First Nations Creative Brief

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Transcript of First Nations Creative Brief

First Nations Creative Brief

Gap Road Level Crossing Removal


Acknowledgment to Country We acknowledge the First Peoples and Traditional Owners of the land we now call Victoria and celebrate the history and contemporary creativity of the world’s oldest continuous living culture.

Gap Road Level Crossing Removal — Legacy Artwork Program  1

1. The creative opportunity 2

2. Commissioning process 8

3. Community engagement 12

4. Further information 15

5. Legal information 16


1. The creative opportunity The Rail Infrastructure Alliance (RIA) and Rail Projects Victoria (RPV) are seeking a Victorian First Nations artist (the Artist) to create a permanent public artwork (the Artwork) that will span across a new rail bridge over Gap Road and Station Street in Sunbury.

The opportunity is suitable for emerging to mid-career 2D visual artists specialising in graphic, painting, printmaking, or photography to provide an artwork design that will be imprinted onto custom designed, perforated aluminium sheeting.

RIA is the construction contractor currently undertaking designs for the new rail bridge on behalf of RPV. The project is being delivered in partnership with the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP). This Artist appointment is a special measure under section 12 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic).

1.1 The commission The Artist will be responsible for creating a 2D artwork which will be fabricated onto the cladding that covers the rail bridge.

This will include developing scaled drawings of the artwork. The project team will provide technical support in developing drawings for the fabrication of the artwork.

The Artwork will need to work within a defined colour palette and material palette (aluminium sheets). Artists may consider different image making techniques including painting, relief, embossing, graphic drawing, and printed photography. Artists may also wish to consider the proposed lighting treatments for the bridge.

Subject to the final design, the Artist will be required to collaborate with the project team to facilitate the Artwork’s fabrication and installation.

A scaled artist template showing the cladding for the rail bridge and the locations for the Artwork along with public realm designs for the project will be provided to the shortlisted artists.

More information on the Gap Road Level Crossing Removal is available at

Gap Road Level Crossing Removal — Legacy Artwork Program  31. The creative opportunity

Artist impression of the future rail bridge over Gap Road and Station Street in Sunbury (concept only)

4  Gap Road Level Crossing Removal — Legacy Artwork Program 1. The creative opportunity

1.2 Themes Contemporary Melbourne sits on the ancient lands of the Kulin Nation, the Traditional Custodians of Melbourne and its surrounding Country.

We acknowledge the strong and enduring connections with Country, waterways, community, and culture of Kulin Nation Traditional Owners and First Peoples who call the land we now call Melbourne and Victoria home. First Peoples from across Australia also call contemporary Melbourne home.

The Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung are the Traditional Owners and Registered Aboriginal Party for the land on which the new bridge in Sunbury will stand. Artist responses to this Creative Brief must be respectful to the cultural values of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.

In responding to this Creative Brief, artists should consider the ancient geologies of the Sunbury area. Within proximity to the new bridge are the unique natural rock formations and basalt columns of the Organ Pipes and Rosette Rock, while to the west lies the ancient volcanic hill Mt Holden. The Sunbury earth rings (Sunbury Ring Complex) which has significant cultural value as an important local ceremonial area to the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung lies nearby. Artists may also choose to explore the process of layering and revealing geological histories, rock typologies specific to the area, and Indigenous cultural knowledge of earth and minerals.

Artists may also refer to the urban design themes of the project for further thematic context. The artwork should be contemporary, bold, and legible from distance to create a new visual landmark for Sunbury. It is important that the artwork is consistent with the Indigenous design language of southeast Australia.

We support artists who wish to acknowledge the Country that they are working on and encourage them to visit the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung website to seek further information, visit

Gap Road Level Crossing Removal — Legacy Artwork Program  51. The creative opportunity

Artwork materialsThe Artwork canvas is 27m long and 3m high and will be made up of discrete aluminium panels that form the cladding on both sides rail bridge.

Each canvas is made up of rows of 1640mm x 657mm and 1350mm x 657mm panels (totalling 80 panels). Each panel has been designed to include a cassette system to hide the panel fixing to bridge structure.

The panels will be coloured by painting and/or painted coating systems (ie, powder coating or PVDF). Due to proximity to the rail corridor, the concept must avoid bright red, green or yellow colours.

Urban design materials

Gap Road Level Crossing Removal — Legacy Artwork Program  71. The creative opportunity

1.3 Site Context and Urban Design Themes The project site stretches along Gap Road and Station Street between the Horne Street intersection to the west and the Evans Street intersection to the east.

The surrounding project area is located adjacent to the Sunbury town centre, with the adjoining streetscapes comprised of public car parks, showrooms, retailers, a vehicle service station and hospitality.

The new rail bridge will span Gap Road and Station Street, connecting into Sunbury station to the north. An underpass provides two traffic lanes in each direction as well as segregated pedestrian and cycle paths along either side of the roadway.

The urban design response for the project aims to create a landmark that strengthens the sense of place and identity for the area, creating a gateway to identify arrival at the Sunbury town centre.

Below are the key themes that characterise the urban design response:

Connection The urban design intent of the level crossing removal is to improve connection. The new bridge will be a threshold with aiming to draw people through using purposeful urban design treatments. The treatment of the adjacent retaining walls reinforces the visual connection under the threshold. The use of earthy materials and colours on the retaining wall has deeper connection to topographic, geological and subterranean meanings.

Celebration The new bridge will become a landmark for Sunbury. The urban design theme of Celebration recognises the local histories, and natural and built forms unique to Sunbury, while also looking to the town’s future. The artwork, installed on the bridge exterior, will become an important visual marker for the area. The Artwork should celebrate this sense of place and identity, creating a gateway to the Sunbury town centre.

ExperienceThe public will pass through the new crossing in different ways. Therefore, the experience of passage and journey is particularly relevant. The scale of the urban design treatments is commensurate with the speed and direction of people’s movement. The retaining wall treatments animate experience through the light and shade created by the striated vertical recesses. This provides a human scale experienced by the pedestrians and cyclists at close quarters. The vertical striations are a further nod to the geological formations of the Organ Pipes National Park and the colours are reflective of the local and natural built forms.

Lighting along pathways, to the underpass and of the bridge cladding strengthens the experience of design elements at night.

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2. Commissioning process 2.1 Selection Criteria The selection criteria for Phase 1 includes: • Understanding of the Creative Brief• Some experience in working collaboratively

with stakeholders and project delivery teams

• Alignment of the Artist’s interests, capacity and capability with the Project’s vision, program, and technical requirements

• Previous Victorian Indigenous work and demonstrated ability to deliver high-quality outcomes.

The selection criteria for Phase 2 includes: • Response to the themes• Quality of ambition, visual and aesthetic

appeal, originality, and suitable for location. • Feasibility of the proposed artwork in

relation to the production and delivery timeframes of the Project

• Understanding of the technical nature of the project with a collaborative approach to working with the Project’s urban design, engineering, delivery and communications and stakeholder relations teams

• Scope of submission is realistic and can be delivered on time and within budget

• The Artwork is consistent with the Indigenous visual design language of southeast Australia and respectful of the cultural values of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Traditional Owners and Victorian Aboriginal communities.

10  Gap Road Level Crossing Removal — Legacy Artwork Program 2. Commissioning process

2.2 Project Dates and overview of submission requirementsKey project dates are outlined below:

Phase 1 — August 2021

Expressions of interest opens. Up to five (5) artists will be shortlisted from this process to progress to Phase 2.

Phase 2 — September 2021

Invitation to shortlisted artists to develop concept designs to present to the Panel. One (1) artist from this process will selected to progress their concept to Phase 3.

Phase 3 — October 2021

The selected artist will work with the project team to develop their concept into a detailed design.

Phase 4 — begins from early 2022

Design implementation (during construction of rail bridge). Note: The major works package for the Gap Road Level Crossing Removal is expected to be awarded later in 2021 — this includes design fabrication and Artwork installation on the rail bridge.

Phase 1 — Expression of Interest In this first stage, suitable artists are asked to respond the Creative Brief in text only by providing a brief statement, a summary of any public art experience, and five examples of previous work (including any websites showcasing your work), as follows:

• Outline your artistic practice, including any previous experience in public art and why this project is of interest to you (up to 300 words)

• Describe how you would respond to the themes outlined in Section 2.1 in developing your proposed concept (up to 400 words)

• Provide up to five (5) images of your previous work, and/or links to websites showcasing your work

All submissions must be received by 11.59pm Sunday 5 September, anything received after this date will not be considered

A shortlist of artists will be selected by the RIA Creative Advisory Panel (the Panel) using the selection criteria outlined in Section 2.1. Only submissions shortlisted from Phase 1 will proceed to Phase 2.

Phase 2 — Invitation to Develop Design Concepts The Panel will identify five (5) Artists who will have a period of three (3) weeks to develop design concepts and prepare presentations of up to 30 minutes to the Panel. The initial design concept and presentation should include:

• Concept overview and response to brief: Written response describing your concept and how it responds to the themes in Section 2.1 (2 x A4 pages maximum).

• Concept design: Artists will be required to insert their proposed design concepts onto the scaled artist template provide at this Phase.

A preferred artist will be selected by the RIA Creative Advisory Panel (the Panel) using the selection criteria outlined in Section 2.1. Only one design will be chosen to proceed to Phase 3.

Phase 3 — Detailed Design The Artist will have a period of four (4) weeks to develop a detailed design concept and final presentation to the Panel for approval. During this time the Artist will work in close consultation and collaboration with the project design team to ensure the Artwork will meet all technical requirements.

This may include time working in-house with the design team who will support the Artist in resolving technical or other issues and elaborating on the detail and background to technical constraints and the focus of community consultation.

Gap Road Level Crossing Removal — Legacy Artwork Program  112. Commissioning process

The deliverables for this phase will enable the full fabrication and installation of the Artwork.

Phase 4 — Design Implementation If required, the Artist will assist the appointed major works contractor with production and provide guidance to installation teams. The Artist may be asked to provide some limited presence and material for stakeholder and community engagement and media purposes.

2.3 RIA Creative Advisory Panel (the Panel) The Panel will comprise of representatives from the following organisations:

• Rail Infrastructure Alliance (Chair) • Rail Projects Victoria • Creative Victoria • Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage

Aboriginal Corporation • Hume City Council • Office of the Victorian Government


2.4 Design Fees Phase 2 — Invitation to Develop Design Concepts A shortlist of five (5) Artists will be paid an initial concept honorarium of $2000 (GST incl.). The honorarium will be paid upon submission of an initial concept that meets the requirements set out in Section 2.2.

Phase 3 — Detailed Design The total Detailed Design fee is $20,000 (GST incl.) to be confirmed on presentation of a budget breakdown by the Artist. This amount shall include all costs associated with the Artist developing the concept to the agreed specifications including, but not limited to: Artist Fees (including time spent working in-house with the RIA design team), technical support (other than that provided by RIA), travel, associated administration.

Phase 4 — Design Implementation The total fee for the Artist (and any support personnel) to oversee production, provide guidance to installation teams, attendance of a community presentation, documentation of the work and other responsibilities directed by the appointed contractor and RPV as required will be up to $10,000 (GST incl.). This will be commensurate with the level of involvement required and will be negotiated with the Artist once project commitments are known.

The Detailed Design fee and Design Implementation fee do not include any costs associated with the construction or installation of the final Artwork such as materials, off site fabrication, on-site treatment, transportation to site or final installation.

2.5 Engagement of the Artist The Artist will be engaged for Phase 3 and 4 of the Commission and contracted to a timeline with a payment schedule tied to completed stages of work in line with the successful delivery of the Commission.

The Artist will be responsible for their own associated costs including insurances.

12  Gap Road Level Crossing Removal — Legacy Artwork Program

3. Community engagement3.1 Community engagement contextRPV has undertaken initial engagement with the Sunbury community and stakeholders related to the Gap Road Level Crossing Removal. Engagement indicated that respondents placed a high value on visual aspects of the project.

Feedback indicated the community would like the design to be safe, durable, visually appealing and enhance the amenity of the area.

Insights from this early engagement will be shared with the Artist to provide broader context around the Project.

To ensure the artwork is respectful of Victorian Aboriginal cultural values, RIA, through the Panel, will work closely with the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation and Hume City Council during the Artist selection and Artwork development process.

An opportunity for the Artist to engage with the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung during Artwork development process will be possible if requested.

RIA’s communications and stakeholder relations team will lead ongoing communication and engagement with the Sunbury community as construction works in the area continue. Through existing communication channels including the Sunbury Station precinct website, social media and e-newsletters, RIA will inform the Sunbury community and local stakeholders of progress to appoint an Artist and commission the Artwork.

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3.2 Community engagement activitiesSharing the final design with key stakeholders including Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation, local residents and the broader community is an important part of the engagement process.

RIA and RPV will work with the selected Artist, the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation and Hume City Council to ensure stakeholders are informed of the final design.

In Phase 4 the selected Artist will be invited to take part in a community information session where the Artwork will be presented to key stakeholders, providing an overview of how it responds to the key themes outlined in Sections 1.2 and 1.3. Hosted by RIA, the session will provide key stakeholders with an opportunity to ask questions and explore the inspiration behind the Artwork.

RPV and RIA will communicate the final design to the broader community, with an overview of how it references local place and Indigenous stories of the surrounding area and connects with the Sunbury community, via the following methods:

• Community updates• Information on the Project website • Posts on project social media accounts• E-news updates sent to subscribers • Media opportunities.

These communication activities are designed to promote the artwork and provide the community with confidence that it is representative of the local area and is respectful to the cultural values of Traditional Owners of the land on which the artwork will stand.

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4. Further information4.1 Project overview The Gap Road level crossing is being removed with a road under rail design – this will improve safety and ease traffic congestion in the heart of Sunbury, especially when more trains run on the Sunbury Line in future.

The RIA is an alliance comprising John Holland, CPB Contractors and AECOM, in partnership with RPV and Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM).

RIA is the construction contractor currently undertaking design work and delivering early works on the Gap Road Level Crossing Removal on behalf of RPV and in partnership with the Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP). The major works package for the Project is expected to be awarded later in 2021.

Construction commenced in mid-2021, with the level crossing planned to be removed in 2022 and the project expected to be complete by 2023.

The project scope includes construction of a new two-span rail bridge to cross the roadway beneath. A shared user path will be built on either side of Gap Road and Station Street between Horne and Evans streets.

The Artwork is to be incorporated into the architectural cladding on external faces of both sides of the rail bridge.

4.2 Maintenance Considerations The Artwork is considered a treatment to the bridge cladding and will be subject to standard maintenance arrangements appropriate for a large, functioning piece of infrastructure.

The panels containing the Artwork will be regularly visually inspected for integrity and surveyed to assess any long-term structural movement. Responses will be considered against this requirement.

The Artwork will be exposed to weather and therefore should consider the impact of direct sun, rain, wind and the potential of graffiti. Typical graffiti removal strategies including anti-graffiti coatings to allow removal (either chemical or solvent), painting regimes and limiting flat surfaces.

The Artwork will be visually inspected regularly for integrity and surveyed to assess any long-term structural movement. Responses will be considered against this requirement.

The Artist will work with the project team to ensure the Artwork meets the project requirements for durability and structural integrity of the panels.

4.3 LightingFeature lighting is proposed to strengthen the night-time experience for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers and will follow Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. This includes warm LED strip lighting along the bottom of the retaining walls and beneath the soffit of the bridge to architecturally light the pathways.

Four spotlights (one at each corner of the intersection outer retaining wall) will illuminate the bridge parapet, providing warm lighting on the artwork. The Artist will need to consider feature lighting in the response.

Lighting design drawings are available within the appendix to this document.

Further information Information about the Gap Road Level Crossing Removal can be found at

16  Gap Road Level Crossing Removal — Legacy Artwork Program

5. Legal information 5.1 CopyrightCopyright of the Artwork remains with the Artist however by undertaking this commission, the expectation is that the Artist provides RPV and RIA full rights to use images of the Artwork and/or images of it in situ, without restrictions (excluding commercial purposes).

Ownership of the physical Artwork is vested in RIA and will be transferred to the State of Victoria or delegate Authority or Franchisee.

Intellectual Property Rights in materials produced for the commission will be dealt with in a manner consistent with the Whole of Victorian Government Intellectual Property Policy (2012). Accordingly, the Artist will retain ownership of the intellectual property rights in the material produced for the commission; subject to the Artist granting to the State of Victoria and RIA a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide and royalty free licence to use images of the artwork and/or images of the artwork in situ, (and sub-licence to use images of the artwork and/or images of the artwork in situ) produced for the commission, for the purposes of the Gap Road Level Crossing Removal (excluding commercial purposes).

5.2 Crediting of the artworkIn all instances, RPV and the RIA will aim to correctly credit the Artist as the creator of the Artwork in a reasonably prominent position near the work.

The Artist should indicate to RIA how they wish to be credited. If the Artwork involves the use of any Indigenous cultural intellectual property, RPV and the RIA will display acknowledgement in a reasonably prominent position near the installed Artwork which identifies the appropriate custodial interest and permitted use.

A small plaque attributing the Artist at or near the Artwork will be installed.

5.3 Confidentiality requirementsThe Artist (and all their employees, agents and advisers) will:

• Use and reproduce Confidential Information only to perform their obligations under the Agreement, and

• Not disclose or otherwise make available Confidential Information other than to personnel who have a need to know the information to enable the Artist to perform their obligations under the Agreement.

• All Confidential Information will remain the property of RPV and/or the RIA and all copies or other records containing Confidential Information (or any part of it) must be returned by the Artist to RPV and/or the RIA on termination or expiry of the Agreement

• The Artists acknowledge that RPV and/or the RIA will be entitled (in addition to any other remedy it may have) to seek an injunction or other equitable relief with respect to any actual or threatened breach by the Artist of this clause and without the need on the part of RPV and/or the RIA to prove any special damage.

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5.4 Documenting the design process The design process may be documented by the Project via still and moving image, media and social media promotion, and through community engagement activities. Images will be shared with the Artist.

Sharing of documentary images and select information concerning the Project with third party organisations for presentations, education or academic purposes, knowledge sharing, or archiving, will be at the discretion of RPV and RIA.

Appropriate consent forms will be provided with parental consent sought for any imagery of children under the age of 16.

5.5 External media The selected Artist must not directly publicise details of the project, including via media or social media, without prior approval from RPV.

The Artist may be invited to participate in media, social media, and events to promote their work in the context of the Project.

5.6 Social media RPV will promote the design process via its digital and social media channels. The Artist must be aware that their work and images of the design process will be shared on these channels. RPV and RIA’s participants are not responsible for any reposting of images outside channels associated with the Project. Where practical, the Project will endeavour to appropriately tag and credit images.

5.7 MaintenanceThe maintenance of the project site remains the responsibility of Metro Trains Melbourne, and the land manager, as appropriate.

The Artwork, as a treatment to the bridge cladding, will be subject to standard, regular maintenance arrangements to ensure the integrity of the bridge cladding and removal of graffiti, which should be considered in the concept and the materials proposed to be used.

All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that the Artwork is maintained in accordance with standard maintenance procedures.

5.8 Decommissioning of the artwork The Artwork will be installed in the public realm and may be decommissioned in the future at the discretion of the asset owner. The Artwork will be photographed following installation and a digital copy of images will be provided to the Artist. Prior to any decommissioning in the future, the Artwork will be further documented, and all reasonable attempts will be made to advise the Artist on the Artwork’s decommissioning.


Authorised and published by Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.

More information

1800 105 105 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)

Rail Projects VictoriaPO Box 4509, Melbourne, VIC 3001

It should be noted that this information is current at the time of printing, however due to unforeseen circumstances, changes may occur. Please visit for the latest updates.