Footprints No 20

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Transcript of Footprints No 20

  • 8/13/2019 Footprints No 20


  • 8/13/2019 Footprints No 20


    ssue Number 20November 2013

    Contents% in lair, by Stuart Marshall 3-4The Witch, by Stuart Marshall 4-24Create Food & Drink, by Nicole Massey 24-25The Secret of the Wood of Dark Boughs, by R. N. Bailey 2-5!The Thie"es# $uild of a"enar, by John B. Keane 5-'The (rinting (ress of $larck, by Bryan Fazekas !)-!*The $oliath, by T. J. Shealy !2The at#s +eo,, by Darren Dare !3-!!

    Weaon T.e "s /r0or Class, by Ian Slater !-4Oen OSRI! "icense 5Oen #a$e "icense 5-

    Cover art is copyright 2013 by Joshua MINTO, used under the CC!"#$NCN% 3&0

    see http'((creativeco))ons&org(*icenses(byncnd(3&0(

    Joshua MINTO+s art can be vieed at http'((&)intoi**ustration&co)(

    The Staff(u1lisher Ste%e &ates

    /ssociate ditor Nicholas 'artri()e

    /ssociate ditor Ron Re($on(

    Su10issions +anager Nicholas 'artri()e

    Title $rahics Ji$ "assiter

    $rahics diting Ste%e McFa((en

    Design & a.out Stuart Marshall

    Footrints is ublishe( by Dra)ons*oot. It is a%ailable at the Dra)ons*oot +ebsite *or (o+nloa( %isithtt-+++.(ra)ons*oot.or)*t to (o+nloa( other issues. The ri)hts to all $aterial ublishe( herein re%ertto the author/s0 o* sai( +ork uon release o* this issue. 1rticles $ay be sub$itte( by e$ail to*ootrints2(ra)ons*oot.or) /lease, (on3t sub$it articles by 'ri%ate Messa)e in the *oru$s0. Don3t *or)etto inclu(e your 4byline,4 i.e. ho+ you +ish to be cre(ite(.

    Dun)eons 5 Dra)ons, 1(%ance( Dun)eons an( Dra)ons, D5D an( 1D5D are o+ne( by 6izar(s o* the!oastan( their use here is not inten(e( as a challen)e to their o+nershi o* that coyri)ht. 1ll $aterialsare use( here +ithout their er$ission.

    1ll other $aterial coyri)hte( to the liste( author or artist, an( use( by er$ission.

    Footrints 7 a)e 8 7 u01er 2)
  • 8/13/2019 Footprints No 20


    by Stuart Marshall

    This 89th issue o* Footrints coinci(es rou)hly+ith the (ecennial o* Mark O3Reilly3s (eath.It +as at the su))estion o* Ste%e &ates,

    Dra)ons*oot3s a($in an( sho+runner, that Iuse( this occasion to +rite about Mark,+hich $eant *in(in) out +ho he +as, +hathe (i( *or the site, an( +hy. It +as a*ascinatin) e:ercise, an( I +oul( like to usethis ; in lair as an obituary o* sorts.

    I3$ in(ebte( to Ste%e, Stuart, Ryan, an(John Riley *or their hel +ith the $aterialthat *ollo+s.

    Mark O3Reilly +as the ori)inal (ri%in) *orcebehin( Dra)ons*oot. school D5D0 $aterial.

    Mark +as a )enuine, oen an( *rien(ly $an+ith an o**beat sense o* hu$our an( anin*ectious assion *or rolelayin) )a$es. brother Stuart, +ith )a$es on $anye%enin)s. 1t ti$es these sessions )re+ solar)e that the house coul( not containthe$ all, an( the )rou use( a nearby%illa)e hall as a %enue. So$eti$es the

    )rou +oul( lay *or a +hole +eeken(,Fri(ay to Sun(ay. There +as a +ebca$ soeole on the site coul( see the )a$ebein) laye(, althou)h +ithout soun(.

    Mark +as an e:cellent cook an( +oul(so$eti$es reare *oo( *or the )a$e. Oneo* his $ost oular (ishes +as a chocolate)anache (essert on a biscuit cru$b base,(ubbe( Orcish Mu( 'ie. +orke( se%eral $ore ti$es.

    1lthou)h the site +as ori)inally $eant as aublishin) %ehicle *or ne+ e $aterial, theco$$unity )re+, until Dra)ons*oot +as+ell>kno+n *or its *oru$s.

    #ary #y)a: $ust ha%e beco$e a+are o*Dra)ons*oot at a relati%ely early sta)e. si$ilar na$e /Dra)onstone0,an( he contacte( #ary about it. It +as#ary +ho ut John in touch +ith Mark./#ary3s (escrition o* Mark-> 41 %ery creati%e)uy.40 John subseAuently %isite( Mark atho$e, to)ether +ith John3s son Mike/Melshi$ber on the *oru$s0, +hich is ho+John )ot to kno+ the rest o* the DF tea$.

    Mark +as enthusiastic about John3s $aterialan( +ent to a lot o* trouble re>(ra+in)John3s han(>(ra+n $as in (i)ital *or$at*or e%entual ublication on the site.

    On 8Cr( October 8998, Mark +as (ia)nose(+ith !hronic Myeloi( "euke$ia, a cancer o*the +hite bloo( cells.

  • 8/13/2019 Footprints No 20


    in*ections, an( on th October 899C he+as a($itte( to Salisbury District

  • 8/13/2019 Footprints No 20


    Sells usersells 41rcane4 an( illusionist sells 4'han>tas$al4, +itch sells are calle( 4Occult4.

    Occult sells (i**er *ro$ (i%ine an( (rui(icones in that they are not auto$aticallya%ailable7each sell $ust be acAuire( bythe +itch. They (i**er *ro$ arcane an(hantas$al sells in that there is no 4chanceto learn4 occult sells +itches al+aysun(erstan( any sell they *in(. 1lso, +itchesneither ha%e nor nee( sellbooks. Kno+>le()e o* a +itch sell is tra(itionally asse(by +or( o* $outh. Sells can also betau)ht by a sirit that kno+s the sell.

    1s art o* his or her initial trainin) be*orea(%enturin) be)ins, the +itch $ay select ?sells that he or she kno+s. Therea*ter thesirits +ill teach the +itch one ne+ selleach ti$e he or she )ains a le%el. The +itch$ay choose this ne+ sell *ro$ all those heor she can cast at the ne+ le%el, so a +itcha(%ancin) to secon( le%el $ay choose a*irst or secon( le%el sell, an( a +itcha(%ancin) to th le%el $ay choose a sello* any le%el e:cet th.

    Other sells $ay be tau)ht by other +itches/'! or N'!0 or recei%e( *ro$ a co%en.


    !o%ens are )rouin)s o* three to thirteen+itches. There +ill be a co%en lea(er.6hen a '! +itch oins a co%en, he or she+ill naturally be the ne+est an( $ost unior$e$ber. The co%en $ay teach +itch sellsto loyal co%en $e$bers, tyically in return

    *or a ay$ent or ser%ice.The )a$e *unction o* a co%en is to a((*la%our, ro%i(e reasons to a(%enture an(to hel sihon o** any e:cess cash thelayers $i)ht acAuire.

    Witch skills ta1le76is(o$ a(ust$entsWisdo0 Second sight

    >?;9 >; >8;8 >C > >E 8;? ; ?;L L;

    Witch skills ta1le7!haris$a a(ust$entsCharis0a Contact sirit

    9 >; >8;8 >C > 8;E ;? ?; L;L 9;

    Witch skills ta1le7Racial a(ust$entsace Second sight Contact sirit

    >el* E; >E;orc >E; E;

    The $a:i$u$ chance *or both Secon( Si)htan( !ontact Sirit, not+ithstan(in) anya(ust$ents, is ;.

    Footrints 7 a)e E 7 u01er 2)

  • 8/13/2019 Footprints No 20


    W>TC6 S(S B? @e"el Ane e"el T,o e"el Three e"el Four

    1llure 1lacrity 1ni$ate (ea( Bo) $an8 Blitherin) 8 Barrier 8 !har$ ers$a$$ 8 !aul(ron o* ra)eC !all *a$iliar C Beast*or$ C !lairsentience C !ontrol $e$ory

    !ro +ar( !ackle !orse can(le Detect lieE Fa$iliar sirit E !all i$a)e E Decay E Disel $a)ic? Fertility ? !orse +akin) ? Fear ? =**i)y #ri$alkin Darkness

  • 8/13/2019 Footprints No 20


    First le"el sells

    /llure 6.eversib*e76Occu*t i**usion(phantas)7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- #e*- !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- 1 hour Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- Caster

    $**ureenhances the caster3s ersuasi%eness+ith re)ar( to the tar)et creature. Hse( onan N'!, the tar)et +ill be E9; $ore likely toreson( ositi%ely to the layer character3satte$t at ersuasion, inti$i(ation, briberyor other social $aniulation.

    For e:a$le, the caster atte$ts to bribe a)uar(. The #M a(u(icates that the briberyatte$t +oul( nor$ally ha%e a E9;chance o* +orkin), so the$**uresell $akesthe chance /E9;:E9;08E; $ore likely to+ork, *or a *inal chance o* E;.

    This sell $akes no (i**erence to an atte$tat $aniulation +hich nor$ally has nochance o* success.

    The sell3s re%erse, ideousness, causes thecaster to take on a horri*yin) asect.!reatures in co$bat +ith the caster su**er aenalty o* 8E; on $orale check rolls.

    Blithering6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e-80 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- #ee be*o Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- One creature

    For the sell (uration, the tar)et is ossesse(

    by a sirit o* %ery lo+ intelli)ence. The tar)et)ets an initial sa%in) thro+ to resist the sellentirely. I* *aile(, the sirit takes control onthe ne:t roun(. =ach roun( therea*ter, thetar)et )ets a *resh sa%in) thro+ to re)aincontrol o* itsel* success $eans the selle:ires. 6hile the sirit is in control the tar)et+ill (e*en( itsel* i* attacke(, but other+ise+ill si$ly stan( an( (rool. !reatures +ith$ore than E le%els or hit (ice are totallyi$$une to !*ithering.

    Call fa0iliar 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- #pecia* !astin) ti$e-2d12 hrsDuration- #pecia* Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    =:cet as $ay be note( abo%e, this sellrese$bles the st le%el arcane sell /ind/a)i*iar. The creature that aears is(eter$ine( on the *ollo+in) table->

    d2) Fa0iliar /C +" 6D h at Da0 Secial Ba()er, nor$al ?9 *t 8 (L8 C (8(8(C S+i$ /C9 *t08 Bat, )iant L 9 *t ( (8 Fli)ht /89 *t0, sonarC Bat, nor$al L 9 *t P (8 Fli)ht /89 *t0, sonar

    !at ? ?9 *t P (8 (8> Rear cla+sE !entie(e, hu)e E9 *t P (8 Nil 'oison /sa%e at 0? Do) 89 *t (L ( > Fo: 89 *t P (8 (8 >L Fro)toa(ne+t ? C9 *t h > > S+i$ #oat 9 *t ( (8 >9 O+l ? 9 *t P (8 Silent *li)ht /E9 *t0, ni)ht%ision Rat, )iant 89 *t ( (C Disease /E;08 Rat, hu)e L 89 *t h Disease /E;0C Ra%en 9 *t P (8 Fli)ht /C?9 *t0, seech Skeleton, ani$al L ?9 *t > (L> ( Resist shar +eaonsE Si(er, lar)e ? ?9 *t (L ( 'oison /sa%e at 80, +ebs? Stir)e L C9 *t (L (C Bloo( (rain

    Talkin) skull Nil P (8 SeechL 6easel, hu)e E9 *t (L (L Bloo( (rain /'layer3s choice0

    89 /'layer3s choice0

    The layer can use a nu$ber, u to an(inclu(in) his or her character3s le%el, to$o(i*y the (ie roll u+ar(s or (o+n+ar(s.For e:a$le, i* John has a 8n( le%el +itchan( rolls 8, then he can (eclare the result is9, , 8, C or .

    The talkin) skull an( ani$al skeleton areun(ea( *or the uroses o* s*eep, char)an( hol( an( turnin) atte$ts, e:cet that

    the *a$iliar cannot be (estroye( /i.e. aresult o* 4D4 on the table is treate( as 4T40. I*turne(, the +itch3s *a$iliar +ill *lee to its$aster or $istress. 'hysical contact +ith the+itch nulli*ies all *urther turnin) e**ects.

    The *a$iliar is in teleathic contact +ith its$aster. In a((ition, the ra%en an( talkin)skull can seak !o$$on.

    Footrints 7 a)e 7 u01er 2)

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    Cro ,ard 6.eversib*e7 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- 1 season Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 acre

    This sell rotects cros *ro$ ests, +ee(san( other natural hazar(s. Materialco$onents *or the sell cost a total o* 9). The re%erse, Crop b*ight, +ill lea%e nohealthy cro at all the +ilte(, sickly lantsthat +ill )ro+ are ine(ible an( ha%e no$arket %alue.

    $ri0alkin6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e-20 -t !astin) ti$e-8 segDuration-2d: rounds Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 su))oned creature

    6ith a chant an( a )esture, the +itchconures a #ri$alkin7an e%il sirit boun(into the *or$ o* a lon)>bo(ie( cat>likecreature, about the size o* a lyn:. The#ri$alkin +ill *i)ht as the +itch co$$an(s.I* there is no ene$y to *i)ht, it +ill er*or$ noother ser%ice, an( +ill (e$an( that the+itch *ee(s it so$e o* her bloo( /costin) her(C h0. The #ri$alkin *i)hts as a ter$ ne)ati%e e**>ect such as )houl aralysis. It +ill not a**ectanythin) *atal or er$anent. 1s a rule o*thu$b *or the #M, any other e**ect cause(by a creature +ith $ore than *i%e hit (ice isnot curable +ith this sell7so it +oul( curea sha(o+3s touch but not a $u$$y3s rot.

    +ake oet 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 1 )i*e !astin) ti$e- 1 hourDuration- hu$anor hu$anoi( /a lock o* hair, tooth, toenailcliin) etc.0 The (oll $ust +ei)h at leastlb. The tar)et is allo+e( a sa%in) thro+ %s.$a)ic *ailure $eans that the (oll is linke( tothe tar)et an( beco$es a oet.Therea*ter the caster can use %arious hi)hle%el sells in%ol%in) oets.

    Footrints 7 a)e L 7 u01er 2)

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    +.stic del"ing6Occu*t divination7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 ob9ect

    Mystic de*vingenables the +itch to un(er>

    stan( the roerties an( urose o* an ite$that is hel( or touche(. There is a 9;chance er caster le%el that any co$$an(+or( +ill be re%eale( an(, i* the ite$ has asi)ni*icant or rele%ant history, the +itch +illsee a %ision that she(s so$e li)ht on it e.).touchin) a $ur(er +eaon $i)ht )i%e abrie* )li$se o* bloo(.

    A1edient 1east 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- 30 -t !astin) ti$e- 3 segDuration- 1d= rounds Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1d= hit dice o- creatures

    6hile un(er this sell, ani$als +ill tyically lie(o+n an( take no action unless hysicallyhar$e( or cause( to $ake a sa%in) thro+/in +hich case the sell is broken0. Traine(creatures, such as (o)s or horses, obey any%erbal co$$an(s that they un(erstan( as i*the caster +ere their o+ner, an( (isre)ar(their real o+ner *or the (uration o* the sell.

    (.rokinesis6Occu*t evocation(invocation7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents-

    Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 segDuration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- Neg1rea o* e**ect- 1 ob9ect, up to 1 -t>(caster *v*

    6hiserin) a secret +or(, the casterconures a *ire>sirit to his or her *in)ertis.The *ire sirit +ill lea to the ne:t *la$$ablethin) the caster touches, an( i)nite it /*irst(ryin) it out i* the obect3s +ater content+oul( re%ent easy i)nition0. I* the castertouches an ite$, then it $ust $ake a sa%in)thro+ %s. nor$al *ire or be burne( an(robably ruine(. I* the caster touches acreature, it su**ers (? h (a$a)e. Note

    that +hile touchin) a creature in $eleereAuires a 4to hit4 roll, the *ire sirit +ill re$ainon the caster3s *in)ers until (ischar)e(, oruntil hour has asse( /+hiche%er co$es*irst0.

    egenerate 6.eversib*e7 6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- #ee be*o Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    .egenerate heals inury on the tar)etcreature at the rate o* h er roun(. It lasts*or at least (? roun(s +ith a $ini$u$ o* roun( er caster le%el. Thus, a th le%el+itch nee( not roll, since her sell +ill al+ayslast *or roun(s.

    The re%erse o* the sell,$--*iction, causes the

    tar)et creature to lose h er roun(. Thetar)et creature $ust be touche( /reAuirin)a 4to hit4 roll0, an( recei%es a sa%in) thro+.

    Shar ear 6.eversib*e7 6Occu*t trans)utation(a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- #,MRan)e-80 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration-2d= rounds Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    #harp ear (oubles the tar)et creature3schance to hear noise or listen at (oors *orthe (uration o* the sell. 6hile acti%e, it also)i%es the tar)et creature a sa%in) thro+ %s.surrise o* /on a (890.

    The sell3s re%erse, %u** ear, +ill (ea*en thetar)et creature. It $ust ass a sa%in) thro+to hear any noise that ori)inates *ro$ $orethan C9 *t a+ay /+ith a searate sa%e ersoun(0. =:cetionally lou( noises +ill still behear(.

    The sell has no %erbal co$onent.

    Snake#s tongue 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e-80 -t !astin) ti$e-8 segDuration- 3d= rounds Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    For the sell3s (uration, the tar)et creature3ston)ue beco$es *orke(. This +ill slur itsseech an( re%ent it *ro$ castin) $a)ic+ith a %erbal co$onent. The $aterialco$onent is a snake3s ton)ue, +hich isconsu$e( in the sell3s castin).

    Sirit ser"ant 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- 12 rounds Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 su))oning

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is e:actlyas the arcane sell ;nseen servant, sa%ethat the #pirit servantis articularly a(et athousehol( chores an( can er*or$ taskssuch as *etchin) +oo(, (ra+in) +ater,laun(ry or s+eein) in hal* the nor$al ti$e.The $aterial co$onent is a saucer o* $ilk.

    Footrints 7 a)e 7 u01er 2)

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    Strength6Occu*t trans)utation(a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- = turns(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 person

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the 8n(le%el arcane sell #trength.

    Stu01ling curse 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e-20 -t !astin) ti$e- 3 segDuration-2d= rounds Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    #tu)b*ing curse hal%es the tar)et3s nor$al$o%e$ent see(. It +ill not +ork on anycreature that (oes not nee( le)s *or its

    loco$otion e.). a *ish, a )iant slu), or asectre +oul( be una**ecte(.

    The $aterial co$onent is a s$all *ra)$ento* tortoise shell.

    Touch of suggestion 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 segDuration- 1d= rounds Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    The caster utters the sell an( touches thetar)ete( hu$an, (e$i>hu$an or hu$an>oi(, +ho then recei%es a sa%in) thro+ %s.sells. Success $eans the sell has noe**ect, but *ailure $eans the tar)et +ill obeya brie*, reasonable>soun(in) su))estion *or(? roun(s. "on) su))estions, or those thatsoun( unreasonable to the tar)et, +ill ha%eno e**ect.

    The sell can o%erco$e $any susicions,but +ill *ail in the *ace o* certainties. Fore:a$le, i* John the )uar( has recei%e(or(ers to in%esti)ate the $ysterious

    (isaearance o* the =soteric Je+el o*K+al, an( the +itch su))ests that he looks*or *ootrints outsi(e the )roun( *loor+in(o+, then the sell $i)ht +ork on hi$but i* he has been or(ere( to arrest the+itch *or the*t, then he +ill not obey her. Thissell +ill ne%er +ork in a $elee or ursuitsituation.

    I* instea( o* touchin) the tar)et, the +itchkisses hi$ or her on the lis, then the sa%in)thro+ is at >.

    Ward of fla0e 6.eversib*e7 6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- = turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    For the sell3s (uration, 4ard o- -*a)erotects the tar)et creature *ro$ inury (ueto heat or *la$e. The 4ardabsorbs the ne:t8(? h (a$a)e that the tar)et creature+oul( other+ise ha%e su**ere( *ro$ *ire.

    The sell3s re%erse, 4ard o- -rost, absorbs thene:t 8(? h (a$a)e that the tar)etcreature +oul( other+ise ha%e su**ere(*ro$ *rost, col( or ice.

    Ward of the undead6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- = turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    For the sell3s (uration, 4ard o- the undead)rants the tar)et creature a sa%in) thro+/sells0 a)ainst the secial o+ers o* anyun(ea( creature3s touch. It also )rants asa%in) thro+ a)ainst a )host3s a)ein)o+er or the screa$ o* a banshee. Theun(ea( creature3s touch +ill still in*licthysical (a$a)e, as only secial o+erssuch as le%el (rain, or aralysis are a**ecte(.

    Weird ,hetstone 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- 1 turn Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 hetstone

    By $eans o* this sell the caster conures a$a)ical +hetstone that +ill cause anynon>$a)ical, e()e( or ointe( +eaonsharene( by it to beco$e a $a)ical+eaon *or the ne:t three turns /C9 $eleeroun(s0. It takes one roun( to sharen onea:e, s+or( or olear$, t+o sears ora%elins, or three arro+s or Auarrels. Thehetstone %anishes a*ter one turn /9roun(s0.

    Witch-candle6Occu*t con9uration( su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 1 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration-? hours Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 cand*e

    This sell is use( to see( the reco%ery o*the arty3s hit oints +hile restin). The +itch

    Footrints 7 a)e 9 7 u01er 2)

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    conures a $a)ical can(le that is lit uonarri%al an( +ill burn *or u to hours unless it)oes out *or any reason, +hence it %anishesan( the sell e:ires. 6hile the can(le isburnin), e%ery li%in) creature +ithin C9 *t o* itre)ains h er co$lete turn that elases,so lon) as that creature is restin) /not$e$orisin) sells, not stan(in) +atch, but

    actually restin)0. No $atter ho+ $any suchcan(les are +ithin C9 *t, only h erco$lete turn can be re)aine( +ith thissell.

    W>TC6 S(S @ 2

    /lacrit.6.eversib*e7 6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 round

    Duration- =rds @1rd(*v* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    For the (uration o* the sell, the tar)etcreature i$ro%es one ste in nu$ber o*attacks er roun( base( on its currentnu$ber o* attacks, accor(in) to the*ollo+in) ro)ression->

    8 roun(s roun( C8 8 E8

    C /$a: *or this sell0

    For e:a$le, a character +ith C attackse%ery 8 roun(s +oul( ha%e t+o attacks erroun( *or the (uration o* the sell.

    The sell3s re%erse, #*uggishness, er$its asa%in) thro+. The tar)et creature3s nu$bero* attacks er roun( is (ecrease( by oneste on the table abo%e. !reatures +ith$ore than *our attacks er roun( areuna**ecte(.

    Barrier6.eversib*e7 6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- =0 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- =rds @1rd(*v* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- ;p to = creatures ithin a 20-t radius

    !arrier rotects (esi)nate( creatures,)rantin) the$ a bonus o* to 1! an( allsa%in) thro+s. The re%erse o* the sell,%e-ence*essness, allo+s the tar)et creaturea sa%e but, i* *aile(, causes a enalty o* >to 1! an( all sa%in) thro+s.

    Beastfor06Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration-2d= turns Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    !east-or) enables the caster to s+itch

    bo(ies +ith one ani$al o* eAual or *e+er hit(ice than the caster has le%els. 6hile in thecaster3s bo(y, the ani$al beco$es cat>atonic. The caster is in *ull control o* thebeast3s bo(y an( can use all o* its attack*or$s, senses an( $eans o* loco$otion, so i*in the *or$ o* a bat, the caster +ill be ableto *ly an( use a bat3s sonar. I* either beast orcaster is slain (urin) the sell3s (uration,both (ie.

    Cackle6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- Ran)e-80 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 seg&

    Duration-8 rounds Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    Fi:in) the tar)et +ith a )lare, the +itchutters a (e$ente( cachinnation thatcauses the tar)et to su**er a enalty o* >8 toall sa%in) thro+s *or the sell3s (uration.

    Call i0age 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 1 )i*e(*eve* !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- round Sa%in) thro+- Neg&

    1rea o* e**ect-$ re-*ecting ob9ect, such asa )irror or poo* o- ater

    ReAuirin) a oet /c.*. the *irst le%el Maepoppetsell0, this sell creates an i$a)e o*the tar)et in a re*lectin) obect. I* the tar)etlooks into a re*lecti%e obect near the$,then they +ill be able to see the caster inthe sa$e +ay. This sell +ill *ail i* the tar)eterson is out o* ran)e or on another lane,an( i* the tar)et erson is in a li)htless lace/rison cell etc.0 then the re*lectin) obect+ill si$ly )o (ark, re%ealin) no otherin*or$ation.

    Corse ,aking6Occu*t necro)ancy7"e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration-2d= rounds Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    This sell enables the +itch to raise onehu$an or hu$anoi( corse as a te$oraryzo$bie that +ill obey the caster3s %erbalco$$an(s. The corse $ay be no $orethan *t tall, +ill only beco$e a zo$bie /nota $onster zo$bie0 an( at the sell3s e:iry+ill *lo to the )roun(, a corse once $ore.

    Footrints 7 a)e 7 u01er 2)

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    Darkness6Occu*t trans)utation(a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- 89-t !astin) ti$e-? segDuration- 3 tn @ 1tn(*v* Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect-20 -t radius g*obe

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the

    re%erse o* the st le%el (i%ine sell, 5ight.Do,se6Occu*t divination7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 1 )i*e(*eve* !astin) ti$e- 1 hourDuration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature or ob9ect

    %osing enables the caster to kno+ the(irection o* one *a$iliar obect orsubstance. The caster (oes not recei%e a%ision o* the location. Rather, he or shesi$ly kno+s in +hat (irection it can be

    *oun(, ro%i(e( the tar)et is +ithin thesell3s area o* e**ect.

    Forget6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 30 -t !astin) ti$e-2 segDuration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1d? creatures in a 20 -tsuare area

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the 8n(le%el arcane sell /orget.

    6eal affliction6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    This sell is as ea* ai*)ent e:cet thater$anent e**ects, inclu(in) blin(ness,(ea*ness, (isease, an( characteristic lossesare also re$o%e(. It +ill not cure (rastice**ects in%ol%in) +hole>bo(y trans*or$ationsuch as le%el (rain, etri*action, con%ersionto )reen sli$e, etc.

    (ain/Re%ersible0 6Occu*t i**usion(phantas)7"e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- 30 -t !astin) ti$e- 2 segDuration- 1d= rounds Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    The tar)et creature is su((enly shot throu)h+ith e:tre$e a)ony. It *alls to the )roun(,helless, an( cannot react *or the sell3s(uration. 1t the sell3s e:iry it su**ers (?ho* (a$a)e.

    The sell3s re%erse,

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    hu$ans, hu$anoi(s, an( certain intelli)enthu$anoi( $onsters caable o* seech/#M3s (iscretion0. 8(? hit (ice o* creaturesare a**ecte(, startin) +ith those closest tothe caster, ro%i(e( the caster can beseen. 1**ecte( creatures +ill be stunne( *or(? roun(s, a*ter +hich they +ill act in+hate%er +ay they think $ost likely to

    attract the caster3s attention until the sell3s(uration e:ires.

    The creatures recei%e a sa%in) thro+$o(i*ie( by the caster3s charis$a, )en(eran( race as *ollo+s->

    !haris$a 9>8 Nil!haris$a C> >!haris$a E>? >8!haris$a >C!haris$a L >

    Race sa$e >8'artially sa$e > /e.). hu$an to

    hal*>el* or hal*>orc0Si$ilar Nil /e.). hu$anoi( to

    (e$i>hu$an, or eitherto hu$an0

    Di**erent /e.). hu$an to$onster race such as a$e(usa0

    #en(er sa$e Oosite >

    I* the tar)et creature is har$e( or cause( to$ake a sa%in) thro+, the sell +ill bebroken an( it $ay act nor$ally.

    Toadfor06Occu*t trans)utation(a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 2 segDuration- = turns Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    The sell trans*or$s a hu$an, hu$anoi( or(e$i>hu$an into a toa( *or one hour. Thetar)et3s eAui$ent is trans*or$e( an( +ill$a)ically (isaear, reaearin) besi(ethe *or$er toa( at the sell3s e:iration.1lthou)h the toa( *or$ $o%es slo+ly /C9 *t0

    an( has no e**ecti%e attack, it retains thear$our class, hit oints an( sa%in) thro+s itha( in its natural *or$.

    @an9uished ,ard 6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- #pecia*Duration- 1 turn(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    By either i$bibin) or s$okin) a secial$i:ture create( *ro$ the token o* a(e*eate( *oe /a hair, scale or *eather0, the

    +itch can use the *oe3s sirit to )rantrotection *ro$ its kin(. The sell )rants thetar)et a 8 bonus to 1! an( sa%in) thro+s*or all attack *or$s /inclu(in) sells0 cast bybein)s o* the sa$e secies. 'rearin) an(i$bibin) /reAuirin) either a )our( or ie0the $i:ture takes E roun(s.

    @ulnera1ilit.6Occu*t ab9uration7"e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 30 -t !astin) ti$e- ? segDuration-? turns Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    u*nerabi*ity (o+n)ra(es the tar)et crea>ture3s i$$unity to non>$a)ical +eaons byone slot on the *ollo+in) scale->

    C or better +eaon to hit 8 or better +eaon to hit or better +eaon to hit Sil%er or $a)ic +eaon to hit

    For e:a$le, a vu*nerabi*itysell cast on a+ere+ol* +oul( $ake it subect to nor$al+eaons. 1 vu*nerabi*ity sell cast on a(e$on lor( $i)ht $ake it %ulnerable to 8+eaons or better.

    Ward of har06Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- : segDuration- = rounds Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 20 -t radius centred oncaster

    This sell has three %ariants, an( the caster$ust choose +hich %ariant alies at theti$e o* castin). 4ard o- -ireallo+s creaturesin the area o* e**ect to auto$atically asstheir sa%in) thro+s a)ainst *ire an( heatbase( e**ects *or the sell3s (uration 4ardo- ice allo+s the$ to ass their sa%esa)ainst col( 4ard o- *ightningallo+s the$to ass their sa%in) thro+s a)ainst electricalattacks an( li)htnin). Ru$ours ersist o**urther %ariants o* this sell.

    Word of hi1ernation /Re%ersible0 6Occu*t


    "e%el- 4itch 2 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 segDuration-2d= turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 3d= hit dice orth o- ani)a*s

    6ith a 4ord o- hibernation, the +itchcauses u to C(? hit (ice +orth o* ani$alsto *all into a (ee slee *or 8(? turns. Theslee is i(entical to that cause( by the stle%el arcane sell #*eep.

    Footrints 7 a)e C 7 u01er 2)

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    W>TC6 S(S @ 3

    /ni0ate dead6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- #pecia*

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is as theCr( le%el (i%ine sell$ni)ate %ead&

    Char0 erson or 0a00al6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- ?0 -t !astin) ti$e-? segDuration-#pecia* Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the stle%el (rui( sell Char) person or )a))a*&

    Clairsentience6Occu*t divination7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- #ee be*o !astin) ti$e- 3 segDuration- 1 rd(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- #ee be*o

    This sell (ulicates the Cr( le%el arcanesells C*airaudiencean( C*airvoyance. The+itch can both see an( hear the chosenlocation.

    Corse candle 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,M

    Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e-2 rdsDuration- = turns Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*1rea o* e**ect- 30 -t radius

    The caster creates a lar)e can(le *ro$ ahu$anoi( *e$ur *ille( +ith corse tallo+.The can(le is lit +hen it aears, an( i*e:tin)uishe(, it %anishes an( the selle:ires. Other+ise, it burns *or ? turns +ith anel(ritch, bluish li)ht that $akes e%erythin)+ithin C9 *t o* it in%isible an( inau(ible toun(ea( creatures. Sectres, )hosts,%a$ires, liches, an( other un(ea( o*

    si$ilar o+er ha%e a chance o* resistin) thise**ect. This chance is C; er hit (ie.

    Deca.6Occu*t invocation(evocation7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Ni* !astin) ti$e- 3 seg&Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- a*ves1rea o* e**ect- Cone, 80 -t *ong, 10 -tdia)eter at base, originating -ro) caster

    This sell causes creatures in its area o*e**ect to hysically (ecay- lants +ither an(rot, an( ani$als are a**licte( +ith (ry)an)rene *or 8(? h o* (a$a)e /hal%e( i*

    a sa%in) thro+ is asse(0. Incororealcreatures are una**ecte(. !ororealun(ea( sa%e at > an( su**er C(L (a$a)e.

    Fear6Occu*t i**usion(phantas)7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Ni* !astin) ti$e-? seg&

    Duration- #pecia* Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- Cone, =0 -t *ong, 8 -tdia)eter at origin, 30 -t dia)eter at

    ter)inus, originating -ro) caster

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this is the th le%elarcane sell /ear.

    6oing doo0 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- =0 -t !astin) ti$e- ?seg&Duration- 1 turn(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*

    1rea o* e**ect- #ee be*o(9 : ,999 sli$y +et bull *ro)s aear at asot (esi)nate( by the caster /cra+lin) out*ro$ rocks, nooks an( crannies, or other+ise(roin) *ro$ the ceilin) or sky0. They u$$a(ly about, )ettin) un(er*oot, an( croakat a (ea*enin) %olu$e that re%entscon%ersation +ithin the area o* e**ect. The(istraction is such that sellcasters $ust sa%e%s. sells be*ore they can cast, an( $issileusers roll to hit at >8. Mo%e$ent +ithin thearea is hal%e(.

    There is a base 9; chance /E; er le%el0that (9 oisonous *ro)s +ill be in the)rou. They +ill attack non>*ro) tar)ets+ithin the area o* e**ect, *orcin) the$ tosa%e %s. oison at 8 or (ie. The oisonous*ro)s are colour*ul, but other+ise i(entical tothe rest.

    The caster can $o%e the $ass o* *ro)s byteleathic co$$an(, at a $a:i$u$ see(o* u to ?9 *t er roun(.

    The area o* e**ect is (eter$ine( by thenu$ber o* *ro)s su$$one( /9 *t er ,999*ro)s0.

    6o"er6Occu*t trans)utation(a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- #e*- !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- 3 turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- Caster

    The caster can *ly in any (irection throu)hthe air at his or her nor$al $o%e$ent rate.arious $aterial co$onents are ossible.The tra(itional one is a broo$stick, +hich isnot consu$e( in the sell3s castin).

    Footrints 7 a)e 7 u01er 2)

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    >n"isi1ilit.6Occu*t i**usion(phantas)7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e-2 seg&Duration- Ti* dispe**ed Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the 8n(

    le%el arcane sell Invisibi*ity.ifesteal/Re%ersible0 6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 seg&Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- Creature touched

    The tar)et creature loses 8(? h, i* it *ails itssa%in) thro+, an( the caster is heale( o* thesa$e nu$ber o* h, u to his or her nor$al$a:i$u$. I* the tar)et is slain by this e**ect,there is a ; chance er le%el o* the

    sellcaster that it +ill rise as a Sha(o+. It +illbe un(er its creator3s control until the ne:tne+ $oon, at +hich ti$e it is release( as a*ree>+ille( creature /it +ill not nor$allyattack the +itch +ho create( it unlessro%oke(0.

    The sell3s re%erse, 5i-egi-t, has no sa%in)thro+. The caster loses h an( the tar)et isheale( o* the sa$e a$ount.

    +alice6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 round

    Duration- = turns Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    Ma*ice +eakens the tar)et creature3sattacks- each ti$e the tar)et creaturein*licts hit oint (a$a)e on an ene$y /byany $eans0, (a$a)e (ice $ust be rolle(t+ice, an( the lesser result use(.

    +e0or. of life 6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 30 -t !astin) ti$e-? seg&Duration- 1 turn(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*

    1rea o* e**ect- Cone originating -ro)caster, =0 -t *ong, 30 -t dia)eter at the base

    This otent incantation re$in(s un(ea(creatures o* their re%ious li*e, thro+in)the$ into con*usion or causin) the$ to turnon their creator. The +itch che+s a $i:tureo* roots, )ra%e earth an( salt, an( sits ituon his or her han(. 1ni$ate( un(ea(such as skeletons an( zo$bies ha%e nosa%in) thro+ an( i$$e(iately attack theircreator i* resent. Other+ise, they si$lybabble incoherently, an( +ill not acte:cet to (e*en( the$sel%es. Intelli)ent

    un(ea( recei%e a sa%in) thro+, +ithsuccess in(icatin) they are una**ecte( an(*ailure resultin) in the sa$e e**ect as the(rui(ic sell Con-usion.

    e0o"e curse /Re%ersible0 6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#

    Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- ?seg&Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*1rea o* e**ect- #ee be*o

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the thir(le%el (i%ine sell .e)ove curse.

    See0ing6Occu*t i**usion(phantas)7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 3 turnsDuration-2d= hours Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*1rea o* e**ect- 1 ob9ect, )aAi)u) 20 -tcube

    #ee)ing allo+s the caster to alter theaearance o* a thin), but not its nature.For e:a$le, a +itch coul( $ake her ho%elsee$ a s$all but lu:urious alace, but not*i: the roo* a it aear to be a shallo+hole, but anyone *allin) in +oul( still take(? (a$a)e.

    The sell is unlike

  • 8/13/2019 Footprints No 20


    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the Cr(le%el arcane sell #uggestion.

    Suress 0agic/Occult aburation0

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#Ran)e-80 -t !astin) ti$e-? seg&Duration- = turns Sa%in) thro+- None

    1rea o* e**ect- 30 -t radius sphere=:cet as note( abo%e, an( that anysuresse( enchant$ents are not er$an>ently re$o%e( an( +ill return a*ter the selle:ires, this sell is the Cr( le%el (i%ine sell%ispe* )agic.

    The needle6Occu*t invocation(evocation7

    "e%el- 4itch 3 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 100 -t !astin) ti$e-? seg&Duration-

  • 8/13/2019 Footprints No 20


    The re%erse o* this sell, .epair )e)ory, hasno use e:cet to re$o%e a $e$oryi$lante( %ia Contro* )e)ory.

    Detect lie6Occu*t divination7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 30 -t !astin) ti$e- B seg

    Duration- 1rd(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the thle%el (i%ine sell %etect *ie&

    Disel 0agic6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- =0 -t !astin) ti$e- = seg&Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 30 -t radius sphere

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the Cr(le%el (i%ine sell %ispe* )agic.

    ffig.6Occu*t invocation(evocation7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 100 -t !astin) ti$e- = seg&Duration- 1 rd(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    This sell reAuires that the caster has aoet o* the tar)et /c.*. the *irst le%elMaepoppetsell0. Once the sell has been castthe tar)et )ets a sa%in) thro+ %s $a)ic. I*they *ail the caster $ay $o%e the oetan( the erson +ill be $o%e( as theoet (oes, u to a see( o* C9 *troun(.Mo%e$ent can be in any (irection, +hichinclu(es le%itatin) the tar)et, but theycannot be *orce( throu)h soli( obects. I*the erson resists by clin)in) to a hea%y or*i:e( obect, then they ha%e a base C9;chance o* bein) able to i$$obilisethe$sel%es, $o(i*ie( by E; *or e%ery ointo* stren)th they ha%e in e:cess o* 9, or >E;*or e%ery oint o* stren)th belo+ 9.

    7orcise6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- ,#,M

    Ran)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- #pecia*Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature or ob9ect

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the thle%el (i%ine sell Aorcise.

    Fangs of /lou9ah 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- #Ran)e- =0 -t !astin) ti$e- = seg&Duration- #ee be*o Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- #ee be*o

    This sell conures C(? thirsty stir)es. Thestir)es are not un(er the +itch3s control but+ill i$$e(iately attack the nearest li%in)creature. =ach stir)e +ill re$ain until it iskille(, or (rinks 8h o* bloo(, or 8 $eleeroun(s ha%e e:ire(, +hiche%er co$es *irst.The sell has no %erbal co$onent.

    6ar0shield6Occu*t ab9uration7"e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 seg&Duration- 1 turn Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    The ar)shie*dabsorbs the ne:t 9 h o*(a$a)e that the tar)et +oul( other+iseha%e su**ere(. 1ny (a$a)e o%er an(abo%e the 9h are taken as nor$al. Oneach erson, only one ar)shie*dsell $aybe in e**ect at a ti$e.

    6eal undead /Re%ersible0 6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 undead creature

    This sell reairs an un(ea( creature o* 8(?h o* (a$a)e. Its re%erse in*licts 8(? h(a$a)e on an un(ea( /no sa%in) thro+0.I* there are se%eral %ali( tar)ets +ithin ran)ethen the +itch can select +hich is a**ecte(.

    Ardeal6Occu*t trans)utation(a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- Ran)e- #e*- !astin) ti$e- 1 seg&Duration-2d= rounds Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- Caster

    Ordea*$ay only be cast +hen the casterhas less than a Auarter o* his or her nor$al/*ull0 h re$ainin). For the sell3s (uration,the caster $ay $ake all (ie rolls t+ice, an(select the result that he or she re*ers. Thisinclu(es 4to hit4, (a$a)e, sa%in) thro+s,an( all other kin(s o* (ie roll that the layer+oul( nor$ally $ake.

    Astia tene1rosa 6Occu*t i**usion(phantas)7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- ,#Ran)e-80 -t !astin) ti$e-? seg&Duration- 3d= hours Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 30 -t dia)eter sphere

    "i%in) creatures +ithin the area o* e**ect areblin(e( *or the sell3s (uration unless theysa%e. They +ill *i)ht at >. This e**ect can bere$o%e( by Cure b*indness, ea* ai*)ent,%ispe* )agicor .e)ove curse.

    Footrints 7 a)e 7 u01er 2)

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    (ol.0orh other 6Occu*t trans)utation(a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e-80 -t !astin) ti$e-? seg&Duration- li%in) ite$s, inclu(in) un(ea(creatures, )ole$s an( ele$entals, take no(a$a)e *ro$ this sell.

    Troll#s 1lood /re%ersible0 6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch ? !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- #ee be*o Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- Creature touched

    This sell causes the tar)et creature to beheale( by (h er roun( *or roun( lusone roun( *or e%ery t+o caster le%els /so *ora th or Lth le%el +itch it lasts roun(s, thor 9th le%el it lasts E roun(s, an( so on0. There%erse o* the sell, %ecrepitude, reAuires asuccess*ul 4to hit4 roll in co$bat an( also)rants the tar)et a sa%in) thro+ to a%oi(the e**ects. I* success*ul it causes ro)ress>i%e h loss ust as Troll3s bloo( heals.

    Those creatures that +oul( be una**ecte(by a .egeneratesell are also una**ecte(by Tro**+s b*ood&

    W>TC6 S(S @ 5

    Bone,ar6Occu*t invocation(evocation7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Ni* !astin) ti$e- : seg&Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- Cone 100 -t *ong, 30 -t dia

    )eter at the base, originating -ro) caster

    6ith a co$le: chant an( a series o*)estures, the +itch calls sirits that t+ist an(+ar the skeletons o* all creatures +ithin thearea o* e**ect. !reatures that ass a sa%in)thro+, an( creatures +ithout a skeleton areuna**ecte(. 1**ecte( creatures are stunne(by the ain *or (? roun(s an( lose 8(? h.They $ay, at the #M3s (iscretion, su**er(islocate( li$bs- eAual chance to eitherhal%e $o%e$ent />E90 or to attack at >E/E>990. "i$bless creatures /snakes, *ish

    etc.0, an( lar)e o+er*ul creatures +ithstron) bones an( sine+ /(ra)ons, (inosaursetc.0, *or e:a$le, +ill not su**er (islocate(li$bs. 1%ian or bat>like creatures +ill lose theability to *ly o+in) to (islocate( +in)s.

    Call i06Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- = turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 i)p

    This sell calls an i$. It takes (8 turns to

    arri%e a*ter the sell is cast an( +ill (eart ?turns later. The i$ is a *ree>+ille( creature,not a *a$iliar or ser%ant, so it is a(%isable tocall the i$ into a $a)ical circle o* so$ekin(. The +itch $ay be able to ersua(e itto (o as he or she +ishes /the chance bein)the sa$e as her Contact spiritchance0, oruse another sell /such as ;nder the i**,A.%.0 to *orce it to ser%e.

    Call 0ehit 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- = turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 )ephit

    This sell calls a $ehit. The +itch canso$eti$es /E9;0 choose +hich kin( o*$ehit aears. Other+ise, the #M shoul((eter$ine the tye o* $ehit ran(o$ly. 1s+ith Ca** i)p, the $ehit takes (8 turns toarri%e, lea%es a*ter one hour, an( is a*ree>+ille( creature that the +itch +ill nee(to ersua(e to ser%e.

    Footrints 7 a)e L 7 u01er 2)

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    Confusion6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- =0 -t !astin) ti$e- seg&Duration- 1 rd(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*1rea o* e**ect-20 -t radius sphere

    =:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the th

    le%el (rui(ic sell Con-usion.Conure ele0ental 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e-80 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- 1 turn(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 e*e)enta* creature

    This sell calls an ele$ental. The +itch canchoose at the ti$e o* castin) to call a *ire,earth, air or +ater ele$ental, but su**icient%olu$e o* the rele%ant ele$ent $ust be

    a%ailable. Deter$ine the ele$ental3s hit(ice on the *ollo+in) table->

    d 6it dice L8>C 8>E ?? 8

    The +itch has a chance o* ersua(in) theele$ental to ser%e o* its o+n *ree +ill, thechance bein) the sa$e as her !ontactSirit chance. I* this *ails, the +itch +ill nee(to concentrate in or(er to $aintain control/c*. the Eth le%el arcane sell Con9ure

    e*e)enta* *or the $echanics o* this0. I* theele$ental is neither ersua(e( norcontrolle(, it +ill (eart.

    Danse 0aca1re 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Ni* !astin) ti$e- Eseg&Duration- ;p to 1 hourSa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- #phere 80 -t radius aroundcaster

    This sell reAuires a $usical instru$ent. It

    enables the +itch to lay unearthly, beauti>*ul but so$eho+ (isturbin) $usic. It has t+ootential e**ects. First, un(ea( creatures+ithin the area o* e**ect sto +hat they are(oin) an( be)in a slo+, shu**lin) (ance tothe $elo(y. Hntil the sell e:ires, they cantake no other action e:cet (ancin).Secon(, i* there are no un(ea(, then anycorses or bo(ies +ithin the area rise *ro$the )roun(, or their )ra%es, an( (ance. The+itch can $o%e at nor$al +alkin) acean( the (ancin) corses +ill acco$anyhi$ or her.

    !ororeal un(ea( are not necessarilyhar$e( by the sell, but sunli)ht (estroysincororeal un(ea( an( $akes %a$ireshar$less.

    1ll un(ea( recei%e a sa%in) thro+ to a%oi(this e**ect. I* an un(ea( creature is the tar>)et o* a to hit roll or %icti$ o* a sell e**ect

    then the danse )acabreceases *or it."il e.e6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- #Ran)e- =0 -t !astin) ti$e- seg&Duration-

    d*) ffect Tar)et su**ers a (is*i)urin) (isease.

    De(uct (? oints o* charis$a.8 Tar)et beco$es +eak an( sick.

    De(uct (? oints o* stren)th.C Nu$bness in tar)et3s ar$s an( han(s.

    De(uct (? oints o* (e:terity. The erson the tar)et lo%es $ost co$es

    to loathe the tar)et.E Tar)et3s in%est$ents or business (ealin)s

    )o a+ry (e(uct E9;>99; o* his or her

    +ealth.? Tar)et3s $ost rize( ossession isbroken, soile( or ruine(.

    Tar)et3s eyesi)ht (eteriorates- >8 4to hit4+ith $issiles at tar)ets $ore than C9 *ta+ay.

    L Tar)et3s hearin) (eteriorates- can onlyhear soun(s ori)inatin) *ro$ +ithin ?9 *t.

    Tar)et e:eriences a stutter. E9;chance any sellcastin) +ill *ail.

    9 Tar)et is la$e(. Mo%e$ent ratere(uce( by C9 *t.

    6ealing s.0ath.6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- =0 -t !astin) ti$e- Eseg&Duration- 1 rd(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    This sell enables the +itch to cast bene>*icial sells on a oet /c*. st le%el occultsell Mae poppet0 +hich +ill a**ect theoet3s li%in) counterart, ro%i(in) he orshe is +ithin ran)e. Thus, the +itch coul(hi(e aroun( the corner +hile healin)another a(%enturer +ho is in $elee +ith a$onster. Detri$ental sells +ill not +ork %iaea*ing sy)pathy.

    Footrints 7 a)e 7 u01er 2)

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    a. to rest6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 seg&Duration- Instantaneous 6per)anent7

    Sa%in) thro+- Neg&

    1rea o* e**ect- 1 undead creature

    This sell (estroys one un(ea( creature-cororeal un(ea( collase to the )roun(as har$less corses, an( incororealun(ea( e%aorate into the ther. On theroun( o* castin), the sell enables thecaster to touch an un(ea( creature +ithoutsu**erin) any associate( ill>e**ects. Thecaster $ust succee( in a 4to hit4 roll an( i*the roll *ails, the sell (issiates har$lessly.Note- un(ea( hit only by $a)ical +eaons/C or lo+er0 are also subect to this sell.

    Soul1ond6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,M

    Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 seg&Duration- 1 day Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    This is the +itch3s ans+er to .aise dead.6hen cast on a *resh corse, the roun(a*ter it is slain, this sell re%ents the slaincreature3s soul *ro$ (eartin) *or (ay. I*the creature is heale( u to ositi%e hitoints (urin) this ti$e, it +ill be able to$o%e /slo+ly0 to a lace o* rest. There it$ust rest *or one +eek, a*ter +hich it +ill rollsa syste$ shock check. I* this is asse(, itreco%ers *ully thou)h it +ill lose one oint o*constitution er$anently in the rocess /nosa%in) thro+0.

    #ou*bondonly +orks on creatures +ith souls.Those +ith sirits, such as el%es, areuna**ecte( /see the Eth le%el (i%ine sell.aise dead0.

    #ou*bondcan also be use( to kee li*e in acreature that has not been heale( u toositi%e hit oints. In this case, the tar)etcreature3s soul re$ains locke( in a corse. I*the corse is reasonably +hole, it +ill rise asa )houl /caster le%els u to 90, )hast

    /caster le%els >C0 or +i)ht /caster le%els0. I* it is only artially co$lete, such as ali$bless torso, then the creature +ill beco$econscious /kno+in) its situation an( li%in) inintense a)ony0, but unable to *i)ht. This lastalication +ill cause ali)n$ent (ri*tto+ar(s e%il.

    The 1rink6Occu*t trans)utation(a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- 1 seg&Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- ;p to 13 creatures

    The brin can instantly teleort the casteran( u to C other creatures to a ne+ (es>tination. No creature lar)er than $e(iu$size $ay be brou)ht o%er the brink. =Aui>$ent u to the creature3s nor$al $a:i$u$encu$brance can be carrie( any e:cess+ill be lost on the ourney. The sell is notentirely +ithout risk in that +hen the sell3s

    tar)ets arri%e at their (estination, there is achance that a ran(o$ly>selecte( (e$on or(e%il +ill aear +ith the$. This chance is(eter$ine( on the *ollo+in) table- >

    Destination is-The caster3s resi(ence 9.;6ithin $ile o* the caster3s resi(ence ;6ithin 9 $iles o* the caster3s resi(ence 8;In the caster3s ho$e country C;On the caster3s ho$e continent ;On the caster3s ho$e lanet E;=lse+here on the 'ri$e Material 'lane ;=lse+here in the lanes C;

    Ward of 0agic6Occu*t ab9uration7"e%el- 4itch 8 !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Ni* !astin) ti$e- 1 seg&Duration-8 rounds Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 20 -t radius sphere centredon the caster

    Sells o* no hi)her than thir( le%el cast *ro$outsi(e the area o* e**ect are absorbe( an((iserse( har$lessly by this sell. There isone e:cetion- a %ispe* )agicsell cast onthe 4ard+ill re$o%e it /no sa%in) thro+0.Sells cast *ro$ +ithin +ork as nor$al.

    W>TC6 S(S @ Call 1ar1aEu 6Occu*t con9uration( su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- D turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 barbaEu

    1 barbazu +ill arri%e (C turns a*ter the sellis cast, an( (eart nine turns later. Thebarbazu is a *ree>+ille( creature, not a$inion or ser%ant o* any kin(, so it isa(%isable to call it into a $a)ical circle o*

    so$e kin(. The +itch $ay be able tobar)ain +ith it or ersua(e it to (o as he orshe +ishes /the chance bein) the sa$e ashis or her !ontact Sirit chance0, or useanother sell /such as ;nder the i**, A.%.0 to*orce it to (o his or her bi((in).

    Call succu1us 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7/re%ersible0

    "e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- D turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 succubus

    Footrints 7 a)e 89 7 u01er 2)

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    The succubus takes (C turns to arri%e,lea%es a*ter an hour an( a hal*, an( is a*ree>+ille( creature that the +itch +ill nee(to ersua(e to ser%e, or ben( to his or her+ill. The re%erse, Ca** incubus, calls thesuccubus3 $asculine counterart, +hich isan i(entical creature in )a$e ter$s.

    Chariot of the dead6Occu*t necro)ancy7"e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- 1 turn(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- #ee be*o

    This sell can only be cast in (arkness, eitherun(er)roun( or at ni)ht. (C roun(s a*terthe +itch *inishes castin) this sell, theChariot o- the dead +ill arri%e, either byturnin) the nearest corner /in(oors orun(er)roun(0 or *lyin) (o+n *ro$ the ni)htsky /out(oors0.

    It consists o* a chariot o* bone, *or$e( *ro$the el%is o* so$e )reat beast such as a(ra)on or (inosaur, +ith +heels attache(,(ra+n by a air o* skeletal horses. Thechariot $o%es at L9 *t er roun(, +hethertra%ellin) on lan(, *lyin) throu)h the air /11-"e%el 0, or un(er+ater. It can carry thecaster an( u to ei)ht other creatures, an(enter the astral or thereal lanes i*(esire(. The Chariothas scythin) bla(es o*bone attache( to its +heels, an( causes8(Lh (a$a)e to any creature in its ath.

    The skeletal horses can be attacke(, or

    (etache( *ro$ the Chariot, in +hich casethey are treate( as #e*eton steeds/A.%.0. I*the Chariotis *lyin) at the ti$e, then bein)(etache( *ro$ it +ill cause the skeletalhorse to *all to earth. They cannot beturne( +hile there is a ri(er on the Chariot.I* there is no ri(er, the Chariotcan be turne(as a Tye un(ea(.

    Char0 undead 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- ?0 -t !astin) ti$e- 3 seg&Duration- #ee be*o Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- #ee be*o

    This sell rese$bles the th le%el arcane sellChar) )onster, but it only a**ects un(ea(creatures. Deter$ine the e**ect o* the sellon the *ollo+in) table- >

    +onsterhit dice

    u01er of0onsters affected

    Chance8da. to1reak char0

    >8 C(? E;C> 8(? 9;E 8( E;? (? 89; ( 8E;L (C C9;

    (8 9;9 E9; ?E;8 L9;C E; No e**ect ossible

    Cla,s of "engeance 6Occu*t invocation(evocation7

    "e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 180 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 roundDuration- 1 round Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 10 suare -t per caster *eve*

    For one roun(, the area o* e**ect is *ille( +ithtalons that catch an( ren(. 1ll creatures+ithin the area su**er (89 cla+ attacks.=ach cla+ uses the +itch3s chance to hitan( in*licts ( h o* (a$a)e i* a success*ulhit occurs.

    Control ,inds 6Occu*t trans)utation(a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Ni* !astin) ti$e- B segDuration- 1 turn(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None

    1rea o* e**ect-?0 -t radius(*eve*=:cet as note( abo%e, this sell is the Ethle%el (rui(ic sell Contro* inds.

    Cra,ling s,ar06Occu*t a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- #e*- !astin) ti$e- = seg,Duration- 1 turn(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- Caster

    The caster trans*or$s his or her o+n bo(yinto a s+ar$ o* si(ers /9;0 or centie(es/9;0. There +ill be 99 such creatures er

    le%el o* the +itch. In this *or$, the caster isi$$une to all attack *or$s, e:cet *or areao* e**ect attacks such as *ireball or *la$in)oil7but area o* e**ect attacks +ill in*lict(ouble (a$a)e.

    The Cra*ing sar)can $o%e at C9 *t, an(can cli$b sheer sur*aces or throu)h tiny)as. It can attack creatures subect tonon>$a)ical +eaons, takin) one roun( to*ully en)ul* the tar)et, an( then in*lictin)(? h o* bite (a$a)e er roun( until thetar)et (ies but $ost creatures +ill easily beable to outrun the s+ar$.

    Footrints 7 a)e 8 7 u01er 2)

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    6e76Occu*t evocation7

    "e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- ?0 -t !astin) ti$e- = seg&Duration- = rounds Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- ;p to = creatures

    This sell a**ects u to ? creatures +ithin ?9 *t

    o* the caster. 1**ecte( creatures are+racke( +ith ain, an( can (o nothin)e:cet +rithe an( screa$ *or ? $eleeroun(s. Sa%in) thro+s are at >?.

    6orror6Occu*t enchant)ent7

    "e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#Ran)e- Ni* !astin) ti$e- = seg&Duration- 1 rd(*eve* Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- Cone 8 -t *ong(*eve*,dia)eter at base 1 -t(*eve*

    !reatures +ithin the area o* e**ect anic

    an( $ust *lee (irectly a+ay *ro$ the caster.There is a ?9; chance they +ill (roanythin) they are hol(in). There is nosa%in) thro+, but un(ea(, )ole$s,ele$entals an( e:tralanar creatures arei$$une to the e**ect.

    Surcease6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch = !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- =0 -t !astin) ti$e- seg&Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 creature

    This sell reAuires a oet o* the tar)et /c*.st le%el occult sellMae poppet0. =:cet*or this an( as note( abo%e, this sell is theth le%el (rui(ic sell /inger o- death.

    TC6 S(S @ !

    Blight 6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch B !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t(*eve* !astin) ti$e- seg&Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*1rea o* e**ect-8 suare -t(*eve*

    This sell causes li%in) thin)s +ithin the areao* e**ect to +ither an( rot. Non>$a)ical

    lants are kille(, instantly (roin) theirlea%es an( turnin) black. Ma)ical lantsan( lant>like creatures /e.). treants0 $ustroll a sa%in) thro+ %s. (eath $a)ic at > orinstantly (ie.

    Other li%in) thin)s are also kille(, u to a$a:i$u$ o* ?(8 4oints4 o* creatures /NB.'lants an( lant>like creatures (o not countto+ar(s the ?(8 oints0. Roll ?(8 an(*ollo+ this roce(ure->

    (lants Kille(, (o not count to+ar(sthe ?(8 oints

    (lant-likethingsSa%e %s (eath $a)ic at > or(ie, (o not count to+ar(sthe ?(8 oints

    Creatures ofless than * 6D

    Sa%e %s (eath $a)ic at >C or(ie, each counts as hal* aoint

    Creatures ofless than 2 6D

    Sa%e %s (eath $a)ic at >C or(ie, each counts as oint

    Creatures ofless than 3 6D

    Sa%e %s (eath $a)ic at >8 or(ie, each counts as 8 oints

    Creatures of

    less than 4 6D

    Sa%e %s (eath $a)ic at > or

    (ie, each counts as C ointsCreatures of46D or 0ore

    Sa%e %s (eath $a)ic or (ie,each counts as oints

    Once the ?(8 oints are e:hauste(, anyartial 4kills4 are (isre)ar(e(.

    Call cornugon 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch B !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- 12 turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 cornugon

    Footrints 7 a)e 88 7 u01er 2)

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    This cornu)on takes ( turns to arri%e, an(lea%es a*ter 8 turns. It is a *ree>+ille(creature, not a $inion or ser%ant, so it isa(%isable to call the cornu)on into a$a)ical circle o* so$e kin(. The +itch $aybe able to bar)ain +ith it or ersua(e it to(o as he or she +ishes /the chance bein)the sa$e as his or her !ontact Sirit

    chance0, or use another sell /such as;nder the i**, A.%.0 to *orce it to (o his or herbi((in).

    Call "rock 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch B !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- 12 turns Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 1 vroc

    This sell calls a %rock. 1s +ith Ca**cornugon, the %rock takes ( turns toarri%e, lea%es a*ter t+o hours, an( is a

    *ree>+ille( creature that the +itch +ill nee(to ersua(e to ser%e or ben( to his or her+ill.

    Control ,eather 6Occu*t con9uration(su))oning7

    "e%el- 4itch B !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Ni* !astin) ti$e- 1 turnDuration- =d12 hours Sa%in) thro+- None1rea o* e**ect- 3d: suare )i*es

    =:cet as abo%e, this sell is the th le%el(rui(ic sell Contro* eather.

    Dis0iss infernal6Occu*t ab9uration7"e%el- 4itch B !o$onents- Ran)e- 10 -t !astin) ti$e- D seg&Duration- Instant Sa%in) thro+- Neg&1rea o* e**ect- 1 -iend 6de)on, devi* etc&7

    By $eans o* this sell the +itch returns anin*ernal creature to its ho$e lane. I* thetar)et creature has a true na$e, the +itch$ust kno+ it an( seak it as art o* thesell. Once (is$isse(, the *ien( cannotreturn o* its o+n %olition *or se%eral years /Cyears $inus one year er *ull hit (ie the

    creature ossesses0.Do0inate infernal 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch B !o$onents- ,MRan)e- C0 -t !astin) ti$e- 3d= hrsDuration-$ year anda day

    Sa%in) thro+- #eebe*o

    1rea o* e**ect- 1 -iend 6de)on, devi* etc&7

    =:cet *or its lon)er (uration, an( e:cet*or the *act that it only +orks on creatures*ro$ the in*ernal lanes, this sell e:actly

    rese$bles ;nder the i**/A.%.0. It is use( to*orce a (e$on or (e%il to er*or$ lon)er>(uration tasks than ;nder the i**allo+s.

    Dreadful slee 6Occu*t enchant)ent(char)7

    "e%el- 4itch B !o$onents-

    Ran)e- ?0 -t !astin) ti$e- 1 seg&Duration- 1 decade(*eve*

    Sa%in) thro+- Neg&

    1rea o* e**ect- 1 person

    This sell a**ects one erson /hu$an,(e$i>hu$an or hu$anoi(0 +ho recei%es asa%in) thro+ at > to a%oi( *allin) into a%read-u* s*eep, +hich is a slee so (ee itrese$bles susen(e( ani$ation. The tar)et+ill a+aken a*ter $any (eca(es ha%eelase(, or as a result o* the sells 4ish,5i)ited ish, $*ter rea*ity or ea*, or +henone seci*ic inci(ent occurs. The inci(ent is

    tra(itionally bein) kisse( by royalty, but the#M is encoura)e( to in%ent alternati%es.

    For1idding6Occu*t ab9uration7

    "e%el- 4itch B !o$onents- Ran)e- E0 -t !astin) ti$e-8 seg&Duration- 1 round(*v* Sa%in) thro+- #pecia*1rea o* e**ect- #ee be*o

    The /orbiddingis a t+o>(i$ensional $a)icalbarrier +hich can be o* any shae, but $ustbe a conti)uous area not e:cee(in) 9sAuare *eet er le%el o* the caster. Itartially re%ents $a)ical sells an( e**ects*ro$ assin) throu)h. Ma)ic sells ha%e abase 99; chance o* (issiatin) +henassin) the barrier, >8; er le%el o* thecaster, >E; er le%el o* the sell. !onure(or su$$one( creatures that ass the barrier$ust ass a sa%in) thro+ %s. $a)ic or bereturne( to +hence they ca$e /i* theyha%e $a)ic resistance it (oes not counta)ainst this e**ect0. Ma)ic otions or scrollsha%e a E9; chance o* bein) nulli*ie( onassin) the Forbi((in) /the scrolls beco$in)blank, the otions turnin) to inert liAui(0 an(ite$s +ith char)es ha%e a 8E; chance o*

    losin) ( char)es *ro$ their reertoire.Other $a)ic ite$s are una**ecte(.

    For e:a$le, Thor>88; /the $a)e is thle%el0, >E; //ireba**is a thir( le%el sell0 *or atotal o* ?C;. The (; co$es u C an( the/ireba**has no e**ect.

    Footrints 7 a)e 8C 7 u01er 2)

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    !ursin), the e%il $a)e tries to conure anele$ental. 88>8E0EC; chance o* sell *ailure. The $a)e

    re>thinks an( (eci(es to call it on this si(e o*the /orbidding. 6hen the ele$ental crossesthe /orbidding, it $ust ass a sa%in) thro+%s. $a)ic or be returne( to its ho$e lane.

    Fuse h.1rid 6Occu*t trans)utation( a*teration7

    "e%el- 4itch B !o$onents- ,#,MRan)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- ?turnsDuration- Instant6per)anent7

    Sa%in) thro+- Neg&

    1rea o* e**ect-2 creatures

    This sell *uses t+o li%in) creatures into asin)le hybri(. !entaurs, o+lbears, hariesetc. $ay ori)inally ha%e been create( bythis sell. I* un+illin), both the creaturesrecei%e a sa%in) thro+ %s. sells an( i* eitherasses, the sell is unsuccess*ul. The sellcan +ork on a creature that has alrea(ybeen hybri(ise( be*ore, so it coul( alsoha%e create( the chi$ra an()or)i$ra.

    Sacrifice6Occu*t necro)ancy7

    "e%el- 4itch B !o$onents- ,#,M

    Ran)e- Touch !astin) ti$e- ?turnsDuration- Instant6per)anent7

    Sa%in) thro+- None

    1rea o* e**ect- 1 corpse

    This sell is the +itch3s ans+er to.esurrection, but +itches cannot call backthe souls o* the (earte( (ea(7they $ust$ake an e:chan)e *or the$. Thus, in or(erto in%oke this sell, the +itch $ust ritually cutthe throat o* a seakin) creature. It isother+ise e:actly the sa$e as the se%enthle%el (i%ine sell.


    Create Food and DrinkBy Nicole Massey

    Okay *olks, it3s )ettin) a bit *rosty out there*or those o* us in the northern he$ishere, atleast those o* us not in the troical zone."et3s cook so$e *oo( to *i)ht o** the chill.

    None o* these recies are roo* a)ainst a!one o* !ol( or Ice Stor$, but they $i)htsta%e o** a chill cantri. They all use a slo+cooker. 1 slo+ cooker is han(y *or us)a$in) tyes- set it u be*ore e%eryonearri%es, lay *or a *e+ hours, an( the *oo( isrea(y to eat. 1s an a((e( bonus the+on(er*ul s$ells ten( to )et the aetite)oin) at about the ri)ht ti$e.

    These recies are all )eare( to+ar(so$ni%ores /one o* the )reat thin)s aboutbein) an a(%enturer is that you )et to tryout all kin(s o* e:otic $eats0, so I3ll try to

    ro%i(e $ore %e)etarian recie otionsne:t ti$e. The *irst t+o recies are $y o+ncreation, +hile the last t+o are (e%elo>$ents by $y roo$$ate, #aylanalee Baker.

    Wild lf Chicken Ste,

    First +e3ll start +ith a nice chicken ste+ /re$>e$ber, e%erythin) can taste like chicken,e%en basilisk an( tarrasAue0.

    This is base( on a recie I )ot *ro$ a#ru)ach (urin) $y +an(erin)s +hen I +asyoun)er. It3s )reat +ith *resh brea( s$eare(+ith butter.

    Ser%in)s- >ngredients $e(. onion, choe( lar)e can shre((e( chicken8 lb. *rozen $i:e( sou %e)etables /eas,carrots, corn, an( )reen beans are aco$$on e:a$le o* this blen(0 At chicken stock At +ater tbs. crushe( )arlic cu +il( riceSalt an( eer to taste

    Dice the onion, an( lace in the slo+

    cooker. Oen the lar)e can o* shre((e(chicken an( our the contents, inclu(in)the broth, into the cooker. 1(( the %e)>etables, stock, +ater, an( )arlic, an( turnthe cooker on hi)h. !ook *or three hours,then stir in the rice, an( let cook *or ana((itional t+o hours.

    ote 6hite or bro+n rice $ay besubstitute( *or +il( rice. First +ash the ricethorou)hly in a ar until all clou(iness isre$o%e(. This +ill )et ri( o* the starch thatclin)s to the rice.

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    @ariations1ny other tye o* oultry besi(eschicken can be use( /re$e$ber to cleancockatrice $eat thorou)hly to a%oi( stony)lares *ro$ your (inin) co$anions0. Beans/like 1nasazi beans0 can also be a((e( oruse( as a substitute *or the chicken.

    1 teasoon o* )roun( cu$in can i$art a

    s$oky *la%or, +hile eers +ill increase theheat o* the (ish. I* you like the$, toss inso$e *resh, slice( or +hole $ushroo$s. Traditional Te7as Chili

    Okay, I3$ *ro$ Te:as an( !hili is our state(ish, an( this recie is a ran)e chili. This$eans there are no beans in the recie.ngredients $e(. onion, $ince(

    8 lb. o* chili $eat lb. o* )roun( ork sausa)e can to$ato sauce can o* (ice( to$atoes, "ar)e8 ts. o* cu$in tbs. o* chili o+(er tbs. *resh choe( )arlic8 ackets store bran( chili seasonin)8 cus o* +ater

    'lace all in)re(ients into a lar)e ot, an( stiro%er $e(iu$lo+ heat. Then, si$$er *or hours or until the $eat is ten(er a(( +aterto kee the chili *ro$ )ettin) too (ry.

    @ariations enison, Bu**alo, or e%en O+lbear $eat can be use( instea( o* bee*. 1chicken>base( sausa)e can be use(instea( o* ork sausa)e. &ou can also a(($ushroo$s /a%oi( the %iolet ones, thou)h0.

    Catalan Chicken

    6ant so$ethin) si$le This slo+ cookerrecie is ust about as si$le as you can )et.&ou can relace the chicken +ith butter*lycenter>cut ork chos, thou)h $ore e:otic$eats are also an otion. 'rior research has

    in(icate( that a hun)ry barbarian can *inishthis entire (ish by hi$sel*, so lan ortionsaccor(in)ly. This (ish is )reat +ith bake( or)arlic $ashe( otatoes, an( a nice sala(. Italso )oes +ell +ith ho$e$a(e brea(.


    >ngredients ea slit chicken breast *illets, tha+e( bottle o* !atalina sala( (ressin) bottle o* +ater /the !atalina bottle0

    'lace the chicken breasts in the slo+cooker, an( our the (ressin) o%er the$. Fillthe (ressin) bottle +ith +ater shake an(then our into the cooker. Turn on hi)h an(cook *or *our hours.

    @ariations Hse Bacon !atalina (ressin)instea( o* re)ular !atalina (ressin). Italian,#reek, French, or e%en other tyes o*(ressin) can also be use(. Mushroo$s,+hole or slice(, an( *resh or $arinate( also+ork +ell in this recie. I* you +ant $orete:ture, layer slice( onions an(or slice( belleers on the botto$ o* the cookerbe*ore the chicken breasts )o in.

    Si0le Crock(ot Brisket

    Okay, this isn3t the healthiest recie, but itsure is )oo(. The recie calls *or bee* brisket,but you can inclu(e brisket *ro$ otherani$als. ngredients? lb. brisket acket o* ranch (ressin) Mi: acket o* ot roast seasonin)

    'lace the brisket, *at si(e u, in the slo+cooker. Srinkle the ackets o* $i: an(seasonin) o%er the $eat, co%erin) thesur*ace e%enly. Then, cook on hi)h *or >Ehours or until (one.

    @ariationsFor a Me:ican *la%or, use taco or

    chili seasonin) instea( o* the ot roastseasonin). For an Italian *lair, use sa)hettiseasonin) instea(.

    Ti I* you re*ri)erate the brisket a*tercookin), it3ll be easier to slice into re)ularortions.

    That3s all *or this install$ent. I3( lo%e to hearho+ these recies +ork out, an( also any%ariations you $i)ht ha%e *or these recies,so shoot $e an e$ail at nyyki2)$. Hntil ne:t ti$e, hay eatin) an(a(%enturin)U

    Footrints 7 a)e 8E 7 u01er 2)

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    The Secret of the Wood ofDark BouhsBy R.N. Bailey

    1 st e(ition 1D1N!=D DHN#=ONS 5DR1#ONS a(%enture *or characters le%el


    4The Secret o* the 6oo( o* Dark Bou)hs4 is ast e(ition 1D1N!=D DHN#=ONS 5DR1#ONS a(%enture *or >L characters o*le%els C>E. 1bout 8 total le%els reresent anoti$al arty. #oo(>ali)ne( charactersro%e the best choice *or this a(%enturesince the arty initially has little $onetaryincenti%e to )et in%ol%e(. Neutralcharacters can articiate as lon) as they(on3t insist on ay$ent. =%il characters orcharacters $oti%ate( by )ree( +ill ha%e ahar(er ti$e )ettin) in%ol%e(.

    1 arty consistin) o* a coule o* *i)hters, acleric, a $a)ic>user, an( a thie* ro%i(e thebest class co$bination *or a success*ula(%enture. 1 (rui(, ran)er, or character+ith the Trackin) non>+eaon ro*iciency+ill also ro%e hel*ul. $ugury an(divinationsells +ill )reatly ai( the arty.

    This a(%enture reAuires the layercharacters to e:onerate ei)ht %illa)ersaccuse( o* a cri$e *or +hich they +ill bee:ecute(. The layers +ill also e:lore

    +il(erness locations an( (el%e (un)eons.


    In the sleey, bucolic ha$let o* 1l*an(i,*ar$ers a+oke one $ornin) a *e+ +eeksa)o to (isco%er their cros ruine( an( theirli%estock kille( by so$e unkno+n bli)ht.6or( o* this $is*ortune srea( Auicklythrou)hout the co$$unity. The *ar$ers $et+ith ha$let lea(ers to (isco%er its cause,thou)h little talk +as nee(e(- all +erecertain it +as the +ork o* black $a)ic. They

    also kne+ +ho +as $ost likely resonsible,none other than the citizens o* the nearbyha$let o* Ostenhei$. These t+o co$$>unities ha%e a lon) history o* ba( bloo(- inthe ast, they ha%e ar)ue( o%er astureri)hts, an( accuse( each other o* stealin)li%estock. 1n an)ry $ob rushe( to arrest thesusecte( Ostenhei$ *ar$ers. =i)ht $en o*that co$$unity +ere )i%en a Auick trial an(*oun( )uilty. These $en are no+ hel( in1l*an(i. In *i%e (ays3 ti$e, they are to bee:ecute( *or racticin) black $a)ic ontheir nei)hbors.


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    6hile Bran( $o%e( *ro$ *ar$ to *ar$, thesirine sisters bickere( an( ar)ue( a$on)stthe$sel%es. =ach bla$e( the other *orallo+in) a hu$an to steal their $a)ic. The$ore asserti%e sister, ankr, calle( uonso$e o* the *orest (enizens to ai( her. Sheenliste( a korre(, na$e( SYn*W(, an( aban( o* o)res to search *or the cu3s thie*.

    Hn(er co%er o* ni)ht the )rou tracke(Bran( to the *ar$houses he ha( staye( at.Then his trail +ent col(.

    Belie%in) that the hu$an ha( *le( *ar *ro$their )ras, Breiho(e, the $ore reticentsister, )re+ (eson(ent an( lethar)ic, an(re*use( to lea%e the lair.

    Realizin) that he $ust tra%el to a lar)erto+n to sell the cu *or anythin) close to itstrue +orth, Bran( le*t 1l*an(i on the roa(hea(in) south. 1 *e+ $iles outsi(e to+n, a)rou o* bully+u)s *ro$ the nearby $arsh

    a$bushe( hi$. n"ol"ed '!s assin)throu)h the area $ay sto o%er inOstenhei$ or they $ay hear ru$ors *ro$*urther a*iel( o* the *riction bet+een the*ar$ers. 1 local lor( coul( ask the layers toact as arbitrators bet+een the t+o )rous.One o* the *ar$ers sentence( to (eathcoul( also be relate( to a layer character.The DM shoul( )et the arty in%ol%e( in a+ay that +orks best *or his ca$ai)n.

    /d"enture Su00ar. The a(%enture likelyun*ol(s +ith the arty *irst %isitin) Ostenhei$/1R=1 10. The locals tell o* the *ar$ers takenrisoner, an( this lea(s the arty to 1l*an(i/1R=1 B0, an( then to the *i%e a**licte(*ar$houses /1R=1 !0. 1t the *ar$houses,the layers +ill likely *in( e%i(ence o* thekorre( an( o)re ban(, an( this shoul( lea(the$ to in%esti)ate ScanthXi 6oo( /1R=1D0. Searchin) the +oo( ulti$ately lea(s thearty to the sirine lair /1R=1 =0 +here theylearn o* the $issin) cu an( its thie*. OnceBran( is *oun( an( the location o* the cu is(eter$ine(, the arty +ill likely set o**

    throu)h the =r>Kae Marshes /1R=1 F0be*ore arri%in) at the bully+u) $oun(/1R=1 #0.

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    ei)ht cati%es. They are *oun( )uilty o* usin)sorcery to ruin cros an( (estroy li%estock.The search ban( )oes to Ole%3s an( Torul*3s*ar$s. The o)res attack the *ar$er Torul*an( his *a$ily.

    * Da. /go The search ban( returns toTorul*3s *ar$ at ni)ht.

    (resent Da.'arty arri%es. Bran( checks intoFrekil3s (rink hall.

    5 Da.s fro0 (resent 1l*an(i e:ecutes theei)ht Ostenhei$ $en at $.

    Da.s fro0 (resentBran( *lees 1l*an(i *or alar)er to+n in the $ornin). The search ban(enters the to+n at ni)ht.

    The Search Band The sirine, ankr, +ill notlea%e the con*ines o* ScanthXi 6oo(, an(so has enliste( the ser%ices o* si: o)res *ro$1R=1 D an( a korre( na$e( SYn*W( tosearch *or the $issin) cu. In her (eser>ation to *in( the cu she has not consi(ere(that the korre( an( the o)res are not reallythe best choice *or the ob. SYn*W(, theban(3s lea(er, is too *li)hty to be a lea(er,an( has little co$$an( o%er the o)res. Thesirine instructe( the ban( to stay hi((en, tonot attack anyone, an( to a%oi( contact+ith hu$ans /other than +ith Bran(0 i* at allossible. The ban(3s *ear o* the sirine3s o+erhels to kee the$ in line.

    Search Band +o"e0ent- Si$ultaneous +iththe arty3s $o%e$ent, the search ban(roa$s the countrysi(e lookin) *or Bran(. Theban( $o%es only at ni)ht an( retires to their$akeshi*t ca$ /1R=1 D0 at (a+n. The listbelo+ ro%i(es the DM +ith the location theban( e:lores each ni)ht.

    * Da. fro0 (resent The area aroun(Sno+(en "ake.

    2 Da.s fro0 (resent The east bank o* theStron)*lo+.

    3 Da.s fro0 (resent 1n(er3s *ar$ /1R=1!0.

    4 Da.s fro0 (resentThe outskirts o* 1l*an(i

    inclu(in) the area bet+een the bri()es.5 Da.s fro0 (resent The shrine at 1R=1 Fan( surroun(in) en%irons.

    Da.s fro0 (resent The ban( searches1l*an(i a)ain, this ti$e $o%in) into theto+n roer. They +ill try to ki(na aran(o$ citizen to interro)ate about Bran(or the cu. I* the atte$t *ails, they try a)aineach ni)ht until success*ul. Once a citizen(isaears, Bran( ieces to)ether that thesirines are searchin) *or hi$. Kae Marshes. Instea(o* returnin) to the +oo( they ca$ there(urin) the (ay. The ban( locates thebully+u) $oun( at 1R=1 #. They caturebully+u)s to interro)ate, an( learn thecu3s location.

    The DM shoul( kee track o* the searchban(3s $o%e$ent each ni)ht. It is ossiblethat both )rous $i)ht encounter eachother i* they are in the sa$e area. 1nobser%ant arty coul( locate clues le*t bythe ban(, allo+in) the$ to track the ban(to their current location or to their $akeshi*tca$.

    1lternately, the search ban( can *in( cluesle*t by the arty an( start trackin) the$.Once locate(, the ban( attacks /E9;0, orconsult +ith ankr /E9;0. /See 4SearchBan( Tactics4 *or (etails on their actions in

    $elee0.I* the ban( attacks, SYn*W( interro)atesany cature( arty $e$bers to (eter$ineBran(3s +hereabouts an( the nature o* theirbusiness.

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    Search Band TacticsThe ban( atte$ts tosub(ue or cature as $any arty $e$bersas ossible. SYn*W( uses his lau)h ability as$elee starts, then ulls his hair roes *ro$ aouch an( tries to entan)le arty $e$bers.? (a$a)e0 orhunks o* +oo( />9 (a$a)e0 that he *in(snearby /E9; chance o* either0. The korre(

    a%oi(s $elee as $uch as ossible,re*errin) to use his secial abilities.

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    =ach o)re +iel(s a )reat club in battle an(carries C(89 c. an( 8(89 s. Three o)resalso carry lar)e sacks that contain *oo(/$ol(y brea(, rotte( $eat0, so$e roe,so$e +oo(, a coule o* coer ots, thehea( o* a rake, a shoe /all taken *ro$#an(ur3s *ar$ house0, an( a $an>$a(e(a))er /taken *ro$ *ar$er Jenke0.

    // / T6 6/+T AF AST6>+

    The s$all ha$let o* Ostenhei$ lies near thekin)(o$3s bor(er +ith a +il(erness area tothe east. One hun(re( an( t+enty souls li%ein this co$$unity- L9 *ree$en an( 9 thralls.There are t+o hal*lin) *a$ilies, but the$aority o* the oulation is hu$an. Nearlyall the eole li%in) here are oor *ar$ers orher(ers.

    The ha$let consists o* a (ozen sin)le>storybuil(in)s $a(e o* *iel(stones an( toe(+ith thatche( roo*s. The only businesses+hich the ha$let suorts are aroe>$aker an( a )eneral )oo(s (ealer.

    oe-0aker Keln /1" !#0 +orks*ro$ ho$e +ith his *a$ily, +ea%in)roes to sell to tra $akers an($arsh *isher$en. Keln is a stout$i((le>a)e( $an +ith a thick blackbear(.

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    $oney to buy the *ree(o$ o* the ei)ht /the1l*an(i $en are so enra)e( by the loss o*cros an( li%estock that they +oul( notaccet co$ensation any+ay0.

    Three (ays a)o, Ostenhei$3s oorly>ar$e($en atte$te( a rai( on 1l*an(i to breakthe $en out o* cati%ity. 1l*an(i )uar(s

    (ro%e o** the rai(ers be*ore they e%enreache( the ha$let, killin) one $an an(+oun(in) three others.

    The *ar$ers ask the arty to )o to 1l*an(ian( try to con%ince the $en o* the ha$letto release their kin, or to *in( out +hat reallyruine( the cros an( (isease( the li%estock.Since the arty $e$bers are i$artialoutsi(ers, they say, there is a )reaterchance the 1l*an(i lea(ers +ill listen to their+or(s. The $en o* Ostenhei$ ha%e nothin)to o**er the '!s as ay$ent. I* the '!sa)ree to )o to the nei)hborin) ha$let, they

    can ro%i(e lo()in), an( *oo( an( (rink.// B T6 6/+T AF /F/D>

    This s$all %illa)e lies a *e+ $iles east o*Ostenhei$.

    The Bridge The Ri%er Stron)*lo+ ser%es asthe bor(er bet+een 1l*an(i an(Ostenhei$. T+o bri()es cross the ri%erbet+een the co$$unities. Since theOstenhei$ rai( three (ays a)o, a $an)uar(s each ri%er crossin). They are 9>le%elhu$ans /1! Za((e([ h ?, E0, onear$e( +ith a broa( s+or(, an( the other

    +ith a short bo+ an( ten arro+s. The )uar(ssee the '!s are stran)ers, an( ask the$ *ortheir na$es, ori)in, an( urose *or crossin)to 1l*an(i. The )uar(s +ill not en)a)e in$elee. The ?93 +i(e ri%er is 93 (ee at alloints on the 6I"D=RN=SS M1', an( thuso**ers no *or(s *or the arty to cross.

    The 6a0let "ike its nei)hbor, oor *ar$ersan( her(ers $ake u $ost o* theoulation o* 89 eole. Inclu(e( in thisnu$ber are C9 hal*lin)s an( L9 thralls. Theha$let consists o* t+enty sin)le>storybuil(in)s constructe( o* stone +ith thatch

    roo*s.1l*an(i has *our businesses- a coers$ith,a +ea%er, a charcoal>$aker, an( a (rinkhall /inn0.

    Coers0ith 1 )no$e na$e(Kilibor !oerha$$er /1" N#0 runsthe coer s$ithy *ro$ an oen>air*or)e on the e()e o* the %illa)e.

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    +eeting ,ith the @illagers

    The rai( by Ostenhei$ a *e+ (ays a)o hasle*t the 1l*an(i %illa)ers +ary an( ill at ease.Many o* the ha$let $en sit )ri$>*ace( inthe (rink hall, absent$in(e(ly (rinkin) ale.The *i%e 1l*an(i el(ers +ho (eci(e( toi$rison the ei)ht Ostenhei$ $en are also

    here +hen the arty arri%es. These are Thur%ithe Jo+ly, Rel%i), 6ul*ein, Sel+i), an( #uki.

    Thur"i the Lo,l., Cr( le%el hu$an $ale*i)hter- 1! E /chain $ail0 h 8 D$)>9C t+o>han(e( s+or( 1" !# STR LE9/C0 I L 6 8 D 9 ! E !< C. 1 lar)e$an +ith a +i(e *ace, *lat nose, an(scra))ly bear(, Thur%i has ser%e( in thelocal $ilitia *or $any years. Soils *ro$$ilitary ca$ai)ns ha%e $a(e hi$ the+ealthiest $an in the ha$let. Thur%i iskno+n *or his coarse char$, lon)>+in(e(stories, an( boisterous lau)hter. Thur%i su**ers

    no insults *ro$ anyone those that (o *in(the$sel%es challen)e( in ersonal co$bat.*i%e years ol(, 6ul*ein has a tallan( sin(ly buil( an( bal(in) re( hair. Theskin on his lon), narro+ *ace sa)s an( hishan(s are )narle(. le%el hu$an $ale- h 8 1" !N SL D ! C I 6 !< E. 1 +el l >resecte( *ar$er, a)e ?9, Sel+i) lost a le)to (isease. 'hysically he is a )aunt $an +ithan o%erbite an( a lar)e nose. ability, an( s+ears *reAuently. Lbroa( s+or( 1" !# S 8 I L 6 D 9 !9 !< C. Forty years ol(, #uki $akes hisli%in) tra%elin) to %arious nearby co$$un>

    ities buyin) an( sellin) )oo(s. sha%en $an +ith +ar$ eyes,a bi) s$ile, an( +ell>$a(e clothes. ro$ise +hen (ealin) +ith (i**icult situa>tions.

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    $uch youn)er than his a)e o* thirty.

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    his bloate( *lesh. Furniture in the house haso%erturne(, an( Jenke3s ossessions s$ash>e( an( tosse( on the *loor. There is no si)no* Jenke3s (o) /the o)res ate it0.

    1 ran)er or character +ith the Trackin)non>+eaon ro*iciency can (isco%er o)rean( korre( tracks aroun( the *ar$yar(.

    "ar)e bloo(y o)re tracks in the *ar$ houseare easily sotte( by any layer character.The tracks are a *e+ (ays ol(. The arty can*ollo+ the ones outsi(e to #an(ur3s *ar$/1R=1 !E0.

    // C5 $/Dal*ar4 or4(ark el%es4. /Note- the locals uses%art>al*ar as a )eneric ter$ *or)oblinoi(s an( non>)oo( *aerie tyes it(oes not (enote (ro+ el%es0.

    . The locals rarely e%er see the (+ellers o*the +oo(. /For the $ost art true0

    9. The Aueen o* the *aeries rules the +oo(.She li%es un(er a hi((en lake (ee inthe *orest. /'artially true this is all thelocals kno+ o* the sirines0

    Tra"el ,ithin the Wood +eaon ro*iciency0 also *ail to locatethe correct (irection. Note that the *orest(+ellers can *in( their +ay in the +oo(+ithout )ettin) lost.

    W/D>$ +ASTS

    There is a in ? chance o* +an(erin)$onsters- check once e%ery hours +hentra%elin), an( once at ni)ht. 6hen tra%elin)o** the *orest aths (ouble the chances *orencounters /8 in ? chance0. Roll a (? to(eter$ine the encounter tye.

    Footrints 7 a)e CE 7 u01er 2)

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    *d esult (L )iant centie(es.

    8 (8 +il( boars.

    C 8(? skeletons.

    ( )iant ticks.

    E (? hu)e si(ers.

    ? lerechaun. This *ello+ +ill harass thearty *or his o+n a$use$ent. T

    D+ AT The search ban( only occuiesthe ca$ (urin) the (ay. 1t this ti$e, ano)re +atches the trail ust in case Bran(haens to return this +ay. The o)rei$$e(iately attacks any hu$an or(e$i>hu$an it sots. 1t ni)ht the ca$site

    is unoccuie(.DSC>(T>A 1 ca$site use( by thekorre(o)re ban( lies in a s$all clearin) C99yar(s into the +oo(, ust 993 south o* thetrail. Brush blocks the E93 +i(e clearin) *ro$the si)ht o* the trail. The ca$site consists o*a *ire it, a *e+ *allen lo)s *or benches, an(hal* a (ozen sleein) allets $a(e o* treeli$bs an( )rass. The hal*>eaten, rottin)carcass o* a (eer han)s *ro$ a tree. 1hollo+e(>out lo) ser%es as the korre(3s be(.

    CA >$

    DSC>(T>AThe *orest trail cuts throu)h as$all )la(e, 993 across, be*ore slittin) intot+o trails that continue to the south+est an(southeast. The bou)hs o* the )reat oak treeshan) o%er the clearin), blockin) $ost o* thesunli)ht. In the center o* the )la(e, a$on)the stubby )rass an( $oss, lies a

    (ouble>rin)e( *aerie circle. The outer rin) isC93 in (ia$eter an( $a(e o* 83 hi)h re( an(ale +hite toa(stools. The inner rin) is E3 in(ia$eter an( $a(e o* 3 tall toa(stools. 1 C3+i(e, 3 lon), 3 hi)h *lat stone sits in the$i((le o* the rin). On the stone rest t+obo+ls- one hol(s 9 ), the other $ilk.

    CAali)ne( intelli)ent creatures ha%etheir *eet beaten +ith sticks, be*ore bein)re$o%e( *ro$ the +oo( e%il creatures arekille( outri)ht.

    Srites/90- 1! ? M 4 L4 s+or(or >C short bo+ /hal* ran)e0 S1 %icti$sstruck +ith arro+s $ust sa%e %s. oison orslee *or (? hours SD beco$e in%isible at+ill, detect good(evi* /E3 ran)e0, an( $o%esilently 1" N/#0 /MM 80

    The srites, +hile stayin) in%isible, shoutinsults at anyone +ho resists their sleearro+s. I* attacke(, they continue to *irearro+s /an( not en)a)e in $elee0. They *leei* one o* their nu$ber (ies.

    #oo(>ali)ne( characters can atte$t toseak +ith the srites i* they $ake asuccess*ul !haris$a check />8 enalty i*they or their co$anions trie( to take anyo* the bait0. The srites (on3t sho+the$sel%es, re*errin) to seak +hile stillin%isible in the trees, thou)h '!s erio(icallyhear the *lutter o* their +in)s. I* aske( aboutthe ruine( cros, the srites tell the '!s thata korre( an( a ban( o* o)res cause( the$/this is incorrect they si$ly (on3t ha%e theri)ht in*or$ation0. They can also tell thearty that the sirines hire( the ban( tosearch *or so$ethin) they ha( lost- +hate:actly, they (o not kno+. The srites kno+

    +here the sirines3 lake is, but +ill not tell thearty since they kno+ the sisters kee thebalance in the *orest.

    D@A(+TI* a character kills a srite, aban( o* 89 srites an( E i:ies +ill )ather+ithin an hour3s ti$e to hunt (o+n the+ron)(oer an( slay hi$. Further$ore, theban( +ill continuously harass an( snie atthe killer3s co$anions until they *lee the+oo(. Be*ore they lea%e, the srites +arnthe$ that i* they return to the +oo( they +illbe kille(.

    Footrints 7 a)e C? 7 u01er 2)

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    // D3 AWB/ +/C

    DSC>(T>A1t this oint the trail (is into a93 (ee, C93 +i(e )ully that ben(s an(cur%es *or the ne:t C993. Fallen trees an(lar)e boul(ers *ill the )ully re(ucin) %ision toust L93.

    CAC on a (?.

    A,l1ears/80- 1! E M 84 ?>?8>8 S1 +ith hit o* Lor better, o+lbear sAueezes %icti$ *or 8>?(a$a)e er roun( until it or o+lbear is(ea( ben( bars roll to escae hu) 1" N/MM 0

    T/Shan)in) entrance ser%esas the o+lbear lair. 1t the en( o* the 893(ee ca%e lie $any bones, (estroye(ar$or, an( the re$nants o* clothin). 1 sackhol(s E9 c an( a hand a7e H*.

    // D4 T6 D/D? T

    CAa**ectin) sells can absorb sellattacks to )enerate a *ear sell 1" N /MMII90

    I* aske( about the sirines, the Auick+oo(says that that they li%e near a lake. It alsokno+s that the sirines ha%e enliste( a korre(an( a ban( o* o)res to search *orso$ethin) +hich they ha%e lost.

    // D5 S(>DS /D SNS

    DSC>(T>ADense tan)les o* si(er +ebsco%er the trail at this oint. The +ebs e:ten(893 (o+n the trail, 993 to either si(e into

    the +oo(, an( C93 hi)h. Fire easily burnsa+ay the +ebs, but (oes not en)ul* theentire $ass. The +ebs slo+ $o%e$ent o*any $e(iu$>size( creature enterin) the$by hal* s$all>size( creatures by three>Auarters lar)e>size or )reater are notslo+e(.


    DSC>(T>A 1 893 hi)h, 93 +i(e $oun(constructe( o* boul(ers $arks the en( o*the trail. This $oun( ser%es as the ho$e toSYn*W(, the korre( enliste( by ankr.Near the $oun(, ne:t to a *ire it, sits astone chair size( *or a hal*lin). The *ire it is

    unlit an( hol(s relati%ely *resh artially>burne( +oo(. On the chair lies SYn*W(3sset o* ba)ies. !haracters +ith trackin)abilities note $any s$all, clo%en bie(al*ootrints )oin) u an( (o+n the trail,aroun( the *ire it, +ith so$e en(in) in *ronto* the stone $oun(. These tracks are about8 hours ol(.

    The Stone +oundThe korre( uses hisstonedoorability to enter the $oun( +herein lieshis (+ellin)- a E3 hi)h, 83 +i(e roo$. 1stone be(, a table, a chair, t+o sacks o*lon) hair, a air o* shears, a lantern, a *lute,

    an( so$e eatin) utensils lie thou)htlesslystre+n o%er the *loor an( table. 1 +oo(enbo: on the *loor hol(s SYn*W(3s treasure-L99 c, 99 s, a ring of sell storing/shocing grasp, -*y, dispe* )agic0, an(cleric scroll containin) cure disease, cure*ight ounds /:C0, an( spie stonescast atth le%el use.

    'layer characters +ill ha%e (i**iculty )ainin)access to the korre(3s lair +ithout the ai( o*aroriate $a)ic /e.). passa**or si$ilarsells0 as he $ost certainly +ill not let the$in.

    Footrints 7 a)e C 7 u01er 2)

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