Forrester Welcome to the Era of Dig

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  • 8/16/2019 Forrester Welcome to the Era of Dig



    Forrester Research, Inc., 60 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge, MA, 02140 USA

     Tel: +1 617.613.6000 • Fax: +1 617.613.5000 •

    For Customer Intelligence Professionals


    Interactive channels continue to prove their worth or revenue generation and customer engagement,

    but the growing complexity and volume o digital interactions cause analytics challenges. raditional

    techniques such as web analytics were not designed or the breadth o channels, devices, and speed

    that uel today’s digital interactions. Te underlying design o web analytics is undamentally

    inadequate to accommodate emerging channels, sophisticated consumers, technical challenges, and

    the democratization o analytics within data-driven enterprises. Because subpar analytics put customerrelationships at risk, Forrester is redefining the modern practice o web analytics as “digital intelligence.”

    Tis new approach to analytics brings a set o expanded requirements and calls on firms to consider

    their technology rameworks, organizational structures, metrics, and optimization practices.


    Growth in interactive marketing spend continues unabated, urther cementing the importance o digital

    channels to commerce and customer engagement.1 Why? Interactive marketing is effective across all

    phases o the customer lie cycle — driving traffic or discovery, delivering content or exploration,

    supporting eCommerce or buying, and reinorcing engagement through customer relationship

    management (CRM), loyalty, and support — and ollows the ongoing shif o wallet share to digital andemerging channels.2 Given the investment and revenue at stake, analytics is a critical unction to support

    the development, validation, and optimization o digital channels. And web analytics is the logical

    hub o interactive channel analysis, based on the historical centrality o the website.3 Unortunately,

    most firms’ traditional approaches to web analytics are vestiges o a simpler time, when understanding

    traffic sources and on-site user behavior were o paramount importance. In today’s multiaceted digital

    landscape, standard web analytics methods are ill-equipped to keep pace with:

    · Intricate multichannel customer relationships. Consumers expect a high degree o coordinationand relevance across touchpoints, raising the bar or marketing execution and analytics. Te

    website — although still important — is now one o many destinations. Social networks and

    applications comprise independent, yet related, channels that demonstrate the distributed natureo digital customer experiences. But traditional web analytics tools primarily track on-site

    behavior rather than the multichannel customer interaction unnel.

    February 10, 2012

    Welcome To The Era Of Digital IntelligenceWeb Analytics Is No Longer Adequate To Support Data-Driven Marketing

    by Joe Stanhopewith Dave Frankland and Michelle Dickson

  • 8/16/2019 Forrester Welcome to the Era of Dig


    © 2012, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedFebruary 10, 2012

    2Welcome To The Era Of Digital Intelligence 

    For Customer Intelligence Professionals

    · Device proliferation. As the number and variety o devices providing Internet access explode,the paradigm o content consumption and commerce is shifing rom fixed location computing

    to multiple screens across multiple locations.4 Firms require analytics that deliver visibility to

    the devices, locations, technologies, and usage patterns that characterize multidevice Internet

    access. But, again, web analytics offers a deault perspective based on the fixed website.

    · Dynamic interaction management. Marketers must react to changes in customer behaviorinstantly, making the link between analytics and marketing crucial or coordinating interactions

    based on accurate and timely insights. Firms require near-real-time analytics that deliver

    actionable insights and direct connectivity to targeting and marketing execution systems. Yet

    today’s web analytics solutions mostly offer isolated reports and dashboards.


    As marketing’s remit evolves to accommodate a growing catalog o intertwined touchpoints, so too

    must marketing analytics. o close the gap between web analytics and comprehensive analytics or

    digital marketing, customer intelligence (CI) proessionals must adopt an updated approach (see

    Figure 1). Forrester calls this “digital intelligence,” defined as:

    Te capture, management, and analysis of data to provide a holistic view of the digital customer

    experience that drives the measurement, optimization, and execution of marketing tactics and

    business strategies.

    New Requirements Form The Foundation For Digital Intelligence

    Developing an approach to analytics that adequately covers the breadth o data, analysis techniques,

    and delivery o insights to support decision-making requires CI proessionals to re-imagine their

    expectations and requirements (see Figure 2). Digital intelligence comprises an evolutionary step

    beyond web analytics to make analysis:

    · Customer-centric. As customers and prospects seamlessly move across channels and devicesat will, digital intelligence supports the analysis o customer interactions in concert rather than

    discrete channel views. In addition to visibility across all channels, analysis is highly granular to

    identiy, track, and interact with individual visitors.

    · Data-agnostic. o conduct multichannel digital analysis, digital intelligence incorporates datawarehousing capabilities that accommodate data collection, storage, and management across abroad range o data types. Tis includes interaction data across all digital and offline channels,

    customer data, and business data such as financial and product inormation.

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    © 2012, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedFebruary 10, 2012

    3Welcome To The Era Of Digital Intelligence 

    For Customer Intelligence Professionals

    · Directly applicable to business actions. Digital intelligence emphasizes the direct applicationo analytics to marketing activities rather than static reporting and dashboards. Tis takes the

    orm o native unctionality such as targeting, site optimization, and data mining to connect

    analysis to the delivery o content and promotions. It also provides the ability to export analytics

    data and insights directly into third-party optimization and marketing execution systems.

    · Intelligent. Te volume and scope o the outputs rom digital analytics results in a theoreticallylimitless number o metrics, goals, key perormance indicators (KPIs), reports, dashboards, and

     visualizations. Digital intelligence provides automation and data-mining capabilities to process

    data and proactively detect anomalies, trends, and shifs in data to alert users and ree them

    rom the time-consuming and ineffective task o manually poring over endless reports.

    Figure 1 The Evolution Of Digital Intelligence

    Source: Forrester Research, Inc.61276

    1993 to 1999 2000 to 2006 2007 to 2010 2011 to present

    Web server log analytics Web analytics Digital analytics Digital intelligence

    • The World Wide Weband the web browseremerge.

    • Firms understandthe volume of activityon the website.

    • Website analysis isconducted, using datacollected from webserver logs.

    • There is mainstreamacceptance of interactive channelssuch as search, email,and websites

    • Firms understandaggregate visitoractivity on the

    website, contentusage,and sources of traffic.

    • JavaScript is acceptedas the web analyticsdata collectionmechanism of choice.

    • There is mainstreamacceptance of socialmedia channels.

    • Firms understandinteractions acrossinteractive channels

    and track the successof interactivemarketing campaigns.

    • Data collectionexpands to incorporatesocial and interactivechannels; vendorsextend nativedata warehousingcapabilities and partnerintegrations.

    • There is mainstreamacceptance of mobileand applicationchannels.

    • Firms understandinteractions acrossdigital channels in

    a business contextand can take directaction on insights.

    • Data collectionexpands toincorporate mobile,applications, andmedia; complimentarytag management anddata syndicationcapabilities emerge.

    The golden age of web analytics

    • The firstcommercialwebsite analyticssoftware is created.

    • The second generationof web analyticsapplications cementthe market; Google

    launches GoogleAnalytics, a free webanalytics application.

    • Enterprise technologyvendors enter andconsolidate the webanalytics application

    market; siteoptimizationapplication vendorsproliferate.

    • Specialist vendorsenter the market toaddress emergingmedia, data

    management, and big-data analytics.

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    © 2012, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedFebruary 10, 2012

    4Welcome To The Era Of Digital Intelligence 

    For Customer Intelligence Professionals

    Figure 2 The Digital Intelligence Architecture

    Source: Forrester Research, Inc.61276


    data inputs




    warehouse Analysis Action

    Digital data







     Tag management

    Data ETL

    Data collection

    Digital intelligencedata warehouse

    Direct responseand brand metrics

    Data mining

    Static reports anddashboards

    Dynamic reportsand dashboards













    Support andcontact center



    Ratings andcomments

    Mobile website

    Fixed Internetwebsite


    Organic search

    Paid search



    Social networks





    Social listening

    Live chat

    Voice of customer

    · Distributed. o ully leverage digital data, analysts and tools must convey insights to businessstakeholders to drive decisions. Digital intelligence ensures that analysis capabilities are not

    exclusive to technical staff and analysts, the traditional bastion o insight generation. In addition

    to providing advanced analytics and annotation capabilities or power users, digital intelligence

    provides nontechnical users and business stakeholders with access to role-relevant analytics

    data via persona-appropriate, sel-service interaces and unctionality.

  • 8/16/2019 Forrester Welcome to the Era of Dig


    © 2012, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedFebruary 10, 2012

    5Welcome To The Era Of Digital Intelligence 

    For Customer Intelligence Professionals

    · Right-time. Marketers place a premium on timely, high-speed analysis, due to the incrediblyast pace o digital interactions and campaigns. Waiting days or weeks or reports and analyses

    incurs an unacceptable opportunity cost or ailing to continuously optimize customer

    experiences. Digital intelligence delivers analysis in real time or on demand at a pace that

    matches users’ decision-making schedules.

    · Tightly managed. Te capacity to manage large volumes o diverse digital data sources is amandatory baseline requirement or digital intelligence. Digital intelligence offers access to a

    suite o management tools — including tag management, data syndication, centralized user and

    unctional administration, data warehousing, and data processing — to acilitate the availability

    o high-quality data or analysis.

    Digital Intelligence Demands A Broad Measurement Strategy Shift

    Digital intelligence is not simply a semantic attempt to revise web analytics history. It is a newstrategy or comprehensive analytics, based on a cohesive approach that incorporates a combination

    o technologies; a wide set o stakeholders and users; and multiple outputs spanning reports, data

    integrations, and direct action. Delivering digital intelligence requires a measurement strategy

    reboot to break away rom historical biases and develop a holistic plan. o understand the

    requirements, gaps, and benefits o digital intelligence, CI proessionals must consider:

    · A new technical approach. Digital intelligence isn’t available through an all-in-one product suite.CI proessionals must employ a combination o technologies to collect, process, store, analyze,

    and distribute digital data. When considering technology in this environment — in which data

    and unctionality integrations between tools are a given — solution packaging, data integration

    capabilities, and partner programs matter as much as native unctionality and user experience.

    · Ownership structure. Digital intelligence must be deeply embedded in the business ratherthan an isolated unction, raising important questions about unctional ownership. Although

    business stakeholders such as interactive marketing and eCommerce proessionals comprise

    the primary consumers and beneficiaries o digital intelligence, the practice remains highly

    technical and dependent on advanced analytics skillsets. Because o this, Forrester believes that

    a customer intelligence command center, with support rom business technology and input

    rom the business, should own digital intelligence.5

    · Metrics and KPIs. By providing substantially more raw data and links across data points,digital intelligence introduces the opportunity to reconsider the data sources, calculations, andinterdependencies o metrics and KPIs. For example, even the classic website “bounce rate” metric

    warrants reconsideration in a digital intelligence context to determine how it could be redefined as

    a universal metric to track low-engagement visits across social media, websites, and applications.

    Ten marketers could use it to trigger individual-level messaging to drive marketing actions.

  • 8/16/2019 Forrester Welcome to the Era of Dig


    © 2012, Forrester Research, Inc. Reproduction ProhibitedFebruary 10, 2012

    6Welcome To The Era Of Digital Intelligence 

    For Customer Intelligence Professionals

    · Optimization as a core competency. Conducting statistically sound experiments is the onlyway to cut through digital marketing’s diversity and volume o interactions to determine which

    content, promotions, and experiences will resonate with customers and prospects. CI proessionals

    must cultivate a culture o experimentation and ensure that digital intelligence utilizes testing and

    targeting as a key method o making analytics actionable and embedded in all marketing activities.

    W H A T I T M E A N S


    Digital intelligence distinguishes itself from traditional web analytics by going beyond expanded

    data collection and generating more reports. Digital intelligence ultimately breaks down the

    wall between analytics and the business, eliminating passive insight delivery to make digital

    data directly actionable. Digital intelligence is a new analytics standard because it closes the gapbetween analysis and action to optimize digital customer experiences seamlessly, based on a

    holistic view of customer relationships and delivered at the speed of interactions. The depth of

    data, organizational, and process integration required by digital intelligence offers opportunities

    to all participants in the digital marketing process:

    · Digital intelligence levels the playing field for marketers. Historically, marketing successrelied on scale, volume, and resources, but success in the second digital decade depends

    on an organization’s ability to deliver cohesive and relevant customer experiences. Firms —

    regardless of size — that leverage digital analytics will be in position to create sustainable

    competitive advantages within their markets.

    · Digital intelligence opens up the market for technology providers. Web analyticsvendors are in pole position to lead the digital intelligence solution market, given their

    technical capabilities and market penetration, but this is no guarantee of success. A new

    entrant or entirely new class of technology provider could redefine the category, driving

    innovation and providing new options to firms. Several categories are in the running;

    these include data-management platforms for audience intelligence, such as Krux Digital;

    data-mining and predictive analytics platforms, such as SAS; analytics platforms, such as

    Causata, Splunk, and Vertica; and demand-side platforms that are connecting media and site

    targeting, such as X Plus One.

    · Digital intelligence pulls service providers out of their silos.  Advanced requirements

    and a lack of available packaged solutions create new opportunities for third-party serviceproviders as firms seek out tactical and strategic support to implement and manage digital

    intelligence. A broad range of service providers will expand from their traditional footprint

    to operate in the digital intelligence market. Digital marketing agencies are an obvious

    beneficiary, but nontraditional service providers will gain significant traction either through

    specialization, such as analytics consultants, or through the integration of digital intelligence

    into enterprise IT services, such as systems integrators.6

  • 8/16/2019 Forrester Welcome to the Era of Dig


    7Welcome To The Era Of Digital Intelligence 

    For Customer Intelligence Professionals

    Forrester Research, Inc. (Nasdaq: FORR) is an independent research company that provides pragmatic and forward-thinking advice to global leaders in businessand technology. Forrester works with professionals in 19 key roles at major companies providing proprietary research, customer insight, consulting, events, and peer-to-peer executive programs. For more than 28 years, Forrester has been making IT, marketing, and te chnology industry le aders successful every day. Formore information, visit

    © 2012 Forrester Research, Inc. All rights reserved. Forrester, Forrester Wave, RoleView, Technographics, TechRankings, and Total Economic Impact are trademarksof Forrester Research, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Reproduction or sharing of this content in any form without prior

    written permission is strictly prohibited. To purchase reprints of this document, please email For additional reproduction and usageinformation, see Forrester’s Citation Policy located at Information is based on best available resources. Opinions reflect judgment at the timeand are subject to change 61276


    1 Interactive marketing spend totaled nearly $35 billion in the US in 2011, with continued double-digit

    growth orecast or the next five years. See the August 24, 2011, “US Interactive Marketing Forecast: 2011

    o 2016” report.

    2 Forrester estimates that eCommerce in the US, afer maintaining double-digit growth in spite o the

    recession o the past ew years, will pass $200 billion in 2012 and achieve a double-digit share o overall

    retail sales, See the February 28, 2011, “US Online Retail Forecast, 2010 o 2015” report. US mobile

    commerce is projected to grow fiveold in dollars and more than triple its overall share o eCommerce in

    the next five years. See the June 17, 2011, “Mobile Commerce Forecast: 2011 o 2016” report.

    3 I the Web is the common thread throughout the marketing mix, marketers can ill afford to miss the

    opportunity to use web analytics to close the gaps between cross-channel marketing tactics. See the March

    29, 2010, “How Web Analytics Will Emerge As A Cornerstone O Customer Intelligence” report.

    4 Evolving orm actors and pervasive wireless connectivity have transormed computing rom an activitydone in one location to an activity done anywhere. Contrast the experience o computing on a desktop

    PC, in one place with a clear start and finish time, to that o the anytime/anywhere computing done on a

    smartphone or tablet. See the May 17, 2011, “What Te Post-PC Era Really Means” report.

    5 Highly accountable marketing organizations have unified corporate goals and objectives that pulse through

    all parts o the organization. How do they get there? Tey ensure sound organizational alignment that

    coordinates customer data and analytics, marketing technology, and measurement across the enterprise.

    Tis kind o organizational alignment is built upon a basic center-o-excellence model. Forrester calls

    this particular model a customer intelligence command center. See the March 23, 2010, “Te Marketing

    Accountability Index” report.

    6 Tird-party service providers offer CI proessionals expertise, processes, and flexibility across a wide

     variety o web intelligence services. Te our primary categories o web intelligence service providers are

    technology vendors, marketing agencies, specialist consultancies, and systems integrators. See the January

    19, 2012, “Where o Get Help With Web Analytics”report.