For AUTHORS: 10 Reasons to Use Video to Sell MORE Books

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of For AUTHORS: 10 Reasons to Use Video to Sell MORE Books

Authors & YouTube

My name is Krizia but everyone calls me Miss K!

2-Page Feature In Forbes

My Video & YouTube Experience!

I’m a Speaker and have rocked audiences in the U.S. & Canada on the importance of video marketing!

I help business owners with their YouTube presence, optimization & marketing.

I’ve conducted over 250 video interviews.My videos have received over 1, 000,000 views.Several of my videos rank on the first page

(above the fold) on YouTube and Google.

About My Guests!

Let Me Come Clean!

I’m an entrepreneur.

I don’t have any technical education!

Let’s Look At Why YouTube Is So POWERFUL!

10 Reasons Why YouTube Will Change Your Publishing Business!

10. 75% of Executives watch YouTube videos once a week.

9. 55% of YouTube Viewers Are 35+!

8. YouTube, Authors and Annotations!

7. What Are People Doing At Night!

Video is equivalent to over 50-70% of Internet traffic after 5pm!!!

6. Connecting LIVE!

5. Google+ Hangouts & The Mobile World!

4. YouTube + Social Media = MAJOR Traction

Research shows that your online video will

generate 10 times the response of all your other

social media activities!

3. Top 3 Traffic Drivers!!!

2. We’re Going MOBILE!

There will almost be one mobile device per person in the world by 2015, with this increasing to 12 billion total mobile connected devices by 2020.

1. Know, Like & Trust = BUY!

57% of consumers say that watching videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions.

The Fastest Way To Reach Ideal Readers!

Imagine the possibilities for YOUR Publishing business!!!

Video & YouTube© Make It WAY Easier & More Cost EFFECTIVE For Your Readers!

An old adage…

“A picture is worth one thousand (1,000) words.”

A BRAND NEW adage!

“A minute of video is worth 1.8 million words.” -- according to Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research.

Krizia, I’m Scared Of Technology!!!

Technology Is NOT An Issue!

The Change Is Happening NOW!

Don’t Get Left Behind!!!

Let Me Make It Easier For You!I’ve created the ‘Video Authority for Authors’ Online Training for you!

The ‘Video Authority for Authors’ Online Training …

… is for Authors who want to learn how to attract more IDEAL READERS via YouTube, but don’t want to figure it out on their own!

The ‘Video Authority for Authors’ Online Training …

Four modules breaking down EVERYTHING you NEED to know about YouTube!

Short & easy to follow videos!

NO heavy tech-talk. You’re NEVER overwhelmed!

YouTube & Video Marketing Does NOT have to be complicated

It Can Be QUITE Easy!!!

Here’s What Students Are Saying!

What Al Had To Say About The Calendar:

“This one module is a good return on my investment.”

I really like the production calendar. I immediately setone up. In fact, this one module is a good return onmy investment. I’m sure there is more ahead!Al Lawson,, Dallas, Texas

I LOVE your program and it’s so timely as I have been anxious to learn how to effectively optimize my efforts not only for my clients, but for MY business videos as well, which I am currently recording. Thank you for putting together such a comprehensive package and for offering your expertise on video marketing. Thank you, Miss K!Jaimie Skultety,

"... got straight into Module 1 … Fantastic!”"I received my training program and got straight into Module 1 … Fantastic!I had to MAKE myself go to bed at 11.45pm … it had been a long day but I was still so excited about having received this training program and the potential for me and my business by having access to such a great, proven system! -- Paulette Smith, Phoenix VA Solutions, Australia

It’s Decision Time!

Join The Group Of Authors Who Are Successfully Leveraging Video


Take Action Right NOW!!!