Fonseca Et Al

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  • 8/12/2019 Fonseca Et Al


    Fluid Phase Equilibria 300 (2011) 169

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    Fluid Phase Equilibria

    j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / f l u i d


    High-pressure fluid-phase equilibria: Experimental methods and systemsinvestigated (20052008)

    Jos M.S. Fonsecaa, Ralf Dohrn b,, Stephanie Peper c

    a Technical University of Denmark, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmarkb Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Fluid Properties & Thermodynamics, Geb. B310, D-51368 Leverkusen, Germanyc Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Institute of Thermodynamics, D-22043 Hamburg, Germany

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 11 August 2010Received in revised form 3 September 2010Accepted 7 September 2010Available online 25 September 2010


    Experimental equipmentDataMethodHigh pressure VLE reviewHydrocarbonsNon-hydrocarbons

    a b s t r a c t

    A review of systems is given, for which experimental high-pressure phase-equilibrium data were pub-lishedin theperiodbetween2005 and 2008, continuinga seriesof reviews. To findcandidates forarticlesthatare of interestfor this surveya three-stage search strategy wasused including a systematic search ofthe contents of the 17 most important journals of the field. Experimental methods for the investigationof high-pressure phase equilibria were classified, described and illustrated using examples from arti-cles of the period between 2005 and 2008. For the systems investigated, the reference, the temperatureand pressure range of the data, and the experimental method used for the measurements is given in 54tables. Vaporliquid equilibria, liquidliquid equilibria, vaporliquidliquid equilibria, solidliquid equi-libria, solidvapor equilibria, solidvaporliquid equilibria, critical points, the solubility of high-boilingsubstances in supercriticalfluids, the solubility of gases in liquids and the solubility (sorption) of volatilecomponents in polymers are included. Most of experimental data in the literature has been given forbinary systems. Of the 1469 binary systems, 796 (54%) have carbon dioxide as one of the components.Information on 206 pure components, 535 ternary systems of which 355 (66%) contain carbon dioxide,163 multicomponent and complex systems, and 207 systems with hydrates is given. A continuation ofthe review series is planned, covering the years from 2009 to 2011.

    2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. Literature search and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23. Experimental methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

    3.1. Analytical methods (An) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.1.1. Analytical isothermal methods (AnT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.1.2. Analytical isobaricisothermal methods (AnPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273.1.3. Analytical isobaric methods (AnP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323.1.4. Analytical spectroscopic methods (AnSpec) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323.1.5. Analytical gravimetric methods (AnGrav) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353.1.6. Other analytical methods (AnOth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    3.2. Synthetic methods (Syn) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393.2.1. Synthetic-visual methods (SynVis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423.2.2. Synthetic-non-visual methods (SynNon) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533.2.3. Synthetic-isothermal methods (SynT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593.2.4. Synthetic-isobaric methods (SynP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593.2.5. Other synthetic methods (SynOth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

    Corresponding author at: Bayer Technology Services GmbH, Fluid Properties & Thermodynamics, BTS-PT-RPT-KPM, Geb. B310 Room 609, D-51368 Leverkusen,Germany. Tel.: +49 214 30 21787; fax: +49 214 30 81554.

    E-mail Dohrn).

    0378-3812/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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    2 J.M.S. Fonseca et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 300 (2011) 169

    3.3. Important points for experimental methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603.3.1.1. Charging of the cell synthesis of the mixture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603.3.1.2. Equilibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603.3.1.3. Analysis and determination of a phase transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

    4. Systems investigated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

    1. Introduction

    Knowledge of high-pressure phase equilibria is important forthe understanding of technical and natural processes that occurat high pressures. It is essential for the design and optimization ofhigh-pressure chemical processes andseparation operations. Otherexamples for the need of high-pressure phase equilibrium data arethe simulation of petroleum reservoirs, enhanced oil recovery, car-bon capture and storage, the transportation and storage of naturalgas, refrigeration and heat-pump cycles, and the study of geologi-calprocesses. There areseveral established andnew applicationsofsupercriticalfluids [1,2], likeextraction,particleformation,impreg-nation (wood preservation, polymers, catalysts, textiles), leather,paperand textile treatment,dyeing, cleaning, reaction, chromatog-

    raphy, drying of aerogel, injection molding and extrusion, andelectronic chip manufacturing. Examples of new applications aregiven in the recent review of Brunner[3].A critical review of thepresent state andfuture directions of supercritical fluid science andtechnology is given in the 20th anniversary special issue of TheJournal of Supercritical Fluids[4].

    Although the patent review on supercritical fluid technologyof Schtz[5]showed that the number of patents applications onsupercritical fluids reached a maximum in 2002, the number ofpublications in this field is still increasing, e.g. the total number ofpublications inThe Journal of Supercritical Fluids. Other reasons forthe high number of publications on high-pressure phase equilibriaare a rising interest in ionic liquid applications at high pressures,in hydrate formation and in polymer foaming processes. Gas solu-

    bility in the polymer plays a significant role in almost all stages ofthe foaming process including the gas dissolution at compoundingtemperatures and pressures, bubble nucleation, and growth andpartitioning between cells and matrix for cell structure stabiliza-tion. The search for new solvents for carbon dioxide (CO2) capturealso increased the number of publications on high-pressure phaseequilibria.

    There are many ways to obtain information about the phasebehavior of fluid mixtures, but the direct measurement of phase-equilibrium data remains an important source of information,though it is difficult and expensive to take precise experimentaldata. On the other hand, for a company,it is veryoften more expen-sive touse imprecise dataor toestimatedataa couple oftimes overthe years, if experimental data are not available.

    An overview on review articles about techniques for exper-imental investigations and about reviews on high-pressurephase-equilibrium data in the literature has been given in the pre-vious article of this series[6].From the reviews on experimentalmethods that appeared after 2004 the articles of Knox[2],Richon[7],Smith and Fang[8],and Dohrn et al.[6]shall be mentioned.

    Some reviews on experimental data in the literature cover aspecific topic,suchas thephase behaviorof ionicliquidswithsuper-criticalfluids,e.g.Keskinetal.[9], thecriticalpropertiesofelementsand compounds, e.g. Marsh et al. [10,11],the solubility of certainsubstances in supercritical CO2, e.g. Gcli-stndag and Temelli[12,13] for lipids, Su and Chen [14] for pharmaceutical compounds,or the solubility of inorganic and organic compounds in liquids athigh pressures, e.g. Sawamura [15], for high-pressure gas hydrates,e.g. Loveday and Nelmes[16], for a certain class of binary systems,

    like Schwarz et al.[17]for ethane+ n-alkane systems, or for a spe-cific substance, like Abdulagatov et al. [18] for methanol or Loertinget al.[19]for phase transitions of ice. Other reviews cover high-pressure fluid-phase equilibria data that have been published inspecific periods, e.g. Knapp et al.[20]covering 19001980, Fornariet al. [21]covering 19781987, Dohrn and Brunner [22]cover-ing 19881993, Christov and Dohrn[23]covering 19941999, andDohrn et al.[6]covering 20002004. This work gives an overviewabout systems for which high-pressure phase equilibrium datahave been published from 2005 to 2008, including vaporliquidequilibria (VLE), liquidliquid equilibria (LLE), vaporliquidliquidequilibria(VLLE), the solubilityof high-boiling substancesin super-critical fluids, and the solubility of gases in liquids (GLE). Work onthe continuation of the review series is under way, covering the

    period between 2009 and 2011.

    2. Literature search and evaluation

    To find the articles that are of interest for this review, a three-stage search strategy was applied. A detailed description of thisstrategy can be found in our previous review[6].The main sourceof information were the most important journals in the field ofhigh-pressure phase equilibria, as listed in Table 1;abbreviation of

    journal titles were used according to ISO 4 [24]. Inadditiontothe13journals that were systematically covered in our previous review,we added 4 journals: Thermochimica Acta, International Journal ofRefrigeration,Journal of Cellular Plastics and Separation Science andTechnology. The latter journal yielded only one relevant article and

    will not be continued in the future review, planned to cover theperiod 20092011. The table of contents of the journals ofTable 1were systematically searched. Conference proceedings were notconsidered,butarticlesfromotherjournalsthatcametoourknowl-edge were included. During the evaluation process of more than800 articles of interest, about 5% of the papers were found to beirrelevant for this review, since they contain neither new experi-mentaldatanorthedescriptionofanewexperimentalapparatus,orthe measured data were not high pressure. Of course, the expres-sion high pressure is relative; we chose 1MPa as the lower limit:a paper was considered to contain high-pressure data if at least onedata point was measured at a pressure of 1MPa or higher.

    The increase of interest in high-pressure phase equilibria con-tinued from 2005 to 2008 but first signs of a slowing down of this

    process can be seen. InTable 1the number of papers publishedin different journals from 1978 to 1987[21]is compared with thenumber published from 1988 to 1993 [22], from 1994 to 1999 [23],from 2000 to 2004[6]and from 2005 to 2008 (this work). While inthe early 1980s about 20 articles on high-pressure phase equilib-ria were published each year, this number increases by 67 eachyear, so that in 2008 more than 10 times as many articles appearedas in 1982.Fig. 1shows an almost linear increase of articles onhigh-pressure phase equilibria published per year during the last30 years.

    Authors tend to submit their publications on high-pressurephase equilibrium data to a rather limited number of mostly spe-cialized journals. More than 80% of the information was publishedin the three major journals of high-pressure phase equilibria:Jour-

    nal of Chemical Engineering Data, Fluid Phase Equilibria, and The

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    19 81 19 84 1 987 1 99 0 1 99 3 19 96 1 999 2 002 2 00 5 20 08year



    Fig. 1. Number of articles published per year during the last 30 years.

    Journal of Supercritical Fluids. From 1996 to 2008 between 12 and18% of all articles in these journals were on high-pressure phaseequilibria. During the last 10 years the average percentage stayed

    more or less constant at 15%, meaning that the increase of thenumber of articles on high-pressure phase equilibria can be partlyexplained by the general increase of published articles in these

    journals, particularly inThe Journal of Supercritical Fluids.

    3. Experimental methods

    High-pressure phase behavior is often complex and difficult topredict. At high pressures deviations from ideal behavior becomemuch larger than at ambient or moderate pressures. Another dif-ficulty of using predictive methods is the fact that molecules ofinterest for high-pressure applications, particularly supercritical

    fluid extraction, can be large andcontain several functional groups.Therefore, the experimentalinvestigation is often the only suitablemethod to precisely determine the high-pressure phase behav-ior. Many different methods are used to measure high-pressurephase equilibria. The reason is that no single method is suitableto determine all different phenomena. To the reader the varietyof experimental methods is even more confusing since differentauthors use different names for the same experimental method.Expressions like static or dynamic are used in connection withmany different methods.

    Therefore, an overview of experimental methods for the deter-mination of high-pressure phase equilibria is given in this section.The methods are described,theiradvantages and disadvantagesarediscussed and many examples of their application are given citingarticles of the period of this review. At the end of Section3someguidelines for the design of the apparatus and the experimentalprocedure to measure high-pressure phase equilibria are given.

    The used classification of experimental methods for the investi-gationof high-pressure phase equilibria is describedin detailin ourprevious review [6]. There aretwo main classes, depending on howthe compositions of the equilibrium phases are determined (ana-lytically or not) and whether the mixture to be investigated hasbeen prepared (synthesized) with precisely known composition or

    not: analytical methods and synthetic methods. The classificationincludes a unique name and an abbreviation of the name for eachmethod as given inTable 2.

    The frequency of the use of a method gives an indication onits importance; it is given inTable 2as well. 62.4% of all systemsof the period of this review have been measured with a syntheticmethod, while 37.6% have been investigated with an analyticalmethod. When these numbers are compared with the values ofthe period of our earlier review[6] (20002004) it can be seenthat there is a tendency towards synthetic methods. Particularly,non-visualsyntheticmethodsandthesyntheticisothermalmethodhave been used more frequently than in the past. Since commer-

    Table 1

    Bibliographic information.

    Journal Number of articles on high-pressure phase equilibria

    19781987a 19881993b 19941999c 20002004d 20052008e

    J. Chem. Eng. Data 92 115 214 231 283Fluid Phase Equilib. 69 158 182 206 169

    J. Supercrit. Fluidsf 0 43 73 115 143J. Chem. Thermodyn. 30 26 48Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 15 18 30 58 44Int. J. Thermophys. 23 14

    J. Phys. Chem. B 3 5 1 4 14Chem. Eng. Sci. 2 1 4 4 13Thermochim. Acta 12Green Chemistryg 0 0 0 1 10AIChE J. 5 5 1 10 8

    Int. J. Refrig. 4J. Cell. Plast. 3Can. J. Chem. Eng. 3 13 8 1 3Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.h 10 8 6 13 2

    J. Chem. Eng. Jpn. 14 4 0 2Sep. Sci. Technol. 1Other journals 16 5 18

    Total 199 380 569 697 791

    Abbreviation of journal titles according to ISO 4 [24], (): not covered in the review of the period.a Fornari et al.[21].b Dohrn and Brunner[22].c Christov and Dohrn[23].d Dohrn et al.[6].e This work.f The first issue ofThe Journal of Supercritical Fluidsappeared in 1988.g The first issue ofGreen Chemistryappeared in 1999.h

    Before 1999: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fr Physikalische Chemie and J. of the Chemical Society/Faraday Transactions.

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    Table 2

    Experimental methods: abbreviations and frequency of use in review period.

    Experimental method Systems measured with method

    20002004 20052008 Trend

    Analytical methods 46.7% 37.6%Total composition not exactly known, analysis of phases

    Analytical methods with samplingAnT Analytical isothermal method 27.6% 19.7%

    Cap Sampling through capillariesVal Sampling using a special valveBlo Blocking off a large sampling volume from the equi l. cellVcir Vapor-phase recirculationLcir Liquid-phase recirculationVLcir Recirculation of the vapor and the liquid phaseIns In situ samplingMla Material loss analysis

    AnP Analytical isobaric method 0.0% 0.0% AnPT Analytical isobaricisothermal method 15.4% 11.2%

    Con Continuous-flow methodSemX Semi-flow method (gas solubility in liquid phase)SemY Semi-flow method (solubility in vapor phase)Chro Chromatographic method, e.g. Inverse SFC

    Analytical methods without samplingAnSpec Analytical spectroscopic method 1.5% 1.1% AnGrav Analytical gravimetric method 1.1% 5.0%AnOth Other analytical method 1.1% 0.6%

    Synthetic methods 53.3% 62.4%Total composition exactly known, no analysis of phases

    Synthetic methods with a phase transitionSynVis Synthetic-visual method 36.4% 36.0% SynNon Synthetic-nonvisual method 8.4% 13.4%

    Synthetic methods without a phase transitionSynT Synthetic-isothermal method 6.1% 11.8%SynP Synthetic-isobaric method 0.2% 0.5% SynOth Other synthetic method 2.2% 0.7%

    Additional information for all methodsVar Variable-volume cellVis Visual observation is possibleSpec Spectroscopic method to get informationPc Critical pressure has been measuredTc Critical temperature has been measured

    X Only the composition of the liquid phase is determinedY Only the composition of the vapor phase is determined

    cially available electrobalances became more prevalent, analyticalgravimetic methods have been used significantly more frequently(5.0% of all systems) as compared to the period 20002004(1.1% ofall systems), being the only analytical method whose usage did notdecline.

    InTables 356, listing the investigated systems, information onthe experimental method used to determine the data is included.

    3.1. Analytical methods (An)

    Analytical methods (designated with An) involve the analyti-cal determination of the compositions of the coexisting phases.

    When the equilibrium cell is filled with the components at thebeginning of the experiment, the overall composition of the mix-ture does not need to be precisely known, only so far that themixture under desired conditions (p and T) separates into twoor more phases that are to be investigated, e.g. into a liquidand a vapor phase when VLE is to be measured. The composi-tion of the phases is analyzed either with sampling and analysisunder ambient pressure or without sampling by using physico-chemical methods of analysis inside the equilibrium cell underpressure.

    Analytical methods with sampling can be classified, depend-ing on the attainment of equilibrium, into isothermal methods(AnT), isobaricisothermal methods (AnPT) and isobaric methods(AnP). Withdrawing a large sample from an autoclave causes a

    considerable pressure drop, which disturbs the phase equilibrium

    significantly. This pressure drop can be avoided by different mea-sures, e.g by decreasing the cell volume during sampling by using avariable-volume cell (Var) like in the new VLE apparatus of Raaland coworkers [25], or by blocking off (Blo) the sampling vol-ume from the remaining content of the equilibrium cell beforepressure reduction[26,27].If only a small sample is withdrawnor if a relatively large equilibrium cell is used, the slight pres-sure drop does not affect the phase compositions significantly.The largest equilibrium cell described in an article within thisreview had a volume of 40dm3. It was used by van der Kraanet al.[28]for the measurement of the partitioning of C.I. DisperseOrange 3 between CO2 and poly(ethylene terephtalate) textilecloth.

    Small samples can be withdrawn using capillaries (Cap) orspecial sampling valves (Val), e.g. using HPLC-valves, or fast-acting electromagnetic or pneumatic valves, like the rapid on-linesampler-injector of Richon and coworkers [29]. Often samplingvalves are directly coupled to analytical equipment, in most casesto a gas chromatograph [30],but also to a high-performance liquidchromatograph, or a supercritical fluid chromatograph.

    The smallest equilibrium cell described in an article within thisreview had a volume of only 1cm3 and was used by Yamini andcoworkers[31,32].From this cell they took a sample-volume of102mm3 which is thelargest relative sample(10%) from a constantvolume cell[32].

    Sometimes, equilibrium cells used for analytical methods areequipped with one or more windows for visual observation of the

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    Table 3

    Pure-component systems:X.

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane (HFC-227ea) Lim et al.[507] 273323 0.10.9 85 SynTYun et al.[786] 288363 0.32.2 200 SynT

    1,1,1,2,3,3-Hexafluoropropane (HFC-236ea) Gruzdev et al.[329] 293412 0.13.3 439 SynT1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) Cui et al.[240] 263283 0.20.4 n.a. SynTVis

    Fedele et al.[296] 253293 0.10.6 50 SynTHong et al.[352] 295304 0.60.7 329 SynT

    Marcelino Neto and Barbosa[538] 283313 0.41 4000 SynTSaleh and Wendland[627] 253363 0.13.2 200 AnGravValtz et al.[731] 277360 0.33 n.a. SynTVis

    1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluoropropane (HFC-245fa) Pan et al.[589] 253403 02.3 11.3 SynVis1,10-Diaminodecane Nikitin et al.[574] 736736 2.42.4 n.a. SynNonPcTc1,12-Diaminododecane Nikitin et al.[574] 767767 22 n.a. SynNonPcTc1,1-Difluoroethane (HFC-152a) Lim et al.[504] 273323 0.21.1 85 SynT

    Madani et al.[532] 253348 0.12.1 n.a. AnTCapValVis1,1-Ethanediol diacetate VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 461618 0.12.9 n.a. SynNonConPcTc1,2,2,2-Tetrafluoroethyl trifluoromethyl ether

    (HFE-227me)Yasumoto et al.[777] 377377 3.63.6 16 SynVisVarPcTc

    1,2-Benzenediol VonNiederhausern et al.[749] 511754 03.9 n.a. SynNonCon1,2-Bis-(4-n-dodecyloxybenzoyl)hydrazine Maeda and Yokoyama[534] 405465 0.189 n.a. SynNon1,2-Bis-(4-n-octyloxybenzoyl)hydrazine Maeda and Yokoyama[534] 407467 0.183 n.a. SynNon1,2-Diaminoethane Nikitin et al.[574] 614614 6.66.6 n.a. SynNonPcTc1,2-Epoxy-2-methylpropane VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 320499 04.3 n.a. SynNonConPcTc1,3-Benzenediol VonNiederhausern et al.[749] 546836 06.2 n.a. SynNonConPcTc1,3-Butanediol VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 481692 0.15.1 n.a. SynNonConPcTc1,3-Diaminopropane Nikitin et al.[574] 632632 5.55.5 n.a. SynNonPcTc1,4-Diaminobutane Nikitin et al.[574] 651651 4.54.5 n.a. SynNonPcTc1,5-Hexadiene Giles and Wilson[316] 333373 0.10.3 n.a. SynT1,6-Diaminohexane Nikitin et al.[574] 685685 3.53.5 n.a. SynNonPcTc1,6-Hexanediol VonNiederhausern et al.[749] 523740 04 n.a. SynNonConPcTc1,8-Diaminooctane Nikitin et al.[574] 712712 2.82.8 n.a. SynNonPcTc1,9-Diaminononane Nikitin et al.[574] 726726 2.62.6 n.a. SynNonPcTc1-Butanol DellEra et al.[254] 364364 00 n.a. SynT

    Gil et al.[115] 563563 4.44.4 4 SynVisConPcTc1-Butene Ihmels et al.[365] 289419 0.24 n.a. SynVisVarPcTc

    Visuri et al.[743] 364364 1.51.5 113 SynT1-Dodecanethiol VonNiederhausern et al.[131] 544733 01.8 n.a. SynNonConPcTc1-Heptanol Gil et al.[115] 632632 33 4 SynVisConPcTc1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate

    [bmim] [PF6]Gomes de Azevedo et al.[119] 285303 0.188.9 0.8 SynNon

    1-Phenyldodecane Milhet et al.[547] 269292 0.1100 0.03 SynVis1-Phenylheptadecane Milhet et al.[547] 292292 0.10.1 0.03 SynVis

    1-Phenylhexadecane Milhet et al.[547] 299320 0.1100 0.03 SynVis1-Phenylnonadecane Milhet et al.[547] 302322 0.1100 0.03 SynVis1-Phenyloctadecane Milhet et al.[547] 309329 0.1100 0.03 SynVis1-Phenylpentadecane Milhet et al.[547] 285306 0.1100 0.03 SynVis1-Phenyltetradecane Milhet et al.[547] 289309 0.1100 0.03 SynVis1-Phenyltridecane Milhet et al.[547] 272293 0.1100 0.03 SynVis1-Phenylundecane Milhet et al.[547] 256277 0.1100 0.03 SynVis1-Propanol Gil et al.[115] 537537 5.15.1 4 SynVisConPcTc

    Roininen et al.[620] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynTVisuri et al.[743] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynT

    1-Tert-butoxy-2-propanol VonNiederhausern et al.[131] 450600 0.22.7 n.a. SynNonConPcTc2-(2-Aminoethoxy)-ethanol VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 500721 0.14.8 n.a. SynNonConPcTc2-Butanol DellEra et al.[254] 364364 0.10.1 n.a. SynT

    Laavi et al.[475] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynTRoininen et al.[620] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynTVisuri et al.[743] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynTWierink et al.[765] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynT

    2-Methyl-2-propanol DellEra et al.[254] 364364 0.10.1 n.a. SynTLaavi et al.[475] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynTRoininen et al.[620] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynTVisuri et al.[743] 364364 0.10.1 112.7 SynTWierink et al.[765] 364364 0.10.1 112.7 SynT

    2-Methylpropane (isobutane) Chen et al.[219] 272313 0.10.5 31.7 SynTGiles and Wilson[316] 298248 0.31.2 n.a. SynTGlos et al.[318] 115340 01 n.a. SynTMasui et al.[111] 310407 0.43.6 18 SynVisVarPcTcYasumoto et al.[776] 407407 3.63.6 16 SynVisVarPcTc

    2-Phenyl-1-ethanol Nikitin et al.[130] 720720 3.83.8 n.a. SynNonPcTc2-Phenylacetic acid (phenylethanoic acid) Nikitin et al.[576] 766766 3.93.9 n.a. SynNonPcTc2-Phenylethanol VonNiederhausern et al.[131] 488723 03.9 n.a. SynNonConPcTc2-Propanol (isopropanol) DellEra et al.[254] 364364 0.10.1 n.a. SynT

    Laavi et al.[475] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynTRoininen et al.[620] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynTVisuri et al.[743] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynTWierink et al.[765] 364364 0.10.1 113 SynT

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    Table 3 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    2-Propene-1-ol VonNiederhausern et al.[131] 438547 0.75.6 n.a. SynNonConPcTc3-(3-Chloro-)(4-n-

    octyloxybenzoyloxyphenyliminomethyl)phenyl-4-n-octyloxy biphenylcarboxylate

    Maeda et al.[533] 408491 0.1300 n.a. SynNon

    3-(4-n-octyloxybenzoyloxyphenyliminomethyl)phenyl-4-n-octyloxy biphenylcarboxylate

    Maeda et al.[533] 405506 0.1300 n.a. SynNon

    3,3-Diamino-4,4-azofurazan (DAAzF) Sinditskii et al.[683] 8731028 15 50 SynNon

    3-Phenyl-1-propanol Nikitin et al.[130] 732732 3.43.4 n.a. SynNonPcTc3-Phenylpropanoic acid Nikitin et al.[576] 776776 3.43.4 n.a. SynNonPcTc4-(Ethylpentoxy)-anilinebenzylidenen-4-carboxylic

    acidMaeda et al.[124] 423518 0.1300 n.a. SynNon

    4-Formylmorpholine VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 507779 05 n.a. SynNonConPcTc4-Hexyloxybenzoloxy-4-cyanoazobenzene Sandhya et al.[629] 399448 0.1150 n.a. SynNon4-Octyloxybenzoloxy-4-cyanoazobenzene Sandhya et al.[629] 368413 0.1120 n.a. SynNon4-Phenyl-1-butanol Nikitin et al.[130] 746746 33 n.a. SynNonPcTc4-Phenylbutanoic acid Nikitin et al.[576] 783783 3.23.2 n.a. SynNonPcTc5-Phenylpentanoic acid Nikitin et al.[576] 790790 2.92.9 n.a. SynNonPcTc6-Phenylhexanoic acid Nikitin et al.[576] 794794 2.62.6 n.a. SynNonPcTc7-Phenylheptanoic acid Nikitin et al.[576] 798798 2.42.4 n.a. SynNonPcTcAcetonitrile (ethanenitrile) Giles and Wilson[316] 393453 0.21 n.a. SynTAllyl chloride Giles and Wilson[316] 333373 0.10.4 n.a. SynTAmmonia Gil et al.[115] 405405 11.311.3 4 SynVisConPcTc

    Martin et al.[96] 403404 11.111.1 27 SynVisPcTcSato et al.[631] 310405 1.411.3 n.a. SynVisVarPcTcTomida et al.[718] 303373 1.16.2 65.2 SynTWu et al.[768] 286324 0.72 769 SynT

    Anhydrous caffeine Deiters and Randzio[252] 410560 0200 n.a. SynNonBenzene Xu et al.[772] 306663 1003000 94 SynNonVarBis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 835835 11 n.a. SynNonPcTcBromobenzene Xu et al.[772] 259587 1003500 94 SynNonVarButyl benzoate Nikitin et al.[577] 725725 2.42.4 n.a. SynNonPcTcCarbon dioxide Gil et al.[115] 304304 7.37.3 4 SynVisConPcTc

    Kim and Kim[423] 253303 1.97.2 150 SynTVisRavipaty et al.[612] 308328 10.128 1.6 AnPTSemYValSaleh and Wendland[627] 233293 15.7 200 AnGravShariati et al.[659] 293304 5.77.3 n.a. SynTVyhmeister et al.[751] 304305 3.37.6 n.a. SynVisVarPcTc

    Ceramide 3A (N-linoeoyl-phytosphingosine, 97%) Vezzu et al.[742] 397397 0.10.1 n.a. SynNonChlorobenzene Xu et al.[772] 246530 1003500 94 SynNonVarChloromethane (HCC-40) Giles and Wilson[316] 273313 0.20.8 n.a. SynTCholesterol Vezzu et al.[742] 420420 0.10.1 n.a. SynNonCis-2-Butene Ihmels et al.[365] 290435 0.14.2 n.a. SynVisVarPcTc

    Wierink et al.[765] 364364 1.11.1 113 SynTCyclohexane Gil et al.[115] 553553 44 4 SynVisConPcTcCyclopropane Fedele et al.[296] 253293 0.10.5 50 SynTDecylcyclohexane Milhet et al.[546] 271293 0.1100.1 0.03 SynVisDipropylene glycol VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 505705 0.13.3 n.a. SynNonConPcTcDibutyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 797797 1.61.6 n.a. SynNonPcTcDidecyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 870870 0.90.9 n.a. SynNonPcTcDiethyl oxalate VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 454645 0.13 n.a. SynNonConPcTcDiethyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 776776 2.22.2 n.a. SynNonPcTcDiheptyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 830830 1.21.2 n.a. SynNonPcTcDihexyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 817817 1.31.3 n.a. SynNonPcTcDimethoxymethane Pan et al.[589] 283398 00.9 11.3 SynVisDimethyl adipate Verevkin et al.[741] 692692 2.52.5 n.a. SynNonPcTcDimethyl disulfide VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 466607 0.65 n.a. SynNonConPcTcDimethyl ether Corvaro et al.[233] 219361 02.6 273.5 SynT

    Giles and Wilson[317] 253293 0.10.5 n.a. SynTIhmels and Lemmon[366] 264400 0.15.3 n.a. SynVisVarPcTc

    Valtz et al.[731] 278360 0.32.5 n.a. SynTVisWu and Yin[767] 213393 04.7 11.3 SynTVisYasumoto et al.[776] 303399 0.65.2 16 SynVisVarPcTc

    Dimethyl glutarate Verevkin et al.[741] 682682 2.72.7 n.a. SynNonPcTcDimethyl malonate Verevkin et al.[741] 649649 3.53.5 n.a. SynNonPcTcDimethyl oxalate Verevkin et al.[741] 639639 44 n.a. SynNonPcTcDimethyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 772772 2.72.7 n.a. SynNonPcTcDimethyl pimelate Verevkin et al.[741] 711711 2.32.3 n.a. SynNonPcTcDimethyl sebacate Verevkin et al.[741] 742742 22 n.a. SynNonPcTcDimethyl suberate Verevkin et al.[741] 723723 2.32.3 n.a. SynNonPcTcDimethyl succinate Verevkin et al.[741] 662662 33 n.a. SynNonPcTcDi-n-butyl disulfide VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 504614 0.10.7 n.a. SynNonConDinonyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 858858 11 n.a. SynNonPcTcDioctyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 840840 11 n.a. SynNonPcTcDipentyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 811811 1.41.4 n.a. SynNonPcTc

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    Table 3 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    Dipropyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 784784 1.91.9 n.a. SynNonPcTcDiundecyl phthalate Nikitin et al.[575] 886886 0.80.8 n.a. SynNonPcTcDodecylcyclohexane Milhet et al.[546] 285308 0.1100.1 0.03 SynVisEicosane Machado et al.[138] 318344 33.5150 n.a. SynNonEthane Gil et al.[115] 305305 4.84.8 4 SynVisConPcTc

    Zhang et al.[806] 188243 0.11 300 AnTVcirZhu et al.[815] 179210 0.10.3 300 AnTVcir

    Ethanol Bazaev et al.[184] 373513 0.26 32 SynTGil et al.[115] 514514 6.16.1 4 SynVisConPcTcEthyl benzoate Nikitin et al.[577] 700700 33 n.a. SynNonPcTcEthyl fluoride Chen et al.[220] 235372 0.14.7 141 SynTEthylene oxide Giles and Wilson[316] 298248 0.10.7 n.a. SynTFluoroethane (HFC-161) Cui et al.[240] 253323 0.21.7 n.a. SynTVisFreon R-404a Gruzdev et al.[330] 298330 1.22.6 438 SynT-Butyrolactone VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 474732 0.15.1 n.a. SynNonConPcTcHeavy fraction of Kumkolsk oil Kutcherov and Chernoutsan[125] 275320 0.1500 n.a. SynNon

    Kutcherov and Chernoutsan[125] 275320 0.1500 n.a. SynNonHexafluoroethane (PFC-116) Madani et al.[530] 253292 12.9 n.a. SynT

    Valtz et al.[734] 244292 0.72.9 28 SynTHexyl benzoate Nikitin et al.[577] 748748 1.91.9 n.a. SynNonPcTcHydrogen sulfide Thveneau et al.[713] 223373 0.18.9 n.a. SynVisHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.01) Manara et al.[134] 30713135 100150 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.03) Manara et al.[134] 30553130 100100 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.05) Manara et al.[134] 29643098 100100 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.07) Manara et al.[134] 29483070 50200 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.08) Manara et al.[134] 28863075 100100 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.09) Manara et al.[134] 29013056 100100 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.11) Manara et al.[134] 27932995 100100 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.12) Manara et al.[134] 26963020 100120 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.14) Manara et al.[134] 26072930 100100 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.16) Manara et al.[134] 26062920 1010 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.17) Manara et al.[134] 25282891 50200 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.2) Manara et al.[134] 24382865 100100 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.21) Manara et al.[134] 24102795 100100 n.a. SynNonHyperstoichiometric uranium dioxide (UO2.66U3O8) Manara et al.[134] 20102010 100100 n.a. SynNonIndium Ledru et al.[482] 434444 64403 n.a. SynNonIsobutane (2-methylpropane) Laavi et al.[475] 364364 1.61.6 113 SynTIsobutene Ihmels et al.[365] 285418 0.24 n.a. SynVisVarPcTc

    Yun et al.[786] 288363 0.21.5 200 SynTIsopropyl acetate Giles and Wilson[316] 393453 0.20.9 n.a. SynTKomsomolsk oil Kutcherov and Chernoutsan[125] 249373 0.1500 n.a. SynNonLinear polyethylene (LPE) Sato et al.[632] 394454 0.1200 n.a. SynNonVar

    Mercury Dan and Grolier[242] 234238 1590 18 SynNonVarGrolier and Dan[328] 234238 1590 18 SynNonVar

    Methane Zhu et al.[816] 159178 1.53.1 300 SynTMethanol Bazaev et al.[158] 423653 1.440 32 SynOthPcTc

    DellEra et al.[254] 364364 0.20.2 n.a. SynTGil et al.[115] 512512 88 4 SynVisConPcTcLaavi et al.[475] 364364 0.20.2 113 SynTRoininen et al.[620] 364364 0.20.2 113 SynTVisuri et al.[743] 364364 0.20.2 113 SynTWierink et al.[765] 364364 0.20.2 113 SynT

    Methyl benzoate Nikitin et al.[577] 695695 3.43.4 n.a. SynNonPcTcMethylpentafluoroethylether (HFE-245mc) Yasumoto et al.[777] 406406 2.82.8 16 SynVisVarPcTcModel oil Kutcherov and Chernoutsan[125] 275320 0.1500 n.a. SynNonNaphthalene VonNiederhausern et al.[131] 502750 0.14.1 n.a. SynNonConPcTcn-Butane DellEra et al.[254] 364364 1.21.2 n.a. SynT

    Glos et al.[318] 135340 00.7 n.a. SynTLim et al.[504] 273323 0.10.4 85 SynT

    Miyamoto[549] 280424 0.13.7 25 SynTVarYasumoto et al.[776] 425425 3.73.7 16 SynVisVarPcTcn-Butyl acrylate VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 441601 0.12.8 n.a. SynNonConPcTcn-Heptane Ewing and Ochoa[153] 372537 0.12.6 605 SynPVcirn-Hexadecane Milhet et al.[103] 291313 0.1100 0.03 SynVisn-Hexane Ewing and Ochoa[154] 315504 02.8 605 SynPVcir

    Gil et al.[115] 507507 33 4 SynVisConPcTcNitrobenzene Xu et al.[772] 299614 1003000 94 SynNonVarN-Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 519741 0.14.1 n.a. SynNonConPcTcNonadecylcyclohexane Milhet et al.[546] 315333 0.1100.1 0.03 SynVisn-Pentadecane Milhet et al.[103] 283303 0.1100 0.03 SynVisn-Pentane Ewing and Ochoa[286] 309456 02.7 605 SynPVcirn-Tetradecane Milhet et al.[103] 279302 0.1100 0.03 SynVisOctadecylcyclohexane Milhet et al.[546] 314328 0.1100.1 0.03 SynVisOxazole VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 479550 2.46.7 n.a. SynNonConPcTc

    p-Diisopropyl benzene VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 518676 0.22.3 n.a. SynNonConPcTcPentadecylcyclohexane Milhet et al.[546] 298320 0.1100.1 0.03 SynVisPentafluoroethane (HFC-125) Chen et al.[219] 272313 0.62 31.7 SynT

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    Table 3 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    Fedele et al.[296] 253293 0.31.2 50 SynTPentyl benzoate Nikitin et al.[577] 736736 2.12.1 n.a. SynNonPcTcPetroleum product FR 353383 K of catalytic cracking Ovchinnikov et al.[586] 393522 324.6 n.a. AnTPetroleum product FR 383413 K of catalytic cracking Ovchinnikov et al.[586] 445558 2.617.9 n.a. AnTPetroleum product FR 413443 K of catalytic cracking Ovchinnikov et al.[586] 443579 1.213 n.a. AnTPetroleum product FR 443473 K of catalytic cracking Ovchinnikov et al.[586] 472593 1.310.4 n.a. AnTPetroleum wax from Kumkolsk oil Kutcherov and Chernoutsan[125] 275320 0.1500 n.a. SynNon

    Phenol Nikitin et al.[130] 695695 5.65.6 n.a. SynNonPcTcPhenyl isocyanate VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 479656 0.24 n.a. SynNonConPcTcPiperazine VonNiederhausern et al.[749] 445656 0.15.4 n.a. SynNonConPcTcPoly(ethylene-co-1-butene) (EB) Sato et al.[632] 354394 0.1200 n.a. SynNonVarPoly(ethylene-co-1-hexene) (EH) Sato et al.[632] 394454 0.1200 n.a. SynNonVarPoly(ethylene-co-1-octene) (EO) Sato et al.[632] 354414 0.1200 n.a. SynNonVarPoly(ethylene-co-propylene) (EP) Sato et al.[632] 314354 0.1200 n.a. SynNonVarPropane Gil et al.[115] 369369 4.24.2 4 SynVisConPcTc

    Glos et al.[318] 90340 02.4 n.a. SynTHo et al.[41] 273313 0.41.3 85 SynTVisHonda et al.[351] 320370 1.64.2 18 SynVisVarPcTcKim and Kim[423] 253323 0.21.7 150 SynTVisLim et al.[507] 273323 0.41.7 85 SynTMay et al.[543] 260293 0.30.8 1000 SynTMiyamoto and Uematsu[548] 280369 0.54.1 25 SynTVarYasumoto et al.[776] 369369 4.24.2 16 SynVisVarPcTc

    Propene Giles and Wilson[317] 253293 0.31 n.a. SynTGlos et al.[318] 95340 02.9 n.a. SynTHo et al.[41] 273313 0.51.6 85 SynTVis

    Propyl benzoate Nikitin et al.[577] 710710 2.62.6 n.a. SynNonPcTcSulfolane VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 560829 0.14.1 n.a. SynNonConTert-butyl acetate VonNiederhausern et al.[748] 472541 13 n.a. SynNonConPcTcTetrabutoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 682682 1.11.1 n.a. SynNonPcTcTetracontane Machado et al.[138] 351385 10130 n.a. SynNonTetracosane Deiters and Randzio[252] 320353 0130 n.a. SynNon

    Machado et al.[138] 326357 10150 n.a. SynNonTetradecylcyclohexane Milhet et al.[546] 297320 0.1100.1 0.03 SynVisTetradexoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 849849 0.60.6 n.a. SynNonPcTcTetraethoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 587587 22 n.a. SynNonPcTcTetrafluoromethane (CFC-14) Zhu et al.[815] 179210 0.62.1 300 AnTVcir

    Zhu et al.[816] 159178 0.20.6 300 SynTTetraheptoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 778778 0.70.7 n.a. SynNonPcTcTetrahexoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 757757 0.70.7 n.a. SynNonPcTcTetramethoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 558558 2.82.8 n.a. SynNonPcTcTetramethyl orthosilicate Anderson[149] 334522 01.4 5.6 SynT

    Tetranonoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 830830 0.60.6 n.a. SynNonPcTcTetraoctoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 812812 0.60.6 n.a. SynNonPcTcTetrapentoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 714714 0.80.8 n.a. SynNonPcTcTetrapropoxysilane Nikitin et al.[578] 649649 1.31.3 n.a. SynNonPcTcThioanisole VonNiederhausern et al.[131] 436705 0.14 n.a. SynNonConPcTcTin Ledru et al.[482] 508511 64370 n.a. SynNonTrans-2-butene Ihmels et al.[365] 274428 0.14 n.a. SynVisVarPcTc

    Roininen et al.[620] 364364 1.21.2 113 SynTTriacontane Machado et al.[138] 338372 10150 n.a. SynNon

    VonNiederhausern et a l.[131] 713809 0.10.4 n.a. SynNonConTridecylcyclohexane Milhet et al.[546] 286309 0.1100.1 0.03 SynVisTrifluoromethane (HFC-23) Shariati et al.[659] 288298 3.64.7 n.a. SynT

    Zhang et al.[806] 188243 0.11 300 AnTVcirTrifluoromethoxymethane (HFE-143m) Yasumoto et al.[777] 377377 2.62.6 16 SynVisVarPcTcUndecylcyclohexane Milhet et al.[546] 272293 0.1100.1 0.03 SynVisUranium dioxide (UO2) Manara et al.[134] 31473147 100100 n.a. SynNonVinyl chloride Giles and Wilson[316] 273313 0.10.6 n.a. SynT

    Vulcanized rubber Grolier and Dan[328] 225240 1090 18 SynNonVarWater Salzmann[628] 77170 2001900 3.8 SynNon

    cell content (Vis). Secuianu et al.[33]used a variable volume cellwith two sapphire windows where one of the windows acts as apiston.

    Analytical methods without sampling can be realized using aphysicochemical method of analysis inside the equilibrium cellunder pressure. This can be spectroscopic methods (AnSpec), e.g.Koglbauer and Wendland[34],gravimetric methods (AnGrav), e.g.C.B. Li et al.[35],or other methods (AnOth), e.g. Hussain et al.[36]who used a quartz crystal microbalance. These methods avoid theproblems related to sampling from a high-pressure cell.

    The main advantage of analytical methods is that they can beused for systems with more than two components without sig-nificant complications. When the compositions of all phases areanalyzed, each experiment yields complete information on the tie-line(s).

    3.1.1. Analytical isothermal methods (AnT)

    Characteristic for isothermal methods is that the temperatureof the system stays constant during the equilibration process, e.g.

    when thesystem is in contact with a heat reservoir. The other equi-

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    Table 4

    Binary systems: carbon dioxide +X.

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    (1-Methylimidazole)(triethylamine)boronium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [Et3NBH2mim] [Tf2N]

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298298 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    (1S,2R)-1-Hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1-phenylpropan-2-ammonium triflate [EP][Tfo]

    Scurto et al.[648] 364364 1515 n.a. SynVis

    (Acetylacetonato)(1,5-cyclooctadiene)rhodium(I) Aschenbrenner et al.


    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    (R)-1-Methoxy-N,N,N-trimethylbutan-2-ammoniumbis(trifyl)imide [IHETMAm] [Tf2N]

    Scurto et al.[648] 272272 22 n.a. SynVis

    (S)-(+)-Ibuprofen Suleiman et al.[68] 313313 1422 n.a. AnPTChroSuleiman et al.[68] 313313 2020 n.a. AnPTSemY

    (S)-(+)-Naproxen Suleiman et al.[68] 313313 1428 n.a. AnPTChroSuleiman et al.[68] 313313 2020 n.a. AnPTSemY

    (S)-N-(1-Hydroxybutan-2-yl)-N,N-dimethylbutan-1-ammonium+ mentholsulfate [MTOA] [+MS]

    Scurto et al.[648] 333340 1535 n.a. SynVis

    1-(1-Hydroxypropyl)-methylimidazolium nitrate [hopmim] [NO3] Bermejo et al.[105] 303353 0.811.6 n.a. SynVisVar1-(Prop-2c-enyloxy)-9,10-anthraquinone Shamsipur et al.

    [657]308348 15.235.5 1 AnTValY

    1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (HFC-134a) Lim et al.[508] 323343 1.67.1 50 AnTVLcirValVis1,1,3,3-Tetramethylguanidium lactate Zhang et al.[798] 308327 0.410.1 n.a. SynTVis1,1-Difluoroethane (HFC-152a) Di Nicola et al.[260] 223343 03.8 273.5 SynNon

    Madani et al.[532] 258343 0.17.6 n.a. AnTCapValVis1,2-Butanediol Inomata et al.[377] 313333 4.413.9 n.a. AnPTCon1,2-Epoxycyclohexane van Schilt et al.[736] 353423 1.513.6 n.a. SynVisVar1,3,5-Tri-tert-butylbenzene Dilek et al.[93] 298328 2.119.4 60 SynNonVisVar

    Dilek et al.[93] 298328 2.119.4 60 SynVisVar1,3-Butanediol Inomata et al.[377] 313333 3.913.9 n.a. AnPTCon1,4-Bis(1-methylethylamino)-9,10-anthraquinone Kautz et al.[54] 305340 7.917.7 0.63 AnPTSemYSpec1,4-Bis(butylamino)-9,10-anthraquinone Kautz et al.[54] 305340 7.619 0.63 AnPTSemYSpec1,4-Bis(ethylamino)-9,10-anthraquinone Kautz et al.[54] 299346 7.618.6 0.63 AnPTSemYSpec1,4-Bis(methylamino)-9,10-anthraquinone Kautz et al.[54] 299345 6.718.8 0.63 AnPTSemYSpec1,4-Bis(octylamino)-9,10-anthraquinone Kautz et al.[54] 310340 919.9 0.63 AnPTSemYSpec1,4-Bis(pentylamino)-9,10-anthraquinone Kautz et al.[54] 299340 6.518.7 0.63 AnPTSemYSpec1,4-Dihydroxy-2-(prop-2-enyl)-9,10-anthraquinone Shamsipur et al.

    [657]308348 15.235.5 1 AnTValY

    1,4-Dihydroxy-9,10-anthraquinone Shamsipur et al.[657]

    308348 15.235.5 1 AnTValY

    1,4-Dimethoxy-9,10-anthraquinone Shamsipur et al.[657]

    308348 15.235.5 1 AnTValY

    1,5-Naphthalenediamine Khimeche et al.[421] 313333 1120 n.a. AnPTSemY 15-Crown-5 (1,4,7,10,13-pentaoxacyclopentadecane) Kong et al.[440] 308313 7.930 3.14 AnPTChro

    1-Butanol Elizalde-Solis et al.[281]

    354430 216.1 100 AnTCapValVis

    Ghaziaskar et al.[314]

    323323 8.514 16 AnPTSemY

    Najdanovic-Visaket al.[570]

    313333 5.710.7 24 SynVisVar

    1-Chloro-1,2,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (HCFC-124) Jeong et al.[387] 313333 0.57.7 320 AnTVLcirValVis1-Decanol Ghaziaskar et al.

    [314]323323 1018 16 AnPTSemY

    1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium 2-(2-methoxyethoxy) ethylsulfate[Emim] [MDEGSO4]

    Soriano et al.[82] 303343 0.86.7 n.a. AnGrav

    1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate [emim] [Ac] Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01,9 n.a. AnGrav1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide

    ([emim] [Tf2N])Kim et al.[147] 298298 0.20.9 n.a. SynT

    1-Ethyl-3methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide[emim] [Tf2N]

    Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01,9 n.a. AnGrav

    1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide

    [emim] [Tf2N]

    Shin et al.[671] 292344 1.243.2 31 SynVisVar

    1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate [emim] [EtSO4] Petermann et al.[79] 298298 0.16 n.a. AnGrav1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate Shariati and Peters

    [658]310370 199 3.5 SynVisVar

    1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([emim] [BF4]) Kim et al.[147] 298298 0.20.8 n.a. SynT1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [Emim] [BF4] Soriano et al.[688] 303343 0.44.3 n.a. AnGrav1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoroacetate [emim] [TFA] Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate [C2mim]

    [TfO]Shin and Lee[672] 303344 0.837.8 31 SynVisVar

    1-Heptanol Secuianu et al.[33] 284310 4.48 60 SynVisVarSecuianu et al.[33] 289353 0.514 60 AnTVisVarSecuianu et al.[649] 298316 0.611.4 60 AnTVisVar

    1-Hexadecylpyrdinium chloride [HDPy] [Cl] Scurto et al.[648] 344348 1515 n.a. SynVis1-Hydroxy-4-(prop-2-enyloxy)-9,10-anthraquinone Shamsipur et al.

    [657]308348 15.235.5 1 AnTValY

    1-Hydroxy-9,10-anthraquinone Shamsipur et al.[657]

    308348 15.235.5 1 AnTValY

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    Table 4 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    1-Methyl-3-(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,6-nonafluorohexyl)imidazoliumbis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C6H4F9mim] [Tf2N]

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298333 1.39 n.a. SynT1-Methyl-3-(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-

    tridecafluorooctyl)imidazoliumbis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C8H4F13mim] [Tf2N]

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298298 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav


    Tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate ([bmpyrr] [FEP])

    Zhang et al.[802] 283323 01.8 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Butyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([bmim] [BF4]) Chen et al.[221] 307322 19 n.a. SynVis1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazoium hexyfluorophosphate [bmim]

    [PF6]Shariati et al.[659] 293363 0.573.5 n.a. SynVisVar

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethylsulfate(Ecoeng 41 M)

    Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 1.39 n.a. SynT1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate ([bmim] [Ac]) Shiflett and Yokozeki

    [667]281292 4.55.6 1.2 SynOthVis

    Shiflett and Yokozeki[667]

    283348 01.9 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate [bmim][Ac] Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium

    bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([bmim] [Tf2N])Anthony et al.[74] 283323 01.3 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazoliumbis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [bmim] [Tf2N]

    Lee and Outcalt[483] 279339 0.24.7 35.9 SynTVis

    Shin et al.[671] 293344 142.8 31 SynVisVar1-n-Butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride [C4MIm] [Cl] Scurto et al.[648] 332332 1515 n.a. SynVis1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate Shariati and Peters

    [658]290365 186 3.5 SynVisVar

    1-n-Butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium hexafluorophosphate Zhang et al.[808] 313313 116 50 AnTVisVar1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([bmim]

    [PF6])Kim et al.[147] 298298 0.50.6 n.a. SynT

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate [bmim][PF6]

    Kumean et al.[461] 293395 0.19.6 29.2 SynVis

    Shiflett and Yokozeki[81]

    283348 02 n.a. AnGrav

    Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGravZhang et al.[798] 297322 0.78 n.a. SynTVis

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium iminoacetric acid acetate [bmim][IAAc]

    Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium isobutyrate [bmim] [ISB] Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium levulinate [bmim] [LEV] Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium methyl sulfate [bmim] [CH3SO4] Kumean et al.[461] 293413 0.99.8 29.2 SynVis1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate [bmim] [NO3] Bermejo et al.[105] 292368 0.312.8 n.a. SynVisVar

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium pentadecafluorooctanoate[bmim] [C7F15CO2]

    Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 1.39 n.a. SynT1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium propionate [bmim] [PRO] Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium succinamate [bmim] [SUC] Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([bmim] [BF4]) Anthony et al.[74] 283323 01.3 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [bmim] [BF4] Shiflett and Yokozeki

    [81]282348 02 n.a. AnGrav

    Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 02 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroethanesulfonate

    [bmim] [TFES]Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoroacetate [bmim] [TFA] Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGravMuldoon et al.[84] 333333 1.311 n.a. SynTYokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate[C2mim] [TfO]

    Shin and Lee[672] 303344 0.837.5 31 SynVisVar

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium trimethylacetate [bmim] [TMA] Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Butyl-3-methylimidazoliumtris(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)methide [bmim] [methide] Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 1.39 n.a. SynT1-n-Butyl-nicotinic acid butyl ester

    bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [b2-Nic] [Tf2N]Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 1.39 n.a. SynT1-n-Hexyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([hmim] [BF4]) Chen et al.[221] 307322 19 n.a. SynVis1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolim

    bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)-imide [hmim] [Tf2N]Shiflett and Yokozeki[665]

    282348 01.9 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium acesulfamate [hmim] [ACE] Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium

    bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C6-mim] [Tf2N]Kumelan et al.[463] 293413 0.69.9 30 SynVis

    Shin et al.[671] 303344 1.439 31 SynVisVar1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium

    bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [hmim] [Tf2N]Muldoon et al.[84] 298298 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Yokozeki et al.[780] 297297 01.9 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Hexyl-3-methyl-imidazolium bis(trifyl)imide Ren and Scurto[141] 333333 2.412.2 5.72 SynTVis

    Ren and Scurto[141] 333333 2.412.2 5.72 SynTVis

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    J.M.S. Fonseca et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 300 (2011) 169 11

    Table 4 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate Shariati and Peters[658]

    295365 193 3.5 SynVisVar

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([C6mim][PF6])

    Kim et al.[147] 298298 0.20.9 n.a. SynT

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium saccarinate [hmim] SAC] Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate ([C6mim]

    [BF4])Kim et al.[147] 298298 0.30.8 n.a. SynT

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [C6-mim] [BF4] Costantini et al.[236] 278368 0.510.1 3.5 SynVisVarCostantini et al.[236] 303362 4.886.6 n.a. SynVisKroon et al.[448] 278362 2.967.6 n.a. SynVisKroon et al.[448] 278368 0.512.8 3.5 SynVisVar

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumtri(bisfluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C6mim] [Tf2N]

    Kim et al.[147] 298298 0.10.8 n.a. SynT

    Kim et al.[425] 298298 0.10.8 n.a. AnTVcirVal1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate

    [C2mim] [TfO]Shin and Lee[672] 303344 1.236.3 31 SynVisVar

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumtris(heptafluoropropyl)trifluorophosphate [hmim] [pFAP]

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298298 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumTris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate ([hmim] [FEP])

    Zhang et al.[802] 283323 01.7 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazoliumtris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate [hmim] [eFAP]

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298333 1.39 n.a. SynT1-n-Hexyl-3-methylimidazolium

    tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate [hmim] [FAP]Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Hexyl-3-methylpyridinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide[hmpy] [Tf2N]

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298298 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    1-n-Octyl-3-methyl imidazolium tetrtafluoroborate ([omim] [BF4]) Chen et al.[221] 307322 19 n.a. SynVis1-n-Octyl-3-methylimidazolium

    bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C8-mim] [Tf2N]Shin et al.[671] 301344 0.634.8 31 SynVisVar

    1-n-Octyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate [C8mim] [BF4] Gutkowski et al.[332]

    293363 0.1100 3.5 SynVisVar

    1-n-Octyl-3-methylimidazolium trifluoromethanesulfonate[C2mim] [TfO]

    Shin and Lee[672] 303344 0.634 31 SynVisVar

    1-n-Pentyl-3-methylimidazoliumtris(nonafluorobutyl)trifluorophosphate [p5mim] [bFAP]

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Muldoon et al.[84] 298333 1.39 n.a. SynT1-Octanol Chiu et al.[224] 313348 3.218.2 60 SynVisVar

    Fourie et al.[819] 308348 6.817.9 80 SynVisVarHou et al.[356] 303323 18 50 AnTBloVisVarKe et al.[140] 300333 6.522.9 320 SynNonPcTc

    1-Pentanol Hou et al.[356] 303323 18.1 50 AnTBloVisVar

    1-Propanol Elizalde-Solis et al.[281]

    344426 10.615.7 100 AnTCapValVis

    Secuianu et al.[651] 293353 0.612.6 60 AnTVisVarSchilderman et al.[638]

    312450 0.614.4 3.5 SynVisVar

    2-(2-Hydroxy ethoxy)-ammonium acetate (HEAA) Yuan et al.[783] 303323 0.77.6 n.a. SynT2-(2-Hydroxy ethoxy)-ammonium formate (HEAF) Yuan et al.[783] 303323 0.68.5 n.a. SynT2-(2-Hydroxy ethoxy)-ammonium lactate (HEAL) Yuan et al.[783] 303323 1.28.5 n.a. SynT2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol Lazzaroni et al.[479] 298313 1.17.7 150 SynTVis2,2,2-Trifluoroethyl methacrylate Kwon et al.[474] 323353 2.311.7 n.a. SynVisVar2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (isooctane) Mutelet et al.[564] 278393 1.211.1 1.712.4 SynVisVar

    Zhang et al.[790] 270282 1.43,6 474 AnT2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato potassium Aschenbrenner et al.

    [177]333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato rubidium Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato silver(I) Aschenbrenner et al.


    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    2,2-Bipyridine Bai et al.[179] 313323 8.111.4 7.11 SynVis2,2-Dichloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HCFC-123) Jeong et al.[387] 313333 0.88 320 AnTVLcirValVis2,2-Dimethyl-1,3-propanediol Park et al.[593] 352403 18.9166 n.a. SynVisVar2,2-Oxybis(N,N-dibutylacetamide) Liu et al.[512] 313333 8.813.1 7.11 SynVis2,2-Oxybis(N,N-diethylacetamide) Liu et al.[512] 313333 8.713.3 7.11 SynVis2,2-Oxybis(N,N-dihexylacetamide) Liu et al.[512] 313333 916.4 7.11 SynVis2,3,5,6,-Tetramethylpyrazine Sun et al.[704] 318338 1030 10 AnPTSemY 2,3,5-Trimethyl phenol Ravipaty et al.[611] 308308 10.128 1.6 AnPTSemYVal2,3-Dimethyl phenol Ravipaty et al.[611] 308308 10.128 1.6 AnPTSemYVal2,3-Dimethylpyrazine Shen et al.[661] 294381 2.134.9 15 SynVisVar2,4,6-Trimethyl phenol Ravipaty et al.[611] 308308 10.128 1.6 AnPTSemYVal2,5-Dimethyl phenol Ravipaty et al.[611] 308308 10.128 1.6 AnPTSemYVal2,5-Dimethylhexane Mutelet et al.[564] 278413 2.512.5 12.4 SynVisVar2-Acetylpyrazine Shen et al.[661] 295371 2.119.7 15 SynVisVar2-Ethoxyethanol Missopolinou et al.

    [43]313328 1.49.8 202.1 AnTVLcirValVis

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    12 J.M.S. Fonseca et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 300 (2011) 169

    Table 4 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    2-Ethyl-1-hexanol Ghaziaskar et al.[314]

    313313 9.99.9 16 AnPTSemY

    2-Ethylhexanoic acid Ghaziaskar et al.[314]

    313313 9.99.9 16 AnPTSemY

    2-Ethylhexyl methacrylate Liu et al.[519] 313393 3.215.4 28 SynVisVar2-Hydroxy ethylammonium acetate (HEA) Yuan et al.[783] 303323 0.810.9 n.a. SynT2-Hydroxy ethylammonium formate (HEF) Yuan et al.[783] 303323 0.410 n.a. SynT

    2-Hydroxy ethylammonium lactate (HEL) Yuan et al.[783] 303323 0.710 n.a. SynT2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate Soares da Silva et al.[686]

    313338 2.821 n.a. SynVisVar

    2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) Byun and Choi[207] 313393 5.326.8 28 SynVisVarPc2-Hydroxypropyl acrylate (HPA) Byun and Choi[207] 313393 5.225.9 28 SynVisVarPc2-Hydroxypropyl methacrylate (HPMA) Byun and Choi[207] 313393 5.323.6 28 SynVisVarPc2-Methoxypyrazine Shen et al.[661] 294372 0.716.6 15 SynVisVar2-Methyl-1-propanol (isobutanol) Inomata et al.[377] 313313 4.16.9 n.a. AnPTCon2-Methylbutanol Inomata et al.[377] 313333 3.99.8 n.a. AnPTCon2-Methylbutyric ester oil Bobbo et al.[191] 283283 04.5 180 SynVis2-Methylhexanoic ester oil Bobbo et al.[191] 283283 04.5 180 SynVis2-Methyl-N-phenylacetamide Huang et al.[357] 308328 12.122.5 300 AnPTSemY 2-Methylpropane (isobutane) Li et al.[496] 304409 3.67.5 18 SynVisPcTc2-Methylpyrazine Shen et al.[661] 294387 1.928.4 15 SynVisVar2-Methylvaleric ester oil Bobbo et al.[191] 283283 04.5 180 SynVis2-Octanol Fourie et al.[819] 308348 6.714.9 80 SynVisVar

    Ke et al.[140] 297334 612.5 320 SynNonPcTc2-Phenyl-4H-1,3-benzoxazin-4-one Suleiman et al.[68] 318328 1030 n.a. AnPTChro

    Suleiman et al.[68] 318328 2020 n.a. AnPTSemY 2-Propanol (isopropanol) Elizalde-Solis et al.

    [281]334443 9.113.7 100 AnTCapValVis

    Khalil et al.[420] 308348 1.711.3 n.a. SynNonLazzaroni et al.[479] 313313 0.77.5 150 SynTVisLim et al.[506] 323353 110.7 50 AnTVLcirValVisZevnik and Levec[788]

    298313 5.27.4 300 AnTX

    2-Sulfosalicylic acid Tian et al.[715] 308328 821 100 AnPTSemY 2-Trifluoromethylbenzoic acid Higashi et al.[347] 308323 9.322.6 220 AnPTSemY 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,10-Heptadecafluoro-1-decanol Shin et al.[674] 313363 2.914.3 25 SynVisVar3-Methyl-1-butanol (isopentanol) Inomata et al.[377] 313333 3.810.7 n.a. AnPTCon3-Methylpentane Mutelet et al.[564] 293383 2.811.1 12.4 SynVisVar3-Octanol Fourie et al.[819] 308348 6.714.4 80 SynVisVar3-Trifluoromethylbenzoic acid Higashi et al.[347] 308323 9.422.5 315 AnPTSemY

    Higashi et al.[347] 308323 9.622.4 220 AnPTSemY 4,4-Diaminodiphenylmethane Khimeche et al.[421] 313333 1120 n.a. AnPTSemY

    4,4-Dimethyl-2,2-bipyridine Bai et al.[179] 308318 9.625.9 7.11 SynVis4-Methyl-N-phenylacetamide Huang et al.[357] 308328 12.122.5 300 AnPTSemY 4-Octanol Fourie et al.[819] 308348 7.114.3 80 SynVisVar4-Phenyl phenol Ravipaty et al.[611] 308308 10.128 1.6 AnPTSemYVal4-Phenyltoluene Leeke et al.[487] 353383 10.229.2 100 SynNonVis4-Tert-butyl phenol Ravipaty et al.[611] 308308 10.128 1.6 AnPTSemYVal5-Fluorouracil Suleiman et al.[68] 318328 1225 n.a. AnPTChro

    Suleiman et al.[68] 318328 2020 n.a. AnPTSemY Acetic acid (ethanoic acid) Calvo and de Loos

    [208]283303 2.95.1 n.a. SynVis

    Acetic anhydride Calvo and de Loos[208]

    283363 0.414.8 n.a. SynVisPcTc

    Acetone Chiu et al.[225] 291131 0.77.9 n.a. SynVisVarHan et al.[333] 333393 2.311.7 n.a. AnTVisVarLazzaroni et al.[479] 323323 0.47.1 150 SynTVisStievano andElvassore[122]

    291323 0.74 60 SynNonLCirVisVar

    Wu et al.[133] 333482 6.711.7 n.a. SynNonConAcetonitrile (ethanenitrile) Lazzaroni et al.[479] 313313 0.27.2 150 SynTVisAcetylsalicylic acid Ravipaty et al.[612] 308328 15.128 1.6 AnPTSemYValAcrylonitrile Favareto et al.[292] 303333 4.79.9 25 SynVisVar-d-Glucopyranose pentaacetate Haines et al.[70] 313313 3.910 15 AnSpec-Methylbenzyl acetate Calvo and de Loos

    [208]283363 0.414.6 n.a. SynVis

    -Methylbenzyl alcohol Calvo and de Loos[208]

    283363 0.613.9 n.a. SynVis

    Anhydrous caffeine Deiters and Randzio[252]

    365560 0200 n.a. SynNon

    Anthracene Esmaeilzadeh andGoodarznia[283]

    318318 10.120.1 n.a. AnPTSemY

    Argon Coquelet et al.[232] 233299 1.514 28 AnTCapValVisArtemisinin (artemisia annua L.) Coimbra et al.[227] 308328 10.425.2 30 AnTValVisAstaxanthin de la Fuente et al.

    [247]313333 9.440 50 AnTValVis

    -Tocopherol succinate Hybertson[363] 313323 1530 7.5 AnPTSemYVal

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    J.M.S. Fonseca et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 300 (2011) 169 13

    Table 4 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    Atorvastatin Hojjati et al.[32] 308348 12.135.4 1 AnTValY Azelaic acid Sparks et al.[689] 313333 1030 100 AnPTSemY Azo dye 2-[6-((E)-2-[4-(diethylamino)-2-methylphenyl]-1-

    diazenyl)-1,3-dioxo-1H-benzol[de]isoquinolin-2(3H)-yl]acetateHojjati et al.[350] 308348 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

    Azo dye 6-((E)-2-[4-(diethylamino)phenyl]-1-diazenyl)-2-propyl-1H-benzo[de]isoquinoline-1,3(2H)-dione

    Hojjati et al.[350] 308348 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

    Azo dye ethyl 2-[6-((E)-2-3-hydroxy-2-naphthyl-1-diazenyl)-1,3-


    Hojjati et al.[350] 308348 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

    Azodicarbonamide Suleiman et al.[68] 318328 1030 n.a. AnPTChroSuleiman et al.[68] 318328 2020 n.a. AnPTSemY

    Babassu fat Soares et al.[687] 313353 2035 100 AnTY -Carotene Saldana et al.[87] 313323 1220 n.a. AnOth-d-Galactose pentaacetate Dilek et al.[263] 308323 9.915.4 60 SynNonVisVar

    Dilek et al.[263] 308323 915.6 60 SynVisVar-d-Glucopyranose penta(isobutyrate) Haines et al.[70] 313313 3.921 15 AnSpec-d-Glucopyranose penta(trimethylacetate) Haines et al.[70] 313313 3.910 15 AnSpec-d-Glucopyranose pentaacetate Haines et al.[70] 313313 3.910 15 AnSpec-d-Glucopyranose pentabutyrate Haines et al.[70] 313313 3.920 15 AnSpec-d-Glucopyranose pentapropionate Haines et al.[70] 313313 3.921 15 AnSpec-d-Maltose octaacetate Hong et al.[353] 253323 2.319 120 SynVisBeclomethasone dipropionate Vatanara et al.[737] 338358 21.338.5 1 AnTBenzene Lay et al.[478] 293308 1.77.3 130 AnTVisVarBenzoic acid Bertakis et al.[189] 370391 1.920.6 50 SynVisVar

    Harris et al.[339] 403458 020.7 112.8 SynTUchida et al.[727] 371395 0.122.7 35 SynVisWang et al.[754] 313313 12.112.1 n.a. SynVis

    Benzyl acrylate Liu et al.[520] 313393 5.924.4 28 SynVisVarBenzyl methacrylate Liu et al.[520] 313393 5.724.4 28 SynVisVarBenzyldodecyldimethylammonium bromide [BDMDDAm] Br] Scurto et al.[648] 295300 55 n.a. SynVisBertholletia excelsa oil (Brazil nut oil) Rodrigues et al.[618] 323343 1530 1000 AnTCapBeta-sitosterol Dohrn et al.[95] 374401 0.113.8 250 SynVisVarBiphenyl Leeke et al.[487] 353383 10.129.5 100 SynNonVisBis(1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium iminodiacetate [bmim]2[IDA] Yokozeki et al.[780] 298298 01.9 n.a. AnGravBis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)(1,5-

    cyclooctadiene)ruthenium(II)Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1025 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)copper(II) Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)nickel(II) Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)zinc Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY



    Khajeh et al.[31] 338358 12.235.5 1 AnTValY


    Khajeh et al.[31] 338358 12.235.5 1 AnTValY


    Khajeh et al.[31] 338358 12.235.5 1 AnTValY


    Khajeh et al.[31] 328348 12.235.5 1 AnTValY


    Khajeh et al.[31] 328348 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

    Bis(cyclopentadienyl)chromium Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1017.5 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(cyclopentadienyl)cobalt(II) Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1017.5 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(cyclopentadienyl)iron Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1017.5 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(cyclopentadienyl)manganese Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(cyclopentadienyl)nickel Aschenbrenner et al.[177] 333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(cyclopentadienyl)osmium Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(cyclopentadienyl)ruthenium Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    Bis(p-tolyl)hexafluoropropane (BTHFP) Liu et al.[515] 293382 5.625.1 30 SynVisVarBis(p-tolyl)propane (BTP) Liu et al.[515] 295373 5.871.1 30 SynVisVarBisphenol A Margon et al.[39] 403473 3030 65 AnTY

    Margon et al.[39] 403473 2.49.5 3.5 SynVisVarBisphenol A diglycidyl ether Medina-Gonzalez

    et al.[544]318318 14.514.5 10 AnT

    Bisphenol AF (2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)hexafluoropropane) Liu et al.[516] 297408 320 30 SynVisVarBisphenol-A polysulfone Blasig et al.[75] 298348 0.11 n.a. AnGravBoldine [(S)-2,9-dihydroxi-1,10-dimethoxiaporphine] de la Fuente et al.

    [245]298333 8.640.9 50 AnTValVis

    Budesonide Vatanara et al.[737] 338358 21.338.5 1 AnTButyl acetate Byun et al.[200] 313373 214.4 25 SynVisVar

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    14 J.M.S. Fonseca et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 300 (2011) 169

    Table 4 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    Butyl methacrylate Husain et al.[361] 323333 1.910 70 AnTLcirVisButyl-methyl pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide

    ([MeBuPyrr] [Tf2N])Anthony et al.[74] 283323 01.3 n.a. AnGrav

    C.I. Disperse Blue 79 Banchero et al.[59] 353393 15.924 32 AnPTSemY Banchero et al.[64] 353393 1830 32 AnPTSemY

    C.I. Disperse Orange 3 Banchero et al.[59] 353393 15.928 32 AnPTSemY C.I. Disperse Orange 30 zcan and zcan[63] 353373 2030 10.4 AnPTSemY

    C.I. Disperse Red 60(1-amino-4-hydroxy-2-phenoxy-9.10-anthraquinone) Bao and Dai[181] 353393 1123 60 AnPTSemY

    Kim et al.[424] 333393 1030 n.a. SynVisC.I. disperse Violet 1 Tsai et al.[721] 353393 1530 n.a. AnPTSemY C.I. Disperse Yellow 54 Kim et al.[424] 333393 1030 n.a. SynVisCaffeine Iwai et al.[379] 313313 1515 26.5 AnSpecVcirCamphor Carvalho et al.[210] 304354 3.415.7 25 SynVisVarCandeia oil (Eremanthus erythropappus) de Souza et al.[251] 313333 6.124.6 25 SynVisVarCapsaicin de la Fuente et al.

    [244]298318 640 30 AnTVal

    Elizalde-Solis andGalicia-Luna[280]

    312332 10.422.9 10 SynVisVar

    Carbazole Esmaeilzadeh andGoodarznia[283]

    318318 10.120.1 n.a. AnPTSemY

    Carbonylhydridotris(triphenylphosphine)-rhodium Shimoyama et al.[670]

    333333 1017 26.5 AnSpecVcir


    Shimoyama et al.[670]

    320333 915.3 26.5 AnSpecVcir

    Castor oil Ndiaye et al.[572] 308343 2.126 n.a. SynVisVarCeramide 3A (N-linoeoyl-phytosphingosine. 97%) Vezzu et al.[742] 390397 0.16 n.a. SynNonChlorobenzene Wang et al.[753] 323333 8.510.6 n.a. SynVisVarChlorobutane Wang et al.[753] 323333 7.99.7 n.a. SynVisVarChloroform Favareto et al.[292] 303333 3.99.3 25 SynVisVarCholesterol Vezzu et al.[742] 409420 0.16 n.a. SynNonCholine bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [choline] [Tf2N] Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 0.11.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Muldoon et al.[84] 333333 1.39 n.a. SynTCis-Decalin Vitu et al.[745] 292373 1.549 n.a. SynVisVarCitric acid Wang et al.[754] 313313 12.112.1 n.a. SynVisCocoa butter Venter et al.[738] 295306 0.115 25 SynVis

    Venter et al.[738] 313373 235 500 AnTCoenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) Li et al.[494] 305322 0.119.2 25 SynVisVar

    Pecar and Dolecek[598]

    306323 0.140 14 SynVis

    Compritol 888 ATO de Sousa et al.[250] 339345 0.122.7 4 SynVisde Sousa et al.[250] 340348 10.119.5 60 AnT

    Copper(II) acetylacetonatea Aschenbrenner et al.[177]

    333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    Corn oil Soares et al.[687] 313353 2035 100 AnTY Coumarin Rodrigues et al.[619] 308328 1124 300 AnPTSemY Crude oil Nobakht et al.[580] 300300 2.56 41 SynTCyclohexane Esmelindro et al.

    [284]293333 3.99.7 27 SynVisVar

    Zhang et al.[797] 304556 4.214.1 18 SynVisPcTcCyclohexanol Esmelindro et al.

    [284]303343 5.326.9 27 SynVisVar

    Cyclohexanone Esmelindro et al.[284]

    293333 3.510.8 27 SynVisVar

    Cyclohexyl acrylate Byun[199] 313393 1.619.9 28 SynVisVarPcCyclohexyl methacrylate Byun[199] 313393 220.5 28 SynVisVarPcDecyl acrylate Byun and Lee[201] 326429 11.729.5 28 SynVisVarDecyl methacrylate Byun and Lee[201] 313393 320 28 SynVisVarDialkyl

    1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-4-(1-methyl-5-nitro-imidazol-2-yl)-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylates derivative 1

    Khajeh et al.[31] 338358 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

    Dialkyl1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-4-(1-methyl-5-nitro-imidazol-2-yl)-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylates derivative 2

    Khajeh et al.[419] 338358 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

    Dialkyl1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-4-(1-methyl-5-nitro-imidazol-2-yl)-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylates derivative 3

    Khajeh et al.[419] 338358 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

    Dialkyl1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-4-(1-methyl-5-nitro-imidazol-2-yl)-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylates derivative 4

    Khajeh et al.[419] 338358 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

    Dialkyl1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-4-(1-methyl-5-nitro-imidazol-2-yl)-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylates derivative 5

    Khajeh et al.[419] 338358 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

    Dialkyl1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-4-(1-methyl-5-nitro-imidazol-2-yl)-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylates derivative 6

    Khajeh et al.[419] 338358 12.235.5 1 AnTValY

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    Table 4 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    Diallylsulfide Andreatta et al.[172] 275370 1.714 3.5 SynVisVarDibenzo-24-crown-8 (2,3,14,15-dibenzo-1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22-

    octaoxacyclotetracosa-2,14-diene)Kong et al.[440] 308313 1535 3.14 AnPTChro

    dibenzofuran Perez et al.[600] 301338 5.727.5 15 SynVisVarDichloromethane (HCC-30) Shin et al.[680] 308328 1.78.9 25 SynVisVar

    Kalogiannis andPanayiotou[403]

    308328 48 26.75 SynVisVar

    Lazzaroni et al.[479] 313313 0.56.9 150 SynTVisStievano andElvassore[122]

    291311 1.95.9 60 SynNonLCirVisVar

    Dicofol Kotnik et al.[446] 293313 10.926.2 120 AnTKotnik et al.[446] 319344 129.9 35 SynVis

    Diethyl carbonate Cheng and Chen[159]

    308318 4.38.2 320 AnTLcirValVis

    Lu et al.[528] 273293 0.53.8 100 AnTCapVisVarDiethyldichlorosilane Vyhmeister et al.

    [751]308337 7.312.2 n.a. SynVisVarPc

    Diflunisal Coimbra et al.[229] 308328 9.324.4 30 AnTValVisDiisobutyl adipate Liu et al.[514] 294424 2.426.6 30 SynVisVarDiisopropoxititanium bis(acetylacetonate) Montequi et al.[559] 353473 1020 110 AnPTSemY Diisopropyl ether Matsuda et al.[156] 298308 57.5 n.a. SynOth

    Zhu et al.[814] 265333 0.52.5 120 AnTValVisDimethyl carbonate Lu et al.[528] 273293 0.64.1 100 AnTCapVisVarDimethyl sulfoxide Andreatta et al.[173] 278368 0.513.1 3.5 SynVisVar

    Chiu et al.[224] 313348 3.917.6 60 SynVisVarDimethyl(1,5-cyclooctadiene)platinum(II) Aschenbrenner et al.

    [177]333333 1030 10 AnPTSemY

    Dimethyldichlorosilane Vyhmeister et al.[751]

    307348 6.611 n.a. SynVisVarPc

    Diphenyl carbonate Margon et al.[39] 353453 3030 65 AnTY Margon et al.[39] 353453 2.312.1 3.5 SynVisVar

    Diphenyl(4-phenyl)phenylphosphine Filardo et al.[48] 313313 35.235.2 23.35 AnTInsDiphenyl-aryl peracetylated sugar phosphine Ablan et al.[164] 296296 6.811.5 n.a. SynVisVarDisperse yellow 54 Tsai et al.[720] 353393 1530 33 AnPTSemY Docosahexaenoic acid ethyl ester Chang et al.[215] 313333 4.223.5 n.a. SynTVLcirVisDodecafluoro-2-methylpentan-3-one (NOVEC1230) Jeong et al.[386] 313343 1.68.7 320 AnTVLcirValVisDodecanoic acid Garlapati and Madras

    [310]308308 9.922.6 n.a. AnPTSemY

    Dodecylpolyoxyethylene polyoxypropylene ether nonionicsurfactant A(EO)9(PO)2

    Su et al.[693] 308328 13.635 10.15 SynVisVar

    Dodecylpolyoxyethylene polyoxypropylene ether nonionicsurfactant A(EO)9(PO)3

    Su et al.[693] 308328 1632 10.15 SynVisVar

    d-Pinitol Chafer et al.[213] 313333 1040 10 AnPTSemY Eicosapentaenoic acid ethyl ester Chang et al.[215] 313333 2.820.7 n.a. SynTVLcirVisEthane Gil et al.[115] 291304 57.1 4 SynVisConPcTcEthanol Chiu et al.[225] 291313 2.48.1 n.a. SynVisVar

    Elizalde-Solis andGalicia-Luna[277]

    333333 310.4 100 AnTCapValVisPc

    Knez et al.[430] 313353 1.313.9 500 AnTVLcirVisKodama and Kato[433]

    291291 25.4 320 AnTVLcir

    Secuianu et al.[650] 293353 3.511 60 AnTVisVarStievano andElvassore[122]

    291323 3.38.1 60 SynNonLCirVisVar

    Wu et al.[133] 333496 6.714.8 n.a. SynNonConEtheneoctene-copolymer Li et al.[78] 433473 3.528 n.a. AnGravEthoxylated nonyl phenol Koh et al.[101] 313313 810 22.4 SynVisVarEthyl acetate Borges et al.[195] 303343 2.510.1 27 SynVisVar

    Byun et al.[200] 313373 1.711.6 25 SynVisVar

    Kato et al.[413] 313313 0.67.7 134 SynNonVisVarEthyl butyrate Cheng and Chen[159]

    308318 4.58.9 320 AnTLcirValVis

    Ethyl methacrylate Wang et al.[753] 323333 8.910.3 n.a. SynVisVarEthylp-aminobenzoate Li et al.[498] 308328 821 100 AnPTSemY Ethylp-hydroxybenzoate Li et al.[498] 308328 821 100 AnPTSemY Ethylbenzene Zhang et al.[792] 303335 6.410.8 50 SynVisVarPcTcEthylvanillin Skerget et al.[684] 313353 8.130.1 120 AnT

    Skerget et al.[684] 350330 044 74 SynVisFatty acid ethyl esters from castor oil Ndiaye et al.[572] 294343 1.725.4 n.a. SynVisVarFatty acid ethyl esters from soybean oil Ndiaye et al.[572] 313343 1.36 n.a. SynVisVarFelodipine Weinstein et al.[762] 298318 825 30 SynVisVar

    Weinstein et al.[762] 298318 825 2.7 AnSpecFennel extract Moura et al.[563] 303333 4.722 25 SynVisVarFerulic acid (3-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-propenoic acid) Sun et al.[704] 308338 1035 10 AnPTSemY Fish oil Darvarnejad et al.

    [243]313343 13.627.2 n.a. AnPTSemY

    Fluoromethane (HFC-41) Di Nicola et al.[256] 217292 0.34.3 273.5 SynT

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    16 J.M.S. Fonseca et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 300 (2011) 169

    Table 4 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    Fluvastatin Hojjati et al.[32] 308348 12.135.4 1 AnTValY Gelucire 43-01 de Sousa et al.[250] 308321 0.115.1 4 SynVis

    de Sousa et al.[250] 310326 1019 60 AnTGlycidyl methacrylate Franceschi et al.

    [301]303343 213.1 25 SynVisVar

    Hardened rapeseed oil Rp70 Mnkl et al.[565] 333367 3.130.7 3.5 SynVisVarHexadecanoic acid Garlapati and Madras


    308318 12.822.6 n.a. AnPTSemY

    Hexafluoroethane (PFC-116) Di Nicola et al.[256] 214269 0.33.3 273.5 SynTValtz et al.[734] 253296 16.4 28 AnTCapValVis

    Hexanal Seredynska et al.[30] 323383 2.315.2 87 AnTCapValVisVarHexyl acetate Byun et al.[200] 313373 316.4 25 SynVisVarHydrogen Ke et al.[139] 292304 8.413.4 320 SynNonPcTc

    Zevnik and Levec[788]

    298298 0.96 300 AnTX

    Hydrogen sulfide Rivollet et al.[617] 254303 1.44.7 n.a. SynNonHydrogenated castor oil Mnkl et al.[565] 353403 4.232.2 3.5 SynVisVarHydrogen-containing silicone oil SiH Li et al.[497] 308328 1014.5 50 SynVishydroxyl-ended silicone oil SiOH (Mw 400) Li et al.[497] 308328 810 50 SynVisIodobenzene Leeke et al.[487] 353383 10.124.8 100 SynNonVisIodopropynyl butylcarbamate Shin and Kim[679] 313333 8.734.1 25 SynVisVarIrgacure 2959 photoinitiator Coimbra et al.[228] 308328 1026 30 AnTValVisIsoamyl acetate Kwon et al.[472] 313333 1.58.8 150 AnTVLcirValIsobutoxyethanol (iC4E1) Sam et al.[678] 313333 0.38.8 320 AnTVLcirValVisIsobutyl acetate Kwon et al.[472] 313333 1.38.5 150 AnTVLcirValIsobutyl acrylate Byun and Lee[204] 313393 2.414.7 28 SynVisVarIsobutyl methacrylate Byun and Lee[204] 313393 4.515.9 28 SynVisVarisopropoxyethanol (iC3E1) Sam et al.[678] 313333 0.49.9 320 AnTVLcirValVisIsopropyl acetate Cheng and Chen

    [159]308318 37.8 320 AnTLcirValVis

    Kwon et al.[472] 313333 1.68.7 150 AnTVLcirValIsopropyl acrylate Byun and Lee[203] 313393 2.613.6 28 SynVisVarPc

    Byun and McHugh[206]

    313473 2.612.6 28 SynVisVar

    Isopropyl ethanoate Kodama et al.[160] 313313 36.1 320 AnTVLcirValVisKodama et al.[160] 313313 0.47.1 299 SynNonVisVar

    Isopropyl methacrylate Byun and Lee[203] 313393 2.414.2 28 SynVisVarPcByun and McHugh[206]

    313473 2.414.2 28 SynVisVar

    Isopropylcyclohexane Vitu et al.[746] 292373 116.9 30 SynVisVarKrytox Aguiar-Ricardo et al.

    [167]304304 7.47.5 5 SynNonVisPcTc

    Lactic acid Wang et al.[754] 313313 12.112.1 n.a. SynVisLinoleic acid methyl ester Chang et al.[215] 313333 2.818 n.a. SynTVLcirVisLithium bis(trifluoroethyl)dithiocarbamate Weinstein et al.[761] 298318 9.924.9 30 SynVisVarLithium dibutyldithiocarbamate Weinstein et al.[761] 298318 824.9 30 SynVisVarLithium diethyldithiocarbamate Weinstein et al.[761] 298318 8.525 30 SynVisVarLithium dipropyldithiocarbamate Weinstein et al.[761] 298318 1025 30 SynVisVarl-Lactide Gregorowicz[325] 275355 7.680.5 n.a. SynVisVarLovastatin Hojjati et al.[32] 308348 12.135.4 1 AnTValY Lycopene de la Fuente et al.

    [247]313333 19.441.8 50 AnTValVis

    Menthol Sovov et al.[58] 303333 6.69.3 12 AnPTSemY Sovov et al.[58] 276313 0.89 10 SynVis

    Methane Le and Trebble[481] 168187 0.93 n.a. SynVisMethanol Ke et al.[139] 304328 7.310.4 80320 SynNonPcTc

    Naidoo et al.[25] 263373 0.712 200 AnTValVisVarSchwinghammeret al.[646]

    303303 0.85.4 140 AnTVcirVis

    Xie et al.[770] 313313 0.97.9 520 SynVisVarMethyl acetate Byun et al.[200] 313373 1.311.3 25 SynVisVarKato et al.[414] 313313 0.67.8 299 SynNonVLcirVarVisSchwinghammeret al.[646]

    308328 18.8 140 AnTVcirVis

    Methyl methacrylate Soares da Silva et al.[686]

    313338 6.310.4 n.a. SynVisVar

    Uzun et al.[729] 323353 6.212.2 115 AnTBloZwolak et al.[818] 308333 18.3 70 AnTLcirVisZwolak et al.[818] 308333 18.3 70 AnTLcirVis

    Methyl salycilate Ismadji[378] 343423 931 n.a. AnTBloMethylcyclopentane Vitu et al.[746] 292373 1.113.7 30 SynVisVarMethyl-tri-butylammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide

    ([MeBu3N] [Tf2N])Anthony et al.[74] 298298 01.3 n.a. AnGrav

    Methyl-tributylphosphonium triflate [TBMP] [Tfo] Scurto et al.[648] 306392 0.135 n.a. SynVisScurto et al.[648] 392392 1515 n.a. SynVis

    Methyltrichlorosilane Vyhmeister et al.[751]

    307347 6.610.7 n.a. SynVisVarPc

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    J.M.S. Fonseca et al. / Fluid Phase Equilibria 300 (2011) 169 17

    Table 4 (Continued)

    X Reference T(K) P(MPa) V(cm3) Method

    Methyltrioctylammonium bromide [MTOAm] [Br] Scurto et al.[648] 292292 44 n.a. SynVisMethyltrioctylammonium triflate [MTOAm] [Tfo] Scurto et al.[648] 296296 3.53.5 n.a. SynVisMethyl-tris(2-methyl-propyl)ammonium triflate [TiBMAm] [Tfo] Scurto et al.[648] 327327 1515 n.a. SynVisModified phosphines DPPE Li et al.[497] 323323 16.916.9 50 SynVisModified poly(propylene oxide) Ac