Foils and Mirrors in To Kill a Mockingbird. Where does the term come from? A character who provides...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Foils and Mirrors in To Kill a Mockingbird. Where does the term come from? A character who provides...

Foils and Mirrors

in To Kill a Mockingbird

Literary Foils

Where does the term come from?

A character who provides a contrast for another character, usually in order to highlight


The Outsiders

Of Mice and Men

Romeo and Juliet

Dally and Johnny

Lenny and George

Mercutio and Benvolio

Movie Foils

MIRRORSIn literature, a mirror is a character that shares similar traits with another character. This is done to emphasize particular qualities and ideas.

Lord and Lady Capulet Lord and Lady Montague

Dallas Winston Bob Sheldon

Calpurnia Miss Caroline Miss GatesAtticus Tom Robinson Nathan RadleyDill Boo Radley Uncle JackJem Mr. Underwood Mr. GilmerScout Heck Tate Judge TaylorMayella Lula Mrs. DuBoseBob Ewell Zeebo Miss RachelMr. Cunningham FrancisAunt Alexandra Cecil JacobsMiss Maudie Burris EwellMiss Stephanie Crawford Grace Merriweather