Five Shitty Mistakes

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Five Shitty Mistakes

Ffiveshitty mistakes Elina Uutela

Ice Breaker Event 224.1., Mikkeli

1lackof focus Focus is about saying no. In entrepreneurship

societies it’s pretty easy to organize absolutely everything people come up with. Don’t do that.

2wrongtarget group You don’t do this for media or society. You do this

for yourselves, startups and entrepreneurially minded folks.

3beingtoo proud Remember to stay humble, keep on learning and

know that before you’ve actually been a part of a startup, you know pretty much nothing.

(Being too humble is a common problem as well.)

4anyonewill do Keep your community open, but kick out the people

who don’t deliver. People are the heart and soul of ES activities, and if they suck, everything sucks.

5not investing in people No rewards. No salary. Show people who have

potential that they’re trusted and they want to pay back to community.

/do yourhomework

Work your ass off. Do some research. Get to know the topics you talk about. You learn best by doing. Show people you put in effort.

Ai'm done.thank you. Elina Uutela