fmJMmmmmm - NYS Historic...

Post on 18-Mar-2018

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Transcript of fmJMmmmmm - NYS Historic...

I A W I o r w$w ^<»wfe-«r'4I«**)««ijr.

ptwry; «t*r»to»*l

-State, bo: a i See. l^tftle* ch»P

ttattffitBi—,_, the «o*e i f the aessloa in taioT, chip. 8,part 1, Kevl

' ihip>S90>.J " . Sir. Seev-.'$,.

pri*fJoa6r«ighttrahund th«BUte;»afeI»otor»lf-

ISSci cjr tt ttB*ppfo-

f ,-li hirebjr »ppMprl»tea out of Li5fcriiK«*iti»*PPTep^»wai <*' At>srBKfiixt&*ih.ttKAl9^ _

meet the deficiency JnHie %i>pToptU,\lon miie under cfi»P' «^ttwh^dj^:«n««I^i«r ?t *h»$*w*or-e|gbteen hund

>mJ:MM ;*JK. J ;y~


under th« N*m» and Firm or SJSSWiiere for Cash,

W elector*!

»t»^<rt Hew^JSrL ; h»T» eott>p»Kcl the P« . > tota offl<^ ana;d6;iereli;

UjercorMratybineceM*! Mnajrtnthttr -"'J

Jhedifleieney jrbvhandM&uu, -

« 4 A M | *Wj#<»vfor jBJtjiilMni^^e^tii "*""" ' ' * jgsSuitmi

of -StitfeS-* _ , _bMgjn»lair6n.oI»fa , certify Jili«t the eime IJ a correct

, orthe whole of sald.orlgnal law. OHAONCETMf BEP^^.Se^^T0'61***- '

Chtpteriaa. orUlnitheSoaWfiif JMpTwwIsors of the conn-

t!« of Herkimer aad. Franklin to ta the salary of the ! ,Tre»Bjr«-of»»i4eonntIe».j

" fti«H4M»rchM, 1895; three-fifths being present. IThereopl* of the;SUte of New York, represented Jn Sea»te !*nd-i»fenibly, do «n«ct ulfoUo*«:

fccttoa 1. The boards of Enperirlsoraof thaamntiea o f i w i , r,-w s» r

^.otf^Bl^;;^tok»J hunted in3l&ftr&v«a'«t ;sae*«um,not exceeding one! thousand dollars per annum, Aittiatd board shell appeart just and proper, which said itan shall be In full for Jhe. (annual compeniatlon of said itrea*nrei*oftjiftconntle»of Herktaer and franklin.* ' S 2.-AO acta ind parts of Mots Ineontlstent with tbs pro-TWo»*»rilijL*|tjfc*n »Hi* aotjre he«Wri*e»liC:#o

of Herkimer and franklin. §8. Tola act aban take effect Immediately. State of New Torlc, Office of the Secretary or State.—I

nave compared tteprecedlng with the original law on file In thisoavrraa/tde tirrTiTrartirftkat.tit'iafrinTii owte

- CBATWOFir H. IHCPBW, Secretory otBtate.

Chapter 199. ASAOTtoamendtheacttoftrbridefor the Incorporation

of lira Insurance Companies, passed June twenty-flab, eighteen hundred and fifty-three.

• •*"•• . ' '•" PawedltorchSfli 1885. ThePeople of the State of New-York, represented In Senate fMdVAaiartlH^j3^at*ltow«? ra.*«*4 Jtw^S i SecUon Ji5iS#»JfOi*cdo(i.Mht acllintitik^ln.act

. to providefor the incorporation of fire insurance companies," pAiied June twenty-filth, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, al amended, la hereby farther amended so as to read aa

r^__. , t^sSSstfu^ _,_„ , „ , fp ItaTfh'ereahWbYrV" dlherafrom^ium equal to the whole amount of pre-

on unexpired riaiSSand pellclei, which arc hereby i to be unearned premiums, and alio there ehall be

Ted all «unu due the corporation on bonds and morl->, bonds, stocks and feook accounts, of which no part of

the principal or the Intereit Uiereou,hai.b«en paid during the l»»t year, and for which'fd ecfostirb or edit has not been commenced for collection, or which after judgment obtained thereon, BbalLhare remained more thaii two years nmalls-fied, and on which Interest shall not hare been paid, and aljb there shall bereserred all Interest dne or accrued and remaining jpnpaldj provided, always that any company nUy declare dtoe.n&#W„e«Maln^^ its capital _ao<^m^m^mWS'mmmmi^miu.tta aud be In possestion of a fund, la addition to the amount of Its capital stock, and of such dMdend, arid all actual out-

' standing liabilities, equal to one-half of the amount of all premiums on risks not terminated at the time of making ouch dividend. Any dividend made contrary to these pro-

"" gthe "' * „. . - • » . —- -Jienl ol

the dividend received, in addition to the other penalties and punishments in such case mad* and provided. This section snail not apply to the declaration of scrip dividends by par-'" " • ' - - - - - - rlpjlyidends shall be

moths & Gents' Furnishing Goods


* *

fc-m.t n&i&iiJ

*" £6.

imj We w i l l Sell Cheap Cor


G R O C E R Y D E P A R T M E N T !

j" -.i.V

We have also a Large lot of

• ' j *

HE A Dlf-M A D E C 1 0 TfHING.'!

, Which w».wlU

ticip'aiiag companles;5bu|

as abova provided, Includ ._ J^iPeT^eirhSMj sums ng the whole amount of premiums

jpired risks!-}!2. Torelgn Insurance companies shall hereafter be re­

ad to make and file their annual statements on the flrst jfjHoir»i»*ecfc«ac»;j«artoi*ithlttUiltty,dayathere>

..•, niade out forftheyear ending on the prscedlngtblrty. tj day of December ; the supplementary annual statements

of their business and affairs in the United States shall con­tinue to hie filed during the month of January, made out for the year ending en. the preceding thirty-Aral day of De-

. C Tl^»rt>f i« i iB^l l^n^te^ «*•' Hate of New York, Office of the Secretary of State.—I

havrfcomparedthe preceding with the original law on file In this office, and do hereby certify that the same Is a cor> rectJMnscrlpt therefrom and of the,whole of ssld.original

., j . ; Chapter 211, ~AS ACT in relation Jo the punishment of criminal offenses.

j Passed March 28,1885. TbeSeopIeof the State of New York, represented in Senate

«nd^^lfetlSecaSiSas*i51H*i5,0--'i. , ' - Beotionl/Allcriminal offenses now punished by lmprls-

ohment in the state prison for a term sot leas than two aor more than five year*) shall hereafter be,panlshed byjmprjj* onmentlnthe state prison for a term notleis-tban-one nor more toan five yearsi

J2.IAU criminal offenses now punished by imprisonment in th* state nrbonjor a term not less than fin nor more thantenyeare.Tffi ^ereaner' e'puhTaBedbyuuprljonment In the jitate prison t for a term not leas than two nor more than ten, years.

|8.|All crlmlnaluiffsnses (except murder in the second degree, nmsi^^^sam^fm^fm^vSm. pnnlshed byib^poB^mUn^>«sTeirfen%r»:term- riot less than ten years, shall hereafter be punlshed'by Imprison­ment In the state prison for a term not lest than fire nor more than twenty yeara. —'~~r

State 'of New York, Office of the Secretary of State.—I transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original law.

OHA0NOEY i t lOTBW^Secretary of State.

^ iPjisse'L uuu \ The People of the State of New York, represented In Senate

•nd Assembly, do enact as follows: : Set^onl. It shall b,tViajrfal5foalk«Jrtt»teesDf banks for '' aavlngs, who ara authorized to make temporary! deposits In i any of the incorporated banks, or In the associations which" now are or hereafter may be formed under the genera]

lthBi6rta^*^^&. ?"*; I IX This act shall take effect Immediately. * State *f New Jfork, «fflce ojyhfcSecretory of State.—I iliave compared thepreceang wlth'the'orlguial law on file in

thlaoBcej.ariddo .hereby certify thit the fame la • correct tranicript thtrtfromand of the whole of said original law.

• .V-T- ' Chapter 21& AN ACT for the incorporation of the New York State Tetu-

ThePeople-of theStateof New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enaft as follows:

' Seetlenll. Joseph S. Smith, John oote. Benjamin Joy, Janti* Bid«r, JAi'^i^BiSK^^iperk^ritf;B/"iIntncr, WBlIam R.MOw^Charles ft^Iieigh, E. Remington, J> Q.

Farmers will find thla the place to trade, as we will take their

. ii '

Biitter, Cheese, Grain, EggBj

i S e l l c i c r £*,*Oom-tl

As wewUh to make room tor other Goodv.

n ^ ' ! rr^i:

ccbause for Goods ot Causb, «t Use for­mer Store or Snusllnistn 4e Allen.

wmtem&mm$fp<i$ JH jVe-w. i«»u?»«rt**»»jfc«

"~-k. \w riAJrf

AVt.f!$ & F I S H E R .

>-m± i)t:\E'if6*i' : . • « .

&-MOQmmm. 2' t :» i / ip l 'V *r»

J.U-J i


WADt W.OK ••• • -i . . . . .'•r-.-.f..,^ • ^

fj^m^^'^^ "COFFEE V


wmzm 'rederickBUrr, Gerrlt Smith,

"•'•frJUteting, Henry Tl Voit — _ 4TB, Hodge, Wll-

" Bacon,: :and their aaoclates and isuccessors, are " J l ^i*^*^Kn? r "^"^^^ ** the name and

jeeT^And the said soclety.'by Its corporate style, id to take, hold ana dispose of property which it r#wi^ '0 jy« |an^«O»i f t e , iofar forth a» the SUte to:rel«tio^B^^devWpermit tin same, jit, the yearly income of which shall not exceed flvethousanddollars. •

*ieond,alK fe exprsessd, which shall not be Inconsistent ^^eg*'r»andc,nsUtulioftofthIsSUfe,orof»eTJnlted

'«W$ i*W& feiejfeyr S«te.—I. _. «**herS^«iafa#onflIevto

_.,._. hereby ce^Oythafcithe'saniera-acorreet erefirom And of the whole of said original law.

,.. _ . Chapter SJS. . ' _ . f ACT'to i mend chapter one huadrea and sixty-ieren of Ike l a w * eighteen hundred and sixty, entitled "An act p -.-!,.--j+-- . .r—-J-ffiu iV .'n. th^Partf ill' Contt BIT-*

18G '&ri&&M»«efij|r present The People ffftheBtateofNew York, represented in Senate ra,€^r-TB By, * c m « t aa fottowe:

rm mm exeeulore swdAdminiilratorsare ~ Je dsfendsnts, and In which the appeal

eietjeeln tire" court or »i court, at the general tens there-

•imtosl eases, and In cases In upon notice oflntent so to do.

•*--' tBihedlJitely. :

ihalfiSne Is a correct ^ i ^ O ^ e l r t andofthe whole efsaldoriglnal law.

•Man* • • '•• •»isiKyawir. » ; l . . n ; I . r . aaii _.»•-'

. jsfc*er _ . laehe* JrVtn» r%*e''canals, navigation thereon. - . tABrUt,18«;41ur«a4Uths being present.

•*» s^irfrof the State ol New York, represented in Benate

£2fan^Ttasomofthre«*n*e**n4iiInety.fourthou-.WSSSZ^STE modi theteota*i»)»**.h«e»Huy,;i«

^ , „ MaMakvawr > Mdsi s»»Ha*to -'-"

T^ooiily Geiiuiae,

|ivi in the United States. t . | - • . • " • * . • • r T " - •- •

F& Saleby^U ,Gife§fos throughout ih* %i - States and Canada*. -v u - -• • • •

• I? • ,.B .... . . - 9,%/to^;ij,t,num^ , . , • ;•• • •• it •• JfitouVsJfU.Ttfi ' Ti-1. . A <Vji'•/-•-£& •*•:'- •

.'J^r^sildjne.-,,-v « ' V



I f i Wit- ^ftsj ,^S(J ;*T¥l.n|w irT.




-»; :^,A.,yl'.'^.7,.tr?.ii7i*Tr r* xrr- •',•-, -.,.-",,,

dS r-r-— T H E G R E A T E S T B A T T L E

or TOT





M.F.AMSDEN s^cfcS&Si r ip . • 3 *.£.

iARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, selk more and sells cheaper than any other Grocery and

' 1 Provision House hi Halonev Glvo him a Call.

30(6 bbl« . F L O C B , Olieap a t Amaden'a .

f ANTON I.JUTCB, a t A m s d e n ' s ,

IISEIfDAIJB CKJOTENlYat A m s d e n ' s ,

I B D WOOD, a t A m s d e n ' s ,

/ C H O I C E B U T T E B A N D C H E S E E , at VJ Anisden's .

. • ' .»)

|17GS A N D IflEDIOINES, a t A m s d e n ' s .

^^^mm^^:^^. STBUJ7S 4c MOLASSES, a t I'ii of

Amsden's. Fj_ •nrr* HOICK G B O O E B I E S O P E V E R Y D E S -

-^CKIPTION, a t A m s d e n ' s .

n W. F. Amsden has adopted the

i jc*>wr*My-Mmry- S y s t e m ! An'diwill sell no more Goods on Credit, at his Store after t | J this date. -.

I Will sell Goods enough cheaper under this System, to make It an object for s l l to . t fadf* IIR me* Coin* and see.

Walone Dec. 23,«I8». ? >• ">• *~ ^ f t sVAUSDEN.

f - v

• fj •»-l.-U,-«,» J,» E.X'—.. 4 - . 1 l ' -tinder the name and Flrtaof

K.NejnFIrm wlU Bis Stock consists f n part of All orders and bustaeaR-entsutle* »«-tbr N recttys prompt attenftdnPtlari. •»*-*• »><u*


Will be of the , EM Aa£p88X&<il18! A € f t , v c r ' a n d S " v « " P I » t o d W o r e !

HsristVlT been replenlshsd with a sufficient stock ot '

MB, Medicines, 3?y«. , Perfninery, and

tb>it OaitbtneWirW flndie tc-thelrauVthM^lc^'iWP-Hm a ciill*eforemaklrigtheIr:purcfiM(!»:elje,#h^re;' ' '

JPhysIclans will find it to their advantage to give him their patronage.

""""" " ^ " " ' " ~' -"-%&%$


-••;ta W B i - - i

mortgage Sale. I f ! ••'•;"'',;>•'; , ' k ; ' : : ; p . •;, - . ; ^ ^

| f e^ | i l c i^1»l jr#« ,1f> tI.C;'1Fe!SM-t895. % H £ B & A t h BBFADWBASBEEN MADE IS THF

. - T H E . O N L Y , "•''' - '

T j i j - o n i g r l i U a i l y JL.f».e , jt|;TWJKES

»issmsi%ii *W*»: ckesaHneede'd^ tosiers wlUreceIv!eattentldn!t#c»IIlpgfoS the undersigned at the dwelling house of 0. L. Hubbnrd.



? . f . ^ - , - • >.: „ - • • . . • , . - . . . . s - . , . t

GrOOB^ In almost every variety, RUBBER and HORN , CIBCLI, SIDK and BACK COMBB, IVOKY and

;BKR ivat, HOBN and RUBBER POCKET COMBS; ^^SHES-TOOTH and NAIL. AMEBIOAN and BEST IU-PORTCD. 0Ant,virHraK«, o£om"»ria BOOT BRUSHES of every BtyJel^PJIBroiwr-^AIXUJMwdisARSBT'S EXTRACTS of nearly every kind; COLOGNES, in fancy styles, large and small sixes, also COL0GNB made at tbe Store to suit Purchasers. A good Assortment of FANCY

i logpurchSsel^e^rbperty^liSrhierly known asKoapp'

f; • Block, on the west side of the river at •j ] St ^f/Ji^rinncJlRPiot? a ^ .k »>, a . st

Wthe j fan

village of Malone, and having thoroughly repaired id fitteu^aj^hei**i*,*i»»l#toylBd5tbeIr«nHre

ftjLU SttOck of

<3i3 s f 2f •"?, .11 '•>£•&"*?:':

7 . ,, INTflXH*

J3Af«fEJ3»EE3NT S T O R E !

. Where can be found the best Store, the cheapest Groceries and the largest stock In Franklin County. Our stock con-,51«U In part as follows: • 1 i >• ' >_i • 200 obis OHOIOB WINTER A N D SPRINO


of g<*od Prbvender for,Hor«8 Feed.


My Stock of PATENT MEDICINE8 Is comprised of nearly all those in use at present.


f t ' * '*"'

Choice Confectionery A'good Assortment of CHOICB fOANDlES will he found

at joy Store.


i r o m »* t o 1S2 ("i la i l l inf i :8 .


Sttgai*, Fine* ani l <'«arse S a l t .

Soap apet Candles by tbe box, Earthen wata




My Goods are all warranted PURE and GENUINE, and iSanyperson dissatisfied with them will please returo them and tbe purchase money wtll be refunded. .

P0Ta04M,N.Y.,Februaryl>,18'(Sa. TotktCUUtntof Malonetutd Vicinity:

We the undersigned, Physicians of the village of Potsdam, do hereby certify that we are well aoqualntedwtta Mr. K,~HT WocoxanShavebeeii for several years 'pastjdorlnfr Whfeb' timet he has been employed In Drug Stores lu this village; we believe bun to be competent to compoudd prescrlpUous and jdo a general Drug business, and recommend htm to your!favorable consideration and patronage.

QXDio> W. Cam, M. D. J. USISOLDS, M. b. , J. H. ifcOusajirr, M. D. O. 0. BATKS, M. D.

' ; •' * ]N.D.IawxBtoir,U. D. « t f « POTSOJUU, N. Y., February 10th, 1803.

I ftilly concur In tbe foregoing ccrilflcate of Pnys'l(3»?ii;' thesald E. H; Wilcox having been in my employ about four years, and cheerfully recommend hJa»-aiioBe wortby35f5our confidence and support.

' C.M. PECK, Druggist. Potsdam.N. Y.

E . H . W I L C O X ,

O p p o s i t e m i l l e r H o u s e , ITIa lone .

Malone Jane a, 18W.

fElO'VAL - O . M O S E S '


i t f e i ^ S . ^ ^ G E 3 S K | 3 t B L O C K


He lhas just received a New and Fine

^»»»oirtxia«MadtwS£tu:<^<ic>ca« '•U

i f Hi


present season, run their Line of SB" i » s» * O l a S

B e t w e e n

the second day of February, ISO*, executed by Catherine I Csshmau, then of the town of Westvillevin the county <.r ; Franklin abd state of New York, to Henry A. Paddock, then j ofthe townof Malone, t» secure tbe payment of the purchase , jnoney of the premises: hereinafter described, which tnort-! gage: Wis recorded In the office of the Clerk of said countv I ip liber M of mortgages, at page 21, on tbetstTlay of March

- £ € « Jt~ Jti rn » J w „ i _ US**, at 0 o'clock A. M. Tbeamonotclaimedtobe due upon

Oeaensourea,.CJaiC8ig:o ana Inter-1 saia mortgage, at the time of the.a«t publication of this au-:» ±^ A' i i , . *»JS*»— 1 tlCfeB sixhundred and eighty-seven dollars and sixty-eight

. . j n e C t i a t e J T O r i ; ? ' i cents, principal and interest, which Is the whole amount un-« t t v * « f « . m — •**.-« ,^„iV A . i t i u . n t ^ h . . . « 1 P43 thereon. No snit or proceeding has been commenced O n l r S I * W a y s T l j r o i p g U j ^ r l t l l o n t C n a l i c e | „, fecov„ the amount secured by said mortgage, or any part

QfljFOM*' 1 thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by vir-Tiffe » , n i n m „ ,„,i R«i;«Mn flomnanr will durinc the! tnejof the powerof sale in said mortgage contained, and re-Tftl. well town SfJ^^SSTSk of * - «*«•« •» • « » « « , »»/,1? Pnrauwce of the stetute in such

f case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclose! I by* sale ofthe premises tiierehvdescrjbed, and the same will

wilt be sold, at public auction, at the front door of the Court Hottse, in the town of Malone, in said County of Franklin, ont-jhe 22d day of May next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon The ssld premises are described In said mortgage as follows. AUlliat tract or parcel of land, situate in the town of West-vllie, Franklin county, New York, distinguished as part of subdivision first^of lot four. In township two, of great tract No* 1, of McComb's purchase (so called), and is bounded aa follows, vis: Beginning at the north east comer of said sub­division, and runs south, one degree east,- along the east bounds of said subdivision fifteen chains twenty-one links to land heretofore deeded by Edward Ellice to Theopbilus 11. Patch, then west along the north bounds of said land deeded to Patch, to the north west corner thereof, then a&tfth, one degree east, along west bounds of said land deeded to Patch to land heretofore leased by said Ellice to Aibon Cushman, then west along tbe north bounds of said leased land and along the north bounds of land in said subdivision heretofore deeded by said Ellice to John Creighton, whole distance thirty seven chains, to the west bounds of said subdivision, then north, one degree west, along the west bounds of "saM subdivision to twenty-five acres in Bald subdivision heretofore leased by said Ellice to John Holdcn, then east along the south bounds of said twenty-five acres to the south east cor­ner thereof, then north, one degree west, along the east bounds of said twenty-five acres to the north bounds of sahl subdivision, then paslerly along tbe north bounds of said subdivision to the place of beginning, contalng ninety-four acres eighty one-hundredtbs of an acre of land, be the same more or less. Also, the following described piece or parcel of land iu Westville aforesaid, viz : beginning at the soulh west hounds of the highway leading from Westville corners to the old *' Man " forge, at a point where the south line of the old E. & J. Leonards' 20 acres crosses said west bounds of said highway, and runs thence south, 62 degrees west, as the needle pointed A. f>. 1S47, four chains and forty links to the bank of Salmon River, then down along the bank of Salmon River to land deeded to Henry G. and Sally But­ton, then north, 52 degrees east, to the north west bounds of tbe highway, then along the highway to the place of begin­ning, containing one acre of land more or less, and being tha same premises upon which Amos W. Cushman and wife now reside.—Dated the 28d day of February, 1865.

HENRY A. PADDOCK, Morfgagee.

Ogdensburgb, Oswego, Cleveland. Toledo, • Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukie, Ar ie l I n t e r m e d i a t e F o r t s .


Passengers and Families moving West, can embark with their Luggage, Teams, Stock, &c, and land together without disturbance or Transhipment, at their port of destination, thus avoiding the great inconvenience of the many changes', delays and expenses of other routes. f&~ These Steamers have large Cinreaond STATE Rnous, amply and neatly fur­nished, for FIRST CLASS PASSENGERS, and Second Cabins with Cook Stoves and comfortable accommodations for Pas­sengers and Families, who may wish to furnish their own provisions. E^"* No efforts will be spared to maintain the reputation efthis, as the CHEAPEST ,AND BEST ROUTE I A thorough rebuilding, refitting, repairing and refurnishing, With several new boats added to the line, makes this now the fnoat comfortable, pleasant, and expeditious route to the GREAT WEST


KB~ Through Tickets over oil Western Railroad Lines can be obtained on application to GEORGE W. SMITH, office corner Ford and Patterson Sts., opposite Johnson House, Ogdensburgh, K.t. , * * (•"One hundred pounds or baggage free, to each passenger.

Baggage checked through to all points. For Through Tickets and other Information, apply to

. O. A. EI}DY,08Ice Steamers Landing, OgdT), N. Y. GEO. W. SMITH, Gen'l Ticket Agent.

P. H. SHIELDS, Passenger Agent, Malone, N. Y. April 6, 8m.

MEAT M^KET AT COMMERCIAL BLOCK LEWIS &.CLARK have also a nice meat market at-UcSedtpHheir.gtor* where can be found All kinds of Fre;h Meats, Fresh Fish, Ac.

WOOL MARKET at Commercial Block. ' "i LEWIS * CLARK will also pay cash for Wool, Sheep If Pelts Jjeacpnand Veal Calf Skins. Also Cow Hides.

<rsfr - frt K r l • r-f—•• • J-""~ -rr-y^ .-•--Wood & Lumber Yard, Commercial Block

.-' LEWIS A CLARK will pay cash for Wood, Shingles and Lumber at their Wood Yard.



FAI££ANKS' PATENT SCALES. tEWTS & CtAKK are tbfe only agents for ihe sale of Fairbanks'Scnlci ID tbe toiro of Usilone, where they

.- frill furnish all kinds of Scalea at the factory prices. J No charge for freight.

F&ANKLXff COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY, •;' The depository for the sale of Bibles of the Franklin ','".' County Bible Society can be found with the Treasurer ,' A C. Lewis, at the store of LEWI? A CLARK. All

,'t "4 Kinds of Mibles sold at N«-w York cost prlrc.j

•v 1; ar aa xi%r an x> as* *sr ,


n , Uhleei otherwise, specially arranged."


: lrjfj;»0#X3fKi5 T£l .*,? 1 V» rs ft i*1 sfmJMmmmmm *_

S T X 2 « t 0 3 < T

l:ra.-., -, -r.~-J$ Hff'O^iihoafif,'inti r^ojiiuiendii^eiy'

fi>iiaIn-««ltte«%lajt»^4"Vj'hs/« KV«_. '- t .•.--••i:. .1

JubStitute for ciittt^^Si^40y^^^^^'.hh^-T:'ii-%

'. l E l U ^ S ^ e o ^ i ^ i n ^ l i S f e m ^ * ' ' ' /J-^

[U meet popular •uWlilu'tiforr^ftit.Iauia berry.-

*e>»*e*.lrlf«TeryacelIenf satbfactlon^aad ihat»' (tiai:sVaefoiner'to 8dlnplflni%>. St^i* t"; lf'<* ?>.!

f , v ; Vt '"•'. Wi.T*'YAjJNO|riilA )f> B iH;*t«»i,;:;.

.• /jii-JuiTllJg Agenerat-Aale.h U» cliy,' *i»fa»t-cqiBiiif

vaaavIsaaUhoMiAeeperitttrylti AOawirwltoeaito;

i .*««»« aelUbty ond |»uKtxp*Wsot«lfl«


4. iin!Miet ;5»h*'puhUo;pMvtaa^


""'If -•: .z^mv^m^'jmm^f^'':>^^ ,•-O. C.-tV,wrrwrr, lirn'^K r'tWi^, O.iaui'R P«„m,'

TTs^rrnrvzj-^i f^prM <3E1°*>®

'fPiLiTi i^mm^pjmt _ ** r!.


- A N D - ^ ' . ^ ^mj$ftmmwsii® M iff

m k Set»; Cake J a s k e ^ C j ^ t o w


nmm^^sm'Wg$^ 1 —AN»—


' j —O&r—



Fiiest Quality & most Approved Patterns!


If ' t T B ' W B I . l 6 y . tf* P J E i O T A C L E S !

' " ' { i r^r3ld««cflnilrev«ry!«ei»ctofBj»eye, :

J j (blindness excepted.) O J p o l t w , F a n c y G o o d s , J t o . ,

ji For S»Ie>, and

-••ii , — B T —



O G D E K S t t V R G I I R A I L R O A D . l © < S . - > - C l i « i i s r e oi T i m c - 1 8 6 5


Commencing Monday, Jan. 30,18C5. Running Tune, Twelve Minutes Paster than

LOCAL TIME. EJ~ EXPJIKSS TBAiita will not Stop at F u o SriTioss. _^gj

Two iiiROcan Tiuiss DAILT, (Sundays Excepted.) SECOND TRAIN, THROCGH MAIL.

Leave Ogdensburgh ot 11.80 A. it., (dine at Malone,") arriv­ing at Rouse's Point at S.40 p. si., St. Albans I r .». , (supper) Burlington 0 P. u., Rutland 12.30 1. »., Troy 4.60 A. 31., and New York 10.80 A. JI. W. River Junction 1 A. «., Concord B.80 A.M., arriving at Boston at b.85 A. U. PasseDgere by this tram take Sleeping Cars at St. Albans for Boston, Troy, Albany and New York. This train connects with JI. A C. R. R. ot Rouse's Point, arriving at Montreal at 9 e. Jt.


Leave Ogdensburgh at 4 *. ii., arriving at Malone J0.00 P. H.

RKTl'RXIxn. Leave Boston at 5 p. u.. Concord > P. SI , White River

Junction 11.40 P. U. New York at 8.80 P. M., Troy 10 P. M. Rutland 12.80 A. H., Burlington 4.80 A. x.,t>t. Albans C A. M. (Breakfast) Rouse's Point 7.15 A. a., arriving at Ogdensburgh at 1.00 P. u connecting with Day Express on G. T, Railway for West, and Ottawa & Prescott Railway, for Ottawa City.

Sleeping Cars on ail night I rains rrorn Boston, New York and Troy.

Malone^Jan. 27th, 1605. G. V. HOYLE, Supt,


Whiter »lMrrangemeHt. N O V E M B E R 1J , 1 H « J ,

TRAINS GOING SOCTII AND EAST. Day Express leaves Ogdensburgh at S.So a. m., for Bur­

lington, Lowell and Boston, and for Kuilund, Troy, Albany and New York via Troy.

Night Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 11.80 a. m., for Burlington, Lowell, Boston, Worcester, Springfield, New Haven and New York via Springfield and for Rutland, Troy, Albany and New York via Troy. With sleeping cars be­tween Rouses' Point and Boston and Springfield nnd Rouses' Point and Troy.

TRAINS GOING NORTH AND WEST. Mall Train leaves St. Albans at 6.00 a. tn„ for Boston,

Worcester, Springfield New Haven, Troy, Albany and New York. ' Trains leave Boston at 7.00 a. m. arid 8.00 p. m., for Ogdensbureb.

S t Albans, Nov. 13, ISOf. G. MERRILL, Supt.


Tbiroi igl i t o C h i c a g o In 2 8 H o u r s ! Persons j;oing to the West can have their choice of Boat

or Railroad, from Ogdensburgh, Trains lrave Prescott on the Arrival of the" Train from the East.

P. CLARK, AGENT, MALONE, Is always *ca8y>to watt an'all persons ;golng West He

sells Tickets to Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Cleveland, Cincinnati and

• tiiU points West, New York via Ogdensburgh, Water-'; town and Rome, and K. f. Central H, It's.


./ And also to Montreal, via St. Lawrence River. liifcne, Slay 19,18«.-lf.


illortga§re S a l e .

DB F A P I T H A S B E E N M A D E I N T H E payment of the money secured by .a mortgage, dated

tbe 1st day of May, 1S62, executed by James Ward, then of Bombay, Franklin county, state of New York, to Henry A. Paddock, then of the town of Fort Covington, in said county, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the clerk of said county, in liber No. 14 of Mortgages, on page 418, on the 2d day of May, 1S62, at 9 o'clock A. M. The amount claimed to be due upon said mortgageat the time ofthe first publica­tion of this notice, is two hundred and forty-eight dollars ami ^ ten cents, principal and interest, which is the whole amount unpaid thereon. No Bult or proceeding has been commenced to recover tbe amount secured by said mortgage or any part themsof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that, by virtue of the power of sale In said mortgage contained, ami recorded as aforesaid, and In pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, tbe said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein described, and the same * will be sold at public auction, at the front door ofthe Court House, iu the town of Malone, in said county of Franklin, on the 22d day of May next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon. Thu said premises are described in said mortgage as follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Bombay, in the county of Franklin, and state »f New York, St. Regis reservation, purchase of 1824, surveyed by Samuel B. Ander­son, Feby., 1S25, and is lot number twenty-five, being a part. of said lot, and is bounded and described as follows: begin- " ning at a birch tree^on the south line of the Indian reserva-A Hon, marked 24, 2ft, being the south east corner of lot No. 24, and running thence south, etglity-rhree degrees and fifteen minutes east, fifteen chains and thirty links along the said south line, thence north, six degrees and forty-five minutes east, as, the magnetic needle pointed in 1S25, and parallel with the west line of said lot 25, twenty seven chains and ninety-two links to the north line of said lot, thence north­westerly along the north line of said lot to the north west corner of the s^me, thence south, six degrees and forty-five, minutes west, as Ihe ne'edle pointed in 1">25, forly chain* along the said west line to Ihe south west cornerof said lot to the place of beginning, containing fifty-one acres and tbree-tfnartcrs of an acre, more or less, being same premises con­veyed to him by Henry Bero and wife.

Dated February 28,1SC5.

HESBY A. PADDOCK, Mortgagee.


M o r t g p a g - e .**ale .

WH E R E A S DEFAULT HAS BEEN MADE l.\ payment or the money secured by a mortgage dated

Hie second day of January, 1860, executed by James Black then of Trout River in the County of Franklin and State or New York, to James O. Spencer, then of Ogdensburgh, In the County of St. Lawrence, 10 secure the payment of the pur­chase money of the premises hereinafter described which mortgage was recorded in the oflice of the Clerk or the County of Franklin, in Liber 13 or Mortgages, at page 4!*, on the 23d day of February, ]t*00, at 8 o'clock, P. M. The' said mortgage has been duly assigned to Christopher Briggs of the town of Malone, In said county of Franklin, and the same is now owned by him.

The amount claimed to be due upon said mortgage, at the time ofthe first publication of this notice, is three hundred and three dollars and thirty cents, principal and interest, which is the whole amount unpaid thereon. No suit or pro­ceeding has been commenced to recover I he amount secured by said mortgage, or any part thereof. Now,' therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue or the power of sale in said mortgage contained, and recorded as aforesaid, and in pursuance or tbe statute in such case made- and provided, tbejaid mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale or.the prem­ises therein described, and. the same will be sold at' public auction, at Ihe front door ofthe Court Honge, in the town>of Malone, In said County ofFranklin, on the 22d day of May nest, at ID o'clock in the forenoon. The said premises are described in said mortgage as follows; All that tract or panel of land situate in'fhe town of Fort Covington, County of Franklin, New York, known and distinguished as house lot number fifty-six of the mile square laid out on Salmon River in the St. Regis Reservation, excepting and reserving -the easterly part or said Jot which has been heretofore sold andnofrIsoocupledby S. V. R. Tuthill.

Dated February 23d, 1S65. CHRISTOPHER BRIGGS, Assignee.

HK-VEV A. PADDOCK, Attorney.

SC J P R E a i E COIIHT.—FRANKLIN COUNTY, N f.—Henry A. Paddock, Plaintiff, against Preserved

War*, Norman B. Squires, John Sherry, Henry Gatusha Eno* J. Stone, Charles G. Wood, George P. Baldwin, Harris M. Baldwin, Joseph Studweil, Nathaniel Fisher, Jacob Ed-

•JjL. "W 'M-ffij-r-


Oi will frrahhi attention to repairing

A t N o . 3 P h o e n i x B l o c k .

flone,Jan.l»,18<H. O. MOSES.

w '&

irranttd to Give Sa^slbtion

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Te«t Malt Cofee- f» speken of in the M«h«t« terat, |«. fair «r. ' WAMne * »«>-, >M>%% K. %

H^p. l^areoBtalna the »i»l *t the •»•« of Hew Tertt..*.

k of 8*0** andkeep ea hMd rQraaW.a'U Wad* of

1 • IpWJ^Wl.WW wB^^'Is^WrjKB^Hi^PWt^'Pw -


11 t i l o b o M i l l « F r a i r r n i i t

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IN. ti


& ^ Ineli 3iii^» laTrailol-orexcellenV •fl.W

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Mewi Hall Goods


WilliahTH.Davis,Charles 3. F. Eastman, Charl'es M. Pe].'

Itoursuance and by virtue of a judgment or foreclosure andfale, made to flie above entitled action on the eighth dayjbf March, 1865 the subscriber, referee, for that purpose . ' l a f e p 5 t n t e ? ' 5 0 1 seJh^ ae: e o n r t a o a » e , In Moione; on tbejaOth day of May, 1565, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of •*«&§»&thereat,estate and mprtgaged premises directed by-|«d^ndBtnent to be sold, and. therein described as lol-

,& M » a < * » ? « - o r parcel of land, gittwte in the town* o f l S , r \ C ? v l 2 B l o ? a n d B o m D a y . t a o w n <w the Henry lot, so called, in Bombay, containing forty-seven'acres, more or iess^and the Jonathan Rich farm, so called, in fort Covlng-ton^conlalnlng one hundred acfes, more or less. The said lands are boruidedois follows: On the northerly by Joseph Kelft.^d-Amoa Short'a possessions; Westerly by Joseph KeS^{

Job\Ro^'J1'^ ft-Btehi ana Charles Pi. ElUo^a passions: Southerly by Orlda Uay, B. Rolfe and E, T

»**• *-S a s n RBCIIVINO


mm f wdnl ly Elected for tJiis Hwrkst!

n A'':i-A^,'''•v-', • - ' . ' -> - . ' M-'S-.-^ i?f'£. :? ; - .

red Sand forty dedwitmnsaldboune

_. „ _. hand-h.-tBi.tnarf.'2rM?I5l??',n^e.or £"' ^to* intended to *eI«4ude4sritlUn«aiaboTindarieK aforesaid.—Aprni,J8«5.

Mf i S W ^ , a B ! ? C OJ» STATB'OFHEW i'ORK, «9.-By „r r l" t^°»;« , l e* e B U 'r , i , !? , < ! d o n»< , r * • County Court

r f o J S V « f ^ « . ^ n ? . , 0 i euldCounty.lnfawof the BoaMKoY ConunSsloneia Of Uxetee of said County, I ha*e

tS$$J['«Te3$tal!±?'£$l<iteMUie town of Malone, town-^ l ^ e % « l ^ S b * f **?*«e» ^ l ^ y of F»nklln„tmd Stappf^IetvTrdric,.bonndea n* follows: ITeglnnine at a p6i«^JB4heeentertif*aitt)0B River, known;* the north-wesfceornerof »Iofof land cphveyed by James Duaneto !£$££?$*' ?eo-.Hth' IS*% Ntiwing «tence easterly in *Je S"??,110! or,?a,iy?'. ao°at twenty rods to the center or ^ ^ • V i i ^ ' W ^ o w M a J o n e Tillage to Buinel S e e souSerto,TBaie niiddle of said highway, to rt.c ttddaie of a

Inejudingsonie of the Novelties of the day, coniprhlng his

i.4.„a.^.A^.4 HfM^ghe^hldJler^ilWjmc^tr^^jSo^' * ' , '

th?r^Y n . 1hJ" . .^ !S? < > fi »^ B w < * toSshno'n Ri7e7. thenceln.tlie. same direction to the mlddleof said river:

h*«wi>ng, containing about one*oi», of Uhd-moreor lesi. whW I ebaUseU »t pubHo tacfiSnfit-tbe Cam Honi ~

;-: No. i Phosnlx Block, Malone, N. Y

flitdMl * W ^ ^ r f . t f i i f c s a ^ m t A a a ' ^ t r -•-'•-

thteowUi^eM e«nMt> «f i t l a a i


* T«t«*' N ^ i |

-'- rftV¥0rlr*CUy'.*-*f

CO0L AND, SABIN & S«ap and Candle Makers

wk*Vfctktnjoiriif*thtaeoininuniry'iiiwiilylaita ^aniirae-t»Wrtf .«

• « A | > A W D O A f f O L B I t Th«f will keep* eeMtaat Mppljr of H a r d m*i Soft "Ml* , which <anbth«4lnqtiMUtree I« n i t purchasers.

ial^lU^aaJwfclaJaklri'satorV.IOWJtrwt. -, CaMk r m « far T a l l o w JkCr««*r o r a l t k t « d * .

josn>R oocuito JTAMB IAKIN

__, - WMK*t mrtn*4

MfcMMopi.l*,!**. If

i0i>v<r<#m* ;i^wi*fept,l^*»fc«»«i,;

V e r j S W H I I A 4 T « H C « f r o m , Cot.

Aed *M**^« It «a 1&IM fit <if«H Latiak mmr t» !«•

•» *4.:MVmmMMB,


n-f} i.tis. i

CLOCKS! '.: > r -'''.. •'• ••'-'•• — A N D — * - - \"'-~-

^. S o . t , ritlOrTJBLOOK, nCJLI,«>KB.

:A". A V M E I f R M A ^

T H K OWNE88 or M O H ^ ^ ^ ^ T W ^ T H I D S

wri|te»ut*ori«ed!th*l>iw«oi*«ft»«ta«atflt>to«bairewfte said Bttik> into * National Ai»ociatto)i, ander the Act of ;«oj)jre««,*ialtleidJtn "Act to provide"* National Carrency, securJadby.thepWtlkeof-Cnltedglatea Bonds, and to pro-TidwtertJieclrcuhnloaaad redemption thereof" approved 3aaVS,^ISSfei.-JBjnoi bJtewsby gl»en, 4b«t A* a meettne of -•>

8»ft«mously voted'»o male* aUch change to nnWiance of

^ Act«r th» LerisUtBre. of the State Df, New York-^htwid

••p'*» Mmmf-mi^^^m;; W l S ' A i K •

Weald rerpeWvely announce to the dtiiens of »ia(««e" and Tl2!?t ,iSSJ6S' h»» »ke» the shop formerly kept by ^JH*!$IM*M»r' F«tq«oe,Alatoh*. where* • WWW' happy tAwive his *«ehtldnito a|l calls-1 «!»**< happy Murive his *ttehtldrji to all•••****

, InhU line of business. t , r !5 »«Mrt»**jiM had.o«r twenty yew* exptriepte In ^ 5 R 1 " ? ? ^ ^ • • • • w Wwelf thlt he C M «iv* entire Wt-tafaotloo to all his customers.

—.\f^j? cf °2f,^£ Jewslrr-*adi Puted , Ware will he kepv

«ny wwds, net on hwd, w© ht aupnlied, direct tton» the

» H * XU> A* »***< »• »W» MHt patronage of »W Mr.

Malant, July 7, 3MJ,

'«»#r, * * 0 8 « « HAWKINS, iC«hie*i

^ 'JSS?V*r ******** CalM,»» « » « • tthertbyaiveo according to law, to aU persons bavin* claims aaaJntt th? * ^ ^ f * ' l S ^ ^ * « « " f » e towh q7«lnk?lt.,^eS«rt. •JSltSf "* W5»l»0«» «*nlbit the same with tVvo*A*r»

•rajereOPTf, Admlnlstratrlt.

boo* aeiftwi*, »r* «1»«*«di« erttto tha^aaa, wlthatM,, lay.





% Publishe

J . J . * Offloe, No.

Tillage Subscribers, Mall and Office Sot

Th« Publishers ex paid strictly In advi

R A T E S ( JTCenLl

1 square 1 week . . Each subsequent I

1 square 6 months. LaoAt. ADTKansn Tearly Advertiser

the year. All change Boswass OABDS no

•very addrtlonal line All accounts for a

first Insertion of tbe be marked tbe lengtl will b* continued till era, and charged ace

BUSINE - • • i . • -f--


Depot Stre Special attention gtvei

April 18,8m


t u t Sraarr, Orr •pedal attention fives

W. V. Dssuaa.

1 j . c .

ATTORNEY S o . 6 0 W a


Attorneys am No. I Dnlotf||iock-

' M A I . a, A. tArtoa.

oso MAI

Office! Nc

M. M.

Attorney , C b a t e

G . r


H o l l o Publisher, HARPS, fv


All Goods Wan •VrRANOR, «5 STATB


R. S. BROWN Isagen

T. GUbert & ilo. This is one of the oldest

Aha oomntry, and no firm n ORDERS SOL

S. P.

Fhysioian Residence, first house I



Watcnes, Jewelry. Silver an

Wat«hM, jriioch:* at No, 8 Phoonlx |


F o r T b e Coni Aacllon Sales attended toAt


Wholesale an

Brandies, Wim At* *nd Li«w Seer, E<

(fota, Frolta « a d Co

West end of-th*' Btldgi

P. CL XAl\iEJBJ€lir

isci i -AT *aa KB' 9 D U Street,

Qurr-OUr«D«aoB, LsaaOMtuora, . ~ -

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