Food Choices

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Food Choices. Click to begin . Chloe Prior. You have just woken up from a good night sleep. It is 7am and it is time for breakfast! . Click on the arrow to eat some breakfast. . What do you feel like eating for breakfast? . Fruit. Cereal. Toast. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Food Choices

Food ChoicesChloe Prior

Click to begin

You have just woken up from a good night sleep. It is 7am and

it is time for breakfast! Click on the arrow to eat some breakfast.

What do you feel like eating for breakfast?

Toast Cereal Fruit

You have chosen toast! What spread will you have on it?


You have chosen Nutella…Nutella is full of sugars and fats which initially gives you high energy but your energy will crash shortly after. This is an ok choice in moderation but remember

Nutella should be eaten as a treat.

Lets go to lunch!

You have chosen Vegemite, Good Choice!

Vegemite has a good source of Vitamin B which helps your body

grow stronger.

Lets go to lunch!

You have chosen cereal! What cereal will you pick?

Nutrigrain Museli

Congratulations!!You have chosen a cereal full of

nutrients that will not only improve your health, but you will feel and remain

more energised for the rest of the day!

Lets go to lunch!

You have chosen Nutri-grain…Hmm is that such a good idea?

Nutri-grain fails to meet the criteria of a healthy cereal. Very low fibre content, high level of sugars and salt. This cereal is not an appropriate choice for a growing child. I think you could have chosen

a more healthier option.

Lets go to lunch!

You have chosen fruit! Good Choice! Fruit salad is a very

healthy yet yummy option for breakfast. Fruit is full of vitamins and minerals

which help keep your body energised and ready for the day ahead.

Lets go to lunch!

It’s now time to pack your lunch for school.

What do you feel like having today?

FruitSandwich Museli Bar

Box Shapes 2min noodlesChocolate Bar

SaladBlueberry Muffin


You have chosen the healthiest lunch! Good Job!

You have just packed yourself a nutritious, and delicious lunch box which is packed full of energy

and goodness.

It’s dinner time!

You have chosen the second healthiest lunch! Good Job! You have maintained a healthy lunch along with a little treat to keep you going for school! This is a healthy lunch containing a small

muffin to keep your diet balanced. Remember everything is ok in moderation!

It’s dinner time!

Oh O.. You have chosen the unhealthiest option

This lunch although sounds appealing is incredibly unhealthy for you. It contains no nutrients just processed fats and sugars. You might seem satisfied after this meal, but shortly after you will have no energy and

be hungry again!

It’s snack time!

Because you chose the unhealthy lunch, you find an hour later, you are hungry and unsatisfied.

What will you snack on?


Chips Nuts

CHEESE! Good Pick.• Cheese is a food which must be eaten in moderation. This will be a

good source of dairy in your diet and is a satisfying treat.

It’s dinner time!

Nuts are yummy! What a good pick.

•Nuts are a fantastic, quick and simple snack to eat on the go. They are full of protein, and contain un saturated fats, omega 3, fibre and vitamin E!

Good Choice!

It’s dinner time!

You have chosen chips…

• Chips are packed full of greasy, salty, fatty ingredients. Chips are ‘okay’ in moderation but I think you could have chosen a more beneficial snack. Chips can produce;

-Weight Gain- Low nutrition- High Blood Pressure- High Cholesterol

It’s dinner time!

It’s Dinner time. What do you feel like eating?

Bangers & Mash Order Pizza

Brown Rice &

Kangaroo Steak

Hm.. Bangers and Mash! This is an “ok” choice, but remember not to have this meal as a regularly dinner as it lacks nutrients which should be included in your daily diet, for example greens etc.

The Final Verdict

Order a pizza? That’s the lazy option Pizza is greasy, high in fat and has limited nutrients which in time will lead to weight gain… REMEMBER EVEYTHING IN MODERATION IS OKAY.

The Final Verdict

Congratulations! This is the healthiest option! Good choice. Kangaroo is the leanest meat, low in fat and high in protein. It is a good source of omega 3 fats, zinc and iron! Brown rice is rich in anti-oxidants, high in fibre and is overall a healthy nutrient. This is a good healthy meal!

The Final Verdict

As you can see, in just ONE day you have many decisions and choices to make.

If you received positive results, that means you are on the road to a happy, successfully

and healthy life. If you have made some poor choices today, don’t worry all you need to do is reconsider

some of your meal choices.

Remember everything is “OKAY” in moderation!