Foreign Rihts Catalogue, Fall 2012 - El Jinete Azul · el m s grande (Jimmy, the biggest) and the...

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Transcript of Foreign Rihts Catalogue, Fall 2012 - El Jinete Azul · el m s grande (Jimmy, the biggest) and the...

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · ·

Foreign Rights

Catalogue fall 2012

The Book of Questions



BEATRIZ MARTÍN VIDAL was born in Valladolid in 1973. She began studies in Law but ended with a Fine Arts degree in Salamanca. After five years of painting, drawing and generally enjoying herself, she contemplated the possibility of dedicating herself to illustration. After graduating, she returned to Valladolid and studied a post-graduate course in Illustration at the School of Art. After completion of her studies, she plunged into the waters of professional illustration. She has illustrated books for publishers in a variety of countries and recently published her first book as an author and illustrator. The second is on its way.

She has received grants and prizes for her illustrations, posters and comics. Recently she was selected for the 51st exhibition of the New York Society of Illustrators, therefore appearing in their annual catalogue.

Why didn’t they stay in the beautiful candy house?

Why did they believe that they wouldn’t be

abandoned again?

Why did Hansel and Gretel come back

home? The Book of QuestionsBeatriz Martín Vidal

El J


e A


The wonderful tales contain the most fascinating and troubling characters in children’s literature. Especially those

who, even when they could be saved, Chose to risk everything by returning home rather than being saved, Like Hansel and Gretel.

There are others that fell in oblivion, such as the ogre’s seven daughters, from Tom Thumb’s tale, because the reader felt satisfied with the main character’s happy ending.


Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

Little Red




BEATRIZ MARTÍN VIDAL was born in Valladolid in 1973. She began studies in Law but ended with a Fine Arts degree in Salamanca. After five years of painting, drawing and generally enjoying herself, she contemplated the possibility of dedicating herself to illustration. After graduating, she returned to Valladolid and studied a post-graduate course in Illustration at the School of Art. After completion of her studies, she plunged into the waters of professional illustration. She has illustrated books for publishers in a variety of countries and recently published her first book as an author and illustrator. The second is on its way.

She has received grants and prizes for her illustrations, posters and comics. Recently she was selected for the 51st exhibition of the New York Society of Illustrators, therefore appearing in their annual catalogue.

L ittle Red is a story in three sequences around the traditional tale’s famous character: «Going Red», «The Game

of Questions» and «Going Out». On the first one, the girl first transforms into the character; on the second she is driven by curiosity to the Wolf; and on the last one, she comes back to the world as in some sort of magic resurrection.

A beautiful metaphor on the ambiguous relationship among characters that cannot be conceived one without the other.


Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

MIQUEL MARTÍ I POL was born in Roda de Ter (Barcelona) in 1929, and died in Vic en 2003. Poet, writer and translator, he started to work at a textile factory at the age of fourteen. He published Paraules al vent, his first book of poems, in 1954, work that won him the Óssa Menor Prize. During the sixties he began collaborating in different sceneries, giving lectures and becoming politically engaged with the PSUC. In 1983 he received the «Cruz de Sant Jordi» and in 1992 the «Medalla Nacional de la Generalitat de Catalunya», among other distinctions. His published work, which spans over 30 books, has been published in many languages, and he has translated authors such as Saint-Exupéry, Apollinaire, Flaubert, Simone de Beauvoir…

CARME SOLÉ VENDRELL was born in Barcelona on the 1st of August 1944. She studied painting in the «Escola Massana de Barcelona».

She is recognized for her work of illustration in children’s books, some of which she also wrote. Her book La luna de Juan was translated into many languages and received international recognition.

She has been awarded numerous prizes, including: Janusz Korczak, 1979; National Prize of Illustration, 1979, Catalònia, 1984; Critici in Erba, 1992; Octogone la Fonte, 1992; Creu de Sant Jordi, 2006.

Since 1992 she has been combining her work with painting, drawing posters, animation, scenery, playwriting and theatre direction.

She has given illustration courses in Barcelona, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Taiwan and New York.

The Anniversary


PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 19,5 X 26 CM · ISBN 978 84 939213 3 0 · 32 PAGES PRICE · 16,00 !

Time passes, even though sometimes it appears it didn’t; too fast, in many occasions. So fast, that sometimes you

realize the best years of your life have already passed, misspend, and you still don’t feel fulfilled. This is the kind of felling that struck Mr M in the morning of his 10th anniversary.

Time has taken its course, and the opaque glass of routine alienated him from his emotions. But in a rainy and gloomy day, while returning home after an industrious day of work, he found a hat. In that moment, without even understanding why, Mr M felt like the master of his own destiny. He decided to wear the hat and never take it off again. As a new man, he chose to be the true lord and master of his new personality.

Nobody understood this act of courage, evidently…

Aquel gesto le había convertido en otro hombre. El resto del camino hasta su casa lo hizo casi corriendo.

Su mujer le esperaba en la puerta y se acercó, por la acera, para recibirle.

—No te había reconocido... te traía un paraguas, pero... —se interrumpió—. ¿Qué llevas en la cabeza?

—Un sombrero.—Ya lo veo; pero ¿por qué?—Porque he dejado de ser quien era y el sombrero

es el símbolo de mi nueva personalidad.La mujer, que se había agarrado a su brazo, se separó

de él y se quedó mirándole unos momentos en silencio. Luego, sin decir nada, se echó a llorar y se metió corriendo en casa.

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

O que los recreos fueran tan largos,


PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 21 X 22 CM · ISBN 978 84 939213 1 6 · 40 PAGES · PRICE 15,00 !


JAIRO BUITRAGO is a writer and illustrator of children’s books. In 2006, he published the picture book El señor L.Fante (Mr. L.Phant), and in the following year he published Emiliano with the help of the Peruvian illustrator Rafael Yockteng. Together they published Camino a casa (The Way Home) in 2008, Eloísa y los bichos (Eloisa and the Bugs) in 2009, El primer día (The First Day) Jimmy, el más grande (Jimmy, the biggest) and the novel Las pesquisas comenzaron en Baker Street (The Inquiries started at Baker Street) in 2010. He was the winner of the XI Concurso de Álbum Ilustrado A la Orilla del Viento del Fondo de Cultura Económica de México (XI Picture Book Competition «A la Orilla del Viento» of the Mexican Economic Culture Fund) in 2007. His books have attained different recognitions, such as the IBBY honour list and The Best of the Venezuelan Book Bank. With Eloisa and the Bugs he won the White Ravens price, awarded by the Internationale Jugendbibliothek of Munich. His books have been translated into English, Portuguese and Japanesse.

RAFAEL YOCKTENG was born in Lima, Peru, on July 7th, 1976. His family moved to Colombia in 1980, country where he currently resides. He studied graphic design at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogotá, where he met master Rodez. Rodez influenced him profoundly, motivating him to devote his time to graphic design. In the year 2000 he won the Utopia contest (IBBY), addressed for Latin American children’s books illustrators, in company of other three talented illustrators –including his master. In 2003 he won the contest to illustrate the International Children’s Day poster. As of then he has illustrated several books for publishing houses in Colombia and the rest of the world: Groundwood Books, Norma, Santillana, Alfaguara, Ediciones B, Casa Editorial El Tiempo and Babel Libros. In 2008 he was awarded the price «A la orilla del viento», alongside with the writer Jairo Buitrago for their book Camino a casa (The Way Home) which recently became part of the IBBY Honour List. Their book Eloisa y los bichos (Eloisa and the Bugs) is part of the White Ravens Catalogue. The Venezuelan Banco del Libro also selected the book as one of their best titles.

How does it feel to be a weird bug? Everybody looks at you on the streets, in the classroom; on recess. Eloisa and the Bugs is a beautiful

consideration on new experiences; on all things unknown to us. It talks about fears and apprenticeship, about strangeness, singularities and habitudes; about rejection, but also about friendship.

Eloisa and the Bugs White Ravens List, 2011

Best Books for Children’s List (Banco del Libro, Venezuela), 2011

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |


PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 23 X 24 CM · ISBN 978 84 939213 2 3 · 40 PAGES · PRICE 15,00 !


MARIA HERGUETA was born in 1984. She holds a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Salamanca, but also attended the Brera Academy of Milan and the University of Barcelona. She later complemented her studies with an MA in illustration in the Escola Massana of Barcelona and with the «Curso de Adpatación Pedagógica – CAP» (Pedagogic Adaptation Course) in Salamanca.

She currently lives in Barcelona where she works as a freelance illustrator.

What Happens when you’re not Here narrates, in the main character’s voice, the selfish and innocent thoughts of

a boy after experiencing the absence of someone close to him, and his reflections on fully enjoying solitude.

Cuando no estás aquí, soy el rey de la casa.

What Happens When you’re not Here

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

—¿Quién volverá? ¿Serás el mismo después de haber visto el horror de la guerra? ¿Podrás volver a mirarte a los ojos? ¿Quién será el hombre que vuelva?


PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 21,5 X 17,5 CM ISBN 978 84 938352 3 1 · 32 PAGES · PRICE 14,00 !

English, French and German translations available

Highly Recomended Books List (Fundalectura, Colombia), 2012

List of Honor (CLIJ, Spain), 2011

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |


Born in Bilbao in 1972. He is an architect who constructs stories, which have always been his passion, rather than buildings. An autodidact in the field, his work has developed mostly through the comic, a medium in which he has been the writer, the illustrator and almost always both things at the same time.

His most extensive work and that for which he has received most recognition is the comic series Los viajes de Juan Sin Tierra, published by Astiberri: La pipa de Marcos, La Isla de Nunca Jamás, Río Loco, and En la Tierra de los Sin Tierra, all translated or being translated into French, Finnish and Portuguese.

He has been nominated for many prizes for this work, including the Nacional de Cómic in 2007, and has won prizes on two occasions: as Autor Revelación de los Premios de la Cárcel de Papel in 2004 and as Mejor Dibujo Realista de los Premios Diario de Avisos in 2007.

He publishes the series Historias del Olvido (Dolmen) as scriptwriter together with Luciano Saracino.

The Soldier’s Farewell is his first collaboration with Leticia Ruifernández and also his first public work as author and he can tell you that never have so few words cost him so much.


Born in Madrid in 1976. She was trained as an architect but her vocation is painting. By means of illustrating she finds the way to share her work with others. Her publishers include Anaya, Edelvives, Kókinos, Tándem and Ekaré. In 2006 she won First Prize in the VI Certamen de Álbum Ilustrado «Ciudad de Alicante» and second prize in the III Certamen de álbum infantil Biblioteca Insular del Cabildo de Gran Canaria in 2008. The picture book The Soldier’s Farewell published by El Jinete Azul is her first collaboration with Javier de Isusi, the author of comics.

Very characteristic parts of her work are her calendars and her travel notebooks some of which have been published.

You can see her biography on her web page at

The Soldier’s Farewell

The Soldier’s Farewell is a picture book and not strictly a children’s book.

A subtle aroma of transgression places it in a particular trend within it’s genre.

A short text that tells the story of a crucial moment in the life of a man and his family, when a decision has to be made, whether to go off to war or to stay in the home he has built. Whichever decision he makes will change the life he has known so far.

His choice is so surprising that an adult reader will recall Western Literature in all its splendour. In this beautiful story lies a Ulysses and a modern day Odyssey where the myth is reinvented, and an immediate, small-scale story that speaks of everyday life portrayed by the illustrations. Perhaps that is the most important of it all.


PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 21,5 X 17,5 CM · ISBN 978 84 938352 1 7 · 40 PAGES · PRICE 18,00 !


BERTOLT BRECHT was born on the 10th of February 1898 in Augsburg, Bavaria and died in Berlin in 1956. Although belonging to an upper class family, he decided to distance himself from the conventions and disciplines of the bourgeoisie at a very young age.

A poet, theatre director and dramatist who sought after stirring the conscience of the spectator. His work is bound together with his political commitment and a rigorous awareness that the form and content of art are intimately linked.

Due to his opposition to Hitler’s government he fled from Germany in 1933 to live in Scandinavia and in 1941 settled in California. It is in this period that he published his most famous works: Life of Galileo, Mother Courage and her Children, and The Caucasian Chalk Circle.

The Children’s Crusade was first published in 1948 in Tales from the Calendar.

CARME SOLÉ VENDRELL was born in Barcelona on the 1st of August 1944. She studied painting in the «Escola Massana de Barcelona».

She is recognized for her work of illustration in children’s books, some of which she also wrote. Her book La luna de Juan was translated into many languages and received international recognition.

She has been awarded numerous prizes, including: Janusz Korczak, 1979; National Prize of Illustration, 1979, Catalònia, 1984; Critici in Erba, 1992; Octogone la Fonte, 1992; Creu de Sant Jordi, 2006.

Since 1992 she has been combining her work with painting, drawing posters, animation, scenery, playwriting and theatre direction.

She has given illustration courses in Barcelona, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Taiwan and New York.

T he Children’s Crusade is a long narrative poem written by the famous German playwright Bertolt Brecht. The story recounts the exodus of a group of

young Germans, Poles and Jews as they encounter one another in a ruined village in Poland after fleeing the war in 1939.

The vital force of the poem is still vibrant. Carme Solé has contributed some splendid illustrations that reflect the atmosphere of the horror of war and its denunciation.

Once años tenía la niña que, en brazos,llevaba al crío de cuatro.Sin paz y sin hogar,suplió toda carencia maternal.

Un niño judío iba entre ellos,con cuello de terciopelo,acostumbrado al blanco pan,se abrió camino resuelto.

Guiados por dos hermanosdiestros en el arte de la guerra, ocuparon una granja evacuadaque pronto inundó la tormenta.

Y, de lejos, camufl ado en el paisaje,un fl aco uniforme gris les seguía.Cargaba una terrible culpa:de los nazis, una embajada traía.

Entre ellos surgió un músicoque encontró un tambor entre las ruinas. Le quitaron los palillos:tanto ardor delataba su presencia.

Y con ellos un perro que, aun capturado como sustento, fue aceptado como uno más;no cabía más sufrimiento.

List of Honor (CLIJ, Spain), 2011

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

The Children’s Crusade

GUSTAVO MARTÍN GARZO was born in Valladolid in 1948. His work as a novelist and essayist has turned him into one of the most prestigious voices of Spanish literature in recent years. El lenguaje de las fuentes, winner of the Premio Nacional de Narrativa in 1994; Marea oculta, Premio Miguel Delibes award winner in 1995; La princesa manca, La vida nueva, El pequeño heredero, Las historias de Marta y Fernando, awarded the Premio Nadal in 1990, La soñadora (2002) y Los amores imprudentes published in 2004, are some titles worth mentioning from his extensive list of published works. He has been awarded many journalism prizes and writes regularly for the newspaper El País.

In 2006 he published his novel Mi querida Eva, winner of the Premio Mandarache of young readers award, and one year later, El cuarto de al lado, a series of notes about life and literature. El jardín dorado, one of his most personal books, was published in 2008. The same year he received the Premio de las letras de Castilla y León award for his lifetime work. His latest novel is La carta Cerrada (2009).

BEATRIZ MARTÍN VIDAL was born in Valladolid in 1973. She began studies in Law but ended with a Fine Arts degree in Salamanca. After five years of painting, drawing and generally enjoying herself, she contemplated the possibility of dedicating herself to illustration. After graduating, she returned to Valladolid and studied a post-graduate course in Illustration at the School of Art. After completion of her studies, she plunged into the waters of professional illustration. She has illustrated books for publishers in a variety of countries and recently published her first book as an author and illustrator. The second is on its way.

She has received grants and prizes for her illustrations, posters and comics. Recently she was selected for the 51st exhibition of the New York Society of Illustrators, therefore appearing in their annual catalogue.

A Pact in the Woods


PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 23,5 X 26,5 CM ISBN 978 84 937902 7 1 · 32 PAGES · PRICE 16,00 !


Every night the siblings Gonzalo and Paula ask their mother to tell them the same

story, the one set in a world where wolves are friends with rabbits. One day, Orejitas and Lametón disobey their mother, wandering away from their home and into the forest. Night falls and in the darkness they hear the moans of a blind wolf that is just about to give birth. Lametón feels no fear and licks the wolf’s eyes so that she recovers her sight. From that moment on a pact is held in the forest and wolves and rabbits live together in peace.

Gonzalo era tan pequeño que aún no se había desprendido del chupete y lo seguía necesitando para dormir.

—A ver, dínos por qué —le pidió la madre con una sonrisa.

Gonzalo tuvo que quitarse el chupete para hablar:

—Por algo que les pasó a dos conejos que se llamaban Orejitas

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

MARIA MARTÍNEZ I VENDRELL was born in Barcelona. Being a mother of two children, she graduated in Psychology and worked for seventeen years in the Psychiatric Unit of the Red Cross Hospital of Barcelona.

Out of this experience probably came her need for inventing and telling stories to learn about herself and others.

In 1983, together with Carme Solé, she was awarded the Apel·les Mestres prize for I loved them. Together with Roser Capdevila she published with the publishing house Destino, a collection entitled «Ahora hablamos de…» with twelve titles in Spanish and Catalan.

She still works as a Clinical Psychologist.

CARME SOLÉ VENDRELL was born in Barcelona on the 1st of August 1944. She studied painting in the «Escola Massana de Barcelona».

She is recognized for her work of illustration in children’s books, some of which she also wrote. Her book La luna de Juan was translated into many languages and received international recognition.

She has been awarded numerous prizes, including: Janusz Korczak, 1979; National Prize of Illustration, 1979, Catalònia, 1984; Critici in Erba, 1992; Octogone la Fonte, 1992; Creu de Sant Jordi, 2006.

Since 1992 she has been combining her work with painting, drawing posters, animation, scenery, playwriting and theatre direction.

She has given illustration courses in Barcelona, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, Taiwan and New York.

I Loved Them


PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 23 X 23 CM · ISBN 978 84 937902 3 3 · 40 PAGES · PRICE 16,00 !


Long plaits aren’t just one of Marta’s physical characteristics. Marta, the main character in

I Loved Them, is a dreamy and sensitive girl who spends her life worrying about her mother’s health; she grows up and comprehends that things are no longer the same.

This deeply literary text by Maria Martínez i Vendrell, with illustrations by Carme Solé Vendrell, tells a tale of growing up with a tender subtlety, similar to the very process carried in human beings.

In 1983 the book was deservedly awarded the Apel·les Mestres prize.

Apel·les Mestres Award, 1983

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |


Writer, illustrator and translator born in Bilbao in 1942. She studied drawing and painting in the 60’s and lived for a season in Italy. Upon her return to Spain decided to settle in Madrid, where she died in 2006.

From the year of 1976 she dedicated herself exclusively to writing and drawing; she illustrated both creative books and textbooks, working for a vast majority of Spanish publishers and various European and American publishers. Her work in the press, advertising and graphic design must not be forgotten. She was president of the Asociación de Ilustradores de Madrid and of Forges.

She was awarded the Lazarillo Prize in 1965 for Cancionero infantil Universal and the National Prize of Illustration in 1985 for Munia y la señora Piltronera.

A Hedgehog’s Story


PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 21 X 25 CM ISBN 978 84 937902 2 6 · 32 PAGES · PRICE 15,00 !


A Hedgehog’s Story, the first picture book published by Asun Balzola, is a beautiful

metaphor about friendship and loneliness.

This first work for which Balzola is both author and illustrator, earned the National Prize for Children’s Books and the second National Prize for Best Work of Illustration in 1978.

After his long winter’s sleep, the hedgehog comes out of its burrow and starts looking for a friend to play with. Finding one doesn’t turn out to be easy since his spines frighten everyone around him, although there is always someone to spend time with.

Children’s Literature National Award

2nd National Prize to the Best Illustrations, 1978

List of Honor (CLIJ, Spain), 2010

De nuevo en la pradera el erizo se encontró con un ratón de campo.—¿Quieres que seamos amigos? —le dijo pensando que, al !n y al cabo, el ratoncito era como de su familia.

—No, que tú pinchas —contestó el ratón y se metió en su madriguera moviendo el rabo.

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

This is the story of a man who dreamt of building a boat... this is the story of all men who have ever dreamt and built something.

The history of humanity is full of little dreams that became true. Some provoked laughter at first and astonishment, as time went by. Ironically, sometimes these have given rise to new dreams. ANTONIO SANTOS

A graduate in Sculpture from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona. He was born in Lupiñen in 1955, a small island in the famous sea of the Hoya de Huesca. He has lived a life of transhumance as «something» has impelled him to it, and perhaps for this reason, he has dedicated his life to crafts of a doubtful reputation such as that of a painter and a sculptor. Somewhat more settled, he began writing and illustrating texts for children. In this task, he says about himself, that like everybody else, he does what he can; or what he’s allowed to. When achieving that, he is fairly happy.



PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 18,5 X 14,5 CM · ISBN 978 84 937902 1 9 · 40 PAGES · PRICE 12,00 !

English, French, Italian and German translations available

Se hizo viejo.

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

A picture book with no words where the illustration is in charge of the narration, constructing the spaces, developing the sequence of events and more

interestingly, allowing the reader to imagine stories within the story since every picture is open to interpretation. A suggestive story that seduces curiosity, feeds the interest in knowing what is going to happen and once that it is revealed, it incites the aim of returning and discovering more stories and -why not- reinventing them.

The Encounter is the story of a boy looking for his dog. In his journey he finds many other things, so many that the reader could find himself asking, who is he really looking for?


He was born in Badajoz in 1967, graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid and completed a Master of Arts in graphic design at the Central St. Martin’s College of Art and Design of London. Before dedicating himself exclusively to illustration, he worked as an art director in advertising. He is a regular contributor for newspapers and magazines. For the last two years he has illustrated «La cuarta página» a section of the newspaper El País.

The Encounter


PICTURE BOOK · HARDCOVER · 15 X 20 CM · ISBN 978 84 937902 0 2 · 28 PAGES · PRICE 12,00 !

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |


ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE · HARDCOVER · 12 X 22,5 CM ISBN 978 84 938352 5 5 · 88 PAGES · PRICE 12,00 !


GUDRUN MEBS was born in 1944 in Frankfurt am Main where he studied interpretation and devoted himself to travelling the whole world in the company of the Goethe Institut. He received the Premio Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis for his novel, Hija de domingo, in 1984. In addition to being a successful writer of children’s literature he writes scripts and stories for adults. Among his books, we must single out the previously mentioned Hija del domingo and Birgit, historia de una muerte because they marked German children’s literature in a special way. Among other prizes he has been awarded the German Jugendliteraturpreis.

BEATRIZ MARTÍN VIDAL was born in Valladolid in 1973. She began studies in Law but ended with a Fine Arts degree in Salamanca. After five years of painting, drawing and generally enjoying herself, she contemplated the possibility of dedicating herself to illustration. After graduating, she returned to Valladolid and studied a post-graduate course in Illustration at the School of Art. After completion of her studies, she plunged into the waters of professional illustration. She has illustrated books for publishers in a variety of countries and recently published her first book as an author and illustrator. The second is on its way.

She has received grants and prizes for her illustrations, posters and comics. Recently she was selected for the 51st exhibition of the New York Society of Illustrators, therefore appearing in their annual catalogue.

Birgit turns severely ill and is admitted immediately to the hospital. Fear, sadness and hope disrupt all family existence, particularly the

life of her little sister, who begins to narrate the events and feelings she encounters until Birgit’s death.

Gudrun Mebs was awarded the Children’s Literature German Award two years after the first publication of this book in 1982. This is, without question, one of his best works.

Beatriz Martín Vidal’s evocative and lyrical illustrations light up this beautiful text, filled with naivety and tenderness.



pasillos carteles de colores y dibujos pintados por los niños. Eso enseguida me gustó.

Por fin llegamos a la habitación de Birgit, y papá me aupó para que pudiera verla a tra-vés del cristal; pero, a quien primero vi, fue a mamá, que sonrió y me saludó con la mano, y después a Birg… ¡estaba calva! ¡Birgit no te-nía ni un solo pelo! Nadie me lo había dicho. Estaba tumbada en una cama rodeada por una barandilla, que parecía una gran cuna, con un pijama rosa y, así, sin un solo pelo. Creo que además de llevarme un buen susto, todo ocu-rrió demasiado deprisa. Papá ya había abierto la puerta y me empujó dentro de la habita-ción, mientras mamá venía a mi encuentro para darme un beso y le decía a Birgit:

—¡Mira quién ha venido a verte! Qué ale-gría, ¿verdad?

Pero yo me quedé muy quieta delante de la cama de Birgit, como si me hubiera comi-do la lengua el gato.

Birgit estaba rara. No parecía la misma; ni siquiera se parecía al recuerdo de mi hermana.

Highly Recomended Books List (Fundalectura, Colombia), 2012

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |


ILLUSTRATED LITERATURE · HARDCOVER · 12 X 22,5 CM ISBN 978 84 938352 6 2 · 100 PAGES · PRICE 14,00 !

GEORGE MACDONALD was born in Huntly, Scotland in 1824. His family was the direct descendent of a powerful Scottish clan, whose members were annihilated almost in it’s entirety during the 17th century.

MacDonald was raised in a very familiar and religious environment. He became a pastor from 1850 in the cities of Arundel and Manchester, but moved to London due to bad health, where he became a university professor. He mentored Lewis Caroll, praised his «Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland» and convinced him to publish the manuscript.

His work influenced many authors such as Tolkien, Edith Nesbit, Chesterton, Mark Twain and C. S. Lewis. The latter considered MacDonald as his master.

George MacDonald died in Surrey in 1905.

MERCÈ LÓPEZ was born in Barcelona in 1979. Ever since she was a child, her memories relate to the idea of «one year»: a simple graphic image resembling the blocks of houses of l’Eixample de Cerdà, on a map. Every corner corresponds to one season and varies in size and importance according to each year.

Her first book was commissioned at the beginning of fall, in the lower corner that corresponded to her September of 2004, right after her first visit to Paris. The second –in the opposite corner– on the spring of 2005. Since then she has published around 20 books in Spanish language and two picture books in France (as both author and illustrator).

Even though she works mainly in the field of young adults and children’s literature, she has incurred in the fields of graphic design, theatre and journalism. She was recently selected to be one of the Spanish representatives in the Biennial exhibition in Bratislava.

On the day the princess was born, she was cursed by her aunt, a curse that made her

immune to gravity, and all things grave. From that moment on, the princess had to be safeguarded from rebellious winds and chimney ducts. It is impossible for the princess to see the solemn side of things; she laughs when other people cry or get upset. She is incapable of perceiving any kind of feeling. Such was her lightness.

One day, however, while boating on a lake she discovers something very fortunate: the lake is the only place where she can be similar to others; it is the place where gravity acts upon her; where she can feel. From that moment on, her life starts to change.

The Light Princess


—¿Por qué no nadamos un rato? —preguntó la princesa—. Parece que ya hay agua suficiente.

—Nunca volveré a nadar —dijo el príncipe.—¡Ay, me había olvidado! —dijo la princesa, y

se quedó en silencio. De modo que el agua fue ascendiendo poco a

poco, y fue cubriendo poco a poco al príncipe. Y la princesa permanecía sentada, mirándole. De vez en cuando, le daba de comer. Transcurría sin pausa la noche. Subían sin pausa las aguas. También la luna subía más y más en el cielo, y se reflejaba de lleno en la cara del príncipe moribundo. El agua le llegaba ahora al cuello.

—Princesa, ¿quieres besarme? —dijo débil-mente. Su impasibilidad había desaparecido.

—Sí, claro —respondió la princesa, y le dio un beso largo, dulce y frío.

—Ya puedo morir feliz —dijo él, con un suspi-ro de satisfacción.

No volvió a hablar. La princesa le dio un último vaso de vino, pues ya había dejado de comer. Luego se sentó de nuevo y le miró. El agua seguía subien-do. Le tocó la barbilla. Luego el labio inferior. Luego las comisuras de ambos. Los cerró con fuerza para no tragar. La princesa empezó a sentirse incómoda. El agua llegó al labio superior. El príncipe ya solo res-


Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

He cleans the streets for a living and before heading home, stops to look at a curio shop and the merry-go-round at the door. He can’t

ride it since all the money he earns must be handed to his mother.

She spends the day at the house; mostly by herself or in her char’s company... She has everything and also longs to ride the merry-go-round.

Everything the char has is far away, and like the children, also dreams of reaching it.

A story with no text, with an ending as surprising as the story itself. A coin, a trinket and a shared moment are the keys to opening the doors of a dream.


He was born in Badajoz in 1956. He graduated in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid. In 1970 he began his work as an illustrator producing audiovisual material while drawing for the press. He has participated in painting and sculpture exhibitions. Currently he devotes himself to illustrating children’s books.

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GRAPHIC NOVEL · PAPERBACK WITH FLAPS · 16,5 X 23,5 CM ISBN 978 84 937902 4 0 · 136 PAGES · PRICE 16,00 !


Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

In a not too distant and doubtlessly predictable future, technological advances have allowed the development of a new GPS that not only locates

places and orientates users, but also reads their thoughts and perceives their most intimate feelings.

In one of the many semi-clandestine markets that proliferate during the night on the outskirts of large cities, Claudio Ambrós, a successful publicist, meets Ulia, an enigmatic woman who lets him operate a GPS even more advanced than those already commercially available, in return for a few hours rest in a safe place.

Neither the main character of this graphic novel, nor the reader –one living through the events, and the other as a privileged spectator– could imagine that on that evening, both will be attending the greatest wonder humanity has ever witnessed.


The work of Joan Manuel Gisbert (Barcelona, 1949) is placed «in the magic lapse where dreams and wakefulness come together in splendid harmony». Gisbert is one of the most prestigious writers of fantastic narrative, mystery and adventure. His works are placed inside enigmatic zones of reality and are usually inspired by the search of what is beyond the limits of everyday experiences. In his pages he develops stories always full of attractions, without ever neglecting the richness of language.

His works have been translated into twenty languages, and he has been awarded important literary prizes such as C.C.E.I., Lazarillo, Critics’ prize, Children’s Literature National Award, Gran Angular, Barco de vapor (twice), Edebé, Cervantes chico and Sorcières (France), among others.


Born in Alicante in 1972, Pablo Auladell always knew that he wanted to become a professional illustrator, and he channelled all his efforts into it.

Winning the National Award of Comic Injuve in 2000, provided the necessary backing for him to become a professional. His first comic album, El camino del titiritero, earned him a nomination for the Novel Author Award in the Barcelona Comic’s Fair in 2002.

In 2005, he was awarded the second prize for the Mejores Ilustraciones de libros Infantiles y Juveniles for the book Pieter, Peter y Peer y otros cuentos de Andersen. He participated in the exhibition Ilustrísimos presented by the Ministry of Culture at the Bologna Fair and was honoured with the Premio al Autor Revelación award in the Saló del Comic de Barcelona for his work La Torre Blanca.

He has illustrated more than twenty picture books, novels and comics, and his work has been exhibited in galleries and fairs in Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, Bologna and Geneva.

Currently he is working in Alicante as a freelance illustrator for Spanish and foreign publishers.Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

Heisenberg’s Awakening


GRAPHIC NOVEL · PAPERBACK WITH FLAPS · 16,5 X 23,5 CM · ISBN 978 84 937902 6 4 · 136 PAGES · PRICE 16,00 !


There was a time when people’s lives were not written. People made up their own story day after day, hour after hour, adding one action

upon another without bearing in mind the structure or meaning of the whole. Those people enslaved by chance wasted their time in routine tasks...

Thus begins this vibrant (graphic?) novel, where we meet a society where nothing is private; people’s lives are designed and written in a script. The greater the audience, the greater life gets, as one can pay for the best scriptwriter. Economic and media capitals will increase as well, for ones adventures will attract more sponsorship.

And so it is that young Jason, the main character of one of the most popular media shows, lives in a bubble of experiences each as thrilling as the next. That is until Minerva, his scriptwriter, disappears, and he starts receiving indecipherable holographic messages on his mobile.

This is a novel of anticipation, real as the future itself.

ANA ALONSO was born in Tarrasa (Barcelona) in 1970. She graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of León with further studies in Scotland and Paris. She has published eight books of poems and has received the Hiperión Poetry Prize (2005), the Ojo Crítico Prize (2006) and more recently, the Antonio Machado Prize in Baeza (2007) and the Alfonso el Magnánim Valencia prize for poetry in Spanish (2008). She is the co-author of the Fantasy and Science Fiction series «La llave del tiempo» along with Javier Pelegrín, published by Anaya. She has also translated some British and American classics. In 2008 she was awarded the Premio Barco de Vapor for the book El Secreto de If, also co-written with Javier Pelegrín.

JAVIER PELEGRÍN was born in Madrid in 1967. He graduated in Spanish Philology from the University of Murcia and finished his studies in Paris and Turin. In co-authorship with Ana Alonso he has published seven children’s books for the publishing house Anaya, all of them included in the Fantasy and Science Fiction series «La llave del tiempo». In 2008, together with Ana Alonso he received the Prize Barco de Vapor for their work El Secreto de If, published by SM.

PERE GINARD (Mallorca, 1974) is an illustrator, filmmaker and co-founder of Laboratorium ( a small studio that combines the creation of films and experimental publications with illustration and graphic work for the press and television.

As an illustrator he won the national illustration award INJUVE in 2000; the second prize in the II International Competition of the Álbum Infantil Ilustrado Ciudad de Alicante in 2002; the Junceda de ilustración infantil-juvenil prize of the Asociación de Ilustradores Profesionales de Catalunya in 2006. His work has been exhibited in the Bologna Children’s Book Fair (Italy, 2003 and 2004), the Bratislava Bienal of Ilustration (2003) and the Itabashi Art Museum of Tokyo (2003 and 2004) amongst others.

The See-through City


GRAPHIC NOVEL · PAPERBACK WITH FLAPS · 16,5 X 23,5 CM · ISBN 978 84 937902 8 8 · 240 PAGES · PRICE 18,00 !

SOLD TO GERMANY AND BRAZIL · English translation of the first chapter available

White Ravens List, 2012

Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |


He is a publicist by training and a graphic designer «in waiting». Like a hunter, he decided to wait first in London, working at a hotel making beds and serving dinners for a year. During this time he realised that he would have liked to know how to draw.

Since 1997 he has been working on projects in editorial design, corporate identity, and poster and advertising design. He is the coordinator of the graphic design project for the publishers Cinca.

He has given talks and workshops on illustration for children in schools and libraries. He has also exhibited both individually and as part of a collective in various galleries in Madrid, his presence at the stand of the Ministry of Culture in ARCo 2008 and his exhibition with Pep Carrió in Madrid’s Galería de Autor are particularly noteworthy.

Some of his posters have been awarded prizes in various competitions, and he was selected for the First Biennial Exhibition of Iberoamerican Design in 2008 and invited to the 13th edition of the Chill Laus Madrid. His work has been published in magazines such as Trama & Texturas and in the ARJ supplement of the Visual magazine.

Blur Ediciones has published Ideas objetos, Con objeto de expresar and Cazador de ideas (2008). Kalandraka is the publisher of his first children’s book Imagina animales. La caja de los tesoros, with a text by Antonio Ventura, appeared in 2010, published by Sins Entido.

The Diary of El Jinete Azul


SINGULAR BOOK · FLEXIBOOK · 13 X 20,8 CM ISBN 978 84 937902 9 5 · 100 PAGES · PRICE 15,00 !

This volume is not a book. Not in the same sense that René Magritte proclaimed, «Ceci n’est pas une pipe», neither a diary. Or at

least this is what we think Vidaurre was trying to do, when he composed these collages that illuminate intermittently the austere white pages of this hard-covered notebook.

Whatever may be the case, El Jinete Azul wanted to celebrate its six months with a book that isn’t a book, or, if you prefer, with a diary which has something of a book about it.

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Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |

Coming soon…




The Wooden Egg



The Tower



Portal de Belén 508 · 28500 Arganda del Rey · Madrid · Spain | |