Fit to be Tied. Introductory Thoughts Happy and successful marriages do not just happen. Many things...

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Transcript of Fit to be Tied. Introductory Thoughts Happy and successful marriages do not just happen. Many things...

Fit to be Tied

Introductory Thoughts

Happy and successful marriages do not just happen.

Many things contribute to a successful marriage.

Many rush into marriage with less selectivity than they would give to buying a second-hand car or a new coat.

In this lesson I hope to impress on the single the importance of making a wise choice in a companion for life, and will also encourage the married couples to seek the happiness that God intended for them to enjoy.

Are You Ready?

One must be prepared for marriage.

Am I ready for this lifelong commitment?Am I ready to make adjustments to make this marriage work?

The real challenge is to think before you act.Proverbs 12:4

Are You Ready?

Ten Signs of Immaturity that Lead to Marriage Failure

Inability to compromiseCruelty, either physical or mental

Self-pityCompulsive revenge-taking

Excuse and self-defenseViolent quarreling

Lack of a sense of responsibilityMisuse of authority

Scorn for religious motivationDependence on feelings alone

Does this Person Believe in God?

You must understand that your spiritual stability is on the line.

Do they believe there is a God?Are they prepared to do their best to obey the will of God?If not, then you will be marrying a fool – Psalm 14:1.

Can such a mate really give you the genuine spiritual encouragement that you need in such a situation?

Has There Been a Prior Marriage?

Is the person an eligible marriage partner?

A person never married before.A person who has divorced their mate for fornication.A person whose mate died.

If you choice of a mate fails to meet one of these qualifications, you must:

STOP and go no further.

Are they a Faithful Member of the Church?

Just being a member of the church is not enough.

Will they attend all services with you?Will they encourage to study?Will they ensure your soul’s salvation?

Studies have shown that marrying someone who is not a faithful member of the church will struggle in their


Are you Selecting based on Outward Looks?

Physical beauty will last as long as “Father Time” is merciful.

The most adorable will lose their youth beauty – 1 Peter 3:3-6.

Let someone love you for you without placing too much emphasis on outward, fleeting beauty.

Concluding Thoughts

Man’s happiness for this life and especially for the life to come, depends upon the correct application of these

Bible principles.

Such an important decision as marriage should receive thought and preparation.

Two individuals who have been taught the will of God, and who are determined to follow his teaching in love, can build a beautiful home that will be a joy to all who behold it.