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Transcript of Fish DANIELLE CRISE CHRIS MENCHIO. Internal Diagram.



Internal Diagram

Nervous System


Three Classes of Fish

Class Agnatha

Nickname: Jawless Fish Examples: Lamprey, Hagfish General Traits: Lack paired fins and bones

Lack Jaw Attach to prey with disk shaped sucker

Hagfish Traits

Bottom dwellers Salt water No jaws Tie themselves into knots- hide from predators

Lamprey Traits

Lack jaws Sucker mouth

Feed off body fluids of prey

Live in salt and fresh water

Class Chondrichthyes

Nickname: Cartilaginous fish Examples: Sharks, Rays, and Skates General Traits:

Skeleton made of cartilage Jaws Paired fins Predators Internal fertilization

Shark Traits

6-20 rows of teeth 20,000 teeth in a lifetime Lots of lipids Well-developed sense organs Constantly swim

Lack air bladder

Ray Traits

Flat bodies Bottom dwellers Long, whip-like tails Live young Diamond shaped bodies

Skates Traits

Flat bodies Bottom dwellers Long, whip-like tails Lay eggs Triangular body

Class Osteichthyes

Nickname: Bony fish Examples: Trout, bass General Traits:

Jaws Bony skeleton Paired fins

Ray Finned Fish Traits

Common fish Air bladder Scales- cycloid

Camo for protection in water

Lobe Finned Fish Traits

Lunged fish: Gills and lungs Shallow ponds

Coelacanth fish: Thought to be extinct Lack rays Fleshy skin

Fish Adaptations for Life in Water

External Diagram




Pelvic fin

Pectoral finAnal


Caudal fin

Lateral line

Dorsal fins


Stream-line body Allows them to move faster through water

Muscular tail Rapid movement

Paired Fins Move through water

Gills Take in O2 release CO2

Gill Structure

Adaptations Continued

Dorsal Fin Increases stability

Secretes Mucus Reduces friction

Lateral Line Detects vibrations

Fins and their functions

Caudal: For forward movement of fish

Dorsal: Keep fish upright and stable

Anal: Keeps fish moving in straight line

Fins and their functions continued

Pelvic: Used for stopping and moving up and down

Pectoral: Used for stopping and moving up and down

Scales: Protection Prevent loss or gain of water

Nervous System

Purpose: Transmit electrical impulses from brain to rest of body

Brain Spinal cord Nerves Sense organs Eyes nose

Reproductive System

Purpose: To produce viable sex cells

Bony fish: External fertilization

Cartilaginous fish: Internal fertilization

Digestive System Passageway

Mouth (entrance for food) Pharynx (connects mouth to esophagus) Esophagus ( passageway for food- leads to stomach) Stomach ( starts digestion)

Digestive System Passageway

Pyloric ceca ( 2nd part of digestion) Intestine( last part of digestion) Anus ( exit for solid waste)

Additional organs of digestion

Liver (Makes Bile) Gall Bladder ( stores bile until needed in intestine) Pancreas ( makes insulin)

Pathway of Blood

Circulatory System

Purpose: To deliver oxygen and food Closed circulatory system Low efficiency Clean and dirty blood mixes

Pathway of blood

1. Heart pumps blood through arteries

2. Blood picks up O2 and releases CO2

Pathway of blood

3. Gills to body tissues- nutrients and waste are exchanged

4. Blood goes back to heart through veins

2 chambered heart

Fish Classification

Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Chordates Subphylum: Vertebrates Classes:

Jawless Fish (Agnatha) Cartilaginous Fish (Chondrichthyes) Bony Fish (Osteichthyes)

Pathway thru Heart

Deoxygenated blood returns from body to sinus venosus

To large atrium To muscular ventricle To conus/bulbus arteriosus To aorta

Works Cited

Notes Google images

• Website Title: Quizlet

• Article Title: Quizlet

• Date Accessed: January 05, 2015

• Website Title: YouTube

• Publisher: YouTube

• Date Accessed: January 07, 2015