For my desk.

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of For my desk.

The Genre of Poetry

Devanshi Devani

“For My Desk” Naomi Shihab Nye

The way a poet use language, phrasing, punctuation, and, word choice, sentence construction.

Example: We judge books By their covers every day.



Attitude the writer takes toward and audience or subject.

The tone of the poem is jovial.Examples: Sparrows gossip joyously.

Figurative languageMetaphor-A comparison of two objects or

ideas that often uses a form of the verb “to be.”

Example: Always working on that new project.


Theme is the concept the author is trying to point out, not to be confused with whatever message is.

The theme of the poem is we are able to notified the a person by there outfit and behavior.


Style is basically the way you write, and Diction, Figurative language, Tone, Mood, Theme this all tings go together to create the style of the poem.

The style of the poem is formal.