Follow their lead roles and qualities of church leaders

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Follow their lead roles and qualities of church leaders



elders are leaders.


1 acts 14:282 TIMOTHY 2:13 Titus 1:54 Philippians 1:15 James 5:146 1 peter 5:1,2

god wants his congregations to be led by elders!

What are the qualities found in elders of the church?

From 1 timothy:

1 desire the job2 blameless3 husband of 1 wife4 temperate5 sober-minded

From 1 timothy:

6 of good behavior7 hospitable8 able to teach9 not quarrelsome10 not covetous

From 1 timothy:

11 one who rules his house well having his children under submission

From 1 timothy:

12 not a novice13 must have a good testimony from non-christians

From titus:

1 blameless2 husband of 1 wife3 self-controlled4 sober-minded5 hospitable

From titus:

6 able to exhort, rebuke by sound doctrine7 not violent8 not quick-tempered

From titus:

9 not greedy for money10 have faithful children not accused of insubordination

From titus:

11 steward of god12 not self-willed13 Not given to wine14 lover of good15 just, holy

These qualities are something the elders possess before they begin serving and retain during their service.

Notice paul uses the word “must” several times (1 Tim. 3:2,4,6,7; titus 1:7,9).

titles are important:

1 shepherd=leader2 elder=experience3 bishop=overseer

An elder’s role in the church is to provide spiritual guidance, protection, and teaching for the congregation.

There must also always be a plurality because there is always one in scripture.


1 acts 14:282 TIMOTHY 2:13 Titus 1:54 Philippians 1:15 James 5:146 1 peter 5:1,2

Deacons are servants.

What are the qualities found in deacons of the church?

From 1 timothy:

1 reverent2 not double-tounged3 not given to much wine4 not greedy

From 1 timothy:

5 hold to mystery of faith6 tested7 blameless8 husband of 1 wife

From 1 timothy:

9 rule their children and house well

titles are important:

deacon = servant, helper, minister

What about acts 6:1-6?

Even though they’re not called deacons, they seem to serve as a model for present-day deacons.

Deacons are selected for a specific task that ministers to the needs of the congregation.

preachers are teachers.

Key passage is found in 2 timothy 4:1-5.

what was the most important job timothy occupied?

titles are important:

evangelist = bearer of good tidings

What about Ephesians 4:11-12?

The only time someone is referred to as evangelist is acts 21:8. (see what he did in 8:4,40).