Flat File Loading to Master 0Customer

Post on 10-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Flat File Loading to Master 0Customer

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It is operational data store. ODS is a BW Architectural component that appears between PSA

( Persistant Staging Area ) and infocubes and that allows Bex ( Business Explorer )

reporting. It is not based on the star schema and is used primarily for details reporting,

rather than for dimensional analysis. ODS objects do not aggregate data as infocubes do.

Data are loaded into an IDS object by inserting new records, updating existing records, or

deleting old records as specified by RECORDMODE value.

Insert characteristic as data target

What are the delta options available when you load from flat file?

• The 3 options for Delta Management with Flat Files:

o Full Upload

o New Status for Changed records (ODS Object only)

o Additive Delta (ODS Object & InfoCube

10. What are the parallel process that could have locking problems

A: 1. heirachy attribute change run

2. loading master data from same infoobject; for ex: avoid master data from different

source systems at the same time.

3. rolling up for the same info cube.

4. selecting deletion of info cube/ ODS and parallel loading.

5. activation or delection of ODS object when loading parallel.

Step by Step Guide Session II---load data toan infocube Link to this Page Link Tiny Link Wiki Markup Close Move Page Ste

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• Added by Gu Chris, last edited by Arun Varadarajan on Mar 17, 2009 (view change)

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This session is followed by the session one I post.

Let's continue.

chapter 3. Loading Data into the InfoCube

3.1 Creating a Source System

Select Source systems under Modelling in the left panel. In the right panel, right-click Sourcesystems and select Create...

choose file system (because data is in the excel sheet),

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then press ok and you can see the flat file in the file folder 

3.2 Creating an Application Component

Select InfoSources under Modelling in the left panel. In the right panel, right-click InfoSourcesand select Create application component...

3.3 Creating an InfoSource for Characteristic Data

(Use the TCODE RSA1OLD to create InfoSource since the book refered to the old version but I

used ECC6.0)

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Right-click the newly created Application Component , and then select Create InfoSource...

after creating the infosource, right click the info source to assign the data source.

After that , you can see the infosource in detail,

activate all.

the left infosource:material number and sales representive id created in the same way.

3.4 Creating InfoPackages to Load Characteristic Data

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Right-click Source System you created, and then select Create InfoPackage...

choose the master data and save.

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comment: the data in the excel sheet is using CSV style.

Click Start button.

3.5 Checking Loaded Characteristic Data

clck the button marked red in the picture below,

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then the monitor screen will be displayed,

Green lights in the left panel indicate that the data have been loaded successfully. If you see thered light, you should check the details in the right panel.

click the PSA button that I marked red in the following,

you will see the data in the PSA.

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do the same for the rest and the following is for your reference.

3.6 Entering the Master Data, Text, and Hierarchy Manually(optional)

click the info object to modify

3.7 Creating an InfoSource for Transaction Data

select transaction data and create it in the same way as master data.

then assign the data source for it.

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activate it,you will see the status changed,

choose the transfer button and then use arrow to do the mapping.

click the trangle button to make a transfer rule.activate all.

3.8 Creating Update Rules for the InfoCube

activate all.

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3.9 Create an InfoPackage to Load Transaction Data

choose the datasource,and save it (the same way as load master data)

in the schedule tab , to click start button and then data will be loaded and you also monitor whether the data is loaded successfully or not.

Finish loading data.last: see the data flow for your reference:

right click the infocube and choose 'display data flow'.

Labels parameters

Edit Add Labels http://w iki.sdn.sa 66486276 BI
