For Procurement of Consultancy Services for Capacity Building … · 2019-12-09 · puddling for...

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Transcript of For Procurement of Consultancy Services for Capacity Building … · 2019-12-09 · puddling for...




Procurement of Consultancy Services for

Capacity Building and Project Implementation



National Program for Enhancing Profitability

through Increasing Productivity of Rice

Directorate General Agriculture (Ext. & AR)

Government of the Punjab,

Agriculture Department

October 2019


Contents 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Project Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 2

3. Interventions of the Project .......................................................................................................... 2

3.1. Establishment of Service Providing Units (SPUs) for promotion of mechanical

transplanting of rice and subsidy on implements........................................................................... 2

3.1.1. Mechanical Transplanting Units: ................................................................................ 2

3.1.2. Direct Seeding Rice (DSR) Drills ................................................................................. 2

3.1.3. Rice Straw Chopper and Mould Board Plow/Disc plow ........................................... 2

3.1.4. Water-Tight Rotavator ................................................................................................. 2

3.1.5. Knapsack Power Sprayer (Hydraulic): ....................................................................... 2

3.2. Provision of Certified Seed on Cost Sharing Basis ............................................................ 3

3.3. Weedicide Coverage (20% Area) on 30% Cost Sharing Basis ......................................... 3

3.4. Provision of Micronutrients (5% Area Coverage) on 50% Cost Sharing Basis .............. 3

3.5. Establishment of Demonstration Plots for Showcasing Mechanical Transplanting

Technology, Weedicide Coverage, Plant Population, Balanced Use of Fertilizers etc. ............... 3

3.6. Promotion of Crop Specific Harvesting Machinery .......................................................... 3

4. Implementation Plan .................................................................................................................... 4

5. Hiring of Consultancy Services for Capacity Building and Project Implementation

Assistance ............................................................................................................................................... 4

5.1. Scope of work ........................................................................................................................ 4

5.2. Core Team of Experts: ......................................................................................................... 6

5.2.1. Project Manager ............................................................................................................ 7

5.2.2. Deputy Team Leader / Capacity Building Expert (One Position) ............................ 7

5.2.3. Agricultural Engineer (Two Positions) ....................................................................... 8

5.2.4. GIS/Tracking expert (One Position)............................................................................ 8

6. Duration of the Assignment ......................................................................................................... 8

7. Eligibility / Evaluation Criteria ................................................................................................... 9

8. Proposed Evaluation ..................................................................................................................... 9

9. EOI Submission ........................................................................................................................... 10


1. Introduction In Pakistan, Rice is an important cash crop of the country and the overall national economy. Rice

accounts 3.1% of the value added in agriculture and 0.6% of GDP. Rice ranks second amongst the

staple food grain crops in Pakistan and it has been a major source of foreign exchange earnings among

cereal crops. Rice provides 21% of global human per capita energy and 15% of per capita protein.

Pakistan is among major producers of rice. Every year, it produces an average of 7 million tones and

together with the rest of the South Asia; the country is responsible for supplying 25% of the world's

paddy rice output. Most of the crop is grown in the fertile regions of Sindh and Punjab with millions

of farmers relying on rice cultivation as their major source of livelihood.

Government of Pakistan has taken strong perception of the situation and constituted a high-level

committee on rice to come up with recommendations. This committee, after series of meetings with

stakeholders, has made recommendations through a presentation to the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Major idea of this presentation was to make rice crop competitive with the international market

without reducing its overall production, as fall in its production will have far reaching implications on

food security and sovereignty of Pakistan. In addition, attempt has to be made to retrieve the area

engulfed from other crops to allocate it for oilseeds and other high value crops. This will be possible

with significant increase in per acre productivity of rice i.e. increase of 10 maunds/acre of paddy for

Basmati and 20 maunds/acre for coarse within a span of five years. This would only be possible

through removal of bottlenecks in the way of improving yields. On production side major bottleneck

is manual transplanting of rice which results in increase in cost of production as well as delayed

transplanting (due to shortage of labor) and plant population less than the optimum i.e. 80,000 hills

and two plants per hill accounting to 160,000 plants per acre but the research shows that manual

transplanting leads in the range of 45,000 to 50,000 plants per acre. As a result, rice paddy yield

reduces significantly. Therefore, under National Agriculture Emergency, after threadbare analysis

proposed major interventions to achieve this target will be:

i) Timely sowing of identified ecological best varieties through promotion of Direct

Seeded Rice (DSR) drill,

ii) Mechanized transplanting of rice nursery replacing the old-fashioned manual


iii) Use of laser land levelers for levelling the lands (pre-requisite for mechanical

transplanting) for increased fertilizer and water use efficiency.

iv) Use of certified and treated rice seed of promising varieties to improve yield,

germination, maintain varietal purity.

v) Timely weed control to manage narrow and broad leaf weeds without prejudice,

vi) Reduce harvesting losses with the use of rice specific harvesting machinery

vii) Increase awareness for improved rice production technology by mass mobilization

through print, electronic and social media and by demonstrations because being a

farmer “seeing is believing”

The project is being sponsored by Government of Pakistan, Ministy of National Food Security and

Research (NFS&R) through PSDP and Government of the Punjab Agriculture Department through

ADP. The project is being executed in fifteen (15) Rice Growing Districts of Punjab viz; Gujranwala,

Sheikhupura, Okara, Hafizabad, Sialkot, Nankana Sahib, Bahawalnagar, Jhang, Narowal, Kasur, M.B.

Din, Chiniot, Gujrat, Lahore and Faisalabad by Director General Agriculture (Ext & AR) Government



2. Project Objectives

Specific objective of the project is to enhance profitability of rice farming through increasing

productivity of paddy @10 maunds/acre for Basmati and 20 maunds/acre for Coarse and to allocate

area retrieved (in the long run) for oilseeds and high value crops etc. through;

i. Productivity enhancement of rice (Basmati and Coarse Varieties) through optimizing plant

population and use of certified seed.

ii. Transformation of manual transplanting into mechanical transplanting through promotion of

Mechanical rice transplanters by establishing service providing units.

iii. Promotion of mechanical methods of rice growing, harvesting and rice residues management.

iv. Creation of conducive environment for retrieving area from rice cultivation (in the long run)

and its subsequent allocation to oil seeds and high value crops.

3. Interventions of the Project

The major interventions under the project are:

3.1. Establishment of Service Providing Units (SPUs) for promotion of

mechanical transplanting of rice and subsidy on implements.

3.1.1. Mechanical Transplanting Units: A total of 450 Mechanical Transplanting Units

(one unit consisting of one riding-type rice transplanter & one nursery raising machine alongwith

5000 plastic trays) and 250 walk-after type rice transplanters will be provided to service providers/rice

growers on 50% cost sharing basis. Whereas 250 “Walk-After Type Rice Transplanters” will be given

to rice growers on 50% cost sharing basis to 250 farmers along with trays (covered in their cost). The

successful applicants for Nursery Raising and Mechanical Transplanting Units will be trained in

nursery raising and transplanting method at Technology Transfer Centers (TTCs) i.e. Adaptive

Research Farms of Sheikhupura and Gujranwala.

3.1.2. Direct Seeding Rice (DSR) Drills: Nine hundred (900) DSR drills will be provided to

service Providers/Rice Growers on 50% cost sharing basis during the course of the project.

3.1.3. Rice Straw Chopper and Mould Board Plow/Disc plow: Seven hundred fifty (750)

sets of Rice Straw Chopper and Mould Board plow/Disc plow will be given to Service Providers/Rice

Growers on 50% cost sharing basis for dealing with rice stubble management as well as land

preparation for coming wheat crop.

3.1.4. Water-Tight Rotavator: It is a secondary tillage implement which is very rarely used in

Pakistan. It improves the soil preparation quality and reduces operation time. Currently land

preparation for transplanting of rice crop is being done with the help of cultivator followed by

planking or by using rotavator. Both the implements are not meant for puddling of rice fields. Proper

puddling for transplanting through mechanical transplanter needs to be done by using right implement

namely Rotary Puddler as it makes the land fine which helps promote tillering and better crop stand.

As a result paddy yield improves. So, 800 “Water-Tight Rotavator” will be given to rice growers in

the proposed project on 50% cost sharing basis.

3.1.5. Knapsack Power Sprayer (Hydraulic): As compared to manual spraying machine,

power sprayer increases the efficacy of pesticides and improves efficiency of operator . That is why

2450 “Knapsack Power Sprayers” will be given to rice growers on 50% cost sharing basis.


3.2. Provision of Certified Seed on Cost Sharing Basis

In order to ensure varietal purity and promotion of certified seed of different rice varieties (both

coarse as well as basmati), certified seed of promising varieties will be given to rice growers on 50%

cost sharing basis through E-vouchersin order to ensure transparency and speedy disbursement of

financial assistance. Pre-qualification of branchless banking operators (BBOs), suppliers of seed,

micro-nutrients will be done. Pre-qualification of suppliers of seed, weedicides, micro-nutrients and

BBOs will be done by pre-qualification committee proposed in the project.

3.3. Weedicide Coverage (20% Area) on 30% Cost Sharing Basis

Both pre-emergence and post emergence weedicides sprays are necessary for effective weeds control.

Moreover, Direct Seeding Technology of rice cultivation is being promoted under the proposed

project. In this method of rice cultivation, weeds management is of prime importance. So, project will

cover 20% area of rice in the project districts during its implementation and project will bear 30% cost

of weedicides.

3.4. Provision of Micronutrients (5% Area Coverage) on 50% Cost Sharing


The application of micronutrients, especially Zinc has significant impact on paddy yield. So, almost

5% area will be covered in the project districts during its implementation and project will bear 50%

cost of micronutrients. Cost sharing facility to rice growers will be provided through E-Voucher mode

in order to ensure transparency and speedy disbursement of financial assistance.

3.5. Establishment of Demonstration Plots for Showcasing Mechanical

Transplanting Technology, Weedicide Coverage, Plant Population, Balanced Use

of Fertilizers etc.

One demonstration plot will be established on per 5000 acres. Size of one demonstration plot will be

one acre where land preparation with Rotary Puddler, use of certified seed, plant population

(optimized with mechanical transplanting method), balanced use of fertilizers, plant protection

measures and use of micro-nutrients, harvesting with rice combine harvester and Rice Straw

Management will be demonstrated. Input cost i.e. except irrigation will be borne by the project which

comes to around Rs. 30,000/- per acre. A total of 725 D-Plots will be established in each year. Farmer

will be given Rs. 30,000/- per D-plot through BBOs on the verification/recommendation of District

D-plot Selection Committee.

Demonstration plots will be established by the concerned Agricultural Officer with the technical

collaboration of concerned Adaptive Research experts. For this purpose, the Agriculture Officer with

the help of his Field Assistant will identify the D-Plot location which will be jointly decided by in

collaboration with the Adaptive Research experts. Agriculture Officer of the concerned D-Plot will be

responsible for maintaining a record of demonstration plot in a permanent register whereas AR

experts will monitor the demonstration plots physically. Detail of use of inputs used for D-Plot will be

mentioned in the register.

3.6. Promotion of Crop Specific Harvesting Machinery

Currently there is limited availability of “Rice Crop Specific Combine Harvesters”in the market.

Moreover, it is expensive as Rs.7000/- per acre is being charged by the rice combine owners. In order

to create demand for rice crop specific harvesting machinery and bringing down the harvesting

charges (in the long run), Rs. 1500/- per acre will be provided to those farmers who get their rice crop

harvested with rice crop specific harvester (head feeding type) in the project districts. This initiative

will generate demand for head feeding type rice harvesters which will help generate private sector


demand. Ultimately in the long run, harvesting charges of rice crop will come down due to increase in

supply of head feeding type combine harvesters.

4. Implementation Plan In the ten (10) core districts of Rice (Gujranwala and Lahore Divisions), there are two Adaptive

Research (AR) Farms namely AR Farm Sheikhupura and Gujranwala. These AR Farms will act as

Technology Transfer Centers in their respective zones. Technologies to be demonstrated to the

farming community will be laid down at these farms as well as farmer fields. Farmers and Service

Providers who are to be helped out through subsidy program will be imparted training of new

technologies. These AR Farms will provide training place and other relevant facilities such as

continuous electricity, training hall with audio-visual aids, transport, boarding and logistics

arrangements for conducting planed trainings. During the first year of the project, the technological

package to be introduced to the farming community will be demonstrated at these farms. Since

mechanical transplanting is a new technology so services of the private sector (consulting firm) will

be hired from open market for conducting of training of Master Trainers (Extension & Adaptive

Research Officers and Field Assistants) who will conduct trainings of the farmers as well as service


AR Farms Sheikhupura and Gujranwala will be strengthened through provision of funding for

procurement of rice related machinery, POL/TA and other operational expenditures to be incurred on

holding of trainings. Purpose of this strengthening is to provide a platform for training of Service

Providers. The capacity building of the technical staff and farmers on latest production technology on

rice crop will be made through provision of literature in the form of training manual and

booklets/pamphlets. The training manual will be prepared for backstopping the experts and field staff

of agriculture extension through provision of printed material containing detailed technology in the

form of a booklet printed on glazed paper with four color scheme to be kept by them as permanent

reference book.

Since the whole project revolves around establishment of Service Provider Units (SPUs) for

dissemination and adoption of innovative technologies especially transformation of manual

transplanting into mechanical transplanting, so there will be need to train human resource of the

department in these technologies. For this purpose, it is provided in the approved PC-I for hiring

consultancy services for training, capacity building and project implementation assistance observing

PPRA procedure and rules.

5. Hiring of Consultancy Services for Capacity Building and

Project Implementation Assistance

5.1. Scope of work:

The existing staff of the extension wing does not have complete skills for smooth working,

operations, troubleshooting etc. of the machinery and equipment proposed under the project; as most

of machinery is being introduced for the first time in the project area (Rice Zone) of Punjab Province.

The scope for hiring the services of an experienced consulting firm for capacity building and project

implementation assistance is as follows; Preparation of training manual for proper operation, repair

and maintenance of the machinery and equipment, Training of Ext. & AR staff as well as service


providers and rice growers for using of machinery and equipment provided under the project,

Identification and solution of issues related to machinery and equipment, research & development of

project, Installation of electronic tracking system on selected machinery and implements, Monitoring

of electronic tracking system of selected machinery and implements, Assisting the client in

implementation of project sub-component “Promotion of Crop Specific Harvesting Machinery”,

Assisting the client in implementation of project sub-component “Provision of Machinery &

Implements on subsidized rates”, Preparation of M&E plan for M&E team and related documents and

assisting the client in implementing the M&E Plan, (xi) Preparation of plan for Baseline, Mid-term &

Impact evaluation surveys plans and related documents and (x) Preparation of documents for hiring of

firm for conducting Baseline, Mid-term & Impact evaluation surveys and assisting the client in

ensuring the conductance of these surveys as per plans.

The hired Consultant Firm will have to provide consultancy services to the Client; Director

General Agriculture (Ext. & AR)/Project Director, Govt. of Punjab as per the following Terms of

Reference (TORs):

i. Assist the project management in importing promising machinery and implements under the


ii. Assist the client in selection of potential “Rice Growers/Farmers” to act as “Service

Providers” in the project area.

iii. Assist in inspection, distribution and verification of farm machinery and implements on cost

sharing basis to the selected Service Providers/rice growers.

iv. Develop training material including course contents, power point presentations, audio-visual

aids, flexes and banners for organizing and imparting hands-on skills through capacity

building, with special reference to training of Service Providers/rice growers mainly

covering components & parts of farm machinery and equipment, their working mechanism,

adjustments, calibration precautions before, during and after operation, maintenance and

troubleshooting etc.

v. Preparation of “Training Manuals” (Practical Guide Books) for imparting skill acquaintance

trainings to the Service Providers and professionals of Agriculture (Ext. & AR) Punjab to the

extent of machinery and equipment provided under the project.

vi. Plan, coordinate and conduct capacity building programs for service providers and master

trainers of Agriculture (Ext. & AR) Punjab.

vii. Impart training to the departmental officers and Service Providers in efficient operation and

R&M of the machinery and equipment provided under the project.

viii. Provide technical back-up support to the Service Providers providing machinery and

equipment on rental basis.

ix. Assist and guide the client in developing “Central Tracking Monitoring System (CTMS)”

for self-propelled machinery provided to the service providers under the project.

x. Assist in verification of payment of subsidy amount for certified rice seed, weedicides,

micronutrients, machinery & implements to beneficiaries (service providers/farmers).

xi. Assist in provision and verification of subsidy to the farmers under sub-component of the

project, “Promotion of Crop Specific Harvesting Machinery” (the farmers who will harvest

their crop with head feeding type rice combine harvester).


xii. Preparation of M&E plan for M&E team and related documents and assist the client in

implementing the M&E Plan.

xiii. Preparation of plan for Baseline, Mid-term & Impact evaluation surveys and related


xiv. Preparation of documents for hiring of firms for conducting Baseline, Mid-term & Impact

evaluation surveys and assist the client in ensuring the conductance of these surveys as per


xv. Perform any other assignment asked by Client for the project.

5.2. Core Team of Experts:

The consultant firm is encouraged to use the expertise available in Pakistan to the maximum

extent possible. The consultants are free to propose a staffing plan and skill mix in order to ensure that

necessary requisite objectives and scope of services are achieved. If all the required skills are not

available within the consulting firms, they are encouraged to make joint ventures with other firms.

The team of experts required for the project implementation assistance consultancy must have

sufficient field experience of the related activities preferably on capacity building/training of Service

Providers, master trainers, farmers on farm machinery being promoted and promising farm

mechanization techniques and practices for enhancing land and water productivity of rice crop.

Following is the indicative core team of experts along with minimum academic qualification,

experience and requisite input for the assignment:


No. Position Qualification





Job Specific




Input (Man


1 Project Manager (One


M.Sc. Degree in



25 10 54


Deputy Team Leader /

Capacity Building

Expert (One Position)

M.Sc. Degree in


Engineering /

Agronomy / Agri.


20 10 30

3 Agricultural Engineer

(Two Positions)

M.Sc. Agricultural

Engineering 5 2 40

4 GIS/Tracking Expert

(01 Position)

M.Sc. Degree in GIS or

equivalent 10 5 20


Supporting staff

(Technicians etc.)

[4 Positions]

DAE Mechanical 5 2 40

Total: 184

Note: i) The client has the right to increase/decrease the input of any expert as and when required.


5.2.1. Project Manager

Qualifications: The Project Manager will possess a M.Sc Degree in Agricultural Engineering with

specialization in Agriculture mechanization with minimum 25 years’ experience including

implementation of multi-sectoral projects preferably in the field of farm mechanization. A minimum

of 10 years of experience will be required in the management and capacity building of similar

consultancy services with demonstrated ability to work with government officials, technical field

staff, NGO representatives, Service Providers and farmers. In addition, the Team Leader would be

required to have familiarity with agriculture mechanization, farm machinery management related

issues, and knowledge of project management and expertise of training and capacity building besides,

having fluency in spoken and written English. Responsibilities of the Project Manager/Team Leader

will be but not limited to the following:

i. Report to the Client

ii. Assume overall responsibility for management and supervision of team

iii. Supervise preparation of implementation plan of capacity building/training modules programs

provided in the project

iv. Keep the Client informed of technical issues and the progress of all works both by direct

contacts and through discussions or correspondence

v. Attend, at Project level, all meetings as required and keep a record of all such meetings.

vi. Assist the Client in any project implementation processes and solution ofissues which the

Employer may require

vii. Ensure preparation of progress reports or any project report required by the Client

viii. Coordinate with all related Client's organizations for project issues

ix. Any other relevant duties assigned by the project management

5.2.2. Deputy Team Leader / Capacity Building Expert (One Position)

Qualifications: Deputy Team Leader / Capacity Building Expert will possess at-least M.Sc Degree in

M.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Engineering / Agronomy / Agri. Economics with minimum 20 years’

experience including implementation of multi sectoral projects preferably in the field of farm

mechanization. A minimum of 10 years of experience will be required in the management and

capacity building/training of similar consultancy services with demonstrated ability to work with

government officials, technical field staff, NGO representatives, service providers and farmers. In

addition, Deputy Team Leader will assist the Team Leader in planning, designing of training modules

for the capacity building programs of project. He would also be required to have familiarity with

agriculture mechanization, farm machinery management related issues, and knowledge of project

management and expertise of training and capacity building besides, having capacity building/training

of master trainers, service providers, farmers and professionals:

i. Prepare project implementation/trainings schedules, modules, curriculum and training plans in

the field of agricultural mechanization of the project

ii. In the absence of Project Manager will attend Project level all meetings as required and keep

a record of all such meetings


iii. Assist Project Manager in preparation of a project progress reports and completion report

iv. Supervise field operations and assist the client in project implementation.

v. Coordinate in planning, designing, executing the assigned capacity building/training,

preparation of training manuals and implementation of project components

vi. Assist Project Manager in coordination, planning, designing, executing the assigned capacity

building/training and implementation of project components

vii. Assist the Project Manager in any project implementation processes and solution of issues

which the Employer may require

viii. Assist Project Manager in any other relevant duties assigned by the project management

5.2.3. Agricultural Engineer (Two Positions)

Qualifications: The Agricultural Engineer shall possess a B.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Engineering

with minimum 05 years’ experience of Agricultural mechanization. The incumbent will be stationed

at one of the AR farm. He must be fluent in spoken and written English with oral communication.

Responsibilities of the Agricultural Engineer shall to assist Team Leader/ Deputy Team Leader and

Agricultural Capacity building expert in terms of;

i. Supervise field operations and assist the client/SPUs in project implementation.

ii. Coordinate in planning, designing, executing the assigned capacity building/training and

implementation of project components

iii. Assist in any project implementation processes and solution of issues which the Employer

may require

iv. Assist in preparation of project progress reports

v. Assist in any other relevant duties assigned by the project management

5.2.4. GIS/Tracking expert (One Position)

Qualifications: The GIS/Tracking expert shall possess a M.Sc. Degree in GIS or

Telecommunication with minimum 10years’ experience working as such. He must be fluent in spoken

and written English with oral communication. Responsibilities of the GIS/Tracking expert shall be to

assist Team Leader/ Deputy Team Leader and Agricultural Engineers in terms of;

i. Assist TELCO in tracking the machinery operation.

ii. Assist in any project implementation processes and solution of issues which the Employer

may require

iii. Assist in preparation of project progress reports

iv. Assist in any other relevant duties assigned by the project management

6. Duration of the Assignment The estimated duration of the consultancy services for proposed project is four years and six

months i.e. April 2020 to June 2024.


7. Eligibility / Evaluation Criteria

Any Firm/Joint Venture of companies expressing interest will need to demonstrate

significant experience of managing similar consultancies. Interested consulting firms must

provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform above services. The

firm/JV shall provide their company profile including brochures, descriptions of similar

assignments, value of previous assignments; if the firm was in JV/association, then the role

of the firm in that assignment and value of the respective services); experience under similar

conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff etc. Following information must be

accompanied with the application;

i. Firm/Joint Venture name, address, copy of the Registration Certificate with relevant

professional bodies, supported by latest/updated renewal. Memorandum/ Article of

Association/Partnership Deed or Joint Venture Agreement (if applicable) etc.;

ii. Registration with Securities & Exchange Commission or Registrar of Firms;

iii. Audited account statements for last three years and registration with Income Tax and

Sales Tax Department;

iv. Relevant experience and past performance of firm/joint venture;

v. List of permanent professional staff alongwith CVs (resume) of relevant core staff

indicating project wise experience with exact time duration for each project and their

current commitments;

vi. List of most relevant works/ assignments/ projects completed during last 10 (ten)

years with total cost of consultancy services, dates of commencement and


vii. List of similar works currently in progress, with total cost of consultancy services,

date of start and expected date of completion;

viii. A firm, which was a team member in a previous joint venture, should furnish a

statement providing details of works, component of works performed individually

and its over-all share (percentage) in the works performed by the joint venture:

ix. Any additional document to support relevant experience of firm/Joint Venture

x. History of litigation (if any) in courts or any arbitration proceedings;

xi. Affidavit confirming that

(a) The applicant firm/joint venture have never been blacklisted by any government

department and/or by any government owned company/ foundation/ authority (If ever

black listed, then provide the case history and current status of the firm regarding this

decision) and is not in any litigation at present and

(b) All the information provided by the applicant firm/joint venture is correct.

8. Proposed Evaluation

The evaluation of proposals will be carried out under Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 on the

basis of applicant firm/joint venture responsiveness to the evaluation criteria based on following

allocated scores to each broad category. The applicant must secure at least 50% score in each

category and 65% on aggregate. The minimum qualifying score will be 65%.The detail of marks is

given below;



No. Evaluation Criterion


Marks Marking Criteria

A. Financial Capability of Company 20



Average Annual Turnover of the

Firm in last 3 years (SOV: FBR

returns & properly signed Audit


20 50 Millions = 10

> 50 < 100 Millions = 15

> 100 Millions = 20

B. Relevancy with the Envisaged



i) Number of similar/relevant

Assignments completed during

Last15 years

20 1 similar/relevant Assignment = 10

2 similar/relevant Assignments = 20

C. Sector Team 60

i) Project Manager (One Position) 25

Core team of experts will be

evaluated on the basis of

qualification, no. of years of

experience and no. of similar

projects done by individuals

ii) Deputy Team Leader / Capacity

Building Expert (One Position) 15

iii) Agriculture Engineer (Two

Positions) 10

iv) GIS / Tracking Expert (One

position) 10

9. EOI Submission

The consulting firm/JV will purely be selected on merit in accordance with the criteria mentioned in

the PQD and procedure laid down in the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014. However, pre-

qualification/short listing of any firm/JV does not guarantee award of work and it would depend on

evaluation of their proposals (technical and financial) submitted by the pre-qualified/short listed firm

at later stage. Expression of interest must be delivered by hand or dispatched by post at the address

given below not later than the advertisement date and time during office hours.

Directorate General Agriculture (Ext. & AR)

Government of the Punjab,

Agriculture Department

21-Agha Khan Soyyum (Davis) Road, Lahore

Tel: 042-99200732, Email: