Fixed Prosthodontics II - 4th Lecture - SIUST, College of Dentistry

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Syrian International University, College of Dentistry, Fixed Prosthodontics Department.FPII, Lec. 4

Transcript of Fixed Prosthodontics II - 4th Lecture - SIUST, College of Dentistry

Fixed Prosthodontics II 4th Lecture

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Advantages & Disadvantages of Different Post Types

Custom-made Posts

A custom-made post can be cast from a direct pattern fabricated in the patient's mouth, or an indirect pattern can be fabricated in the dental laboratory. A direct technique using autopolymerizing or light-polymerized resin is recommended for single canals, whereas an indirect procedure is more appropriate for multiple canals.

Fixed Prosthodontics II 4th Lecture

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Direct Procedure

1. Lightly lubricate the canal and notch a loose fitting plastic dowel. It should extend to the full depth of the prepared canal.

2. Use the bead-brush technique to add resin to the dowel & seat it in the prepared canal. This should be done in two steps:

a. Add resin only to the canal orifice first. An alternative is to mix some resin and roll it into a thin cylinder.

b. This is introduced into the canal and pushed to place with the monomer-moistened plastic dowel.

3. Do not allow the resin to harden fully within the canal. Loosen and reseat it several times while it is still rubbery.

4. Once the resin has polymerized, remove the pattern. 5. Form the apical part of the post by adding additional resin and

reseating & removing the post, taking care not to lock it in the canal. 6. Identify any undercuts that can be trimmed away carefully with a

scalpel. The post pattern is complete when it can be inserted and removed easily without binding in the canal. Once the pattern has been made, additional resin or light-polymerized resin is added for the core. Pattern Fabrication with Thermoplastic Post

1. Fit the plastic rod to the prepared post space. Trim the rod until the bevel area is approximately 1.5 to 2 mm occlusal to the finish line for the core.

2. Lubricate the canal with a periodontal probe and petroleum jelly. 3. Heat the thermoplastic resin over a flame until the material turns clear,

or: Heat the resin in a low-temperature glue gunt. 4. Apply a small amount of the heated resin to the apical end of the rod

to cover two thirds of the anticipated length of the post pattern. 5. Fully insert the rod into the prepared post space. Lift after 5 to 10

seconds and reseat. Inspect the post pattern for completeness and remove any projections that result from undercuts in the canal with a scalpel blade.

6. For the direct technique, fabricate the core with conventional autopolymerizing resin using the brush-bead technique or syringe a light polymerized pattern resin (an easier technique).

7. If the indirect technique is preferred, pick up the pattern with an elastomeric impression material, which can be poured in the conventional manner. Soak the cast in warm water to help release the pattern. Reseat the post pattern and wax the core.

8. Invest and cast the post-and-core. Phosphate bonded investment is recommended because of its higher strength.

Fixed Prosthodontics II 4th Lecture

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Indirect Procedure Any elastomeric material will make an accurate impression of the root canal if wire reinforcement is placed to prevent distortion.

1. Cut pieces of orthodontic wire to length and shape them like the letter "J".

2. Verify the fit of the wire in each canal. It should fit loosely and extend to the full depth of the post space. If the fit is too tight, the impression material will strip away from the wire when the impression is removed.

3. Coat the wire with tray adhesive. If subgingival margins are present, tissue displacement may be helpful. Lubricate the canals to facilitate removal of the impression without distortion (die lubricant is suitable).

4. Using a lentulo spiral, fill the canals with elastomeric impression material. Before loading the impression syringe, verify that the lentulo will spiral material in an apical direction (clockwise). Pick up a small amount of material with the largest lentulo spiral that fits into the post space. Insert the lentulo with the handpiece set at low rotational speed to slowly carry material into the apical portion of the post space. Then increase handpiece speed and slowly withdraw the lentulo from the post space. This technique prevents the impression material from being dragged out. Repeat until the post space is filled.

5. Seat the wire reinforcement to the full depth of each post space, syringe in more impression material around the prepared teeth, and insert the impression tray.

6. Remove the impression, evaluate it & pour the working cast as usual. • NOTE: Access for waxing is generally adequate without

placement of dowel pins or sectioning of the cast.

7. In the laboratory, roughen a loose-fitting plastic post (a plastic toothpick is suitable) and, using the impression as a guide, make sure that it extends into the entire depth of the canal.

8. Apply a thin coat of sticky wax to the plastic post and, after lubricating the stone cast, add soft inlay wax in increments. Start from the most apical and make sure that the post is correctly oriented as it is seated to adapt the wax. When this post pattern has been fabricated, the wax core can be added and shaped.

9. Use the impression to evaluate the wax pattern.

Fixed Prosthodontics II 4th Lecture

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Plastic Filling Materials Advantages of Amalgam, Glass Ionomer, or Resin include:

1. Maximum tooth structure can be conserved because undercuts do not need to be removed.

2. Treatment requires one less patient visit. 3. There are fewer laboratory procedures. 4. Testing generally shows good resistance to fatigue testing and good

strength characteristics, possibly because of the good adaptation to tooth structure. However, these plastic restorative materials, especially the glass ionomers, have lower tensile strength than do cast metals.

Disadvantages include:

1. Long-term success may be affected by: a. Corrosion of amalgam cores. b. The low strength of glass ionomer. c. The continued polymerization and high thermal expansion

coefficients of composite resin cores. 2. Microleakage with temperature fluctuations (thermocycling) is

greater under composite resin and amalgam cores than under conventional crown preparations (however, the extent of leakage under cast cores has yet to be determined).

3. Difficulty may be encountered with certain operative procedures such as rubber dam or matrix application (particularly on badly damaged teeth).

Step-by-Step Procedure for Amalgam

1. Apply the rubber dam and remove gutta-percha from the pulp chamber as well as 2 to 4 mm into each root canal if less than 4 mm of coronal height remains. Use a warmed endodontic instrument.

2. Remove any existing restoration, undermined enamel, or carious or weakened dentin. Establish the cavity form using conventional principles of resistance and retention form. Even if cusps are missing, pins are not normally required because adequate retention can be gained by extending the amalgam into the root canals.

3. If you suspect that the floor of the pulp chamber is thin, protect it from condensing pressures with a cement base.

4. Fit a matrix band. Where lack of tooth structure makes the application of a conventional matrix system difficult, an orthodontic or annealed copper band may be used.

5. Condense the first increments of amalgam (select a material with high early strength) into the root canals with an endodontic plugger.

6. Fill the pulp chamber and coronal cavity in the conventional manner.

Fixed Prosthodontics II 4th Lecture

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7. Carve the alloy to shape. The impression can be made immediately. Alternatively, the amalgam can be built up to anatomic contour and later prepared for a complete crown. Under these circumstances, avoid forces that would fracture the tooth or newly placed restoration.

Pattern Fabrication with Autopolymerizing Resin

1. Use a prefabricated metal or custom acrylic resin post. 2. Add resin by the "bead" technique, dipping a small brush in monomer

and then into polymer and applying it to the post. Some experts recommend light-cured resin to facilitate this step.

3. Slightly overbuild the core and let it polymerize fully. 4. Shape the core with carbide finishing burs or paper disks. Use water

spray to prevent overheating of the acrylic resin. Correct any small defects with wax.

5. Remove the pattern; sprue and invest it immediately.

Fig. 4-1: Provisional restorations made for endodontically treated teeth by lining a polycarbonate crown with autopolymerizing resin. The post is made of metal wire (orthodontic wire or a paper clip).

EVALUATION The practitioner must be particularly careful that casting defects do not interfere with seating of the post; otherwise, root fracture will result. Post-&-cores should be inserted with gentle pressure. However, the marginal fit of a cast foundation is not as critical as that of other cast restorations, because the margins will be covered by the final casting. Air abrading the surface to a matte-type finish may help detect interferences at try-in. The shape of the foundation is evaluated and adjusted as necessary.

Fixed Prosthodontics II 4th Lecture

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No adjustments should be made immediately after cementation because vibration from the bur could fracture the setting cement and cause premature failure. CEMENTATION The luting agent must fill all dead space within the root canal system. Voids may be a cause of periodontal inflammation via the lateral canals. A rotary (lentulo) paste filler or cement tube is used to fill the canal with cement. The post-and-core is inserted gently to reduce hydrostatic pressure, which could cause root fracture.

è If a parallel-sided post is being used, a groove should be placed along the side of the post to allow excess cement to escape.


Occasionally an existing post-and-core must be removed (e.g. for re-treatment of a failed root canal filling). Patients must understand in advance that post removal is a risky process and occasionally results in radicular fracture. If sufficient length of post is exposed coronally, the post can be retrieved with thin-beaked forceps. Vibrating the post first with an ultrasonic sealer will weaken brittle cement and facilitate removal. A thin sealer tip or special post removal tip is recommended. Although histological examination with animal models shows no harmful effect in the periodontal tissues, ultrasonic removal is slower than other methods and may result in an increased number of canal & intra-dentin cracks. Alternatively, a post puller can be used. This device consists of a vise to grip the post and legs that bear on the root face. A screw activates the vise and extracts the post. A post that has fractured within the root canal cannot be removed with a post puller or forceps. The post can be drilled out, but great care is needed to avoid perforation. The technique is best limited to relatively short fractured posts. Another means of handling an embedded fractured post (described by Masserann" in 1966) uses special hollow end-cutting tubes (or trephines) to prepare a thin trench around the post. This technique has shown success. Retrieval can be facilitated by using an adhesive to attach a hollow tube extractor or by using a threaded extractor.

Edited By:

Noor Al-Deen M. Al-Khanati