FMP Pitch

Post on 15-Dec-2014

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Transcript of FMP Pitch

The sole purpose of this presentation is to clearly state the target market for Renaissance, any major information regarding related media and the game developers and my role in the making of the game.

What is Project Renaissance?

Project Renaissance is a third person stealth historical action adventure game inspired by Assassins creed based in Tuscany, Italy which places you in control of young polymath Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci at the time of the Italian Renaissance in the year 1471. Featuring elements of human dismemberment, pursuit’s and development, using the materials and knowledge you acquire throughout history you will equally produce and manipulate the human structure and crafting resources to bend to your will, allowing for potentially inhuman characteristics and abilities that appear too unclear to the naked eye.

Below is a collection of images from my sketchbook I have provided to confidently give you an understanding of the work I have been assigned to do in the creation of Renaissance.

What is your role in all of this?

I have been given the vital task of concept design, my job is to create 4 character profiles, concept art reflecting their personality and movement whilst displaying them in various different poses and positions. This includes a refurbished Leonardo da Vinci, Giovanni Bellini, Michelangelo and Lisa Geraldine.Here is an example of a character profile for the protagonist, Leonardo da Vinci:

Leonardo da Vinci

Age: 23

Birthplace: Vinci, Tuscany

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Brunette

Height: 125 cm

Physique: Ectomorph,

Personality: Has a passion for art and the mind of an intellectual Genius. Leonardo likes to work in solitude at his own pace. Does not take part in many muscular activities but knows his fair share of physical combat.

Description: Brown Leather Jacket with matching boots, torn obsidian

What form of imagery did you collect across during your research?

I collected a range of information and images ranging from the architecture in the year 1400, the movement of the renaissance, the structure of the human body and the history of the famed Leonardo da Vinci.

Below is a collection of the images I composed through the procedure of my ideas Generation.

Target Audience

The ideal target viewers for Renaissance would be similar to that of games such as the Assassins creed series and the standalone Dishonoured, aged between 16 to 21 interested in fast paced historical third person action adventure, however some of the events in the game may prove too gruesome for the viewers and for that reason the game will be listed as PEGI 18+ requiring an adult for purchase.

To provide the most realistic gaming experience Renaissance will contain dismemberment of the human figure that will occur during sequences that focus on Leonardo's anatomical studies.

Game Developers

Responsible for a large majority of the most successful games, Ubisoft Game developers are considered elites in the gaming industry and with popular titles such as Assassins creed, who would think otherwise?

Ubisoft are a multinational video game develop and publishing company based in eastern France and take orders from the man in charge, Yves Guillemot. Although they are now known for creating next gen masterpieces, in the early days Ubisoft specialised in distributing educational software, an example of this is the very obscure, brain spa and Mind Quiz: Brain Coach

Through the examples shown above, you can clearly imagine how much Ubisoft’s target audience Diverges.

There are many games they develop which are based around a specific group, for instance, the Rayman series, originally created for children, with an age rating of PEGI 7, turned out to be Ubisoft’s signature mascot, reaching the same audiences as SEGA’s Sonic the hedgehog and Nintendo’s Mario.

We can all agree Rayman was a success but my main focus are the games that influenced the creation of Project Renaissance, existing chart topper Assassins Creed more so than any other. Certain aspects of the series heavily influenced the creation of Renaissance, an example would be the Animus system, allowing you to re-enact events that occurred in the distant past, permitting the player to alternate between different time periods. Other elements such as free running and stealth manoeuvres make this that much more fitting to project renaissance.

Although a large portion of the game will contain sequences of Leonardo as a young adult hidden in the shadows, manipulating tradesman, creating masterpieces, an equal percentage of the game will be focused on Da Vinci’s anatomical studies and the structure of the human form.

Sales, Profit, Grossing

Below is a Collection of information regarding the sales and success of the two most influential games that encouraged the creation of Project Renaissance.

Assassins Creed 2 – “Ubisoft announced that Assassin's Creed II sold 1.6 million copies worldwide during its first week of sale, representing a 32 percent increase over the first week retail performance of the original Assassin's Creed.”

Dishonored – “During the first week of sales in the United Kingdom, Dishonored became the second best-selling game on all available formats behind FIFA 13.”

Assassins Creed 2 Dishonored

Related Movies and Film

The Da Vinci Code

One of the most successful movies in 2006 The Da Vinci Code is a mystery thriller set in modern day America which features a series of paintings created by Da Vinci as clues to an ancient religious mystery which if discovered would crush the foundation of Christianity.

The Da Vinci Code Starring Tom Hanks as Symbolist Robert Langdon was Directed by Ron Howard Based on the written novel by Dan Brown.

Upon release the screenplay was shunned by critics and many religious believers, but regardless of the critic’s opinion, the film managed to make a staggering thirty one million dollars on the night of release. And made it to number one movie in the box office on the first week of showing grossing over 111 million dollars.

Angels and Demons

The follow up from The Da Vinci code was the most recent Angels and demons screenplay, giving a more in depth and dark approach to the religious movement.

Although not as successful as its predecessor the film opened with $46 million at the domestic box office. And was the number one most watched movie in the US box office for two weeks in a row.

There are many existing historical fantasy related TV series but the one that relates most to the Renaissance concept is the newly formed Da Vinci's Demons, created by American film director David S. Goyer published by the BBC starring British film actor Tom Riley as young adult intellectual genius Leonardo Da Vinci.

The success of Da Vinci's demons is nothing to quarrel about, receiving an award for best main title design, music and was nominated for outstanding special effects with an overall rating of 8.1/10

Although Project Renaissance is based firmly around the dark, gritty, mischievous life of the famed polymath, when researching the topic I left no stone unturned,

Researching any form of media that links to Leonardo or the Religious movement in Italy.

Below are examples of other media which focus on the creative side of The Italian mastermind, ranging from obscure digital online comics to popular children's TV shows watched by many.


Creative and cunning, Leonardo is a child based TV series created by the BBC which introduces a 16 year old Da Vinci in his hometown of Vinci, Tuscany sneaking off to impress his friends and heading into his study to focus on his latest inventions.

Leonardo portrayed by Jonathan Bailey features usual aspects of any children's TV show, focusing on the positive sides of the character, covering up the more sinister elements of Da Vinci's past with all the constructive knowledge and gains which will be useful for a children's lifestyle, with aspects which include:

Healthy Eating - The series follows the theory that Da Vinci was a clean eater and believed that the slaughter of animals was inhuman. - Several quotes or what some may belief to be written by Da Vinci suggests he was at some point a vegetarian.

"Truly man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the death of others. We are burial places! I have since an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men will look upon the murder of animals as they look upon the murder of man."

Educational Creativity - As well as Exploiting the healthy aspects the Leonardo series has very successfully applied Da Vinci's inventions and creative knowledge to both the series and the huge fan base that came with it, this has since enabled the BBC to create all sorts of fun and creative products which will help broaden and challenge the minds of the growing viewers.

Marvel Comics

There have been many adaptations of da Vinci to this date but in comics the one that stands out the most is Marvels Shield agent Leonardo, Keeping many of the facts about the polymath and adding new Intel and abilities to match the line-up of the chosen media.

Da Vinci’s first appearance for Marvel was in the volume titled “Tales of suspense”, and was presented as part of the Sneepers saga.

Da Vinci in Adverts

Some of the more informal type of mention of da Vinci is given an example here, using the fact that Leonardo created masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa, creators of red bull manipulated this advert to fuel their product.
