562 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2022

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 297 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1% when the Target Date is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.25% when the Target Date is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1% when the Target Date is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2022" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008.The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2025

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 298 / 444

Lifecycle 2025

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 17 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377102610 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377102966 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2025

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 299 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.50% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 0.25% when it is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2025" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2028

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 300 / 444

Lifecycle 2028

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 20 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377103931 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377104236 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2028

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 301 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.50% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 0.25% when it is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2028" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2030

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 302 / 444

Lifecycle 2030

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 22 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377105555 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377105803 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2030

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 303 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.50% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 0.25% when it is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2030" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2032

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 304 / 444

Lifecycle 2032

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 24 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377106793 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377107098 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2032

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 305 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.50% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 0.25% when it is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2032" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2035

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 306 / 444

Lifecycle 2035

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 27 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377108062 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377108229 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2035

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 307 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.50% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 0.25% when it is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2035" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2038

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Lifecycle 2038

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 30 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377109201 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377109540 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2038

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.50% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 0.25% when it is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2038" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2040

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 310 / 444

Lifecycle 2040

Investment policy The "Lifecycle" subfunds have clearly defined target investment dates: 31 January of the year indicated in their name (the "Target date"). They are intended, in particular, for investors who have a specific investment horizon, in the context of retirement plans, for example. Their mission is to invest in bond, equity and money markets, as well as in undertakings for collective investment whose objectives are, essentially, to invest in the above-mentioned classes of assets and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments and derivative financial instruments. The emphasis is on the diversification of investments on an international scale. The risk is closely linked to the percentage of assets invested in the various classes of assets As a general rule, they will adopt a moderately high risk profile at the start of their lifecycle, when the target date is still relatively distant (15 years or more). Subsequently, they will invest progressively in assets that have a lower risk as the target date approaches. To do this, the weighting of the highest risk assets, such as indirect real-estate equities and assets, will be decreased and the portion of bonds and money market instruments will be increased. Starting from the Target Date, they will invest exclusively in money market instruments denominated in euros. In the months following their Target Date, they will merge with the "Short Term Euro" subfund by applying the procedure intended for this purpose in the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 32 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377110639 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377110985 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Lifecycle 2040

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away. “I” Class : This commission will be reduced to 0.50% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 0.25% when it is less than 7 years away. “P” Class : This commission will be reduced to 1.25% when the Target Date is between 7 and 14 years away and to 1% when it is less than 7 years away.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Lifecycle Fund 2040" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Liquid Alpha

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 312 / 444

Liquid Alpha

Investment policy The objective of this subfund is to generate a higher return than its benchmark index, the EONIA (Euro Overnight Index Average, which reflects the weighted average rate of overnight interbank lending transactions in euro) and that is not correlated to equity and bond market performance. To achieve this objective, the subfund may invest in bonds of any kind issued on the international market and denominated in various currencies, in deposits and money market instruments and in derivative financial instruments. In addition, at all times, the subfund has an exposure linked to the performance of the “Sigma Liquid Alpha Index Excess Return USD Index”(1), (2) via over-the-counter derivative financial instruments subject to the restrictions in appendix 1. This index is constructed to reflect the "Excess Return" performance of an investment strategy(3) combining (i) a synthetic "Long" position linked to a portfolio of dynamically managed equities known as a "Long" portfolio, and (ii) a synthetic "Short" position linked to a dynamically managed equities known as a "Short" portfolio, after the deduction of the respective holding and rebalancing costs of each of these two positions and the expenses related to index management. Equities placed in the long portfolio as well those placed in the short are selected monthly using a proprietary quantitative selection model aimed at determining the most efficient combination of long and short positions based on a "Multi-Factor" approach with a "Market Neutral" orientation.(4). To achieve this, only the equities issued in the selection universe, namely, the Standard and Poor's 500 Index (which reflects changes in the 500 principal equities in the United States listed on the New York Stock Exchange which also satisfy various eligibility restrictions(5) are taken into account by the model. Via this selection process, the model systematically classifies each of the equities in terms of expected performance. This classification is based on a "multi-factor" regression (using fundamentals relating to (i) risk, (iii) valuation, (iv) "momentum", (iv) growth, (v) liquidity, (vi) size, and (vi) macroeconomic factors). This process identifies the contribution of each factor to the expected performance or the equities making up the Selection Universe. In addition, the model will apply an optimisation method to identify the most efficient investment strategy in terms of expected returns, by taking into account expected volatility as well as constraints on the equities and their respective sectors in the selection universe. The index is reviewed and rebalanced monthly so as to implement the latest changes highlighted by the model in the long and short portfolios. Thus, this process ensures that long and short portfolios always constitute no more than 100 shares. If the subfund’s net assets exceed a certain level and if stock market events do not permit the achievement of the intended objective, the Company’s Board of Directors may decide to close the subfund to subscriptions temporarily or permanently. To achieve these objectives, the subfund may invest in other UCITS or UCI up to a maximum of 5% of its assets. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect. (1) In the case of force majeure the Board of Directors may select a different index more appropriate to the subfund's objective. (2) To more information about the "Sigma Liquid Alpha Index Excess Return USD" go to the following website: (3) The investment strategy seeks to immunise the index's performance against the impact of market movements, known as "Beta". Its objective is to generate profits solely from the net performance of the long portfolio over the short portfolio and thus obtain absolute positive returns, known as "Alpha", irrespective of market movements. (4) The "Market Neutral" approach takes advantage of the fact that when the combination of long and short positions is implemented successfully, the portfolio is immunised from "beta" while generating positive "alpha" performance, irrespective of the direction that markets take. (5) For example, for every stock in the long portfolio or short portfolio, a liquidity of at least USD 1 million is required (defined as the product of (i) the average daily volume processed in the three months preceding each index-review date since launch and (ii) the closing price on the same date.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH USD NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

FORTIS L FUND Liquid Alpha

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Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0426820477 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0426820550 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0426820808 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0426820980 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% Classic H USD 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 1,00% none none 0,20% 0,01% IH USD 1,00% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

Comments on the performance commission

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Liquid Alpha

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 3% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 3% 1% (1) none UK 3% 1% (1) none I 3% 1% (1) none IH USD 3% 1% (1) none P 3% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : Launch of the "Classic" class from 1 to 31 August 2009 at the price of EUR 100.00 per share. The first NAV will be calculated on 3 September 2009. Initial subscriptions will be paid for 4 September 2009. The “I” class is launched on 31 August 2009.The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "Classic H USD" and "IH USD" classes are launched on 31 August 2009. The first NAVs will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The "UK" class will be launched after the registration of the subfund in the United Kingdom. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none


FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 315 / 444

Model 1

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in various classes of assets, as well as in derivative financial instruments in these types of assets. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. It seeks to generate a return at a very low level of risk by actively managing a portfolio of transferable securities. The manager will seek to maintain a very defensive risk profile. He will favour interest-bearing securities with variable maturities while seeking to strengthen long-term growth by investing in equities on a secondary basis. The manager will rely on macro-economic research to decide the allocation of equities and bonds and to select each security. His decisions for the purchase and sale of shares will be based on various factors such as the price, the intrinsic value of the company, the return on equity, its competitive position, profitability and the quality of the management team. When selecting investments, the manager will try to obtain diversified exposure to different sectors and different issuers in order to reduce risk. Under normal conditions, the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: - Equities: 0% - 15% - Real-estate securities: 0% - 10% - Bonds: 40% - 80% - Short-term debt securities: 30% - 60%

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 0

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377111959 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377112171 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 316 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Model Fund 1" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none


FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 317 / 444

Model 2

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in various classes of assets, as well as in derivative financial instruments in these types of assets. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. It seeks to generate a return at a low level of risk by actively managing a portfolio of transferable securities. The manager will seek to maintain a defensive risk profile. He will favour interest-bearing securities with variable maturities while seeking to strengthen long-term growth by investing in equities on a secondary basis. The manager will rely on macro-economic research to decide the allocation of equities and bonds and to select each security. His decisions for the purchase and sale of shares will be based on various factors such as the price, the intrinsic value of the company, the return on equity, its competitive position, profitability and the quality of the management team. When selecting investments, the manager will try to obtain diversified exposure to different sectors and different issuers in order to reduce risk. Under normal conditions, the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: - Equities: 0% - 30% - Real-estate securities: 0% - 15% - Bonds: 30% - 70% - Short-term debt securities: 10% - 50%

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377113229 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377113658 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 318 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,15% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,75% 0,15% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Model Fund 2" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008 .The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none


FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 319 / 444

Model 3

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in various classes of assets, as well as in derivative financial instruments in these types of assets. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. It seeks to generate returns at a moderately low risk level by actively managing a portfolio of transferable securities. The manager will seek to maintain a moderate risk profile. He will favour interest-bearing securities with variable maturities and equities while giving preference to the former. The manager will rely on macro-economic research to decide the allocation of equities and bonds and to select each security. His decisions for the purchase and sale of shares will be based on various factors such as the price, the intrinsic value of the company, the return on equity, its competitive position, profitability and the quality of the management team. When selecting investments, the manager will try to obtain diversified exposure to different sectors and different issuers in order to reduce risk. Under normal conditions, the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: - Equities: 10% - 50% - Real-estate securities: 0% - 20% - Bonds: 30% - 70% - Short-term debt securities: 0% - 30%

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377114623 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377115190 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 320 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Model Fund 3" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none


FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 321 / 444

Model 4

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in various classes of assets, as well as in derivative financial instruments in these types of assets. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. It seeks to generate returns at a moderately high risk level by actively managing a portfolio of transferable securities. The manager will try to maintain an intermediate risk profile. Investments on emerging markets are limited to 20%. He will invest in interest-bearing securities with various maturities as well as in shares and will generally favour the latter. The manager will rely on macro-economic research to decide the allocation of equities and bonds and to select each security. His decisions for the purchase and sale of shares will be based on various factors such as the price, the intrinsic value of the company, the return on equity, its competitive position, profitability and the quality of the management team. When selecting investments, the manager will try to obtain diversified exposure to different sectors and different issuers in order to reduce risk. Under normal conditions, the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: - Equities: 30% - 70% - Real-estate securities: 0% - 20% - Bonds: 10% - 50% - Short-term debt securities: 0% - 20% Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377116081 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377116321 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code



FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 322 / 444

Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,25% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Model Fund 4" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none


FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 323 / 444

Model 5

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in various classes of assets, as well as in derivative financial instruments in these types of assets. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. It aims to take advantage of the opportunities to create value that arise, while limiting risk and actively managing a portfolio of transferable securities. The manager will try to maintain a high risk profile. Investments on emerging markets are limited to 20%. He will favour equities while managing risk by investing, on a secondary basis, in interest-bearing securities with variable-rate maturities. The manager will rely on macro-economic research to decide the allocation of equities and bonds and to select each security. His decisions for the purchase and sale of shares will be based on various factors such as the price, the intrinsic value of the company, the return on equity, its competitive position, profitability and the quality of the management team. When selecting investments, the manager will try to obtain diversified exposure to different sectors and different issuers in order to reduce risk. Under normal conditions, the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: - Equities: 50% - 100% - Real-estate securities: 0% - 20% - Bonds: 0% - 30% - Short-term debt securities: 0% - 10% Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377117485 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377117725 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code



FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 324 / 444

Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Model Fund 5" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none


FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 325 / 444

Model 6

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in various classes of assets, as well as in derivative financial instruments in these types of assets. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. It aims to take advantage of the opportunities to create value that arise, by actively managing a portfolio of transferable securities. The manager will try to maintain an aggressive risk profile. Investments on emerging markets are limited to 20%. He will favour equities while managing risk by investing, on a secondary basis, in interest-bearing securities with variable-rate maturities. The manager will rely on macro-economic research to decide the allocation of equities and bonds and to select each security. His decisions for the purchase and sale of shares will be based on various factors such as the price, the intrinsic value of the company, the return on equity, its competitive position, profitability and the quality of the management team. When selecting investments, the manager will try to obtain diversified exposure to different sectors and different issuers in order to reduce risk. Under normal conditions, the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: - Equities: 70% - 100% - Real-estate securities: 0% - 20% - Bonds: 0% - 20% - Short-term debt securities: 0% - 20% Risks The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed market. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Investments are made on the "Russian Trading System Stock Exchange" (or "RTS Stock Exchange") that brings together a large number of Russian issuers and allows nearly exhaustive coverage of the universe of Russian shares. Choosing the RTS Stock Exchange makes it possible to benefit from the liquidity of the Russian market without having to use local currency given that the RTS Stock Exchange allows processing of all issuers directly in USD.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377118962 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377119267 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code



FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 326 / 444

Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Model Fund 6" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “I” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none


FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 327 / 444

OBAM Equity World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -65,40% 29,87% 17,26% UK NA NA NA I -65,05% 31,17% 18,29% P -65,65% 28,97% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0185157681 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0185157764 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 328 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes on 31 March 2004. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. Historical information : absorption 12 February 2007 of the "Equity Market Selection World" subfund of the SICAV absorption 27 April 2007 of the "Growth" subfund of the Strategic Fund SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Opportunities Euro Plus

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 329 / 444

Opportunities Euro Plus

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in quality bonds denominated in euros and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. The manager will divide the assets among various dynamic strategies for interest rates. As part of risk management, he will actively direct the overall duration of the subfund and see that a relatively short duration is maintained. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivatives or cash, provided the investments in convertible bonds or bonds with options do not exceed 25% of its assets and those in shares or similar equity securities or participation rights do not exceed 10% of its assets and those in UCITS or UCI 5% (10% from 1 August 2009) of the assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 0

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377120273 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377120513 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,10% 0,05% I 0,30% none none 0,10% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,75% 0,10% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Opportunities Euro Plus

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 330 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "Euro Plus Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Opportunities Europe

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 331 / 444

Opportunities Europe

Investment policy Until 31 July 2009: This subfund invests in a limited number of asset groups selected on the basis of financial market movements and on the manager's expectations. Each asset group - representing a particular investment sector or theme, for example - will be represented by a diversified group of transferable securities. To this end, the subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in equities, convertible bonds, bonds and commercial paper, provided they are issued by companies based in or carrying on the greater part of their business activity in Europe. On an ancillary basis, they may also invest in warrants and any other transferable securities admitted for official listing on a stock exchange as well as up to 10% in other UCITS or UCIs. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. To the extent that the subfund invests in warrants, prospective investors should be aware that these instruments, and consequently the subfund's net asset value, are subject to higher volatility. From 1 August 2009: This subfund invests in a limited number of asset groups selected on the basis of financial market movements and on the manager's expectations. Each asset group - representing a particular investment sector or theme, for example - will be represented by a diversified group of transferable securities. For this purpose, the subfund invests at least 60% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe. On an ancillary basis, it may also invest up to 10% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, financial derivatives, cash, UCITS or UCI. It will focus its ancillary investment in convertible bonds, bonds and treasury notes, provided such investments are in transferable securities issued by companies that have their registered headquarters in or conduct the majority of their business activity in Europe. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377121677 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377121917 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Opportunities Europe

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 332 / 444

Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,17% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "P" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B" as well as "D" classes of the "Europe Opportunities Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "I" class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Opportunities Japan

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Opportunities Japan

Investment policy Until 31 July 2009: This subfund invests in a limited number of asset groups selected on the basis of financial market movements and on the manager's expectations. Each asset group - representing a particular investment sector or theme, for example - will be represented by a diversified group of transferable securities. To this end, the subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in equities, convertible bonds, bonds and commercial paper, provided they are issued by companies based in or carrying on the greater part of their business activity in Japan. On an ancillary basis, they may also invest in warrants and any other transferable securities admitted for official listing on a stock exchange as well as up to 10% in other UCITS or UCITS. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. To the extent that the subfund invests in warrants, prospective investors should be aware that these instruments, and consequently the subfund's net asset value, are subject to higher volatility. From 1 August 2009: This subfund invests in a limited number of asset groups selected on the basis of financial market movements and on the manager's expectations. Each asset group - representing a particular investment sector or theme, for example - will be represented by a diversified group of transferable securities. For this purpose, the subfund invests at least 60% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Japan. On an ancillary basis, it may also invest up to 10% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, financial derivatives, cash, UCITS or UCI. It will focus its ancillary investment in convertible bonds, bonds and treasury notes, provided such investments are in transferable securities issued by companies that have their registered headquarters in or conduct the majority of their business activity in Japan. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Opportunities Japan

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : JPY Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in JPY, EUR send USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" class of the "Japan Opportunities Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "Equity Best Selection Japan" subfund of the SICAV on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Opportunities USA

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Opportunities USA

Investment policy Until 31 July 2009: This subfund invests in a limited number of asset groups selected on the basis of financial market movements and on the manager's expectations. Each asset group - representing a particular investment sector or theme, for example - will be represented by a diversified group of transferable securities. To this end, the subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in equities, convertible bonds, bonds and commercial paper, provided they are issued by companies based in or carrying on the greater part of their business activity in the United States. On an ancillary basis, they may also invest in warrants and any other transferable securities admitted for official listing on a stock exchange as well as up to 10% in other UCITS or UCITS. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. To the extent that the subfund invests in warrants, prospective investors should be aware that these instruments, and consequently the subfund's net asset value, are subject to higher volatility. From 1 August 2009: This subfund invests in a limited number of asset groups selected on the basis of financial market movements and on the manager's expectations. Each asset group - representing a particular investment sector or theme, for example - will be represented by a diversified group of transferable securities. For this purpose, the subfund invests at least 60% of its assets in shares or other securities representing equity in the capital of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in the United States. On an ancillary basis, it may also invest up to 10% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, financial derivatives, cash, UCITS or UCI. It will focus its ancillary investment in convertible bonds, bonds and treasury notes, provided such investments are in transferable securities issued by companies that have their registered headquarters in or conduct the majority of their business activity in the United States. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H EUR NA NA NA UK NA NA NA UKH NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH EUR NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377124267 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377124697 "Classic-Distribution"

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Shares – “Classic H EUR” Class "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" and "Classic H EUR-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377125157 "Classic H EUR-Capitalisation" LU0377125314 "Classic H EUR-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “UKH” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH EUR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% Classic H EUR 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UKH 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,17% 0,01% IH EUR 0,60% none none 0,17% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H EUR 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none UKH 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH EUR 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" and "UKH" classes. EUR, reference currency of the "Classic H EUR" and "IH EUR" classes. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in SEK. In the "UK" and "UKH" classes it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched on 24 November 2008 in the "Classic", "Classic H EUR", "UKH", "I", "IH EUR" and "P" classes by contribution of the "A" and "B"; "AH (EUR)", "BH (EUR)" and "DH (EUR)"; "BH (GBP)"; "I"; "IH (EUR)" classes as well as "D" classes of the "US Opportunities Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The "UK" class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Opportunities World

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Opportunities World

Investment policy This subfund invests in a limited number (normally 3 to 5) of asset groups selected on the basis of financial market movements and on the manager's expectations. Each asset group - representing a particular investment sector or theme, for example - will be represented by a diversified group of transferable securities. Consequently, this subfund may invest in international equities, international convertible bonds, international bonds and treasury notes provided that such investments are in transferable securities issued on international markets. Assets may be denominated in any currency. (Until 31 July 2009): On an ancillary basis, it may also invest in warrants and any other transferable securities admitted to official listing on a securities exchange as well as in UCITS or UCI limited to a maximum of 10% of its assets. (From 1 August 2009): On an ancillary basis, it may also invest up to 10% of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, financial derivatives, cash, UCITS or UCI. For purposes of efficient management, it may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -35,86% 7,70% -2,53% I -35,15% 8,94% NA P -36,23% 6,94% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0120291793 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0120291959 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,17% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 8 January 2001. The "I" and "P" classes were launched on 16 August 2002. Historical information : absorption 12 February 2007 of the "Market Timing Euro" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Real Estate Securities Europe

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Real Estate Securities Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets either in transferable securities issued by real estate companies or companies operating in sectors linked to real estate (real estate certificates, shares, SICAFI, closed-end REITs, etc.) or in financial instruments representing real estate and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. The issuers have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business in Europe. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI (e.g. open-end REITs) do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -55,85% -30,07% 52,43% UK -55,80% -49,90% NA I -55,42% -29,32% 53,99% ASR -55,17% -28,88% 54,88% P -56,18% -30,71% NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0153635098 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0153636146 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,075% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic", "I" and "P" classes on 1 October 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Real Estate Europe". The "ASR" class was launched on 29 September 2005. The "UK" class was launched on 24 October 2005. Historical information : current name first applied on 1 October 2007

FORTIS L FUND Real Estate Securities Pacific

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 342 / 444

Real Estate Securities Pacific

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets either in transferable securities issued by real estate companies or companies operating in sectors linked to real estate (real estate certificates, shares, SICAFI, closed-end REITs, etc.) or in financial instruments representing real estate and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. The issuers have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business in the Pacific region. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI (e.g. open-end REITs) do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 5

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -45,34% NA NA UK NA NA NA I -44,74% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0291291770 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0291292075 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Real Estate Securities Pacific

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,25% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,25% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 28 March 2007 in the "I" class under the name "Fortis L Fund Real Estate Asia". The "Classic" class was launched on 5 May 2007. The "UK" class was launched on 27 June 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis L Fund Real Estate Securities Asia" on 1 October 2007 current name first applied on 1 July 2008 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Asia Pacific Property Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Real Estate Securities USA

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Real Estate Securities USA

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets either in transferable securities issued by real estate companies or companies operating in sectors linked to real estate (real estate certificates, shares, SICAFI, closed-end REITs, etc.) or in financial instruments representing real estate and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. The issuers have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business in the United States. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI (e.g. open-end REITs) do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0374266103 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0374259744 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Real Estate Securities USA

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : This subfund will be launched at a date yet to be determined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this subfund. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Real Estate Securities World

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Real Estate Securities World

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets either in transferable securities issued by real estate companies or companies operating in sectors linked to real estate (real estate certificates, shares, SICAFI, closed-end REITs, etc.) or in financial instruments representing real estate and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments or cash, provided that the investments in debt securities of any kind do not exceed 15% of its assets and the investments in other UCITS or UCI (e.g. open-end REITs) do not exceed 5%.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 10 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0377127286 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0377127369 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Real Estate Securities World

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,60% none none 0,20% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK and in SEK. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 24 November 2008 by contribution of the "A" and "B" as well as "I" classes of the "Global Property Equity Fund" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. The “UK” class was launched on 24 November 2008. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 348 / 444

Safe Balanced W1

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. For the Safe Balanced subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 10% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/01 - 31/12). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Balanced (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -9,88% 2,87% 2,95% M -12,54% NA NA I NA NA NA L NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W1

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Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Balanced W10" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W1

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 November 2003. The "L" class was launched on 29 December 2006. The "M" class was launched on 3 December 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 351 / 444

Safe Balanced W4

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. For the Safe Balanced subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 10% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/04 - 31/03). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Balanced (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -17,73% 2,36% 1,74% M -17,73% NA NA I NA NA NA L -17,65% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W4

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Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Balanced W4" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W4

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 16 February 2004. The "M" class was launched on 1 March 2007. The "L" class was launched on 30 March 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 354 / 444

Safe Balanced W7

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. For the Safe Balanced subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 10% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/07 - 30/06). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Balanced (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -15,97% 1,83% 3,94% M -15,96% NA NA I NA NA NA L -15,87% 2,02% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W7

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Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Balanced W7" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 356 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 May 2004. The "L" class was launched on 31 October 2006. The "M" class was launched on 1 June 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 357 / 444

Safe Balanced W10

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. For the Safe Balanced subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 10% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/10 - 30/09). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Balanced (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Balanced World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -15,18% 2,80% 3,61% M -15,16% NA NA I NA NA NA L -15,08% 2,99% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W10

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Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Balanced W10" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Balanced W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 359 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 August 2004. The "L" class was launched on 31 October 2006. The "M" class was launched on 3 September 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 360 / 444

Safe Conservative W1

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in any other transferable securities and cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. For the Safe Conservative subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 2.5% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/01 - 31/12). The reference value is recalculated each year. As an exception to this rule, the first reference value will be the initial subscription price per share. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, at the launch of the subfund as well as each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Conservative (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At the launch of the subfund, as well as at each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA M NA NA NA I NA NA NA L NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 2 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 361 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Conservative W1" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,00% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 0,885% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 362 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "M" classes on 3 December 2007. The "L" class was launched on 28 December 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00. The "I" will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 363 / 444

Safe Conservative W4

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in any other transferable securities and cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. For the Safe Conservative subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 2.5% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/04 - 31/03). The reference value is recalculated each year. As an exception to this rule, the first reference value will be the initial subscription price per share. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, at the launch of the subfund as well as each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Conservative (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At the launch of the subfund, as well as at each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA M NA NA NA I NA NA NA L NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 2 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 364 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Conservative W4" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,00% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 0,885% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 365 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "M" classes on 3 March 2008. The "L" class was launched on 28 March 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00. The "I" will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 366 / 444

Safe Conservative W7

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in any other transferable securities and cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. For the Safe Conservative subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 2.5% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/07 - 30/06). The reference value is recalculated each year. As an exception to this rule, the first reference value will be the initial subscription price per share. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, at the launch of the subfund as well as each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Conservative (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At the launch of the subfund, as well as at each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -4,51% NA NA M -4,46% NA NA I NA NA NA L NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 2 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 367 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Conservative W7" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,00% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 0,885% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 368 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "M" classes on 1 June 2007. The "L" class was launched on 29 June 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00. The "I" will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 369 / 444

Safe Conservative W10

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in any other transferable securities and cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. For the Safe Conservative subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 2.5% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/10 - 30/09). The reference value is recalculated each year. As an exception to this rule, the first reference value will be the initial subscription price per share. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, at the launch of the subfund as well as each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Conservative (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At the launch of the subfund, as well as at each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Conservative World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -5,09% NA NA M -5,10% NA NA I NA NA NA L NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 2 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 370 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Conservative W10" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,00% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 0,885% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Conservative W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 371 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "M" classes on 3 September 2007. The “I” class was launched on 28 September 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "I" will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 372 / 444

Safe Growth W1

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. For the Safe Growth subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 15% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/01 - 31/12). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -14,52% 4,08% 6,78% M NA NA NA I NA NA NA L -14,44% 5,21% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 373 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Growth W10" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 374 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 November 2003. The "L" class was launched on 29 December 2006. The "M" class was launched on 3 December 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 375 / 444

Safe Growth W4

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. For the Safe Growth subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 15% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/04 - 31/03). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -25,17% 4,19% 4,30% M -25,18% NA NA I NA NA NA L -25,10% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 376 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Growth W4" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 377 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 16 February 2004. The "M" class was launched on 1 March 2007. The "L" class was launched on 30 March 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 378 / 444

Safe Growth W7

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. For the Safe Growth subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 15% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/07 - 30/06). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -23,66% 3,62% 6,73% M -23,67% NA NA I NA NA NA L -23,59% 3,84% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 379 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Growth W7" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 380 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 May 2004. The "L" class was launched on 31 October 2006. The "M" class was launched on 1 June 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 381 / 444

Safe Growth W10

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. For the Safe Growth subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 15% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/10 - 30/09). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Growth World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -20,87% 4,16% 6,88% M -20,84% NA NA I NA NA NA L -20,76% 4,40% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 382 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Growth W10" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Growth W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 383 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 August 2004. The "L" class was launched on 31 October 2006. The "M" class was launched on 3 September 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 384 / 444

Safe High Growth W1

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in any other transferable securities and cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. For the Safe High Growth subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 20% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/01 - 31/12). The reference value is recalculated each year. As an exception to this rule, the first reference value will be the initial subscription price per share. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, at the launch of the subfund as well as each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - High Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At the launch of the subfund, as well as at each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA M NA NA NA I NA NA NA L NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 385 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe High Growth W10" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,245% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,245% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,245% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 386 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "M" classes on 3 December 2007. The "L" class was launched on 28 December 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00. The "I" will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 387 / 444

Safe High Growth W4

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in any other transferable securities and cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. For the Safe High Growth subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 20% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/04 - 31/03). The reference value is recalculated each year. As an exception to this rule, the first reference value will be the initial subscription price per share. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, at the launch of the subfund as well as each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - High Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At the launch of the subfund, as well as at each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA M NA NA NA I NA NA NA L NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 388 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe High Growth W4" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,245% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,245% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,245% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 389 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "M" classes on 3 March 2008. The "L" class was launched on 28 March 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00. The "I" will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 390 / 444

Safe High Growth W7

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in any other transferable securities and cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. For the Safe High Growth subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 20% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/07 - 30/06). The reference value is recalculated each year. As an exception to this rule, the first reference value will be the initial subscription price per share. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, at the launch of the subfund as well as each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - High Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At the launch of the subfund, as well as at each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -29,58% NA NA M -29,58% NA NA I NA NA NA L NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 391 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe High Growth W7" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,245% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,245% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,245% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 392 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "M" classes on 1 June 2007. The "L" class was launched on 29 June 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00. The "I" will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 393 / 444

Safe High Growth W10

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in any other transferable securities and cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. For the Safe High Growth subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 20% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/10 - 30/09). The reference value is recalculated each year. As an exception to this rule, the first reference value will be the initial subscription price per share. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, at the launch of the subfund as well as each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - High Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At the launch of the subfund, as well as at each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy High Growth World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -25,45% NA NA M -25,47% NA NA I NA NA NA L NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the aggressive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 394 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe High Growth W10" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,245% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,245% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,245% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe High Growth W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 395 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "M" classes on 3 September 2007. The “I” class was launched on 28 September 2007. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "I" will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 396 / 444

Safe Stability W1

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. For the Safe Stability subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 5% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/01 - 31/12). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Stability (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -5,00% 1,06% -0,23% M NA NA NA I NA NA NA L -5,00% 1,24% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 397 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Stability W1" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W1

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 398 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 November 2003. The "L" class was launched on 29 December 2006. The "M" class was launched on 3 December 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 399 / 444

Safe Stability W4

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. For the Safe Stability subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 5% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/04 - 31/03). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Stability (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -8,72% 0,51% -0,61% M -8,72% NA NA I NA NA NA L -8,63% NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 400 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Stability W4" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W4

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 401 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 16 February 2004. The "M" class was launched on 1 March 2007. The "L" class was launched on 30 March 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 402 / 444

Safe Stability W7

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. For the Safe Stability subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 5% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/07 - 30/06). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Stability (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -8,58% 0,89% 0,86% M -8,60% NA NA I NA NA NA L -8,49% 1,12% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 403 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Stability W7" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W7

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 404 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 May 2004. The "L" class was launched on 31 October 2006. The "M" class was launched on 1 June 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 405 / 444

Safe Stability W10

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. In a scenario of upwardly moving financial markets, the subfund will attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. Conversely, in a scenario of downward market movement, the subfund will attempt to limit negative performance to a predetermined level in line with the risk profile adopted. In this scenario, the subfund will protect itself against this trend by allocating a portion of its assets to money market instruments and debt securities denominated in euros whose average duration is less than 12 months and whose residual duration will never exceed 3 years and, on an ancillary basis, to liquid assets. If financial markets subsequently recover, such allocation may however lead to a weaker reproduction of the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. For the Safe Stability subfund, the manager's objective is to limit negative performance to 5% per year of the reference value based on a benchmark threshold (expressed in euros) to be respected. The reference value consists of the net asset value of the Classic-Capitalisation share calculated on the first banking day of the base period (01/10 - 30/09). The reference value is recalculated each year. The objective applies only to the comparison of the net asset value at the end of the period with the reference value. No guarantee can be given that this objective will be achieved. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, each time the reference value is determined, the portfolio's composition will be aligned to that of the Smart Benchmark - Stability (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). Temporary investments in liquidities are not excluded. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. Investments in equities may include small, medium and large capitalisation companies in all international stock markets (Europe, USA, Japan and emerging markets). Investments in bonds may include government and corporate bonds, and inflation-linked bonds. The manager will have the possibility of selecting high-grade bonds (Investment Grade) or lower (High Yield), and emerging markets bonds. At each reference value calculation, the cash allocation will be minimised in order to place the subfund in the best possible position in its attempt to emulate the performance of the Strategy Stability World subfund. For purposes of efficient management, the subfund may also make use of financial techniques and instruments, as set forth in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -8,64% 1,26% 0,62% M -8,63% NA NA I NA NA NA L -8,55% 1,47% NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 406 / 444

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “M” Class The sale of this subfund in Belgium via the "FINTRO" network of the FORTIS group will be in the "MAESTRO Safe Stability W1" denomination through the same class. Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “L” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% M 1,75% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,65% none none 0,19% 0,01% L 1,635% none 0,115% 0,17% 0,01% P 1,75% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

Comments on the management fee “Classic” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “M” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “I” Class : reduced to 0.10% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “L” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments. “P” Class : reduced to 0.40% when 100% of the assets are invested in money market instruments.

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Safe Stability W10

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 407 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none M 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none L none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 17 August 2004. The "L" class was launched on 31 October 2006. The "M" class was launched on 3 September 2007. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Short Term Euro

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 408 / 444

Short Term Euro

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in money market instruments and bonds denominated in euros and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may invest up to 1/3 of its assets in any other money market instruments, derivatives and liquid assets. It may also invest up to 10% of its assets in other UCITS or UCI. The average maturity of the portfolio is less than 12 months, and no investment will have a residual maturity exceeding 12 months. Variable-rate investments with a residual maturity longer than 12 months will be permitted provided that rates are marked to market at least once a year. In such cases, the upcoming rate adjustment is considered equivalent to maturity. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than the euro will be nil.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 0

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 2,45% 3,29% 2,44% T 2,49% 3,29% 2,47% I 2,84% 3,66% 2,81% ASR 2,77% 3,63% 2,82% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 1 year This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 25 for "Classic-Distribution" shares, and in denominations of 1, 10 and 100 shares for "Classic-Capitalisation" shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0087045893 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0087046198 "Classic-Distribution" LU0135027497 "Classic-Distribution PM/RV<1/1/94" LU0372948967 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “T” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Short Term Euro

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 409 / 444

Shares – “ASR” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,40% none none 0,10% 0,01% T 0,40% none none 0,10% 0,01% I 0,10% none none 0,08% 0,01% ASR 0,15% none none 0,045% 0,01% P 0,40% none 0,25% 0,10% 0,01%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none T 2,50% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none ASR none 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market.

FORTIS L FUND Short Term Euro

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 410 / 444

Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 4 May 1998 under the name "Interselex-Treasury Euro". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Money Market Euro". The "T" class was launched on 25 September 2003 under the name "Fortis L Fund Money Market Euro". The "ASR" class was launched on 29 September 2005 under the name "Fortis L Fund Money Market Euro". The "Classic-QD" class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Interest Growth Fund (Euro)" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : renamed "Fortis L Fund Money Market Euro" on 30 September 1999 absorption 2 November 2001 of the following subfunds: - "Money Market BEF", "Money Market FRF", "Money Market DEM" and "Money Market NLG" of the SICAV; - "Treasury BEF", "Treasury NLG", "Treasury DEM" and "Treasury FRF" of the Interselex International SICAV; - "Short Euro" of the Fortis L Universal Fund SICAV; - "Kurz DEM" of the Panelfund SICAV. absorption 1 July 2002 of the "1" subfund of the Fortis Rent-o-Net SICAV. absorption 4 November 2002: - of the "Short Euro" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV; - of the "Francs Luxembourgeois et Francs Belges" subfund of the Shortfund SICAV. absorption 3 November 2003 of the "Money Market World", "Money Market Europe" and "Permanent Click Euro" subfunds of the SICAV. current name first applied on 1 July 2008 absorption 17 November 2008 of the "Interest Growth Fund (Euro)" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV.


FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 411 / 444

Short Term USD

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in money market instruments and bonds denominated in US dollars (USD) and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may invest up to 1/3 of its assets in any other money market instruments, derivatives and liquid assets. It may also invest up to 10% of its assets in other UCITS or UCI. The average maturity of the portfolio is less than 12 months, and no investment will have a residual maturity exceeding 12 months. Variable-rate investments with a residual maturity longer than 12 months will be permitted provided that rates are marked to market at least once a year. In such cases, the upcoming rate adjustment is considered equivalent to maturity. After hedging, the subfund’s exposure to currencies other than USD will be nil.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 0 Class 3 for the EUR investor

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 2,25% -2,76% 4,87% I 2,63% -2,34% 5,28% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 2 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-New Distri", in registered form or as bearer shares. "Classic-Distribution" shares are not available for subscription. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 25 for "Classic-New Distri" shares and in denominations of 1, 10 and 100 for "Classic-Capitalisation" shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0047769764 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0058791087 "Classic-Distribution" LU0270762114 "Classic-New Distri" LU0372949007 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code



FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 412 / 444

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,40% none none 0,10% 0,01% I 0,10% none none 0,08% 0,01% P 0,40% none 0,25% 0,10% 0,01%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 3 November 1993 under the name "G-Treasury-Dollar US". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Money Market USD". The "Classic-New Distri" class was launched on 1 October 2006 under the name "Fortis L Fund Money Market USD". The "Classic-QD" class was launched on 1 July 2008. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The "P" class was launched on 17 November 2008 by absorption of the "D" class of the "Interest Growth Fund (USD)" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV. Historical information : contribution on 4 May 1998 to the Interselex SICAV by creation of the "Treasury USD" subfund renamed "Fortis L Fund Money Market USD" on 30 September 1999 absorption on 2 November 2001 of the "Treasury USD" subfund of the Interselex International SICAV absorption on 4 November 2002 of the "Short USD/CAD" subfund of the Panelfund SICAV absorption on 3 November 2003 of the "Money Market Multi-Dollars" of the SICAV current name first applied on 1 July 2008 absorption on 17 November 2008 of the "Interest Growth Fund (USD)" subfund of the ABN AMRO Funds SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Active Click Balanced

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 413 / 444

Strategy Active Click Balanced

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Moreover, emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. Risk is closely dependent on the percentages of exposure to the various asset classes. Accordingly, the Strategy Active Click Stability subfund, which is the least risk-prone of the Strategy Active Click subfunds, will primarily offer exposure to low-risk bonds or to absolute return type investments, with only a limited exposure to equities. The Strategy Active Click Balanced subfund presents a greater degree of risk, as it offers on average a more or less equal exposure to equities and low-risk bonds or absolute return type investments. Its objective is to offer to shareholders the opportunity to participate, to a certain extent, in the performance of equity and bond markets while preserving, as far as possible, 50% of the highest net asset value recorded since the launch of the subfund, provided that the highest NAV is 5% higher than the initial NAV or the last preserved NAV. To achieve this, the manager will in particular make use of derivative techniques and instruments, as described in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. Any NAV level thus preserved will never be lowered. It will be raised every time the net asset value calculated on each valuation day is 5% higher than the highest net asset value preserved previously. The term "click" is used to describe this effect. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect. Investments in debt securities of any kind may not represent more than 40% of its assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -31,01% 3,32% 5,56% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,24% 0,05% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Active Click Balanced

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 414 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 12 January 2004. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Active Click Stability

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 415 / 444

Strategy Active Click Stability

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Moreover, emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. Risk is closely dependent on the percentages of exposure to the various asset classes. Accordingly, the Strategy Active Click Stability subfund, which is the least risk-prone of the Strategy Active Click subfunds, will primarily offer exposure to low-risk bonds or to absolute return type investments, with only a limited exposure to equities. The Strategy Active Click Balanced subfund presents a greater degree of risk, as it offers on average a more or less equal exposure to equities and low-risk bonds or absolute return type investments. Its objective is to offer to shareholders the opportunity to participate, to a certain extent, in the performance of equity and bond markets while preserving, as far as possible, 70% of the highest net asset value recorded since the launch of the subfund, provided that the highest NAV is 5% higher than the initial NAV or the last preserved NAV. To achieve this, the manager will in particular make use of derivative techniques and instruments, as described in Appendix 2 of the Full Prospectus. Any NAV level thus preserved will never be lowered. It will be raised every time the net asset value calculated on each valuation day is 5% higher than the highest net asset value preserved previously. The term "click" is used to describe this effect. It is possible that this objective may not be achieved, and no guarantee can be given in this respect. Investments in debt securities of any kind may not represent more than 40% of its assets.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -20,54% 2,16% 3,03% P -21,00% 1,52% 2,23%

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,24% 0,05% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "P" classes on 12 January 2004. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Balanced SRI Europe

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Strategy Balanced SRI Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in bond markets denominated in euros as well as in shares of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments, units of UCITS or other UCI, bank deposits or cash. For equities, the subfund follows a "Best in Class +" process. The issuers whose practices are considered as the Best in their Class are judged on the basis of specific criteria in regard to environmental and social conduct and corporate governance. The subfund will also select (1) issuers whose products and services contribute to resolving problems linked to the environment and sustainable development, and (2) issuers whose products and services will have positive and sustainable impacts on the environment and the social climate. This justifies the "+" in the Best in Class approach. The bonds issued by companies and institutions are initially selected from a universe defined by a "Best in Class +" process. The government bonds come from a universe of countries that satisfy specific criteria for environmental and social conduct. The research process and methodology are validated by an independent committee of experts (the "Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee") that is composed as described in Book I of the Full Prospectus. The SRI Advisory Committee will produce at least one report per year on the SRI process in terms of robustness, pertinence and integrity. The subfund will contribute to remunerating this committee. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, under normal conditions the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: 50% Equities + 50% Bonds. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -22,88% 0,57% 7,78% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0087046354 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0087046784 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Strategy Balanced SRI Europe

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 4 May 1998 under the name "Interselex-Global Balanced Euro". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Strategy Balanced Euro". The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis L Fund Strategy Balanced Euro" on 30 September 1999 transformed into "Fortis L Fund Strategy Balanced SRI Europe" on 2 February 2004

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Balanced USD

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 419 / 444

Strategy Balanced USD

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. After hedging, the subfund's exposure to currencies other than the US dollar will not exceed 49%. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, under normal conditions the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: 50% Equities + 50% Bonds. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic 2,49% 7,54% 9,53%

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0161747000 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0161747182 "Classic-Distribution"

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Balanced USD

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 420 / 444

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 18 August 2003 by absorption of the "Neutral (USD)" subfund of the General Management SICAV Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "Strategy Balanced World" subfund of the SICAV on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Balanced World

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 421 / 444

Strategy Balanced World

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Under normal conditions, the manager will align the portfolio's composition to that of the Smart Benchmark - Balanced (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -31,17% 2,75% 5,04% I -30,43% 3,95% 5,90% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 6 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0132151118 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0132151464 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Balanced World

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 422 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 5 May 1997 under the name "Fortis Bank Lux Fund-Neutral". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis Fund-Neutral" on 30 June 1998 and then "Fortis L Universal Fund-Balanced World" on 30 September 1999 contribution 2 November 2001 to the SICAV by creation of the current subfund absorption on 18 August 2003 of the "Neutral" subfund of the General Management SICAV absorption on 13 July 2009 of the "Strategy Balanced USD" subfund of the SICAV

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Conservative World

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 423 / 444

Strategy Conservative World

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in any other transferable securities and cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. The manager aims to align the portfolio's composition to that of the Smart Benchmark - Conservative (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts. He is not authorised to invest in equities unless such investment results from the transformation of convertible bonds held in the portfolio.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -15,82% NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the conservative profile. Recommended investment horizon : 3 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0291277274 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0291277431 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,00% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,40% none none 0,19% 0,01% P 1,00% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Conservative World

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 424 / 444

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 23 June 2007. The "I" class will be launched at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Growth SRI Europe

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 425 / 444

Strategy Growth SRI Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in bond markets denominated in euros as well as in shares of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments, units of UCITS or other UCI, bank deposits or cash. For equities, the subfund follows a "Best in Class +" process. The issuers whose practices are considered as the Best in their Class are judged on the basis of specific criteria in regard to environmental and social conduct and corporate governance. The subfund will also select (1) issuers whose products and services contribute to resolving problems linked to the environment and sustainable development, and (2) issuers whose products and services will have positive and sustainable impacts on the environment and the social climate. This justifies the "+" in the Best in Class approach. The bonds issued by companies and institutions are initially selected from a universe defined by a "Best in Class +" process. The government bonds come from a universe of countries that satisfy specific criteria for environmental and social conduct. The research process and methodology are validated by an independent committee of experts (the "Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee") that is composed as described in Book I of the Full Prospectus. The SRI Advisory Committee will produce at least one report per year on the SRI process in terms of robustness, pertinence and integrity. The subfund will contribute to remunerating this committee. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, under normal conditions the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: 75% Equities + 25% Bonds. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -35,08% 0,98% 12,50% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0087047246 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0087047592 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Strategy Growth SRI Europe

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 4 May 1998 under the name "Interselex-Global Growth Euro". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Strategy Growth Euro". The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis L Fund Strategy Growth Euro" on 30 September 1999 transformed into "Fortis L Fund Strategy Growth SRI Europe" on 2 February 2004

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Growth USD

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Strategy Growth USD

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. After hedging, the subfund's exposure to currencies other than the US dollar will not exceed 49%. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, under normal conditions the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: 75% Equities + 25% Bonds. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 3

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -31,58% 7,66% 13,28%

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0161748073 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0161748669 "Classic-Distribution"

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Growth USD

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Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 18 August 2003 by absorption of the "Dynamic (USD)" subfund of the General Management SICAV Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the "Strategy Growth World" subfund of the SICAV on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Growth World

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Strategy Growth World

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Under normal conditions, the manager will align the portfolio's composition to that of the Smart Benchmark - Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -37,11% 3,92% 8,45% I -36,39% 5,20% 9,33% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 8 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0132152439 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0132152785 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Growth World

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 5 May 1997 under the name "Fortis Bank Lux Fund-Dynamic". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis Fund-Dynamic" on 30 June 1998 and then "Fortis L Universal Fund-Growth World" on 30 September 1999 contribution 2 November 2001 to the sicav by creation of the current subfund absorption on 18 August 2003 of the "Dynamic" subfund of the General Management sicav absorption on 13 July 2009 of the "Strategy Growth" subfund of the sicav

FORTIS L FUND Strategy High Growth World

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 431 / 444

Strategy High Growth World

Investment policy This subfund's mission is to invest in equity markets and in money market instruments, in undertakings for collective investment whose mission is, in turn, to invest principally in the above cited asset classes. On an ancillary basis, it may also invest in any other transferable securities and liquid assets in order to order to obtain maximum returns taking account of the risk taken. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. Investments in debt securities of any kind may not represent more than 15% of its assets. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Under normal conditions, the manager will align the portfolio's composition to that of the Smart Benchmark - High Growth (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 4

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -44,84% 2,01% 10,50% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the dynamic profile. Recommended investment horizon : 9 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0161745210 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0161745483 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,265% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,265% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Strategy High Growth World

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" and "I" classes on 18 August 2003 by absorption of the "Growth" subfund of the General Management SICAV. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Stability SRI Europe

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 433 / 444

Strategy Stability SRI Europe

Investment policy This subfund invests at least 2/3 of its assets in bond markets denominated in euros as well as in shares of companies that have their registered offices or conduct the majority of their business activities in Europe and in derivative financial instruments on this type of asset. It may also invest a maximum of 1/3 of its assets in any other transferable securities, money market instruments, derivative financial instruments, units of UCITS or other UCI, bank deposits or cash. For equities, the subfund follows a "Best in Class +" process. The issuers whose practices are considered as the Best in their Class are judged on the basis of specific criteria in regard to environmental and social conduct and corporate governance. The subfund will also select (1) issuers whose products and services contribute to resolving problems linked to the environment and sustainable development, and (2) issuers whose products and services will have positive and sustainable impacts on the environment and the social climate. This justifies the "+" in the Best in Class approach. The bonds issued by companies and institutions are initially selected from a universe defined by a "Best in Class +" process. The government bonds come from a universe of countries that satisfy specific criteria for environmental and social conduct. The research process and methodology are validated by an independent committee of experts (the "Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) Advisory Committee") that is composed as described in Book I of the Full Prospectus. The SRI Advisory Committee will produce at least one report per year on the SRI process in terms of robustness, pertinence and integrity. The subfund will contribute to remunerating this committee. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, under normal conditions the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: 25% Equities + 75% Bonds. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -9,13% 0,03% 3,14% I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0087047089 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0087047162 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


FORTIS L FUND Strategy Stability SRI Europe

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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 4 May 1998 under the name "Interselex-Global Stability Euro". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002 under the name "Fortis L Fund Strategy Stability Euro". The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis L Fund Strategy Stability Euro" on 30 September 1999 transformed into "Fortis L Fund Strategy Stability SRI Europe" on 2 February 2004

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Stability USD

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 435 / 444

Strategy Stability USD

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. After hedging, the subfund's exposure to currencies other than the US dollar will not exceed 49%. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Thus, under normal conditions the manager will adhere to the following portfolio composition: 25% Equities + 75% Bonds. For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -8,61% 7,19% 6,04%

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0161749048 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0161749477 "Classic-Distribution"

Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,25% none none 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic Subscriptions are

no longer accepted.

1% (1) none

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Stability USD

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 436 / 444

Additional information Currency of expression : USD Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : on 18 August 2003 by absorption of the "Defensive (USD)" subfund of the General Management SICAV Historical information : Subscriptions are no longer accepted. The subfund will be absorbed by the SICAV's "Strategy Stability World" subfund of the SICAV on 13 July 2009.

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Stability World

FORTIS L FUND - Full Prospectus - Part II - Version of MAY 2009 437 / 444

Strategy Stability World

Investment policy The mission of this subfund is to invest in bond and equity markets, money market instruments, and undertakings for collective investment whose mission, in turn, is to invest primarily in the above-mentioned asset classes and, on an ancillary basis, in cash instruments, in order to achieve maximum profitability for the risk incurred. Emphasis is placed on international diversification of investments. The risk is closely related to the percentages invested in the different asset classes. Under normal conditions, the manager will align the portfolio's composition to that of the Smart Benchmark - Stability (see Book I of the Full Prospectus). For effective portfolio management, the manager may deviate from this composition based on market conditions and his forecasts.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic -20,86% 1,21% 2,14% I -20,02% 2,43% 2,97% P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as bearer shares. Bearer share certificates are available in denominations of 1, 10 and 50 shares. One-share denominations are only issued in a supplementary capacity. ISIN code

LU0132151621 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0132152199 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,24% 0,05% I 0,50% none none 0,19% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,24% 0,05%

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

FORTIS L FUND Strategy Stability World

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Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : The subfund was launched in the "Classic" class on 5 May 1997 under the name "Fortis Bank Lux Fund-Defensive". The "I" class was launched on 16 August 2002. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : renamed "Fortis Fund-Defensive" on 30 June 1998 and then "Fortis L Universal Fund-Stability World" on 30 September 1999 contribution 2 November 2001 to the SICAV by creation of the current subfund absorption on 18 August 2003 of the "Defensive" and "Conservative" subfunds of the General Management SICAV absorption on 13 July 2009 of the "Strategy Stability USD" subfund of the SICAV


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Investment policy This absolute return fund has a target volatility in the region of 350 basis points measured based on the annualised standard deviation in performance. The subfund aims to generate a positive absolute return (measured in euros) by actively managing a portfolio of negotiable debt securities on world markets employing strategies such as stock selection, credit and duration management, and active currency management. When selecting securities, the subfund's manager will seek to diversify exposure across different classes of debt securities, maturities and issuers. When managing the subfund's exposure to a particular currency, the manager may seek to protect the subfund against foreign exchange risk resulting from the subfund's assets, but may also seek to buy or sell any currencies for purposes other than hedging by using derivative exchange instruments. The use of these derivative exchange instruments may involve a net short exposure of the subfund to certain currencies. When managing the overall duration of the subfund, the manager may seek to protect the subfund against the interest rate risk, but also allow the subfund to benefit from interest rate variations. The manager may hedge credit exposure by using credit derivatives such as, among others, the credit derivatives on a single unique issuer and index, but may also use these instruments for purposes other than hedging in order to reflect his convictions concerning the investments via the transactions on credit derivatives. After hedging, the subfund's exposure to emerging market debt securities and speculative sub-investment grade debt securities and will not exceed 30% of its assets. It must not acquire securities with a lower than C rating from Standard & Poor's and Moody's or equivalent from another recognised rating agency, or unrated if the Fund manager considers them comparable. The subfund may use derivative instruments and techniques similar to those described in Appendix 2 to reach its investment objective. Risks Risks linked to emerging markets: The subfund invests in emerging markets. It may therefore show greater than average volatility due to a high degree of concentration, greater uncertainty because less information is available, less liquidity, or greater sensitivity to changes in market conditions (social, political and economic conditions). In addition, some emerging markets offer less security than the majority of international developed markets. For this reason, services for portfolio transactions, liquidation and custody on behalf of funds invested in emerging markets may carry greater risk. The Company and investors agree to bear these risks. Risks linked to the quality of issuers: By investing a significant portion of its assets in high-yield bonds that are rated below Baa3 by Moody’s or BBB- by S&P, this subfund presents a greater than average risk due to the quality of its issuers.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 1

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA Classic H USD NA NA NA UK NA NA NA UKH NA NA NA I NA NA NA IH USD NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the defensive profile. Recommended investment horizon : 2 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.


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Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation", "Classic-Distribution" and "Classic-QD", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0429159980 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0429160137 "Classic-Distribution" LU0429160301 "Classic-QD"

Shares – “Classic H USD” Class "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" and "Classic H USD-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0429160483 "Classic H USD-Capitalisation" LU0429160723 "Classic H USD-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “UKH” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “IH USD” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% Classic H USD 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% UK 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% UKH 0,75% none none 0,15% 0,05% I 0,20% see below none 0,15% 0,01% IH USD 0,20% see below none 0,15% 0,01% P 0,75% none 0,35% 0,15% 0,05%


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Comments on the performance commission “I” Class : 15% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate". “IH USD” Class : 15% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (Merrill Lynch USD Overnight Libid (USD) RI). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none Classic H USD 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none UKH 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none IH USD 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" and "UKH" classes. USD, reference currency of the "Classic H USD" and "IH USD". Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "Classic-Capitalisation" class it is also calculated in NOK. In the "UK" and "UKH" classes it is also calculated in GBP. In the "I" class it is also calculated in NOK and SEK. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none


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Launch date : The subfund will be launched on 13 July 2009: * in the "Classic" class at the price of EUR 100.00 by absorption of the "Classic" class of the sicav's "Absolute Return Bond Global Opportunities", "Absolute Return Euro" and "Absolute Return V300" subfundsv; * in the "Classic H USD" class at the price of USD 100.00 by absorption of the "Classic H USD" class of the sicav's "Absolute Return V300" subfund; * in the "UKH" class at the price of GBP 100.00 by absorption of the "UKH" class of the sicav’s "Absolute Return V300" subfund; * in the "I" EUR 100.00 by absorption of the "I" class of the sicav’s "Absolute Return Bond Global Opportunities", "Absolute Return Euro" and "Absolute Return V300" subfunds; * in the "IH USD" at the price of USD 100.00 by absorption of the "Class I US$" class of the "ABN AMRO ARAF V450" subfund of the ABN AMRO ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS sicav; * in the "P" at the price of EUR 100.00 by absorption of the "P" class of the of the sicav's "Absolute Return V300" subfund. The "Classic-QD" will be launched on 13 July 2009. The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "IH USD" will be launched on 13 July 2009. The first NAV will be set at USD 100.00 per share. The "UK" class will be launched after the registration of the subfund in the United Kingdom. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. Historical information : none

FORTIS L FUND Volatility World

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Volatility World

Investment policy The objective of this subfund is to outperform its benchmark index, the EONIA (Euro Overnight Index Average, which reflects the weighted average rate of overnight interbank placements in euros) and is not correlated with equity and bond market performance. To achieve its objective, the subfund may invest in derivate financial instruments and implement different arbitrage strategies to manage volatility within a single asset class or between different asset classes. Volatility arbitrage strategies aim to take advantage of price anomalies in different derivatives markets while maintaining a sufficiently large underlying package to spread the risks. The principal strategy consists of taking advantage of the risk premium linked to the volatility of short term derivatives. The subfund may invest in listed or over-the-counter derivatives. It may buy or sell standard futures and options on equities, on financial indices covering commodities*, on fixed income securities and on currencies. In addition to such derivatives, the manager may also invest directly in the securities that underlie them, except for commodities. The remainder of the subfund's assets will be invested in fixed-rate or variable-rate debt securities (national or international and denominated in various currencies), money market instruments, term deposits, liquidities and other short term debt securities. To achieve these objectives, up to 5% of the subfund may be invested in the assets of other UCITS or UCI. * investments in derivative financial instruments on commodity-related financial indices as well as in transferable securities linked to commodity price changes.

Risk profile Seven classes of risk have been defined. Class 0 represents the lowest risk and Class 6 the highest risk. Class 2

Annual performance 2008 2007 2006 Classic NA NA NA UK NA NA NA I NA NA NA P NA NA NA

Past performance is not an indicator of future results.

Investor type profile Five investor profiles have been defined: conservative, defensive, moderate, dynamic and aggressive. This subfund complies with the moderate profile. Recommended investment horizon : 4 years This information is presented for illustrative purposes only. It does not imply an undertaking by the Company.

Shares – “Classic” Class "Classic-Capitalisation" and "Classic-Distribution", in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code

LU0424553856 "Classic-Capitalisation" LU0424553773 "Classic-Distribution"

Shares – “UK” Class Exclusively distribution shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


Shares – “I” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form. ISIN code


Shares – “P” Class Exclusively capitalisation shares, issued in registered form or as uncertificated bearer shares. ISIN code


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Commissions and fees Recurring fees and commissions payable by the subfund

Management fee Performance commission

Distribution commission

Other fees Taxe d’abonnement

Classic 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% UK 1,50% none none 0,20% 0,05% I 0,50% see below none 0,17% 0,01% P 1,50% none 0,75% 0,20% 0,05%

“I” Class : 15% of the positive difference between the annual performance of the subfund (i.e. over the accounting year) and the performance of the benchmark index (EONIA). This commission is recognised each time the NAV is calculated using the “high water mark with hurdle rate".

In Belgium, the Company is also subject to an annual tax on UCI representing 0,08% of the net amounts sold publicly by the Company in Belgium from the date it is registered with the CBFA.

Maximum non-recurring commissions and fees payable by the investor to the investment agent

Entry Conversion Exit Classic 5% 1% (1) none UK 5% 1% (1) none I 5% 1% (1) none P 2% 1% (1) 1%

(1) in the event of conversion to a subfund with a higher front-end load, the difference may be payable

Additional information Currency of expression : EUR, currency of expression of the subfund. GBP, reference currency of the "UK" class. Net Asset Value (NAV) Calculation Currencies : It is calculated in EUR and USD every day except Saturdays, Sundays and the following Luxembourg bank holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Pentecost, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, provided a significant proportion (approximately 50%) of the subfund's assets are available for trading the day after the day used as the basis for calculating the preceding NAV. It is available at the Company’s registered office, from local agents, and in any newspapers designated by the Board of Directors. In the "UK" class it is also calculated in GBP. Terms of subscription / conversion / redemption : In order to be processed at a specific net asset value, requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions must be received by local agents or distributors or directly by the transfer agent before 4.00 p.m. in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Requests for subscriptions, conversions and redemptions sent by fax, email or any other method of communication requiring manual processing must reach the transfer agent before noon in Luxembourg on the day preceding the valuation day. Payment will be in one of the calculation currencies for the shares concerned. Payment will take place within two trading days of the valuation day for the currency of expression in the foreign exchange market. Listing : none Launch date : Launch of the "Classic" class on 25 May 2009 at the price of EUR 100.00 per share. The first NAV will be calculated on 28 May 2009. Initial subscriptions will be paid for 29 May 2009. The “I” class was launched on 25 May 2009.The first NAV will be set at EUR 100.00 per share. The "UK" class will be launched after the registration of the subfund in the United Kingdom. The first NAV will be set at GBP 100.00 per share. The "P" class will be launched at a price of EUR 100.00 per share at a date yet to be defined by the Board of Directors. Prior to subscription, investors are invited to inform themselves on the launch of this class. Historical information : none