fish id project

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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facts about marine and freshwater fish and marine and freshwater invertebretes

Transcript of fish id project

        Fish Species Identification  


Title: Freshwater Fishes Species #: 51

Common Name: Largemouth Bass

Scientific Name: Micropterus salmoides

Class: Actinogypterii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Centraarchidae

Genus: Micropterus

Species: salmoides

Geography / Habitat: lakes and ponds in the U.S

Life Strategy: lives among weeds and near murky areas in the water

Food / Feed Strategy: dashes out of weeds and hiding places to catch fish

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Largemouth Bass/ Micropterus salmoides

Body Form or Style: streamline body with large mouth

                                                                                             ‐ 51 ‐ 

Swim/Locomotion Style: moves its tail back and forth to power through the water

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Fishes Species #: 52

Common Name: Black crappie

Scientific Name: Pomoxis nigromaculatus

Class: Actinogypterii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrearchidae

Genus: Promoxis

Species: nigromaculatus

Geography / Habitat: all of the lower 48 states

Life Strategy:

Food / Feed Strategy:

                                                                                             ‐ 52 ‐ 


Common Name/ Scientific Name: Black crappie / Pomoxis nigromaculatus

Body Form or Style:

Swim/Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position:

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Fishes Species #: 53

Common Name: Bluefish

Scientific Name: Pomatomus saltatrix

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Pomatomidae

Genus: Pomatomus

Species: P. saltatrix

                                                                                             ‐ 53 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat:

Life Strategy:

Food / Feed Strategy:

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Bluefish / Pomatomus saltatrix

Body Form or Style:

Swim/Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position:

Fish Species Identification 


                                                                                             ‐ 54 ‐ 

Title: Freshwater Fishes Species #: 54

Common Name: Brook trout

Scientific Name: Salvelinus fontinalis

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Salmoniformes

Family: Salmonidae

Genus: Salvelinus

Species: S.fontinalis

Geography / Habitat:

Life Strategy:

Food / Feed Strategy:

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Brook trout / Salvelinus fontinalis

Body Form or Style:

Swim/Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position:

                                                                                             ‐ 55 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Fishes Species #: 55

Common Name: Bluegill

Scientific Name: Lepomis macrochirus

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Genus: Lepomis

Species: L. macrochirus

Geography / Habitat:

Life Strategy:

Food / Feed Strategy:

                                                                                             ‐ 56 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Bluegill / Lepomis macrochirus

Body Form or Style:

Swim/Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position:

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Fishes Species #: 56

Common Name: Jack Dempsey

Scientific Name: Rocio octofasciata

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Cichlidae

Genus: Rocio

Species: R. octofasciata

                                                                                             ‐ 57 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat:

Life Strategy:

Food / Feed Strategy:

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Jack Dempsey / Rocio octofasciata

Body Form or Style:

Swim/Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position:

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Fishes Species #: 57

Common Name: Siamese fighting fish

                                                                                             ‐ 58 ‐ 

Scientific Name: Betta splendens

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Osphronemidae

Genus: Betta

Species: B. splendens

Geography / Habitat:

Life Strategy:

Food / Feed Strategy:

Common Name/ Scientific Name:

Body Form or Style:

Swim/Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position:

                                                                                             ‐ 59 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Fishes Species #: 58

Common Name: Nishikigoi

Scientific Name: Cyprinus carpio haematopterus

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Cypriniformes

Family: Cyprinidae

Genus: Cyprinus

Species: C.carpio

Geography / Habitat:

Life Strategy:

Food / Feed Strategy:

                                                                                             ‐ 60 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientifi

c Name:

n Style:


Fish Species Identification

Body Form or Style:


Mouth Positio


Species #: 59


er vitreus glaucus


Title: Freshwater Fishes

Common Name: Blue Walleye (Blue Pik

Scientific Name: Sand

Class: Actinopterygii mes

Order: Percifor

Family: Percidae

Genus: Sander

Species: S. vitreus

Geography / Habitat:

Food / Feed Strategy:

Life Strategy:

                                                                                             ‐ 61 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name:

Body Form or Style:

Swim/Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position:

Fish Species Identification


Title: Freshwater Fishes Species #: 60

Common Name: Carp

Scientific Name:

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Cypriniformes

Family: Cyprinidae



Geography / Habitat:

                                                                                             ‐ 62 ‐ 

Life Strategy:

Food / Feed Strategy:

                           Common Name/ Scientific Name:

Body Form or Style:

Swim/Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position:

                                                                                             ‐ 63 ‐ 

                                                                                             ‐ 64 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species #: 1

Common Name: Hammerhead Shark

Scientific Name: Sphyrna mokarran

Class: Chondrichytes

Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Sphyrnidae

Genus: Sphyrna

Species: Great Hammerhead

Geography / Habitat: Inhabits warm coastal areas and continental shelfs.

Life Strategy: As with other hammerhead sharks, great hammerheads are viviparous: once the developing

young use up their supply of yolk, the yolk sac is transformed into a structure analogous to a mammalian

placenta. Unlike most other sharks, which mate on or near the sea bottom, great hammerheads have been

observed mating near the surface

Food / Feed Strategy:

                                                                                             ‐ 65 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Great Hammerhead/ Sphyrna mokarran

Body Form or Style: Head shaped like a hammer with curvaceous body and sickle like tail.

Swim/Locomotion Style: Swims by moving its tail back and forth along with bits body.

Mouth Position: inferior

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species #: 2

Common Name: Northern Blue fin tuna

Scientific Name: Thunnus thynnus

Class: Actinopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Scombridae

Genus: Thunnus

Species: T. thynnus

Geography / Habitat: western and eastern Atlantic ocean ,and meditarranean.

                                                                                             ‐ 66 ‐ 

Life Strategy: They group together when they spawn for protection

Food / Feed Strategy: They hunt for small invertebrates such as sardines and herrings.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Northern Blue fin tuna/ Thunnus Thynnus

Body Form or Style: : Streamline body with a bony ridge on the back.

Swim/Locomotion Style:

Mouth Position: Terminal

Fish Species Identification 

Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

#: 3

Common Name: Blue Whale

Scientific Name: Balaenoptara musculus

Class: Mammalia Order: cetacea

                                                                                             ‐ 67 ‐ 

Family: Balaenopteridae

Genus: Balaenoptara

Species: B.musculus

Geography / Habitat: Worldwide oceans

Life Strategy: They mate from late autumn to the end of winter. Not much else is known.

Food / Feed Strategy: They open their enormous mouths and suck in massive amounts of water while using

their baleen to filter krill from the water.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Blue Whale/ Balaenoptara musculus.

Body Form or Style: U shaped head with a torpedo like body.

Swim/Locomotion Style: The whale moves its tail up and down to move forward while using their

pectoral fins to steer.

Mouth Position: Terminal

                                                                                             ‐ 68 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification 

ishes Species #: 4




Title: Saltwater / Marine F

Common Name: Remora

Scientific Name: Brac

Class: Actnoperygii

Order: Perciform

Family: Echeneidae Genus: Echeneis


Geography / Habitat:

Life Strategy: They cling to other larger fish and in exchange for protection clean off harmful parasites

ood / Feed Strategy: They clean off larger fish and eat their parasites.


Common Name/ Scientific Name: Remora

                                                                                             ‐ 69 ‐ 

Body Form or Style: Flattened body along the top with a strange sucker type organ on top of the



oral fins to hover above the bottom then use their

ils to move.

outh Position: superior

Fish Species Identification

Swim/Locomotion Style: They use their pect





nticiirhus americanus


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

#: 5

Common Name: King croakers

Scientific Name: Me


Order: Perciformes

Family: Sciaenidae

Genus: Menticirrhus

Species: americanus

Geography / Habitat: coastal waters around the U.S

Life Strategy: usually mate in springtime with free spawn areas.

trategy: Eats sand fleas and shrimp.

Food / Feed S

                                                                                             ‐ 70 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name: King Croaker/ Menticirrhus americanus

Body Form or Style: smooth body with rigged fins

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail fins to move and pectorals to steer.

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

#: 6

Common Name: Great White Shark

Scientific Name: Carcharadon Carcharias

Class: Chondrichytes

Order: Lamniformes

Family: Lamnidae

Genus: Carcharadon

Species: Carcharias

Geography / Habitat: Warm coastal waters worldwide.

Life Strategy: Not much is know about mating and they have no predators as they are apex predators.

                                                                                             ‐ 71 ‐ 

Food / Feed Strategy: They use bursts of great speed to ram and bite their prey.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Great White/ Carcharadon Carcharius

Body Form or Style: Torpedo shaped body

Swim/Locomotion Style: Uses its large tailfin to move forward and uses its pectoral fins to ssteer.

Mouth Position: Terminal

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

#: 7

Common Name: Bull Shark

Scientific Name: Carcharhinus leucas

                                                                                             ‐ 72 ‐ 

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharindae

Genus: Carcharhinus


Geography / Habitat: coastal warm waters

Life Strategy: give birth in late summer and early autumn.

Food / Feed Strategy: They will eat almost anything

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Bull shark/CarCharihinus leucas

Body Form or Style: streamline body

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses tailfin to move and pectoral fin to steer.

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species #: 8

                                                                                             ‐ 73 ‐ 

Common Name:lionfish

Scientific Name: pterois antennata

Class: Actinoptergii

Order: Scorpaeniformes

Family: Scorpaenidae

Genus: Pteroinae

Species: Pterios

Geography / Habitat: tropical and sub tropical regions.

Life Strategy: They use their venomous barbs to protect themselves from predators.

Food / Feed Strategy: They drift with the current pretending to be weeds and then strike unsuspecting


Common Name/ Scientific Name: Lionfish/ pterios antennata

Body Form or Style: Football shaped body line with spines on along the back.

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail and fins to thrust forward and turn.

                                                                                             ‐ 74 ‐ 

Mouth Position: Terminal

Fish Species Identification



Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

hipron Ocellaris



#: 9

Common Name: Clown Fish

Scientific Name: Amp

Class: Actongypterii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Pomacentridae Genus:


Species: A.akindynos

Geography / Habitat: Barrier Reef

Life Strategy: They hide among anemones to protect themselves from predators

Food / Feed Strategy: They feed on zooplankton and algae that live on the coral reef.

                                                                                             ‐ 75 ‐ 

i Name: Clown fi

Body Form or Style: Round body with short fins.

Swim/Locomotion Style:

il back and forth to move and uses its pectorals to steer.

Fish Species Id n

Common Name/ Scientif c sh/ A. akyndinos

Mouth Position: Moves the ta


itle: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

: 10




Common Name: Gaff-topsail Catfish

Scientific Name: Bagre marinus

Class: Actnopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Ariidae Genus: Bagre

Species: B.marinus

                                                                                             ‐ 76 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: Caribbean gulf of Mexico and Atlantic.

Life Strategy: They love along the oceans sandy bottom using their spines to ward off predators.

Food / Feed Strategy: They use short bursts of speed to surprise unsuspecting prey.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Gaff-topsail catfish/ B.marinus

oun w th spin on the orsal an pectora

Swim/Locomotion Style:Uses its tail to move and uses its pectorals to steer.


Fish Species Identification

Body Form or Style: Flat head, r d body i es d d l fins.

Mouth Position: term



                                                                                             ‐ 77 ‐ 

Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species #: 11


Common Name: Black drum

Scientific Name: Pogonias cromus

AC ctnopterygii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Sciaenidae

Genus: Pogonias

Species: P.cromis

Geography / Habitat: Commonly found in brackish waters near estuaries.

Life Strategy: Mostly mate in spring and have free spawn areas with no defense mechanism.

ood / Feed Strategy: They feed on small shrimp and crustaceans.


Body Form or Style: Large head with big front that slims down to a small tail area.

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail fin to move and pectorals to steer.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Black Drum/ Pogonais cromus

                                                                                             ‐ 78 ‐ 

Mouth Position: Terminal.

Fish Species Identification


itle: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

#: 12

Common Name: Red drum

Scientific Name: Sciaenops oceallatus




Actinoptygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Sciaenidae

Genus: Sciaenops


Geography / Habitat: bays and coastal marshes.

Life Strategy: They spawn during the spring and females can lay up to 2 million eggs.

Food / Feed Strategy: They feed on small crustaceans and shrimp.

                                                                                             ‐ 79 ‐ 


on Name/ Scientific Name: Red drum/ Sciaenops oceallatus

Body Form or Style: Round head with small tail area.

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail fin to move and pectoral fins to steer.


Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species #: 13

Common Name: Puffer fish

Scientific Name: tetraodontidae

Class: Actinogypterii

Order: Tetradontiformes

Family: Tetraodontidae Genus: Tetraodontidae


pecies: Fugu

Geography / Habitat: pacific ocean

                                                                                             ‐ 80 ‐ 

Life Strategy: they puff up and expand their spikes to protect themselves from predators.

o d all crustaceans and shrimp

F o / F ed Strategy: they feed on sme

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Fugu/ Tetraodontidae

Style: round body that expand

Swim/Locomotion Style: move forward waving its tail


Fish Species Identification

Body Form or

to simulate a ball

Mouth Position: t



itle: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

Common Name: Whale shark


#: 14

                                                                                             ‐ 81 ‐ 

Scientific Name: Rhinocodon typus

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Orectolobiformes

Family: Rhinocodontidae

Genus: Rhinocodon

Species: typus

Geography / Habitat: worldwide

Life Strategy: no natural predators and they seldom mate

Food / Feed Strategy: open their mouths and filter krill out of the water using their baleen.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Whale shark/ Rhinocodon typus

Swim/Locomotion Style: moves its tail back and forth to move

Mouth Position: terminal

Body Form or Style: long bloated body with spots

                                                                                             ‐ 82 ‐ 


Fish Species   

Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

: 15

Common Name: mako shark

Scientific Name: isurus oxyrinchus

Class: chondrichthyes

Order: Lamniformes



Family: lamnidae

Genus: isurus

Species: oxyrinchus

Geography / Habitat: world wide

Life Strategy: apex predator and mates every 3 years

Food / Feed Strategy: uses quick bursts of speed to run down prey.

                                                                                             ‐ 83 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Short fin mako/ isurus oxyrinchus

treamline body with white and blue shading.

il to move

Mouth Position: terminal

Body Form or Style: s

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its ta

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

#: 16

Common Name: Nurse shark


lass: Chondrichytes

Order: Orectolobiformes

Scientific Name: Ginglymostoma c


Family: Ginglymostomotidae Genus: Ginglymostooma

Species: cirratum

Geography / Habitat: waters around North America and South America.

Life Strategy: they lay at the bottom of the ocean floor in groups of 40 under crevices until night.

                                                                                             ‐ 84 ‐ 

Food / Feed Strategy: they eat crustaceans and mollusks

Scientific Name: nurse shark/ ginglymostooma cirratum

Style: streamline body with 2 small wh

otion Style: uses its tail to move

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification

Common Name/

Body Form or isker on the head

Swim/Locom through the water



Species #: 17

Common Name: Basking shark

Scientific Name: Cetorhinus maximus

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Lamniformes

Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

Family: Cetorhindae

Genus: Cetorhinus

Species: C. maximus

                                                                                             ‐ 85 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: cold waters world wide

Life Strategy: they mate every couple of years with no natural predators

Food / Feed Strategy: they are filter feeders and usually eat krill

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Basking shark/ Cetorhinus maximus

m or Style large rounded body with

Swim/Locomotion Style:uses its giant tail move around in the ocean

ition: terminal

Fish Species Identification

Body For a long snout

Mouth Pos



itle: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

#: 18


                                                                                             ‐ 86 ‐ 

Common Name: Swordfish

Scientific Name: Xiphias gladius

Class: Actinogypterii es

Order: Perciform

Family: Xiphidae Genus: Xiphias

Species: X. gladius

Geography / Habitat: world wide

Life Strategy: they use their incredible speed to escape from predators and mate in the spring

Food / Feed Strategy: they slash at their food with their elongated nose and eat them.

Common Name/ Scientif

Body Form or Style: streamline body with a powerful tail.

ic Name: Sword fish/ Xiphias gladius

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its powerful to power through the water

Mouth Position: terminal

                                                                                             ‐ 87 ‐ 

ies Identification

Fish Spec  


: 19

Common Name: Sailfish

Scientific Name: Istiophorus platypterus



Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes


Actinogypterii Order: Perciformes

Family: Istiophoridae Genus: Istiophorus


pecies: platypterus

Geography / Habitat: world wide warm waters

Life Strategy: they flash their sails to distract fish and to confuse prey.

Food / Feed Strategy: they raise their sails to intimidate prey and then dash in to eat them.

                                                                                             ‐ 88 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientif us

Body Form or Style: streamline body with huge sail on its back

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its powerful tail to thrust through water

Fish Species Identification

ic Name: Sail fish/ istiophorus platypter

Mouth Position: terminal



Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

ommon Name: stonefish

Scientific Name: Synanceia horrida


#: 20



Order: Scorpaenformes

Family: Synancidae

Genus: Synanceia

Species: S. horrida

Geography / Habitat: warm temperate waters

                                                                                             ‐ 89 ‐ 

Life Strategy: hides among rocks from predators using its camouflage.

Food / Feed Strategy: they burst out of their camouflaged spot and swallow their prey.

Body Form or Style: round rough body line with poisonous spines

tyle: uses its large pectorals fins to swim around and steady itself

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification

Common Name/ Scientific Name: stonefish/Synanceia horrida

Swim/Locomotion S



Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

ommon Name: Blue shark

#: 21


                                                                                             ‐ 90 ‐ 

Scientific Name: Prionace glauca

Class: chondrichthyes

Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Genus: Prionace

Species: glauca

Geography / Habitat: world wide

Life Strategy: they are the apex predators and mate periodically

s prey and uses its powerful jaws to crush it.

Food / Feed Strategy: dashes after it

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Blue shar

Body Form or Style: streamline body

otion Style: uses its tail to move it through the water

Mouth Position: terminal

k/ Prionace glauca


Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species #: 22

                                                                                             ‐ 91 ‐ 

Common Name: Lemon shark

Scientific Name: Negaprion brevirostris

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Carcharhiniformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Genus: Negaprion

Species: brevirostris

Geography / Habitat: north and south America coastal waters


Life Strategy: no natural predators and they mate during the summer

Food / Feed Strategy: they use their tan like skin to blend in and strike prey from belo

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Lemon shark/ negaprion brevirostris

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail to move through the water

Body Form or Style: somewhat streamline body with tan skin

Mouth Position: terminal

                                                                                             ‐ 92 ‐ 


Fish Species  


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

ommon Name: Mega mouth shark

Scientific Name: Megachasma pelagios

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Lamniformes

#: 23


Family: Megachasmidae

Genus: Megachasma

Species: Pelagios

Food / Feed Strategy: they have small teeth to catch fish and squid

Geography / Habitat: Believed to be world wide

Life Strategy: not much is known

                                                                                             ‐ 93 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientif sma pelagios

Body Form or Style: long bulky body with a huge mouth

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its powerful tail to glide through the water

Fish Species Identification

ic Name: Megamouth shark/ Megacha

Mouth Position: terminal



Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

Common Name: Cookie cutter shark

Scientific Name: Isistius Brasiliensis

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Squaliformes

#: 24

Family: Dalatidae Genus: Isistius

Species: Brasiliensis

Geography / Habitat: Deep waters world wide

                                                                                             ‐ 94 ‐ 

Life Strategy: hides on the deep ocean floor mates whenever possible

Food / Feed Strategy: targets larger animals taking cookie cutter shaped bites out of them

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Cookie cutter shark/ Isistius Brasiliensis

ody Form or Style: bulging stomach with dark colored sking

wim/Locomotion Style: move along using its odd tail

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification







Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

#: 25

                                                                                             ‐ 95 ‐ 

Common Name: Goliath grouper

Scientific Name: Epinephelus itajara

Class: Actinogypterii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Serranidae

Genus: Epinephelus

Species: itajara


Geography / Habitat: Atlantic ocean

Life Strategy: hides among rocks and reefs blending in mating whenever

Foo / Feed Strategy: eats small fish and crustaceans d

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Goliath grouper/ Epinephelus itajara

Body Form or Style: speckled scales with a round body shapes

Mouth Position: terminal

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its large tail to move through the water

                                                                                             ‐ 96 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification



#: 26

Common Name: Giant grouper

Scientific Name: Epinephelus lanceolatus



Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes


Order: Perciformes

Family: Serranidae

Genus: Epinephelus


pecies: lanceolatus

Geography / Habitat: Australia

Life Strategy: lives among reefs blending in and mating periodically

Food / Feed Strategy: dashes out to catch fish and small crabs

                                                                                             ‐ 97 ‐ 

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Giant grouper/ Epinephelus lanceolatus

ody Form or Style: round body with speckled body

wim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail to move through the water

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification





Species #: 27

cientific Name: Phycodurus eques



Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

Common Name: Leafy sea dragon



Order: Syngathiformes

Family: Syngathidae

Genus: Phycodurus

Species: P.eques

Geography / Habitat: Western Australia

Life Strategy: hides among kelp to camouflage itself from predators

                                                                                             ‐ 98 ‐ 

Food / Feed Strategy: eats small zooplankton and algae

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Leafy sea dragon/ Phycodurus eques

od with lea

tyle: uses its pectorals fin to move its rigid body

Mouth Position:terminal

ish Species Identification

Body Form or Style: snake like b y fy appendages

Swim/Locomotion S


Species #: 28

Scientific Name: Manta birostris

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Myliobatiformes


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

Common Name: Manta ray

Family: Mobulidea

Genus: Manta

Species: birostris

                                                                                             ‐ 99 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: World wide

Life Strategy: swims as though it flies through the water and has small stinger on its tail to defends itself

from predtaors

Food / Feed Strategy: filter feeders

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Manta ray/ Manta birostris

ing like fins with an open gaping mouth

its large fins to swim through the ocean

Mouth Position: terminal


Body Form or Style: w

Swim/Locomotion Style: moves


Fish Species Ident  

itle: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species #: 29

ria menadoensis



Common Name: Coelacanth

Scientific Name: Latime

                                                                                             ‐ 100 ‐ 

Class: Sarcogypterii Ord

er: Coelacanthiformes

Family: Latimeridae

Genus: Latimeria

Species: Menadoensis

Geography / Habitat: south Africa

Life Strategy: unknown

Food / Feed Strategy: feeds on vegetations and other fish

Body Form or Style: rough body with elongated fins on its back

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail to move back and forth

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Coelecanth/ Latimeria menadoensi

Mouth Position: terminal

                                                                                             ‐ 101 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification 

arine Fishes Species

: 30

Common Name: Great Barracuda

Scientific Name: Sphyraena barracuda



Title: Saltwater / M


Actinogypterii Order: Perciformes


amily: Sphyraenidae Genus: Sphyraena

Species: barrucada

Geography / Habitat: World wide coastal waters

Life Strategy: they mate in the spring using their speed to escape danger

n prey using their extremely quick bursts

Food / Feed Strategy: they chase dow

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Great barracuda/ Sphyraena barracuda

ody Form or Style: streamline body



                                                                                             ‐ 102 ‐ 

Swim/Locomotion Style: up to 40 mph

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Ident

using their powerful tail they can swim



Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

: 31 #

Common Name: Black grouper

Scientific Name: Mycteroperca bonaci

Class: Actinogypterii Order

: Perciformes

Family: Serranidae

Genus: Mycteroperca

Species: Bonaci

Geography / Habitat: gulf of mexico

from predators

ood / Feed Strategy: dashes out of cover to surprise its prey

Life Strategy: hides among the reefs


                                                                                             ‐ 103 ‐ 

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Black grouper/ Mycteroperca bonaci

Body Form or Style: Bulk

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail to burst out of cover

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification


y body with an long fin across its back


itle: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species




#: 32

Common Name: Nassau grouper

Scientific Name: Epinephelus striatus

AC ctinogypterii


Family: Serranidae Genus: Epinephelus

                                                                                             ‐ 104 ‐ 

Species: striatus

Geography / Habitat: bahamas

ife Strategy: hides among coral from predator L

Food / Feed Strategy: dashes out to catch smaller fish

Common Name/ Scientific Nam use: Nassau grouper/ Epinephelus striat

e: bulky striped body


ish Species Identification

Body Form or Styl

Swim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail to move through the water

Mouth Position: termin


Species #: 33


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

Common Name: Seahorse

                                                                                             ‐ 105 ‐ 

Scientific Name: Hippocampus

Class: Actinogypterii

Order: Syngathiformes

Family: Syngnathidae

Genus: Hippocampus

Species: Hippocampus

Geography / Habitat: world wide

Life Strategy: Lives among rocks and vegetation to hide form predators

Food / Feed Strategy: Eats algae and zooplankton

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Sea horse/ Hippocampus

Style: curled tail with a long snou

motion Style: uses its small pecto e water

Body Form or



ral fins to flutter through th

                                                                                             ‐ 106 ‐ 

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification 

Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

lass: Osteichthyes

Order: Pleuronectiformes


#: 34

Common Name: Flowery flounder

Scientific Name: Bothus mancus


Family: Bothidae

Genus: Bothus

Species: mancus

acific and indo pacific

ife Strategy: lies on the floor of the ocean to blend in and hide from predators

ood / Feed Strategy: hunts for small fish and crabs

Geography / Habitat: east p



                                                                                             ‐ 107 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientif

Body Form or Style: Flat with speckled body

Swim/Locomotion Style: waves its paper like body up and down to propel itself

Fish Species Identification

ic Name: Peacock Flounder

Mouth Position: superior


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species



#: 35

Common Name: Left eye flounder

Scientific Name: bothus pantherinus

AC ctinogypterii

Order: Pleuronectiformes

Family: Bothidae

Genus: Bothus

Species: pantherinus

c and Indian ocean

ife Strategy: hides among the ocean floor from predators

ood / Feed Strategy: eats small fish and carbs

Geography / Habitat: pacifi



                                                                                             ‐ 108 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientifi

Body Form or Style: flat paper like body

Mouth Position: superior

Fish Species Identification

c Name: Leopard flounder/ Borthus pantherinus

Swim/Locomotion Style: waves its body to move through the water



#: 36

Common Name: Thresher shark

Scientific Name: Alopias macrourus


Order: Lamniformes


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

Family: Alopidea Genus: Alopias

                                                                                             ‐ 109 ‐ 

Species: macrourus

Geography / Habitat: world wide

Life n

t it

Strategy: uses its long tail to stun predators and prey mates whnever it ca

Food / Feed Strategy:uses its long tail to stun prey then ea

Com on Name/ Scientific Name: Thresher shark/ Alopias macrourus

ody Form or Style: slender body with large tail

wim/Locomotion Style: using its large tail it can power thorugh water

outh Position: terminal

Fish Species Ident






                                                                                             ‐ 110 ‐ 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

ommon Name: Black sided hawk fish

Scientific Name: Paracirrhites forsteri


#: 37


Actinogypterii Order: Percifromes

Family: Cirrhitidae

Genus: Paracirrhites

Species: forsteri

Geography / Habitat: Indo Pacific

Life Strategy: hides among coral and mates every year

Food / Feed Strategy: eats shrimp and zooplankton

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Black sided hawk fish/ Paracirrhites forsteri

ody Form or Style: slender body with vibrant colors

wim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail to move

outh Position: terminal





                                                                                             ‐ 111 ‐ 

Fish Species Id



Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

ommon Name: Long nose hawk fish

#: 38


Scientific Name: Oxycirrhites typus

Class: Actinogypterii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Cirrhitidae

Genus: Oxycirrhites

Species: typus

Geography / Habitat: Indo pacific

Life Strategy: hides among coral and mates periodically

Food / Feed Strategy: eats shrimp and zooplankton

                                                                                             ‐ 112 ‐ 

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Long nose hawk fish

ody Form or Style: slender body with a long mouth.

wim/Locomotion Style: Uses its tail to move through the water

outh Position: terminal

Fish Species Id







Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

: 39 #

Common Name: Coral hawkfish

                                                                                             ‐ 113 ‐ 

Scientific Name: Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus

Class: Actinogypterii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Cirrhitidae

Genus: Cirrhitichthys

Species: oxycephalus

Geography / Habitat: Indo pacific

ife Strategy: lives among coral and mates periodically L

Food / Feed Strategy: Eats shrimp and zooplankton

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Coral haw

Body Form or Style: slender body with round head

tion Style: uses its tail to move

ition: terminal

Fish Species Identification

kfish/ Cirritichthys


Mouth Pos

Species #: 40


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

Common Name: Tasseled wobbegong

                                                                                             ‐ 114 ‐ 

Scientific Name: Eucrossorinus dasypogon

Class: Chondrichtyes

Order: Orectolobiformes

Family: Orectolobidae

Genus: Eucrossorinus

Species: dasypogon

Geography / Habitat: Western pacific ocean

Life Strategy: hides on the ocean floor blending in with sand.

Food / Feed Strategy: Eats crustaceans and small fish.

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Tasseled wobbegong/ Eucrossorinus dasypogon

ody Form or Style: flat body with tassel like appendages hanging off

wim/Locomotion Style: uses its large tail to move

outh Position: inferior





                                                                                             ‐ 115 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification 

itle: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species




#: 41

Common Name: Lawnmower Blenney

Scientific Name: salarias fasciatus

AC ctinogypterii

Order: Perciformes

Family: Blennidae

Genus: Salarias

Species: fasciatus

Geography / Habitat: Australia

Life Strategy: blends itself in with rocks

Food / Feed Strategy: eats algae

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Lawnmower blenney/ Salarias fasciatus

ody Form or Style: 2 lower leg like fins with a sandy color

wim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail to move around

outh Position: terminal





                                                                                             ‐ 116 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification


itle: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species




#: 42

Common Name: Zebra moray

Scientific Name: Gymnomuraena zebra

AC ctinogypterii Order:


Family: Muraenidae

Genus: Gymnomuraena

Species: zebra

Geography / Habitat: Indo pacific

                                                                                             ‐ 117 ‐ 

Life Strategy: hides among reefs and mates in the spring

Fo d cath small fish and crustaceans

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Zebra moray /Gymnomuraena zebra

ody Form or Style: snake like body with white and black coloring

wim/Locomotion Style: waves its body back and forth to move

outh Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification

o / F ed Strategy: dashes out toe







                                                                                             ‐ 118 ‐ 

Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species

ommon Name: Turkey moray

Scientific Name: Gymnothorax meleagris


#: 43



Order: Anguilliformes

Family: Muraenidae Genus: Gymnothorax

Species: meleagris

Geography / Habitat: Indo pacific

Life Strategy: hides among coral and mates periodically


Food / Feed Strategy: eats small fish and crust

Common Name/ Scientif melagris

Body Form or Style: Snakelike body

Swim/Locomotion Style: waves its body back and forth to swim

ic Name: Turkey moray/ Gymnothorax

Mouth Position: terminal

                                                                                             ‐ 119 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification



cientific Name: Enchelycore pardalis


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

#: 44

Common Name: Leopard moray eel


Class: Actinogypterii

Order: Anguilliformes

Family: Muraenidae Genus: Enchelycore

Species: pardalis

Geography / Habitat: Indo pacific

Life Strategy: hides in rocky reefs and is nocturnal

Food / Feed Strategy: eats small fish and crustaceans

                                                                                             ‐ 120 ‐ 

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Leopard moray eel

ody Form or Style: snake like body

wim/Locomotion Style: waves its entire body to move

outh Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification







#: 45

Common Name: Tiger grouper

Scientific Name: Mycteroperca tigris



Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes


Order: Perciformes

Family: Serranidae

Genus: Mycteroperca

Species: tigris

                                                                                             ‐ 121 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: World wide

Life Strategy: lives among reefs and mates periodically

Food / Feed Strategy: eats small fish and crustaceans

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Tiger grouper/Mycteroperca Tigris

ody Form or Style: large body with striking tan stripes

wim/Locomotion Style: use sits large tail to move

outh Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification







                                                                                             ‐ 122 ‐ 

Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species


#: 46

Common Name: Comet grouper

Scientific Name: Epinephelus morrhua


Order: Perciformes

Family: Serranidae

Genus: Epinephelus

Species: morrhua

Geography / Habitat: Red sea and African waters

Life Strategy: lives near coral reefs and usually stays there for life

and crustaceans Food / Feed Strategy: eats small fish

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Comet grouper/ Epinephelus morrhua

ody Form or Style: bulky body with a split tail fin

wim/Locomotion Style: uses its large tail to move around

outh Position: terminal





                                                                                             ‐ 123 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification



#: 47

Common Name: Dwarf lantern shark

Scientific Name: Etmopterus perryi

Order: Squaliformes


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes

Class: Chondrichthyes

Family: Etmopteridae Genus: Etmopterus

Species: perryi

Geography / Habitat: tip of south america

Life Strategy: unknown

Food / Feed Strategy: eats fish

                                                                                             ‐ 124 ‐ 

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Dwarf lantern shark/ Etmopterus perryi

ody Form or Style: slender body with split dorsal fins

wim/Locomotion Style: uses its tail to move

outh Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification







#: 48

Common Name: Whitetip reef shark

Scientific Name: Triaenodon obesus

Class: Chondrichthyes

Order: Carcharhiniformes


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes S

Family: Carcharhinidae

Genus: Triaenodon


                                                                                             ‐ 125 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: pacific ocean

Life Strategy: lives around coral reefs

Food / Feed Strategy: eats fish and crustaceans

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Whitetip reef shark/ Triaenodon obesus

eamline body with a slightly larger tail then most sharks

es tail back and forth to move

Mouth Position: terminal

s Identification

Body Form or Style: str

Swim/Locomotion Style: wav

Fish Specie

rine Fishes Species #: 49

ommon Name: leopard shark

Scientific Name: Triakis semifasciata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes


Title: Saltwater / Ma


Family: triakidae

Genus: Triakis

Species: semifasciata

                                                                                             ‐ 126 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: West coast of North America

Life Strategy: lives on opens sandy bottoms

Food / Feed Strategy: hunts for small fish and crabs

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Leopard shark/ Triakis semifasciata

ody Form or Style: streamline body with large brown spots

wim/Locomotion Style: waves its tail back and forth to move

outh Position: terminal

Fish Species Id






                                                                                             ‐ 127 ‐ 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Fishes Species #: 50

codile shark

cientific Name: Pseudocarcharias Kamoharai

Order: lamniformes

Common Name: Cro


Class: Chondrichtyes

Family: Pseudoocarchariidae G

enus: Pseudocarcharias

Species: Kamoharai

Geography / Habitat: world wide

Life Strategy: Lives in open waters and mates every year

Food / Feed Strategy: eats fish and crustaceans

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Crocodile shark/ Pseudocarcharias Kamoharai

Body Form or Style: round shaped body

Swim/Locomotion Style: moves its tail back and forth

Mouth Position: terminal

Salt invertebrates

                                                                                             ‐ 128 ‐ 

        Fish Species Identification  


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 101

Common Name: Giant moray

Scientific Name: Gymnothorax javanicus

Class: Actinogypterygii

Order: Anguilliformes

Family: Muraenidae

Genus: Gymnothorax

Species: javanicus

Geography / Habitat: indo pacific region

Life Strategy: year round mating with no natural predators.

Food / Feed Strategy: hides among crevices snatching at any nearby fish.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Giant moray/ Gymnothorax javanicus

Body Form or Style: long slender body

                                                                                             ‐ 129 ‐ 

Swim/Locomotion Style: moves its body back and forth to move.

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 102

Common Name: Maine lobster

Scientific Name: Homarus americanus

Class: Malacostraca

Order: Decapoda

Family: Nephropidae

Genus: Homarus

Species: h.americanus

Geography / Habitat: Eastern coastal areas around the U.S

Life Strategy: mating takes place after the female has molted and releases a pheromone.

Food / Feed Strategy: they eat small crabs and fish.

                                                                                             ‐ 130 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name: American lobster/ Homarus americanus

Body Form or Style: hard outer shell

Swim/Locomotion Style: crawls along the bottom of oceans using its legs.

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 103

Common Name: Blue ring octopus

Scientific Name: Hapalochlaena lunulata

Class: Cephalopoda

Order: Octopoda


Genus: Hapalochlaena

Species: lunulata

                                                                                             ‐ 131 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: South Australia

Life Strategy: flashes their bright blue rings to warn predators that they are poisonous

Food / Feed Strategy: feed on small crabs and fish.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Blue ring octopus/ Hapalochlaena lunulata

Body Form or Style: elongated head with 8 tentacles

Swim/Locomotion Style: climbs along the ocean floor using its suckers.

Mouth Position: inferior

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 104

                                                                                             ‐ 132 ‐ 

Common Name: Humboldt Squid

idicus gigas Scientific Name: Dos

Class: Cephalopoda

Order: Teuthida

Family: Ommastrephidae Genus: Dosidicus

Species: D.gigas

Geography / Habitat: eastern pacific to California

Life Strategy: year round mating and is the apex predator

Food / Feed Strategy: they use long tentacle filled with teeth to pull in fish and stab them with its beak.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Humboldt Squid/ Dosidicus gigas

do shaped body with long tentacles

wim/Locomotion Style: propels itself along squirting out water

Body Form or Style: torpe


                                                                                             ‐ 133 ‐ 

outh Position: inferior

Fish Species Identification




ertebrates Species #: 105

er ceratophthalmus

Title: Saltwater / Marine Inv

Common Name: Ghost crab

Scientific Name: Canc

Class: Malacostraca

Order: Decapoda

Family: Ocypodidae Genus: ocypode

Species: quadrata

Geography / Habitat: tropical and subtropical areas

Life Strategy: they hide in the sand from predators and mate periodically.

Food / Feed Strategy: they feed on mole crabs and coquina clams.

                                                                                             ‐ 134 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scie

ntific Name: Ghost crab

Body Form or Style: hard outer shell with elongated eyes.

tyle: they crawl along the ground with their legs.

tion: terminal

Fish Species Identification

Swim/Locomotion S

Mouth Posi


r / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 106


Title: Saltwate

Common Name: Fiddler crab

Scientific Name: uca pugnax

Class: Malacostraca

Order: Decapoda

Family: Ocypodidae

Genus: Uca

Species: pugnax

                                                                                             ‐ 135 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: mangroves and salt marshes world wide

Life Strategy: They burrow into the ground to hide from predators and fight other males to impress


Food / Feed Strategy: They eat sediment and sift through it to find algae and fungus.

e: Fiddler crab/ uca pugnax

Body Form or Style: hard outer shell shaped like a football with a large left claw

yle: they crawl across the ground using their legs.

Fish Species Id

Common Name/ Scientific Nam

Swim/Locomotion St

Mouth Position: terminal



Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 107

ider crab

cientific Name: Macrocheira kaempferi

Common Name: Sp


                                                                                             ‐ 136 ‐ 

Class: Malacostraca

Order: Decapoda

Family: Inachidae Gen

us: Macrocheira

Species: Kaempferi

Geography / Habitat: coastal areas around Japan

Life Strategy: They mare in early spring and summer.

Food / Feed Strategy: they eat algae and seaweed.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Spider crab/ Macrocheira

ith ve s and legs.

alk long th ocean floor with their extremely long legs.


Body Form or Style: Hard outer shell w ry long claw

Swim/Locomotion Style: they w a e

Mouth Position: termina

                                                                                             ‐ 137 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 108

Name: Ribbon moray Common

Scientific Name: Rhinomuraena quaesita

Class: Actinogypterii

Order: Anguilliformes

Family: Muraenidae Genus: Rhinomura


Species: quaesita

Geography / Habitat: Indian and pacific oceans

Life Strategy: they hide in holes and crevices from predators mate whenever they can.

Food / Feed Strategy: they dash out of their holes to catch fish and crabs.

ommon Name/ Scientific Name: Ribbon Eel/ Rhinomuraena quaesita

ody Form or Style: long ribbon like body with exotic colors



                                                                                             ‐ 138 ‐ 

wim/Locomotion Style: they move their entire body to propel them along.

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Id




Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 109

common octopus

cientific Name: octopus vulgaris

Order: Octopoda

Common Name:


Class: Cephlapoda

Family: Octopodidae Genus: Octopus

Species: vulgaris

Geography / Habitat: Mediterranean to Africa

Life Strategy: they move along the ocean floor and mate whenever possible.

Food / Feed Strategy: they grab their prey with their tentacles and stab them with its beak.

                                                                                             ‐ 139 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Common Octopus/ Octopus vulgaris

Body Form or Style: round head with 8 tentacles

Swim/Locomotion Style: they crawl along the ocean floor by grabbing and pulling with their


Mouth Position: inferior.

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 110

Common Name: Eagle ray

Scientific Name: Aetobatus narinari

Class: Chondruchites

Order: Myliobatiformes

Family: Myliobatidae

Genus: Aetobatus

Species: Narinari

                                                                                             ‐ 140 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: Indian Ocean

Life Strategy: they mate periodically and have a stinger for defense.

Food / Feed Strategy: they ate small crustaceans and fish.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Eagle ray/ Aetobatus narinari

Body Form or Style: triangular shaped fins with a long skinny tail.

Swim/Locomotion Style: they use their long fins to move as though they are flying.

Mouth Position: inferior.

        Fish Species Identification  


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 111

                                                                                             ‐ 141 ‐ 

Common Name: European squid

Scientific Name: loligo vulgaris

Class: Cephlapoda

Order: Teuthida

Family: Loliginidae


Species: vulgaris

Geography / Habitat: coastal waters around Europe

Life Strategy: they mate during the spring.

Food / Feed Strategy: they grab prey with their tentacles and drag them toward its beak.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: European squid/ Loligo vulgaris

Body Form or Style: torpedo shaped body

                                                                                             ‐ 142 ‐ 

Swim/Locomotion Style: they jet along by squirting out water.

Mouth Position: inferior

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 112

Common Name: Blue mussel

Scientific Name: Mytilus edulis

Class: Bivalvia

Order: Mytiloida

Family: Mytilidae

Genus: Mytilus

Species: edulis

Geography / Habitat: intertidal areas worldwide

Life Strategy: they live in mass groups on rocky areas.

Food / Feed Strategy: they filter water through a valve and out the other trapping food.

                                                                                             ‐ 143 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Blue mussel/ mytilus edulis

Body Form or Style: hard shell shaped like tube.

Swim/Locomotion Style: stationary.

Mouth Position :no mouth

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 113

Common Name: Zebra mussel

Scientific Name: Dreissena polymorpha

Class: Bivalvia

Order: Veneroida

Family: Dreissendoea

Genus: Dreissena

Species: D.polymorpha

                                                                                             ‐ 144 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: black sea and Caspian Sea

Life Strategy: they attach themselves to objects and use their hard outer shell to protect themselves.

Food / Feed Strategy: they filter water through a valve to find food.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Zebra mussel

Body Form or Style: triangular shaped body

Swim/Locomotion Style: stationary

Mouth Position: no mouth

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 114

Common Name: P. man of war

                                                                                             ‐ 145 ‐ 

Scientific Name: Physalia physalis

Class: Hydrozoa

Order: Siphonophora

Family: Physaliidae

Genus: Physalia

Species: physalis

Geography / Habitat: Mediterranean Sea

Life Strategy: they float along the surface and reproduce asexually.

Food / Feed Strategy: they use their long tentacles to capture fish.


Common Name/ Scientific Name: P. man of war/ Physalia physalis

Body Form or Style :no real shape

Swim/Locomotion Style: floats with the current.

Mouth Position: no mouth

                                                                                             ‐ 146 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 115

Common Name: Vampire squid

Scientific Name: Vampyroteuthis infernalis

Class: Cephalopoda

Order: Vampyromorphida

Family: Vampyrotuethidae

Genus: Vampyroteithis infernalis

Species: infernalis

Geography / Habitat: temperate and tropical areas worldwide

Life Strategy: squirts and inky substance when threatened to escape.

Food / Feed Strategy: chases prey and grabs them with its 8 long tentacles and pulls it toward its beak.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Vampire squid/ vampyrotuethidae

                                                                                             ‐ 147 ‐ 

Body Form or Style: torpedo like body with long tentacles that have teeth.

Swim/Locomotion Style: squirts water to propel itself

Mouth Position: inferior

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 116

Common Name: brain coral

Scientific Name: Diploria labrynthformis

Class: Anthzoa

Order: Scleractina

Family: Faviidea

Genus: Diploria

Species: labrynthformis

Geography / Habitat: warm water reefs

Life Strategy: n/a

Food / Feed Strategy: filters water to find zooplankton and algae

                                                                                             ‐ 148 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name: brain coral

Body Form or Style: round body with wave like patterns

Swim/Locomotion Style: stationary

Mouth Position:no mouth

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 117

Common Name: pillar coral

Scientific Name: dendrogyra cylindricus

Class: Anthozoa


Family: Meandrinidea

Genus: Dendrogya

Species: cylindricus

                                                                                             ‐ 149 ‐ 

Geography / Habitat: western Atlantic Ocean

Life Strategy: n/a

Food / Feed Strategy: filter feeds

Common Name/ Scientific Name: pillar coral/ dendrogya cylindricus

Body Form or Style: pillar shaped body

Swim/Locomotion Style: stationary

Mouth Position: no mouth

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 118

Common Name: Ochre sea star

                                                                                             ‐ 150 ‐ 

Scientific Name: Pisaster ochraceus

Class: Asteroidea

Order: Forcipulatida

Family: Asteriidae

Genus: Pisaster

Species: Ochraceus

Geography / Habitat: rocky shores world wide

Life Strategy: they cling to rocks using their suckers and reproduce asexually.

Food / Feed Strategy: they filter eat algae.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Ochre Sea star/ Pisaster ochraceus

Body Form or Style: star shaped

Swim/Locomotion Style: crawls along using its suckers.

Mouth Position: mo mouth

                                                                                             ‐ 151 ‐ 

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 119

Common Name: Atlantic horseshoe crab

Scientific Name: Limulus polyphemus

Class: Merostomata

Order: Xiphosura

Family: Limulidae

Genus: Limulus

Species: Polyphemus

Geography / Habitat: Gulf of Mexico

Life Strategy: uses their hard shells to protect themselves from predators

Food / Feed Strategy: eats small crustaceans and fish.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Horseshoe crab/ Limulus polyphemus

Body Form or Style: Hard outer shell with long armored tail

                                                                                             ‐ 152 ‐ 

Swim/Locomotion Style: crawls along the ground using its claws

Mouth Position: inferior

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Saltwater / Marine Invertebrates Species #: 120

Common Name: Bath sponge

Scientific Name: Spongia officinalis

Class: Demospongiae

Order: Dictyoceratida

Family: Spongiidae

Genus: Spongia

Species: officinalis

Geography / Habitat: Mediterranean Sea

Life Strategy: reproduces asexually

Food / Feed Strategy: filter feeder

                                                                                             ‐ 153 ‐ 

Common Name/ Scientific Name: bath sponge/ Spongia officinalis

Body Form or Style: no true shaped

Swim/Locomotion Style: stationary Mouth

Position: no mouth

Fresh invertebrates  

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        Fish Species Identification  


Title: Freshwater Invertebrates Species #: 121

Common Name: Rams horn snail

Scientific Name: Planorbella trivolvis

Class: Gastropoda

Order: n/a

Family: Planorboidea

Genus: Planorbella

Species: trivolvis

Geography / Habitat: ponds around North America

Life Strategy: hides in its shell and mates whenever possible

Food / Feed Strategy: feeds on algae

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Common Name/ Scientific Name: Rams horn snail

Body Form or Style: hard shell with no real body form

Swim/Locomotion Style: crawls along the ground using its body

Mouth Position: inferior

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Invertebrates Species #: 122

Common Name: Coral

Scientific Name: tubastre coccina

Class: Anthzoa

Order: Scleractina

Family: Dendrophylliidae

Genus: Tubastrea

Species: coccinea

Geography / Habitat: deep warm waters.

Life Strategy: able to reproduce asexually

Food / Feed Strategy: Extends their tentacles to catch zooplankton

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Common Name/ Scientific Name: Sun Coral/ Tubastre coccina

Body Form or Style: Tube structure with long tentacles.

Swim/Locomotion Style: stationary

Mouth Position: no mouth

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Invertebrates Species #: 123

Common Name: pink shrimp

Scientific Name: Pandalus borealis

Class: Malacostraca

Order: Decapoda

Family: Pandalidea

Genus: Pandulus

Species: p.borealis

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Geography / Habitat: soft muddy bottoms with a temperature around 6-17 c

Life Strategy: N/A

Food / Feed Strategy: they feed on zooplankton.

Common Name/ Scientific Name: Pandulus borealis/pink shrimp

Body Form or Style: curved body

Swim/Locomotion Style: move around using their legs and tail fin.

Mouth Position: terminal

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Invertebrates Species #: 124

Common Name: Thorn starfish

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Scientific Name: Acanthaster planci

Class: Asteroidea

Order: Valvatida

Family: Acanthasteridae

Genus: Acanthaster

Species: planci

Geography / Habitat: coral reefs

Life Strategy: Uses its thorns to protect itself from

Food / Feed Strategy: exudes its stomach onto a reef and digests it.


Common Name/ Scientific Name: Thorn starfish/ Acanthaster planci

Body Form or Style: star shaped body surrounded y toxic thorns

Swim/Locomotion Style: barely moves by sticking their tentacles onto corals and pulling


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Mouth Position: no mouth

Fish Species Identification 


Title: Freshwater Invertebrates Species #: 125


Order: n/a

Common Name: Apple snail

Scientific Name: pomacea insu

Class: Gastropoda

Family: Ampullariodea


Species: P.insularam

Geography / Habitat: South America

arious weeds. Life Strategy: they live in the water among v

Food / Feed Strategy: they eat algae.

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Common Name/ Scientific Name: Apple snail/ Pomacea insularum

Body Form or Style: hard shell with a round body.

Swim/Locomotion Style: pulls itself along using its sucker.

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