FME Extensions - Magento · and others of Additional Checkout Order Attributes Extension for...

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Transcript of FME Extensions - Magento · and others of Additional Checkout Order Attributes Extension for...

FME Extensions

Additional Checkout Order Attributes – Extension for Magento

User Guide - Version 1.0

FME Extensions Additional Checkout Order Attributes

2 User Guide

Intended Audience The content of this document is designed to facilitate the users -managers, supervisors and others of Additional Checkout Order Attributes Extension for Magento. A step by step instruction has been added to this document to help users to install the extension on Magento. This extension will only work on Magento. As a safe practice always backup your files and database before installing any extension on Magento. If you are looking for someone to install the extension we can do it for you as well. Just go to the following link and let support know the order id to expedite the installation process. Go to: Once you have installed please see the User Guide to help you understand on how to use the extension to its full capacity. If you still have questions feel free to contact us on our website. If you have any custom requirements feel free to touch base with. Just email with the description of the requirements and they will get back to you with estimates. For further help or support, feel free to reach us @

FME Extensions Additional Checkout Order Attributes

3 User Guide

Table of contents

I. Additional Checkout Order Attributes – Extension

Intended Audience II. Table of contents III. Getting Started!

Overview IV. Extension Features

Registration & Account Pages

Select Checkout Step

Restrict by customer groups

Specify Product & Category

9 Types of Fields

Show in Emails/ Invoice PDFs V. Installation Instructions VI. User Guide VII. Disclaimer VIII. Support IX. Customization X. Need a New Custom Extension?

FME Extensions Additional Checkout Order Attributes

4 User Guide

Getting Started!


Magento Order Attributes Extension enables you to add custom fields on checkout

and registration pages. You can add Text Field, Date, Yes/No, Multiple Select,

Dropdown, Checkbox, and Radio Button. Assign fields to specific products and

categories. You can also set the position of fields, select checkout step, validation, and

much more.

Extension Features

Registration & Account Pages

✓ Display additional attributes on customers account page & registration page. Logged incustomers can view / edit the data entered anytime.

Select Checkout Step

✓ Add the new Magento checkout fields to any of the checkout steps; including billing, shipping, payment or order review. You can also position them in top, middle or bottom.

Restrict by customer groups

✓ Custom checkout attributes can be restricted to specific customer groups targeted towards a specific targeted audience.

Specify Product & Category

✓ Assign additional attributes to specific products and categories. These attributes will only be visible on checkout when you have that particular product or a product from that specific category in cart.

9 Types of Fields

✓ Able to add an additional attribute from a variety of field types including Text field, text area, Date, Yes/No, Multiple Select, Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio Button and Text Display.

Show in Emails/ Invoice PDFs

✓ Magento custom checkout fields extension provides option to display new checkout attributes on emails and PDFs used for invoicing and shipping.

FME Extensions Additional Checkout Order Attributes

5 User Guide

Installation Instructions

I. STEP 1 - Magento 1.4 -

1. Unzip to a local folder.

2. Copy file /step-1/app/etc/modules/FME_Fieldsmanager.xml to /


3. Copy the full folder /step-1/app/code/local/FME/Fieldsmanager to


4. Copy file /step-1/app/design/frontend/default/default/layout/

fieldsmanager.xml to /app/design/frontend/default/


5. Copy the full folder /step-1/app/design/frontend/default/default/

template/ fieldsmanager to /app/design/frontend/default/


6. Copy file /step-1/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/

fieldsmanager.xml to /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/ layout/

7. Logout from your admin panel and again login you will see FME

Extensions Menu in Left Menu of your admin panel


following patch has been applied SUPEE 6788)

1. Copy all the files in folder /step-2/app/code/local/FME/

Fieldsmanager to /app/code/local/

2. Copy file /step-2/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/

fieldsmanager.xml to /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/ layout/

3. Logout from your admin panel and again login you will see FME

Extensions Menu in Left Menu of your admin panel

FME Extensions Additional Checkout Order Attributes

6 User Guide

User Guide

After installation of module, make sure the setup is upgraded and static-contents are deployed. Login

to admin panel and flush you Magento cache storage.

I. How to add new Fields:

Step 1 – Go to Rules Manager: At the backend go to “Manage Fields”. You can go there from Admin Pannel > FME Extensions >

Fields Manager. Click on “Add New Feilds” to continue.

Step 2 – Fill the basic information:

Here you will have to fill your basic information. For the purpose of this demo we have added the

following information.

FME Extensions Additional Checkout Order Attributes

7 User Guide

Step 4 – Frontend:

Now at the frontend you will find the following. You can always go back and edit the fields


FME Extensions Additional Checkout Order Attributes

8 User Guide

II. How to configure the extension:

At the backend, go to FME Extensions > Fields Manager > Settings. Here you will have access to the

following configurations:


1. Enable Fields Manager: Enable / Disable the extension.

2. Enter Heading for the Fieldset of Fields Manager: Heading will only be used where fieldsets

are used.

FME Extensions Additional Checkout Order Attributes

9 User Guide


It is highly recommended to backup your server files and database

before installing this module.

No responsibility will be taken for any adverse effects occurring

during installation.

It is recommended you install on a test server initially to carry out

your own testing.


You can also find Step by Step guide on this extension by visiting

Additional Checkout Order Attributes product page on our website. If

you need more information or have any questions or problems, please

refer to our support helpdesk:

You can log a ticket and a support technician can assist you further.

If you are still struggling with your extension, submit a request via


If you have requirements that are not covered by our extension and

you need to have our extension customized, feel free to email us with

detailed requirements at

You can also fill out a Request for Quote form here and we can get back

to you with a quote:

Need a New Custom Extension?

We can build a new extension based on your custom requirements if

needed. Feel free to email us at