Forerunner Christian Chess Team

Post on 02-Nov-2021

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Transcript of Forerunner Christian Chess Team

Forerunner ChristianChess Team

Week 4

Last Week Review

Check, Checkmate, Stalemate

3 Things to Think About on Each Move

Connecting Rooks and Forks

Chess Principle 3: Be Humble When Winning

Sample Game: Nunn winning a a large combo of forks

3 Things to Think About

1.What is my opponent doing?

2.What did he STOP doing?

3.How are my pieces feeling?

Christian Chess Principle #4

Respect your opponents (and their pieces)

Levels of ChessLevel A: Still learning the rules of chess

Level B: Can easily finish games of chess but not tactics

Level C: Can think strategically and use simple tactics like Forks/Skewers/Pins; King Queen/Rook Checkmate

Level D: Can apply all tactics into a game; Pawn endgames; Weak Squares; 2 Bishop Endings, Disco-Attack, Create Attacks

Level E: Understands positional play: pawn structure, piece superiority, subtle advantages, tactical sacrifices, Bishop/Knight ending, positional sacrifices, prophylaxis, decoy

Level F: Chess Expert. Understands the dynamics between dark/light squares, imbalances, positional sacrifices, overprotection,

Discovered Attack (Disco)

Discovered Attack (Disco)

Bridge TheoryStep 1: Complete Development

Step 2: Once you have advantage, open up the bridge through a pawn breakthrough

Step 3: Get as many pieces to the other side of the board safely as possible

Step 4: Use your pieces to get your pawns to become Queens

Complete Development

Pawn Breakthrough

Get Pieces to other side

Example GameBuilding an Attack

1. King-side AttackII. OverloadingIII. Disco-AttackIV. Trading when Down
