Fish seed transportation

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Fish seed transportation



Transport of hatchlings, fry and fingerlings of cultivable species is a common necessity in aquaculture. Generally the fry trading season starts in April and continues until the end of September in Bangladesh. Nevertheless, mortality is the major problem of our traditional transportation system of fish fry. In Bangladesh, fish seed production hatcheries are typically situated far away from fish rearing ponds. . The traditional fish seed transportation methods result in heavy mortality due to accumulation of toxic wastes such as ammonia, decrease in pH due to increase of carbon dioxide (CO2), depletion of oxygen in the water, thermal tolerance hyperactivity, stress and tiredness of the fry and infection contracted during transportation.

DESCRIPTION OF MY JOURNEY:I went to Jessore to purchase 2 kg fish seed at 14th instant. I bought 2 kg fish seed from Rupali fish hatchery in Jessore. The distance of Jessore to Gazipur is approximately 350 km away. I went there by train. I started from Jaydebpur railway station at 7.30 pm by CHITRA express. I reached there at 7.00 am, 15th instant. Then I went to Rupali fish hatchery which is located in Chachra. Then I introduced to hafez Sheikh Mejbah Uddin, the director of the hatchery. Then I told him about my requirement of fish

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seed. The price of fish seed is 2000 to 3000Tk in case of Indian major carp. I have bought 2 kg fish seed. Approximately 2 kg fish seed contain 6-8 lakhs fry.

Though I went to Jessore by train but while I returned with fish seed, I used microbus. Because in microbus, it is very easy to maintain intensive care of fish fry. I used one microbus. In microbus, I used 20 polybags for fry where each polybag contains 100 gm fish fry where 3 parts oxygen and 1 part water is used in each polybag.

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Fig 1.1: 20 polybags; I used for seed transportation.


Transportation early in the morning is better (Cool Hour). The water used in transportation should be cool and clean.

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Number of fish seeds per transportation unit should be maintained, over number may lead to death of fishes.

Oxygen packing is the best method of transportation. Anesthetics can be used while transportation to minimize the

metabolic activities of the fish seeds. Thereby, excretion of the nitrogenous compounds can be avoided.

Care should be taken so that no direct sunlight falls in the packing bags during transportation.

The seed packing bags should be covered with the wet gunny bags. So that, temperature of the seed packing bags will be maintained low.

If the transporting distance is long, glucose powder can be added to the seed packing bags.


Live-transport of fish seed and brooders entail handling often involving chasing with or without net, catching and transfer from the nursery/farm ponds to the equilibration (conditioning) system and thence to the transport container.

The stress of this pre-transport handling can itself be high, sometimes causing injury and immediate death; the stress of transport itself can be distinguished from the handling stress.

The severity of the transport stress would depend on the duration of transport and the physic-chemical characteristics of the medium/containers of transport.

The physiological effects of handling including hyperactivity can be mentioned first.

Depending on the severity of handling the effects can last over a day even.

Hyperactivity or increased physical activity and handling and concomitant excitement cause immediate depletion of the labile energy store in muscle, namely glycogen, mostly through the anaerobic pathway leading to the production of excess lactic acid.

The lactic acid causes acidosis and consequent lowering of pH, which results in the liberation of CO2. The acidic pH and increased pCO2 in blood would cause reduced loading of oxygen in the blood (Bohr and Root effects), which would seriously impair the energy yielding mechanism of the fish and can cause collapse of the fish.

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Fig 1.2: Effects of handling/transport on fish

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CAUSES OF MORTALITY DURING FISH SEED TRANSPORTATION:Several factors, as those given below, may be responsible for mortality of fish in transport:

Depletion of dissolved oxygen in ambient water due to the respiration of fish and also due to oxidation of any organic matter (BOD load), including excreted waste of the fish, by micro-organisms.

Accumulation of free carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting from respiration, and ammonia (NH3) as excretory end product.

Sudden fluctuations in temperature. Hyperactivity and stress due to handling and ‘confined space’ -

these result in lactate accumulation and affect again lessening of blood oxygen capacity and also ‘fatigue collapse’

Ion-osmotic imbalance due to stress. Physical injury due to handling before transport and during

transport. Diseases.

CONDITIONING OF FISH SEED BEFORE TRANSPORTATION:Conditioning is a process in which Spawn, fry and older fish for long transportation have to be prepared or conditioned. The fish seed and brood fish are kept starving usually in a cloth ‘hapa’ or other containers in a quiet corner of the fish pond or in relatively quiet water in a canal or river for a period of time before transferring them to the transport carrier.

PERIOD OF CONDITIONING:The period of conditioning depends on the size and health of the fish seed. Fry need 48 to 72 hours of conditioning.

CONDITIONING CONTAINERS: Various types of conditioning containers are used:

Boxes made of wire meshes. Bamboo or cane wicker work. Barrels or boats with perforated bottoms.

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Temporary enclosures made of netting or bamboo matting, cloth ‘hapa’ etc.


The advantages of conditioning are:

The fish become used to confined condition. The fish are less excited and thus restrained in expenditure of

energy. The fish recover from the handling effect of capture - increased

blood lactate level and decreased blood pH become normal - excited high metabolic rates (O2 consumption, CO2 production, N-excretion) become normal.

The fish recover from minor injury - mucus loss etc. - Ion-osmotic balance upset by handling becomes normal.

Gut evacuation takes place and during the period of transport the medium is not further contaminated by fecal matter.

Since the fish are starved there is exhaustion of available glycogen and this considerably reduces the chance for accumulation of high amount of lactic acid in blood during transport and consequent acidosis and collapse as explained earlier.

METHODS OF PACKING AND TRANSPORT ATION: Transport carriers are of two types: (a) open system comprising open carriers, with or without artificial aeration/oxygenation/water circulation and (b) closed system having sealed air tight carriers with oxygen.

OPEN SYSTEM : The simplest transport carrier is the earthen vessel, such as the traditional “Hundi” used in Bengal in India. Open packing system for transport of fish seed is going out of fashion mainly because it involves continuous vigilance and frequent renewal of water during long journeys. Galvanized iron drums of 180 L capacity, and open canvas containers (1 m × 1 m × 1.25 m) have been used successfully in transporting breeders. The galvanized iron drums are provided with an opening of 48 cm × 30 cm along the main body of the container for introduction of fingerlings and

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larger fish. The drums is often lined inside with foam rubber to avoid injury to the buffeting fish during transport. Recently plastic pools (250 liters and other sizes) have also been used for transporting fish.

ADVANTAGES: It is cheap & easier method. Equipment are locally available. It keeps water cool for long time. No need to supply oxygen from outside. It is more suitable for large fish.

DISADVANTAGES: Relatively less amount of fish can be transported. Needs close observation. Not suitable for large distance. Not suitable for small fishes. Mortality rate is high.

CLOSED SYSTEM: In this system the water surface is exposed to compressed air or pure oxygen introduced to fill the zone over the water surface in the carriers which are sealed air-tight Sealed metal containers, rubber and plastic bags have been used for the purpose. In a metal container of galvanized iron (45 × 35 × 35 cm) with two airtight openings, one to let in oxygen and other to let out water, 100 – 200 fingerlings of 7 – 10 cm, or 30 – 40 fingerlings of 13 – 20cm length, can be transported for a journey of 12 hours. Eighteen liter tins with airtight screw-capped lids for filling and provided with tubes for drawing in oxygen and letting out water, have been used in CIFRI, Barrack pore, for transporting 1000 fry of 1 – 2 cm length during a 20-hour journey.

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Fig 1.3: Procedure of closing the bottom end of a polyethylene sleeve.

Fig 1.4: Sealed plastic containers

A. Container volume 25 liters, the oxygen-inlet valve is built in the screw cap;

B. Container volume 50–150 liters, vertical plastic pipe keeps water at the required level.

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Fig 1.5: Specialized tank

TRANSPORTATION IN POLYETHYLENE BAGS: This is one of the most widespread method for egg, fry and

fingerling transportation. Sometimes plastic bags are used also for brood fish transportation.

For eggs and newly hatched fry bags of 0.04 mm thickness, and for fingerling bags of 0.06–0.08 mm thickness are recommended.

For transportation of fish bigger than fingerling, plastic bags of 0.1–0.15 mm thickness are preferred.

To avoid sharp increasing of water temperature in plastic bags some ice (packed in small plastic bag, and placed in the transportation bag) can be used. For an average size plastic bag 200–500 ml of water should be frozen.

At 27–28°C water temperature about 10 g oxygen is necessary for 2–4 hours transportation of 100–200 thousand eggs. For a very long transportation (2–3 day) larvae should be packed soon after hatching.

Newly hatched fry can survive such a period without difficulties, consuming their own yolk. Quantity of oxygen necessary for 3 days transport of 5–10 000 fry is 10 g.

Numbers of feeding larvae transported in plastic bags by Bangladeshi fish culturist are: For long distance transportation (for

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7–8 hours) 125 g feeding fry (about 50 000) are packed in standard bag of 80–90 × 40–50 cm. For short transportation, loading is about 200 g (80–90 000). Loading of plastic bags for silver carp and catla is less, about 80%.

Fig 1.6: Procedure of filling the bag with water, stocking with the fish, displacing the air, introducing oxygen and closing the upper end.

In any carrier system the factors which basically determine successful transport of fish are:

Total biomass of fish to be transported. The rate of utilization of oxygen. Initial oxygen content of water carried. The rate of entry of oxygen into the system. The rate of accumulation of harmful excretory wastes, especially

CO2 and NH3 and capacity of the system to remove

OXYGEN REQUIREMENT : Oxygen requirement of fish ranges from 100–1100 mg/kg/hours. Oxygen consumption is not a standard value. It depends largely on fish species, size of fish, physiological condition of individual and on several environmental factors.

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In general, oxygen consumption

grows with the increase of water temperature, decreases with weight of fish, at majority of warm-water species decreases with decreasing

oxygen saturation of ambient water, increases sharply after food consumption, significantly higher at stressed fish, and depends on physiological status of fish

With the increase or decrease of 10°C water temperature oxygen consumption duplicates or decreases to 50 percent.

USE OF CHEMICALS IN LIVE FISH TRANSPORT: Drugs and chemicals are either used as tranquilizers and sedatives or as antiseptics and antibiotics. General listing of anesthetics for fish has been given by several workers Sedatives are generally used for:

Reducing metabolic rates, mainly oxygen consumption and excretion of carbon dioxide and ammonia.

Reducing excitability of fish and injury, and Convenience in handling fish.

DOSAGES OF DRUGS USED : Different drugs have been studied for use as anesthetic for transport of fish. They are

Sodium amytal, Chloral hydrate, Tertiary amyl alcohol Tricaine methane sulphonate (MS 222 Sandox), Urethane, Hydroxy quinaldine, Amobarbital sodium Barbital sodium etc.


Dissolve oxygen level in transporting water reduces and Carbon dioxide level increases.

Due to metabolic activity of fishes the concentration of ammonia, urea and uric acid etc increase in the water, hence fish gets stress.

If transportation is done in high density it may lead to mortality of fish due stress of oxygen.

If transportation is done in improper vessels, physical damage of fishes may occur.

RECOMMENDATION: To remove the toxic ammonia from the media to safeguard the

seedlings from the mortality, the absorbent is added which can reduce 50 % of ammonia for 24 hours transportation

All the containers and accessories used in handling and transportation should be very clean

Generally fingerlings intended for transportation should so as to avoid the damage to the scales and fins

Stop feeding fish 24 to 48 hours prior to transporting Avoid overcrowding and suffocation.

STOCKING OF SEED AFTER TRANSPORTATION:After bringing of my fish seed I have stocked them in my pond. I have prepared 2 pond before I went to Jessore. The area of each pond is 10 decimal. I stocked 1 kg fry in each pond. Before releasing the seeds I have conditioned them by putting the poly bags in stocking pond for several minutes. Then I have released them in my pond.

REARING OF FRY IN NURSERY POND:After releasing of fry in pond, most important thing is the feed. Feed I used for rearing of fry:

1st one or two days I gave wheat bran and boiled egg yolk. For 1 kg fry I used 1.5 fold wheat bran per kg body weight & 7-8 egg yolk. Egg yolk and wheat bran is used for 7 days.

Then I used mustered oil cake for 6 to 9 days. After that I used mustered oil cake and rice bran for another 10-12

days at 10 fold of body weight.

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Last 12 to 15 days I used mustered oil cake and nursery feed at same ratio.

After 45 days fry grew up to fingerling stage then I sold the fingerling to an aqua culturist.

COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS:Here is a table showing the cost of seed transportation and rearing:

SL EVENT OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT01. Journey ( to Jessore + fry transport) 8000/=

02. Pond Preparation 3000/=03. Feed cost 40000/=

04. Labor cost 5000/=05. Others 5000/=

Total 61000/=

The mortality estimated after fry rearing is 50%. So among 8 lakhs seed approximately 4 lakhs are survived. I sold the fingerlings to an aqua culturist without the help of any middleman. I sold each fingerling for .5 taka. So after selling 4 lakhs fingerlings I got 2 lakhs taka.

SL EVENT OF EARNING AMOUNT01. Selling of fingerlings 200000/=

Here is a final table showing my benefit:



61,000/= 2,000,00/= 1,39,000/=

Here is a pie diagram showing my cost, earn and benefit:

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Cost Benefit Analysis


CONCLUSION:As a fisheries student we me must have given special emphasis on fish seed transportation. If we can minimize the mortality of seed during transportation we will get much profit by producing fish. During transportation all the preventive and necessary measure should be taken. By maintaining every steps carefully I am benefitted economically by selling the fish seed.


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1. Bell, G. R. 1964. A guide to the properties, characteristics and uses of some general anesthetics for fish. Fisheries Res. Board of Can. Bull.

2. Berka, R. 1986. The transport live fish. A review. EIFAC Tech.

3. Durve, V. S. 1975. Anesthetics in the transport of fisht seed. Aquaculture

4. Durve, V. S., A. K. Dharma Raja, 1974. Effects of anesthetic on the behavior of mullet fingerlings and the scope of using these in different fishery procedures - I.J.Mar. Biol. Assoc.

5. . McFarland, W.N. 1960. The use of anesthetics for the handling and the transport of fishes. Calif

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