Food & Packaging - Robert Bosch GmbH · solution for monitoring the work area of two interpolating...

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Transcript of Food & Packaging - Robert Bosch GmbH · solution for monitoring the work area of two interpolating...

drive&controlThe Magazine for Rexroth Customers

Food & Packaging


2 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control


drive&control is the magazine for Rexroth customers.Produced by: Bosch Rexroth AG, Corporate Communications, 97814 Lohr am Main, Germany. Co-ordination: Chantal van Mierlo, Corporate Communications, Tel.: +49 (9352) 18-1802, Fax: +49 (9352) 18-1190, E-Mail:, www.boschrexroth.comISSN 1618-5404

Chief Editor: Chantal van Mierlo. Graphics/Print layout: Hanauer Grafik Design, Frankfurt am Main. Lithography:Karpf Kreative Bildbearbeitung, Aschaffenburg. Printing: Schleunungdruck GmbH, Marktheidenfeld am Main. Photos (see respective pages) • Cover/U4: Getty Images. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or copying, either in part or whole, requires prior permission of the publisher. drive&control is dispatched via database using automated data processing.



High-dynamic drivetechnology fromRexroth helps with thecare of fresh cheeses.

A fully-automated weighing and packagingmachine for powderyproducts was construct-ed using componentsfrom Rexroth.

With its new productionline Gyllenvaans Möblerof Sweden has tripledits production rate.


KHS has developed asystem that can fithandles to packaging ofall shapes and sizes.

Special Food & Packaging





Technology 4 Drive Technology: The Right Drive for Innovative Robotics

6 Agriculture: VarioFlow Conveys Sweet Fruits

8 Transfer on Air: Noncontact Transfer Units Pick-and-Place Porous Bags

10 Robots in Cheese-Making: What Does it Take to Produce a Good Cheese?

12 Packaging Technology: New Cylinder Sensor: To Ensure it Really Sticks

14 Plant Construction: Chain Conveyor for Cookies

16 Weighing and Packaging Bakers Pride being packaged in Machines: South Africa Machines:

17 Modernization: Express Production of Padded Envelopes

18 Food Industry: Indulging a Sweet Tooth – Confectionery Machines with Rexroth Pneumatics

20 Beverage Packaging: Take it Easy

22 Packaging Machinery: How Iron Gets into the Bag

24 Drive & Control: Packed & Ready

26 Aseptic Filling Machines: Drinks – The Safe Way

Dear Business Partners,

For more than three decades now Rexroth has been developing customized solutions for the automation of components, modules and complete systems for you, the manufacturers ofmachinery for the pharmaceutical, food and packaging industries. Working together we have continually optimized state-of-the-art technology in tens of thousands of machines to enable usto meet the ever-increasing demands of the end user: increasing product diversity, shorter product life cycles, more frequent change of product and format, as well as lower operating costs.

As machine builders you meet these requirements with modular concepts combined with increased flexibility, yet without compromising on performance. The extensive Rexroth portfolioof all drive and control technologies from a single source helps you to implement these conceptswith a minimum of expense and effort. This is because Rexroth products and solutions are basedconsistently on open interfaces and international standards.

Rexroth was decisive in helping to shape the change from mechanically coupled machines tothe electronically synchronized food and packaging machines of the third generation. Now we are taking this a step further. With our GenNextTM-Technology we are offering you complete freedom of choice and thus also a decisive advantage: Whether centralized or decentralized control architectures, Rexroth can provide you with a wide range of hardware and software scalable system solutions. Whether you wish to automate using pneumatic or servo drives, with linear systems or linear motors, you can opt for the best solution, bothtechnologically and economically, for every motion sequence.Rexroth offers all drive and control technologies, as well as harmonized material handling and flow of information from asingle source. The co-ordinated interfaces, the common engineering environment and our worldwide network inmore than 80 countries all help you to save both on timeand costs.

In this special edition of the drive & control Magazinewe have put together some examples that are already inuse. These demonstrate that Rexroth solutions are as various as the tasks facing machines for the pharma-ceutical, food and packaging industries. We would also bepleased to discuss your potential customized automationsolutions with you and, what’s more, how Rexroth couldhelp you attain your goal faster.Yours

Manfred Grundke


3Special Food & Packaging drive&control

4 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control


Gerhard Schubert GmbH is the first port ofcall when it comes to such picker lines oreven complete packaging lines using robotics.The company, which is based in Crailsheim,in Germany, has a workforce of around 800worldwide and achieved sales to the tune of 160 million Euro in 2005. It celebrated its40th Anniversary in 2006 and is forerunnerin the manufacture of innovative and creative packaging machinery. The principlepursued by Schubert-TLM is that of creatingand developing machine concepts basedconsistently on three main criteria: Straight-forward and robust mechanics, tools that areeasy to change and intelligent automation.Since 1984 Schubert has opted for Rexrothdrive technology.

1,000 biscuits a minute The answer to the question at the beginningof this article is supplied by the applicationexample of a Schubert TLM-Picker Line forpacking biscuits in trays. The TLM-Picker Line is a purely series-production machine,consisting of interconnected Type F44 modular robot stations. The number ofstations used varies depending on the quanti-ty to be packed. Each F44 station consists oftwo robotic units controlled by a visual imagerecognition system. There are four Rexrothservo axes for each robotic unit, serving asthe drive for the robot upper and lower armsas well as the lifting and rotary movements.

Eight F44 stations perform the packagingoperation at rate of 1,000 biscuits per minute.

At each end there are two likewise modularstations for handling the trays: one is used forplacing the empty trays onto the conveyor system while a further one transfers the filledtrays to the exit station for removing fromthe conveyor. These two stations also workwith two robotic units respectively. The placing station is extended by a servo-drivenpower unit, which transfers the empty traysfrom the magazine to the assembly line bymeans of swivel and lifting movements.

The principle on which the TLM-PickerLine works is as simple as it is ingenious:The biscuits are continually fed onto a wideconveyor belt with an inwardly moving mechanism. The product input feed is flank-ed by two conveyor chains, which themselves

The Right Drive for Innovative Robotics

Schubert Opts for Rexroth Drive Technology:

How are biscuits or chocolates packed? Top-Loading Machines (TLM) are highly flexible machines, packing individual products ofall types into trays, sales boxes and even shipping cartons. Nowadays they are an integral part of the confectionery industry.

7 Each robot station onthe Schubert PickerLine consists of tworobotic units, eachequipped with fourRexroth servo drives.

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also continually move the packing trays alongthe picker line, albeit in the opposite direct-ion. The servo-driven swivel motion of theconveyor chains makes it possible for thepickers of the robot station to slide the bis-cuits into the trays with optimum accuracy.Finally, the packages, filled with biscuits, aretransferred from the conveyor chains ontobelts operating in parallel, ready for removalat the line stations designed specifically forthis purpose.

The speed of the installation is controlledfully automatically through the variouspicker stations by means of decentralized intelligence. A central computer is thereforenot required and the otherwise obligatoryproduct buffer can also be dispensed with.

52 servo axes with decentralizedintelligence guarantee motionOne important component of intelligent automation – as one of the three main criteria of Schubert machine construction –is Rexroth drive technology, which does fulljustice to the TLM automation philosophy.

Firstly, the 52 Rexroth servo drives from theIndraDrive series have open and digital inter-faces. SERCOS, the universally standardizedinterface, is used for the highly sophisticatedsynchronization tasks. Secondly, the drivesand the machine control are always of modu-lar design; the device hardware, for example,is very service-friendly, with its Plug&Playprinciple making it easily exchangeable. Theconfiguration data of the individual appli-cations can be transferred easily via themultimedia memory card, a standard compo-nent of Rexroth IndraDrive.Furthermore, the drive technology with itsintegrated safety functions fits seamlessly intothe TLM concept of decentralized intelligen-ce. The intelligent safety functions, which inthis scalability and universality is only offeredby Rexroth IndraDrive with Safety on Board,supports not only the in-feed block and secure hold, but also permits safe movementsvia the digital, dual-channel signal processingin the drive. This function simplifies and accelerates machine set-up, for example. Theintegral safety functions are EU prototype

tested and are certified to EN 954-1, Category3. In close co-operation with Schubert,Rexroth optimized the highly dynamic IndraDrive drive to meet the latest require-ments of the packaging industry. Rexrothused servo drive technology with Safety onBoard and the additional drive-integratedopen loop control system with swift, intelli-gent brake control on the robotic unit of theTLM Line. This has replaced the mechanicalsolution for monitoring the work area of twointerpolating axes. And the result: Increasedcycle rates through maximum drive dyna-mics.p

Contact:Steffen Winkler Manager – Branch Sales Food and Packaging Bosch Rexroth Electric Drivesand Controls GmbH Lohr am Main, Germany Tel.: +49 (9352) 40 4892 Fax: +49 (9352) 40 34892 E-Mail: steffen.winkler@

1 The ten stations on this TLM Picker Line are equipped with a total of 52 servo drives.

3 Biscuits on the conveyor belt and filled trays on thetransfer chain

1 Ralf Schubert, DivisionalManager, Technical Engineering and Assembly, at GerhardSchubert GmbH comments, “Rexroth hasthe world’s best drives.They are innovative andaccepted everywhere.”

6 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control


VarioFlow ConveysSweet Fruit


Strawberries require a high level of speed, as the harvestedfruit must be packaged and sent in the shortest amount of timeso that they are fresh when purchased and eaten. This is whythe Spanish CORA cooperative use Rexroth’s VarioFlow chainconveyor system.

Strawberries as far as the eye can see. In theprovince of Huelva, near the border betweenSpain and Portugal, CORA, which has tur-ned into the largest European cooperativefor strawberry cultivation produces morethan 65,000 tons of strawberries on anacreage of approximately 1,000 hectares.Strawberries are particularly delicateand must be quickly sorted, packaged,

and sent after picking. Thus, the factorof speed had the utmost priority when

CORA selected a new type of transporttechnology.

The cooperative commissioned the systemintegrator Construcciones Mecánicas SantaGema S.L. in Lepe/Huelva to construct a newtransport system to replace large parts of thepreviously used conveyor belt. Manuel PiedraChaves, Production Manager at CORA, ex-plains why the decision to go with RexrothVarioFlow was easy: “We knew about Rexrothand that their name stands for quality andreliability. Santa Gema also reported pastpositive experience with the chain conveyorsystem.”

Fast and flexibleOnly six to eight hours pass between the timewhen the strawberries are carefully picked byhand and when they are transported. Theprocess consists of 16 workstations, startingwith feeding in the fruit and the baskets, toweighing and palletizing. The VarioFlowchain conveyor system links the manualworkstations and takes over basket conveying

1 One of VarioFlow’sdistinct features is thatit requires only littleinstallation space.Components such ascurve wheels and ver-tical and horizontalline sections simplifyuse of the system ifonly little installationspace is available.

7Special Food & Packaging drive&control www…

or outfeeding to the other stations in the sy-stem where the baskets are weighed and fruitis added or taken away as need.

According to Piedra Chavis, the speed ofthe Rexroth chain conveyor system was thedecisive factor, “With fresh produce, timeis of the utmost importance to be able toremain competitive. This is why primarilythe speed of VarioFlow convinced us.”

Easy IntegrationIn normal operation, 500 to 800 tons of fruitare conveyed, but this can also go up to asmuch as 1,100 tons with 24-hour operationand a completely active system. The alumi-num system can transport three sizes ofstrawberry baskets (from 250 to 1,000 grams)with a speed of 50 meters per minute.

Juan Manuel Cruz Soler, manager at SantaGema, corroborates the easy integration ofthe VarioFlow, “Because the chain conveyorsystem was to be integrated in the middlesection of the existing installation, theflexible and modular construction of the VarioFlow was a real benefit. We were able to adapt the system to the existing conveyorbelt parts without any problems at all, set updischarge points to individual workstations,and link the automatic labeling and packa-ging stations.”

The southern Spanish cooperative optedfor a VarioFlow VF90 with a 90 millimeterchain width, so that the strawberry basketscould also be optimally transported in curvesections. Thanks to a wide range of standar-dized curves and arcs, the limited installationspace did not pose a problem.

Little space requiredSanta Gema constructed a conveyor systemthat corresponded to the available space,incorporating a number of inclines, as wellas sections with declines, which is why twodifferent types of chains from the VarioFlowmodular assembly system were combined.The standard flat chain is used to transportthe strawberry baskets on the horizontal sections and a static friction chain for verticaltransport, which must deal with inclines ofup to 30° in some places in the CORA appli-cation.

Both the standard flat chain and the staticfriction chain are suitable for applications involving food and are easy to clean. Whereasthis is, of course, an important condition for P


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Contact:José María OrcheTechnical SalesGoimendi Automation S.L. Bosch Rexroth GroupLinear Motion and AssemblyTechnologiesTres Cantos (Madrid), SpainTel.: +34 (91) 8040 126Fax: +34 (91) 8040 241E-Mail: jose.orche@

Contact:Betulio RojasRegional Sales ManagerLinear Motion and AssemblyTechnologiesBosch Rexroth AGStuttgart, GermanyTel.: +49 (711) 811 40808Fax: +49 (711) 811 30724E-Mail: betulio.rojas@

use with strawberries, Juan Manuel Cruz Soler also points out an essential financial aspect: “The conveyor chains in the Vario-Flow system have a longer service life thanany others on the market, even with an in-creased working speed.”

In this application, CORA has combinedthe VarioFlow chain conveyor system withcomponents in the aluminum modularprofile system from Bosch Rexroth AG. “Wewere immediately thrilled by the modularconstruction and the resulting flexibility inthe entire system,” is how Manuel PiedraChaves sums it up and adds, “In our field wehave to be able to quickly react to changingmarket demands and be able to adapt ourproduction. The VarioFlow, plus the alumi-num profile components provide us withthe best basis for this.”p

5 The Rexroth VarioFlow chain conveyor system serves both manual and automatic work stations. It actsas a link between the conveyor belts, on which the freshly picked strawberries are delivered and laterprepared for dispatch in transport boxes.

1 With 24-hour operation the system can convey upto 1,100 tons of strawberries per day. Speed is ofthe essence: the VarioFlow chain conveyor systemtransports strawberry baskets with a speed of 50meters per minute.

8 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control


Automation systems are the core business ofCox MHP Inc., based in Flowood, Mississippi.The company was recently faced with an especially challenging application in the formof a machine for filling bags of a porous material with a granular product and sealingthem. But these bags first had to be pickedup. Vacuum technology could not be usedhere for two reasons: firstly, the bag was madeof a porous material and secondly, the dustyenvironment, caused by filling the bag withthe granular product, demanded a complexfiltering technique. Clamps, grippers, hooksand other similar devices also failed here.

As Cox sought a solution to this problem aconversation took place with Rexroth. Brian

Harvey, Engineering Manager for Cox MHP,remembers discussing current projects. “Wetook the opportunity of showing the Rexrothrepresentative this problematic application,as time was getting tight on the project, andRexroth presented us with this solution usingthe NCT Noncontact Transfer Unit.”

Noncontact transfer units pick-and-place porous bags

Transfer on air:

1 In Cox MHP Inc. Indexing machine contactlesstransfer units assume pick-and-place tasks with bags, unable to be handled using vacuum technology. The NCTs lift one bag at a time, transporting it to the next handling system in the machine.

Three NCTs “float” the bags Cox employs three NCTs on the indexingmachine for handling the porous bags in thedusty environment: two 40 mm and one 60 mm-diameter disk-shaped devices. Thetwo 40-mm devices are positioned side by side on a mounting plate on an actuator nearthe beginning of the indexing machine.“There are mounting holes on the back ofthem and we connect plastic tubing from anair compressor to the NCTs”, explains Harvey.

The 10 x 20-cm empty bags, which weigh

Completely without contact is how an indexing machine of the American company Cox MHP Inc. picks empty bags at five-secondintervals from a magazine and places them in a pre-filling station. As the bags are made of porous material it is virtually impossible for vacuum devices to handle them, and with an especially dusty environment as well, the contactless NCT TransferUnits from Rexroth can really come into their own.

9Special Food & Packaging drive&control | | www…

but a few grams, are stacked in magazines. Asthe NCTs move to pick up the top bag in themagazine, they do so without contacting theporous bag. The two NCTs move along an XYaxis. Next they travel about 30 cm down topick up the bag and ascend again. Next theytravel horizontally for a little less than 60 cm,releasing the bag to the third NCT. This 60-mm unit “holds” the bag in place so that

other devices on the Cox machine can take itinto bag-filling and sewing stations. The NCTs from Rexroth present a bag every fiveseconds to the main portion of the indexingmachine.

“The customer has been running the system in full production since October 2003”,says Harvey. “It’s a one-of-a-kind machineand the customer is very happy with it.” p






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Contact:Gene GautroSenior District Sales ManagerBosch Rexroth Corp.PneumaticsCharlotte, NC, USATel.: +1 (704) 588 6626Fax: +1 (704) 588 3585E-Mail: gene.gautro@

3 Operating according to the Bernoulli principle:airflow applied under the device creates a vacuum and lift force between the center and thecircumference. This method permits handling ofobjects without contact.

Rexroth NCT and the Bernoulli Principle The NCT is a non-contact transfer unit. The disk-shaped components of the NCT Seriesare made of anodized aluminum alloy and have a special, grooved underside. They operate with non-lubricated compressed air and at an operating pressure ranging from 1 to 7 bar. These “disks” are around 1.7 cm high, and are available in diameters of 20,30, 40 and 60 mm. At 124 g the NCT60, which is the largest component, is still considered a lightweight. At a pressure of 5 bar the NCT demonstrates a lifting force of 0.9 to 6.0 Newton, depending on the size. Air consumption lies between 100 and210 l/min.

The NCT operates on the Bernoulli principle. In order to build aircraft, for example, the basic laws of physics, and in particular fluid mechanics, have to be taken into consideration. The Bernoulli principle specifies a relationship between flow rate andpressure. In aerodynamics this is applied to define the lift of an aircraft load-bearing surface during flight i.e. a wing or load-bearing surface is designed so that the air flowsmore swiftly over its upper side than its underside. This causes a lower pressure on the upper side. The ensuing pull results in lift and the aircraft takes off.

The same applies to the non-contact transfer units, whereby the airflow below the devicecreates a vacuum and thus a lifting force in the center and around the circumference.Due to this combination of dynamic vacuum and constant airflow, the raised object doesnot come into contact with the NCT surface. The Rexroth NCTs are thus suitable for all applications where vacuum technology cannot be applied, and they permit handling of highly sensitive or fragile objects.






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One typical application for non-contact transfer units is the handling of sensitive or fragile components.

These include bread rolls …

… Verpackungstableaus …

… and boxes, easily picked up by NCT.

10 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control


Cheese is a pure natural product. In Switzer-land more than 450 different varieties ofcheese are produced, chiefly from cows’ milk.The quality of these first class products startswith so-called “forage” on meadows and alpine pastures. The way in which the curd isformed, the nature of the maturing processand the maturing period finally determinethe characteristics.

When it comes to maturing cheeses, thegreater part of the work is a natural processof curd formation through the use of rennetor acid. The ripening of the cheese from theinside to outside is primarily a matter of timebut is influenced externally in the maturingroom through the application of liquid wax.

In order to do this, the whole cheese is takenoff the shelves, turned and brushed with liquid wax, a complex microbial ecosystembased on salt water.

This process is carried out several timeseach week. The work involved is correspond-ingly intensive and laborious. Nowadays the staff in the maturing rooms are assistedby robots that can handle the cheese. In addition, they are able to meet the existinghigh quality requirements and operate withconsistent uniformity around the clock. Highdynamic response drive technology ensurescareful and vibration-free handling of thefresh cheeses.

Back in 1987, the first robot for use in

What does it Take to Produce a Good Cheese?

Robots in Cheese-making:

First-class raw materials, careful maturing as well as, without doubt, one or two secrets gleaned from the head cheese-maker atthe factory, determine the quality of a cheese and whether it tastes good or not. Since streamlined manufacturing and high qualityrequirements also call for mechanical support in the cheese maturing room, the picture is characterized not only by salt water baths and brushes but also by partly or fully automated systems with high dynamic response drive technology.

1 Whole cheeses on wooden boards in the maturing room at the Imlig cheese-making plantin Oberriet, Switzerland.

11Special Food & Packaging drive&control | www…

cheese production was developed and built at Rino Weder AG in Oberriet, Switzerland,in close co-operation with cheese-makingspecialists. The aim was to use machines toreplace the physically demanding workinvolved in maturing cheeses, at the same time achieving consistently high quality bymeans of automation. The stringent require-ments pertaining to the manufacture andprocessing of foodstuffs is further enhancedhere by the special maturing climate of 15 degrees Celsius and 90 percent humidity. Oneparticular challenge in this environment isensuring absolutely reliable functioning ofthe maturing system. The biological matur-ing process in the cheese cannot simply behalted should something out of the ordinaryoccur. It is not possible to substitute manualinput for the capabilities of a system of thiskind, for example, like the one installed in theform of a cheese-handling robot at the Imligcheese factory at Oberriet. Depending on its design, a single robot is, after all, capable

of turning and brushing up to 20 000 wholecheeses a day with practically no human involvement. In the event of even a singleday’s breakdown the damage incurred throughloss of quality would be correspondingly great.

Gentle handling at high speedAs far as the handling the cheeses is concern-ed, this must proceed free of any vibrationdespite high speeds. Depending on the size,there will be three to five whole cheeses lyingseparately on one wooden board. Every hour,working at full capacity, the robot, travellingon rails between the shelves, removes some200 to 250 such boards from the 6m highshelves and puts them back again. TheRexroth EcoDrive with SERCOS interface ensures, through its smooth acceleration anddeceleration movements, that the cheeses donot slip or become damaged. Communicationvia the SERCOS interface guarantees the rapid and reliable transfer of data, togetherwith parameterization of the drives, in a fivemillisecond rhythm. The fiber optics used in the control cabinet above the handlingmodule on the robot guarantee a high degreeof reliability with respect to EMC (Electro-Magnetic Compatibility).

Easy operationThe cheese-handling robot at the Imlig cheese factory travels on rails between theracks and works through entire rows ofshelves independently. It removes the boards P


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The fiber optics in the control cabinet above the handling module on the robot guarantee a high degree of safety with respect to EMC.

3 Intelligent drives from the Rexroth MKD Series,featuring space-saving installation, ensure smoothacceleration and deceleration of therobot that turns thecheeses.

1 Whole cheeses on wooden boards in the maturing room at the Imlig cheese-making plantin Oberriet, Switzerland.

on which the whole cheeses are placed andconveys these to the attached processing module. Here the cheeses are pushed off theboard onto an arm, which turns themthrough 180 degrees and then places them onso-called baskets for further processing. Thecheeses are brushed with liquid cheese wax –to a secret recipe – and simultaneously rotated and subsequently placed back on theboard and returned to the shelves.

Using a simple operational sequence thehead cheese-maker can specify particular maturing cycles and handling parameters,enabling him to use his expertise in relationto the craft to determine the quality of hisproducts. Rexroth drive technology has proved itself over many years in the testingclimatic conditions that characterize the pro-cess of cheese-maturing. The high dynamicresponse drives guarantee safe and carefulmotion sequences and thus make a positivecontribution to ensuring a first class cheeseproduct – manufactured using natural rawmaterials from “Heidi country”! p

Contact:Alfred Zeuner Division Manager Electric Drives and Controls Bosch Rexroth Schweiz AG Buttikon, Switzerland Tel.: +41 (55) 46 46 111 Fax: +41 (55) 46 46 222 E-Mail: alfred.zeuner@

12 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control


New Cylinder Sensor: To Ensure It Really Sticks

Packaging Technology:

1 The packer emkon.shark is ready for action – here for paper packaging.

regular, but not too high a speed. The newintegrated SF1 cylinder sensor permits theexact positioning of the application headover the total length of the cylinder. At thedifferent end points of the glue track, signalpoints are set, which are specified in thecontrol program. Without a mechanicalconversion, the machine can be changedfrom program ‘Paper width narrow’ to ‘Pa-per width wide’. The cylinder always movesthe total distance and deposits the glue over

The company emkon, in Kirchlinteln, in Lo-wer Saxony, Germany, manufactures packa-ging machines which fulfil the requirementsof modern packaging. A new product in theassortment is the packer emkon.shark. This“shark” is suitable for the packaging of bagsand foldable boxes. Flexibility is a “must” forthe material being used and for the packagesizes. The machine is designed for fast chan-ges. The packaging material, coming fromthe belt or from the roll, is cut to size with a

specially designed knife, enclosing the requi-red number of products with hot or coldglue using the “wrap-around” technique.

Precision glue applicationIn order to glue the different widths of thepackaging materials accurately, the slideswith the glue must be precision-controlled.This is where Rexroth pneumatics comes in.A mini cylinder moves the gluing head,which must be moved out and back at a

Packaging needs to do much more than simply securing the contents. Wholesale packaging in particular plays an im-portant role in conveying information on the product. On the one hand the legal stipulations regarding labeling have tobe observed; the ingredients of food for example and warnings on tobacco products. On the other hand an advertisingmessage is also being conveyed. The barcode for electronic checkouts is also now mandatory.

13Special Food & Packaging drive&control |


different lengths, depending on the pro-gramme. Conversion times can thus be noti-ceably shortened. Different lengths are co-vered with a single cylinder, which saves oncomponents and space. The valuable instal-lation space is therefore available for modu-lar additions or retrofitted extensions. As acompact machine, the packer also has asmall footprint, as we refer to the stand areaof a system in machine-building jargon.

The SF1 is a completely new sensor deve-lopment, which was installed by emkon as aprototype in an exhibition machine. It pro-vides an inexpensive alternative to conven-tional path-measuring systems. “At presentwe are checking which functions most drawour customers’ attention”, explains Ernst-August Meyer, Manager PredevelopmentPneumatics at Rexroth. “With emkon, this isthe analogue path measurement. The di-stance to be glued comes directly from the0-10V signal that the cylinder transmits.” Bymeans of a sensor attached directly to thecylinder, the number of movable compo-nents is reduced, which offers advantageswith respect to commissioning and service.Compared with a conventional sensor,which has to be manually aligned, no inad-vertent setting can occur. The version withdigital switching points reduces the cablingrequired, which makes the constructionsimpler. In systems that are difficult to ac-cess, the switching points can also be set bymeans of a handheld remote control device.The variant with analogue path measure-ment used by emkon continually maps themovement, representing a further step inthe direction of condition monito-ring.

Emkon uses electric axes fromRexroth. By opting for the SF1 sensor, thecompany is pro-fiting from a fur-ther technologyfrom the Drive andControl company.

Short Retooling Times“Our increasingly modular system is especi-ally interesting for major customers who, forexample, wish to introduce products into aspecific market and later sell them intoother markets using different packaging. De-cisive factors here are the different legal sti-pulations of the individual markets or thedemands on the product packaging”, saysAndreas Dittrich, Managing Director of em-kon, explaining the requirements of his cu-stomers. A fast tool-change between diffe-rent packaging types and sizes is also of

interest for short-term promotionsor individual events. According toDittrich, the target for a mechanicalconversion is less than ten minutes.Here, every process logged in thecontrol rather than manually gains


Contact:Matthias VittinghoffIndustry Sector Food & PackagingBosch Rexroth AG Sales GermanyPneumaticsLangenhagen, GermanyTel.: +49 (4171) 653 865Fax: +49 (4171) 766 38E-Mail: matthias.vittinghoff@




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1Cylinder rod (A) in operation. Glue container (B) is easily recognizable.

1The external sensor directly on the mini cylinder.

“At present we are checking which functions most draw our customers’ attention.”

14 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control www…

Food production makes special demands ontechnology. This applies even when alreadypackaged cookies are transported in the factory. Jan Esselmann, system technician atUnited Biscuits’ plant in Zaandam, knows about all these problems. He has spent 17 years trying to figure out the best way totransport packaged cookies and snacks between individual production stations. “You can’t avoid crumbswhen making and packaging cookies, whichcreates special transport problems.”

Little Maintenance The group came up with three essential criteria during their search for just the right

system: long conveyor sections, various chainwidths all in one program, and little effortnecessary for maintenance and cleaning.“These three were really the most importantrequirements, and the VarioFlow S chain conveyor system meets them all,” confirmsUnited Biscuits’ system technician. Workingtogether with Flex-Industries, the Dutch salespartner for all the products in the BoschRexroth AG assembly technology program,the company was able to set up the new conveyor system in just a few months.

Shortbread production is spread out over twolevels in the factory. The cookies are baked inan oven in the upper level and are then sent

on 1.5 meterwide chainsthrough a cooling system.Packaging takes place down on the lower level. Here, 250 gram boxes are sealed in plastic individually or in packs of three, andthen transported to where they are placed intolarger boxes for shipping. The VarioFlow Schain conveyor system transports these threedifferent-sized packages. United Biscuits useschain widths of 80 (single packs), 160 (triplepacks), and 320 (boxes) millimeters for thistask. “It was a big advantage that we could get all three widths from just one modular system,” explains Esselmann. He notes additional pros in terms of system planning

Chain Conveyor for CookiesPlant Construction:

Every day approximately 20 tons of shortbread cookies leave the United Biscuits factory in Zaandam, Holland. These crumbly cookies have to be transported very carefully, even in their boxes. The chain conveyor system VarioFlow S safely transports thecookies from one packaging machine to another.

1 The individual packages are checked and weighed between the packaging machines andfinal packaging step.

15Special Food & Packaging drive&control


and later conveyor maintenance, “Theentire system is made up of compo-nents that vary very little, which reduces spare parts stocks. Plus, thechain links are just plugged togetherso that we don’t need any specialtools to open or modify a line.”

Minimal CleaningA long-term employee at the cookie

factory, Jan Esselmann especially likesthe open system construction. “Although

the cookies are already packaged before theyreach this section there is always the chancethat crumbs will fall on the conveyor. Ofcourse, this is all considered production waste, but it could quickly cause the chain toglide less smoothly.” VarioFlow S does not have any profiles in the middle, which makesthe system almost completely open and letsthe crumbs fall through. This means the system stays clear of debris longer, requiresless cleaning, and parts do not have to beexchanged as often as with closed systems.A longer service life is an important criterionfor the innovative curve technology used in VarioFlow S and a patented ball bearing is integrated into all the curves. The result-ing rolling friction lowers wear compared to normal sliding friction. Esselmann also

recognizes yet another advantage with thisbearing, “Common systems that have a curvewheel would mean that we would have less room on the inside of the curve. Our employees often came too close to the curvewheels, so we considered this solution criticalin regard of safety. Safety problems like this don’t even appear with VarioFlow S.”The integrated ball bearing also forms thetechnical basis to implement curves with larger radiuses.

40 meter section with just one driveThe project managers additionally had to take into account that different package sizeswould be conveyed on chains with variouswidths to a variety of packaging machines.




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Contact:Stefan ReitmeierManager Material and Informa-tion Flow TechnologyBosch Rexroth AGLinear Motion and AssemblyTechnologiesStuttgart, GermanyTel.: +49 (711) 811 78 76Fax: +49 (711) 811 77 93E-Mail: stefan.reitmeier@

Contact:Eric WillemsSales PartnerFlex-Industries b.v.Geldrop, NetherlandsTel.: +31 (40) 280 9600Fax: +31 (40) 280 9605E-Mail:

1 In some sections, the conveyor section layout looks a bit like a roller coaster. United Biscuits uses various widths depending on the package. The 80 mm chain for individual packages and 160 mm for triple packs are able to run so close next to and below each other thanks to an integrated bearing in the VarioFlow S.

The result is that the system looks a bit like aroller coaster in some sections.

Besides shorter, curvy sections, United Biscuits also needed a very long 40 meter section. VarioFlow S could even manage thislengthy distance with just one drive. The circulating chain is actually 80 meters long.Thanks to the integrated bearing, it is parti-cularly stable, even with five vertical curves.

Absolutely convinced by a perfectly runn-ing system, Jan Esselmann is confident aboutfuture system changes, “This system is so flexible, thanks to its special construction,chain links, and easy assembly. It won’t be aproblem to change the layout later on if weneed to.” p

“Good value for money but without compro-mising on the high quality.” This is how BillBinckes, Sales Engineer at Westweigh Systemsin Johannesburg, South Africa, describes thedemands he places on the new weighing and packaging machine. Working in close co-operation with Tectra Automation,Johannesburg, Westweigh constructed a unitin less than two months for a customer inBotswana. “In spite of the fact that this is fullyautomated, we are able to offer it at a third of the cost of an imported unit”, reiteratesBinckes. Up to twelve bags a minute, weighingbetween ten and 12.5 kilograms, can be filledand packaged by the new unit.

In this weighing and packaging machinefor sugar, flour and other powder mills, theunit supplier Tectra Automation incorporated

just about every device Bosch Rexroth AGhad to offer in their product range. At theheart of the unit lies a Rexroth CL200 Profibus Master PLC with local/on-boardinput/output, an NT 200 power supply module and ZE200-DP central processingunit that can control up to 64 DP slave units.Westweigh opted to employ Profibus as thecommunication protocol. This controls theRexroth EcoDrive 03 servo drives and asingle, 16-bank Rexroth HF03 pneumatic valve terminal system, used for bag opening,closing, folding and gluing.

Everything from a single sourceThe entire frame of the machine was con-structed from extruded aluminum profilesand basic mechanical elements which meetthe high standards set by the food industry,from which the entire frame was constructedwith over 500 m of aluminum profile andmore than 4 000 fastening elements. In additionto the aluminum profile, Tectra Automationalso provided Rexroth linear guides and ballscrew drives for direct attachment of the servo motors and also provided a sealed unitthat minimizes the ingress of dirt.

In the meantime Westweigh has suppliedthe first weighing and packaging unit to acompany in Botswana and Bill Binckes isconvinced: “I can confidently state that this isthe first fully automated weighing and packa-ging machine manufactured in South Africathat can compete world-wide.” ■

Westweigh Systems in Johannesburg, South Africa, has been working together withTectra Automation to develop a competitive, fully automated weighing and packagingmachine for powder mills. The mechanics, basic elements, drive and control technologyas well as profiles and pneumatics from Rexroth play a considerable part when“Bakers Pride” is filled and packaged.

Contakt:Emil BerningGeneral Manager Tectra AutomationAuthorised Distributor of RexrothJohannesburg, South AfricaTel.: +27 (11) 971 9400Fax: +27 (11) 971 9440E-Mail:

Weighing and Packaging Machines:

Bakers Pride being packaged in South Africa









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7 The quality of the flour is crucial to the baker’send products.

1 Machine frames made from aluminum profilesare easy to assemble. In addition, the profilesmeet the high standards set by the food industryand are convincing with their long service life. | | www…

16 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control

17Special Food & Packaging drive&control www…

In a continuous process the Polyair fully-automated production line laminates, folds,glues, seals and cuts bubble wrap and paperrolls to produce the popular padded envelo-pes, which are used to transport fragile con-tents safely. An increasing number of faultswith the obsolete control system meant thatthe line was starting to suffer from frequentbreakdowns in spite of intact mechanics.

Open interfaceCCS took on the modernization of the instal-lation without disrupting normal produc-tion, integrating a system solution compri-sing PPC Motion & Logic control, DKC intel-ligent servo drives and synchronous MKDAC servo motors from Rexroth, optimized forpackaging applications. The powerful con-troller synchronizes the servo axes using pre-configured programming modules and com-mands the servo drives over a SERCOS fiber

optic interface for precise synchronization.What is particularly time-critical here is thetransition from the continuous processing ofthe material rolls to the synchronized sealingdevice, which seals the base and one of the si-des of what will eventually become a paddedenvelope. “We were able to integrate theRexroth motion control into the existing ma-chine control with ease via the open-architec-ture communication interface offered byRexroth”, reflects Dave Stuber.

20 minutes fasterThe production line now runs with consider-ably fewer interruptions, the optimized moti-on sequence saving around 700 meters of pa-per and bubble wrap per day. In particular,CCS has considerably simplified the opera-ting interface based on the motion controlsystem: Where the operator formerly had tostruggle with more than a hundred different

screens using the old program for processand servo control, five menus now suffice.This modification alone has accelerated everyproduct format change by 20 minutes.

“Since Polyair has been working withRexroth drive and control technology, machi-ne availability on this line has significantly in-creased”, emphasizes Dave Stuber. Polyair wasalso convinced by this solution and awardedfurther retrofits to CCS and Rexroth.p

“With production costs of 1,000 US Dollars per hour, every minute of uptime counts”, reaffirms Dave Stuber, President of systemintegrator Custom Control Solutions, Inc. (CCS) of Bartlett, Illinois (USA). He helped modernize the production line for the manu-facture of padded envelopes by Canadian company Polyair Inter Pack Inc. of Toronto, Canada, with powerful Rexroth drive andcontrol technology.


Express Production of Padded Envelopes

Contact:Dan ThroneBusiness ManagerFood and Packaging IndustryBosch Rexroth Corp.Electric Drives and ControlsHoffman Estates, IL, USATel.: +1 (847) 645-3749Fax: +1 (847) 645-6201E-Mail: dan.throne@






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1 Swifter re-tooling: By simplifying operation Polyair saves 20 minutes for eachproduct changeover.

1 Continuous process: Servo drives transport bubble wrap and paper along theproduction line at an optimum speed.

18 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control


Carle/Montanari SpA of Rozanno, a traditi-on-based Italian company employing around200 people, was set up almost 100 years ago(1907) and specializes in the production ofconfectionery and packaging machinery.Carle & Montanari’s customer base includes

practically all the well-known inter-national confectionery manufactur-ers.

The HFE-518 refining machinefor processing and refining bulkchocolate makes on-going qualitymonitoring possible. Any deviationsin relation to quality are automati-

cally corrected during the manufacturingprocess by changing certain settings. Oncethe raw mixture has gone through the HFE-18, it turns into an interim product –the finest powdered chocolate.

Highest Quality RequirementsThe raw mixture comes into the refining machine via a hopper and is refined as a result of the crushing action of five parallelrollers, which are arranged vertically one above the other. Each of the rollers is locatedat a certain distance from the next one so asto accommodate a defined quantity of theraw mixture. As the rollers rotate they gainspeed, the speed increasing from the firstthrough to the fifth upper roller, which mayachieve a speed of 400 rpm. The rotationalmovement transports the product betweenthe five rollers as if it were a film. As it passesthrough the rollers the mass is dried and ground to a fineness of 15 – 30 microns.

The HFE-518 is capable of processing1,000 to 1,200 kg of bulk chocolate per hour.The individual parts of the machine are simple to erect and dismantle and this makesfor a considerate reduction in maintenancework. Pressure, speed and temperatures canbe controlled and programmed by means ofan electronic control via a remote monitoringPC.

The refining machine can be fitted with apatented independent (closed loop) controlsystem and these control devices ensure thatit is always in a position to produce a consist-ent finished product. Should the characteris-tics of the raw mixture deviate from the specifications during processing, the controlsystem will automatically adjust the refining

1 HFE-518 - the new refining machine from Carle & Montanari

1 The mass of chocolate is refined by the crushing action of fiveparallel rollers arranged vertically above one another.

Indulging a Sweet Tooth – Confectionery Machines withRexroth Pneumatics

Food Industry:

The production of fine chocolates and confectionery is time-consuming and expensive. Nevertheless, the demand for exclusivesweet delicacies has been showing an above-average increase for a number of years. Carle/Montanari SpA’s new refining machine makes it possible for the confectionery trade to save on costs and, at the same time, to continue to improve the quality of its chocolates. In so doing the machine’s manufacturer has opted entirely for Rexroth pneumatics.

7 The raw mixture comes into the refining machine via a hopper.

19Special Food & Packaging drive&control


Sequence of Chocolate Production

1. Mixer – Dispenses and stirsingredients such as cocoaand powdered milk to forma viscous mass.

2. Refining machine – For processing, refining, dryingand grinding to form powdered chocolate.

3. “Conca” (Trough) – It ishere that the final ingre-dients are blended into the powdered chocolate.These include cocoa butterto make the powder into afluid mass once more. Thisis used to manufacture filled chocolates, bars ofchocolate and many otherpopular chocolate items.

1 Rexroth FRL maintenance units 1 Rexroth Series 740 directional control valves. 1 HF03 Valve block

machine settings until the quality parametersspecified have been re-established. This meansthat a high standard of quality is always guaranteed.

High-performance pneumatic components for the food industryThe machine is fully equipped with pneu-matic components from Rexroth. Here special emphasis should be placed on thepressure regulating system in the pneumaticscircuit, which is fitted with Series ED05 electro-pneumatic pressure regulating valves.These are renowned for their high dynamics,their reliability based on field testing andtheir high throughput capacity of 800 l/min.

Generally speaking, there is not only a demand for high performance componenttechnology in the food sector, but also forcompact designs, which can be accommodat-ed in confined spaces. “The reason we haveopted for Rexroth Series HF03 valve units isto enable us to meet requirements in relationto quality and construction”, explains Piero

Facchini from Carle & Montanari’s technicaldepartment. The valves in this series are characterised by their compact nature, thefact that they are low-maintenance, theirplug-in construction and low energy con-sumption. In addition, the use of HF03 valves units means considerable savings, sinceit has been possible to considerably reducethe number of valves needed in the machineby comparison to earlier machine series. “TheRexroth engineers were there right from thestart. They did not just supply the compo-nents, they also provided us with support inother technical respects”, says Facchini.p




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Contact:Mauro MareghelloArea Manager Pneumatics (Milan Area)Bosch Rexroth S.p.A.Cernusco s/N (MI), ItalyTel.: +39 (02) 92365 309Fax: +39 (02) 92365 510E-Mail: mauro.mareghello@

20 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control www…

Take It EasyBeverage Packaging:

Realizing complex packaging solutions with maximum throughput but without compromising on flexibility – this is the demandplaced on systems in the packaging industry. The branch meets these requirements with technology from Rexroth.

It all depends on the packaging. Where thequality of two products is identical, the pack-aging can be the distinguishing feature – andthus decisive for the customer. The packagingshould offer the customer a clear additionalbenefit – ‘Convenience’ is the magic word. Wehave here the example of beverage packagingsupplied with a carrying feature in the formof a handle, signaling to the customer: Takeit easy!

In a hard-fought market, it is especially im-portant for the beverage manufacturer andfiller to be flexible and able to fit different typesof packaging with these handles. KHS AG ofKleve, Germany, is a specialist in packagingmachinery for the beverage industry. Thecompany has developed a system, by which

the handles can easily be fixed onto a range ofdifferent packaging types used for the bever-age packs. The name of the system: HandleApplicator Innopack Carry Strip Master, ab-breviated to Innopack CSM. In order to ensuresafe, fast and flexible production, technologyfrom Rexroth is used.

Absolute FlexibilityWith the Innopack CSM system, two beltscontrol the exact movement and accurate in-tervals between the packs. In order to fix thehandles a patented, extremely lightweight ap-plication head comes down, positioning itselfprecisely between the packs. This realizeshorizontal as well as vertical movements andcombines all the advantages of modern servo

drive technology. It attaches pre-laminatedand pre-fabricated handles to different typesof packaging, in particular shrink packagingand cardboard. Unusual packaging forms andshapes therefore present no problem. Lami-nating within the machine is also possible. Itis also possible to fix paper or plastic labels,and printed or blank labels to the carry strip.Further advantages of the system: when atta-ching the handles the height is freely selecta-ble. All the settings are called up simply bypressing a button. This reduces the waiting ti-mes and allows for flexibility. Indramotionfor packaging, the automation system fromRexroth, fulfils all axis-relevant motion andpositioning functions as the control anddrive solution for packaging machinery. The

1 With the KHS handle applicator, handles can be attached to beverage packs of different shapes and sizes.

21Special Food & Packaging drive&control


Contact:Armin RiesIndustry Sector Sales Food & PackagingBosch Rexroth AGElectric Drives and ControlsLohr am Main, GermanyTel.: +49 (9352) 404 195Fax: +49 (9352) 403 41 95 E-Mail: armin.ries@





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made into either a carrying strap or a loop byway of two mini-carriages. A pressure stampon the short stroke cylinder fixes a label ontothe adhesive tape. In addition to this, Rexrothsupplies proportional pressure valves for thecontrol of the adhesive tape store. The total so-lution is completed with the use of Rexrothcomponents for compressed air preparation.Thanks to this technology, the handle applica-tor offers high power and simultaneous lower-motion speed, as this is required for transpor-ting the products carefully. Up to 100 cyclesper minute are attainable. Dirk Langanki,Manager of Electric Construction and Deve-lopment at the Competence Center Packaging,recognizes the advantages of the complete so-lution from Rexroth: “The mechatronic overallconcept of the Innopack CSM using servo

technology guarantees a high level of flexibilityin the production of handles for different sizedmulti-packs. With the shortest setting time forthe different shapes and sizes, combined withhigh availability, these meet the requirementsof the beverage industry.”p

system covers all topologies for different ma-chine concepts with drive-, controller- andPC-based solutions. With the Innopack CSM,a controller-based version is used with extre-mely high total functionality. The open archi-tecture supports all relevant fieldbuses and iseasily integrated into systems. The KHS sy-stem communicates by way of Profibus-DP.A further benefit is the possibility of remotediagnostics and maintenance.

Complete Solution from RexrothUsing a range of different technologiesRexroth supplies a total solution: Rexrothpneumatic components move a knife attachedto the closed profile cylinder. This knife cutsthe sticky tape on the handle to the requiredlength for every package. The handle is then

1 Overall view of the automation architecture of thetwo-line handle applicator.

7 The application headsensure that the carrierstrip sits correctly andsecurely on the multi-packs.

“In a hard-fought market, it is especiallyimportant for the beverage manufacturer andfiller to be flexible.”

Motion LogicController

Servo drives EcoDrive Cs


Operating station

2 drive axes Application head Line 1

2 drive axes Application head Line 2

2 drive axes Conveyor beltsline 1 and 2

2 drive axes Laminator (optional)


Ethernet (TCP/IP)


7 The Innopack CSM inoperation: Extremely com-pact Rexroth Ecodrive Csdrives EcoDrive Cs.

22 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control


How Iron Gets into the Bag

Packaging Machinery:

The world’s biggest manufacturer of metal powder has achieved a 50 percent increase in productivity with a new mobile packagingmachine. This installation was built by Danish manufacturer C&H System A/S – with technology from Bosch Rexroth.

Iron dust has often lit the way for us: In thefilament of a light bulb, as the sparks of asparkler and in a chemistry lesson for exam-ple – every child is familiar with the closedfield lines formed by iron filings on a sheet ofpaper when a magnet is placed under it.

In industrial applications, iron dust is alsoindispensable. Particularly in the productionof metal molded parts in the sintering pro-cess, whereby the powder is pressed underhigh pressure into a hardened mold and thenaged by heat. Sintering is used wherever sta-

ble components with a complex geometryneed to be produced in large quantities, forexample in electrical equipment, in house-hold appliances and also of course in the au-tomotive industry. Between 7 and 15 kilo-grams of sintered metal dust are to be foundin a single automobile – used in filters, drivewheels and bushings. There is a huge demandfor metal dusts. The world’s major manufac-turer, Swedish company Höganäs AB, produ-ces millions of tons of this dust each year.Now, with a fully automated packaging

machine from Danish manufacturer C&HSystem A/S, this company has achieved an increase in capacity of up to 50 percent. Theinstallation was realized using technologyfrom Rexroth.

Asynchronous operation“The machine undertakes all stages of pro-duction – from the manufacturing and fil-ling, sealing and labeling, right through to thepalletizing of iron dust bags,” explains Frede-rik Kruse, Sales Engineer at Bosch Rexroth

1 Firstly the bags are produced in the machinefrom these plastic hoses…

7 …then the completeprocess begins: Fromfilling and sealing thebags right through topalletizing.

23Special Food & Packaging drive&control

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Kontakt:Frederik KruseSales Engineer Bosch Rexroth A/SLinear Motion and AssemblyTechnologiesHvidovre, DenmarkTel.: +45 (36) 77 44 66Fax: +45 (36) 77 08 66E-Mail: frederik.kruse@

gned to ensure safe and reliable operationeven in the vicinity of the production plant,where the air contains iron-dust.

Extremely harsh conditionsThe complete machine was constructed espe-cially for use in the extreme conditions of anenvironment containing iron dust. To checktheir suitability under these conditions, C&HSystem subjected the ball rail system andpneumatic cylinders to special tests: Twoyears of continuous operation were simulatedin 16-hour shifts in a closed system with anenvironment permanently containing irondust – every component withstood the tortu-re without any visible damage to the movingparts. “Poul Larsen, Managing Director ofC&H System A/S and Project Manager Pre-ben Madsen were really pleased with the testresults”, reports Kruse. “In order to completethe thorough tests on the system and toachieve an optimum solution for this type ofspecial machine, C&H System developed acompletely new test system for the individualmachine functions, in co-operation withRexroth. The results of this test and develop-ment work are impressive: The packaging

machine is, in the meantime, in continuousoperation at Höganäs, offering a throughputof up to 30 tons an hour. The system is self-emptying and no cleaning is required whenchanging between the different powder silos.Kruse is able to weigh up the project in a po-sitive fashion: “Besides the product quality,our customer also really appreciates the factthat, even for a range of services from the va-rious Rexroth business units, there was onlyone central point of contact. This meant thatthere was always advice and support on handfrom the various sub-divisions – and all froma single source”.p

A/S in Denmark. The bags, with a capacity ofeither 20 or 25 kilograms, are made of longplastic hoses, the lower parts of which arewelded in the first stage of production. In thenext stage they are filled and then finally wel-ded. To this purpose the packaging machinecomprises two sections, each consisting offour bags. While the first four are being filled,the other four are being welded. In otherwords, the machine operates asynchronously,permitting an increase in capacity of up to50%. The individual functions are controlledby pneumatic and servo motors fromRexroth. Furthermore, Rexroth also suppliedpneumatic cylinders and valves and a specialball rail system.

Höganäs processes more than 50 differenttypes of powders on this machine, fed fromseveral silos. The machine therefore needs tobe mobile, flexible, and able to be moved. Infact a complete changeover from one silo tothe next takes a mere 30 minutes. In order toafford the system the greatest possible stabili-ty and to guarantee ease of maintenance,C&H System and Rexroth designed all guidesto be a Size 30. In addition, the rails were alsofitted with special sealing facility. This is desi-

“Besides the product quality, our customer also really appreciates the fact that, even for a range of servicesfrom the various Rexroth business units, there was onlyone central point of contact.”

1 The machine can produce and fill various bag sizes. 1 Placed cleanly on a pallet the bags are ready to leave the packaging machine.

“But things have gone pretty well for them allthe same,” he says, and laughs.

The elderly gentleman turns out to be NilsGyllensvaan, founder of Gyllensvaans Möblerand father of siblings Mats, Erik and Karin,who currently run the company.

Gyllensvaans was founded in the late 1940sand is now Ikea’s oldest active supplier. Ikea is their only customer, and the company produces mainly bookshelves and office furniture. The Billy bookshelf is the com-pany’s biggest product, and Gyllensvaans isthe only company in the world that makes itin white, anthracite and silver.

With the new line, the company has madethe move from traditional furniture maker to process industry. The new production linehas tripled the rate of production. The 25people who work on it turn out as much asthe 150 who work on the other productionoperations at the plant. 320 metric tons ofparticle board pass through the plant everyday.

High Production RateOnce the 2.5 x 5 meter lengths of particle board have been laid on the belt, sawing,foil-wrapping, packing and final plastic-coating on shipping pallets take place entirelyautomatically. The only manual labor thatoccurs during the production is when thetruck operators move the pallets from theproduction belt to the packaging belt.

“We are the first to have such a modern,automated plant, but I’m certain that morefurniture makers will follow in our footstepsand automate their production. It’s

essential if we are to be able to copewith competition from low-wage

countries,” says Mats Gyllensvaan.

24 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control


An elderly gentleman is sitting in the lobby atGyllensvaans. A letter dating from 1952 hangson the wall next to him. The letter is signedby the Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad, andcontains an inquiry concerning furniture thatIkea can include in their planned catalog.

“At that time we had 15 people workinghere, and only one at Ikea,” says the elderlyman.

Gyllensvaans Möbler in Sweden is one of the world’s most modern furniture manufacturers. A Billy bookshelf rolls off the conveyor belt every six seconds. With its new production line, thecompany has made the move from traditional furniture industry to process industry. Rexrothdelivered the drive systems for the fully automatic production lines.

Packed & ReadyWith Drive & Control from Rexroth:

The plant operates at an incredibly high rateof production, producing a Billy bookshelfevery six seconds. About fifteen fully-loadedsemis leave the plant every day. The high pro-duction rate naturally places heavy demandson the packaging solutions. Österbergs Förpackningsmaskiner AB built the packag-ing machines, which are part of the entirepacking line.

Better PackingTo cope with the high production rate,Österbergs has abandoned the traditional type of packaging in which the box and lidare made from the same piece of cardboard,the so-called five-sided box. In conventionalpackaging machines the box is folded at the start of the packing process and placedlengthwise on the conveyer belt with the lidstanding straight up. This method requiresvery high speeds, which in turn entail majorrisks when the 30 kilo loads are started orstopped quickly.

7 Erik Gyllensvaan, Ronny Friberg/Österbergs Förpackningsmaskiner andMats Gyllensvaan (from l. t.o r).

1 Nils Gyllensvaan founded Gyllensvaans Möbler in the late 1940s.



Special Food & Packaging | | www…

Österbergs instead uses a type of packagingin which the box and lid are separate. At thestart of the packaging line, there is tray erector, and another machine at the end thatglues on the lids. Both of these machines aredriven by Rexroth’s pneumatic and electricdrives components. Because the boxes haveno lids, they can lie with their short sides facing the robots. This shortens the conveyordistances between the various packaging stations, resulting in a lower belt speed and asubstantial increase in production capacity.The robot arms have more time for loadingand can work low over the boxes with no risk of striking the lids. Once a box has beenfilled, it arrives at the second packaging machine, the lidding machine. Lids are gluedonto the boxes during continuous operation

at a rate of 75 meters per minute. The boxesthen move on for labeling and plastic-coatingon shipping pallets before being shipped outinto the Ikea world.

Drive and ControlÖsterbergs Förpackningsmaskiner, who areresponsible for the packaging machines,make capacity and operational safety and reliability their top priorities.

The packaging machine is driven pneu-matically and using electric drives motors,and is controlled by a PLC system thatcommunicates via an ASI (Activator SensorInterface). The advantage of this serial communications system over a parallel system is that it eliminates a good deal ofcabling, simplifies the documentation and is

also simple to place into operation.Pneumatic cylinders are used to feed the

cardboard through the machine. The AC motors are used wherever there is a need for stepless positioning, e.g. at the liddingmachine. AC motors enable flexible adjust-ment, which makes it possible to run differ-ent packaging through the same machine.Resetting for a new format occurs automati-cally.

The packaging machine is one of the firstto use Rexroth’s new Plug-in valve with AS-icommunication. The built-in AS-i nodes in the valve ramp provide a highly compactsolution. This valve ramp is supplied viacommon air/electrical connections and is expandable up to eight bistable valves perramp.p




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Contact:Rustan WigSales EngineerBosch Rexroth ABPneumaticsGothenburg, SwedenTel. +46 (31) 89 34 65Fax +46 (31) 49 23 11Email: rustan.wig@

1 Pneumatic cylinders feed the cardboard through the machine.

5 A Billy bookshelf rolls off the conveyor belt every six seconds.

Rexroth supplied:• Pneumatic cylinders: 133 – Mini clean

profile cylinder snd 168 – Euromec cylinder

• Valves: Plug-in ISO1 and Plug-in 20, Version 75 with AS-i communication

• Universal servo drive for low-cost automation: ECODRIVE 03Servomotor MKD


26 Special Food & Packagingdrive&control

Drinks – The Safe WayAseptic Filling Machines:

1 Grippers remove the ready-filled bottles from the machine

SIG Asbofill, since 2003 part of the SIGGroup, is a globally operating manufacturerof aseptic filling machines for non-carbonat-ed drinks. The ABF linear filling machine family forms a major part of a complete aseptic filling line – from manufacture ofthe bottle and intelligent linear guides rightthrough to the final packaging stage.

With the latest, extremely compact Machine Type ABF 610, this is the first timethat a screw cap applicator has been integrat-ed into a linear aseptic filling machine. Theinnovative automation concept from Rexrothoffers, amongst other things, forward-lookingsafety technology.

This ABF 610, which operates intermittent-ly as a runner rail at a rate of 25 cycles perminute, consists of five functional drive units.A total of 13 controlled servo axes operate theconveyor to ensure that the bottles are guidedwith precision when entering and leaving the machine and when passing through thesterilization and sealing stations.

Once in the aseptic zone the bottles arefirst of all sterilized. Servo-driven lances spray the bottles with hydrogen peroxide,immediately after which they are hot-airdried. The screw caps are also sterilized beforethe bottles are filled.

The control technology of the modularABF 610 permits flexible filling to cope withdifferent bottle designs and without needingto retool. The travel profiles (cam plates) areautomatically changed depending on the production speed and other process-relevantparameters.

Drives with certified safety technologyThe Rexroth drive system IndraDrive withSafety on Board offers the machine operatornew possibilities for more efficient operationof the ABF 610, in addition to the safety aspect. Downtime can be considerably reduc-ed: The operator is able to safely tool the machine and rectify faults, whilst continuing

It was essentially for filling bottles of milk and fruit drinks that SIG Asbofill, of Neuss in Germany, in close co-operationwith packaging experts from Rexroth, designed an aseptic filling machine Type ABF 610 for plastic bottles (PET, HDPE)in sizes ranging from 100 to 750 ml.

27Special Food & Packaging drive&control www…

1 The highest level of flexibility and uncompromising aseptics are the main characteristics of the ABF filling machine series from SIG Asbofill

to operate at a safe, reduced speed. The highspeed of the ABF 610 demands the shortest ofresponse times in the event of a fault. The safety technology integrated into the RexrothIndraDrive realizes all essential safety func-tions on a decentralized basis and without requiring any additional hardware or havingto divert via the open loop control system.

All this means that with the ABF 610, incomparison with conventional safety con-cepts, the use of safety cut-outs can be savedin motor supply lines, as well as considerablyless wiring being required in the control cabinet. “The result is increased safety, yetwith simplified assembly, reduced componentwear and considerably more flexibility withrespect to machine maintenance”, emphasizesThomas Niehr, Design and Development Manager at SIG Asbofill.

Furthermore, Rexroth also offers consistent-ly scalable open loop control technology,which makes the ABF machine concept rightfor leaner and more efficient implementation.

IndraMotion for PackagingThe Rexroth IndraMotion for Packaging automation system fulfils all axis-relevantmotion and positioning functions as the optimum drive and control solution for fil-ling machines. Core element of the system isthe merging of highly sophisticated motioncontrol technologies with the standardizedPLC to form integrated total solutions.Common factor with all solution variants ofIndraMotion for Packaging is the embeddedcore module of IndraLogic, the PLC pro-grammable and logic control system.IndraMotion for Packaging offers threedifferent solutions for a wide range ofmachine concepts. In addition to the systemvariants for drive-based and PC-based applications Rexroth offers a controller-basedsolution, which is used with the ABF 610 and which offers a high level of overall func-tionality for operating up to 64 servo axes.As well as complete and powerful logic func-tionality to IEC 61131-3 and PLCopen, spe-

cialized technology modular components arealso available to the design engineer. The functional groups are co-ordinated by a PLC,the input/output of user-relevant data takingplace at an operating station. The open archi-tecture of the automation system supports allcommonly used fieldbuses and is thereforeeasy to integrate into systems. In this specificapplication example communication is viaProfibus-DP.p

Contact:Thomas MaagHead of Industry Sector Application Food & PackagingBosch Rexroth AG Lohr am Main, DeutschlandTel.: +49 (9352) 40 4334Fax: +49 (9352) 40 34334E-Mail: thomas.maag@

1 The ABF 610 uses the first screw cap applicatorto be integrated into a linear aseptic filling machine.


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