Fmp script

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Fmp script

The concept follows the story of a young detective recently promoted in the Pittsburgh Police dept. The story is set in an

alternate universe, with Pittsburgh being a hub of various colours of organised crime. For such a dark environment, the

plotline will be cast in a much more light-hearted perspective, the characters being quirky and interesting i.e. a mafia boss

with an obsession with a children’s TV series called “Daring Duck” to the point of basing his organisation around it. The

detective will solve a different crime each episode, and will do so by following clues left behind by the perpetrators.

They say a city defines its criminals

Looking here, you can assume this is the case

Gangs running unchecked fighting wars over rubber duck shipments

Only ONE MAN can bring them down

Detective M. Allard

But the web goes deeper

Government offices, private businesses, even bakeries are under the control of the Dastardly Drakes

However, with work, the conspiracy will be shattered

And the people can relax, knowing their rubber ducks are safe.