Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1

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Transcript of Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1

  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1


    English Perfect Score

    Modules Paper 1


    (! "ar#s$

    Written %&' Dr I%rahi" )in *ari

  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1



    ,spects Mar#s

    Format 3

    Content 12

    Language 20

    T+T,- !

    Past 3ears4 uestion

    Year Format Task

    1997 ,n articlefor school newspaperTo infor"students about the nature club and

    persuade them to o!n"199# , for"at letterto the $anager of a factor% To re5uesta &!s!t for %our school consumer club"

    1999 , reportto the pr!nc!palTo infor"the pr!nc!pal about the poor cond!t!on and

    ser&!ces or the l!brar%"

    2000 ,n infor"ation letterto %our motherTo as#for some mone% to bu% a b!rthda% g!ft for %ou


    2001 ,n articlefor %our school maga'!ne (ow cope w!th stress2002 , tal#to other students )oad *afet%

    2003 , for"al letterto %our teacher

    To statethe cho!ce made b% %our class on a tr!p afte

    the end+of+%ear e,am!nat!on and g!&e reasons for the


    200- , reportfor the pr!nc!palTo 6rite on "atters!n %our school wh!ch could be


    200. , letterto a fr!end /!nformal letterTo descri%e%our e,per!ences at a three+da% outdoo


    200 , letterto a fr!end /!nformal letterTo gi7e reasonswh% heshe would make a good

    (ead refect

    2007 , tal#to students To gi7e a tal#on a reference book that !s useful forsecondar% students

    200# ,n articlefor a school maga'!ne To 6rite an articleabout %our fr!end"

    2009 , reportto the pr!nc!palTo gi7e reasonsfor the lack of !nterest !n sports and

    pro&!de suggest!ons to o&ercome the problems"

    2010 , letterto %our cous!nTo tellh!mher about the benef!ts of the 4at!onal

    *er&!ce rogramme and to encourageh!mher to go

    2011, speechto )ed Crescent *oc!et%

    membersTo infor"them on how to manage a sprained an#l

    2012 , letterto %ounger s!ster To ad7iseher on how to spend her mone% w!sel%"

    2013 , letter of co"plaint to the Town Counc!l

    201- ,n article for %our school maga'!ne (ow to ensure safet% !n the ne!ghbourhood201.

  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1


    1"You are unhapp% w!th the poor cond!t!on and ser&!ces of %our school l!brar%" Write a reportto %our pr!nc!pal" You must

    use the notes g!&en below"

    )ude l!brar!an

    5nsuff!c!ent space

    6ld furn!ture

    6ld and torn books

    Fault% med!a eu!pment

    *hort borrow!ng per!od

    8hen wr!t!ng the report %ou should remember:

    to pro&!de a t!tle

    to use all the notes g!&en

    the elaborate the notes

    E8a"ple ans6er 1

    To: The r!nc!pal of *ekolah $enengah *a!ns ;ertam

    The oor Cond!t!ons

  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1


    5n %our letter %ou should:+ state %our compla!nt+ elaborate on %our compla!nts+ ask the management to rect!f% the compla!nts+ e,press %our thoughts about d!n!ng at the restaurant aga!n

    E8a"ple ans6er 9


  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1


    calculator to a&o!d m!stakes !n total!ng the b!ll" You need to repa!r the defect!&e fans and a!r+cond!t!oners

    !mmed!atel%" Last but not least cleanl!ness should be ma!nta!ned !n all parts of %our restaurant" 5 hope that %ou

    w!ll look !nto these compla!nts and take !mmed!ate act!ons" 5t !s &er% !mportant to remember that DThe ;etter The

    *er&!ce The ;etter The ;us!ness>"

    Thank!ng %ou !n ad&ance for %our co+operat!on"

    Yours fa!thfull%)od'!ana/)6BE5

  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1


    $a% $a% from Form . $ul!a" The clos!ng date of subm!ss!on !s the 10th $arch 2011" The theme of the posters

    must follow the theme of our campa!gn" The f!rst pr!'e w!nner w!ll get a book &oucher of )$200 the second pr!'e

    w!nner w!ll get a book &oucher of )$100 and the th!rd pr!'e w!nner w!ll rece!&e a book &oucher of )$.0"

    F!nall% 5 w!sh to g!&e a word of rem!nder to %ou all" lease do not litter" 8e must a&o!d the hab!t of

    throw!ng rubb!sh !nd!scr!m!natel%" 8e must alwa%s remember that a cleaner en&!ronment would ensure a happ!er

    and health!er l!fe" 5 would l!ke to make an appeal for full cooperat!on from all part!es to make th!s campa!gn a

    success" 8!th that thank %ou"

    Elistof all the act!&!t!es planned and carr!ed out" Th!s !n

    turn w!ll make stud%!ng more effect!&e and a&o!d unnecessar% pressure"*tudents should also ha&e %alanced "ealsand enough sleep" These are sa!d to be bas!c to health%

    l!&es" *tudents espec!all% those !n e,am!nat!on classes must sleep and eat well because a health% bod%

    creates a health% m!nd" (owe&er the process of go!ng to sleep can somet!mes be d!ff!cult" (ence !t !s

    necessar% to see# ad7icefrom those whom we trust and lo&e" Counselor4s!n school are helpful but %ou can








    CC;@Cpool 6hene7er 6e can




    Main pointEla%orateE8a"ple


    Main pointEla%orateE8a"ple


    Main pointEla%orateE8a"ple


    Su" up

  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1



    The Challenges that teenagers face in life toda&

    The teenagers of toda% face a rap!dl% chang!ng world w!th man% challenges" The% are confronted w!th man%

    soc!al !ssues !n l!fe" These %oung people are at stage of the!r l!&es where the% ha&e a sense of cr!t!cal perspect!&e

    !n what the% see across the world" Challenges come !n &ar!ous forms: neglect peer pressure !dent!t% problems

    drugs eat!ng d!sorders and others" +ur &oung people need to %e en courage to gro6 to %e producti7e

    citiFens of the countr& %ut first0 6e need to #no6 the challenges that these teenagers face on a dail& %asis

    It is generall& %elie7ed that the teenager &ears are characteriFed %& re%ellion and confusion0 the

    need for social acceptance %& one4s peers as the teenagers struggle to define their identit& to get a focus

    in lifeTh!s !s pro&en to be one of the b!ggest challenges that teenagers w!ll face toda%" The% e&aluate the

    performances accord!ng to the udgments of others and when the% fall short the% are angr% depressed and the%

    blame themsel&es for fall!ng short of the e,pectat!on of others" Young people who dress d!fferentl% th!nk

    d!fferentl%" The% act d!fferentl% and ma% be consumed w!th self+ reproach an,!et% and fear" The% th!nk that to be

    accepted the% must l!ke the others" The% then struggle to be l!ke others and often end up unhapp% and stressed

    because the% are not able to keep up the charade"

    )esides peer pressure0 other challenges faced %& teenagers include personal "atters of the heart

    ;ecause teenagers are grow!ng up between the stage of be!ng not u!te adults and not be!ng ch!ldren the% ha&e a

    roller coaster of emot!ons bur!ed deep w!th!n them" ;e!ng !n lo&e and fall!ng out of lo&e !s a challenge faced b%

    teenagers toda%"

  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1


    E8a"ple :

    /or"ing stud& groups is an effecti7e 6a& f stud&ing Gi7e &our opinions

    Form!ng !ndependent stud% groups !s a common phenomenon !n pol%techn!cs colleges and un!&ers!t!es

    these da%s" Th!s concept !s also promoted b% the local school author!t!es as research has pro&en that there are

    "an& ad7antages to %e deri7ed 6hen students discuss lessons in groups

    /irstl&0 stud& groups help students to gain i"portant 7alues that cannot %e literall& taught in class 5n

    stud% groups students depend on each other for support" The fa!th and trust put on members !n group create the

    bond and b!nd them together" $embers ha&e to be comm!tted to one another as long as the% are part of the group"

    5t !s th!s !nterdependence that !ncreases the effect!&eness of a stud% group" unctual!t% !s another ground rule that

    all members come and go as the% l!ke the bond w!ll be broken and the group w!ll slowl% s!nk"

    Secondl&0 stud& groups pro"ote acti7e interaction a"ong students Th!s !s health% as through

    !nteract!on students are able to re&!se lessons that were taught !n class and help each other !n subect areas"

    Lessons wh!ch are not understood or co&ered well !n class can be trashed out w!th fr!ends" Th!s encourages act!&e

    learn!ng and students are able to !nternal!'e concepts and !deas better !n the long run" 6&er t!me students become

    not ust good commun!cators but good l!steners as well"

    Thirdl&0 Stud& groups help students %eco"e effecti7e tea" pla&ersHenerall% students would l!ke to

    belong to a group the% are comfortable w!th and ha&e fa!th !n" 5n a stud% group students ha&e to tra!n themsel&es

    to ha&e a pos!t!&e m!ndset and to contr!bute !deas" Th!s challenges students to !ncrease the!r knowledge and to

    prepare them for challeng!ng tasks !n the!r careers later on !n l!fe" 5f members are negat!&e la'% and not

    comm!tted the% ma% be reected b% members" ;e!ng effect!&e team members helps prepare students for the

    workforce too" Compan!es these da%s e,pect emplo%ees to cooperate and work well !n group proects"

    5n conclus!on the abo&e po!nts show us that stud% groups ha&e man% ad&antages to offer the students"

  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1


    E8a"ple !

    Gangsteris" has %eco"e a pro%le" in "an& schools these da&s Discuss Hangster!sm !s becom!ng a grow!ng problem !n schools these da%s" s performances" 5n th!s wa% students w!ll feel

    belonged and &alued and w!ll not be threatened b% the tact!cs used b% gangsters"

    5n short the respons!b!l!t% to curb gangster!sm falls on the shoulders of parents too" The home should be

    safet% net for students not ust !n happ!er t!mes but also dur!ng d!ff!cult!es" Together 6ith the schools0 parents

    can help to reduce or e7en to eli"inate gangsteris" o7er ti"e



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    Main pointEla%orate



    Main pointEla%orateE8a"ple


    Su" up

  • 7/25/2019 Format Bahasa Inggeris Kertas 1
