Foods to avoid and enjoy with braces

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Foods to avoid and enjoy with braces

Foods to Avoid and Enjoy with Braces

By Edgar Berre, Jr., DDS

Braces: The End of Good Eating?

Wearing braces does not have to take the joy out of eating. It is important to know what to avoid, but there are still plenty of choices for a healthy, appealing diet.

Some Foods to AvoidHard or sticky foods can loosen or break braces and make cleaning extremely difficult. While candy is tempting, especially to kids, it can potentially cause the most problems. Toffee, chocolate-covered nuts, caramel, gummies, and bubble gum are examples. What’s worse, braces wearers are more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease, because cleaning is more difficult. Consequently, sugar is another major reason to stay away from candy.

About Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables provide essential nutrients and fiber, so it is important to keep eating them. Just remember to cut up hard, crunchy apples rather than biting into them. In addition, vegetables such as carrots or broccoli should be cooked rather than eaten raw.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a healthy snack, but they are hard and can get stuck in braces. Instead of eating them whole, choose peanut butter or other nut spreads.

Pizza and Breads

Pizza is still a viable choice, as long as the crust is left behind. Chewy bagels can cause problems, but softer bread products that are toasted or cut into small pieces are fine.

Parting Advice

Finally, steer clear of popcorn and hard corn chips. Light-textured crackers or string cheese are better choices to satisfy salt cravings.

About the Author

Edgar Berre, Jr., DDS, practices Orthodontics and Dento Facial Orthopedics in his hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio, and utilizes evidence-based orthodontic diagnosis and treatment.