Flannels or at cents. RISE 111 - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · and on nhcht train to Naohvllle. F...

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Transcript of Flannels or at cents. RISE 111 - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · and on nhcht train to Naohvllle. F...

leniphl-.- m t Charleston llailroa-- t

Nrhrdalr After hppirmber l. 177.lnves: Arrtwi:

rail and bprew tra'id.t'ly tlikip.m. nmirain dally (ri i

sundiiTt at .VO0p.m. 81 amriarXUKlinlrx ta-t- er Iku Tlwr.

nrrvllle Train will atop at Uesalarn4 'lax

I n ll: p.m. train niHk th qalrkewttlaae errr rande U CUatmnuoir. KfMWVllle.

Linen bunt. Wjisulnirton. and llie bat. and willnup at all Uetcuutr ai.tiliti. and at Ma Stations

h"ii ttMd. eiaenl r'ui Station betweenand Memphis.

flrkrl Onl-- r Main itfrert and at DepotlleinpuU and Charleston Hatlmad.

JOHN A. GRANT.Chief Erurttieer and (ien'i faup'L

T. 8. DAVANT,Assistant ineral fawotCTitMit.

iis.gslpui ;md Tennessee Kailroad

chaxvk or h;hki ri.Jf.

a.id aftar MONDAY, Sei-t- . 8. 187 . trainwill ruu aa follow:

Ni()rlurj Ulldal! at. .. tJ:O0.ai l.lp.mwrdl accommodation uaT.r,eicpt Sundays) llJOam 8 a.m

'r-Ub- l aud aoomnmodxtlon(except Sunday), at 8.50 a.m 5:00 p.m

Ciom connection wade at ttreoada with trainH)a and South for all polnu.

tyr tM rurtiiar laf onDftUon, apply toT cVt-- t Office, SM7 Mln 8U, and at Depot.

If . Burhe. Supennlenderil.JsmrsH peeti. T Icfcct AfMit.

L iLsvilleanl Nashville and GreatSouthern Railroad.

11:41 p.m. Bight Kpre (Dally. excel;tiirday. Conned at Milan for fcL Louis andi'hlcaico; at McKerude tor Nashllle.Chattanooi,Atlanta and the Southern; at uthrle for Hup.knYlll, Henderson and KvansvlUe; at Loul-r- ki

to all point North and Kast.:IU p.m. Iay Kaprewa Connect for BL.

IkiIs and Chicago; at Louuvrtlle for all pointNorth and Kau

4:4W p.aa. I aria AeeaaadaUon Dallyexcept Suday.

Arrival of Trains.IiprMHaii 7J. a--

4 vornmodatlon .lrfXJ p.mPilimau Palace Cars on either train to LouLsTille,

and on nhcht train to Naohvllle.F jr ticket or Information, apply at Ticket Office,

iH7 Main, nonUwwt corner iladlwn gtrwt.jM. naatcearr)', 6up t Memytils Dl.

Wptfa. Ticket Aent.(KXl'lil H1TLE KOCK RAILWAY

The Short Line to Arkansas and Texas.

T13IK i:akd.lkayi : ARWT:Hilt train, dally p.ra. 1110 l.m

rH!ut 'rain Itww M. L.K. b. K. depot (Sunday ex) 7:00 a.m.Pasxenxers tfotntc on thl road will take trains at

th Ipot of the Louisville, NaahTllle and ttroatdj rtbn (tailroad.

Mall train makes close connection at Argents forno nm on Little Hock and Kort Smith Kallroad, andat Little Hock with Cairo and Kulton baUroad, foraoinu In Scutaweet Arkansas and Texa.

P.illroan Palace Cars on all nltfht trains,fur tickets and Information apply at Tleket-ofDee- e

JTS and 27 Main street, and at the Depot, foot ofW ublturion street, or at L. aid N. and Ut. 8a Depot,or to the undersigned,

W. K. BMITH. Sup't., Memphis, Term.tl. A. WILLI AM3, Paswtiger AKent.M. a HV, V. and T. A- - Mttle Rock.


JEnPIIIH THEATER.Jloaday and Toesday F.venln;, Xovcm-hr- r

5th and Otb.Balfe's Charming Opera of


Br the Cliolr or Calvary Cbarrh,Assisted by their fi lends.

DUAHATIN rERHOS.K:Count ArnheUn Mr. John LelerTlmdileiu (a proscrtoed Pole). ...Mr. trfonje CastnerKl.irt-.te-ln (the Count's nephew). .Mr. W. Warren. JrDevllho)f (Chief of Gipsies t Mr. S. Petersen

of the GuardDtlUr .......Mr. CrookArllne (daughter of the Count, as a little

child) .. Miss Bluuca Nora CzapsklB Ida iher attendant) MUs J. HunterArllne (grown to wuinanhood

Miss Matrevney, Miss CollinsQueen of !psls. Ml3 Harmon. Ml Jones

CHOUUrf. lhe Chorus, a prominent feature. Isco'i iioaed of freventy-Ftv- e SlnK'-rs- . from the mostdltln,culshed musical and social circles In Memphis.

The BALLET will be rendered by Twelve LittleGirls, daughters of our best families.

J. E. PEKHINfi. Director.Admission Pnr.iuet and Kress t'lrcie, SI: Family

Circle. iiOe; tidllery, 2."c o extra charge lor re- -.

Pours open at TVij. pertonnance begins at S o'clock.

Uirillt THEATKB.Datxt 4 Brooks.. Prop'rs I John Rickabt . . Man's

WEIX KNUAY.. XOVK3IBEB 7thAlso, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nights,




Xlnrtern tar Artlxl and MasterBand of thff xVorld !

In an Klegant, Chaste, and Inapproachable Pro-

gramme of Novelties!

Monday. Nov. 12 --Return r GEORGE 8. KNIGHTand the WOHREI.L "lTFRS. In "OTTO."

HEWABD.O - r-- REWARD I offer a reward of S25 for lhenji) apprehension of the boys who dogged andkilled one of my wild geese. In front of my resi-

dence. UHl Lauderdale street, Sutimmy eveningK. c is 1. hu iy .

KOOnS AI IiOAJSi.Desirable rooms, with board.

ROOMS-- at Ho Union street.

Furnished cr unfurnished for families orROOMS huu-- e new y Olted up; large yardand convenient to hmlnss. at lol Jefforson etreet.


CR 8TRaKT LOT- -o 4(2, 45 byl' feet.l U be sold low. H. WHITE. Appeal omce.

FEN('IN Always on hand for sale, byCEDAR W. K. HHKIN, Lark'nsvllie. Ala.

INS Hevenil second hai.d Ulna acd Presses, InG perfect repair. yer,!;.wiATRicK4cocorner Third and Union streets.

acres land on President's Island. Ad- -JAND-SO- O

peter Mitchell, enre Hill. Fontaine A Co.s'jllsU and gentle driving horse, trotsHOhSkTa lor rockaway or buggy. App.y

, awt main s rRF.K r.

jFORM ATK N Concerning Maria L. Cunning-hamFN or Ella Corumck. or lie'rs. by

E. U. M ANSFOKD. 812 Second st.

OITU4TIO.N As Salesman or Book-keepe- expe--O

rlenced Jn nail dry gixids for many yeais; oom-i-

teut and reliable; please state salary. Address. N. UI.nKLKj.

;i Filnboro street. Boston. Mass.

J1KN Tose.l Waflles.Y'Ol'S'i House. Second and Washington.

COW With joung calf; over two gallons(lOOD day. E. 1.. TOPP.

i An entirely new lot of Patterns, ofSTMPIS latet styles, just received at the SingerRooms. 'JiU) (wouit street The designs are veryrare aixl beautiful, both lor braiding and eiubmld-er- y,

and will please the most dlsr limlnatlng bites.All O'ders exeou ed with pruniptiiess and dispatch.

Uy a young white woman asSITUATION-

-In a private lamllr; refer to

W. L. lAMERON.'JH4 Second street

rpONsJRIAL If you wnnta gnod shave for K)c.J or a stllsh haircut for a5c. and a good clean

bath for 2.1 cents, call at the Commercial Hair Dress-

ing Saloon, w Jerierson St.. opp. Commercial Hotel.

X) BXCHANGE for Improved Memphis property,L one of the best stands for a cnauitry-stor- e In the

mxUu. Is slluatwi In the ba.'iutlful valley of Redriver. La.. 75 miles tlow bhreveport, and sur-rounded on all sides by the large and splendid plan-tations of. that rich and d cotton region,htand U.ng eslahilshed, good duelling, cisterns,i.torebouse, etc., union rent for $M) cash a month.Insurance, taies, etc., a mere In tie. Trade cash,and Isrge" prnllts: Midtal mjulred small; countyhealthful and surroundings desirable; possessiongiven this winter. The oaner has made a comfort-able fortune on it In a few lears, and would exchangeit for property here with his other ts. Tillperfect; nodews. Full description of place and alliiartleuiars, by addressing

DOLLARS AM CENTS. Appeal office.

to know that I am prepared to do Pairing,YOU renonai'le prices. Also. Weather-strips- .E. FREUhlCK. 'J7H Second st.opp. Appeal.

- fr MEN To work on the Natchez, Jackson)J and Columbus Kallroad: wgea Jl a dayand board; liberal trices for station work.

C. D. HARDEMAN, Contractor.Natchez. Mississippi.

4. WASHING AND IRONING At theSEW1N Mission: quilting made a specialty.Any orders may be left at the Mission, No. V Prom-e- n

.de Mreet: or at lh intelligence ofk. IRWM-l- n.

tOll KENT.On Poplar street; cottages and dwellingSTORK and Exchange street Apply tit No 41

Mad lsonst Rents low. STURM x HIRaC'H.

STOREROOM 37 South Court street Apply toR. B. SNOWtiEN. HH Madison st

L E That very desirable residence. IfKtJ V Ct urt st: Is put In thorough condition; will beto rent to good tenant Apply on premises until Oc-tober 2rtih. Also, store H.VJ Front; thoroughly re--palred andtmpioved. Apply as above.

XT I Ai.K (if r moms and stable, on SixthV trret. Fort Pl erlng.

W. VfchNON. HO Beale streetHESI DENCE 1 hT Carroll ave,. with all l i. prove

rentreaiKMiabie. Ed. ktack, lvl SecondR'ESlbksCt With" 7 roomrSinjnHb7reet

K. LAV1GNE. vfK) Main.five rooms, besides klioaen andHOUbk-- OI

rra: large lot Apply atltQira B.okstore. or 121 Alabama st

K00M3 titrable rooms, with board, "

at 117 Court streetFive rooms and outhouse, nsar(VJTTAoE cars. Apply at 230 Vance street

1. .H. SI011AKI.. kx y.H i. . i cnox r.1.11.


lwiilv of vols of Every Ieserlilon grj

rou sale on ilxciiakue.Three sub-.i- r an lots In Minneapolis,JOTS to exchange for Memphis city or subur-

ban rvnl estate. or w ll sell for cash; would exchangelor house and lot In the suburbs. AdJ.ess

i W. MII.I.ER. 4. Menu. his P

STUA VEI).From my residence. No. :154 Linden stret t,CnjW dalK biluoln oiw. marked by two slits

on each ear. A reward aill be given tor her returnto me, or tor Imfonualion.


FOIl AI.K OU REST.A 2 story residence. No. HlPrihelhy

RESIDENCE bouse Is In g. wd repair, and has 7rooms. closet. gas. front and hack yard, frutt trees,etc: lot 2f by 140 feet I will sell It lor S25W;Si(X)cash and the balance SMO per month, withper cent lntereat. Apply to F. LAV1GNE.

No. 2.r( Snnd street.


Yesterday was gloomy and cool.

Wild ge?se continue to fly 60uth.The city council meets night.Miss (Jenevieve Koers is playing in Lit-

tle Rock.The "Milau" invitations were gotten up

by Mr. Tracy.There was an unusually heavy frost Sat-

urday oifrht.That Wife of Mine, the latest in novel-lin- e,

at Manstord's.The annual convention of the I. 0. W. M.

meets in this cityOfficer Manuel last night arrested James

Ryder on the charge of interfering with anofficer.

The Mississippi State election will beheld y. The Democracy will win a glo-rious victory,

Quail, snipe, woodcock, wild ducks prai-rie chickens, beat' acd venison are plentifulin the market.

John Conroy, who stabbed a man in thearm last week, was arrested last night byOtttvr Manuel.

The unusual amount of thievery andburglary is the subject of general complaintamong the citizens.

Herbert Rhett and D. W. Coon wore ad-mitted to the bar yesterday by Judge Heis-kel- l,

of the circuit court.Argument was concluded in the Robert

Druty murder case yesterday afternoon. Thecase is now with the jury.

The police yesterday arrested James Van-dyke and Johi. Soymour, colored, as vagrants.viid s characters.

Lieben, Main street, has receivedThat Husband of Mine. Call and get a copy.Few left. Only fitty cent.

The annual meeting of the Mississippiand Tennessee railroad stockholders for theelection of directors will be held in this city

Dan Donelson, driver of a street-ca- r,

was arrested last night for assaulting a pas-senger near the Charleston depot and threat-ening to kill tutu.

The city is infested with thieves, bur-glars and robler$. The police force is inade-quate to protect citizens from the raids ofthieves aud burglar?.

A colored woman named Sharpe, whosefour months old son Johnnie, died aboard theCoahoma, reached the city Sunday with theremains of the child.

Owing to illness in his family ChancellorMorgan was absent yesterday, and JudgeHammond was selected to wear the ermine ofthat honorable court.

Sunday night a thief entered Jack's sa-

loon, on Main street, between Adams andWashington, and stole five watches and fourdollars from the till. The thief easily escaped,and has not been captured.

T. W. Green," arrested Saturday at theinstance of G. Schuler. corner of Fifth andCarolina streets, Fort Pickering, was ye.'ter-da- v

fined five dollars by the recorder forselling meats without license.

There will be a special meeting of Bau-ne- rlodge. Xo. 69. I. 0. W. M., at Knights

of Innisfail hall, No. 225 Second street, to-

night, for the initiation of charter members.This will be the last meeting for chartermembers, aa the charter closes

A Life for a Life, by Miss Malock;The I'rirateersman, by Captain Marryat;Irish Legends, by Samuel Lover; SquireTrevelyan's Heir, by Mrs. Woods. Mans-lor- d

has the above as late arrivals in hischeap library, ten and twenty cents each.

Sunday evening, William Mahoney,aged thirteen, fell from a train atthe Charles-ton depot and had his left arm broken. Thewound is quite severe, but it was caused bythe indiscreet conduct of the youth, who at-

tempted to get off a train when in motion.The arbitration commissioners yesterday

disposed of the following cases: Rafferty vs.city of Memphis, Manning vs. city of Mem-phis, Murphy r. Tigh, reversed; Ji-hl- e vs.Jehle, W'illianis rs. Clinch, Anderson rs.Hunt, Pitman rs. Hunt, affirmed; Payne vs.Dunkers, affirmed as to Dunkers but reversedas to Myers.

Friday night a canoe upset in the Mis-sissippi river, near Horn Lake, below thiscity, and Edward L. Sebastian, son of thelate Senator Sebastian, of Arkansas, wasdrowned. The young man left this city Fri-day alternoon, on the steamer Uatesville,which grounded opposite Horn Lake, and heattempted to reach the land with a canoe.

The scrub game of base-ba- ll between theRiversides and picked nine at Central park,Sunday, resulted in favor of the latter ascore of fourteen to thirteen, seven inningsbeing played. A number of pretty playswere made by several members. Threedouble plays were made by Cassidy, BillyMoloughney and Culbert. The attendancewas not large.

Recorder Duff disposed of the followingcases yesterday: Dan Woodtun, black, Geo.Powers and John Ayers, disorderly, fined foeach; T. W. Green, dolus: business withoutlicense, fined f 5; Albert Bowles, black, F. .1.

Bannon, L. Colcash, A. B Crane, Lou Selbyand James Black, drunk, fined f 5 each; Mol-li-e

Johnson, black, assault, discharged; Jas.Scully, drunk, fined f 10; Barney Smith, drunk,fined, $10; Jumfs O'Hara, drunk, forfeit of

The annual conference of the AfricanMethodist church begins at Austin, Missis-sippi, and continues until Mon-day. Quite a number of ministers, eldersand delegates passed through this city yester-day. Among this number were Rev. C. Cald-well, Rev. James Henry, Rev. Vindham,Elder Ford, and Delegates M 'Gone and Rich-ard Lovan, of Verona circuit; Elder Wright,Rev. Moses Green and Rev. John Pratt, ofWater Valley district; Elder Bobo, Rev. Bry-ant Stinson, Rev. Austin Slate, Rev. Bogard,Rev. G. V. Littlejohn, Rev. Madison Wallerand Rev. King Walthall, of the Holly Springsdistrict.


The. Bohemian Virl.Lat night the Memphis Theater was filled

with a large and fashionable audience to en-joy the presentation of lhe well-know- n operaBohemian Girl, by Memphis amateurs. Thelong course of preparation and faithful studydevoted to this attractive opera, and the factof the entertainment being lor the benefit ofCalvary church organ, aroused an unusualand very general interest among theamusement-lovin- g people of Mem-phis. It was no wonder thenthat there was such a large and intelligentrepresentation at the Memphis Theater lastnight. Considering the fact that the cpeiawas given by amateurs, it was perhaps thebest yet attempted in this city. The piecewas remarkably well mounted, and renderedin a manner even better than had been an-ticipated by the many friends and admirersof the talented ladies and gentlemen who,last night, won such general praise. MissJennie Magevney, as Arline grownto womanhood, in which role the hasopportunity for the full di?pLiy of heracknowledged vocal talent, waa artistic, easyand winsome. Her "Arline" was a fine pro-duction, and proved decidedly effective. Herdramatic ability, irrespective of lyric talent,was surprisingly good, and was "recognizedby everyone. It was certainly well op to therepiiienient (S the role, her time being es-pecially notiiftble. She uses her vocalpowers and dramatic talent with such effectas to cover up any defects that may ap-pertain to the severities of a testingstrain and continuou effort. Her "Arline"was in every respect commendable, and sowas Mi Jennie Jones's "Giptey Quean. " Inintensity of dramatic effect and grace of vocalpower. Miss Jones displayed remarkabletrength. Her gestures were consistent

with the proprieties of the different cene

riiiU MiEMJPHlS V PP KVX. - TXJ JES O. V . 1ST OVJlLV J 13ICR, 6. 1S77.in which the "Gipsy Queen" plays such aprominent part. This role is exceedingly

; difficult. tifcverth( it was sustained LvMi?a Jones with meat credit. Mr. John Leg- -

!er made a good "Couiit," twin methodicalin manner and system, tie in the most excit-ing scenes. Mr. i.or-- e L. Cautner'a "Thud-Ueu- s'

showed that he waa quite athome and never embarrassed. Mr.W. Warren's "Florestein" waa exceedinglyclever, and therefore quite acceptable. Mr.N. Peterson's "Devilshoof" was comical andwell nigh as cxat.t as the be.--t professionalcould eiiact. Mr. Steele made a correct"Captain of the Guard," and, Mr. Crook askilled "Officer." Mi-- s Jennie Hunter wasthe graceful "Buda," (attendant), while lit-

tle Biinca Nora Czapski as "Arline" (as achild i manifested unusual ease and poise forone of her years. Prof. J. Ernest Pernng, as-

sisted by Prof. Emile Levy, at piano,did all that was possible for orchestral ac-

companiment. These gentlemen, who arejustiy recognized as artists of very decidedaud unexceptional excellence, motethan ever established their claimsto the appreciation of ail connoisseurs of ar-tistic elegance in their renditions last night.For their services they are entitled to and re-

ceived the thanks of all who were present,performing, ua the did, their difficult taskwith such perfectness of detail. The choruseswere well trained, and disappointed no oneeither as to correctness of measure or powerof volume. This was, as it should have been,a marked feature and a great improve-ment upon any previous effort by amateursin Memphis. The choruses were composedof the following well-know- n vocalists: Dr. S.J. Quiuiby, Messrs. W. G. Baker, George L.Castner, John Legler, Sam M'Mauus, X. Pe-tersen, W. J. Steibe. W. Warren, jr., lxuisSohn, C. E. Crook, E. R. Deveral, H. Peter-son, B. H. Uollenberg, F. G. Huntington,Jas. L. Ewell, Gecrge Mahan, Jas. Kirklar.d,(J. A. Wage, Silt, lioeseher, J. J. Sullivan, H.L. Tomlinson, G. C. Eilis, Alex Boyd, H.Wiesiger, Jra Hill and George Crook;also. Misses Nellie Drew, Mary Hitz-fel- d,

Emma Latting, Cynthia Latting, EvaMurray, Lizzie Douglass, A. L. Ises, HuttieCollins, Jennie Magevney, Jennie Jones, Jen-nie Hunter, Ktic-- Harmon, Katie Kitk,Esther J iy, r rancis Taylor, Lizzie Raine,Eliza Shepherd, Mamie Conn, Emma Denui-so- n,

Sallie Foute, E&telle Cook, Lillian Cook,Jennie Minor, Addie C. Hrbert, Nannie T.Farnsworth, Laura Avery, and Mes-dam-

Goodman, Foute, Mile, Czap-

ski, Cooper and Stitt. The balletwas also an attractive feature, requiring, asit does, so much dramatic power of judg-ment and precision of uiovment.The followinglittle girls were in the ballet: Misses BttieGregory, Fannie Prescott, Lizzie Fisher, Nel-lie Fisher, Ella Costello, Rosa Vollentine,Eupha Collier, Ida Lee Treadwell. FannieRigley and Blanche Miles. The opera ofThe Bohemian Girl will be presented forthe last time upon which occa-sion Miss Collins appears as "Arline" andMiss Harmon as the "Gipsey Queen." Ofcourse there will be another crowdedhouse. We are glad to note that thiseffort is beinsr received with such favorand encouraged with such apprecia-tion. It menta encouragement, for thecharacter of amusements is a very significantsign of the character of a people, aud a goodtaste of their intellectual condition. Nothingcan bs more elevating to society than the en-

couragement of amateur musical anddramatic societies. In the six-

teenth century knowledge of musicand skill in its performance were deemedwell-nig- h indispensable to persons of condi-tion. Queen Elizabeth was not only proudof her musical attaiaineuts, but was evenjealous of her rivi;!, Mary, Qu.eeu of Scots, onaccount of her proficiency in this accomplish-ment, lu tbote days, the favorite vocalmusic consisted of the Madrigals ofthe great Italian and English mas-ters, wonderful works of art, which,like the productions of ancient Greciim sculp-ture, havt baffled all attempts at modern im-

itation. Yet every well educated lady orgentleman was expected to take part in theprofound and complicated harmonies, and,a" . social meeting, to decline to do so on ac-

count cf inability was regarded as proof ofrudeness and low breading, though differentin America, where every lady feels herselfobligated to make half a dozen excuseswould that some were effective before sheconsents to play a piece. In England, now,the most accomplished amatenis of eithersex, are found in the highest circlesof society. It is rightly said thatthirty-fou- r years have elapsed since Balfe

The Bohemian Girl at DruryEroduced The story, taken fromKorelas Exemplares, is identical

with that of Weber's Preciosa. MissRomerwasthe original "Arline," Harrisonthe "Thaddeus," nnd Borrani the "Count."It was an immense success. Everybody sangJ dreamt I dwelt in Marble Jas" andy'ou'll Iiemember Me, and every air in theopera was whistled and sung in the streets,played on every piano, and ground on everystreet-orga- n. It has almost the same ele-

ments of popularity to-da- However, itpleases, it dazzles, and even fascinates. Itsrevival to many is a revival of the past, beau-tiful and touching, alive with the glories ofmelodies which once heard cannot be forgot-ten. As produced last night, the opera wasa grand success, and such it will be

Barlow, 'Wilson, Primrose and West.Barlow, Wilson, Primrose and West's ex-

cellent miustrel troupe begin an engagementat the itJmphis Theater night. Inspeaking of this troupe the Buffalo Dispatchsays: "This is no ordinary minstrel troupe.Their performanse last niyht at St. Jameshall exceeded, in neatness and finish, any-thing we have seen in the minstrel line for along time. They kept their audience in aroar of laughter without descending to theslightest touch of vulgarity, depending upona genuine original humor to produce theireffects. We have seen hundreds just suchold negroes as Barlow impersonated in thesouth during the war, and he renders themanner and dialect exactly. Primrose andWest are the best team of clog-dauce- rs inthe business, and Wilson is the essence ofcomicality. The smoothness and spirit of theEerformance was only equaled by the good

audience, who did nothing: butlaugh and applaud all the evening."


Colonel W. II. Vacuus, ct Brownsville,is in the ci(3.

Master Robert Wade, of Lagrange, isvisiting the city.

Mr. Ben Wade, a well-know- n citizen ofLagrange, is in the city.

Mr. Robekt Speed and family, of GrandJunction, are in the city.

General W. Y. C. Humes returned yes-terday from Huntsville, Alabama, where hohas been attending a case against the Memphis and Charleston railroad lor twenty-fiv- e

thousand dollars.Colonel Harry RouEfis and Mr. D. H.

Wright, both prominent merchants of "la-riann- a,

Arkansas, arrived in the city Sundayevening, by rail, from Little Rock. The lattergentleman was on his way to Athens, Ala-bama, where he will be united in wedlock toMiss Cox, one of the fairest daughters ofnorth Alabama. The weddintr was to havetaken place yesterday afternoon, but owingto the delay of trains on the Little Rock road,the party had to lay over in Memphis, but thetelegraphic wires, as a natural consequence,were burdened with apologies,' explanations,and other matters, etc., the del;;y of a greatdeal of its dolorousness; and, ot course, whenthe pair, understanding each other, as elec-tricity alone can convey the idea of that lovewhich breaks bars, melts gates, and a'oeorbsall other conditions.

The (jireat Western Clothingllouste

is gelling the very best uiilaundried shirts inthe city for 75 cents, they are great bargainsand well worth double the money.

Fresh Key West cigars at II. Esch'?.

Keeps Custom snin. mane to measure,The ven liest, rj for Sw. delivered free everywhere.Keeps Patent Partly-mad- Dress Shirts,The very best, t for S7, delivered free everywhere.An elegant set of gold plate collar and sleeveButtons given with each half-doze- n Keep's shirts.Samples and full directions mailed free to any ad-

dress.Merchants supplied at a small commission on cost.Trade circulars mailed free on appllcat'ori.Keep Manuiacturliig Company, 165 Meroer street.

New York.

We are grati5?d to note the success cfHome stomach bitters, and hope those ex-

plorers of the isthmus will not fail to takegome with them as a necessary portion to acomplete outfit for making the journey.

Jtnrnett'M Flavoring.We have sold them for the past ten years,

and can recommend them for their uniform,strength and purity, lielieving them to possessmerit in advance of all other brands.


Oar Specialties.School book and school supplies, office

stationery juvenile books.fine fancy stationeir.A. F. POP A CQ., y-- ylj Main Mreet"

Best brands of chewing and fnioking to.baeco at H. Each'.

THK NAURUW UllUE.It Importance to Jleaaihla What

Been Uoae and What will be Donefor the Brownsville Use.

There are sixty men now at work on theBrownsville narrow-gaug- e railroad. The ironto place it to the highlands beyond theForked Deer from there lias been bought andpaid for, and is arriving at Brownsville everyday, six car-loa- having reached there yes-terday. Two weeks of open weather, as weare informed by Colonel Vaughan. will placebis engine to a point where the cotton, corn,wheat, etc., which has hitherto been dividedbetween Memphis and St. Louis, will all beconcentrated to our city. The impoitance ofthis valuable line to the commerce of our cityhas never been appreciated by our businessmen. This road opens up the finest portionof Tennessee, and when it shall have penetrated deeper iuto the rich and fertile coun-try between Brownsville and Union City, thehappy results to our commercial interestswill le felt upon every hand. Die success ofthis enterprise demonstrates another very im-

portant tact narrow-gaug- e railroads can bebuilt for very little money comparatively,for we are satisfied that Col-

onel Vaughan has had but afew dollars at any one time since he begunhis labor. He has labored faithfully and en-

ergetically, and with an intelligent purpose,which is cow about to realize the fullest ex-

pectations. That Colonel Vaughan deservesthis realization none who know the man orhave been acquainted with his severe toils inthis important work can tor a moment doubt.It we bad on the Memphis and Holly Springsroad a few untiring men who would forgetthemselves, as it were, that line could oecompleted in due time and bring to Memphisthe next cotton crop, thereby reclaiming notless than thirty thousand bales of cottonwhich are now goinjf to New Orleans andelsewhere.


Circuit Court Helekell. Jadge.The following cases are set for trial to-da- y :

3121, Williams vs Anderson, adm'r; 3122,same vs same; 4055, M'Kenna vs L. and N.railroad company; 4090, Hilderbrand vsPrice; 4744, Lawhorn, adm'r, vs Williams;4789, Eddms vs Kney; 4122, Thompson vsBarnum; 40-U- . King et al vs Warden: 3042,Smith vs Sears; 4712, Van Beil vs Luhrman;4804, Fitzgibbon, adm'r, vs Memphis Cityrailway company: 4S42, Riddle, Coleman V

Co. vs Loudon; 4917, Foster vs Lagomarsina;4923, Podesta vs Jordan; 4951, Johnson vsLowenstine et al ; 49G9, Levy & M'Dowell vsHairison; 4031, M'Guire et al vs Avery et al;3s54, New York life insurance company vsRaiford; 4971, Cronan vs Alley; 4980, God-sha- w

vs Brinkley; 4982, Daniel vs Church;4' 80, Peoples vs Davis; 5002, Bacigalupo vsDean; 5015, Bennett vs Walsh; Douglass vsWalsh.

Chaneery Court Hammond. MpeclalChancellor.

Chancellor Morgan being detained by sick-ness, E. S. Hammond, Esq., was electedspecial chancellor yesterday, and will con-tinue the call of the notion docket from dayto day, until all pending motions are dis-posed of.

Criminal Court Logwood, Judge.The following cases are set for to-da- y: 483,

Bill Chester; 50t, George Herron: 493, LewisCook; 491, Nancy Hum; 502, Harry Ruff;471, Alice Coleman; 460. Henry Freeman;459, Wm. Wat kins; 430, Kata Sherman;417, Jim Cox; 415, Sarah" Jones, alias SarahJohnson; 415, Bill Jones; 408, Thomas Ro-bert; 351, Marion Johnson



Fine ostrich plumes, 50c, 75c, fl, worthtreble. Finest pattern hats, $ 6, $7, ?3, worth

13 and Choice trimmed hats, $1, $ 1 25,$1 50, examine. AU the late shades of plumes,$2 50, worth $4. Lute shades of satins, $1 25,worth $2 50. Collars and cuffs, 25c set, worthGOc. Bargains in corsets, hosiery, ribbons,flowers, feathers, etc., etc.

Special Notice. Our 50 cent kid glovessell everywhere for $ 1. i.fxbrik's,

247 Main street

Tlie Great Western. ClothingHouse

is selling splendid all-wo- ol cassimere pantsfor $3 50, well worth $5.

Meersclianm and Itriar finesand smoker's articles at H. Esch's.

A JPapei for Yonn; .People.The Youth's Companion, of Boston, em-

ploys the same writers as the best Englishand American magazines, and no other pub-lication for the family furnishes so much en-tertainment and instruction of a superior or-

der for so low a price. Among its contribu-tors are Dinah Mulock Craik, Miss Yonge, J.T. Trowbridge, Louisa M. Alcott, Henry W.Longfellow, William Cullen Bryant, JohnG.Whittier, and nearly fifty of the best story-writer- s.

Floyd's Oyter 1'arlor.Pastries and coffee for lunch. Home-mad- e

candies a specially. Everything in the beststyle, at Floyd's, opposite Court square.

One nuNDRED varieties of the latest stylesof home-mad- e candies at Floyd's.

Tlie Creat Western ClothingHouse

is selling good cassimere suit for $ 10. Go andlook at them.

S. R. Baldwin, writes: "After tryingsoothing remedies without avail and physiccians without relief, I gave teethina (teethingpowders), and it acted like magic. occa-sionally give a potcder to keep nig child'sgums softened.'''

The Latest StylesIn furniture, carjets, shades and

s, at prices that cannot fail toplease close purchasers, at


CnoirE five cent cigars at II. Esch's.

Stead!We invite special attention to the large

and assorted stock whicli we are now receiv-ing of Buggy, liock-atray- . Stage and DragHarness, Fine English, Morgan and MosbySaddles, Hore Carers, Lvp Robes, etc. Thealove goods wo have had manufactured es-

pecially to meet the wants of our Memphistrade. Our superior advantages for manufacturing cheaply enable us to sell all goodsin our line at prices whicli will defy compe-tition in our market.

GAHTHRIGHT, HARBISON 4 RATNER,22'.i Main street, one door north of Feabody Hotel.

Pinckuey, Jackson Si, Co.'Fine Spices.

From Thomas S. Easton. M. D., New Or-

leans: I have given Colden's Lie-big- 'a

liquid extract ot beef aud tonic invigo-rat- or

a thorough trial in several chronic casesin females, and find it more efficient and muchmore acceptable to the stomach than anyother preparation I have ever used. W. N.Wilkerson & Co., agents.

Special Inducements.Wholesale and retail carpets, furniture,

etc., at Ames, Beattie & Co.'s new store, 361

Main street.

Neuralgia. "Neunl" cures it. Sold byG. W. Jones & Co., Memphis.

Ice-Crea- every day at Floyd's, opj ositeCourt square.

The reat Western ClothingHouse

is selling an excellent fur beaver overcoat,well made and trimmed, only $10, Go andexamine them.

Fresh imported cigars at H. Esch's.

.School Hooks and Slates,For public and private schools.at Mansford's,corner Second and Monroe.

Discovered at Last. We know it issaid that consumption can't be cured, but wesay Tbrash's consumptive cure will cure alllung affections. Why should we be affectedwith disease and no remedy given ? Try onebottle. Trial, fifty cents; large, one dollarand fifty cents. Sold by W. N. Wilkerson& Co. "

Greenbrier, Robertson county, is the stand-ard whisky.

Boys' and Children1suits in great variety, at unquestionably lowprices, at the Great Western Clothing Hotita.

TrJEBE is greater certainty, uniformity andsatisfaction . in the use of Dr. Price's creambaking powder, than with any other kind.


CI.OTHlXU A M K.1H1V, 4.0rlAT

GRUBBS & AUSTIN'S. 3.J2 Main. St.,Preparatory to a change of firm,

January 1, 17H.Now is the time to buy cheap clothing less

than value.GRUBBS A' AUSTIN. 332 Main street.

MTKAJ1BOAT8.Special Notice to Shippers.

FOB STEAMER JAMES W. GAFFFREIGHT received at loot of Monroe street THISTUESDAY. 6th Inst, and

B. W. LIGHTBURNE. Sup't. 2'.'H Front St.

Memphis and Vicksburg Pkt. Co.

Sir. JPlKILi AX.r.IN.BiWill leave for Vicksburg every TUESDAY, at S p.m.

istr. rciiixois, suaWill leave for Arkansas City every MONDAY and

THURSDAY, at 5 p.m.

Star. A. JT. WHITERWill leave for Helena and Friars Point every TUES-


R. W. MGHTBPRN E. Afrent, 29 Front st.

FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.17. H. Mall-r'- or OmccoIo, Sew JJadrld

Hickman and tst. Louin.Steamer CITY OF VICKSBURG, ji

Robert K. Riley master Sii--iWill leave THIS DAY, Nov. 0th, at 5 p.m.AD. STORM,

Sup't Mississippi River Elevator Company

FOK VICKSbURU.Memphis! and Mt. I.oaiH Packet Comp'y

ANCHOR LINECA.KHV1SO V. K MAIL.For Helena. Arkopolls, Greenville, Vicksburg and

w.ty landings: connecting at Arkopolls with railroad for Pine Bluff, and at Vicksburg with steamerslor tne lazoo nver ana isew Orleans.

Steamer JOHN B. MAUDE, J .A,William H. Blake masterWill leave THIS DAY, November rith. at 10 a.m.,from Elevator Building, ticketing passengers andgiving through bills la lug to Fins Blull and allpoints on Yazoo river. AD. STORM. Sup't


Memphis and Ohio River racket Comp'y


Jas. W. Oail',Robt. "Wise master I J. D. Moore clerk


On WEIUEsDAY, ov. 7th, at 5 p.m.For freight or passage apply to

B. W. I.IOHTBURNK. Sup't. 20ft Front St.

FOR ARKANSAS RIVEP..Memphis and Arkansas River Packet Co For Pins

Blufl and Little Rock Elegant passenger steamer

Ifattie Rowland,James Rees master.

Leaves TUESDAY. November th. at 5 p m.JNO. N. HARBIN. Sup't. 2H2l8 Front st

J. T. WASHINGTON. Agt.on R. E. Lee Wharfboat.

FOR POLK'S LANDING.Regular Memphis and Polk's Landing Dall) PacketFer Scaulan's and Polk's Landings and way points.

Str. Uatesville,Mat Tremmel master.

Leaves Memphis DAILY, at 4 p.m. For freight orpassage apply on board. Speclul attention given toall plantation business.

FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER.For Helena and the St Francis river -- Carrying U. S.

Mall The lfglit-dra- ft steamer

MARK TWAIN,J. D. Randall master.

Will positively leave THIS DAY, at 5 p.m.. us above,and every Tuesday and Saturday until further notice.For freight, etc.apply onboard, or Glenn's wbarfli't.

FOR NEW MADRID.Lone Star Line Regular Memphis and New Madrid

Semi-weekl- y Packet For Randolph, Osceola,Hales Point, Tiptonvllle, New Madrid ana all waylandings. The elegant side-whe- steam

Jtelle of Texas, gilGeorge Malone master I Piatt Bhodes clerkWill leave as above every Tuesday and Friday, at 5p.m , and continue In the trade permanently. Forfreight or passage apply on board, or to

JOHN IS. HARBIN. Sup't. 2H'21fc Front st.


Mempfei, W iilte and KiacU. BlTera C B.Mall Line.

For Indian Bay, St Charles, Clarendon, DevalUaiuff, Des Arc, Augusta, Jacksonport, West Point,Searcy, Batesvilla, Powhr.tmn and Pocahontas.The elegant passenger steamer

BUTH, iLeaves Memphis every SATURDAY, at 5 p.m.,netting with steamer McARTHiJB for all points opSlack river.

Through rates of freight and passage to ail poLntron Black and White rivers.

For freight or passage apply on board or toJ. T. WASHINGTON, It E. Lee Wharfboat.W. C. HARRY, 300 Fror t street, up stairs.

Freight consigned to Milt Harry will be nauuieSfree of storage, drayage and commission, and pi.lthrough promptly

Kegaiar Independent Jtempbls andWhite Kiver Packet.

Kor AugruMta, Jfackaonport, West Point,and all Way Points.

The Regular Independent Packet,nAisi cash,Ed. C. Postal Captain

WU1 leave EVERY WEDNESDAY, Bt 5 o'clockp.m. Through bills of lading to all points on uppeiwhite and Black rivers,

apply for freight or passage toR.W. LIGHTBURNB., 290 Front Street:

T. P. SI.KNS. nt. on WharflfMit


Regular Memphis and Xcw Orleans)Tuesday Packet for the Season.

Thompson Dean,Jas. H. Pepper master I Frank Peck clerkLeaves Memphis TUESDAY. Nov. Ctb, at 5 p.m., forVicksburg. Natchez, New Orleans and all way andbend landings. For freight or passage app'y toWASHINGTON CARTKK.on R. E. Lee wharfooat

Rrenlar Jlemphi. and Xew OrleansMiurasy rwHri vor ine essE. W. Gould master.

Leaves SATURDAY, Nov. 3d, at 5 p ni., for Vicks-burg, Natchez, New Orleans and ail way and be dlandings. For freight or passage ap; ly to WASH-INGTON CARTElt, on R. E. Lee wharfboat.


Clias. P. Chotean,,W. H. Thorwelgan . .master G. Mlltenberger. .clt rkWill leave Wednesday, Sov. 14. 5 p.m.and every alternate Wednesday during the season,and will carry out all contracts oi the late steamerGrand Republic. BRADFORO a ELY. Agents.

Memphis and cw Orleans Packets forthe Season,

Sir. Jas. ISoward,;B. R. Pegram master J. H. Cuassalng cleik

Leaves Memphis WEDNESDAY, October 1 Otb, at5 p.m., and Every Alternate Wednesday during theseason, paying particular attention to all buslnejisIntrusted to her care. For punctuality her reputa-tion la thoroughly established.

Str. J. A. Sciitlder.,2ilyJ. F. Hicks master Chas. B. Dlx clerk

Leaves Memphis WEDNESDAY, October 17th, at5 p.m., and Every Alternate Wednesday for theseason, and as heretofore the officers of this popularboat will do all In their power to sustain her reputa-tion with shippers and travelers generally.

J. T. WASHINGTON. Agent.800 Front street.

R. E. T.RK Wharfboat Co.. foot of Court st

FOR ASHPORT.Memphis and osceola Packet Line Carrying United

States Malt Steamer

Osceola Belle,J. G. Andrews master I B. O. Mlchell clerk

Leaves Memphis every MONDAY. WEDNESDAYand FRIDAY, at 5 p.m., for RandolpD, Kulton, Osce-ola and Ashport Passengers and shippers pleasebear In mind tLat we leave on time. Freight re-

ceived at Glenn's wharfboat at all times.R. P. GLENN. Agent.

FOR nELI'XA.Regular Memphis and Helena Independent Tri-

weekly Packet For Bennett's, Commerce, Coun-cil Bends, Mhoons, Walnut Bend, Austin. Helenaand all Intermediate landings -- The elegant pas-senger steamer

Geo. W. Cheek, ZZHkiM. R. Cheek master I A. L. Cummins clerk

Leaves Memphis Mondays, Wkdnesuats andFridays, at 6 p.m.

For freight or passage apply on board or toBRADFORD ELY. Agents. 804 Front St.



Str. COAIIOMA. gStacker Lee master E. P Thomas clerk

Leaves EVERY MONDAY. WEDNESDAY andFRIDAY, at i p.m.. for Helsca, Friars Point ao4all way a ad plantation landings.

J. T. WASHINGTON, Agent. 800 Front st

I. W. Buddeke, M.B.,Medical and Sorgll Treatment of Disease

ot theEYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT,

OftlM Cr. Mala and Madlaan ,



New and Cheap


RISE 111Mr. KREilF.lt, now in New Yoik, buying bargains,

has epressed us, for




Overdress Patterns !

Which are exquisite, and will De sold fearfully cheap.

Thousands of Feathers, Flowers, Velvets, Sat-

ins, Ribbons, etc., which we will SELL THIS


goods were known to be sold.

Mr. Krcmer has evprscil in un,eapecially for tn - Uokemianilrl,"' Tor tue oj:eru-ate- r. etc..

Aoveltlcs in Opera I loaks, 3 andOpera Kid, from size

SI to 7. Xw Ties. Fans. etc.

Just 0 pened!80O NEW CLOAKS, at S5, S7 50, $8. 810, etc.


1000 ps. New Chenille Mixed Fringes.


Beautiful Black Silk Velvet at SI fiOperyard.Elegant Hues of Colored Sail ns, all lhe new saades,

at SI perElegant Bltck Velveteen at R(c per yard.All the new and delicate shades In Velveteens at

90c per yard.All the m-- shades ol Colored Silks, IHTc per yard.Magnlllcent Black Silks. 75c. SI. $1 25. SIOur Black Silks are almost ha. f tuey have sol J for

last year.Novelties 111 Biaok Silk and Worsted Goods.Trimmed Hals. s:t. 4, So, So. 5rt and ?10 flfty

Ir cent cheaer than at any previous time.Fresn Pattern Hats, to close, at oilglnal cost.New Black Silk Fringes opened.Kid Gloves at rlnc. SI, $1 26, 81 50 extraordinary

good and cheap.8 and Opera Kids opened.Corsets, 5()e. 75c. SI SI 25 very cheap.Cloaks, S4, S5. Srt. S7 '0.Kvtry new shade of Velvet extraordinary cheap.

Read, Ladies, Read!All of you who make and trim your own hats!

Millions of Feathers and Flowers!Cartons and Caitons of Fruit Flowers.Bronze Flowers.Small Bouquets, Long Sprays and Wreaths at 25c,

85c, 50. 75c. SI, SI 51', S2.Cartons and Cartons of rich and elegant F'eathers

Ostrich Tips In fifty dltlerent t hades. Tips,SO?; bunch of three, SI 25.

Paradise Feath-rs- , every shade, SI 50. S2. S3. EtcF'ancy Wings, from almost nominal values upward.New shapes and shades of Felt Hats.Overdress Patterns S2 50, S3, S4, J5 10 yards to

the pattern.

xoooNew Dress Patterns!

Sent to us by Mr. Kreuier, nowin .Vfvf York.

We can furnish sufficient BLACKSILK for Polonaise, together withF'Mige or Galloon, Buttons. Linings,and all the other Trimmings, very

elegant and beautiful, torS25, 880 and S35.

We can furnish sufllcient BLACKSILK for whole Costumes, togethervtith all the Trimming', Lining.Buttons, Fringes, Etc. (an elez t litsuit it will be), for S80, 840, 8.I0

Extraordinary cheap.

COLORED SILK. Fringes, Trim-mings, and everything wanted torthe while suit for S5. :ti, $:ir,

S40 a great bargain.

SILKS andVELVETSElegant in nnHty and Style, the Ma-

terial for the whole Costume 850.We can furnish very beautiful OVER-DRhS- S

PATTERNS, together withFrlngfs, Buttons, and all to match,

for S5, S7 fcO. S10. 812 50, 815.

With our facilities for catering to the tastes of thejieople of Memphis, and v. 1th our

Great Bargains!Which we received during the past few days, we

will astonish the community with our

Immense New StockAND


THIS WEEK!In our house w ill be the



Xililnery, Dress Goods, Cloak,Fancy lioods, Velvet ami Silk





traordin'ry Bargains1 N

Fancy Knickerbocker Dress Suitings at 1C 1- -2 eut.All-Wo- ol Flannels at 15 cents.Best Turkey Red Table Linen at 75 cents.Good Heavy Jeans at 15 cents.Heavy Brown Canton Flannels at 7 cents.Fast-Col- or Prints at 5 and 0 cents.Best quality 4-- 4 Bleached Muslin at 10 cents.New York Mills and Wamsutta Muslin at 12 1-- 2 c.ut..Fine Brown Muslin, wide, at 5 cents.Full-siz- e Heavy Felt Skirts at (10 cents.Fine quality 40-inc- h Black Cashmere at 00 tout.


Choice Goods in other Departm'tsAT


Wm. Frank &B. II. CAKBEItV.


Importers and Wholesale Liquor (Vferchants.

Kos. 347 Front street, Memphis, Tewn.W. A. WILLIAMS.


Lumber, Shingles andBOORS, SASH AND BLINDS.


Corner Gayoso aud Second Sts.3&qxxxx33Li.1s,

A IStationers and Booksellers!




279! Main St., Boyle & Chapman's Old Stand.Boyinc FOB CASH, me offer corresponding; Indueerarnts to rash purrhaaern.




BOOKS,special h'.rxest


Main Xrnn



lO.OCO bundle Iron Tie. COOO rollstieree llama, 1VOO DRilalrd. hbda.brl. Kflned

KOOA Wnrli Halt. pkya.Torotbar

CODsUnmeiitaof Cotton liberalnelia eonslMned

Co., 249 mmT1IOJ3AM CABKY

K. 1'L.AIX



North Front Street.Tonnosseo.




WHSKEY74 75 76 77,



000 barrels flaafIaru, lfr rank Bacon.tonar. barreia tVhUkr.toi:. mire.Set Slaekerel. 14MX pkt. Tehaee),

ltne Com tixta.advanoM made same, AU Cotton Insuredrxherwlne instructed.

Factors,11 Union Street, 3Ieisinhia.


Ghas. Herzog & m.316 and 31 6i Main Street.

200 Cases SCHOOL BOOKS, EXTRA CHEAPAS MANUKACTl RER3 OF STATIONERY. WRAPPlNti-KtPK- It PEWcan give law the trade. We carry lhe thaSouthwest, and wll extraordinarily We the Very 4heapet VrlnUasln tte cSSntry.

200 eases School I5ooks---Hpeei- nl liargains!C1IA. HEBZOG A BO.. 3ie-316t- g Kt. Ueiophi.

750 Brls. "Nelson Distillery" Fire-Copp- er









Wholesale Grocers and Gctton Factors,11 UNION HTCEX5T. HESPHW. TE.X


fOtut tieree KMi5'H Ha car. wi kr

54Mwith a fuJi

fV oucitnd. andtora .a to by river, nnloa





- - -



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