Force and Energy

Post on 10-May-2015

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this ppt tell you all about force and energy .

Transcript of Force and Energy


2. WHAT IS FORCE Force is a push or pull of an object . 3. TYPES OF FORCE DIFFERENT TYPES OF FORCE1.Frictional Force 2. Normal Force 3. Magnetic Force 4.Air Resistance Force 5.Applied Force 6.Spring Force 7. Gravitational Force 8. Electrical Force 9. Tension Force IMAGES OF TYPES OF FORCE 4. FRICTIONAL FORCE Friction is a force that is created whenever two surfaces move or try to move across each other. Friction always opposes the motion or attempted motion of one surface across another surface. Friction is dependant on the texture of both surfaces. Friction is also dependant on the amount of contact force pushing the two surfaces together 5. NORMAL FORCE A force acting perpendicular to two surfaces in contact with each other. It is a measure of the force holding the two surfaces together. The larger the normal reaction force, the larger the value of limiting friction. It is the measurement of force against an object, otherwise, the friction created. It cannot enter the object or become part of the object or surface. 6. MAGNETIC FORCE A magnetic force is a type of field force whose potential and momentum energy is at the expense of an electrical field in time. It can be observed when a magnetised metal comes into contact with to another magnetised material. This force is usually measured in Newton's and its direction is given by the right hand rule. 7. AIR RESISTANCE FORCE Air resistance refers to a force that acts against relative motion of an object through a liquid or gas. It is also known as drag and acts in an opposite direction to the oncoming velocity. 8. APPLIED FORCE Applied force is a term that is defined as a surface force or body force that acts on an object. The force is typically applied to an object either by a person or by another object. This term is usually used in physics. 9. SPRING FORCE The spring force is the force exerted by a compressed or stretched spring upon any object which is attached to it. An object which compresses or stretches a spring is always acted upon by a force which restores the object to its rest or equilibrium position. For most springs, the magnitude of the force is directly proportional to the amount of stretch or compression of the spring. 10. GRAVITATIONAL FORCE Gravity is a force that attracts all objects or masses to each other. Gravity is responsible for making Earth revolve around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth. 11. ELECTRICAL FORCE An electrical force is something that exerts a force on another. If the charges are the same, the items will push away from each other. If the charges are different, then the items will be attracted to each other. 12. TENSION FORCE Tension force is the force that is supplied by strings, chains and ropes. Tension forces are applied by pulling and are always directed along the length of the thing that is being pulled. Tension force is the opposite of compression force. 13. WHAT IS ENERGY Look around you. Is anything moving? Can you hear, see or feel anything? Sure... this is because something is making something happen, and most probably, there is some power at work. This power or ability to make things happen is what we can call energy. It makes things happen. It makes change possible. 14. TYPES OF ENERGY Types of energy1. Sound energy 2. Wind energy 3. Light energy 4. Kinetic energy 5. Potential energy 6. Heat energy Pictures of types of energy 15. SOUND ENERGY Sound energy refers to the energy generated by sound vibrations as they travel through a specific medium. This form of energy is also associated with disturbance of matter. Therefore sound energy is a form of mechanical energy. 16. WIND ENERGY Wind energy is power that has come from the wind. Often times, a windmill is used to harvest wind energy to generate electricity. Wind energy is considered to be a renewable resources and a clean source of energy. 17. LIGHT ENERGY Light energy can be described as the potential of work that is inherent from light. It can also be viewed as a means by which electromagnetic radiation is perceived from the natural light sources e.g. the sun to living things. This energy is carried in discrete packets called photons i.e. In living plants for example, the light energy is what splits organic molecules to make chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis. 18. KINETIC ENERGY Kinetic energy is the energy that is generated within an object that is in motion. The magnitude of this energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object and the square of the velocity of this moving object. 19. POTENTIAL ENERGY Potential energy is a stored or reserved energy in an object. This form of energy has a potential to work and is powered by the gravity. The scientific formula for potential energy is actually due to gravity. 20. HEAT ENERGY Heat energy is a form of energy that results from movement of atoms, ions or molecules in solids liquids or gases. It can be transferred from one object to another if the two objects have a temperature difference. 21. RACHEL STANLEYV-B