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J AN U A R Y 1, 19IO





Analyses of Fertmicrs, FeeJ Stuff, Food and Drugs. Rules and Regulatio ns.

T.J .. \rl'~~~.!"~:!!_:.;_"'~'"'"'· ~, .... -r .... 111 10


Tul111l11.1AAee, Floridu, Jauuaryl, WlO.


l'uge, 1, under E~pct1ditwre1 of C/um1iwl Divi11ion, the 11alary or the Feed Stuff A1rnly1t, $1,500.00, ~·ue omitted. The t otal111houh.l read1111follow@: Total ci,::~n&es, Chemh:al D!vieion .......... . tl4,!?fl4.J8 To credit of Q(!fleral lli:n-enue J<' und . . ...... . . 42,498.42

Total rceelpU! ............. .. ..... .... . $l;G,792.60

On pa~ 12, Rei;etmc, Ur11lcr lt"ew l," ;o of 1001, i;bould l"l'ad: 1000 ............. . .• 14 ,:.'9-i. 18 $-12,4!18.42 f,Mi,792.l'.O

A1·erage . ... . •.•.•.. , 8,48".!.74 12/J,71:!.70 ,a3,606Jl7

i~\11~~:§~:~:g;§:t;)I~~~~> '.: :: t 1:500.00

937 .24

r,a.u &UO

Appar11tua Food 1.abora.tory ............. . .. .. . Po1h,5e ,.. ·· · •··

Total e..,:pen,u, Cbt tn\~al D11'i tloo . - -To C~ll of c,mera.l ReHnlMI F'1u1d .

Total Recel1•Ui .. . .

. . .•. 112,7941S . 4~,998.0


·r 11 llahaS1;Ce1

}'lorid11, ."l mrn!l r y 1, W!O.

To Hi11Excelleuc:y, .\ll.crt ·w. Gflthri11r, O,m~roor.

. - Sil·:­'1'al h11J11 111l(.>e, l''lorhfo .

t hare the ilunur to 1;ul.,111it The fo llowing 1~port or the Cll<!mical 1Jlvi11i ,.m or lhe Agricul!urul Dc1111rtmen t or the S tu1 e or F lorida, for the yea r ending Dees!mber 31, 1900.

The r-l'<J N or I.b e otlke o! Iha Ai:r lc ult uraJ De11&rtme 11 t, a nd rel)Orl ot t h., State T reasu,.., ,, ,how the sa.!11 of ln •pOCtlon atam1)41 co ,·.,r!IIJil: 16~.740.3S to111 or Commercial ~·ert lllie r1-Amoun t11111r t o ...•.••... . .. . .... . . . ..... ....... .. ... . f lS,HG.07

Alld fi2,3iXl.12 lOIII o f Corn me r,:tal Feeding St uff-Amo unting to IS,081.53

A tota l r e ve ou,; ol .. ... . . . ...... . . . .... .. . . . ..• .... $56 ,7112.60 paid loto tb e 81ate T reu ury tothe credll oltbeOeMn.l Ro .. tinoe F\J.nd. F'rom whl"'• 11 to be d~ucted t he total Hpe 115e• or the Chemka l Dl • lalon , an d the ex ))l.tn1ea of th e De11a rtmcm of AgrJ. cull\lN, incide nt to the exe cu11on of th., F;,rtlll~er, Feed Stufl", a udJ'u re ~dan<1 Dr11g L.aw•.

Sa lary State Chemis t. Trav;,llng upen1e1 State Che ml1t aod Aul.ra n11 ..

... , !,:::: Sa lary 1-'erUltKer Chemist. . . . Sa lary Feed Srnrr l n11>0l'Ctor . .. . . . .. .. .... . . T ri.voling ex 11<inoes f'ecd St ull ill • pecto r . . Che m ica ls and A1111a r11.tu ~ ... ... . Sal&ry Food 11. nd Dtug Che rn i1t ,. Sat&ry Food and Dr ug JnaIN!(:tor . ... .. .. .... . Colt ot sarnulc • !or F r,od aLd Dr ug a.111111111 Tra • a Hng upc11, .,,. FOU<I and Drug Ioasiector Appara tM Pood l .abor-atory .. . roos1 age

Tot al ex11~n""•· Chc mtca l l)tvl alon . . . . To Credit of Ceneral lle venue Pond ..

Tota.I Receipt•.

uoo.oo 1.500.00

808.75 1.014.10 1.800.00 1,60000

nau -1

J:t:~ . . .. , .. $12,794.ld

. .. . 43,HS.U

. . . , 56.111!.Slt

,\:,i,\LYTIGAL \\'OUK.

'fli t.' fo!lowiug mrnlJJ<('H were mn,lc Uudug 1he ycor : Orrl<'ial ~;unJ•l(',; for ( l(iv:rJ< ( ilrn "·n 1,y rhcmi;;tJ . . .. 211 f-1 ><.',· i:1J su1ri 1•k,; for11hzc,rs (;<.•tit lu 1,y ~i!izcnij) ... 3!,G orri,:i,11 M111 1,1 ,.,,., r,...,.._J .stuff (d rnwu U.1· in><J01.>clorJ .• 2:m XJ'"t rnl ><;11111,h.-s fet!<I l'{llff ( ,;,.,11\ iu ll.1· cil h.CII>') •.•.• :!3

~::~'.}i.'l ~::;:: ::::j t·.:·~ !<:::::i;:1~: 1:~.i,~·1:,;t.,'.'':l1~~~~~~ i!i ·111111:elluut:ou~ su111pk'li (seut in b.~ cit il,.,Us) ••.... ~:l!l

Totn! 111.r111kr n11 n!_,.ll'-!! . . 1111

l-'Eln'JL l1/,J-: H8. I,. llcin1lm 1·g,•1· • .\I . 1'., Annl.1·s1

Of the '.!11 ,,rridul snm11ll'8 no,1/.,.,.,..,1, li'i:'i s:11111,te11 were ofcom1,lc tc g,M >J>< :Ut;snn1p!t.'l<wereofforli lir.c r n1:iteri:il".

'!'he \ r,r, ;a:1rnp!eB ;1f e<1m11l(lte fert ilir.cr tlrnwn h)· !he St:l1 (l Chcll\ist , bnd the followiug nvcrflge ,·011,po~itioo find :;:1rn1·nutre:

A,nmonla. AvnllablePhOII.Acul l'ctwrh z:,~~~~.,~nl~sl~ . t~; ~ :~~ u; t.-XC<"•, ~,,,,,.p ""·''~"'*--· 0 .2~ o.~o o.5J A\' l'I'""~ ~ia:~ ,·ali, e foun ,1. per ton...... !~9. 81 A1·Pra,:P Stnle 1·a!u,, gu:,rantc,e(l, 1w r 1ou !8.47

EXCES!i fl.'.!0% ABO\'!•: GT"ARAi\'TEE.

\\"._, fi,,.J ,·n1111,ll'IP f('i-ti l i,.,-,r;, tXl'Ct'd ing !he g1rn 1~nt/'e o.~O (tTl·Pnt,r r,n in t~ l :1~ r..11 .. 11·~ :

ln .·\1t1111011in ..•.......... .. (l!l~:1111pks.nr ... l•l .!'i% ln ,\,•:,il:ihlr Ph,.;::11horic AcM l li ~nm1•lr>~, or ... 75.5% In l'orn~h. . . .. lfl'.! s:,mpll"',ilT ... Gti .S%

J)EFJCIF.~C\". O.'.!O 'fl . m: r.ow GUARA)<TEE.

\\',· ri rnl ronq,le te f<>1· tili1.1•1.,. lwJ,)w g:11n1·:11,tec 0.'.!07,, jlwcnly P"int~) ;i~ foll,ow~:

In ,\1mnrn1i:1 ....... .....•. '.! l ~ll lOJlll'l' ,Or ... l:l.G% Tu ,\vailrtble Phot< phnrie Add 17~:imples, or ... 11 % 111 T'otrt~h (H:1 O) ... . ...... '.!!i!l-:11nple$,t1r ... 11; . 1%

Orridnl ~pcd:11

1'1101 1 ,\XJ 1 I IIH;t.~. \ .11.1r,•11 r.,. 1:.:-.. \ 11. d.1,1.

1'nt;i l au :iJ .,·~fl. .:\;!j

{lffit· ,;i! ,..,1111111,"l< r,,,111tl :o•lull('t·,11,~1. .. . ...... . .. S OHi,· i;d ,am pl,.._ fnun,I rni,-l,i·,111 ,1'•,J.. . ... ...... I:!

'l'h""·' s:111q ,les fo nrnl a!lullernted f•I' ud~hl':111 .J , ,<1 l1nve tx~n 1,-p.,1·1,,,i lo !! Ill p1·, ,1~•1· o rri1·c1·. 111 :ill (' :,,-e1< lhe ,1,,:,1 1"1'#0 uu, I 111mmf:1<·1 111~,r,. h,11·, , \·u 1·1"('ded the l,11,pJ~ hy 11 lm: ill).( 111 ,. J'l"OJW1· )aloel~ 011 llll' l/:(~•.J. HI" l,y willuh·~11·i11g the ufl c 11 di n l! m:11 ,•,·h,t~ h'<•III the noau·tt't.

l'-t.,ni r:i! i,n .,.,,,.. 11 1l•111>< r,,r 111i,-lm111 rl i11;:- haw• l)l't'II had :111 ,l i11 :t umnlJ,.,r or t''1~C1l 1hr 11:1,1i,·1< h:11·e l•t'1.'n f,) 111,.J :.:11il1 ~· it lld ]•Hli>'he'<I l,y fir11•. 'fhc,c 11rn/ilo,·111in11/il, llf>1•·1•1·,,r. m·,, '")f !•"1'1 (of 1!1 t• 1Ju t,1·10( !heChC'lllil-:!I f 1i vi,.in11, h 111 C<UII(.' 11 11,let· thC' jui-i>tlic1i1,11 ur thC' ,-.1rion,. 1·our1s. 'I'll () cri ,lc11 ,·,• ur n•l•1ll<-i-ati,,11 01· mlsl ,t•; u1 '1 i11:; 01 11 .,· l,..;i1,,: r1, r11i ~l"·(1 :,.1· t ll cG!1cm i1·n l T1 i1·isi n11.

('n.\1.\U-:1:f'I.\I. f,;TOCI~ l-'EJ-:1), J·:. L·,~•1.: t li'('('u,'. n. :-: ... \11:il,wi.

'fl, r,,llowin~ ;u1:1!,1·.,,_~ I, ~,·(' l~"f' 11 m:hlr ,l nrin;: 111,• .H":1,·,

Orr! ,i:ol .~:irn]' I••~ F~ ·,1 :-:.11,ff . . . . .......... . .. :::,:; i;;, ,,xi'11 , a n ,plt·, l·'<~·•i :<111! f ..

The :,,-e1·n,:c ''"'l ""ili,,u ,,r tl, ~ offid" I san,i•lt>fl "·:1~ "~ fo lh,w~:

~r:u·d1 au,1 J•r,.fri n :< u,:ar F,1rs

O rrid,il :aw!.,sis ........ .. ... tT.1;!) ;;r;,n 1.0:: Uu:11· :111ll'<."1I :maly~is . LT .GS !i l.flQ I. :!:!

F.xN•>'!l J1, ,1 i, ·i,•nn· ll,l!J

w,, fit1,l lh(! , ,r rkiil l ~;UUJ•lt•!< of F ~1;,l 1'-1ur r ('~N"Col ◄ -d tlu1 :,:u:mmt('('0 .:!07,, ( hwnt.,· poi 111 J<) ni<folJow" ·

In 1•,.,..- i11 . . ... ..... .. IIS~mn rl1,,-.,,1 .... ,;J.l ';:, 111 :--1m·,h ;111 ,l :<11g;1r ...... l ::?-1 ~ uupl<'I' . ,., .. . . . f:1i . G% In Fad s . . . ... ;:;s~ampl,~ • .-., . .. ::?~ . li '/c,

'J'h"t<'"M adcfki ,•11•·_.-o f O.::?Oc; ( ::?O 1••i111~) :,.« f,,Jlul\ij: Ju 1'1'<>1,·iu •••...... .. ... i--lirmnplt-,,,"1· .... ~ ;. ::'jl, l u :--1:ir, ·h :111 ,l :--u i:::i r . ...... ,",ji<:11111,1,-,... ,,, . . ... :!(•,fl~i, l 11 F:1 1~ ....... .. .. .. 1hS":1 m1•lo-,,_ .. r .... tr.T ','I,

11 ,l'ill !I(' 11,, l<"d lha l l h,• r,,n ~u l11(•1·. ,111 ,] 11,.- ln,·1tl , l<•;do,I', ,J n Uni lal.r :uh":ot,tal,'<' , ,f r llf'ir 111•j1·il,•l,'•' un,lf• I' 11,c 1:ow 1o w n,l iu !he --f-1 «i:il :<am11h•' ' uf p,.,.,J .:111rr. "ir ,lo ihe ,-.,11~11111,-1-,, .. r. nnd 1, •. ,.1 ,l, •alr1-,: i11 P rn ili ,.,-r,. J)urin;? 1he .,-, .,,,. 1, 11 1 :~: .. i-\Jorti" I :<,1111p1,.,.· , .. r v,~·, I i'-1 uir 11,-r,- s.•n t i11 I,_, 1,11,~· h,1-.. •1-~. 1111,l n ;':<'diun 11 ., f n,.. r··,·rol :--1,,rr 1.,11r, 111iil, · , , ,.. ,., , w r r, , ,,,, 1,•,-s 1h :111 : :,;, ; i-1-. •,·ia l '"'11101 111, •~ of l-';•r • 1i l ix,•1·~ M •ll l i11•-N•11<'l 11~i,-<'l.,· "11<,w in ;? 1h:il lht• r .. , ,.~uuic r .,f 1-',•r1ili1,·r 111"1°(' f n ll.r :11•1•l'<'(·i:1f r,- 1h,• l" "" lr('f iun nf• r .. ,~,, ·, I t!w111 .... ,· lhP -- ~11Pri:1I l-:1111pl,•.'"

W l11•1, 11,r ,1:i ir.,urnn . . 1nol r.i111•t~ r,,,,,li u;.: Ji,•,, ~••\{"k-1,• :1 11 1,1,. ,-c, ,l1•,n111(' t1. 1n r1~•11ti1 1,• p1·ud11(•f' ,.,. , (• l,·. - 11 , ini; i,11•;.:,• ;IIIIOJlln l,- .. r ,.,. , .. 111,•r.-,i:d l'o '1.·d Rturr. 1o>:1li~, - :l" ,l u +!1<· l-',· riili,0-1• r .. 11~ 11 111, •1·~. 11 11• ,ulrnut:1_,:.-, .. r J'l!l'l·h:1,-ini::

~,:•;\;i;~•~• r/::~,J.~ ,::~. :-.~l\,i:~:~.I •;:;:;\ I ::~~i~";':,1::;,11:~;i,•:~ll:f~ fl nil 1111•11 ,·, ,n fir111 ihr "'] '' '-'"'•n1:01i ,,u ~ ,,r 11.,, ··0 11:1r:1nfre T:iµ-" lo.1· ,-,·111linµ- in'! "i'-l ~'<'ial .:,11111 ,h1' ·_ of m1y ~11~1wct.-,1l g",--.--,,t,. )I,,.. C'n1111 ncr" 1: ll l•'t•P,1 Rt11rr of 1hr !",/:'lie will 1,e pl, .. , ·d " " ,IS li i,:11 H 1•lan r ,1~ Fr,· l ilizcr!< 11 011' h!'('ll[',I"

~lu, h or 1hf' 1•X•~l lr•nn of ,,11r F rrtiliY-Pl' ,m,J it~ unif,,rm <"\'"'"'~ :, li.,,·,, _!!"IIHl':l tll,..-. i~ •Ill<' u > th<' li lll'r:1] 1111(' nf the "l"pr-.· i,11 .:nn1r,lr" b,1· frui1 :11ul 1·<'µ-N :il,1,, i,:1·011·r1-.; n r 1h c i'-1:11,-. 11 11 1h is snhjed I •·rm l,nl r•·1•·:1 t fl ~1:1fr111r11t 111,Kle i11 f,,m ,n n•1,or l~. J,.,,11 -ini,: i11 n1i111 I I hilt th t> l'i;.:li! 1,1 -~"'"d /11 "l-l'h·i:11 Satni,11'!''' hy {•it i if'n~ of th e .: t ntP , :ljlplie, u 111:1lh· 1<1 Fw,I l-1111T ,11,. [ 1o F ••rt i1i1.f'1-i<.

'l' lo, • :111 al.,-1in1l 1:1hh-~ ~I"'" !lu· ,-,-,.1111~ .. r th" ,.1,.,.._,r i11 ,1~• j in11 :11tol ~,·•1r1·al i11 t,,1J;~r1< 1 ,!ri,m111l fnr :l h{'1(r r !!'.l ':"1,, nf mnl <'rinl. k11· ca~,•.~ of 1ulu l1cr:1lio11 or () r, f id<'n<'~· lo:<1 ·,. l,,s• 11 di,o ·,,n· 1·,·, I. -' " '"" ''""' r·,,,-,•~ ,.f 11ii~lor:111,l i1 11,: h:11·, , 1~•'11 fou n,111·hid1 hn,·,, lH• •11 ('urrl''i'1<'<1 n n, l the i;:oo<h ,., l;i l)('l~~l n~ fo l r ut hfnlly ~" I ln rfo 1hr mt1l,'ri :1 I" n~l in 1lu•i r 1n,rn 11fad 11 tr.

l111rin~ llu- .n~at" ..:"u~·itl.-raht,· n<lcti,i,,m;; h111·r l!Cf'n tnnd• ,,, 11,c :1111,:1ra1u~, ,111,I fi .~(1 11·r~ , ,f tl,<J l'nriou" ln ho r at,, r ic ~, 1., r:1ci!it:11I! Iii~ i11c1•c:,~1~1 ,l,•1 11:111,l, for aual.v1icnl wo rk lliaH IC Jl(>('C'~~n•·..- i.,1· lhc l11cr<.!n~tl iull'l'L'l<( rnk"ll 1,y the c it• i,,:u~ (, r th~ :0:1a1C' in 1h.i W"l'k o f !he Chcmicnl llivi~ion, ,in,1 lll<'ir 1lC'111,mtl fur lnfu rm:1ti"11. aJ!. tr, Ill e 1,uri1·y, co,n. l•"'ili, ,11 fll"! , ·:, h11• of llu~ ,·ari .. n.~ 1-',·rtiliYA•r~. FM.·d Stuffs, l_•·, .,,d :rn,t I •1·11;_:,. ~,,1,1 ill rh,• :-:1:11 1'.

Thi, iul<'n"l! i.~ ,-,·i •l<'nc<'1l h_,. th<' 1::i-1•;11,,r numl.er of ":-'!"-'f 1;, I :0::nn]'I,.,.:, 1d1•n1,·n 1,y l hl' ,·i lli,•t1i<I .,,;n r 10 the !'-1 .,: ,, L.1luwn 1,,,._,·. ;;lio\\in;;: :in j,,,.,.,,a,.,,,d i111erc~t in tl1e ""1·lhof1hrl•ivi;;inn,,111<l;m i11t,•lli;.:e11i,lrrn.,n1lfo1•i 11 r,,1·111:>li ◄ HI, :,n,1 :wl'lll':II ~ k11 ◄ ,wl<J1]~{' ,,r 11 11• mill<' ,,r 1hc 1·,1\' i""•· 111:11<-ri:il >< ><nld , ;;i,d1 "" 1,•,,,.ijJi,~•1-,<, r-:.1,,..1, Feell, ,011,1 1·.,,.1 rm·h11111:m , . .,,, .~uru1,1i,m

Th~ ,J,-,nimHl f.,r m:1 !,•1·i,il~ h••in;::: tn1thf11II .\· nu,1 ]i.,11 t•~II)· IH1"·k~l. \\it lt 111<• 1,ro1w,rlio11-" ,.f 1'Hl1t:1hl,• ..:u11~ti1 u• ,,111~ :wcnr,11,·I.'· i-1nt1~t i~ 110I ronri,wJ In Ilic , •.,11~urner, hut i~ :1 1~ .. fo<'inµ: 1h•111,m ,l,·•l i._,. the n1rlrn1~ dr.nlcr>1 1h1·,•11;!h .. 11t 1lw :0:1:II(' 111t" -◄ ~·k i11formnri,,n n~ , ,. 1hc m:•

::ii :i. .:·< :::·1 ''i'1/i ~" ::, ',1 :.',',';:~· ·~~~::;] i ::.t::i~1i::,, : ::, 1 I '":,1,1 i:;·: .. ;::~~:1 :1udlo>1·:::1·a,, lcg<""I ;; .

'" !hi~ C(lll! IC<.'I U'11 I q11,,I(· frm11 fl J':IJ>!'I' 1"1!pill'(.-<.l nnd ,~·,ul h,'' myH·lf l,cfn1-e 111 1> S.,m]wrn f,:.j:,(I'>< .-\:,:1·i<·ultun1I ('.,111111 isc~iu11<•t·;; nr ( 'o lnrnh i:1. :-:. C.. n~ r .. 11.-,w~ :

··. \,. m"~r of nnr i,:1 ,ur~ 1•1·"•·i ◄ 1,~1 f,.r 1hc rejf11l:11i•M1 mid ~al,· ,,r tVlnllll'l"l'i:il r,•r1 il 1Y.••I"". ,111,l ~,oct fM.,.I, tn protect lh,•ir hu,-iru-,c..~ lnl t'l"N<I~. ,1,.. ;,. •·t"I"'• 1h<Ji1· lh·(' ><t ,,..k . :mil l,11111.: nccmrnt•; l~:ro~ tile.•· fr.imed !tiws 1n 1,rotecr 1li"t11 "f'il·,'>'. llll·ir r,noi li />><. tlwir 1,il-r>< :111,l llL<·lr diil1l1·t•n. from imp11r,>, 1111whn l,·~ .. 11u·. :111•1 rrc.-Jl"'Hll.,- da n:;:en ,11.~ food!! :111,I ◄ ll"ll!! .•: ,,.,, ,..~, I It,• ""1111111•,.dnl. <'\'"U•Hllk. ,-.,. IJ11 ~it1CAA iu 1(•1"l'SI.• \\'Cl'C fir,at_ ron~idcrr,l hy Oll!' le;.:i~ln l h·e lh'Mli c~.

~:,•,/;~~~~t~}o a genernl M'ou o mic ll l'tnnnrl ,,11 1h<' part o f

··Th,· bi~•m:-· .,f lh<' fntilizer 1 .. w.-1~1r1icnlnrlt (h oi:e .. r Ilic ,.,,,,,,u f--1:11, .,.. whi·t'\J ,·,,n1111crdnl fc r, iliu:-1'!< \\·ere llr,1 11_,•, I tn i\11,,· ;.:1,•:11 .. s 1 ◄ -111; ,111 ◄1 wh,·n• h.,· for lhc 1:ir::::­,-,.,., 111a1·kel for eon11nrr<' i:1 l re rli l izers ~ti ll ,•.~l~,~--i~ well 1;,,.,w11. Hnw tile Jn w w:i~ "1'1'"""'1 hy 11 i,11,n fn,·lur<'r.< :rnd ,J,,,. 1,•r;;, :111<1 frt'')llf't1l ly hy ,·011~1111u•rs; tlw r i'1i <' llle ti nd


mauufndurer, denlCI' u r importc1·. l>ut of1t•11 hy the con. ~11111e1\ who hml no fllit h in ·hook far 111iu:;.'- nm· n;:ri• c11!tul'11I s~i(-11~c. ll<>w ,li ffknlt it ,rn,. to 1'.::n·h tlil' rn, ·111 l'T 1hat 011r !on M •1;11:1110' migl.tt he t11<•1·,• rnl11nhl<• to hiM croJ'"' thnn anothu; thnt he 111i:.:ht IM• was1i11g hi ..- mon,~y fol' nu l'utircl,,· u,oel,.,.~ 111atl'rial.-not dcuwndt'tl i._,. 111~ crop>',-:md nq::hic t i n;,: to :i1>1,ly lhe nml r1·ial hi" lit·ld" r,•. qnin'tl.

"1 '1whis1orrofthefo1·tili1.,•rle;:-islal'iou.n111l rc,:ulari,,n , tlte i:-1·11 ,!11:1! ;:now1h uf J:;11u11·le<l;:e , auu,u:,: tll(: rnri~nnwr,., tl,e tuau11fac11111•r~ 1rn,! dealer~. is well lm.,wu. To-<l:1y tho nw~ t :ir,h!Ut suJop, ,d t> I"> ,,f !ht! ,·nr ion~ rt>1·tilize1· laws. a1·e 1110 r,•;!i! irn~I•· m~ o,11f:1clut·crs or m ul d,•,iJ,.,·~ in ~l11nd ai-.l fertilizer~. On r f,11w,•1-~ :11·,, lwin;::- ,·api,ll.1·, 1l1w:1 IP,l to 1hl' e<',.110,nir 11sc or 11,c 1'N"r'!-~""·'' pl:int r<h"l~. to 1n·,,.Ju,·e lh t• J,c,ii r,-,...nlt~, I\ il h lhc l,~1sl l•'l'1~:11dit nrc M cn~h.

"Th<' f'Xl'Cl"il:llCl'S "r n,.,. 011·11 81/lll', :111d I f1111 h1forrm.'(I hy mc1nhl.-r11 ttn,1 11!hcr St:1les 11:11'<' 1111<1 the t:une tronl,h-,,, - Im~ IJ('(•n t!i.1t t!w J:,w 11·:111 rir><I oJ•l'<'"'<'<l by 1!ic mm1• ufadnr<',-,.. mul th ,·• d ,•.11,·1 ·, :11111 wa~ u matter or ino!iffor• CIH'C to t) •(' <·olJ~llllll: I": who, u·ou!,J co1nplnin lm1(ll,1• of fht! )" "'r •111:o lil,,· ,,I' fo,, ,I ~oltl h im a! c·ur1·,•t1t J•l'in'>'; crit• lrlsc lhe l:iw :iml lh1• .,rn,•1•1·><. :ind tn ki• nr• ><lt>J"' tn ht>l JJ him,el ,. nor a~sist th,• oHi,·er i11 1•1· .. .-i,li11g- n l,Mtcr qna l iiy f,.,. ,1,,, 11nmc prirc.

••G1·mlu:11l\·. l,.,11·{'1't•r. 1he (.,>11s111nc r lh';!'/111 Id t'\'CO;!'Oi,:e

(I, ,:_, fal"l. lh:1I ir he tlc11mn,!r d ·1•.'f!"u l;,r ;:-,,...'111.' 1,roped_v lnl•<'lcd, in 1,1:tiu 1,·rm•. :1111.I rern,,..,I .. t1 u-r11. he 111~wu,,..d n !M• tt c r 111 :11nia l, :-,..-.ri llw ,J ,•:1le1· d i~1· .. wn·, l 1,., conlt.l u!~,,. h1· ,1,,n,:111,lin;:" lc;:·:111 ,,· hl'c·, ;ule;l ,111,l ;:11111 ·,1 111 1,•,! ;::-01..J~. -• nnd I,_,. r...•!usin;r 1n , l,•;ol 11i1h [adol'il'~ n1·:u:urnf:wlur< ·11< lh:1! Hri,! l<·• ·!rd m· r<•f1t~Pd 1,, ''"llll'f.'" wllh 1hr l,rn·,-~pr<> cm·r ;i n,;de l'ia l 11 101·,· ~ali~f,1<'1<w.,· 1 .. lo i~ !l' :l<l P. nt 1he 8,•iue l'"in•.asfn1•111,•1·I,,· p,1i,t fo,·m:1 tn i11l.~or1J11P, 1ional,le •rn lur.

'·The ('S (',·ul iun or 1ht> I'm·<' Pood :md P rn;: Lnw pre• 9Cllll' ~orne fc:11nre,, UHi t•mnn,,11 to F('rllli1.cr mu! Sr,H·k l:'r.-,1 f~rn·l'. rholli!h O•e tlem:111,I fm· this Jaw 1·0111('>< frnm tlw ~:1 111 ~ ra11H1; H dr~itl( lo pnrd,a~ ~rnml11rd good~ :it mnrkf.'t rwi,..,~; :i11 e,·,111 ,,111ic l~w. 'l'hc cnforre111ent ,, r thi ~ l:1w will he ~nr~t8~ful in the exnrc p1•op,w!iou, all t ho publ ic ,m, c;l n(·nle,1 n~ to it~ eronomy, no M:ntiment, fnm •

ily rclnt io1Js, children'"' henl!h , pnl,lic l,cncfit, hon~t.v of purJ)Os(•, c iv ic dn1ie~, "·elfw'C or community, wi ll nffcd f.lJC iij~I IC.

"When we cnn ~how 1ho p11h!k, by fn ct8 :m,l fi;::u ,·l-s. thnt 11 ,cy arc payiuf: nw,·e fnr t hci 1· illl p11rc,1,o,r hi ,;1i catc,l , misb1·;1n<lod roud~. d1·11p-~ nn<I dl"in l,~, thnn (he JHll'C :,I'•

licleblll"f' \\"Ol"lh. 1h,,11 wi ll the pu re food !Id lx-,·orne In,· H il d t,e ('ll f •Jl"< 'O'il. \\' he- 11 1he r~upl~ kllU\\' i' ha l 'pl·(•d i/X~hed.' "hl,oi u." •infllul." ' IU'I '\"<' ." aotuJ nth (' t (un,l, :11·c ~old fo 1• frum fun1• T◄l l<•H t i ;u, •s th◄!i 1• ;1s fou,l; 1h:1 1. guod when!. l,a dcr, ""Is nn,I ,·,.r·n . pl"opcl'ly 1,rc1,;, :-ed . a1-.,•cf]11allyrn lu:1hll' .lli, ,11 g: h,·,,s; in )!'f1•, ,111h11{' hm,d1c,J fo one 1ho !!s:uul l'l' l" t"CH1 Jt-.'<1< . lhepnlol i,; will as­&i~! i n 1Ji ,, e-nfo,·ocr"''"i or 11,r Ja \\'. Wheu sn-,·,illctl 'l"H ks." ·rlix-,1·s,' 'l't' !l<·••afot·~.' ·uwl tin ,·~.' a 1ul <ot hn ~imil:ir curt• -a ll~. HI l:1 1-~c ly :1<lve1·1i,-etl. ,11·,. sh,,wn 1 .. 1,,, 1111 ►re or le~~ (µ·,•ncral ly 111un•• ·J,11 n,·,.me.' :111<1 b11t n ,·,.re 1· fo 1· 1·t·1·y i 11 ft: ,·i,..- n ni..J,·.~ .,f .-l" ·np alcuhoJ;,. ~t imnlnuts, 1hc p11t,l; e ,l"i l l i-efn~e ,,. pni·eh:,~,· an ,1 will demnnd r,ul _v th ,,;,,, go ,,.ls kno"·ll 101.)e,,, l<l a1 ~, ,111dhing l ikt' 1loci1·to111nwtTi Hl va lm ·.

" T l1t• 1~•rsi , ten1 '"lul1 er~tn1· m11~1 he 1n·n~c(·u te,l . hili uwtlwd~ c:,;1,0,;ed . a11 ,l h;li hu~ iu~.,s m:Hlc n11p1..-,ri1:1hlc hy 1•n l,lid 1.~. ln othc1· wm·1l~, t lh' 11111.,l ic ltlll>il he ◄!<l ncatcd to

,J i~1iugni, h tl!e u·uc fl"OUI Ilic fal~. i11 l h)ij HI' well H~ ;,II 01!,cr 111aue1·1', u11 , I 1t111 ~1 h Hr<• 1he facll' l.ruu;:111 f,:wd h ly :uul ..i,•arly l,('f,.1·c ii. 1·)1'"11 if it he11 l'<'•·~-•n".' 1 .. h:m>hlJ ,q,ply Hae fu ll 1oeu:,l1 ,,· ,:,f l h, , J:,w '" :, r.-w frawl.~ in the union. whu J>l'!'l'i~l ill cv,1 ,H11:,: i(I' 1..-nril'i"u~.

''.\ frw l'Uch .,.~:uu1•ll'>< will ;;-o for tn,nml~ 1•ur:,::i11 ;; c.,,.,. mc:~ec .,f 1h., wi,t,· ~p n·:1tl r1·il. w l,i,· h h;i~ :,::r""" in a fow y,.,.,._,, '" ,nd, p1·opu1·riuus :1>! 111 1·:111"'-' 1hr I'"""'"' g:,•IJH:11 ,1<•111an,I t,,r it~ ~111•1•r1.,.,.Jv11. au, I uh li 1.,rn1i,,11."

Tlw n•,·y ,-.,u~iil,·ral+k i,,.-n,,1,,· iH ""~1 .,f all f,.,,J .,turf hu~ 11,-,., ,,,,,:11·il.>" i,,. ,.,,,, ,.,,1 111, • ,l<·m:011,I f, ,J' d1,;,a1•·•· 111:11e t•i:1 1, "'"I i h,• :o1 11,u11 ,1 lu • 11 h>1i111 1, , i1 ,r,•1·i"T'. f.,,. l•·tlt• r ;:·,-ai,fo ;::.,,.,1.,; ii ho~ nl~" ,·1 ·,·akd " d ,·1 rn u, ,l loy oi, e ,-.,n ­~11un·1· r .. ,. 11,,. ··,·a l n,• .. r hi,.,,,.,.,.,._-· h,•w·,, 111<• i111~1,-~1 """" !.,-iu;.::,"• ;..'•'"'''";1lly ;,-iwu I" 1h,,pm·dn,,,,,.ffrnMI 111:ol,•ri:ol,-; al 1l1t·ir :,,·111;1 1 ,alu,,; IMolh t,.,. tlw ,l,,:, lt •1· :011tl ih~ r.,n.

1111iuJ! "1 h,· i1w"•:,,,..,;j i111 1 ~•rlm1 ◄·•·· ,.,,,,1 g- 1·,c.:w·r ~""'l'e .. r ,.,,,-J.: hf i1,.. l°!n•mi, ·:o! l1i,·i~ i.,11. 1h,• l;1r;:,•1· 111uul..:!r . ,mrl ,.,.,,.<! ,:iri1d ,·1:i~~ ,, f ma1,•1·ia/~ . 1, , ,11· , ... ,.,.,.,,;1,-_1· 1,, ••~a111im.J. :J. ,; i11<·i,',1 >-('d .. ~1•'11"''· u11tl in ,·1-..'""''l r ,•1·,· u no• rl.-rin·d r,·<>m 11,,, l ii\'i~i ,, 11. I l" ·lk \' ,• , 1,", :, ,1,. ,n hi ~l .. r\" .. r 11,,, ··~l; 1t .. li~hu,c"r ,,n, I go ·,,w1 1, ,,f 11,., J1 i ,·;, ;.,, , _ 11,,111,1 !,,• .,f in!L"I'· 1,,t 1H 1h,• d1J1.,•11. T l"·, nn,-,,-~ lcwli11;.:: tn i(~ ,•~ l all,l i., lnm,n t , ,,,. ,[ ;.:ra,!n:o l ;: m\\!lo iu :on~w1,r I" !ht' d,•1nn11,J~ ur 11 >1· t'it• i~,,n,, n( Jhc :0-1,il.-•· A~ fn l lu,.-,..

'J'JIJ,; ('1 11:)lll ' \I. HJ\·1:--111:,. <W TIii; .\ •.IOGl'I ,· Tn:.\I. J11,: 1•.\ B'DIE:,iT O F TIii-; :-0-'f.\TI•'. <"ll-'

FLO!ll 1'.\,

'l']u, Jaw ,·1·.-;11i11;:- fl,,- Ch1,111i,-n l l •i1·i~i,,u ,,I' 1lu• .\gTi ­•·11 ll11n1I I ••·p" 1· 111..-,,1 \\"al ~ ]'""''" •] 1,y (h,• J.,•;.::i~ J; ,1 , ,,-, . ,, r 1~.~i ,. iu ,·.,uq,linu,·.- " ·irl, d t1· ,J, ,w:,,..1~ .. r 11, .. l•'rnit au,J , ·,·gl'tnl,I,· ;:,..,,.,. ,.~ ,.r the t-;1a1,-. rn1· 1u· .. 1,•,·1 ivn fr., u , 1hc IIPl"rivu,ly aolnH,·r:if i', I 011, I 1ui,.-ln·:1n, l,•,I r,•r1 i li~c'1, ,-,,!d i11 1llr i-1:11" .• \ ! 11 ,:11 time FJ,,ri,l:1 h:n·iu:r "" 1,.,,., pn> lul , i1iu;:- 1]11, ,:11,, .,f i11[,•ri"r. ,u, , l u fl ,·u wu1·1l ,tr~. f, •r·lil• i~.er" . \\"!lN ti,., Uum1,in:,:: grr,111ul f,.,. g•M"I" !lin t ,·nuld not J,.. ,.,1 ,1 in ulhc r l-' IHI(•~ .• \ 1 tile "'""r l im(•. ].'<.~I I. 1111' JI,~ i"''"ltowul ,,r .\;.::,·i,·ull "n' """~ ••~t;ihli~lw, I.

Tl" · n1·,1 ~ t a1r c1.,,,,, ;~r. 1 11 ◄ • b l,• 1•,·,,f,.,.. ,,r s .. n u:011 J; ol,iu~"u, (Jl':,:'.allliia•• I 111{! D<'['/ll"l111r11I ;1nd ~r1·1·N I n~ S rnte ("hc:mi~I 11111il the Jl nu. \Y, ,\. Hawl~ """~ uppoi11 te1l h_y

1:n1·crnor ~fi1dwl l in 1Sfl:\ 1'1·nfcs~or l.n1i- l~ ~CITCd 11n(il .-\ug:11~(, l!!OI, when 1hc IH'l'Scnt Stntc Chc-rn!,L l:. I·!. lfo~t \ ,r:i~ nr,i,oiute,I I.Jy u,.,•crnor .J,:nuin;.::s; lo.wing: hc,•11 " ""'" iti :11 , ,,I hy 1h<: fir"l p 1·i r11a1·.,· lu,ld iu th,• 1'i!atf' ill l!>OO. 11ndcr,>(ll"]ll'<',,,,.llt]ll"irn:,1•.vl:1\\

Th,, fir>-! ] :,w nf J.~!I w:1~ nmle, ant.I ill 111:111_,. 1~11·1 ic11• l,11·, i rnprn<:I j(';o l. C\,, ,1,,i,1"111~ \\"Cl 'l' ]'l·o1•j,J,,,]. :111<] 110 f 11 111l, :l)•)'l'nl'ri,ll t•d I" ,·:in.1· nil( 1),,-, law. eXt"<'!• l i 11_:.: ,11d1 ,~ 111:_:.:111 l•i ,l,•1 -i r,·,l f,·0111 I 11<• lu"J••(·lio11 J',,,. of :_:;; ,·,·n ls

l''"I" (Oil UH r,•l'li liw,-.,. lll"l'''tl •w, \\"('1"0' :, ] lhlH'd 'I .,; , 1;11·.,· 11nl '" (');(•ee,i ~.::'1111 l>(' l' ;] UIIIHI), \\"il l! "" Hllh\\"HU• ··· l',n 11·nn·li11g. hcntt. 11;1\Urally. lhc 1"0 ' \"0'IIU('" IH'I'(' 1,11 1 li1tlt• HHJ l'C (l.,1n ihc ''-''i•'H"•'~ or 1hc oflil"<' . ,\111.-1, ,-r('olil '" ,111,1 t,, 1'1·,,f, ·,"l'rn· l/, ,l ,i11so ,1 , f,.,. lh ,• effkil'n l m :,uuer i, , whi,·h l1o: l"-'d, .,· 11 ,. ,(] hi~ , lu l i, -~ :11 1,l ihe i1111,ro,·cnu·11 i he , •ff<'~k tl in lh(• 1p1 .1llty (, f fol'lili,.,. ,·~ ,<>Id i u t h,, :-' l:o l,•. h a ring nn fond~ tn wur l; w i lh. 1,n ( ,·r 11ilr· .1 nol infrri,,1 · app:.,·:1 1us, al"I ,-x,·, c·,liu:.:I,,· li111 ih·d la l,.,,-, 11 .. 1·.r fa eili1i, -, . .\ I lhi,; l il! IO a r,,,. ,, r II\' , , ,l , , l l;, 1·~ 11':L' :1 11, ,11,•,l l,y lH\\' 1,, h<' d, :11·::,-,1 r .. 1· ··:-0:1,,•, ·i:11 :-=,11111'k,;"" ,lr;,wn l,_r ,· iliwri~ amt ,..,.,1 l o, l lu; :-0:l ah• l .ahon, 101•1· fo1 · a1n1h~i ,. T h ,• law 11·:, s ,,f li l 11<' , ! i1·rt'( 1.,,udit tu :1t1 ,1· ,:ili,,•11 o,f fl,,, :0:: (:,1 .-. llf f.,rdi11:,: litl h· 1•rO· 1o-,-1i,,11 t .. 11"' in1iil'idnal. 1hou::h n,. , , 1,,,,1i 1.,· .. r 11,e r,,, .. t i li;:,, ,.,_ ~,, l,l \\'<'I"(' i;(<"11t•1·ully 111 11d1 i1n1J1•m•,•,I . au,] ,1 0,111111"-'1' nf i11f,•1·i,,r 111·;1 1.,ls drin·n fr,,m 11, ,· :-=1ale

The l:1w 11·:," m,1di f il' •I in lc"<'l::; t" lll i•l••.l'i ll ;! nH ""~;,- 1;1111 f-;1:11e Cl1t·1 11is1 ll"hO Im., lh,, l n~[lfi· h w ,,f F c1·l i li,.n~.

: ; :~'i'Jc~: 1,11~•~ r:~: .. :.;:H :~<,;·;~, \'.';:.\~·~; \\\,: •:.:;:::~11:~-u~•:~J .,\: ' (~:~~ I;:;'}

It his uw 11 <"Xf,('H>P. \\' , .\ . ffa1rl~. wlii ](• l--1.1te Clwmi.sr, ,!i,l trm·,,J , ·x tcllsi,·e l,,·. \'i~i1i11~ f, io-lod(•~- wm·, ·h"n~c~, fi,, l, lk :111d J: rn\'f'~. i11~1••,· t illJ: lh i• ;.!'." "'l ~ s nl.]. ,111;] ill~ I 1·uct iug 11, p ,.,,11.~11111<'1" nf fniili1~• ,·~: h_,, lhis ,. ,. .,11,s thr, re,· , . ., ,,..,. wen, 111n1t:1·i,i l)y iuo;,"(la 'f'd, a ud t he 'l'"dity o f !he f<-Hiliz,; 1-s sn l, I i11 1he t-;lah.< ;;,·,·:111.1 i rnp1 ·( ,vc ,l. !.,•,·n~n iz . iH:, lhi~ fa1, ·i j lie l.r;:i,,J;il 110,• , ,I' l!Jlll hy ;o 1·rlief l, i l l re 1•'1 itl .\11· . lfa\\'I S n ]'111'1 or l, i ~ l'X ficn ,l i( 111, ·~ in lnn·,•lin:;: """r 1hc S!:tl t' ill 111, · i11ln(-;; i ~ .. r llw f:i, ·11 L< •1 ·s, frn i! gnl\l ,- rs :1111\ ,,thr1· , ·un~n11,c•1·, uf fn rili,., ,,-,.

Tile ]•l"f'~nl F,,1·l i liwr Lnw-111••10.11·,·,l b ,1· llll' 1•1·,·~c11t ~ 1.11c C-lwn,ist. \\':,;< ]''1>"'-''l in !'10]. ·ik, ·o~nizing lhe itu 1•-n·tnn1'(' ,,[ 1he s11 11e1Tisiom, ,,r lhc f,,,· 1,,ries arul 11·a1'(l• hollM.'>lj 1he fiel1b. ;..("t"on,s n11d ;.:ank11 ~ wh.-re f cr til i1.c!'lj :1 1·,:, 1nnnnfadun,d aud 11,;c•,l. t he r, ... ,quc111 i11 ~J)(!et inn or g<ood~ ~ol,l 1hruu:l;l.t0ut 1he l':IM(', 1he n er('~~it,I" of ,:,<hl<'al ·


ing the COUSUIUCl' l,y clof<) J!Cl'~Olllll contnd will, the of ficial ch11rged wilt, his 1-'l'Ulcc!ion-a ,;n1;1Jl !nu,!, ~j;\0.00 pe r a11 num , 11':ls "1'!11·01,rintc,l for t he pm·110,;,.,. ;1ud 1rnl,-1;e,111cntl,1· i11,·1-e:1~cl1 t,, OIJC l lwu~mHl doll :H'S JH)l' n11nu11t.

'l'hc "i,1,cri,o! :,,lnu,plc'' d,·awn hy 1hc ,:iti1P11s p11n·hnsi11g fortili,.<:!1· or fo,,,t stuff, :rnd *"" to lhc f--1:11 ,:i L:11Jur:,t•>1·_1' for anal,1·si~. fn"C uf , ·nsl w,rn pi-ovi <l e!I l"<>r; 1he wi,·,J.,n, O( this CXJJ•!IHli 1u1·(', fnr ~ll pC1·1•isi,,11 ;ui,] ins1••di .. 11 . .111'1 tlda p1·irilP;!i: of fr(•" ,.,,a1 _1·, is .. r ~;,u, p!es l'' ."i'<'l'ly drnw 11 hy 1be ,·i1iw11-w;,s in1mcdi a tc l~· ]ll"C'N~in·d . in lf,t )!real in ri"•' ll~e of rc ,·,•11u:•, ;111(1 IUOl 'C panirnln1·l.v ill th,· i1 .. ·l"(·H ~Crl 1·:1luc :111'1 uuifo r rn •111nl i1.r "f Ow go .. ,ls ~ro ld 1h1·011~ho11t 1he$;ta11i.

'flu, rcn:1111,:~ umler the o!,1 law- whid1 p1·,witled O,J ··tr:owlin;; tXJ\t!II ."('~." 10 iuspe.:::( ,,,. ~•1w·1Ti~e 1IH' f:ido1·i c~. ll'm"t'l 1<111~• •~ , fi el<l~ au,l ;:1·01'e8. nntl tu ~uf,..-ci, the p:o ,n ucn t of (he 1-e,·cnuf', \\"Cl'C ;,~ follow~:

u1:o..::,,: 1:1-:vJ,::,,-i; E llN PEll OLii L.\\Y.

1-", ,1• ISi•~ For ]/j! I\I

1-'nl' l',Uu

l~"- of !'.JI\\. nnrl nm.,n<lmeui~ 1he1·e 1\'\HIIIC~. Hll<l ,i ] ] Cl<p<'n .... ,~ u f ~:1]:1rie~, 11«w lrnil,ling-s. an•I a1•1•a 1·:i 11, , h;, v,.:,

Bcl-(in11i11g i11 11101 with nu inferio r ,mol inndl'qu:'.lte lab­ui-nt .,1·y, wilh tl'Hllll"-'ll nml hnt.11,v ,11T;rngt,d workia!: room, wilh Im( 011e n~-~iHlan l , a11 d Ho i11,-pedor, with 11< , rnotlern ,t1,pliaucC's-t l, e C111,111ic-al J1iri,-io u h:o~ bec11 lmill up in ni11,:,, year~ lo a modem, 11 p-10-dHlC LnL01·,. tory. <-"l'• al to "".'" ).;fal e l.a\;01 ·"1 " 1·.,·, and ~u 1oel"in1· TO lllil>-1. \\"ith prop­••d,1· ,fc"i:;m ·,L 1ndl ligh r.:,(] 1·0011 1~. wl1 li 1110,lcrn e,p1ipmcut. T h 1·l'o.l tli~liud l;1Lo1·;11orir•s :1 1·c Jwo,·i ,lcd for Fcl'ti!i'l,eMI. F,•ctli' . aud F'" "I~ a11,I 111·11:;~. 1•:ach well su 1•1• licd with 1n<>dl!rn "I'!'" ""•••-~ - 1·hcwital~ aud ~upplic~. '!'he l li1·i~ivn ·,·111p 10_,·s hes iok~ the State Chemist. who h1 (Im ,cx,,n11ive li,·1111 or the I 1i1•i~ h,11 , nn,·e r·o11q:,etcnt nua 1y~1~. all p ·ad­nat,•~ ,,r ti,~ Florid:, 1·11i,·cl'><ity: au,J two cm111l<'tcnt in ­~1 ,,.1·lm·s \\"ho 11·; 11•,· ) <J\"Cl" the ::i1ate 1·u11H l.t11tly, ,Jrawiug ~; 11 ,q,ll•• f,,r a1ml ,,·sis. au,J seeing t lJnt the J; ,ws :11"(' ('Ont· )•lied with-wh ile the inc1·en!'<' 111 ne t 1·c,-eu 11 e- fn>111 $:-l.ti!7 iu J!IUl l u -~l:\,!11•.',.l'.! in l'!O!J. hn~ IJe,·11 g1 ·ea1 : the i111·1-,:,:1,e in 1hequn lityof F c 11ilizer11and l•'L'<' dsHold in the :-: rate hns heen uf rn~t! _,. greater value to the citiY.en s of 1hc Srnte.

Com 1,nri sn11~ of """ly~i~ or 111 :, t(•ri n ls ~old in the State p,·ior (u lh(• passa~c ,1f !he J!!',•seut lnw aml mtH"nd rnc ll C~ 1hcrcto, autl i ts geuernl .'l(>J•lieMion . :iud nc t ive enforce­ment, made po,:~ihle b_,, the nr,proprint ion uf t he u<'~'l'~"t•r.,· f u udsto t nwelovcr.nnd i1111ped 1h1) rnctories. 11ntl wi,n=· hou.'-('~ of the Rtate. ~ho"· tt,nt 1\oer e has beeu au a,·,• rage iu,-reaFe in tli◄ J adtrnl value of t he goods ( F1>dilizera ,md F ci'dsl ooTJ. of mnrc th an teu 11er cen t. , \~ Iller,• was con><mncd in the ~fate durinl? l1)1lfl 15-1,7,IO 1011~ <lf fc rti­fo-er. ,•nstinl! an 11,;-erage of ~10 1.oc1· Jon. a~µ;re!!nting !J= L(l,l'.!.'.!00; nn d (,2,:l!W t-0 11sof<'ommcrr!al fred Ftufr. co~t· in;: an :wernµ:e of ~'.12 per f(ln, 1he rntal nrnon nt pn id hy our 1:it i~.t'rl>< for the~c ll l~·, ·s.<i1ic>< 11":0>< -! G.578.~(l(I. An in ­(·J•'n.<e of trn pH r,•111 ir, l he ra l u(• of th,:,oc :irtide~ r<'J•· 1·,.><euls ~GG 7.SIO, ~a,•e,.\ to the people of the State.

The nctnnl t·xrK.>n•e or ('n~r or this incre"~ert 1·:1 h1 e of

:i':~n~'()~~11~~1:~:~;:~~~::('f1~d~'';"h';1~:s~r, ,f;·1~:1:;?.:. 11~;;0:;;:: tnr_1· lmildin~"f'. nppnratus ;1 ml f ixt111·l'$, chemical><, snl­firi{'~ anrl nn,·0li111? exJHcn~~; wil h nu :11·ern1?e uet rev­enue. Jmitl i111n the Gcnei-nl F uud of ,2,l.fl'.lD . llG.

T hi~ in<·TI'ase in \";1 l11e nf /!OO•I>< ~"ld tn 1hr dtizen;, of 1he St ;dr,. and thf" rpV('IIUN< tforlvNl t1wrefrom. i~ not llt• trihntnble only to An increase in the amount of goods

~old i 11 l he t:ilate- 1,u( \u " do,<, •l" in~IK'<.:liou, au ,! cnfonc-111,•11 ! <Jf II.it! ht\\", mml<J 1,0,-,,ihl<J !i,r l iL t• :t j) l)l'tJ[ll"in t i .. 11 of the nece:;~aT·) fon d.s, '"'lni1 ..,J 10 prnpt•1· l,1· rnn,,· out the ],t·ori,iouli of Th<! how, a111d cd11<•;1 ltJ lh,, ~"tl~Ul lltJr tu dc­ma1a] " full cumpliu n,·e with 1lw g;11Hr:a111ee, all<! compe l al l111 n n11 fncf111·cr.,1 0 1'" .l'l hei 11,1'e<:lit•ll l"l'efi.,t•<ll,y];11,·­ll'hidt 01 L11ler tl.te ui◄ I l:iw, wi l h 110 in,1~•,·1 iou ul' ,uper \'i,;iun. wali tJ\'atlctl in 11 0: 11• .l' ta~e~.

~l 'EU/.11, SA.\Jl' LJ•; ,-;,

Flo ri,la i" i he on ly Sime in i.h~ Uui"u t hat iwnvi,lt•s forthe"S joed:d SnmJ,lr•,' ' drawo by tbeeo11,1in1e1 ·,m· 1'Hr­d 1a.s1'1·, uo, ler pro po:;r 1·ult•~ mid regul nt iom1 fixed r.." la\\·­to htJ liCH\ (,. lhe Sialc Lalio1·atory fu r nna ly~i , frc;:, of l'l•>l-:IIIJ tilir.cn in (he Sfal e who has JJ111 ·,·ha"<'ll Fer­l ili,.n" 01' Fr·e, l~ fnt' hi~ U\\"ll U~C HI.I.I' ill':tW a ~m11pl<: of lltc ~;, me. ,..,,.,w,li11 ;;' 1.u Jnw, anti lnt1·e the; Satlle a ua l.,~ed !•Y !he :-Hare C~t'H ti~t fn,e ,:,f cost. ,\11(1 in .""~'' uf "'}Hl ltJ!'aliou 0 1' deJ 1d 1•JH}' !,., , ·an, 011 <:~ lnhli~ l.trn~ t he fa<: t , fl'<:ti ,·e d,., chlc 1he COH! ,.f pi·i~ dc n•~ndc,l, fo ,· the :;:<>oils

The law requires 1!11• "~1oceia l S:nnpl<:~" to he dr:11n1 in n 11 m11m· 1· t" Jll'e1·e11t t h<: ~ul,mi.,.,iuu .. r spuriou.-. ~,om pl<:~ ; 1· 11!<;~ ,11 111 n,;;:ulaiiuu~ a 1·e ['Uhli~lw,l in c,-.,,-y 1l 11llcti11 for d ra11·i11g , 111 ,l !1·:ou.•1 11 i11i1,g .. :- p,:•,-i:ol ~ a1u ph-,.;,'

'l'hi~ l,,1•·•·i a l :-i:1111pl,· ha~ 1,._~ ·11 a inns / 1••l c·n1 f:wlur in e11fordng !he law. aml , tiseo11 1·a::;ing il•t' ~:ol ,· .. r ;,dull c t·­a l,·d , 01· mi~l,1·a11t1 ,,<1 g,,,,.1,

:-i Joc•· inl :-;:H11 plc~ of Fuutl.• an,l U,·11~"' '""·'· n l~o lw !«·tit l 0 1he :,;tnl <: l.:d, .. r:1in1·~- fo l':1 na1lysis f1·,,t'.,f,·os1. w lll'n the ~,omple i~ JW<> j>Cd." <lnl\1·11 :,c1·., ,·, li 11g lo bw. 'r l11• upn•;-~:11·.•• iu ~11 ·11< ·lio u~. :111([ ld:ouk.-. l'l'l"i,·,,,l lu 1• 1·"]•• 1·1.1 d rHII' a nd 11-ni,rn,i( ~""'Jl le., of .. F, ,.,.J m,tl 1) 1• 11;:-"· · will h, · ,a•nl In an _,, 1·ili1< n 1•f>• \ lll'~li 11 g lh, , ~:lllw.

·'l'HI·: Sl ' l·:C l.\ l , :-;_\)ll' LE F\ "l::S"l~ III ·: ~ T I il·: e n :-: ~l:)11·: I: \\' 1'1' 11 TJJI; !',.-\.\I E l'l:IJ 'l' l·)'TIO.'\ l•J::)1.1:SU E l ► J:Y T l 11 -; .ll.\).' U F ,ICTL' l!l•: 1:, \I' l l( I 111 : y ~ I.I I S ~].\. 'l' l·'.);1,1 1.:-\ o\'I.Y ["[•();,; G l- .\ l( .l'<TJ•: 1-: .. \.\'!) l'. I.YS F()I: TJIU! .1r ·co1: 11 1:,..·(: '1'0 ,l\'.\ I.Y~I~ .. \,\' [! 18 l '.11 11 F n H V'l ' l'HE c o:-.::,; 1· \11•: 1: Hl"I' O F T Iii ·] Fl' .\' l ► ,-I 11\.:1:I V EI• FWl) l TIii•: 1:,;,.:1 •1•'.GT IO:\' 1-'l•:1 ,; OJ' T\\ ' l•::>; T \' ,1' 11'1<: CEN'I':.; l'l•: I: 1'0\' . 1.'.IIU ON FEt:Tl l.1 %El::-z . \ N ii FEEL!:-\ ~() I. I) l:S TIIVi :c;·r ,I T J•:."

The 0 !-i lll!Cial S .iwvle.. is Uoululc~s ;,n_-tlit al,h• n·i th 111 1n·h "' 1) ,.. ~u<:n •"" ,m,I ,.r,;, -i ,•1 w,v ,,f 11,,, ( "hemil"il! l>ivi• ~iou, i11 <•11fur1 ·iag thc luw; it m aL:,:,. cnch tlcalcr. :m l.I 1·.J11• ~,uu, •1· la l";:d.r n•~1.,,n~ ililc for 1hr 1•11r i1,,· Ol" ,111a)il.1" of lhe gO<.HJ~ ..,:, 111 , ui· purd,asc,I. 11u tl giv1:s to Ilic l"i ri1.cu~ or t he Srn ie 1he oJ •J>u1·tunity to JHvlcct hi1u,;d! fro 111 f1·,111tl11lent " r i ufni" r ;.:uoo.l1<. it :;iw11 th ._. citiU>n the ,·ii;ht to cp,kL:ly l11fo11n himi<elf a~ tv the ,:u t·h·d neij,; or t lte gu;u•:011N• .,,, the pa ~L:;ii:,.~·-

'l'lie ,"() i~ 110 1·eu~,111 why nuy ..:i1izeu s l1 ◄m l d HCl''-' I•! au tl pny rur adultemtl'<L 1ldh·icn1 Or i.1,1111ag,,.1 F ;, 1·1i lizer~, Fee, I.• . F, H,d1< 01· IJ1·ui;~ . The S tate J>1·01·i <l~1S lhe me,in~ for hi~ 11 rolPdion . 0111_,. 1·,~1uirini; h im l u 11);4! tl,e mc:rn.~ 111·u-1·id,:tl. I 1r ,1w th~- ,s11u1•lt!>< 1n·n1 ..., r l,1. "~ 1m,.·id~'1.l 11_,. l:tw :,n,1 1~•;;11 lali, ,u~. :md ]'l'\1IO(crly tr:111~111it \hem \n t h<· Con,­rni,.,.i, ,110:1· of . \ g;i-i, ·11 l1un• r,, ,. n ,wl,Hi.'I hy the f-;1a1 e ('l,eu, ­ist.

'1"11; , r the ,·ilizcu~ or 1h,• 81:ttc apprN.:i a lc ,.11,I ruak,• 11-e uf 1111 - ··i-i1•~·i:1 l S fl mpl~" i~ ,-vi,lcncNI \,_,. the h , r ge n nmh,! r ,_,_ . .,! iu for :1m1 lr~ is :os i<hn" ·u iu t lit: tn\Jll'f. .-..r un" I., tka l l'('l:'U!1s.

Th,: 111 :1ri11facJ11 1~•1·~ of s tmH la nl . 1·,:li1 , IJ!e l•'cr lili ·"'''>! :,nl.i 1-'e,,,1 '5llll"fs m·c 1h,• onn><t Nl!·IJ t.-~t »up1su·lers " ' !hf' lmv, 1·1 -t..-,;,:11i~iu;: lh•· fad llmt l hc la " · Jm• t~'t:I~ thr· h c, nc.•t nm1rnfm·t 111-c1· t,~ ,rn 11,., 111, r,i ir 1·u1111••1iliou of !],., ,l i,hon­,.,..! rn ix,·r ,,r F,• r• ili ,-,r,., F,,ud~ nu, l l 1n1;.:.>< ar,,l Fc,-◄.1><. r ·n,!,·1· pn·•1·i ,,11~ ,·ond ,1 i, ,n .-, t h~ ,.:, [., ,,f hune~r F 1! 1·1il1,t.-r;; ,,,. 1:,,.,,l s . 11,•a,,~ :1 10,J :--1, ,., .,~ ""'' 111 is,,l r,,,.oJ~. wu~ i, ,11,n• t• ti;·:1I. lho tll(•t·,'krnt nr ,h·ul.,,· in l, ,.1w~t ~o,~l~. ,•,.nl, I uot ,·u1111,e1,• w i th t he l<ow ~ •·a , !o, . mlnlt (' rn lt~l anrl i11fc ri,,r 11rn-1ni;ol". Tiu- u11l_1· ,1.,,. 1,-r,. :11111 ma11 ufal"l11re1~ who c ,·itkhc I ii,· [:,\\, ,rn ,1 .. t,j,,, ., '" it ,- ,-u f,11•,~•,n,•u t. :11·,-. lho"'' whu d<' · ~i 1·,, 1" ,di iu f, ,,· ju r. ,l n 11 1a1J,:l'I nl' ,r, l,,Jlo,a-,1 /l'l l 111:11,• ,·i;il,

l u•1• •·!0~,-- .\1 prl'!-<'nl t l,o,r,, :or.· Im , lus l"-'l:1011! (:111• 1•1"."' '· om• fu t F,-..,,11'- 111ff. "11◄' f,.,. F ,~ .. Js ,iu,\ H ru;::~. 1'hc f.:tn w 1·1, ,,11 ,;~1 i~ ill,· n11h· iu~p, .. ,. , ,,,. ,,r l•'nti l iY.''"~-

1 \\ "OH l,1 , u;::..~'~i llii•I 111,i !es~ tlum ! In -Cf' h u1,ecln1-.. l,e enq,l .. .' <· ol , J,;, ,.-- 1, In h,11·, · rrnt lH01·i1.1· to d1·nw ~:,mpt,-,. nf :111 J::'' ""l.~ ~nl,)(•,·r h• iH~l~•·linn, lh,11 i~. F,:,1•!ili7.en<. l•'•><•l ,. mit! l h·u::~- and F1...,J,., l1H.-i11:: anthnrir ,, · 10 ~ize any umt ,• r ia l ml-hrn, .. 1, , 1. u r 1lm1 fa il.~ to t,,.,,, r 1111• l'"'I "' '" iu~pcctlon st" lll J'. 'rh ,11 c>w• .. r tJ,. .. e ln,p(~-, ,.,.~ lw lornl<~l at , ·n,·h

laq;cdty, l'ensacoln, Jncl.:som·ille, nrnl 'J':unp,1 , nnd h,wc charge each of a Cong1-c,.,;io11u! lJ istr ict. Suloject 10 or den; of f\1e Com 111 i,;i!i011cr of Agdculturc, mid nt his 1l ircc-1 ion i...,dernilcU 1u ,m.r 1mn .,[the State if nece:<,,nry. 'fhnt t he f-tau; Cl.te111 i~t h,we a~ no"· the geuernl sU/1/'lTisiou of the i11s1".'ctiou,.rguo.:Js tl11·t111gh()1Jl 1he ~Int,:, in 01·llnto frc-1ne11 rl y ,·ou~nlt. n,~i~t, ,rnd di rc\'f Hie tn,,pcctor;; in u,c ir w,u·I.:

$ 1'ANl 1.\ JWS.

ll i~ c1·itlcnt that 8!:rnd111'(l~ ~lionl,J he !i x('() h.~ lnw for ~l ixeJ F~>t,tl~, a ud r,.,. tcn lal,1 lo,1·-1•rod11e l~ ,,f faeto1· ies u~l'd for fC1:<l, to r11·e,·e11 t llw .~; ol e .,f 1oa (el'ials l,clvw 1be a,·ern;:e of s uch ;:oud~, lh on;:h wr,pcrly gum·:u1tcL'fl; a 11 111111~••· o f St;ites 11:we a <l" l•led ~uch ~!nndanls. fix iu;: the 111iuim, 1m of the n1Juali le l11gr~lic111~ iu Mixc,l 1,·,x.·,I !.\ 111ff JICl'll li.-.~il•le in foi•d;, ~olu in 1loe 8Jatc. Florida, .,h,)111;} fix ~imi l11 1· ~tt111'1nrd,; a~ without them, food,; m,t ~alahle i11 or he,· St:ote~. ~"" hr\ ~old in T-'!,w id,1, thoui::h trui h fulJJ J,,hel t <l th~.,· :,re nol shu1<fard foods, and ~tvrnU not be sold U8 Couccn(rnted J.'eed :--,urr.

VerJ respeclfull,1•, RF., J:o~i,;.

S l,ite Clu'Jni~l.



SECTI01'l 15 OP '£UE LAWS.

SpedaJ i;a ,up\ee of }'ertili ien or Commerciul Feeding Stuffs l!Cmt iu hy purdrnsel'll, nuder Scclio11 9 of 1.he laws, 8hall he drawn in the pl'c~eul'<) of two 11iJ1intcrested wit• DL"Sses, fromo11{)ormore vackn.gcll, thoroughly m ix,:,d, an,i A f'.1lllS,l .\ll'l,Em· T IJES.\)lf:Ol'NOTU:sl!T!l.\N1';1()11TOU1'CJl! H

(oi-·V·ll.l.Lf' l'QUXD) S IU[.), m, 1'!..1-Cl•; I) IN A CAN 01111011·1,111,

~Ellu:n .,:-.·11 si-;x·r II\',\ lJ ISl'>Tt;1U.:S'rEJJ l'..11\TY TO 'I'll)<] co,1}119-

810:-if;I< ()I' ,\UlllCUl ,Tl'fll,] AT T,11.L,HIASSEl,l. 1".oT ,.c~s TUA~

TJX CAN Oil llO'rru;, WH,!.I\JolACCEl"rF'AI

von .1 -~.u.YS1M. rule ismlopted toseenre fair sample, of sutlfrieut to mnke the ueeesMry dcter1uiui,tioue, nud toullowtheJn~servntion ofa duplicntl!sn uq,leiu eui!6 or prote~-t or :ippenl. 'l'h i11 ,lu1,lien te l!Otllple wi ll he pre­@e r,· ecl fo r two mou1 h,i frmu ,1,.1e of ce,t if\c:ote nf analy~i~.

The ~tnte Chf'miijt i~ not the pro1,er nf!icn to receive @pr<:inl ~110!)/l ('S f,•un, 11H;fuH·,·hlli;e1·. The pro pri Ny of tb6 nwtlrnd of ,lrnwing an,J ~ending til e ~: rnq,k~ :o~ lb:c,J by thcl1wisohrions.

Thedrawiug an(] scndiug of sprcin l ~.1m1• le~ in rnr(, cuse. i>< iu rornplintH'C will, law. Smnpk>< ,11.,-, frr<1ue m ly ~Pnt in pa1x·r 1,ad::q:;,.,, 01· pnpet· boxes, bad l.)" packrd, nuJ fre­(]UCntly in ver.r small (] U:intiiy ( lesl! thnu onm:e) ; fre­(]He1,t ly thei-e ure no 111n1•l;><. nu mbers or other meuns ot i,lenti tk:,tion; 1he 1,ostm;1rk in ijome in~tauces being ab,n·nt.

I would ("H!l th!' alt~nt i-011 of tlwS<' whu dc~ire to :ontil tliern~ch·e~of tloi~ pri1·i lc)!e to 8cctio11s !I nod 10 of the- !aw, wh i<' h nr..,.r lcnrn nd e'.'(p lirlt.

lfer,•:,ftcr ~trict eomplinuce with nborn ffgnlntion~ will h,:, re11uirc,J. The Rm117,le nwfll ,wt lie leu tl1m1- 01t1J.half /l'lilllll. ;,, (I ,.,,,, ,.,. /w///(' , ,q,•,r/N/ fl!!(/ .,,,.,,., •. ,.,,·,{ ,,, llu:

Oomm;u /1:mcr of '1.'frh:11/f,1r.:. The fl(;>ldcr't1 wimo and art­dn-•~ 11w# al,w b,; on fhc pt1clm(le. t hfa rt!le appl.l{ing to fl /Wri11I R<rmplCB of ffrtili:crR or commcrei<rl fccd,in(!Btllff.



E11ch package or Coturuercial Ferti111,er nnd each paclt­ege of Commet·clnl Feeding Stuff must hal'(?, sec:urdJ a nached the1~to, a rng wi th ihe gm1ran 1cc(I ;rnal.1·11i8 re. quired by law,and 1he11ta wp showi11g the vny111eotof1he lnspee1ur'11 foe. T hi,i Jtro,·i~iou o( the la11·-&-ction :J o! bo1hl:1w,;,-wiJlberi.r;idly enfor<'i"d .

.\fllnu f;idu~r111111d t1ealet11will bereci11ircdtopr0Jll'r l1 tag and srnu,p each pM·knge or Cornrnereia l E'ertilir.er o r Cummercial l•'i:ed in:z St111r muler penalty ns fixed in S<;c.

tion G of both lnwM. Tagii shall he ntt:,thed to the top endofeachb:1g,or he111Iofeacll barnil.


l'urchm1er11 ore cout ioned t o purchnso no Commercial E'ertll ir.er11orComrnereial l<'eetl in:; Sturr thntdoea not b(>nr on car.h p11clmgo no analysia tag w ith lhe guarantee re­quircU by law, :llld the 11 t11wp ~bowing the poyment or the in11pector's foe. Goudsnot haviugthegunront~tagand 11tnm11 :ire ir~i;11larund fraudulent; the nhsence of the guarunlee nnd st11m1• bei ngevidenl'e llun the manurm,tnrn ordealerhnsnotco111 11lil'(l ,d1htloe lnv.\\Vlthoutthegu:1r­ant~ laf,: nnU 11tarup 11howing what the i,:oods nre b'lillr:111. teedtocontain,tbe 1111rchn1<erh:1s norei:our11eng:1inst1he rnn1111(m:IHl'c•1•u r t.h>nle,·. f..ueh goods ;11•,•,;t,ld ilkg"l ly a11,I fr:,ml ulentl .r, :11H.l ore 1-,'f'tu' rnlly or li !tlll 1·a l11 e . All repu tnt,le mn nufacturerijunlldl'-nlersnow compl_1·strictly wlt h t he !a1 <1·:111d re;;11ln tionsbypl,1eingth(1 guarm,teefagand ll lnlllpOn etu•hp:u-1:"t,'C.


The:il teotionof Sherilr11ofthevnriomrcoun tiesisea lle,I t o&,ction 3 of 00111 lnwa, definiu::- !heir duties. T hi11 de­parlloent cxpee f~ each SherHT to os~i~t in umintnining th1i lnw- 1md prolet:tiug the ci t izens of the Slnte from the impo. sit ion offr:1u<lu leu t, inferior or dcfldentCommercia! Fer t tlizersor Counuertial Feed!ngSt118's.

~IA H K E'J' PHl t;Ee; Ol·' C! IE.\llt.:c\Li-l ,\ "\"D FERTJJ,. IZl"\"n )I.\TEIIL\LS Al' fl.OllIU .\ SE.\

1'0 1rr:-: .. t.\ .\T\l t\ L l' 'lll

.\1u1 .. :,; 1., .,,-i, 1'11,,.-,,• 1wi: 1<

l'uosr1iomc Acm.

fligh Grade .-\ cid f'hOs]'h:Jf<·, I() 1..-. r (·cut . .-\,,:1i]Hh]() P h••~11h,01·i<c .\cid ..•.• :f, l !'i .00 ;i J.1.00

AciJ l'l10s1 ,h :1te. II JK•r ,·<•HT, .-\vni h1ble P hO!<phoi·ic .\ (' iJ ................ . . 11. 00 J.'.:.00

}Jone lllm:k, 1i 1oe1· •~•nf. .\,•:ii lahlc L'l108J1bol'ic Ac id ........... . ... . .. ::r..oo :!~ . 00

O,k,riL'>!8 1'hu,;11h:1 te, 11 11<•rr, •11I. .\ rail , nble l'h<ll<j•hudc .\ •·id . . .... .... ... :! ii.00 :!-1. 00

.l l J~CKl,!,.,:,.1:0!.'>,

l l i:;:-h Gr:1.lc Gi-01md T vha cco Slem~, :.! pl.'r cnit. . \1 nm,111ia , 8 1.e1· ccu!. l'ola~h ! K,0 ) ...... ... ........ . ... ~.:! . 00

ll i;.:h U 101dc l,;(.'1 1f 11tky 1',,h:in-0 !-f<'ms. :.!.!ill perr<.'11t..\ m111v11 ia , lllperc..-11I . J•,., a~h { K, O l. .... .. ... ... ........ :!:LOO

1·,i,1;:.'~~t,. it;;~~:;/; ~1,)~,r ;;~~~/ :~1'.': :!;; . oo Cul Tnlo:on·o Sl"m~. :.! per tent. Am•

111nui", .1 1~,i· , -,:•n(. 1'"1"."h il\,OJ . ... :!0 . t)() l)n,·I; Toh:n-,·" :-li r 1t1 ~. lo:i l,•d. :.! l"-'I ' ,·r11I.

. \111 m .. 11i;i. I 1•·1· ,·, ·11!. J•'11,1~h (Ii/)) . . lfl.00 l. nlll[ l'! n~ lrr ............. ... ...... l:!. !10

:.!I. Ill)


1-.;.«I! 11.11,1

·n,,.. ,·ha 1·:,;,.,. 1,.,. 1~·p111,.J. lo: 11 i:11111fad 111·,•r~ r,w 111i.~iu~ a u• I hl'l~:;:-ing :my "lk•d:,I <• r 1,,;:n lar formu la :irr. ~1 .r~1 per hrn in ei;.,~~ of ::IK'!1·e pl'i1'(.,. ,


A~1~, 0~!ATP.~.

Arn1.11uui a, ,,11] 1,h 11le, fo1"t:ig:n, ]H'fPllll •I. J'l!l' 100 p, ,u11dg,. . ..... ... .. ... ~:.:.,,.-, r,,

ru, 111"~ •

Awm,mi;i, ij 1t!p., dumcdk, ~Jlul.. fll l lll~ •.• .... • . • • •.• ,.,,,,

J<'i ~ll Fcrup, ,fril-..l, 11 r~r t~ u t. mu1u,:,ui ,1 nnct 11 ! '(! I' l'elll . bun,., 1~w><pli:1w, t. ,,. b. ri~II wurk~, 1"'" nnir .. . :.:.,·, &

wt'I. ,n_-it111latc,l, G 1ie r c,•111 . Ultllll1>u i" . :: 1•·r l'\'.Ut . .,11,.,. 1,h,wk :1.-i,J. f. "· I,. n~1i 11 .. ,,1.:~ :.:.:•·,

U rQ uu,1 (i.J, ;:,rnn,,. illll"'rl,11. 11 1 au,l 11 j1t •1· c,.,1,t. amn,uuia :111cl JJ. \I 1• ·•· c,•11r. l,.,11 ., 1,1i n~1,l,a 1<·, c. i. f. :-;. \' .. H:dlo. <'I' l' lt ilH . ..... . ,. ,,.. .. .. :t,!t'I ,\

'J' ;11 ,l wg·,-. 111••1· .:er,1. null 15 i,c ,·wul. r. o. Lo. Ch i,·ai;:o ....... .... . . .. . ... :!. ; :, tt,. :.!.~u&JU

Tau:ni;:c·. 1·u11t.,,,nfra\t'd, f. o. b. (:hien;:'u, 11 tol51..--rr<:lll .. l,.Chi,·ngn,., .. . :!.!:, (, ,

Gar' ,:q;·,-, !:mkag,·, f. o. I,, Cbin1µ_11 . (H

Sh<•·I• m:111111,·. n•nn·ulr:t1('11, (. " · I,. Cloi t':IJ,:O. l"-'1' 1 .. 11 ·•···•··•·· ····· . :,.:,,, '"

R o-,rwcal. f. u. I;. Chifng:o. 11(·1· uuir. . :.!.:,;, (t/1 O rl,'f! hh~~I, l'.! l:l J-er fen !. :1mmoui,1.

r.u. lJ. :-.1, •u· Yori... :!.?1:; @ Chlcngo . . ..... ... :!.!~I @

Ni l rn1,, of ~oon, :i:::; 1oe 1· ce11 l ~J,ot. ,,,.,r 100 pound~ .. . .. . .. .. . 1,1 :l.10

fuL111"1.'1,,!)5JICl'Ct"llt. . (fr ::::.JO

l 'J !(•~l'l!.l'rl:.~.

, \ r.idphi>.•phllh.',l t('l'llll i l. Ho1ws, rv11;:h. hn1·(I. 1-.•,· fnn . . ... ~u. r,o

1«;,rt , tcmm·<! 1111,ll'Ollllll • ... l~.,~ • gronud, ~,,.,,unctl. l J .. J 1,c1•

wut. :nnmou ia an ti GI! ],Cl'

r,, .1;11 (,;, :!1. i,lf

<'t!t1!.0011c 1• h0!<1•h:1te .. • 1!1 . IMi (.,i di1!0, 3 m1<l 50 JJer l'Cnr . ,, . '.!:.: .:.n r.11

,, ,,:;o :.::.:.:.,,

n1w gruu11 d ,-I 1,c,·,·,•111 , 111111,,,. 11 in ;111tl :;11 !•'r ,'('nl. l,.,i,,. 1•li••"!•h:11, • • . ,,,, :,:, ;,!HI @ :?7. flO

8011111 Cnruliua ]'!,r,~1,hn1,• dried , Jlf' I' '.!,,IOll llo., .. I."· ni1·n ....... .. .. . . .. .. .......... ~.;;o q ,, .7:,

i;;,,1111, Ca1·vli11a l 'h , .spl 1a11,· ,·, ,d;:, 11 01 t1l 1· d1·k-d.f .<>. I, . ,bhlo·.r l:i1·,·r .. 7,llf l @ 7.:!-",

l•'J,.1·i,l11 l:m,1 1,,_.l, hle ph""l'h:1 1, - ""lk, 4;,~ i>C I' f l•Ul.1 I. ,,. J,. l'••I'! ' l':11111 1: 1, .,, :\. jc'; 0: I . !kl

FJ,.ri ,ln hi;;II ;.:1w!e plu,~1•10:11,, hnnl r,.,.k. jj I"'" •~n1 .. f. 11, lo, F !Hri,la "rll,•or'.!ia 1.-,r1". - ·•······- • ····· 7 . :,u

'r, •111t, ·~1•l11·,,..1,h:1le1-<lt·l..f,;,.J, •• M1. l'h•n~:111 1. ,i,,, ,w-.t i,·. pc•· 1,111. 7;;:,,, ."11 1"'1'<'1'11 1.

i."•1•·r ,;,<Q17:.:1-•1

M ul'iaHi pot:1.•·h. l,a~i" SO ]><' r ,·c ·n l , l"-' I'

;,_,~! ,,, ;,, :ill 1,;;; -, _1111 1.:.::, ,,, 1.30

lllu pn1111'1~., .•. . . . . ..... .• . ..... ,: 1.!!0 r,i! Mn11 u 1"1; ~all. :!ll roe 1· e,,111. :1e111:1l r,.,1a~1i 11.,.-, @

,l<>u l, IP 111 :111111·,· ~all. 1.-.: t"'•· ,.,.,,,. . . . 1. 1,;1~ -,,, ~ u!pl, nl;i 1••1:l~h I ha"i~ !!O 1w•r ,·, •ul l., :.!. J.'<1 ';!/i/' K Hinil, iu hulk,'.!.:.!-ll) t •"rn,l"··· :,,;;11 {,?)


F or .-\rnilal,le :rn(l !nJ;Ql ublc l'!Jo..-1,horic ;\ citl, .\mn1or1i 11. nnd l'olnsh r,w 1he &m~ou of l?IJU.

Arn ilnhle Phoi<J•horic Acitl.. . .. See,1\ijfl.J.OUnd ln~olnl ,le l'llos1rl,ori e Acid . . ...... .. l <.-e11t n pou11d .-\n1111nui:1 l •W it,,c,p1in1l,·111 in nit~"~<'llJ J!;,-,,,111s,1 !'Ound Potash l m• n,·tnnl potn ~h ( K, O ) •...• . r,! ,·e111 ..-11 puuu d

If f:ikulal<.'ol hy 11 1111 ~-,\ ,·nil:ihlt• l' hos1,hori,· .\ri<l .... ..!:_tl .Mpcr11nit In~o h1h te l 'h"~!'lwric ,\rhl ... .......... . . '.!Ur. 1wr •111i t .\mninni:1 i "I" its •·•Jl1i,·,1l,•11t in ulll"u_;cn J .. s::.'.!ll\ '('1·1mit J•u1_a~t, . . . . . . . •...... .. t.101 11•ruai t

\\"ill ," 1111 ifor111 alluw:111<"(' of ~1 .:;n 1•c1· tnu r,.r 111ixi11g a1i<ll,:1~it1 ;:.!

:\ uu it i< t.,·,·n t.<" 1oouml~. or I lll't cent. lu,. 1011. \Ye t.ml 1111$ tn I'(" 1ht• l'a~ir~t mi,J qnldH'lll 1111•1 !,o,I fo r ,•nlrn• hu i11;: th,• 1·,1l11e "r ferliliil' r . Tn illu~t r"t" thi~ 111 \< e for exn11111l ,:i II f<:-r t i!izt'r whh- h 1,n ,11.nl'.~ :, ;, followM : Al":t il:1hll• l' lln~l'hnde .\!'i,J . . f\.~'.! l'l'T <:1' 11 t ,'f~ l. (•II- ~ ll.'..'2 lnsol11al,ll' l'hu~Jlhorfr ,\ ,•ill . l .l'ill1~•rt-e 11 l .l .~I!- .:lO A11,11 ,.,nh1 . :~. J~ 1 .. •r ~" •ut.x '.:.'.!11- J0_!).1 l'otn~h ................ . .. i.~:J1-.i r ~111.x 1.111- i.!>5 Mixi 11 ,: :111,l J::t ;:;:-i11;:. . .. - 1.50

c.-,m11 «·1·d:1 l value nt ~<'., ('•WI~ . ........... . . ~ n.111

Orn fl'rtlll7.er nnalfti ngn.s fol lo1V11:

11r r cent.l$ 1.00- $ 8.00 1oc1· •·Nif .. x :: .'.! 11- , ;. 11) perceut.:-t 1.lli- 2.:?0

..... - 1.50

Cr,nnnl'rrinl 1·:1111,, HI ,.r:, p•1rfs .. .......... ,. ,-.1~.IO

'l"he :ol,01·l• ,·nl n:it inn~ .,,.,, fnr ,-,1~h fnr ni,1fPrin l~ ,Jr liv• e,,Nl n l Florida q""l'"l't~ . and !lif'y l'nn 1,. , ' "'"J!ht in nae Ion lnh• nl !1,,- pril'f',O nl tlw ,late o r l~~ui11,: tl,i~ Hul!e­ti11 . n·1on,• frr lili1.<'ri,nl'<' ho11:::hla1 int<'ri<lrJt1oin1 ".tl1e .,, ,lrl i t ionnl f rt' ight to 1t1n1 r,oill t rnu~t J,r nd<!!'cl.

If purdi:1sed io car load Iot t ror rash, a red uctio o ot ten pcr eent. cau be umde iuabo1·e 1·a lua tiou11, i. o:

Availa ble l 'bu11pbor:o Acid.. .tlU cc lJt ll 1,cr unit Potnat, ( K, OJ . . . . ....... .. . .. ...... !Jtl cc11111 per u n it Ammnuia {or e,111ivalcnt i n ni l rog,1 11 ) . . f:.!.S.S JJCr 1111\t

Tilll 1·nhmtio111s um.I rn,irkcl price3 iu 111-e<.,~Hn;;: illue· tr1u iun~, are IJabt.lU. 011 market ])l'ke11 for Oll tJ· tu n luh.


It ill not in te11de,I b.1• lhe "Stole 1·:1ln:itlon'' to fix the pr ice or ("()mmercinl vnlue o r n i;ivcn br:mrl. Tbe •·Stale va luc11" n rc the nm rkc t 1,ri l'e/1 for t he 1·a r io 11 11 appro1·,..d che111i~:il" ,m,J mn t(•1·inls u~ed in m b: ing or rnauufacturi ug oouunerrial fe r tiliier11 o r commerciul 11t11,:k rt'ftl a t t he d a le of i~~uin::: n hnllc t in . or the 01,cnin:; (If the "rcu~on." T iu.•.•· mn.,·. t,u1 !!('hhlm do. rn r r from the rnarl;et pricel!. an,I nrc made liller:,I co meet au.,· sli~.-\,t aJ1·:1nce o r dc<'l iuc.

1"h1•.1· nre compilNl from prinl l il<ts nud t01111ne rci:il repod!by1·epu1:1blcrll',1 lcll!andjournab.

The f)lll'flliOn is fn..~111e ntly Ml-ed: " W b:it i~ 'Smith'1 P r u it nnd ,·ine' wo rth 11er ton?" Snch a q uestion rn nnot be 11"81\'CT'f'd c:ite,::u r ically. IJJ nnnlJsig, the am1J1onii1, av;i i lnhlc phos ph oric ud d. allfl pofnijh ma.v be dete rmined , arul the i llf) Uirer informe.l wtmt t he cost or the ncec'®lrJ rn l\lcr lnl to l'O m p-0und II loo or good11 similar to "Smith'• Fruit nnd Vine" would h(>, using 11011c but neccpted and well kno\\·n nmlerlah,of thelle• t quulily,

81:llc 1·uh1et! do not con~idcr " trade !leCrete." 101111 on bn(I hill 11. f• o~t of 111h-cr t ise ment K, 111111 expell !JI!~ or collec• t iou~. 'I' he "Rt:t tc vnh1e! ' is si mply t hnt price a t wh k h the mriou@ in:::~len\8 11ece1<11a r ,1· ton,:eiu comi,oundiug a ferl11i7.Pr,or f('('d, r1111 lie purc/ln1cd for ct11lt in ton fot• a l Florhlrr ~o l'"rt~.

T ln•"(! p1·irl' li11f~ in Oil/>"'"' 11-ll •IOH lots. llr(' pul,lis!J cd in 1hi~ rq,url. wilh 11,c ' ·~1.ite ,·nl 11('s" fol' f!\10 lled 11c1c,J th('fi"frOm


NiGaleoOfuaii-:-:-.... Su!pbllte of Ammonia Dried Blood .... .. . . . . Conceotrnted hokage Bone TllDkage ... . . Dried I-'IBh Scr ap . . . .

~~~;\~!~ Mui. .

1~::~::~ ···1 ". "1···· ···· ··· ·1· ··· ······· ·

... 21to24 .. ... . ... ..• • ....•.•....

. . • 12toli . .... ............ ...... .

.. . 12 to l~ 1 to 2 .......... .. -- ·I 6to 9 l OtotS . .... . .. .. ..

J_ i! EH _ J ~ ;::_:::}~:~::~

:.:.:.~:.~~::·i\::::i;:;:;;1 :n~ ~1 3to ( 6to 9i l0toZ0 2 t~ ~I 13_ ~o 151 ! _10 ~




To conn~rt-Ammonia into nitro~eu, multip l_, by .. Ammonia into protein rnultip l,,· hy ..

0,2' 5.15 1.21.t Niti-ogen into nnrn,ooin, multipl,r h,r . .

Nitn,tc of soda into nitro~<cn, rn11ltiply bJ Nit1·og<'11 i11to ]']'(•i•'ill lllllltiply l,y ..

•••... IG.4 7

Hone J>hosp lrn lc Into phos1,ho1·io· iu,i(l, nrnltiply by l'11oijphori1· a,· itl i11to honc-1,hosphntc, mnltipirb.v Mnria1c of polfl~h into ndunl potash, multi1,l.,· !J,1' At<hwl potfl~h into 11111ri:1t(' of po1a~h. nlllltiply ll,1· R.ulphnlc of 1,ota~h iHto ,wtn,1111otn~h, multil'IY hy Actua l J•ofash into ~nlpliate of pnt:1~h. mul1iply by Nitrntcor pot1,~IJ illto nitrog<'n. nn,l!if'I." h,I'., Cflrbonaleofpo1a~hinto:1nn:o l pflt:1sh. nrn11ipl,1·h,,· A rtunl r•o!a~h into rm·l,nn:i k of pn(n~h.1r. 11lti1,ly h.• (:hlorin<'. iu '·l;:oioit," multiply 1,01,1sh (K,O) h,,

l.i.2i'i 0.458 :!.184 O.fi32 Ui83 o,r,;41 l.85 0.139 O.li8 t JA66 2.33

For insiauCT.". yon b•t.,· !'l;i J•H er•n t. of 11itra1e of ~o.ifl ant! Wl l!ll to know how m1wh uifro;:eu i;; in it. ,uultipl,,· fl5 per <'<'HI. l,y 11;_.17 ,l'flll will 1,:<'I l~di:\ J'l'f ccul. nitro;:r:11 ; :,on wnnt tn knflw ho1'" m rn·h amrnouia th is ni1rngcu ls eq,,!rnl t,nt to, then rnn!tiply lti.fi:; per cent. h,v 1.2H 11nd .rou gPt l S.0:l J)l'r..,cnt.. th c'-'•t11h·:1h'nt in :immonin.

Or, 10 con1•erf !)0 per r('nf. rnrlion:itu of potn~h into nclnnl po tash (K,0). rnuliipl,,· !l,1 h.1· 0.fiSI, cqunl~ t.1.~!l pn <'Cllt. :tC111:ll pofa~b ( K,O).

COPIES 01~ TIIE FEJ:Tll.lZ l•: H A:-i' D RTOCli:F!•;ED L .-\1\'8.

Ci1ir~os infcl'es1cd in tb '-' fcrt ifo,cr 11 11 ;! ;;\ork f,y,d l11w11 of thu Stat,., :,[l(J rJ 1, siri11;\' to ar:1il lhoml'f'h·e. of tlwit" p1-ot('etio11, ,· a n ol,rni11 ,·opic~ fr<."c of ,·hat;!<' 1,_r ~ending fol" ~ame to thn Com1uission,•1· M .-\gricu ltll rC .

COl'J ES OF 'l'f:IE l'Ul~E FOOH .\~J) lHWCl LA\\".

Copies o{ th<' Puw Foo,l :11111 llrug I.aw, rules n11d no)l;u ln 1ious. st1111<far,1~. blnnk~. <'It., (•;111 he ohtninctl from t ile f'orn rni~siouer of . .\~rku!turc.


lt illl"lhown by thenumberof " Speeial SnmpJ(.'IJ" ( those ..cnt indired b,I" 1·he p11rcl111f!l"roff1•rlilizcrijor f~ d 11 ) that The la"· i i; OO<'omiu:; 111ore g, •ucra lly underMtood b.•· the fnrnicr. fruit nntl vP.;,~tnblc l!'l'O"·er. Purcl,a~ere wbo bare :u1y l'l:'a•un to doubt tho ('or1,>ctnl.'!'11 of 1he guaran tee 011 the ,::001\,1 fnr11 isheU thcn1. !thr,u l,I nof ht'!!ilnte l o ll<'lld in 11;11111,Je,. for :111 nn:1l.1·ijill.

T h iR right 10 li:11·e a ,nrnple of the 1;001111 1,urcl ,a !!ed 11nnl,n.e<l hr t he ~lil!c Chcmi~t. 111 ulcr S1w1ion fl or th e lirn-ll'irhout (' hnr;.:e- the ill!lf'<'<'tion ft'l'.!ij ,•01·,•ring the ,..,.~1 of nnn lysiM. n~ 11'<'11 n!l i11spcc·1io11- hn11 <100!,tl ,,~11 J,a.d a ,l ir<"·t i111!11en,'f• 111,ou 11,c i11 rre:i."1'1\ qun l i1 ,I' of 11,,. ;_'Qml ~ !tllld i11 th<' :-= t:il<'. Wh,•u propnl_,. ,lr:iwn, f!t•n li'<I. w it • 11<'AAC'<l :in,J fr:ui!lmitlt'd, l hP •·Sp!'dnl ~nrn 11h•'' ha@ 1•rol'ed n ,.n f!'i~mnl I,~ 1111' co11!l11111,.r. l<'!!i!lnrnl!' fk-;1\rr. aml rnnn• 11r,u•t n r<•r. ,uHl a <: het·I: upM1 t h<' <'/ln>l('ll!l, i~nor:1111. o r fr:11ul nlcn t 1·Pn,lor or 111nn11(.,r! n!Y'r.

fl f11rnixTicR 11,e ,,,,,1, .. 111 ... r ll'i/J, Ilic#('"'(' /IIV)/<'dfon (lrmmufnl by /la; 111/111r,fr1r/11rrr. ,rlw 1111!/R 1ol8 1w11 ,•rir,l3 011I!/ "I""' thcg,inr,rnfu. /Im/ 7111ya for/h em arcordin_q to r,11111.'fdR.

JI_,. ~a r th<! la r;t·-~t :1111onnt of l'<llt1lu<'rri :1 l f<'r1 ili1.('r~ n~ed h1 Flnri,ln :01,:, 11,nnuf,wtun•,l or mictl'd 11~· f:u·1 o ril'>! i11 th e• Sl:ol". Lar~ :irunnntl! o r krtlli1.in;:- tn:it<•ri:11~ :'Ire h111•nrl<!•l •lirt'l'I hy fm•t.,r- i1:.~ nud ill>nl<'t~ lll(',il<•,! :it our IIC':1pnt•t l·il i, •~ : Pllt;!<'I!'~ or 1•01n,1, .~al t~ rlir('{'t fron, (l<'r• 111:111.1· :!I t' now frr,11u•1111,,· \'1't·l'i,·t•,I h,1· l•'lorl1l:i i1 n1 ,or1('1"11, \\'l1iJ ,, 1a1·:;:-c n111,m11 lsfof:1,·id 11lio$1•h:i1l'nrr11w1111radnrt"1 :t! 11111 e,q ,ortr,l rrorn th<' 1·ariuu~ '1 ulfuml A l lnn !i<.! ports.

~•I Mi ,la ,•onsn1u!'1· ~ mn _1· 11011· pnrt·h:oS<' 1hrlr frr1ili1.ers 111ul f!,e1uil11ls :,t F lori,ln !<('aport1< ,1~ chea pl_1· :1 ~ ,11· an_.- of 11,.,.,,,:11·or1,. ,,r tlw ('011111r_,·.

T a i,?1.,. of 11,e- :t1·.-r:i~c· rompo~ition of r,.,..J>1 :rn<I fe r ti-11,<' r m:1l<'ti~l~ will J,.. fo11111l in this hnl!clltt . The !'f•D· ,;11111 ,·r schonl,\ ,·un~11lt thl'III, rorn 1•afll the ;:omrar,1{'{' lng tlwrrll'i 1h , :11,,J if <ioul,t f ul of 1!.e t r n1tir1il11r~~ or the •·~1mr1111!<'<".' ' !tt'JHl :i ••~ pc,•i:i l ~,rn1 pl, •" in a ti n ,·nn lo the 1:,,11 ,u,!s,imwr of ,-\:;ri ;•u l1nre fo1• una ly~i~. :t~ di,·cdNI in l"(>~nla li ou~ t:01·rrninl!' the !:ii. in:; aud sendln;: or speri ul @nm 1,le~--on another J>II!!('.



. "11 1 __ _ 1 ~ -g ~;\.\m OF FJmn I ~ i ~

I ~ c.. ii w i.. ~ : i~ht Cutt'n &,cl] Jlcal ! :,.::5: ::~.~i~/ :::s.1;11j 7.,-.til 5.SO

Dntk Collon S.:,.,,d Meal ::0.00 '.!'.!.90 :r, .to ti.:",015.\/0 Lf~(l :\fe:11, old

1>roct.'l'!I •..•.•.•. .. • 'l".50 :"l!i .70 M.00 7.'.!fl 5.:m J,in-'IE(,-<I Meal _. new Jll'I •·

Cl;!illi .•.• 8-.W ;;u.10 ;'.l•i.70 ;:_t;O 5.:!0 Whrn1 Ik1n n.uo 1::..w t,:t.:lil um 5.SO

Wh<'nt )li ,.hlliu;:,;.

~f ixcil !?<'NI ( Wlicnt) . .

Ship !:-luff ( Whc:1t 1 . .

Coru (:;rain ) .

Corn .,.lcnl .

Coru Col,~ .

Corn and Cob !leul ..

JJominy Ve,.'(!.

C-01·11 n11(] OHi~, ~q11al J)l\l"I~ •• , ,, .• .. . •

Co1•11 nn (I 011t Feed, . •

ll:1r!e,1· ( i;-1·niu l .

Bntlcy Sp1·out~.

H:i r li•.\" :-rn,1 Q:H~. pqu,11

r..wl 1:;, .111 r.:1 .. 111 :J .:!0

i.S11 l(;i/lJ GUO .1,.<si1 .-,.::o

u.r:u 11.r,o 51,.~ri ;._i14t :tw

::.ml 10.r.o 1;'.1.,:0 aAu 1.;;,1

.l .flU !.1.70 GS. i O '.l~I 1.-tO

;.«UO '.!AO f'>-i.00 ~-:111 1.40

6.{;0I S~'iO GUO ::1:u1. 1.M

4.ll{, IO.GO •;(;.:!O 7.S<> :l.55

t"i.ill Jll .r.0 f.L:;!tl -l .-111 '.!.'.!II J'.!.Jfl 8.iO l►J. 70 ·:.To :1.20

10.!1(1 :,!i".:!O -1'.!.ill I.foll ti..'.!0

1•nrf11. . .. . ' r;_to 1::.1n , i:~ _; :; :uo :.'. i"O


Oat Fct'd

n kc Br,rn

lti, ·c TT u lls

11_1·,, 1:ra n

f~,1-~ -Is-ci (i; ' ~ ~

- i,JJ~1 ~.:~ 7,J() :t.70

0. 10














CO.\I.IIE!l(;I.\L S'l'.\'l'E \",~LU.Eli 0 1'' Fl~EDSTUFJ.'S F Oi: 1:J I\I.

Fm· t h..: ljem;un '-'r lfJIO 1he folluwiu .;: ;.t:l! a [(' value~" Ul"<l Hxe<l ;1.'I :\ gu itle 10 1,urdmorerll.

Thl'w ,·aluc>1 m·e bnseo\ on t lu., currt•nt Jl1'ke of co ra . ,•,hich 1,a>! bei.•11 d1oseu " .'I r, >11:ind,1nl i n n.~i ug the corn• mcrd:i l ,·:i lue,, ; the 1•ri•·t· of t'Orn , l o n l;i r ;..,••cJ[f<'nt , :;o•·· e r uin;; l lie p r it-c o f olhl·t r,,·cl~. 11urk. IJ<~•r. etc. :

l' rotPin , :I_} ci,nl~ p,.-r pu11 n il . . ... . . . . . . li,i cen t~ per 11 uit ij ta rd, aud Sugn r. I! ct•u ts J•er pou 11 d . . :rn cl' III ~ 1,cr uu it Pnh, J± t-<!ii !8 lo(' l' jl011 U<l . . .. r,;; l 1 'Ul .'1 pe r u 11i t

,\ Ti nit \Jei ng :!O !"-'Uud~ (l 11ercen1) of a tc,n. l1u li;1 11 t~ll'u l.it> in:,: t he ,;t1111 , l,irJ (i!'~l l JM) 1oe r tun. T o tl n.:l th..: cou1111e rci:1I Stale ,·nl uc. nm lripl,1· Ille per•

cen t11;,-es Ly the pr ke pt•r un it .

l•:x,1,I IPLt; N o. I.

e o m NY I-'E:ED-

.... ,kin ........ . ... X fi."ic, $ G,!<:: ~ i:1rd 1 ,rnd 1':iug:u·. x :li ft•. l'l.r,11 F a1 1 X t;:;,•, J. l ll

:0- ! 11 (~· 1·n l n,• fl(' I' 1 .. 11 ... . .. . .... , ... . .. . . :'<:1 1 .;,:.'

Ex.u1 r 1.r. Xo. ~.

f 'Ol:N~

l' rof<>iu .... . .. .. 10.;,, \l[ 1;:;,,_9: ,;.-:·: f.:l :11•·11 :1 111! j,:11 ~,-1 ....... . t;n. 1;11 X ::11,•. ·'II'--' 1'' :il . . .. C, •• llf ..: r.:; •. :1 _;, 1

" tr1 te l"nl nQ per ton. . . .. . . . R1 !.~:.'

.l<'OR.'l.l U LAS.

There are fre<Jueut iuriu irics for fo,•mu lus for vuriou, cN,ps,and thcreareh1111tlrellsofsuch formulM pubtishell; 1111,J wllile thHe are h11111lrt.'Us of "f.lrnnds" the variat ions iu the,;c gmlle1,; ore f.111•111·isi11g l.v l ittle. D o,.c11~ of "l.\i-au!b" put u11 loy the ,;,111,e 111a11ufncturernre itleuticnl 1,:110<1~. Ilic ouly ditfo rc 11t-e hciu;..:: iu the uruuc p1·i n1 ctl 011 the 1ng 01· .~:id. A goorl geHen1I Formula for field or gnn!eu might he c:illed ,i ·· \'cgel:1hlc Vonoula." and w,n,ltl have The f<lllowiu:::-· ,\m111011 i:1 31%, :wail"lllc pho~phorit ncid G½'le, rnul 1mrnsh 7± % • Tile following fn1• ,1111la~ will ful"lli~li th!! netcc,;sn1-y p t,mt fooJ in allouc thenlJ\tYeJ""OJJOrtion. Th al'cJn11·11osclyarnidedlheus" of any fraction of 100 !JOIIIH.I~ in thci;e formulas to @it11• pli fy 1hc111. Value~ are taken from 1u·lce 11~19 rumishe, t by the trndc, which we JHJlolisheJ in our Report of Jan mu.,- I. 11110

F'oi· <.:ouoo, Corn, Sweet Potatoes, 11ntl Vegetables: Auuuoni:1 3} per ceut .. :n·ailnlile pho~(lhorlc acid (i.j; per cent., pot:rnh 7½ per ccut.


900 pound• or Cotton Seed Men! (7! •21-1~) Pe_r 2{&0\mmonlu

80n 1•ound• of Acid l'hos1,bate (I& per cent.) .... G.4n Av.~ilablc ~001,ou nd• of Muriatc (or Sul p!ia t~J fG01,erccnl) 7.50 Potash

7,-,k , .tlue m· ,1 'lWI ,,. ,~~ .... ] . . 1·1am F ood l><'I' t,ni. .

S tate ,·:o] ue mi,~d an,I bnggPI Pla11 t h'oo1l 1><'1·to11

. .. ,~G C5 31J J>OUU<lS

Per Cent. 3.~~ Ammonia 7.00 Avail Phos 7.80 Pn tnsh

.. f~7 .iS aGOpt,unJs


Starn •alue mixed and bag,;:e.t. l'lant ~·oot1 per ton ..

( I.I) ··FUUI T AND VlNE."

No. t.

$~8 -~8 ;8lpound•

F rolts. Melons, St ra wberrl"'!. I ri~h Pntaioes: Ammonia 4 per een1., Avallablc l'bospho rlc Add 7 1,or cent. , i'ot.,,.,,h 10 p..r cent.

S tare va lno ml~d and IJao:getl Pinnt l'<'O ~ pe r ton ..

s, oi., Yal u~ rn i xnl ~' " ' 1,0 .~:;<"J P\;11 11 ),"no d f>N tnn

•~ ,: .zo l<O pou11~s

.9~~-" ,; i~G p~ trnda

i'er Cent 500 lbs of Cotton Seed 11~al (7J·2H J) . . } 10~ lbs of Kllrate of Soda (17 per cent. ) "97 Amrnon l~ 100 11,s <>f Sul;• . of Am. •25 i;er eent.l . . : ~:~o Ava ilable ~00 lbs ot Add Pho• pba te (IS per ~enl ) . S. 97 l'olehh

~ thsofS ulp.o!I\>tash(181>cr cent.)

St.1te ,·aJuc •n ixed ""rt 1~,,,,~,.,1 Plant l 'O<>!l ])l'r (OH

t,:~.1 8 125 p0uada

:-:.Qt J, A~.\I.Yi--E8.

\1'(' fr<>'111,:,111ly h :11·e ><:11111,l,-.ij ('f ~oil ,wut h1 fo r flnn l_,-~;~ 1:11,I I l"!'•l"t!SI h> :uh·i1<1· ;1,< lo 11 ,e I,,•,< ( 1m, 1l,ods <J f f,•t·tili1.i n_;;-. l·.,;,.-,1,w· ;,, n ·1,·,•:u,· ,·m ,•>< nu·!, :u, ,l,•:11·.,- , ·111_1s. l ' ure $::,:.,! .. ,. ,, Ji 11, ~ i .. ,mls. 11i,,,.,. i.~ l,·1! li1 1I~ infurmnliou

!l·at \\,,ul,1 I,,., of 1.,,,,,.11 , h l ,, 1it1!,, ,1r:, i1, :i ..... , 11ilun• •

. ,1,i .,:'n1· •l1a/ l\U "'"'l·'" ;,.,11:1 ,!e Hll,l,. i., ' .. , 1 .. r: · ,.,,,,.]i:i,ms ; , ,,t li1llt: ,· :d1;,•, 111 1t1i~

,•,.11 : ,,;inc, ,1,, •:lH•IP f:-um Ilic i:i;J'ud uf 11,c I ndian:\

!:"l'''r;i:,.-111 ~1.1ti ,• u. l'm·,J,,,. 11u il·,•l'~ ity, 1 .. ,:;,111::. ~~ r,,11,.-.1"~:

"~ 11 •• \:-..\1 1·~1s ,>r trrr1.1; \".,Ln: 1:-. !'-11011·1:,.:o F1:1n11.11.J:1

1= ~•!l'rl:E\JG!<.nt.-'l"h (' l "l1<"mir:11 ilf'p:1rl111<c'HI isc:dlc-tlu1.un lo) ,rn-,nt· hlm,Jr,,,l;i of ll' l l..rs uf i1up1iry in r..t,11ivn 10

t·hcn,i,·"l 1•ro!-l,•111~ fl-0111 l'"''l•lll ul l u•e r tLe In 11, i, l""ll ll(•t"li\•ll ii rni;.: li t h(' \\'o •ll h ! Fa.1· that

th1'1'•' i~ " ll" i, !1·s1w1•n,J ioh:;i l hat t he thL•rni~ I t":1n :rn:11.He :J s:111,1,J,, of soil. :111d w i1hnut rurtll,·1· L.no wi(•1lg<' uf the ;:onolit l"""· ,nilt' ,u11 u r,r·,•.~,·riptiun uf ;, f.,1·1i li1-'!r wLieh will fi l l rhe net...:!~ of 1h:11 p:irtieubr ~nil.

'"T Iie l·:.\1 ~•riu11'11t :-1:1li!!11 1!u,,•~ 1101 :in:d,Ho? ,:;:11n1•ll'>! o f

r;.>il l u <Ldc-,-mi,,.• flu• r,•rliliz,•r 1·,"lnir, •fl h 'UI H. 'J"l, ere is n o ,hrmio-:il 1:.~tlon,\ knn\\11 th;it will s lun,· rdial,1_1· the

~,·ai ;ohil i!y of,,,.. 1•1:111! fon,11!ll'!l• <·n lM Jll't'~(•Ht iu I I•,· ~o il :I~ 11 i~ ;_, :, ",i·hl,h• f:id ,.,r. i11:lnr11,·<•<l lt.1 lhl• 1.iu,1 ,,f n"p,

th" ,'1''' uf .s, ,il. ! h~ ,·li 1n:i1 ,, ~i: •I loiol•>gi,-:11 1•n11diCiou~; lwm,! w, • ,\;:, uot rr.·,.,111111,•nJ t!1ii, m(:tl,.,J ur 11-~liu::,: ., .. 11:·

T!e 111t:11J ,.,I r..,~u11:1wn,J,•,! 1.,_.. the ludi,,11:1 :-1atinn it,

l h c t)('l,J ferli]i1.e r 11'~1 or 1,1.,1 1<_1'stcm , in whlc·h Ion~ n~ r­

r-ow 1<l 1·i1•~ vr 1hc n, ,1J 10 I"' ll'~teJ nrt' m1·11~uro•ol olI ,.;Je hr ,.,,Jt_.. Tin• t"rop i~ pl:l11 !l',I 11111fur u1l,1· owr ,.,.cl,_ lJif­(H~ut fri-til ir,·rs :il"t' ill•J•li, •,I I\• lh~ olirl<'r<•U( ]•lot~, ( •\"t'I"."

th ir ,l o r fn111·1I, 011<• hl'ill/t ldt 1111fnt il i1.,,t!. 'l'II! · p1•<)1]ll<'C

froui 1hf'<st• p !ut1< is h,u-,·~s t~,I sep:H·:i tf'l_r on,! weighe,I. I n

thle manner the fnrmer can tell wh:it fertilizer ill l)eijt

suited for hie neeo:18. A11 climatic conditions wuy inllu• cncetheyieJ<1.,·ithtliffereutfertili1.crs,lti9l>cattocarry on such test11 for more than oneyeor before tlrnwiug def!· n!te conclusion~. There iij flO~iti1·el,r no easier or ~horter met hod of teiitiug the so il , thut we feel sa fe in rccorn• mcndiJJg.

Soil cn11 1)11 grently !m 1, nm:,l by nn lutellii;eut rohlcion of crop~, tbc comier,·ntion of ,table wHLrnl'<:, nn;t t he u~c of11omekindofeomtncrcialfcrlili1.er. l-'arwen need b:l\'e no f1:>ar that the proper :ipplication of cowmcreinl fc1·til ­iicrwfllinju1-ethelautl.


\Ye fr-equently a1111ly!le woler for public U!le, ,;ity, town :1od oeighl,orhood 11u 1Jp!ics ; 11pring,i not! artcsi1,n well9 ln which the JHlblie ill intcn?llted; nod for inil ividuu l~ when

1111ucstionofhcnlth orwbcoijomeeco11omic questl1.1n isto he decitl~I , such a~ the u~ of wnter for boilers or shni!ur

\\"cdo not m:ikeucompleteq11antitotl1"e(letern1i11ntioo, llepur:1ting (!acb rn!11errol impnrit,1· nntl de!lni te ly stat iug th<! quuotily tb er<'.!O t. Such an :111:dyl'-111 would be costly io time;rnrl lnhoranfl of no rent ,,nJocto lhe iuqnlre r. We tleterminr.thetolt1lmnountormiuerulij in t!Jeij:rn111!e11nd report t.hc111 n~ pm·t~ 11e1· 1.O!Ul.OOO of tol/:11 soliJ.~. u:1111!11:;: th<!m in theonlcr or their predominnntc. \\'e lind Cnl• cium Cnrbonnte {Lime). follow,d t,_,. Soili:1111 Ch loride (Snit), ~fogne~iu u, S11lr1h11te (EpijOllJ S:ilt) , Silit-in 1Snrnl l . :1ml . .\l11111inmu !4ilicme /Clay). i~ thl' i:-etwr:ol ..,,.tier iu whid1 1111',I' occm·, 1hu11)?h 011 llh• i-oa~·t. wl"•rc 1h.­!Otat "<•li ,1 ~ :1111,,,u, j to ,i,11110 p:,ri~ "'' mnre pe r 1.1100.0fl() ,.,u·t~, ,,.,, lind ~:111· i~ 1hc 1•1u l,,11,i11,n, t ~,,1 ,.atnnr,;,. r,,llowe•I h.l' T,irn,•:1111] lhPII E1.,.om :'-nh11.

We M'IJ11i1-e two !,'1'111011 $ or each ~nu,1,lc in n uew jug, Mtopt with a ne~· ,;ork, not !IC:ilcd with pnraflulJ or senl•

lug w11:1, by pr1!;paid upresit for annly1l1. We l"t'l]Uire alM> adl'scrlptio11ofthesooreeof !hewoter,ki11do 11rl de1,thof well. locniion of well or spring by Section, 'l'owuship a od n aoi;e.

We do no! make bactcriolog:ical ex11111i1L.1tio11N orc.~;11n i­untlo11 k for di~ea!!C gen u~. Suell <'X:1111i1111tion , vr :rnal}·seij ~ I'(' 1nA<le h_v file Stat;, Roartl of Ren Ith 111 ,J11ck80U\")lle.

DEl'ART~tE:-.- r 0~ .-.GKICULTIJIU: .. Dl\ ~0., 0~ Cll B llSTKt· . • .,_..__-.,., ... ~, \'\LU, Ul"rl.l • 1.,~ - •-~--_,..._., .... -~--•.-~,< , .. ,..,,.,,..._ .... ~ ..... lji

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:\I. llU.-\l",11er fr<iiu Con~11 me11< ke and Cold Storage Ct•lllpa11y, Kr,1· \\'L-:,;t.

Tot.ii ~olitl~ JJ<;'r l lJ0,000 po1·ts nre 5,1:J5.1 pnrt~, t·u!n],.->~t'U of Sodium Chloride (Salt) 4.J::::.S p11rt~. Calcium Qirbonnrc (Li me), lfngnel'i 11111 811)1,h:nc (J~J)l!Om S:1lti;) ond Silirn (flnud ).

hi. 1120.-Wruer frnm C. R F.dwardl!. Ell:wille. Total $Olid~ 1~'1· lll0.000 p:1rt~ are 12.7 parts, com1>0~ed <'f Culdum C;1rbc,11ntc (I.Imel, SO" dlmn Chloride (Salt), \lngnet! lum Sulphate (Ep!«,m 8;1lt $) nml Sil ica (Smull.

M. 1125--Wn tl'r fr<1n1 C. C. Philli pi!, Tnllahnlll!e'e, 'l'o1:tll'.Oli1b,1,er 100,000p.utsare 14.7part11, com1lflWII (l( Or~rnic nmtler. Tron Oxide, Sodium C11loride f ~:1 !tl nnd Mrigne;iium 8ul­_Ph:1le ( E111,0111 !fall~\.

M. 1127.-Wntn frnn1 ~litlu & K~nnnrd , 'l'nmpn. 'fotal ~olid~ J>tlr 11w,noo 1mrt11 nre tiGG.O \lnrt:i., com JJ<,i-;ed n( pt"incipallf Sod i11rn Chloride (S11H ), with smnl l nnulunt!1 of Cnldum Cor•

U<)un1c (Llm<>l. Mn:;:nrsiurn Sulpha!e (Eprnm Sult11) and Silica (SH nd ).

!of. J t:;1.-Waier fMm Pnnorna lee Company, P11uamt1-Citr.

Arte.!i/lTI well wlllPr from ftowh1i; well . T omi suli,11< Jlf't Hl0.000 1•ar111 nre 2:'l.G 11art~. comJ)Ol'<'tl nf ! 1·011 Oi.ide, Sili<.-11 (Sun d), Ca!. ch1111 Cn1•h(,unh.i (Lime), Sodiu m Chlor ide (Snit) 11111\ )1 1,gncsium Sul phate (Ef""om Snlfl!).

M. IHO.-Watn from J ohn W. Chnat'=isu, Wauclrnlu. To111 I ~olitll! pc t· 100.000 p111·1~ ure :_i,:; purt!, couipo!K!<J or /;<itlium C.:hlvri<Je ( :-lull), l,i il ica (S.rnd ) 11 11(] ) l;, ;:;ucsi11 111 l,iolpl i:ne \ 1':JOSO W 8\ll l@ J.

M. t1 .1:.i.-W:11cr r.-,ru :-i . J . T il~llm:1 11 1(: /'Ion", l'a l,111:.a. ' l'n , .,J 11<,li<I~ 1ier Jt.H I.Ollll pa rla 111·e :l l.7 ]'.l l' t .S, n,1111••se< l .,r ,-lodiurn C.:hlur id1• \ l"l ;1J t \ , Cal­ri11111 C::l'IH•n,it(' 1 Ume l . ~l;1 i:uc~iu111 l'lul ]Jlrnte 11:1,•urn 8 uli,; J, l'li lka (~au\l J 11ml Oq;auic Ma1lc1· .

.\l . 1.14~.- "·at(' r fr,,m -1,,hu 1:11•:e. -~1 si ::1rhi,·.,] ;1. 'J",,ta l ""l i,1~ IM"r l !lfl_!J!Hl J"11·I~ :ll'c .-, l iJ p:irt~, <"!> lllJ1(lo-t~ I ,,f ~Hli11111 Chl,>1•iolc {l'l,!1 11. C11]-1·i n1u C,i rl1trn:1te ( 1,imeJ ;111,I .\ lagrn.,.. Jurn ,.:uJ­J>lo:11e ( 1:1,,.mul-alt11) .

l l . ll-li.- \\ 'n1•: r rrom \\'. ~- Hohr1·1~. l ld~!ol. l'o(al ~n lills p,:, r 1011,onn p,11•tij a111 Ii .I pn rt@,

,·nmp.wed or pl'inci11al ly C:1ll'i111,1 Carlo<.>na te i Lim~ ). TI•ith t ra,;e~ nr ~, ~li 11 m {,'11lori d11 ( SuH ) nnd llagues\11 111 !,l, ul 1•lrnte (Epsom Salt11).

lL Jl;j..1.-Water from J . fl. ,lemti11g~, J 1•nn i1Jgs. Totnl ~oliib J)('r 100.0flU J»ll' f~ 11m J~.8 pa rh, compn~cd of pri11ripally C,1le i111n Cm·lmn11t 11 (J.ime), with ~mall trateij 1,f & ,di11m Cllloridl'l ( fl.;,H ) nrid Mnpi e/i<ium 8n l1,hate (Ep!;Om Sall~).

lf. 116-.1.-Wntcr from D. ~I. Da.-id!!lln. nigh Spring11. To1al 8(ltidM per J00,000 1mr11 nre '.!4 .!i parta, rr>rn[IOl!Cd o r Orgnnic )11ifte1·, Jron Oxide, Bo­dinm Chloride (Solt) and Calcium Carbouate (Lime).

M. 1177.-W,, ter from A. ~f . lkRae, Mnntkc!lo. To tal ,olidM per 10n.ooo pnrt~ a re ;1,9 pam, rontniu ing tr:u'('~ or Org,mic .\ lnU,:,r,

l l. ll 8-t .- \\'ule1· from\\'.:\. (Jox. Quim·.v. T .. rn l B"lid~ 1..er l iJOJl,,1 1 11un ~ are 1:l.l) part!, t~•illl•"'<'il i,rith:i1~1ll.1· ,,r Cn l,·i11111 C;wli011a1te { l.1utcJ . wi! II tra,,.,. ,,r S ,11 l i1111 1 Ch luri<.le I )'(:,I! J :!ltd ~!n;.:1u-~i11m ~ul11ltah, i gp~om i'-1-a l1~1 .

M. 1 1-'~9.- l \" rl 1•r r,~ ,1:, .I. C. F;1I~""· .lla ri:1n1m. ' j".,1;11 ~<> lids !<' r 1011.!HIII 1m1·1 ~ lll"t' Jli.;'; p:trlw, <«T 'IJ•o~,·d ni p1i 11d1," II;; C,1!.- i11111 l:'nrlovuate 1J. i111l'\, wilh 1··a n •s , ,r i-,,. 1;,,,,l ChJ ,.,,.jJe (1'ah1 . )leljllll'>'ltllll Sulpha!c <1-:[<""Ul Salt»), !;i lk a 1:.:111<11 ,mtl /1·,,n Ox io.ll'.

l l. t.:!00.- \\' :1k1· fro, 111 .I. ~I. li:rn·l;iu~. l 'e l'l'.I" . • \ 1·1t-~i1111 1•·1• tl 11·;Hm· from di~· w('I I of P erry. •r o1 al sol id& J~r I IIO.t" JIJ 1m1·1~ are 1:1.11 p:ll' IS, eo,1111~ •~"11 of Culfium C:1rho11:t le ( l .inrn ), 31ag • 1w~i um f:1 1l 1•~n1e cJ-:1 ,,.,..,11 ~:1 11~), 1':(1d ium C'hlu l'it!,• ( 8-aHJ nn ,1 :--tilira t8;md ) .

ll. J:!01.- \\"nh' r rrom S. TT . Cnl!, Kissimmee. ,\ ,•t,•siun well wai.·1 · from Jj\J.fnot lll)wing w,·1! 11eur l ,nkc 'r" hup<,li_i::a. 'l"nl:11 ,;,.Ji,Jll l'Cr ltJOJll)Q l'Ul"(l! are 10.7 pnrt11, 1"111111...-1 u r Cnlcimu Carhun:ire ( Li me). So­,Jium Chloride ( El;1 lt), llngnc~iuru S1111,bate ( E1 s~mu 8nlt1!), i::illca ( Sn11d ) :md 0l'g::111ic )h, tt('r.

ll. 1:?0:!.- W:1 1..r rmrn 1:. (; riniu ,Juhnwn, Tnllnh:U!Fee. ~1.,.i11 ;.: 1n1tc 1· from .\pnlnd,ee S1,r iugM, ucar ~"]whoppy. Tola] ~oli, I>< J~r l!Hl.(ltl(l 1~u1~ nre l:! .G 1~1rts, ,·urni,o,-,.,1 or Cnlo·inm Cnrl.-111:Hc j 1.ime), & .. 1!i11111 Chlu1·i<.le \ ~alt I, ll:i l!ne<i nm ,,;Ull'lm te /1 •:1,~om l$n ll .•), f.i.Uka t'-:11111\ und Iron o .~ ioe.

M. 1:!05,- \\'n h·•· from Ch:orlt.11 ,\ . Brown. ,Jr., ,lad.:son• viii!'.

:'-p1·i111,: wale r fr"'n TI(':!I' O1·,u,1,:c l' nrk. T"l:ol su l i,lt< 1.er lt~l.1111() J..atlij ,11·e l:!.0 poru, comf)Ol!('ll o r Cnkimn Carhon:1te \T.ime) , Iron Oxide an\l !iiodium Chlor ide (S:111)

11. l '.!O:l.-":\o.l"wa1erfrorn L.('. ('unnva. l'aln tkn. Al'l1,~i n11 well w:i(l'I' from oh.I well of l'ala tka Ice 1"ae torr. 'i', ,,al ,,, ,!id,a l~,,· 11~1 .0IJO ;~1rf~ a!'e -1:;i.O p,trl~, ,·,11111,..,0 ,,,J nf Mtl imn Chlm· il!, · ( l's :1hl. l "'11·

\'.\::::1e 1iJ~1;1;;;,':.'it~"i'1~]'.11 ~~;.:;:~\;1'_~j~ \'i~r ~~~ 1-il irn tflnnU) .

}f l:!JI!.-'·~-,. ·• • •r:11t•r frurn 1.. U. C,mm·a. l'a)n[kfl. Arll-,..i~u w,•ll wa1,,,. f1·u1u nt:\\' wdl of Palnlka J,·rl•·:11·ton-. Total guliJ,; per 100,00ft 1mrl~ a re .JIU> p:,rl,i, <'"llli>O>hl ,,r ~olinu, t:blori,Je (Snl l ), Cal · ,· i, 111 1 Ga1·h• •1w1,• 11,iJU~J. 31::)!ne,·ium S ul• 1,h;1hi ( Ei ,,-.,m l'salf,a\, Or:::t11dc ~latter :rnd Silicn (~;111d ) .

~1. l:!1 1.- \\·,.i,.,• ft·vn, E . !l. •'"""~- Fhwid-1 ,\ :::-ric·nltnral :iud .\ll!di:rnicu l Coll,·;:.c for ~l'gl'•H:I<, 'falla­hn~>'••·.

Tomi ~"li,1>< Jl!'r JOfl.fltlf) pa1·1 .~ urf' V.5 pnrt11. ,·orn t"'"'d"r 1..-i n.-i p:1 !1.1· 01·;::,1 u il: Jlalter,with 11-n<·<•~ t![ l'sn,1i11111 ! "l, lul·itle ( f,:alt l .

).f. 1'.!12.-1\'nit'I' r,,,111 1;11~~ .'< !lhrnlr ><. \\'1Mnldllc. T"lal ~ .. H,l~ i~•r Hlll.Ullll ,~1•·1 , arc :rn.o part .. , t·rn111,o~c•,t of Cnl d111n C 1U·h, ,11 :1fo ! l ,i 1ne\ 1 So• tlinP, f"l ,1.,ri,lc fi'l;iltl. ~l!k" (8nn<I ) :md )! ,1 ;:.-11<-.<ium l'-11 lplu1te (J-:1.,,,:,n, f'nltRL

M. t::li.- \\·:11,•;- ftr ,111 Th .. ,:,:i,. .r. s!,.,wi<lau . Clcnrwate,•. ,\ l' ll,,,.i nn wel l w:i\f'J· f;•c,111 SI-font well nt ('J,-nr11n1n. 'l_".,H11 ~ulitl~ 1ie1· !00.tH~I 11a1·1,. am :!G.5 parh. ,·,,111rw•H•<I or Cnld11rn (:11 d~,11alc ( t ime) . 80-<li nm ! '!, l,,ridc (f-;"111 . ~la ;-:nc>'i llm Snlphafo r E1 -,co111 J's:,lt,.1 1111,I Orgnni,· ll:1ltcr.

'M. 12 1S.- \'(nl ,• r f1-o1m I.. 1-. Pipkin . .\h•Ulrnny . . \n1•si:111 well "·nter r r.,111 ;\:!!i-foot c ltr well or :,J('(J!,·nn . .-. 'r" tal ;,oli!l~ p,:.,,· J:-10.0UO pm1~ ;ire '.!~.5 part11, ,·nrn1~""••l .,f Cnh-ium C11rhunn1e ( l ,imc1. 80-1li111n Chhwi<lc {~,,ltl. )l:oi:11 e>'i um Su!phare ( EJ)l<nlll Sn!!~) nnd 8ilim (Sant!) .

~l. l :!3:.J.- \\"a t,;r fr"m G. L:. l(t1~~. \\'ooilvil k ' l'o t: d ~o lids )>c l" !l!O_!HlO 1,n i-l~ Hl"C 17./", p>1rt~, 1·1 ,1n 1~1,f'd or c ,kium Cm·bonal e ( Li rne) :md So,li11m C hlo ,l"id e ( '4:il l l .

.\I 1:!50.- \\"ai<'l" fl-0111 -1. H. fl aw!; . E,n , (; n ll ic .-\nc~im1 w,· ll 1rnH•1· fm1 n 1n ·1l of r.;:enf11cky .\li i i lm y ln~li 111lo·. Tnt" I ~,, lid~ l l<' I' lo().11 0(1 10:1 1·1~ :tl 'l' 1::::_:1 part~, ,·0 11q "•>·e•l nf f-\()di 111u Ch lorio[(' ( :'-al!) . Cal ­t ium Crn.ii. ,,. ,.11, 1 l. i11wl . ,\ l :11., 11P~ i111n f'l 1d plu1le n:I'"'''" f-\al t s i ,i nd O1-~a11i,.- .\ la nc1·.

in. t~.i l.- \\· a11t·1· f ,-.,111 ,) , H. fl a w k. E ,:n f:,i ll ie. (' i~tc ,·11 ,n1te1· f rn111 f.: enl u<·k.1· .\( il il:1r_v ! n~( i. tut<• T ui:1 1 ~o li o! ~ , ..., ,. Jll O_! lfHI Jl:l l"IS UI'(' fi .~ 1•:1rtf;, ,·0m] U>~(•d of llq!n n ic .\1;1 1(,-1•. f.:.o ,l irnn Clilor­id •.• (f.: ;i ltl :m,l Cn ld n111 C;1 1•l,011 :1!<1 ( L irul' ) .

~I. J:!5~. - \\'ate1· from W. H. i\1 <'1 : nc•. -bRp,•r, :-:1 ,rin;::- w ate1· frun, \\'t•loh Rpi-i u~. Tm a l s n! i<l<i. Jl('l" .H)ll.(IIHf prn·ts ;11..-, :.! L i pll d ~. rompo.<,,,J of Cnlcimo C nr boulllc ( Li me) a nd '>l:i~□ <·~ inrn CIJ !ori<lc.

.U. J~1iO.- Wa1cr from H. l101·is. Mndi~on. !spriug walt!l' rrou, ~pri11g ne:11· \Vithlueoochee Hin'r. 'J'.,1:o l ~oli,J,., 110·:· J1 1il ,l l1Jt ► p:1rt~ :mi li'.~ p.il't~, ,·oUJJHJr't•<l <1f :-:ludiun, Cli!ori<lc 1:'-al11. Cal• dnu1 Carhon:dc 1,Lirne1, ~b;:ue"~ium )5u), ph nlc (l,;1,,,,111 ~a ll ~) an d ,\lmuiu111u Sili~ate (Clny) .

M . .l'.!(.J .--"·"11•r fmm G. E. l:11~~- \\'uudvillc. ,\ rl c~ iau well wa ter from 1'10-foot well nt Vereen. 'fu l:11 mlids 1,e ,· lOOJfOO pnr1s ,ll'e :::Ln par1e, c'""iH>,,.:d ,,r 1:aldum Ca,·l~matc 11,imc l, So· <Jj11111 CMt,l'id<l (Salt) nnd )l:igucsium :Sul­l•halt• (E psom S,1lts).

M. 12(i2.-Wnkl· from H. 0. L€rri~, Thomas Cif)". A1·tr~inn wt'II waier . Tolnl suli ,I~ ]K,r HIO,Oflll pul'1s ;,1·c :!7.~ p.irte, c'""! 'o~d or Cnldum C:wllonutc ( Lime) and S,Hliu1u Chlori<.le (Snit) .

)J. 12E~I.-\Yntet· from,\, H. Gi nsl.,~rg, Tnllrihass()C.. Spri11~ 11·111cr. T"1nl ~o li tl,; per 100,000 1mrt8 n•·<J 2.0 pnrts, compo-,·d of Or:;:-nui<.: .\!niter, Sodium Chlor­i<lc ( t-<alt) nu,l Calciurn Q1r1Jon11te ( Lime).

M l'.!G-1.-\\'nt,.1· from IL!!. Wrny, )liami, E n•1·gl.uk~ "'n let· from <ln1inage e:inal. Total ~,,li,k per 11111.noo 1~1 r1" arc '.!1.5 pnrts, corn1,ru-,•,J of 8(J(li11m Ch !ori,l<J 18altl. l.!111 -cimn Cm·honate ( Lirne) nnd Organic )lnttcr.

M. l:!'i'il.-"8nm1•lc Ko. I;' wntc1· from A. N. t,(aJ!ey, I.lull.

Arlc1< in11 well wntr,· from well a1 \kC:ill. Tot,1! ""lid,; per 100.00U pal'tA nrc'.,!:t:.n 1,;irts, cornroof'Cd of &,di"m Cltlorid,• (8;1lr1, Cal­rium Carhonale (Lime) 111u.! ~fngneMinm Sul­]'hote ( EpllOlll S al tii).

"' ll. 1214.- Wuicr r1·om T. K. fln1ll-.:y<', \\'uhlo.

,\1· tci< inn well w:dnf,,., 11 u 1lowiug \\'ell. Tr.1111 ;;ulhh1 pn ltlll.t;1:11 Jm r1,, 11re 1:1.S pnrtf, cr,1111~•i<t>• I o r \J;1!dm11 1\1rl~111ah, ( J.iu,c) und ~1u ~n1•si11 111 C li t .. ,·id+·.

M. l'.!81.- W :ol(•r fr"m J·:. J:. }l:11~h. S:1t:\;ufa . • \1·1t-,.1,i11 \\t'II 1\"Hh' I' ri·"m ::0 11 r .... , wdl.

'1'1 ,1111 ,,., i•I~ ;:~1- Jl!ll,!111'1 i"''"'" !I!'<' 11'1.8 1,arll!, ,·,,1111•0~(~1 ,,r t ':,ki :1111 ( ·a ..i~,u .. 1,• 1 l.i:1w 1. ~1:,g­n,,.,.inm :--11l1 ,t1:1te 11:1,,..,m :-i:111><1 and i,:,., linUJ Chl111·i1l (! 11-<,. !1 ).

l l. L28J.- W a1<-1 · f1 .. n1 .!. ,',1 . ll :owl:i11 ~. l'cny. Al' l<'•im, "·d i uat ,,,. r,·om ill lJ-f'>nt 1:i1ywo,ll ot l 'c•n•·. •1· .. 1ri'1 ~.,,; ,,,. ,~·1· JOU ,IH IO p:11'1>< ;o re 12::.!1 [~11"1!!,

~-,, 111J " '"'''! .. r l'aldum c•,.r1 ,.,11:,tu 11.imt:) , 1:io­,l i11rn Ch l,,l"ith.• 1i",ilt1. nn<l .11;1:,:-110-\ nm C lilor• itlP.

M. 1:w;;.- 11·111,•:· r,·01u t: . ~r. ( 'a( ,;-s. \'.'u kn ll,1. \\'l' llnntei·fr,,m\\'nn eta. :l'vt:i! ~ullds 111.'r HIH,1100 parf~ arc !l:i.2 pti.rts, l'nmpmwd vr t:.1kinm <.:.1rl,,.,1rnte ( T.im<' ), So, ,tinm Chli,ri(lc (~all) ,uul ) l n;::11("0<inrn Sul• J,h n t<' / E1•~••t1• f;ul! ~ ) .

. \L l~tl6.- \\" :1ll•t· frn111 !'-:, Oti~. ,\lu lnl . • \ r1t>t<ia11 w,• ll w,n,·r fr0>m 1s 1. roo1 well. Tot:il :<olitl:< 11('1" lHll.1 ~10 1"11'1~ :1rc '3 .!l Jlru·!s, f'<•lll)fO>'~•I of 1'11di111n Chl1wfd ,! fffalt ), ifo• dl11m !';ul1,hnf(' ancl 11~,u n ~i,J ,,.

M. 1297.-~\·ntt,1• fl-11111 M:1di~,111 E!{'<:ll"ic I'o"·er Cum• J\:l ll .l'. )1/i<li.Oll .

Arlci,,i,m 11·, ·ll wnt,•1· fr,,n , 111!1 ,fo,,t 11' .:!11. 1'0111\ ,.., lid:< Jl(' I" J!MJ,flOII Jilli"!~ :u-c 17.1 parts, r •,in]K .. l"'< I (>f C;oki11n1 Ct11·lo<)11ntc ( l .irnel, So-­,[;uu1 Cl1 lo1·itll" ( ::\a lt) :in,\ !1·nn O :dde.

AL 1298.-Wntei- r,-., 111 .\I. .J . Tanuer. O,•i('l lo . . \t·l<'l'hm well ,rn 11•r from l.10(Hoot well . 'fn1nl ~.,lid~ prr l •M •.tHl(I 1»1rt~ ar~ I~}! p:irt.o. ~0111Ji<>1<~d of ~,,ili111u Ch!oi-i ,I<: ( Rall 1, Cnl ri mn G:1rho11 n1 e ( Li me) antl J,s,n (h:ide .


M. l~0ll.--\\':11,,,. fro1u P od: ll:11111.,11 , )111 ~en:;:-e~. Total "")his 11('r \00,liOlf p:11 ·1 ~ ,u·e 4.-1 p:,rt", ,-.,m1,us,,d or :-!-{otiinm Ch!url<lc { Sall\ aud !t>inOxitlc.

M. l~l>.-·H·111n f:·,,111 1'1. l 'cle1><lmr;.: 11'.iter Work", :-lL J',;tc1·shut i::.

L:1k,•wnlcr. 'fu lul , .. /i,11< per 100,II IH l INlrfS :n c :1.1.8 parts, ,.,,,11\" '"'-~ ! ,,r (l r:::-:, oio- .\ l a(h:r, N•lli um Chlor­i,1<! \~:111 1. )l;1p11•,. i11111 ~11l 11h,11,• (T-:1•-•nm l'-nll ><i. 1-\i li ,·a ( l'-;iri,I J. J,~111 thid!l :wd .\lo-111i11111n f.:ilin1h: /Clny1.

M. 1::10.-l\"nl•·!' r,· .. 11, 1'-t. l'ctC L'l<!Jll tg W:,1t,r Work><, I'-! . l'\'lc-n:Lu,~.

\\'di ll'l.lh:l'. Tul;ol ~o\lti ~ j>CL' J(lOJl(I!) p:lr!~ a1-e :',Oil 11.irtit, •~•1111,.,,..,~: ,,r Calrin111 Unhona1e ( l.i,ue ). M(lg­m•;:inm ("nrhou :1 1,•. 1-\i\l~n \fi:111,I \ . Sodium Ch'"ri,k ( l°'al1 1, ]l'<Ju Oxidr :uul )ilmu i1111tt1 Ri li!'nlc (C lny).

M. 1311.- Wn1c1·f1S,1t1 .I. J:,.l,•nni11:;,i,,JenniuJ.:1<. 'l\,t:il ~oli,l~ pc,· 100.nou pn rtB m-c 11:.i, pnrl>', cnm i • •l-l·d ur i-:ndi11111 Chlorillc (8'1!t,. Cn!­einm Cnrl••unlc (l. imc ), ~l rigue~ium Cnrlxm­:uc :o ml l rnn Oxhl••.

M. 1:_ll:?.- Wut e1· fr., 111 !: 111111\'ll H,·1·cl<,p1m,n t Com11nny, lh:11111'll .

'1'0!:11 f (Ol id~ Ill'!' 11)1),11(10 r~1t•fj,1. <ll"t' i:l:?.l p,,r,~, ('""'i"'••·<l of N",dilllu Chlori•le (Rnlt), Cal­ei1 1111 i.:,11·honnte J Linwl. Magnc~ium S11l-1•h nlc 1Ei,s,,111 Ri lt~) . Jrcm O:i.:ille anti .-\lu­minmn !-!i!irnk 1Gl:,y ).

M. J:llfi.- 1\·;11,•1· frn111 r;m,·1 11• 11 . Th n_ni r. Mount Dora. 'fol; ,! ~ul iUil fK'I' IIMl,flO!I p:ll'll! :u-t, 1-1 .<J purt" , ,·unq" ,~"'i or Nw \i111 n Chl,u-ide (~:il l) . Cnl­•·iPm l'ti1 .. 1·i<l~ . • \lo~11 <'~ imu i--nlph:1te (Ep!W,m f.:n l!~I "" 'l f1·nn ih:i,] , ,, (',,n~iderabh: Or­;·, rn i,· ~lat •,•~ J•l"'>f'llt.


M. l:U8.-\\':Ui"1· r,·urnJ . \\' . . \l .-:h:iuu,111, l '<•1·r,v. \1 1.~ia •, wc!l wfll•••· frum ,, ,,. l'oell of l'erry.

'l'olnl solids per 100,0UO p:it111 urr :m.o f!Strts, cotuj'Uo;e d uf Coll'ium Curbuu;,lc ( 1.ime). So· tlium Chloride (Snln , t..:11 lci11n1 l"ulpha le and ,\1\11)1\ 1111 111 8ilkn!(l \01:iy), 'i'h (• 1·c i11 (:Oll Sitl•

c1·1il,lc "u~r>C"coUcJ u1alte1·, c,m~i~liui; or 111Jle· ~1 .. nc, ;;.rn,i :iilfl ~IH).

) I ; ;~.!:!.- W,1ler from F. C. lli;:gin\Jotlmm, C11 llnlrnu . . \r1 -,~i:u, \\~II \\'Ul 0 :·.

Tnlal ,<olitb 1,:r JtHl,0(1-1 J':11'\~ ,n-e ,!:1.0 11:1rts, ,,,,n,p.,,c,] of ; ::1l,· i11n1 (!,uh,m:nc / Lime ), M:ii;· '" ''l\11 11 Hul1, hi1h• I l•:]"'":tl ~a ll~) ,mll 5,,,Jiuu1 ''i1luri,!P 1~,• !!1. \\' :o l{' l' ;di;,: · c1mtnln~ Hy• •!l'"/:'CU ~nlph:.ie.

}I. 1:i::::.- \\',11 1: r f1., u1t..: •. \,);c,1l , Tullalo:u,•Pe. \Y1·l1 w,ncr. T,11111 ►1 , ! id~ per 1Ull,H00 J•H l' I~ ure 4.fl parts, c"1111~>~ml .. r .\IH;:-1w~inu1 Chloride. [rnn Oi:• idl.! nml Al11n1i 11 um Bilirnte (CJ,1y).

}I . J;!:::fl. - Wntcr frum .f. ' r . ~bu rp. ~l ndison . . \rtt ... i,m w;,IJ water from 1-1::.root well. T"l:11 ~ulids l>f' r 1011 ,0110 11nr1 , ,ire l7.0 1mrtg, l'"l" l'°"'('tl of C1!ciun1 C,tl'lmna te ( J,iuie ), Mag• 1w~iuru Chloride uu o.l Ai111ninn!ll Silicate i1Jln,1·t.

~l. 1:3;Sl' - \\'att>r from .Jvhn Hl'imu l,li. T nmpa. ,\rJ~>1Ji:1n ;,·t>ll w;ll<'l' frmu :::,...-1.root /lowio i; w,·11. T11lal la'>lid~ 1"-'1' 11)0.f~IIJ 11;11· 1.~ u1,• HUI 1,nrt11, ~0>0 J1<"'e.l .i f Cnidwu t ),11•!J.om11 c (J.im1:l. Mug. 1w~i11111 Chl ,wi<le ,rn ,J Alu111inum Sil irn t -e (Cla.,·) .

}l. 1:t~J.-\Ynt<'I' rr<,m .J . W. M{']~inuo11. l't•1·rJ . . \1· k-i,1n W('IJ \\'Hli>r from dty "·ell or Pe r ry . Tnilll AAlids !('r JcMl ,000 J~H' I~ :II'! 3-J.:! parts, co1UJ11""'-.-d "f Cn!d11m (;a 1-lk111a1t.: ( l,ime),

tt\~1~•f j :: ;::, (~;~~1:i,::::\111 i~ ~\'. ~• il~~: ::: I A!~~ i~~~~

~i<lcml,lc 11 11~1,t;:uiled rna l !er.

ll l3;e.-W:t ft·r fr<>m ,\. ~L ! l-,n1·y, T,il:all>l~so;c . . \1•1,•~i:111 ,re l! w:i kr f, ,.,11, ,·i1.1· " ·,11<·1· s11 pJ1i.Y, 'l'uial w li •\~ !"' '' Jtl l! .ll!ill pm1s ,in • 17.;", pa r t~. t"<,l)L!""''' l ,,f 1'1' k i,:m Ca d .. ,, .. ,1 ,. (lJt11<· 1, ~lag· 1,,.,,i 11n, Chl1wide, lrn11 ()~ idl' a n,i (h-ga11ie )l:,(11,1·.

M 1!~3::.-.W:i 1,•1- fr"rn i\" i] li"ui S. 'J'l,a_1·e 1·. E: 1tc1·p1· i&e . • \1· t(•s la11 1--.:l l 11·:11e,·. 'J\,1;,l ~ol:d., ]~·•· lllH,l!!lfl part~ all·•' 1-1.11 pnrti;, ,·, ,mpo.«•ol M CHl,·i11m Ca1·l1011a\e I Lin ,c,) , So­di 11tn C h l,,1·id ,· 1/'.:111_1 :1nU .\l:l!!U<'Sillm ~lll• 1,li,1 le \E1,.su11J t,ialts).

M. 133-1.- \\'a (t' !' fnnn /·'. J . Whil e, Per1·y, Ai-l es i.111 wel l wn ter frP111 UJO-f,,o{ c, it ,r we ll ,,r l',·1..-1·. T<,1:1 1 1;,1;,1~ p<'r JOO,uoo part~ :11~• :to.:! pntti., cnmpos.e,l of c.,ll,i11111 Ca dmna l" I L irne1 , Mag­ne;nm Chl,,dJ,: :,ud O,·gnuic ~l:olh.' t·.

M. I~37.-W:1tf'1• 11-orn W, U. Towle~. Fl. 1lyer~. ,\1-lc,iau well w,itm· r1·om .1;11.foot well at l'un t .i J:n~H. '1'01a l ~ol id~ I)('?· lOll .000 p:11· t~ ;11"C :!70.0 pnrt~, comJ"w,·,l d 1'5,,,li11111 C!Jl,. l' idc i ~n \1 I, Cal• duru C:11'1,.,unlc \Li111e ), .11,1:;!ne~inm .:11 1phnte ( .Ep~on, f-alls) , .\lum iomn fli lien 1e \Clu.1·) :111d (fr;::111ie )lat1n. " 'a t+'t' also e,mtniu ij H,1·,ln•!,!rn $nl phitle,

M. 1310.-W/lt,:r from n . . I . n1·own . J•'t. 1[yf'r:<. T <1tn l .,.,Ji<l~ JWI' 1111Hlll0 J•Hrts nre :17:l.O p:.11'1~, ,~mJ..-,N•o! or :c;o,lium Ch loride /:c;alll, Cal· d11u , Cad,m,atc ( l.iuu•\. )la1-'l>e~in11t ,:l11lphare /l ·:1""m ~:d u\. Alum inum Sili(•n1e (Ulu_v) nnd fron Oxide.

l-f. 1341.- W:, te ,· ft•on, W. H. Towle$, l<'t. .\lyers . .\i·tc~ian wl']l wntc,r from G\1-fout llowing 'll'tll at l'uu ta Ha~a. 'Io1nl ~ol itls per 100,000 partR are HlG.5 part•, Ctlllll'IO'll't! r,f f-o,li u 1u Chloride (Sall), Ca]. ciuu, Cnrl ,nnn1c / J,imc, ) , )!agnr,:,.imn Su l phate (Ep"',m f':.a lt~ ). Aluminum Silicate (Clny) mul Jron Oxi,le.



.\I . 1104).- Lime~r,.,.,i (t,;:,kimu Cn 1·b1,un1e) from I), I•'. Wch>:H\'l', ( ll'il'liu .

.\I. 1107.- Pe!.I,!,., 1'1,o,i1,li:Hl', fr.,111 I•. 1-'. Webster. Gri fti n.

l 'h.,~ph.,ri,· .\d,I IJ)('1' l'(.>111 ) ..•.•.••• :.!-J.,18 1-;,.,, i,·;1 1,•1111u/:.,u,- l '!i .. - 1,ln11,•uf 1.hm.• (1)()1•cen t ) ... . ..•. . . . ... . •. r;:1..1 ,1

M. I. IOS.- l'h,,s1,h:1li \· l,l l11l'~ t011c, f1 ·, ,u1 C. N. $(Cl'Cll!,

Ta1u1oa. l'hu>p h,11'lt .\ t· itl l l><'r t•:11 ! 1 .......•. • :.!.00 Eqninil,·lll ' " 11 .. r11J l' lwtii,lrn te ur l,imu tpc1· r-c ur 1 .. 4,f.0

M. lH~J.- J;htd; t..: la_,, frum W. E. !':inclai r, St. l'eter&­bur;;.

c ,.1, ,., .,1 will• 1·ai-lw",r1nn•o11~ ni:11 ter.

ll. !1111.- "i--o. J ." 1.illll'"ton r (C'akin111 Cnrbonale); ");fl. :.! ," Ycll,,w l:in llll _: fr"m J. W. lt:, gnn, U i..Jrnian .

.\I. 11 11.- I,im,.,,,onc (f'11l l'lmn C:1rloo 11 :11e) , from n. F. \\"rh,1cr. (irini11.

Co11 tni11 ,; ont_l' t r:icenf P htll! Jlhork Acid .

, 1. l ll'.?.- H, ~'!; , :1 (';1[,-,.,-,.,,11~ !':and~to11e: (;l"J, 111-;audy C ln,r: 1,,,..111 . 1. 1: ,•it l , ~lid w;1_1".

~I. Jl 1:.:.- Pho.-r•h;1t io· N"<lu le. from.-\. !,J, llenry, 'f:1l1a-h:1~~!\•.

l'h ,~pl1<11·ic ,\!'id ( 111:r ('€nf1 .... ...• IS. 13 J-:, i11 h·11l~"t , ,. J:ni,c l'h01'\'hi1le uf t,ime ( l l('r L'l"Ut\ • • • 3!).58

ht. 1115.-~s.,a .\lu,J." rr.:mi Ch:u·le;i F. Wutcrmm,. Swif-1011 .

A ,·n111:lonicl':tl;i ofd:i,1·,snnd nntl p;•nt.

M. lllG.-flo('k l 'h"~]'lontc, fron, N. :,./. Comer. L:i1:el:rnd. l 'ho~p!.J, ,:·k ,\ cid (111.• r ,•c11 1) .. ..•.•. . 23 .70 Et1nlvr1l,·nt to l!orw l'hospLn (o of ],i me ( J)Cl'L'l'll l ) ,.. . ..... ..... .. 51.7(


M. 1117.-l'cb l>lc l 'ho.0 phale, from N. N. C,,me1·, l.akc-land.

l'h◄ o<]lhOrie Ac id ( pe r Cl'lll ) .... , .... '!l.47 E•p1i1·nl<'l t1 to 110111) l'IH>!<J•h;tlC of Lime (l <t.-1· (:t.,11 1') . . ;;:t, 4:,!

1,1 . 1118.-" IJel >Ol'i l Xu. 1" 1.imei;!one lC:1kiut1l Curbo 11• a lcJ, frn m ~1c1•hcn ,J t'w r l l, o,·,, J:1 ,

Li rne 1C,10 J (pCl' ••f'ut 1 .. . . ... .• .. ,1~.GO Etp1i 1·ul,•nt to (;;1ki 11m C:1rho11atc (C:1CO I ,pc1•l'f'11t1 ..... . . 88 .48

M. tll!t-•·J lc Jtn~it ) '" · :!" 1.i1no>,.w11,• (C,o lci n111 Cm·h.,11 -al t"!. frum S !o~1•hcn Jewell, 41,cal.i.

l.ime o .. ·uo , uicr 1...,n1 1 ..•.....• .•. . '.il.SU 1,;,p1lrn\rnt 1" U,1!dn111 ~,rhvnnl!! (l::aCO,l (pe,· ccul) . ')2 .41

M. H:!1.-l'el>l •lc !'!1<.,.,pha ll', from W, IH Erc1,:lt , Griflin. l'lio~;,hv1·ie At"i;l ( Jl<! r t~oC I •.•... . , . -~~- -Iii E q11 h•,1lc11t to Uun..i l' ho~1,L:11c or Uu1e l]1<! 1· ~e11t ) • . .. ... , . 70.8.1

M. 11:!'.!.-~uil~ frv1n ]•:. W. I .Miter , (';il,1,· . .. :-io. 1 Hc,l Clny :'i11 hiwi l" i,: Ornngcburg 8 :o u,l_v l~•nm •'No. ~ Yellow CJnf ~olll!off' is ;1 Norfolk Suu,ty I.mun

ll. I t::!:J .- T.i111~"'1"11c (C11l <'1 11m Curhoua te). rrorn Z. J . J l'rrJ. 8t. Au:;11~1iue.

M. l l ~-1.-)lnrl /C:1lri 11rn Cn1·honn lQ), from Bro11•11 Shep· p.wd. llri~ tol.

M. J 120.- llcmntltc (E, ,;; INJ n Ore), from F.ng1:11e TT:ilc,.t :, cbvn\·illi,.

M. 112S.- 1.i;nl'slnm• (Cakiuui Cad>0untel, fro1 11 .-\ . G. Grt (l'l'.0.·nla.

Lime (C.1 0 ) (per rent)... 55 , 20 Eriuivo.1 ,•u t t1, Cu ldu m C:u·h"ll llt<' (C11CO,) (per l't!U t) . . .. . ... !IS .48

M. J l~fl. - l 'cbblc l'hosphu t t!, fi-om r. 11 . Loomi ~, P laut City.

l 'ho~ph o1·ic Acitl (pe r crut) .. .. . . :U.lli l •:,111i,·nlc11t to Hou<: l'ho;;phnte of J.imc (Jlcr cent) . . ........ OS: . 92

"1 . J 1::u.-Cl;,,,•, fn"'l S . F. Bloun1, .·\ lmuo.

~!. JJ:t!.-J :ock l'h n.-·p!,n te . from , :. A. l 'eilcway. 'J'n 1n pn . l 'ho,,1,h1,1·i,: Acid (JH'.!l" ,-cm) .... . .... 34 ,4:; Ef]ui1· :1 lP t1t to lt,m<: l' lu •~j•hal,• of J.i 11 1c (1,e1•cem ) 15 .I G

M. 11:::1.- 1, Ca lt:inn, Cnl"l.Jnr c:1te ; :l, C,iki,11>1 C ;11·ho1wte; :t. Clfly; from William .J . 'l':,yln r·, T.at':,'.0 -

) 1. n:: .1.- J<iaol iu, from F\,1't'>'t Hnnl:~t"ll- '1"1·illly.

~r. 11:\;'i.- .\! 11lrll. frn u1 i';ehroed"r ,i.: Ai-~uinhau. Qni11c.r. Arunwni:1 IP<:r ~••nt ) fl,iO \\":1 1e1· I P"'" ~e11t1 fill .SO

:\I. JJ:lG.-Lim<'~t,,u.-i-C;1ldtc (Calcium C:u·l,O(Jfl le), f,·om U. W. J:hoJcs, \\'<.><.>d>'ilk.

M. 11 3i.-DolumitP, from J . A. Colsou, l{ iw,· J1111 ction. Takcn from a depth of twenty foctbelow 1he ~urfnre.

M. 1 J:1S.-- l 'ul1"e1ized l, imcatoue (Ga irium Carhonntc).

M. 113!f.- l,imesinnc (Cl1kimn Carbonnle), from ,\. I) . Ke,\' . Sanfo i·d .

Lim'-' (CaO) ( i,erce111) .. . . ... . .. . .. H.50 Eq ui\'ale11t h, Ca let111 ,1 U,u·houatc /CnCO,) (pcl" cent ) RJ. 8:!

M. 1111 .- i'ho~phatc- ,1 ntfrc from l /. I· '.. H,i~e, 'l'n ll n• hn~sce.

!'hosphol'ic .\cid ( \ H'.!1 ' 1:eut) . . ..... . '.?O . li!i E (J11 irnl,•nt to n o11 e P hosphntcof 1,; me (percent) . 4!i .17

M. 114~.- l.irnr ,1one (Cnl <- juu, C:whonat('j. frr,u, :IL R. !:nr!oh , .\lnri:um,i.

l. i 111 e (C;,()J ( p t•r t ·t•11t ) .... . ........ al.",, H ;.:,1ni,·.1 l,:11I to C.ikiu n, (;;i d ,nuale ( l':1C 0 ,1 ; pc,· ,:rni1 \).~.40

5.00 J. 40

fl:I .GO

U . ll4f;.- ~l:-n• l (Cat,·ium C,i: ·ho!l ah· I. frn111 \\'lllimu H. l lenn., City l'o iHI,

M. 1148.- ffoft 8:,n,!~t one, rron, C. IJ. Cnl~on, llrm,~ou.

M. 114!1.-PeM,le P l,,.s1 ,hn t,•, ft-01n 11·. T. o,·ersTl'cet, l.11k1•l:1•1\L

P)1 o~!'!Jo1·i,· Acid ( J'f'l' cen t ) . .... ... . 28.87 J•:1p1 i rn l,·n1 fo B,m,, l'h ;,t,phate of J.irnr, ( J>erc1•11t) .... . .. . . .. . .. .. . . ......• V:l. 02 Jrvn and A!u1ni unru Oxide~ (pl' r ce11tl •1.47

M. 1150.- Qu:1n, .. from ,I. I] . l)avi ~, l1tc lm1cl.

M. 11::.1.-C\a.1·, from H. L. I 1a1·i~, Ta mpa.

M. 1152.-llod,~. fnm, W, E. I.aw. Br,Miksville. ~"- 1. ln,l m·ated Clay. No. 2, l ,imt'l!tOHf' .

M. Ut;:.\,-Lime, from L evy H t"Qij. , 'l'allah,_, Lime 1Ca 1Y1 ( J<er <'Cntl . . . . ..... . ... -l-1.40 E11u i1·n k ni to C;oki um Carbotrnte ( C11CO, 1 ( 10(-r l'<.!11t • W.28

M. 115a.-Pd,1,!.-, P ho~1,lo:1tf', from ,l . IT. t.ord. Snrnsotn . Pho~plwrir ,\rid ( \~~r crn1 ) ....•.... 24c.4ti Eq11h'nkt1t to H\,IIC l'U0!<pl1ntc of Lime (J,i:'rCent ) 53.37

M. 1156.- M:11·1. f,, ,.,u .J. H. 1,n rd, S:irn~ota.


11. llt,7.- l'clihle l'hosph nte, from F. ~r. Loomis, Pinnt City.

J> lws ph•a·i(• ,\ cid /per ce11tl . .... . ... J(l.04 E q11i l'n l, •1tl lo Bone l'ho~plrn tc of Li me ( i,erCCHI ) 78 _1 ;8

M. Jl:',~.- 1'1.,,~pha• ie .\Ja l<·i~ . f1·-01 u P. ii.I. L,'>Ont is, l ' l:int City.

l'ho~ph,,dc .\tid q,er C(,111) • • .••••.• !!:J.:.lG E,111irnl.-n t ,.., Bo11e l'ho~ plo;, (c t•f Liuie (Jwr CCH lj ;:;1.00

M. 1tt,!I.-Jc upu1·c L•' ullc r• ~ R ar!I,. from J:. I.. ~l :1 r t iu, u~ala.

M. J HiO.-l11,J,11·a tctl Cla.r, fro1n '.I.. C. ?hambli;;,;, 01:ala.

M. lHil.•-" Him,k J1e11osi1,'' from T. H. Mortiu, Fil'ny. Sau<.ly suil. mixc,d wi1h Iron Oxide .

. \f. llG:! .- ··On1~um.'' from It. L. J)a\·i~, Ta111pa. lm1m1x, Limestone (Cnkimu C:i diouutc).

M. l1tJ.I.-Orn1md l 'hn!!ph:ue Ho~k, from J ohri L . )le• Fao l"l in, Qni 1u;y .

~\I. 1rn;;.-1•t>1,L le l' hoi,phn1e, fr-Om N. !ll. Com~r, Gritt!n. l 'hoi;11ho1·ic ,\ ci ,J (per 1.~ul) ... .... . :17.;15 E,p,irn kut tu Bunc Pi.to,;pi.tatc oJ I,i,nll ( percent ) 81.54

~I lHlG.- l'cbhle Ph o8plmtc, from R D. Gray, Wild· wood.

l' hn~J•lmrie Ati,l (pet· c-ent ) . . , ..• .. . ~\() . 60 E <1uh·,tlcu l lo Hone l'ho~plm tc of l.i111e (J"'l"CCII T) . G(; . so

M Jli:-S .- Ula_\'. t"l-nru Ocn 1·gc JI. l'cny. Port l:md. C-Ouh,in~ ~j>l'tk~ of " i•·a und Qua rtv..

~I. JJ7'1.~!'l!wll Cni,J!)nmei-:ite ( ('a i1·ium Car bouato) , from J. H . . J11nor, J<'ort P ierre.


~r. l1."0.-ii('lll;11itc (Hp•~ J,·011 01~). r1"<•nl Dock Han• nm1, ll11H'r,,i::rc.

Cu11111l11~ n;l' ~fal~ , ,r l i-0 11 l'.ri-it,1~.

M. \ !l'J.-l.imc, Co11 (! 1Cnklmn l'.nrl., ,•,n tc l , from,\. J. l ',:l t i~. {ir>•('ro\"ilie.

ll. 11.'t.-Lim(' 1Cal\"1nm C1ttl~•r1:1 tc J, f1-<,m H . Il. F1·;11 ..-l~. ~ -1·(' 11 Oak, .

~1. ll8::.-l'<·hh1,· 1'11u-"pl11 11l•, from\\". D. l la1·i~. 'L1Hlll11H. l'ho~1• h<>ri•' Arid (1ocr c,•n11 . . . .. . .. -~l.00 E q 11 i,·:ihml to [lou,,} l'hM1,h,1tc or Lime { per reu() •. . . . ...• G7,1;7

ll. 11E5.- II,~~:~.,'.'.:~,~ l'hn~J•hnlc, fr,, m U:n·id <1r:iham,

l'ho~l'ho1·k .\tid (per ceu t\ .. ... ..• . :Jt..:W !Yp1ivn \r n1 to l:Olll' PhO!'p!mlc uf Litnc ( pt.Jr ,:;en t'1 . . . . . . . S0.3,'J

M. tl ~G.-Gyps111 n (C111<-im 11 S 11 IJ ,h:11<i), fl-,1111 D i·. Geo. E . l\"nlkr-1•, Hm1tin~IHn.

ll. JJ Si.-Urrnalltc /[:.-.g fr,n1 O,·c) , fro111 Willia m A • . \ Jl., n. J_., (.;anlo.

~I. 1188.- fi• l'll l. irn(-,.1 nnc. fl 't"•m ,J, S. 'fo,\'lor, IM"l<"go . l.i111c(◄ ':1 Cl \ ( JK""l'Cll t\ ... .. . .... ..• !liJ . '.!0 E•1ni1·:,lcJJ!' 1, , C:ilc:inm Cmbonntc (C:1C(),\ 11'1•1· ,ieutl ...... .. . .. . . •.. t;::!,GO Jr·o i, :i u d .ll 11111i 11 ,1111 O ;1:i dC11 ()H' I' !~·11t ) 1, Ul 1':i lir-a t ~i tl, ) ( pe l' ,·entl .. . . ... 35 .0IJ

}I. l l!l0.-lutp t1t•,, T•'ullr-r'9 E:,r1h , flXl>II J. 1f . Willi8, \Yi lli$1fln.

?ii. 1\!fl .-lmpn r,, Cln~·, from .J. ~. Jteevee, i:=J!riug Il ill.

M. H!.l'.!.- Tied Od,cr. from½. 0. Goodell, ,Jnckwrwille.

M. 11!"13.-Roil. fr<>m B. II. Rownr,1, Sunforrl . Vnln 1ilc )!niter (1,cr cent\ .. .... .. . !1.90 ~i lka (~:lnnd) (JJer cent\ . . .... !J0.10

.\I. 1J!H.-:Ual"i !Cu !cimu Cai-1,ou:ue,. frum E. r.. Pearce, C lc:u·n·a1cr.

M. ll!1U.- !-i-h:1lo•, fn,w .J. "·· Whil,•u1n l,, Ut>laod .

• \I. ll:JU.- S:rn,J ,tonc, frvm -1. .\I. S t rkkh,nd. l<'luruliu111e.

)I. 1 l !IG.-·';\'" .\forl ( C:1lclnu1 {.;:irlluualcl , fr,,m A. B. ,Johnsuu , ) l;inatc,:,.

)/. Jl!J7.- \"1•l l<,w t;ln.r. f1~un ,/. ~- J11ckson, Jud:~onl'ille.

~I. ll!J8.-Pcl,1,I,, l' ln"'!'lm fl'. Cmu, II. E . !fall, J,:,,1e1·0.

K l 1!19.- h upn,-., Knolin. A rnixt11 1·eot" (:la1_v, ll·uu Oxide and Smul.

M. 1:!03.- Purdu:d C1,lfoe, rro111 IJ. T,. Lntieli:,u, EarHon.

)f. 1'.!0.1.- 8arul_1· Yel!ul\" Cl:1,1·, fro111 ,J. A. Kirkland, J-:~,u

M. 1:?flT.- 1.im!'!'tnuu l C:,11.'inm C11rl,u11alc), from I~ . .J. Hr:mc h. !-t f. l 'Ner,.l,111·J,:' •

.\I. l:!OS.- J.imcs1011u /Caki rnu Carl.,(male) , from F. S. ~:un.,. ;'/<'11· ~iny1·u a .

.\I. 1::ll:"!.-.\l(' l:1nterlih>. from l)un~,m Wilke!<. l'Oll('C de 1_._~,.1.

JI!. !?l-1.-1111,-m-., Fn! l••:·•~ Ear1h. frou, .J. E. ,Johnwn, .1,wk>unl'i !h·.

~(. J:lJ:j.-J.imc~h•nc lCukimu Cud,onntc), ti-0111 ,J. E. ,Johu~on .. J,wk>-0uville.

M. 1'.!15.-~IIH: k. frum f:. ,T, Carl lun, . \1•,·adl:1. A111mo 11 ia(1ot•r•'Cnt). . .... . 1.!l:l Water (pc1· (~utl G:!. 08

.'ii . 1'.!lfl.- ~fm·k. frn111 H. I ,. ,rnrtin, Ocala. Ammonin (Jl('r eeutl . . 0,29 WMer (JM'r <'cnt) .. .......... . .... :?6.5fl


'-1. l:!l1l.- lmp111·(' Fuller's l ':arth , fn110 J. n . Goot.le!l , -1:i cksoul'ill<:.

M. 1221.- l'l ,o!<]tl!:nc. frvrn J . .\l. Hnwl~ . .\lat·tin. l' lin~phc,•·ic .-h· i, I ! per <'<'TIii •...... . . :Ill.OS 1-:,111 i1·,1lc111 to l\vnc l 'h"~J>l mlc .,r Li111c IJ"-'t \"\!lt: 1 f.5.67

M. 122-L- l m1•n1·c Ka.,liu, from,\. G. ~lvo,·c. Marianna.

/II. 1225.-lmprn,, r-:rioliu l\o. l . r,~,m .\. K Rohin~on, Lakr•lamL

M. 1226.- lmpu,·p !-;":,olin No. 2, fro,u A. Jo:. Jlobinson , La Lei nu,!.

M. 1227.-l rn1 ,1ll'c K,10Jin So. ::, from A. E. Hohi11!on, Lakeland.

M. 1228.-"A,'' 1nm f',n i te,; ( Iron Sulphide), from J.J~. We~t, f'ouec de Lcun.

M. 12'.W.-"U." fl emntirc (Ht>g li·on Ore). from J. E. ,vebt, Ponce ,le l,eo11.

M. 12:lO.- '·C," Aluminum Rilica1t•s, fused, rrom ,l . E. ,vest , Po11cn ,fo Leo11.

M. 1231.-"ll," Impure Knn! in, fro,n J. E. \VC1<t, ]',.nee Ile Letm.

M. 12:12.-Soil. from 0 .• 1. C,....,k, n:,;,,,,~ Ci,_,. Contain" srnnl l wuter-11·,,1 ·1 , •1•111r1·,. 1••1,i ,!,•s.

M. 12'.l-L-}."o. l l,in1e,,1011e 1< 'aki11 r11 Cnd,unH!O·J. fr,.,,. C. ll, !l:o;::111. ()(-:, la.

U rn<! {('an , ,p,•1· ,·,•nl l ......... .-,.1.:.:0 l'.,p1irn lt>11 I !o (':,l, ·i1n11 C, 11·h,,u:01<• (CuCO, ) (J~'I' <' l'll1 I 11/<./i:j

M. 12:-ll'i.- No. 2 J,im<'~Mnc 1Cakiu111 Cn1·l!ona1e), from C. J). Ilt1gnn, Ocala.

J.ime (CnOJ (per ,:~ntl . <:i5.S8 1;:,1u iv11lcnt to Ca!dum C 1rbo11a1c (Cal,'<), ) (per eent) . . . 99 ,69


M. 12:%.-I,imestoue (Cuklum Carbonut1:,), from J C. Boo~.er, Oeala.

Lime (CaO J (per eeut) ... .......... llll .:!•1 E•iuivalen t to <;alcimn (;;1rllonure (CuCO, ) (per eent) . . . ..... !)S.r~•

.\I. 1237.-.Rerl Ocher, from R. W. Miller, Pine L,1vel.

)f. 1238.-Kaolin. 11usµe uded in water, f rom It. Il . Fryer, Snmotrn .

• \I. 12:lfl.-Sof1 l'hu~phule, for Dr. E. ll. Sellard,o, 'l'al!a h:11,;;~.

l'hoo;.phuric. \l'irl(Jll!l'l'('nt ) .. ....... 11 .,Ji Eqn iral~nl w Hone Pho,-phate ui l.ime ( percent). . . ......... 2i'i. 0 I

.\1. 1240.-Soft l'h0!tphnto, fo r JJ1·. E. 11. :d,.:lhtrd,o, Tnll:1• hnssce.

1'/Josphorie Al'id (per CT"n t ) ... ...... 12.14 Equh·a l,mt 1o Dour. Phosi,hate or l,ime (percent) .......... . ............ 26.a>U

)I. 1211.-Sort Pho~phute, for lJr. K II. ~llanl~. Tnllo ha•~1.~.

l'll0,<JJ!Jorie,\cid(pcr N'nt) ........ . :l.:}'J f )]nh •11le11\ to n one Phosphnteof l.1111,· (perceut) ..•.. .......... . ....... 21.81

M. 124:!.-Sofr l'h(•~phnte, frcm I•:. Hu!o1.•,u11. 1"1. )!eade. Phu~pl11 ,rie Ar.id (!'er cent ) . . . .... .. :!ll .30 "Equi1·al1'11t 10 lloue l'lw~ph111 c of Li me ( pc1·<.'<!11 t). . .. ..... 5,J.'.l:t

.\I. 124!!.---!'.o. 1 A." 1-lo(t l'llosplmte, from K 1/u\)e,;ou, F t. lfeade.

Pho,,plwri<' ,\ci<I ( 1K'r l"('Jl t) •. .... . .. :?fl .18 Equivalent tu Hone l'ho,;,ph111e of Lime (per <.x-nt) . .. . •... f\3. 70

M lZH.-'• Xo. J 11," $oft Phosphntc, from P:. lloh(';lon, l•'t. Mr.nde.

Pho;.pUnrk Add (per ceut ) .... ..... '.lJ.:r.:l F.qoh-nleut to Hone l'hfl~phnte M Lime (perc;,n t ) ... .. .. ..... ........... 53. 09

,1. 1'.!45.-"No. :!," Soft l'hosJJhalc, fa·om E. Hubeson, l•'t.,\lendl!.

l'h.o~phoric Acid (per ,-ent) •... . . . .. 17.9r, l-.:i111in1 h-111 tu H,mc J' lu•~1 ,lu11c or l,irnc nl('1· w ut) , . • ........ 3'.J.19

l l. 1:!4G.-'· r-.o. :1:· :'-.,ft l'lnll<phat,•, ri. un I•:. Rol>e~on, P1. l l1imlc.

l'lu »< pl10 1l'i ,: Al'id ( pc,· r ,·nt l .• .. .• . . . Hi.74 E,1ui\':1 lf•11 t h; l:(IIIC Pho,;1,hn tu .. r J.in, 11 ( lll,1' ccu\ j . . ..... :H.31.l

ll. 12.J7.-" :,;.,, 4." fiofl l' lw~pha ll:, fn,111 E. J:o ll('~u11 , l •'t. lll';uk

l'h"~t •hu1•i c .\t•i ,I I pe r C'<.'n lt ••.•. . .. 2:! . HO E ·1uin1l1•111 10 H,•:tc !'hm pli,lll• uf l.i111e (l lO.·\·••l•ll l J . . ......... ..... J !l.34

~f. l2~S.- •·:,;., , .·,, " ~"fl PIJ 0~1,ha11 l·. fr., 111 J·:. J :ohe"on. J,'1. \! ,•,i <] p ]•1,.,~ph., ,· i,· .\cid \l>l'I' ,·,.n: I . .•...... t ,).f,O Equ irnl,•n l lo l_\,. 11c l'ho~1•l n11, , 11r Lin1<' (1ic1·,ct1, 1) . . .... . . . :!'.! . tr.!

ll. 1::.1~.-l'/ue<1,:,n1,·. r,-.,: 11 i:. \\'(,,.,.,.. ~b1·1i11 , l'hn~1•h"ri,· .-\ciJ 11~· r n·i , r I . . .. .. ... :! I . SU J·~1 •1 i1·:'l k 11L l" 1:,mc l' h ,-'l'p ha1c "f Lll 11c ( per ,'(.,Ill ). .• 1m.i.:1

) I. 1:::-,:;,. - Jnq n11·•• H t> 11 1111i1c lllo;.: l1·"n lil'C> , r,,,.11 1 :S. 11. J(1·;1Ui l1•y,. \Uuuut1.

:\I. J:!:, !.- l'h"l'!•lnl lP, r .. ,. nr. Vi. n . !,:.r ll a1 nl ~. 1•,,11n1i:,~~L>e, l 'hu,.c1,horic .\ d d l l~'r n•ut \ • . . . ... . . :!!J,:!0 Ja:.1 11h•:1 k11 t to Uouc l'l,0,1•\J.H le or l.hne ( JM'1' ('4'!1 1) ... .... .............. .. G:l. 75

,\1. 125.J.- Jh~, wn (kh,, ,., from .J . I.. C:u11 1'hrll . C,11•,s1helle.

~J. 1:!Gfo.-{;nl,·nu ( l.r a,1 Sulphi<le 1. from .J. f,. Crn1111 lwll, C11rnll1elle .

.\1. 1257.- lr, ,n l',1l'i1i·~ fll·un Snlphidc 1. from\\'. A. Ti!l()u,Wellbom .


.\l. er.:1.- n ,,,i ..:oil , rrom \\". ,l. l~mme, flum('S1eml. l":1ld11n1 Cmfo.,11;1tc (Ca CO, ) ( p<.'r cent) o .. Ji'i l'lws1,hol"ic .-\1: id I per ,·e11t1 .... . •.•. 11.'.I] ln,u :11 nl --~Ju111i11:1 1u nx id c,c 11,n cent) l.fll Mugm·sinu, Oxidt• \JM!I· ce11t1 r,•n,•c l'o J,is,cim1, Oxi.Je I )'\!I" ,·eut I Trnee Ju,coluh:c )l.,lt;,1· (per l'i.'lltl ' J.1.1);)

;\I. l:!fl~_- J\•1,1 ,le Ph(l~]'lrntc. r,•nm C. ,\ u,·own , Gei Cliu. l'ho~plinric .\, ·i<l ,:i,cr ,·e11t I ......... :.J::.:t:\ Eo111iralcnt 1o l lmw l'h,,s11lw1 ... of l, imc (] >e r cen r) •.. .. . ... ..... .. . .. .. 7:?. i ,3

M. l:!(iii.-ft,1ck l'li, .,_phntc . f1-c,1" !l. .\. 'l'nnkc, F'lo1· :1l Ci1~--

J'lt11~11lio1·ic Aci ,l ( 1~•1· •-<Jul 1 . .. ... . • :!S.:a E ,1 ui,•;1h•111 to 1:0.mc l ' ho~ph:itc or T,im,•. (1,crccnt ) lit.Si

M. 1:!G7.- H(){'k l'ho~l'hn(c, frum B. A. Wi l liam;,, l.11lher. l'hu~phoric Acid (pc,· cent) .. .... .. :!!1.41 E,111i,-;1 lc111 to B <>II~ l'h0l<p!1,,1e or Lin"' (p,·rcent l fo L20

M. l2GS.- ":-:o. :r• Flint. front B . A . William~. l.11t liei·.

M. 1:!(W.-l'ulvei·ir.cd Lin,el!IOne (Cakiu,o Cn,·hnn :itc), from Charlci; I,. C,11\.wrn. Cor1ija~, l.ukc, Ja.:kwtt Count_v

M. l2i0.- ) hwk. from Gulr Fertilizer Comj'any. 'l'nmpn. Amn,onit1 (1~•r re11t I 1.:1.l Water (pe 1• 1,'t)t1 t ) titi.08

M. 1271.- Prat. from TI 0\Jp1•1 H:rn~ .. n. St. Angu~1inc. ,\mmo11in (pcr,-cntJ 2.00 Wnter· (per,·cnt) 4 .27

11:1. 127:!.-l'hMphnh>, from T . M. l'11lc~ton. Moalic.:.•1/o. Phosphnrie Al' id ( per C('ll!) ......... '.lo.r.n F.,111i,-alcn t to f:,.uc Phoaphntc or Lime (l)Cl'C'<.'lltl {i(l_!);;

M. 1375.- Gypsum (Cnlcinm Snlplrnte ), from W . T. Hu~ll, King•~ h ,ny.

M. 1276.-ltuck, fro,n l'eter Pie1·, .,u. Pier~nu . ,\111111onia (per cen t\ 1.05 l\'atc1· (pcr ccn1f f;!l.7G

II.I. 1207.- Li,uc:<!ouc l'c loi,le~ (C11kiu,u C;11·bv11nie), from Pe(er l'j rn,wu, L'iersu11.

ll. 1277.- "A" Saud, from J. W. Cnlemnn, Hollandale. Co11tni11~ ~p<.-cks of mien.

ll. !278.- " No. 1" Gre< •11 anti Blul' Mottled Ol>1~·c.v Saud, frrn11 :-\. 1. Wailes, J;1d;.-«m1· ille .

. I!. l:!T!l.- "N"o. :f' Mn,·I (Cnlc iun, Cn1·botw te) , from R l . lVnilt~ , ,fntk~o,wille.

M. 1280.- "No. :\" )larl (C:tlcium Carbo11ate) , from S . I. Wni ll•s, -Jnchonvi l le .

?,[. es2.-fndun1tcd Kaolin, f rom }l. A. Sandifer, Ocala .

M 1'.!S:l.- fmpure llematile (Bog IT-on 01-e), from R. E. L. Chane,,·, 1':1 m1,a.

M. 1'.!S::i.- 1,inw~tnn,: (Cnl<-iu1n Carbonate ), from S. P. llollin,·nkr·. l.Jowling P:u'k.

111 1286.-Dolomi1e (C11lci11m ) fa:;nl'siu111 Carhonate), from 8 . P. H olliurnke, Dowliug Pnrk.

:1.f . 12S7.-I!olomi(e (Cnlci11111 Maguesiuru C;n•hoaate ) . from S. P. HoHinrnke, Dowling P ark,

M. 12S8.- L iincstone (Cakinm C11rbo11 nle ), from S. P. 1-Iolllurril"' · Oowling Parl: .

M . ~S9.- Lirn~tmw (Cn lci11r11 Cn rhonate), from S. P. Holli m·al.e, Bowling Pm·k.

M. 1290.-"No. 1" ?lfnrl {Crilcium Carbonate), fr,;;am R. W. Storr'!' , Dcl•' uniak Sp1·ingi;.

Cont:1 i11s a trace of Pho~phoric Adtl.


M. l:Wl.- "No. 2'' Mnrl (Culcium CudJOuate} 1 from It W. S1oni., DcFuniak Spr\ug:s.

)I. l'.:!92.-"No. :t" Onk Gro\"e Sands, froru H. W. Storrs, H~Fuuiak Sp,·iog~.

M. l:!!13.-'·~ o. 4" Mti tl (C11lcium Cnrbonatc), from H. W. Sturrs, Uel•'u11iak Springs.

11. 1:!!l·l.-l'hosphate, (rom Hobert McNnmee, '[nm1lll­

M. l2!Jt1.-liri11c, from Dr. E. J,;. Pliilhri rk, Tallulu1118ee.

M. t30t.-l'h(l.•Jdrntc. from A. A. L:1ing, Cniro, Gu. l ')ui,<phori,1,\ rid( 11erccnt ) , . ... .... JS.al f:qni'l"al1•n1111 Hone l'hosphutcofT,iluo \ pcr ccutj 40 .-15

M. 130'.!.- Lime@tunc (Cnlcimn C11i-bou11tc). from Wm. T.itfle & Bro., Wel11b .

:tr. 13IJ3.-"No. 1" T, lrnc~tone (Culcimn Cu r\.l<inate), from T. 1:1 . Shepard. Hristol .

M. 1:m.1.-••r,,·o. '.!'' Smu.l_v ~forl (fihel l wul Sand ), from 1'. B. Sh<ll'nrd, n,· isto l.

IIJ. 1305.-"~"- :r ~h,•11 ~lnr l (Caleinm CarOOm11e), from T. II. 8l1epord, Brislo!.

M. t::I0U.- "~o. 4" L!me1!10 11e (C11lcium Carbona te) , from T. D . 8he1•ard, Uri11tol.

31. J:107.-''No. ll'' J.imcMone (Cnkium Curbon nte), from T. IL Sllepard,llris tol. ·

) I. 1308.- f'hosphatc, frow ,J. Rnwl~, i\lart in. l'hoSJJhoric Acid (pe r cent) ..... .... 32. 78 J•:\[Uivnlcnt to Hone Phosphate of Li me (percenl) .................... .. ... 71.SG Tron am.I Almuinum QJ:h)ea (per ceul) 2.85

i\1. t :ll3.- l .i mes!one (Calcium Curlmnatel , f rom F 1·nnt-e!! IJicldusou, Orange City.

M. 1;114..-Lime~tnne (C11lt-i mn Cur!.Hmate), from .F1·m1cl!ll l)i(·kinsu11. Oran;;e- Ci t .1· .

. II. 1:115.- Lim,'><loue l Cnkimu C:whonnt1·), from II. n. ff<'i»! l ('I", 'f;un 1ia..

M. 1317.- P!,.,,.-ph;ltk l,inl('l!;1 uue. from W, lJ . .\lcR:ie, l.11 1.eln nd.

l'hm<l'!"u·i<- Acid 1r,erteu1, ........ . 5.8:! J•:qnil-,1l<'11t t" J~oue l'llo,1•11;11 ,· ,,r Lime i[>f'r ee111 1 12.71

l l . 13 19.-Mnr.k, fr• •lll };11rl Perl;in~. ~'ulla h11 ~~ct-lt i ij ncid to litmu~. Amrnrmi" /per wuU ~.12

:\I. t :t".!0.-f"hell '.\ l,11·1 (CHl<'i um Cn.-1",rulte ) . fr,•m John Ut-lm,,, t~puuoln .

.ll. 1321.-1.im1;11tnno (Cnlci iuu Curt.ou:1 1e) . from J. W. llo11·cll, G,iucvn, ,\!a.

11. 1324.-~Rnd,~, from .1. I•:. H. ,Jolrn ;;ou, Mnu nt~-··l\o. I" Haud.,· l.i □1 e1:!to11e (C,il<:ium C• r­

lHlllUh! l. ;, -:,.o. :!"' Sbdl l h rl (C11lci n111 CAr ,·\xm:•fe) .

M. 1325.- ·');o. ::•• T,hn~"'tonc (Calcium C,1rbonntel, fl'-Om f,. N. Polk, B:H-tow,

Conl11 in~ 1rareofl'hosphork ,\ cid .

!I.I. J:l26.-8nft Pho~ph n!e, from r .. K r ,..lk, Bnrtow. l'hO'll •l wrie Acid (11er cent ) . . . . . . ... "i".78 f;1]11ivn lent lo Ho 11 c l'!ios1,h11te of Lime (l~r ccut ) .... . . . ... ........... . Hi . 9!1

ll. 1;!27.-" ,\" Sort Pho~phatc. from 11. C, St:io ley, Bellcvlew,

l'h01111horic Acid (J,cr e ... 111 ) ........ !).78 Ef1oiv11len1 lo Hone 1-'lm~; phat ,} o f Lime (Jll'T <:cUtJ. ..,,, ... ,, . ...... 21.$

M. 1328.-"B" S<>ft Phosphate, from n . C. S tanley, Th.1\ lcvic""·

l 'hoi;.1,horle Acid ( per cent ) . ....... . J2, 15 1-:i111i\·atc11t to Boue Pho~phHt" of Lime ( pe r 1."'°11t). . ... ....... .. .. . .. 26.74


M. J:J35.-Hocb, from H. A. McClure, Pen~ncola. "~o. 1."Clay. ';Ko. 2,"Sund,v Clay. ' ·;\u. a." llemalite l\ndnle~ (Bog Iron Ore). '·?-:o. ,-1 ," !:lhdl .\ln rl (Cnkium CarUOnllte) . '·No. 5,·• Shell )lnrl {C.'lldmu Curbonnte),witb

tnica ~peel.a.

~I. 1:1:!G.- Cla,1· Nod ule11, from J. E. Oill ius. l'cn~ueola .

.\t , 1338.-Limt'IIIOue {Caltium Cnrt.unnleJ. from L. E. MOl!e ley, Htul~on.

)I. l:Jat1.--C1'C<' u ) Jo!d nu )lmk fr<>m G. E. Coh•man, Anlnwmfale.

Conlnim: ton~hlcr:il,!e lrrn1 .

. \\. 1:J-!2.- J,im,•~ t .. ne (Caldurn Cm·lio1n1te'i, r1,n11 8 . 1. \\',iilet!. J:i ck~o11 1'il!e.

)I. [!:_el.- 1'.0<'k l'h,,splrni (l, f1•um \\', wth Trnrnmrll, T al • luh11~~re.

Ph,,~1 ,h,,rie ,\ ri,l {!~'" <'<'U! ) , .... . , . :15,87 J•::.111 i,·:1l<"nt to J\one l'lu•~i~•n te or l. ime {fl('r tent) . . 78.30

)1. J3H .-\\'hi~k.r. from C. I·'. ,·e ,whh·. f',•11t,•r rl ill Colltnin~ 110 Cul't1lue, )f rwpl,itu.' or Chlornt

ll,,·dra!e .

.\t. 13-1/i.- T.i mM<t(me (C,1ld nm Carh .. nntel, from M. S. '1ow11rd, llndo Ci ty.