Folk Culture Case Study- The Maori of New Zealand and the HAKA.

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Folk Culture Case Study- The Maori of New Zealand and the HAKA.

Folk Culture Case Study-

The Maori of New Zealand

and the HAKA


• The native people of New Zealand.

• They come from the islands of Polynesia.

• Colonized by Britain in 1840.

• Treated much like Native Americans were/are.


• Speak English, and reclaiming native Maori language.

• Value hospitality, family, and honoring their ancestors.

• Historically fierce warriors.• Struggle to keep their

culture alive while competing with the modern world.

Interesting Practices

• Hongi: Greeting where they touch foreheads, pressing their noses together, believing that their spirits can mingle this way.

• Haka: Traditional ancestral war cry. Posture dance with stomping and rhythmic shouting.

The Haka

• Used to gain strength before battles.

• Not just done by men, women participate along with children.

• Some dances exclude men altogether.

• Also done for amusement, welcoming guests, achievements and special occasions.

• It is a symphony of body instruments. Hands, arms, legs, feet, voice, eyes, and tongue are all used to perform the songs.

Folklore of the Haka

• The sun god Tama had two wives. Summer maid and Winter maid. It originates in the coming of the summer maid as she reveals herself on hot still days as a quivering appearance in the air.

Folk Haka

• The Haka is a staple of Maori culture. It represents their people and links them to their ancestors.

• It shares almost every aspect of their cultures history.

Pop Culture Haka

• Sports teams use the Haka today. Most notably the New Zealand National Rugby Team…The All Blacks.

• New Zealand soldiers also share it with other troops all over the world.


-If your family has an old tradition that they practice describe it, then answer the following question.-Would you participate in that practice in public?