forms of literary criticism.

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of forms of literary criticism.

is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. Modern literary criticism is often informed by literary theory, which is the philosophical discussion of its methods and goals. Though the two activities are closely related, literary critics are not always, and have not always been, theorists.


Refers to purgation , purification , clarification, or structural kind of emotional cleansing.

Aristotle’s view of catharsis involves purging of negative emotions like pity and fear.

Is an issue for Plato for literary works that shows bad mimesis. Literary works

That shows bad mimesis should be censored according to Plato.

Romantic Theory

0William Wordsworth explained his idea on romanticism in his Preface to the Second Edition of the Lyrical Ballads.

This theory believes that literature is an organic unity. It is independent of its author or the time when it was written or the historical context. It is concerned solely with the ‘text in itself’, with its language and organization.

To use this theory, one proceeds by looking into the following:

The personaThe addresseeThe situation(where and when)What the persona saysThe central metaphor (tenor and vehicle)The central ironyThe multiple meanings of words

0 This theory applies the ideas of Freudian psychology to literature. Freud sees the component parts of the psyche as three groups of functions. The id, directly related to the instinctual drives; the ego, an agency which regulates and opposes the drives; and the superego, another part of the ego with a critical judging function.

Mythological/Archetypal Approach

This approach to literary study is based on Carl Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious.

Myths are universal although every nation has its own distinctive mythology.

This theory questions texts of all kinds and our common practices in reading them. The deconstructionist critic begins by discerning a flaw in the discourse and then revealing the hidden articulations. Deconstructing a text call for careful reading and a bit of creativity. The most important figure in deconstruction is the Frenchman Jacques Derrida.


Marxist Literary Theory

Feminist Critism

This is a specific kind of political discourse: there are two

kinds of feminist criticism: one is concerned with unearthing.

Rediscovering or re-evaluating women’s -writing, and he other

with re-reading literature from the point of view of women.

Feminism asks why women have played a subordinate role to

men in the society.

Postcolonial criticism

Postmodern literary theory

Structure of feeling that refer to the culture of advanced capitalist societies. This culture has undergone a profound shift in the paradigm shift in the structure of feeling. A whole new way of thinking and being in the world emerged a paradigm shift in the cultural, social, and economic orders.

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