Post on 17-Nov-2020

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This research bank is available to all FOMOTC parents to help them with any questions, crises

or situations they may be experiencing. It is made up of past experiences of other FOMOTC

parents who want to help. Please scroll down through the list of topics and click on any you

may find of interest. At the bottom of the responses will be a list of names of parents willing to

discuss the issue with you if needed. We are always looking for new submissions to fill our bank

so please consider contributing to any issue your family may have already experienced. Thank





Gestational Diabetes


Cervical Issues

Placenta Previa

Other Pregnancy Issues

Twin to Twin Transfusion

IUGR (Failure to Thrive in Womb)

Preterm Labor

C-Section Delivery

Vaginal Delivery

Premature Delivery Before 33 Weeks

Premature Delivery After 33 Weeks

NICU stay


Formula Feeding

Postpartum Depression

Changes in Woman’s Body after Multiples Pregnancy

Parents of Triplets or Higher Order Multiples

Parents with Multiple Sets of Multiples

Stay at Home Parents

Work Outside of Home Parents

Daycare vs. Nanny

Single Parents

Traveling/Military Spouse

Military Families

No Family Nearby/Florida Relocation



Acid Reflux

Torticollis/Cranial Helmet

Hearing Impairment

Visual Impairment

Stuttering/Speech Impediment

Cerebral Palsy


Cystic Fibrosis

Other Disabilities



General Survival Skills with Multiples

Children after Multiples

Surgery on Infants/Children

Homemade Baby Food

Natural Healing of Illnesses/Issues



Loss of Child(ren)

Ailing Spouse/Loss of Spouse



Splitting up/Keeping Multiples Together in School

Holding One Multiple Back in School


Multiples Choosing Different Schools

IEP/504 Plans





Dealing with Different Interests


Adult Multiples


I'm currently 31 weeks pregnant with triplets. My OB put me on modified bedrest around 20

weeks. The way I understood modified bedrest is that I should sit as much as I could but I could

still drive and run short errands. I went into preterm labor at 27 weeks and was put on strict

bedrest, only getting up to use the restroom or shower. Strict bedrest is very difficult for me

because I have a toddler and my husband works a lot so it’s hard to accept this new normal. I

know its temporary but I have had issues with depression, loneliness and feelings of

inadequacy however I have snapped out of it around 29 weeks. My mother in law is staying

with us to take care of my daughter as well as the cooking and cleaning my husband was

struggling to keep up with.

I was placed on home bed rest at 32 weeks when I started in early labor. I was in the hospital for

2 days to stop the labor then placed on bed rest.

On bedrest for 3+ months from 21 weeks until the duration of my pregnancy. Started

contracting which dilated my cervix by 2 cm and I was 70% effaced. Doctors administered a

magnesium sulfate drip and Terbutaline tablets during an overnight hospital stay. Was on

some form of bedrest form (light, moderate to severe) from 21 weeks until 36 weeks. (15

weeks) To this day we do not know what caused the preterm labor but I had no major medical

condition other than the multiple pregnancy that would cause the preterm labor.

Bedrest is so important towards the end. I always tell people to get off their feet as much as

possible. Keep the weight off your cervix.

It can be hard but just do what the doctor says!! You would rather your babies have the best

chance at life and stay inside you where they can grow as big and strong as possible.

I was on bedrest at home from 11-17 weeks, and after 28 weeks. Hospital bedrest for one week

at 36 weeks; followed by a week of strict bedrest at home before delivery at 38 weeks.

Was supposed to be in bed rest at 28 weeks, however, I had two other children that needed me

so bed rest wasn't an option. I made it to 38 1/2 weeks!


I controlled via diet. Saw a nutritionist who helped me work out a great diet with the foods I

liked to eat. I also drank A LOT of water!

Insulin dependent with singleton, diet controlled with twins.

Failed the 1 hr. test, passed the 3 hr. test.


I was hospitalized for the 2 weeks prior to my twins’ birth. I hated it but knew that I was loving

them by doing what was right and staying in the hospital where I could be monitored. Do the

lab work, check your blood pressures and be honest about your symptoms because it could

save your babies and your own life!!


Could not get my hemoglobin up. I am anemic and my doctor want to get my hemoglobin to 11. With an iron fortified diet and iron supplements, we could get my hemoglobin up past 9. I had nausea almost the entire pregnancy and found the SeaBand wrist bands helped a lot. Along with other things like Zofran.


See Bedrest I had preterm labor throughout my pregnancy from 21 weeks to 36 weeks. I was hospitalized twice due to contractions and was in out of the hospital 18 times (2 ER visits before 20 weeks and 16 LDR visits). Medication was administered and I was eventually released. Was taken off bedrest at 36 weeks gestation and delivered at 36.5 weeks. Preterm labor at 32 weeks. Hospitalized for 2 days. I was admitted to the hospital at 27 weeks with preterm labor, I was having contractions that were consistently a few mins apart for an hour. I tested positive for a fetal fibronectin test as well. I was given an IV of Magnesium Sulfate to relax my uterus to stop my labor as well as IV fluids. After I was released from the hospital I was put on strict bedrest and told to drink lots of fluids. I had to get up every 45 mins to use the rest room. Contractions have continued off and on since then. I went to labor and delivery at 28 and 29 weeks with contractions once again but was given IV fluids and a brethaine shot to slow contractions. After about 2 hours contractions came back so it was definitely more temporary relief for me than the magnesium sulfate. I did get most of the side effects of both of these medications, tachycardia, dizziness, and shaking. To slow or stop labor you have to not let your bladder or bowels get full, this will put pressure on the uterus. I also put a cool wash cloth on my belly which seemed to help and switch sides to lay on. I find I get more preterm labor contractions if I am sitting up for a long period of time.

Had preterm labor at 36 weeks, stopped with magnesium sulfate because Twin B was below 5 lbs. Kept in hospital for a week, stayed home a week before delivery at 38 weeks, 1 day.


Difficult delivery due to the large size of my twins. Twin A was 9 lb 7 oz and twin b almost 7 lbs! Both were difficult to retrieve! Both babies were breech so I ended up with a c section. While recovery wasn't fun, it was an "easy" surgery and I had help at home through recovery. I had a very good c section experience overall. I was active throughout most of my pregnancy so recovery was not too bad. Split delivery ... Baby B was delivered by c-section due to fetal distress. Heart rate would drop due to pushing the baby down from a high transverse position. C-section was actually a wonderful experience. I did learn that the ibuprofen was more effective than the pain medication. If I took the ibuprofen on time, it really helped with the pain but if I was late taking it, the pain was intense. Scheduled C- section at 38 weeks. It’s really not that bad! When it is scheduled then it can be a very controlled and fun environment. If it becomes an emergency C-section then just let them do what they have to do to get your babies out regardless of your birth plan. Once they are here, it really won’t matter!! Had a section with general anesthesia; twin B was the smaller and behind, so my incision was bone to bone, almost 18 inches to get her out right away. A very long recovery, and difficult to take care of kids myself when I wasn't supposed to pick them up, but we managed.


Split delivery Baby A delivered vaginally with a small episiotomy and third degree laceration. I delivered my first daughter vaginally with an epidural. I planned to not get an epidural but was given Pitocin to speed up my contractions which made the pain unbearable. I'm glad I didn't feel pain during labor and delivery however I didn't enjoy not feeling anything if that makes sense. I was told that I was pushing but didn't feel anything. Also when the epidural wore off I didn't like the feeling of my legs feeling like sand bags. I did have some mom guilt for not continuing with my natural birth plan. I also bled a lot immediately after delivery. My doctor suggested I get a blood transfusion the next day after delivery, I chose not to because I thought

I could recover on my own. I was severely anemic and had low blood levels. I did end up getting a blood transfusion a few days later when I finally realized I couldn't recover on my own very quickly.


I delivered my triplets at 24 weeks. It is a struggle but you can have a positive outcome. The doctors can warn you of potential outcomes but they cannot know for sure. Only God knows. I was told my babies would not survive their birth and if they did, they would be so severely disabled, they would end up in centers. Guess what? They are all alive and doing fantastically 14 years later. :)


Due to being born before 37 weeks, my twins are considered preemies. My B/G twins were born 33 weeks 3 days. They were very healthy at 4lbs 11oz, and 4lbs 7 oz. Each stayed 2 weeks to learn how to eat and gain weight. The longer the better and everyday does matter!!


My twin a suffered respiratory distress following a difficult delivery. Was put on a ventilator and sent to a higher level of care facility. The separation was difficult, bonding impossible. Was not able to hold twin A for two weeks due to his critical condition. I was grateful for support of club members who encouraged me to take time to rest while the babies were getting the best care possible. I quickly pushed away any guilt and took their advice. My husband and I often went to the NICU at separate times. We were there daily doing skin to skin and taking care of their basic needs. But I made sure I was getting rest and helping my body heal so I was in good condition when they came home. If you want to stay near your babies as much as possible, you have to be a calm parent during moments of crisis. When something critical happens to your baby (and it will), they usually remove the parents to keep them out of the way. They need to focus on the baby not an anxious parent. But if you stay calm and back away, many times they allow you to stay. I would also suggest reading up on premature issues that could happen to your child. The more educated you are, the calmer you will be when it happens. Plus you will understand what the doctor is saying when he is telling you instead of running home and looking it up afterwards.


Breastfed both babies even one with a cleft lip! Exclusively breastfeed my twins (as of 8/15 they're 8 months old) and will BF til a year. I do not tandem and I think that many twin moms believe they either have to tandem or they can't BF! They CAN do it one on one! Due to a breast infection and thrush, I was only able to nurse for 3 weeks. Breastfeeding was extremely difficult but amazingly wonderful. The best thing to do is get a lactation consultant who has experience with breastfeeding multiples. My lactation consultant helped me learn how to tandem bf and was available when I became discouraged. I did feel like I was always breastfeeding or pumping. But it really was for just a season. We did supplement with formula mostly because I didn't always pump milk so my husband and family would feed them formula if I was napping. We had difficulty gaining weight while breastfeeding. We ended up supplementing part time. Do your best, whatever that is!! If you have to use formula then you are a super mom for feeding your baby!! I successfully breastfed my daughter for 17 months. She was exclusively breastfed for six months when we started a few solids and cereal. I took a class while pregnant from the hospital I was going to deliver at before my daughter was born. After my daughter was born, we tried to get her to latch right away. I credit my success with breastfeeding to my husband, a lactation consultant and the book "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding." It was difficult for me because the large size of my breasts but we *me, my husband and lactation consultant) found positions that worked for me. The book helped answer my questions about what was normal and etc., great resource. I started pumping when my daughter was about a month old, since I went back to work after 6 weeks. She had no problem nursing and taking a bottle at that point. Pumping at work wasn't bad, I just felt guilty because although my supervisor was okay with me pumping, it still was time away from my job. Nursed for 15 months. First 6 weeks were pure hell, as one didn't quite know what she was supposed to do. After 6 weeks it was perfect, with no problems at all. Exclusively nursed (except for watered-down juice or water in bottles) until 5 1/2 months.


After developing mastitis of the breast, the twins were primarily formula feed from 3 weeks to one year. We used both breast milk and formula. My one twin was fine with any formula but my other one needed special formula because of acid reflux. Breast and formula combo.


Postpartum after both deliveries I was an emotional wreck the first month due to lack of sleep and hormonal changes. But after that I felt like I needed extra help. My OBGYN prescribed an antidepressant which helped tremendously. You can also have anxiety along with depression. The crazy up and down emotions are very real but will get better. Try to get some sleep because that helps!!


I'm currently pregnant with triplets. This is my third pregnancy (miscarried twice, once was my daughter's twin). This has been a tough adjustment emotionally. Its been a tough pregnancy physically as well. My singleton pregnancy was much easier. Color coding your children's bottles, bowls and anything else they use individually helps keep things straight. But choose your colors carefully! I have found my kids favor those colors now as they are older!


It's exhausting but worth it! I definitely suggest getting help if you can, like an inexpensive mommy's helper a few days a week. Also, my MoMs club is what got me out of the house with my twins. If people aren't active in theirs, get active!!! I have been privileged to stay home with my babies all their lives. We made sacrifices to stay home. One car, no cable tv, etc. My twins are teenagers now and I am still a stay at home mom.

I (the mother) have been able to stay at home with the twins since birth. Being a part of my local group has been wonderful. We have done play dates since they were about 6 months. Plus we used community resources and classes as well. My kids loved music class. My husband and I made the decision for me to stay at home when my daughter was about six months old. Daycare didn't work out for us. I have not regretted the decision at all, but it is definitely a lifestyle change from working full time for more than ten years. Not only is it a financial transition but it’s difficult to have so many working mom friends and family that make it work for their family. Everyone was supportive of our decision which helped but it wasn't until I joined a few organizations (MOPs and MOMs club) that I didn't feel like such a lone ranger. Worked from home for more than 8 years before having my twins. Could not keep up with the job while caring for them, and it didn't pay enough to put them in daycare. We had a helper for a while, but we were pretty much breaking even. I had to quit the job when they were 3 yrs. old. Now they are in school and I am looking for work outside the home, as it will be much easier than managing a home job while caring for the kids. I was blessed to be stay at home until 15 months when I got a part-time job. My husband was gone 26 weeks out of the first year, with the longest single stretch being 6 weeks. Useful information? Get dressed every day. Sounds stupid, until you look at the clock and its 4 pm. and you’re in your pajamas.


Went to work when the babies were 3 months old. I work full time, but primarily from home as I am a social worker. My husband works outside the home and we partner on things such as housework and meals. My husband and I both work full time. I worked outside of the home up until my daughter was seven months old. My daughter started daycare half days for a few weeks at six weeks old and then full time till she was seven months old. I got to visit her for 45 mins at lunch to nurse her. We could have kept her in daycare if we needed two incomes; however we chose to change our lifestyle and have me stay home to take care of our daughter. My husband also traveled for months at a time for work for the first year or her life. He had a tough time leaving her.


Never had daycare. Husband and I work opposite shifts. Small in home daycare and now Montessori academy.


Make sure you have a large Village! You will have so many friends tell you that they will be there for you etc.... once you have the babies you will find out who really meant it! Even when you think you don't need something--have friend over just to talk too. Adult conversation in the early years is key to keeping your sanity! Remember that you are never given anything you cannot handle! You will be amazed at how strong you are!


My husband does travel but didn't travel when my twins were younger. With older kids, you can work as a team where as I have no experience juggling smaller kids with a traveling spouse. Children can be nervous when a parent travels. After 9/11, I was travelling to Chicago for a funeral. My girls were scared because of the news coverage they remembered from the terrorist attacks. Almost a year after the attacks, my oldest twin had a panic attack because she didn't want me flying into buildings. I had no idea until that moment how the 9/11 attacks affected my kids. When my husband traveled for work months a time. He could only make phone calls to us and email (if equipment worked). I bought a recordable book so my daughter could hear his voice reading her a story. He also recorded several videos for us to watch when he was gone. She liked them but also had a hard time with the transition, woke up in the middle of the night upset. Asking for daddy and etc. I kept our routine and joined a mom's group, library story time, and children's museum playgroup for consistency and interaction with other kids and adults. Not military, but a travelling spouse gone for 26 weeks the first year, 13 weeks the second before he started staying home more. The children were very young so that wasn't much of an issue - because he worked nights they sometimes didn't even notice if he was gone only 2-3 days. As they were older, we showed them on a calendar when he would be home. Managing alone when they were infants, I went totally on their schedule and was going to bed at 8 p.m. ;-)


My parents and in laws are 2 hours away in different directions so we have no local family but we are within driving distance. We have moved 4 times since my twins were born. The last two moves have relocated us in states where no family is around. We try to visit whenever possible. Nearest family is an hour away. We didn't have family nearby for the first two and half years of my daughter’s life. We basically took her everywhere. It wasn't hard to travel to see relatives and it was nice when we had visitors. We didn't have a baby sitter so when family did come to visit, we were able to have date nights and etc. We relocated to Florida to be closer to family when I was about 16 weeks pregnant with triplets. It has been a tough move for us, since I've been on bedrest (modified and strict) I haven't been able to get organized or plan ahead before the triplets are born. Not only did my daughter have to adjust to our pregnancy but a move was tough on her as well. We definitely have enjoyed having family close by to help with our daughter with overnight stays because I was hospitalized as well as just play time with cousins. Find a good babysitter. You need to get out! We had no family and few friends outside of Twin's Club to rely on for help. Relocated from NJ to FL so multiples could be near family.


Always and forever sleep deprived! I'm a NICU nurse who works night shift! Schedules are key. Without them you are lost. Start from the very beginning. Newborns eat every 2-3 hrs. We did a 3-6-9-12 schedule. As they got bigger, the feeding got separated. Night time routine... dinner together at 6, bath time at 7, books at 7:30, bed at 8. We had that routine until they were in kindergarten. Then we moved bedtime to 9. My girls still go to bed by 9. Get help from every family member and friend possible. For a couple months my parents and husband would take care of the kiddos while I slept a solid 5+ hours. I would take the night shift. One is a good sleeper other is not. We started a bedtime routine from the beginning and have kept it up for over three years. Also, when my daughter was younger 7-15 months she took two naps. I was somewhat flexible with the times. Her morning nap was generally about 4 hours after she work up and then about

4/5 hours later. She always napped and slept in her crib. She slept in a bassinet in our room for about 8 weeks. She would fall asleep in her car seat but I tried to avoid this as much as possible since I couldn't get anything done at home if she then didn't nap at home. I also made napping and bedtime a priority when she was less than two. We didn't get to do as many morning programs and play dates if we couldn't get home for naptime. I didn't wake the other one up at night to feed them together. Biggest single mistake I made. Once I started doing it, it made all the difference.


Oh my gosh, yes! Worst thing ever!!!!! One of our sons almost never slept at night for 5 months... It was miserable. But it ended. Eventually. Baby A had colic. Read somewhere that you need to soothe a baby to calm down and eventually sleep will talk over. I would play a lullaby cd and strip her down to her diaper. I was swaddle her in a blanket and do soft "shushing" noises in her ear while rocking her while the lullaby would play. We only had colic for 2 weeks. You will get thru it!! If you have to put the baby in a safe place and walk outside to regroup and call someone to come over to help you. One had colic for 3 weeks, from 3-6 weeks. Awful, frustrating, maddening. On the upside, we had heard it goes away at about 8 weeks so we felt like we had been given a gift when it was over at 6.


My colicky son has silent reflux. He doesn't spit up but the milk comes back up (like acid reflux in an adult) and burns his throat. I was worried about giving him medicine (I didn't want him taking in anything besides breastmilk before 6 months) but when we started him in Zantac, he immediately became a happier baby. We made the right choice. My daughter had acid reflux. She was on medication and I had to not eat dairy or soy since she was breastfeeding. She drank Nutramigen when she was given formula. She was fine after one year. She didn't need medication and ate dairy and soy with no problems. Acid reflux - use of OTC meds versus prescription


Currently going through metopic craniosynostosis issues. B was diagnosed with metopic craniosynostosis and is having invasive surgery in Fort Lauderdale on August 31. Please feel free to connect any mom in a similar situation with me. While we haven't gone through it all yet, we will be healed and happy by October's convention.


Twin A had a difficult delivery, was on a ventilator, coded and required resuscitation, has a cleft lip, CP, hypothyroid, mild spina bifida, vitiligo, and a speech and stuttering impairment. He is very outgoing, was junior and senior class SGA president, junior and senior class FFA president, and actually competes in public speaking competitions with FFA! Get help as soon as possible. Get speech therapy so they can learn ways to break a block. There is no cure but there are ways to control it. Do not let therapists tell you there is no way to control it. My son just completed an intense therapy program at USF called PATS – Program for the Advanced Treatment of Stuttering. Check it out!


CP diagnosed at age 9. Has issues with right side weakness, shorter arm and leg and foot drag with tight heel cord. Has UF surgery, Botox and is actually seeing orthopedic on Thursday for possible surgery to correct foot deformity. Go to Shriners Hospital for Children. They are amazing for children with Cerebral Palsy. Do not treat your child like they have a disability. Push them to do their best. It is amazing what they can do when they believe they can.


Both of our twins are autistic. Due to the natural occurrence of identical twin delays, it was missed by two pediatricians and we just got their diagnosis recently.


I am a frustrated parent of a son who suffers from multiple disabilities. Because of his intelligence and overcompensating in all areas he has never received any disability, SSI, or other needed services. I thought a college scholarship but I thought wrong. Asthma ... baby B has had asthma since 3. Her sister had reactive airway disease. Baby B outgrew asthma by the time she was 13. She was on preventatives from 6-13.


My son also has ADHD, however, the meds he's been given cause him anxiety, gagging and vomiting. There are natural alternatives to medicine. My three kids were on stimulants for years and they developed horrible tics and side effects. I now have them using essential oils. They are focused and no longer have tics!


Developmental Delay. My daughter was diagnosed with a developmental delay around 20 months. She was babbling at that age for several months however I couldn't understand her. Everyone told me her speech would catch up but we got her evaluated through an Early Steps program. She was diagnosed with a speech delay and began weekly speech therapy hour-long sessions. I also had her evaluated by a private facility (while waiting for Early Steps program) who determined she needed speech and occupational therapy for motor planning and low muscle tone. She had OT for 45 mins weekly with 45 mins of Speech at that facility as well. All of her play based therapy helped her tremendously, it also helped me continue working with her at home. Once I knew what to look for and do with her for speech and OT, I had no problem applying the fun activities at home. I highly recommend if your gut is telling you something may not be right with your child to seek out a professional to evaluate your child and not to wait for them to catch up. I was lucky to have support from my pediatrician and family. Also, I asked to sit with the private therapists to see what they were doing that I could do at home. The Early Steps program basically includes the parents in the therapy to ensure the therapy sessions are continued at home. I also kept a small notebook of things to do at home and her progress. At the time, I had no idea how long she would need therapy but she only needed it for about a year.


Trying to survive sending my twins to college. Both my husband and I work full time so financial aid is not possible. It's almost impossible to send them to college. MOTHERS OF MULTIPLES CLUBS... join one. Tons of moms to provide support. Not any run of the mill advice group. They have hands on up to date knowledge Accept help from anyone who offers. During the first few months sleeping and eating are important even though it is a huge challenge. It will be the hardest and most rewarding experience of your life!! Enjoy every minute of it, even the hard ones!

Twin's club!! Get out of the house, meet these women in person. Schedule, keep logs of bowel movements & diaper changes to see cycles. Keep logs as you introduce a new food each week for reaction.


My youngest is 6 years younger than my twins. I would have liked them closer in age but the age difference has allowed to be more involved with all my individually. Are you insane?? ;-) As the children grow, keep interactions equal. Rotate sleeping arrangements.


My son has had several surgeries. We love Arnold Palmer and the entire surgical staff! Will be having an invasive surgery on B's skull (metopic craniosynostosis) on August 31. Currently I have no helpful information but please feel free to connect someone with me if they end up in a similar situation.


Easy and cheap! I never thought I'd make baby food but now my boys eat better than I do. The Ziploc steam in a bag bags are amazing for steaming the veggies! Then you can use a baby bullet or a regular blender. I enjoy making baby food and mainly used a baby led weaning approach when starting solids. It’s not too hard to do and I hate to cook!! I made baby food ahead and broke it into portions in breast milk bags to freeze. They easily thawed in a bottle warmer. I mostly steamed or roasted fruits and vegetables and then blended them to the appropriate consistency. I had the time to do that since I stayed home and only had one child. We just baked/boiled/microwaved veggies, and mushed them up without any seasoning. When the girls were older and could feed themselves, we cut them into sticks or pieces. We didn't add any spices until they were about 2.


My children were on medicine all their lives. There were so many negative side effects. Now we are almost completely medication-free. We use essential oils for everything. It is wonderful to see the progress they have made without the debilitating side effects.


We used both cloth and disposables Cloth diapers


My husband and I have had three ectopic pregnancies. All very sad and difficult to deal with. 2 miscarriages.... First: 3 months after twins birth, 3 weeks gestation. Body hadn't recovered from multiple pregnancy. Miscarried naturally without a D&C or medication. Doctors believe I was carrying another set of multiples due to amount of blood, clots and masses. Second: 2004. 11 wks. digestion. Baby did not form correctly. D&C performed. I had two miscarriages (prior to 9 weeks). The best advice I could give was to let yourself grieve and realize that it wasn't your fault. Once you've grieved try to stay away from social media for a little while as well. Cry a lot, pray a lot, and try again. Research causes.


I have dealt with depression on and off since I was 12. Never experienced it with pregnancy. I have been on an antidepressant for 20 years for minor depression. I have continued it after the twins' birth. There hasn't been any change. My entire family suffers from depression.


Separated after kindergarten due to their huge gap in personalities and intelligence. Eventually they split for high school and actually graduated from different schools! You will know what the right thing to do is. DO NOT let anyone else make that decision for you!

I have always separated. My girls learn differently I feel by separating I have given them a better shot at discovering their individuality. Separate - they competed too much. But in high school we tried to have the same teacher for the major classes like literature, science and social studies because their projects and papers were due at the same time. Talk to teachers prior to school year starting. Try and place child with teacher that will bring out the best in your child. Re-evaluate each year. Sometimes apart and sometimes together. You are your child's best advocate.


This was hard. The biggest thing to remember is that they are individuals as well as a multiple. You have to do what is right for the individual. In the long run it will be harder for you than them. It is very hard but you have to do what is best for each child individually.


We haven't started but I plan to homeschool in the future. It is a wonderful option. Some children learn better in smaller settings.


This helps them become more their own person. My sister’s twins did this and it was the best thing for them. One was an over achiever and the other felt in their shadow. By separating them in this way, it made them blossom even more.


My son had an IEP through middle school and decided he didn't want it anymore. He didn't want to be pulled out of classes. Remember to advocate as much as you need to for your child. We are now in the process of figuring out IEPs for the twins. Always stay involved in these meetings. You are your child's best advocate.


My son was bullied in 6th grade because of his stuttering. Stay on top of this. Talk to your children's teachers and school's administration. The first time your baby comes home in tears, tell her, "See how that mean girl made you feel by saying unkind things? You try your best to never make someone else feel that way by your words or actions."


Kids may change over the years one more extroverted when young to introverted when older.


Separate.... I believe kids should be able to choose what they want to do and not have parents put them in the same thing because it’s easier on them. When younger they all tried same activities older they play together for some sports, but individual one as well.


Part of being a member of the family, not a job you get paid for. Rotated chore schedule. No TV in bedrooms.


Embrace it. One: Orchestra, Photography, Quiet. Two: Choir, Theatre, Social butterfly. They are kids, not clones of one another. Let the kids take turns choosing activities. Calendar for all scheduled activities. If it wasn't listed, it didn't happen.


We are struggling and my twins will have huge student loan debt. Just found out there are talks about sending prisoners to college!! It's so frustrating. Still trying to find scholarships for my son with disabilities.

Baby A wants to go to a separate college because she is frustrated with kids, friends and teachers referring to her as a twin. She wants people to get to know as a person. She prefers the small, private school, where sister prefers a large public college. They chose their own schools (same major, though). At first they did not communicate with each other since it was the first time they were apart, so they relied on me for updates about the other one. They have phones, text, messenger, Facebook and more, and they wouldn't talk directly to each other for over a month! Apply early for all scholarships and grants.


Teach budgeting. They are responsible for the consequences of their actions.





Becky Ritchie


Chris Fulmer 904-347-6982

Gestational Diabetes


Cervical Issues

Placenta Previa

Other Pregnancy Issues

Twin to Twin Transfusion

IUGR (Failure to Thrive in Womb)

Preterm Labor

Becky Ritchie

C-Section Delivery

Becky Ritchie

Holly DiFrancesco 813-417-6459

Teresa Nick 322-704-4161

Chris Fulmer 904-347-6982

Vaginal Delivery


Premature Delivery Before 33 Weeks

Premature Delivery After 33 Weeks

Holly DiFrancesco 813-417-6459

NICU stay

Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091

Holly DiFrancesco 813-417-6459

Tracy Strong 813-778-4937


Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091

Rebecca Scaglione 321-544-3402

Holly DiFrancesco 813-417-6459


Chris Fulmer 904-347-6982

Adrianne 386-451-8753

Formula Feeding

Holly DiFrancesco 813-417-6459

Postpartum Depression

Holly DiFrancesco 813-417-6459

Changes in Woman’s Body after Multiples Pregnancy

Parents of Triplets or Higher Order Multiples

Tracy Strong 813-778-4937

Adrianne 386-451-8753

Parents with Multiple Sets of Multiples

Stay at Home Parents

Becky Ritchie


Cherie Higgins 321-394-8078

Work Outside of Home Parents


Daycare vs. Nanny

Single Parents

Tina Jenicek

Traveling/Military Spouse


Chris Fulmer 904-347-6982

Military Families

No Family Nearby/Florida Relocation


Chris Fulmer 904-347-6982



Acid Reflux

Adrianne 386-451-8753

Torticollis/Cranial Helmet

Rebecca Scaglione 321-544-3402

Hearing Impairment

Visual Impairment

Stuttering/Speech Impediment

Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091

Tracy Strong 813-778-4937

Cerebral Palsy

Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091

Tracy Strong 813-778-4937


Cherie Higgins 321-394-8078

Cystic Fibrosis

Other Disabilities

Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091


Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091

Tracy Strong 813-778-4937


General Survival Skills with Multiples

Becky Ritchie


Adrianne 386-451-8753

Children after Multiples

Adrianne 386-451-8753

Surgery on Infants/Children

Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091

Rebecca Scaglione 321-544-3402

Homemade Baby Food

Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091

Teresa Nick 322-704-4161

Chris Fulmer 904-347-6982

Natural Healing of Illnesses/Issues

Tracy Strong 813-778-4937


Teresa Nick 322-704-4161


Becky Ritchie

Loss of Child(ren)

Ailing Spouse/Loss of Spouse



Holly DiFrancesco 813-417-6459

Splitting up/Keeping Multiples Together in School

Becky Ritchie

Adrianne 386-451-8753

Holding One Multiple Back in School

Tina Jenicek


Tracy Strong 813-778-4937

Multiples Choosing Different Schools

Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091

IEP/504 Plans

Tracy Strong 813-778-4937

Adrianne 386-451-8753



Adrianne 386-451-8753


Adrianne 386-451-8753


Dealing with Different Interests

Adrianne 386-451-8753


Kelly Bebee 407-314-0091

Adrianne 386-451-8753

Adult Multiples

Adrianne 386-451-8753