Flash Cards Chapter 6 2014. A muscle which assists another in an action is called a(n):

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Transcript of Flash Cards Chapter 6 2014. A muscle which assists another in an action is called a(n):

Flash Cards

Chapter 6 2014

A muscle which assists another in an action

is called a(n):

A muscle which does most of the work is called:

A muscle which opposes the action of another muscle is called the:

Muscles are covered by several layers of fibrous connective tissue called:

Skeletal muscles are named according to:

What is the function of ligaments?

What muscle is called the "kissing" muscle?

What muscle is used for blinking and squinting?

What is the function of the Intercalated disks with gap junctions?

The structure in cardiac muscle which allows contractions to

spread quickly are:

Identify the type of muscle contraction

• When the tension of the muscle fiber is used only to support rather than lift a load.



Is a red pigment that stores oxygen for muscle contraction

Is a polysaccharide that stores energy for muscle contraction

According to sliding filament theory when a muscle fiber contracts, what happens

Identify the type of muscle contraction

• When the tension of muscle fibers is sufficient to lift a load, many fibers change length as they lift the load.

Identify all the chemicals involved in muscle contraction.

Where is myosin found in skeletal muscle fiber?

What two important binding sites are found on cross bridges of


The thin filament consists of three protein molecules, name them:

Actin contains binding sites for:

What is the function of tropomyosin?

What is the function of troponin?

What causes tropomyosin to move away from myosin binding sites on


What causes the myosin binding sites on actin to be exposed?

What causes the tropomyosin to cover back over actin binding sites?

What is required to move calcium ions from sarcoplasm back into

sarcoplasmic reticulum?

After a sarcomere has contracted fully and calcium ion concentration within

cytosol decreases what happens within the sarcomere?

What causes skeletal muscles to contract?

What is a motor neuron?

What part of motor neuron carries impulses to muscle?

Invaginations of sarcolemma penetrating deep into interior of

muscle cell are called:

The space between axon terminal and motor end plate

The swollen distal end of motor neuron axon

The muscle cell membrane

Structures within axon terminal that contain neurotransmitter acetylcholine

The contractile unit of muscle fiber that extends from one Z line to the

next is called:

Identify the structures within skeletal muscle fibers that serve as

reservoirs of calcium ions

A folded region of sarcolemma at neuromuscular junction is called?

What is first event in neuromuscular junction?

What happens at neuromuscular junction when action potential

arrives at axon terminal?

What happens to acetylcholine after is released from its receptor

on the motor end plate?

what happens as an action potential moves down T-tubules?

What happens when calcium ions are present in cytosol of muscle


What is Power stroke?

What is the role of ATP during muscular contraction?

Occurs at death because muscles cannot relax without ATP

The striations observed in skeletal and cardiac muscles are produced by:

Myosin binds to actin:

A motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers that it innervates is


Nerve impulses travel to the muscles from the spinal cord through:

List the events that occur during muscle contraction, the power-stroke:

At a neuromuscular junction, nerve impulses cause:

Explain the effect of Botox