Formal Proposal

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Formal Proposal

Beth Cox

Formal Proposal

Title of magazine you wish to produce:

The title of my magazine I wish to produce is 'Download'. I have chosen to call my music

magazine download because the word download is music related and I have come up with a

design for it using a download symbol that I think will stand out to my audience. Also

download incorporates well with my genre being Pop as Pop music is one of the most

downloaded genres of music to this date, therefore download is an appropriate word to use

as the title for my Pop music magazine.

Explanation of choice of genre:

I have chosen to do a music magazine with the sub-genre Pop as Pop is one of the biggest,

most successful genres to this date and I am interested and listen to Pop music a lot so I

thought it would be a good genre to use for my music magazine. Also the sub-genre Pop is

very popular with the age of my target audience, therefore my music magazine will appeal

to them a lot more than if I'd of focused on a different sub-genre.

Target audience:

My target audience is people aged 16-20. This is because similar magazines to the one I

want to produce, such a Q magazine and Billboard, aim there magazine at a similar target

audience and they are Pop music magazines. Also ages 16-20 are mainly interested in Pop

music and popular music that's in the charts, therefore my music magazine will attract the

people I'm targeting my magazine at.

Initial ideas about front page:

I am thinking of having a girl on the front cover as I think there are a lot of very successful

female artists out there right now such as, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Rihanna and this follows

the conventions of a Pop music magazine as mainly women pose on the front covers. Also i

am going to have them looking directly at the camera and the audience as this is another

convention of a front cover, and it draws in the reader's attention. I am going to have my

masthead going behind the main image as this is a convention in music magazines and the

magazines I have researched into do this, such as Billboard. My cover lines are going to

include fashion, beauty, gossip about celebrities, and competitions as these are what you

typically find on Pop music magazines with the target audience of ages 16-20.

Beth Cox

Initial ideas about contents page:

I am thinking about using several images on my contents page as similar magazines to the

one imp going to produce use several images, e.g. Billboard and Q magazine. Using more

than one photo on the contents page is a convention in magazines. One of my images will

be an image of the person who has also appeared on the front cover as they are going to be

the main focus of the magazine, so using several photos will highlight that to the audience. I

am also thinking of my images being different sizes, so the more important they are in the

magazine the bigger the image, vice versa. The images displayed are going to link in with the

different articles mentioned on the contents page, and all the articles mentioned are going

to be main and important in the magazine. Numbers will also be placed on the photos so

the audience can link the photo with the content.

Initial ideas about double page spread:

My double page spread is going to be an interview from the person who is staring on the

front of the magazine, as they are the main focus and mainly why the audience buys the

magazine. I will have a photo of the girl once again which will take up one of the pages as

this is a convention in double page spreads in interviews in magazines. The interview will

discuss her music, how she got discovered and how she deals with daily life being in the
