For you i will!

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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Transcript of For you i will!

“For you I will!” Dedicated to my son Jayden Ryan Bass <3

Mommy loves you baby!

8/14/2008 The day I saw my angel for the first time!

Five months prego !!!

Mommy && Daddy love you soo much!!!

Six months prego! The day I found out I was having a boy!

You waved at me, I was in tears! Couldn’t wait to hold you in my arms!

March 31,2009At 9:26 a.m. I saw you for the fist time! The best feeling in the world!

When I was a kid, I used to ask myself what my purpose in life was. The moment I saw you, I knew! It was to be your mom !!

This is a treasure to me! This is you and your great grandpa! So happy that he was able to be there, when you came into the world! He is an amazing man!!

8 ibs. 12 oz’s 21 ½ inches long! My amazing little boy Jayden Ryan Bass!

My world !!

I never knew how much love I could have for sum one. Till I held you in my arms for the first time! I would have given my life for you! And I would at any given moment if it meant you would be safe!

You in your ICP outfit daddy got for you! (1 day old)

You were so alert for a newborn! Such a happy baby!

This is you and Marty the day you were born! Him and Courtney are mommy’s best friends! More like my brother and sister!!

Getting ready to go home!!!

Getting you ready for your 48 hour check up!

Your first real bath! You loved it! You pee’d in the middle of it and watered your Nana’s fake flowers she had sitting on the counter!

Six weeks old!

8 weeks old! Such a happy baby!!

You didn’t like your binky’s to much! Couldn’t be quiet that long! haha

Almost 3 months old! Such a cutie!

You weren't even three months old when you stated holding your head up on your own!

Six months old!

Seven months old! You look just like your daddy!!!

Nine Months

Eleven Months old

Your first Christmas

You love for mommy to take pictures of you!


One year old!


My reason to breathe

Mommy loves you so much!!

Your first pool!!

Your first trip to the lake!!

You and your Nana at the lake

You being silly.. Thanksgiving Day 2010

You and your paw paw!!

Mommy and Jayden!!!

Christmas 2010



Your new wagon you got for Christmas from Santa!!!

Jammin out

Throwin a fit!

You were not happy :[

Whoop whoop! Wearing mama’s hat!

You love to take baths!!

Your kiss face!

You are getting so big!

Time flys! Cant believe you will be 2 at the end of this month! Happy Birthday Baby Boy!! Mama loves you more than anything in this world!!! ( For you I will)