for you in the life of the -(AL-Ahzab 21) JMIC JAMI MOSQUE & … · 2020-06-09 · 2. Please tick...

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Transcript of for you in the life of the -(AL-Ahzab 21) JMIC JAMI MOSQUE & … · 2020-06-09 · 2. Please tick...

Rules of the competition1. This competition is open to all children aged 12-18 years.2. Please tick the right answer of each question or write the answer where you are asked to do so.3. Deadline to submit the questionnaire is Friday 22nd November 2019 by 5pm to JMIC office.

st nd rd4. 1 , 2 and 3 places will be awarded certificates and valuable prizes.5. Winner will be announced during Seerah conference to be held on 24th November 2019. Participants need to be present at the programme.6. In the case of multiple winners for the same prize, the winner will be selected by a draw. 7. JMIC reserves the right to make changes and refuse any candidate.



Seerah Quiz Competition 2019Seerah Quiz Competition 2019Seerah Quiz Competition 2019



Indeed there is a good role model

for you in the life of the

messenger of Allah (PBUH)

-(AL-Ahzab 21)

1. What are the three main subject matters of dawah in Makkah?


2. What did Khadija (RA) say when she heard of what had happened in the cave Hira?a. she consoled him and believed in him and took him to Waraqah bin Nawfel for consultation

b. She said you are a lire

c. She rejected him and did not believe him

3. After how many years, did the Prophet (PBUH) start preaching Islam publicly? a. From day one b. After 5years c. After 3 years d. After 1 year

4. What is the reason for the 10th year of Prophethood be marked for much grief to the Prophet (PBUH)?

a. Abu Talib and Khadijah passed away c. His son Ibrahim Passed away

B. He was attacked in Taef d. His mother passed away

5. What price did Ummayah ibn Khalaf ask to sell Bilal (RA)?a. 10 gold coins b. 100 gold coins c. 1000 gold coins d. 500 gold coins

6. What was Abdul-Mu'talib's real name? a. Shaybah b. Imran c. Ubaiy' d. None of these

7. Why did Rasullulah (SAW) go to Taif and how did the people of Taif treat him over there?



8. Which important event occurred in one year before Hijrah and it is mentioned in Surah Bani Isra'eel in the Qur’an?


9. Which uncle of the Prophet (SAW) embraced Islam, and laid down his life for the cause of Islam during the battle of Uhud.


10. What is the name of the Christian ruler of Abyssinia who showed kindness to Muslim muhajireen (immigrants) from Makkah?


11. In what year did the Battle of the Ditch (Khandaq) or Ghazwa of Al-Ahzab take place?


12. What does the Qur’an say about the treaty of Hudaibiyah?a. It is a clear victory (Fathan Mubeena) c. It is a great defeat

b. Quraish has won in the treaty d. Muslims have lost control over Arabia

13. Whose entry into Islam strengthened it, & now they were able to pray openly in Ka'bah for the first time?a. Umar ibn-Al-Khattab (RA) c. Khaled ibn al-Waleed (RA)

b. Mus’ab ibn Umair (RA) d. Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib (RA)

14. Receiving the wahi was a fresh experience for Muhammad (PBUH). What was the effect of it on him?


15. Which year did Muslims conquered Makkah with the leadership of Muhammad (PBUH)?a. 20th Ramadan, 8th Year Hijrah c. 12th Rabi al-Awal, 10th Year Hijrah

b. 16th Dhul Hijjah, 3rd Year Hijrah d. 9th Muharram, 6th Year Hijrah

16. What was the name of the pledge made by the Prophet (PBUH) in his youth; ensuring that the rights of the weak were increased, and that injustices and violence suppressed?

a. Hilf Al- Fudoul b. Al-Aqabah c. Al-Amana d. Al-Arqam

17. What was the name of the wet nurse that suckled Muhammad (PBUH) for only a few days before Halima as-Sadiyah took the position?

a. Fatimah b. Umm Ayman c. Thuwaybah d. Sumayyah

18. Muhammad (PBUH) turned away from the blind man, in which surah the incident is recorded?a. Surah Fajr b. Surah Abasa c. Surah ali' Imran d. Surah Hadid

19. What are the names of two Quraish delegates who were sent to bring the Muslim migrants back from Abyssinia where they were given shelter?

a. ...............................................................................b......................................................................................

20. Who accompanied Muhammad (PBUH) in his journey to the hill-top city of Taif for the purpose of Dawah?

a. Zayd ibn Haritha (RA) b. Abu Bakr (RA) c. Umar (RA) d. Mus'ab ibn Umair (RA)

21. What was the name of the tribe that Halima as-Sadiyah bint abu Dhuaib (the wet nurse of the Prophet (PBUH) came from?

a. Banu Quraizah b. Banu Sa'ad c. Banu Amin d. Banu Yadir

22. Which companion of Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to Madinah soon after the pledge of Aqabah to teach people over there and to invite others towards Islam?

a. Khalid ibn Sa'id (RA) c. Utbah ibn Ghazwaan (RA)

b. Talhah ibn 'UbaidAllah (RA) d. Mus'aib ibn Umair (RA)

23. In which year of Hijrah Abu Bakr (RA) was appointed by Muhammad (PBUH) as the leader of the Hajj?a. 9th Year of Hijrah b. 3rd Year of Hijrah c. 12th Year of Hijrah d. 7th Year of Hijrah

24. Which Sahabi served the prophet for 10 years of his life and prophet never said to him why did you do this or why did you not do this?


25. What are the sources of Seerah according to the Islamic record? a: Qura’n & Hadith c: Books of Dalaa’il & Shama’il

b: Books of battles & general historical books d: All of the above

26. At the young age, where was Muhammad (PBUH) sent to be nursed according to Arab tradition? a. Banu Asad b. Banu Sa’d c. Banu Taim d. Banu Qaynuqa’

27. How old was Muhammad (PBUH) when angel Jibra’il came down & cleaned the blood clot in his heart? a: approx 6 yrs old b: approx 2 yrs old c: approx 4 yrs old d: None of these

28. On which mountain did the messenger of Allah climb to call all the tribes for the first public dawah? a: Mount Marwa b: Mount Safa c: Mount of Uhud d: Mount Hira

29. Muhammad (PBUH) had some male children. Which one of the following was not from Khadijah (R)a: Qasim b: Ibrahim c: Fatimah d: All were from

Khadijah (R)

30. Among the children of Allah’s messenger one who remained alive after his death. Who was that?a: Zainab (RA) b: Fatimah (RA) C: Umm Kulthoom (RA) d: None of these

31. Which two tribes came to Makkah during hajj season from Yathrib (Medina)? And what was their characteristic?

a: Banu Aws and Banu Khazraj, they used to often fight each other for no reason

b: Banu Nadir, Banu Qaynuqa’, they used to fight the Jews

c: Banu Sa’d, Banu Asad, They were peaceful people

d: None of the above

32. Allah ordered the messenger to migrate to Madina because the Quraish decided to kill him. What did they do when they found out that Allah’s messenger has left Makkah?

a: Spread out to find him thinking he must not have gone too far

b: Put a bounty of 100 camels for the head of the prophet

c: Abu Jahl went to Abu Bakr’s (RA) house and slapped Asma’s (RA) asking her where her father is

d: All of the above

33. Many people were chasing the prophet (PBUH) and his companion Abu Bakr while migrating to Madina. One of them reached them but accepted Islam. Who is he?

a: 2 highway robbers b: Umm Ayman c: Suraqa bin Malik d: All of the above

34. Which year did prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) perform his farewell hajj?a: 9 H b: 10 H c: 11 H d: 8 H

35. What are the two things prophet (PBUH) left behind him for us?

a........................................................................................... B..........................................................................................

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36. Which of the following was one of the occupations of Muhammad (PBUH) before he became a prophet?A. Merchant B. Carpenter C. Tailor D. Farmer

37. What 'gift' was the Prophet (PBUH) given on the night of Miraj?


38. What is the meaning of “Dhaatun Nitaaqayn”? Whose title was it & why was she given that title?


39. Who is called “Hibbu-Rasoolillah ” (the Beloved of Rasoolillah )?a. Zaid ibn Haritha (RA) c. Abdullah ibn Abbas (RA)

b. Abdullah ibn Umar (RA) d. Abdullah ibn Amr (RA)

40. What promise prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave to Suraqah ibn Malik and when was fulfilled?


41. In which battle Ali (RA) used a huge gate as shield which he was not able to lift after the battle?


42. If you do wudu at home and go there and pray two Rakaa’h, you will get the reward of performing one Umrah. Which Masjid is this?


43. How many times prophet (PBUH) missed his prayer and made them up later on?


44. Allah (SWT) has described prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as role model for mankind. What is the Arabic used in the Qur’an in this regard?


45. How many Muslims were martyred in battle of Badr?a. 10 b. 14 c. 16 d. 18

46. Who are the companions of Muhammad (PBUH) who were buried next to him?


47. How did the companions of the prophet (PBUH) pray his Janazah?


48. The prayer direction was changed from Masjid al-Aqsa to Masjid al-Haram after prophet had migrated to Madinah. How many months did they pray facing towards al-Aqsa?


49. The Quraish boycotted the Muslims in Makkah for three years. Which place did the Muslims take shelter during that time?


50. Who did black magic on prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
