Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott

Post on 14-Oct-2015

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Flatland by Edwin A. AbbottPresentation with summary of the book, an included lesson plan, graphics and pictures. Talks about lineland and spaceland as well.

Transcript of Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott

PowerPoint Presentation

FlatlandBy: Edwin A. AbbottThe World of FlatlandTwo dimensionsAll people/objects are two dimensional shapesEx: Triangle, Square, PentagonAll people are regular shapes except the lowest class which consists of Isosceles Triangles

What Flatlanders SeeSince Flatland is only two dimensional, Flatlanders only see each other as lines

If you place a coin on the table, as you move your eyes closer to being level with the table, you see the coin become more oval-like until youre parallel to the table, at which point it looks like a line

ClassesWomen- Straight lineIsosceles triangles- Soldiers, lowest classEquilateral Triangle- Middle classSquares, Pentagons- Professional men, gentlemenHexagons, many-sided polygons- NobilityCircles (so many sides it cant be counted or distinguishable)- Priests

Children of one generation increase by one side lengthThe greater the angle, the bigger the brainHow Flatlanders Distinguish OthersThanks to an almost constant fog and the fact that flatlanders emit a lustrous glow, they can tell each other apart by sight

Problems with Sight RecognitionSight Recognition only works when looking at a person straight on at an angle.If that isnt the case, it can be much harder to tell

Dream of LinelandOne night, Square had a dream he went to Lineland, the land of One Dimension.

Lineland Cont.Square tried to explain to the King of Lineland about Flatland and the world of two dimensions but to no avail.

Spaceland VisitorThe next evening, a strange figure came to visit the Square, the Sphere.Sphere desperately tried to explain to the Square about the land of three dimensions, Spaceland, even referencing the Squares own feeble attempt the night before in Lineland.

Trip into SpacelandWhen everything else failed, Sphere took Square into Spaceland so he could see everything for himself.

Upwards, not NorthwardsExplaining Spaceland to the FlatlandersSquare learned so much from seeing Flatland in Spacelands perspective that he thought it would be easy to convince the other Flatlanders.However, the Flatlander Priests were aware that some prophet arose every thousand years proclaiming he discovered the third dimension.Square ended up going to jail for his heresy, where he continues to stay for the rest of his life