First Half-Yearly Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 29 January 2012

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First Half-Yearly Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 29 January 2012

Transcript of First Half-Yearly Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 29 January 2012

Wacil 8, f At


1i 03 1P(.13

`Pt41 rrr jr 1icii o 50-55'YTM zitTi VT:4

k 0 50- 55


(Regn. No. 6HG of 2004 dated 10.06.2004)

Ref : BIDI/HGM/01/12 Date : 01.01.2012



SOCIETY LIMITED will be held at the Park in front of Blocks A-27

and A-28, inside the Housing Society Complex on SUNDAY, the 29th JANUARY, 2012 from 11 a.m. to transact the following business:


a) To review of the activities of the Co-Operative Society on the basis of the report placed by the Board,

b) To consider Audit Report, if any, c) To review Financial Position on the basis of Provisional

Accounts, d) Any other items as may be specified in by-laws.

All members are requested to attend the meeting in time.


( Ajit Kun- ar De )


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RftAii ,T4-47W c50-41 ,rfairOW 7/WPtiPtfirt,

illItCh74 TW7 'clff;4c5 71-5M1 797TR-ivy-Writ:I) 905IGH Tiff9tr4' Ck1CT M-I12 7M5-11 I MI era5.1z )t),1Z qt a, K51r-.4M 177 coop, 178 coop and 179 coop Rafq* I11141CR The West Bengal Co-Operative Societies Act, 2006, The West Bengal Co-Operative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2010 aT: The West Bengal Co-Operative Societies Rules, 2011 <Pc5ic wtIlt ■Do C5TF zrzrn- 4 ̀eiglli

Mct 7.4 74ICTIM-q I 7057111 wrttqzort5-tot ;TT '51144M ••Pff5■Pisi .Yirkftrcq-.4 k4xtrw- 311N1 -11T1 L'5TT

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7115ICT t cifTr 5trT Trimb- t, Ittkix;T faTt RFT‘tm miN•i zi1Tric974 TICS a2 71kit*,1 3M1• )0c.tpli"

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/11-CZ. WIC‘ 71114Mci TMTI 1.11(3,1\D 7F5151c1CT \9 CAIN 9t k.9, Rules,

2011 LO k8(k) f47:1"4a ';ciq --Fc7Cr 71T- 3 (.cIR(TR,

fOTz (..4 19t 1 <KA tzt )111)1J(1 ClAt

Tfr;r75.4 9X1* I 4 Rqckl D.R.C.S. "4-k-I-AtucT 5:1-4RK5 At{TC

91r:45Wq 7Ifif5 9t 9t gCt <p.m k‘I w; c;m1f5--.4 Rgrg VD ezm

TIVM Gri,u a Rzat T‘IttT zqt-- Rt . 9t-v9t-q kuk

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: 7N.T4 31M1 me 9t1xt

et-IS (100 U1T1:4 ,f)t a000

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Trttg-4 \4.1kr(..:1 91 1 1114At 1,1(.<fri I

74191v 3I 1 : ciAt f T,1,4-5 3gff5.

Tiw3Tpluri. igoTc‘ I wiptcm R5T5tr:574 wr-4t f4:4t9mt T4v etc ti

zAu5 9F4tm 7Ift T-410

f-i5119tst-41 kTril (engagement, not employment) i-T4t:I• W-41 ••:1131-s1 7iM4

zitV TC4 3TICRI Wr4t T Z 3r4 cktc- etNI 9tZdf I C5M-31 414 RI 11 1(.<1 VVI Tk-M

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4,1inric emu •

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z4 -f ITcz 7ftirc54 NNE Z T t---1R

Tfct-r.4 e;od

v*Tirt-4 LININRDsr -Titw

111M\ &t.4 I 4 MI5'S 4 (.N1114FD t5M -T:41 kt.tiet I

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b1-1 trlt knt Tikrtzikt k7.4 -\9TTM RTRTP/C4

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71 ~i1~1fc5~r f;'17pr kirm ffilitTiti


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To F.4.4 I K5RRItTr 906m-q I .5TW5:4 Trm Picit9t-st

5►) zT-44-T-'c5 : 9tf45- 71-Pr L-97 -,4-T1D' 74-44-t-K5 (q-m--zmt) Tr7. 411P1 1.1C 1 tli-.41 at1 miter "TIC 7frI05

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"q) 'Qq;iniThr glt-16=Tr,i bid : '19'11(pT 5--15.11 sr 11 %I.M1 0 0'4 URIf 74141 0C41(.( -;1 1 .51` 51 Cgt- Cti-Rt7'51 51CG1-4 0.411131 611C.51

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4-41r• 51R-u1 i . Tftiff5- L-111 rtf'giT -wcz- 7174 =-4.,(.=-4R.%.1vic•-isr TricRt w R1-49 04<pl-Vr; -Ff11cc-115-;11 irk <PiC.4-1 z4IN11 I TtiR 91F:15r0- -14 9F4W 1)(.51C

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.C9M I zif514 7c:Ikt5 via,a00 'WI 0151 4 9'0111c1 . 0 Aab-, )8'1 I

Tir; kut vt6c.?lc, ire ,o R.1 I 515 11C31<pin erci RPr -.T-40C I )TP vc,4, •,x41190 kwcticr -qtckf Tp:R 3-11,1)-ifcti.g 71-5Tr3 zT"- it1 T74C. CTI GT(.01.:1 11121C4 ,1\•11-1 4W, 90-41 d .1-111-11 )1t1111(.14 (0 T1940 Kisirk-c5.1-1(.1.4 1 zt 9tc-1

Via( wgim tz15--T T 1 car 7TV5iT1 c)-1'4 L4 ,71T;ITIk9 T .4)(.91(.-1 I 9tr:451-- 51FTT )1tVii(M )11:14-41

W4-ET .57:4 9tRICM.W..4CTa illGtvp tEl

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twol c 1 I 3reff iii 9fRF GI) tC9rift 'TO C59111 3'RCTO 501q.m.g <Pier<rcgct 7-qJ L kv5t 4 WC-q1 9RTOCWI

et^is Lers111 LTr'sR t511 3-CE I 71r" 'VW KtTIVL-13 tUrlft <PCsi 4 -.F-471 --Ifbat 831151 (41MTECal ) Iv 11?I3i1C9t;* WCK5 2C\D ?V I *1311Ctl4 KITI5f5.4 ̂1f-4. Lei fi ko

8 (4) .7.f.g ZiTiffit kTfiM W91 Sit qt 3iT.M

90-FW ~i1l1 9N5 LgiCT 70.4M W UT, 4 Yiv*-Aaai\DIIT qiimt 9t1t 71F-Cm t t f:io 4 .,TTN kkixt 9tCRI 3011z-.4

11Sr<p4 9C-:45-m-4t 4-o sztrcai--qI sir745wrii ta5m 2cci4r-.4cu ,457 cikr tw-41(.1-r 4 WNI tfir

wt Lam,

R-R-► t zTlwr.-1 31N15 ,o 9t7* K5f



COLLECTION AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE PERIOD FROM 01.04.2011 TO 31.12.2011 ( Provisional and Un-audited account)

SI.No. Collection Head Rupees Paise SI.No. Expediture Head Rupees Paise

1 Maintenance Charges 765280 00 1 Cleaning & Maintenance 98620 75 2 Car Parking Fees 7800 00 2 Repair & Maintenance 28961 00 3 Miscellaneous Income _ 67910 00 3 Sports & Culture 10110 00

4 Security Guards 45000 00 5 Printing & Stationery 5969 00 6 Pump Operation 24810 00 7 Water Charges (KMWSA) 318434 00 8 Electric Charges (CESC) 211147 00 9 Conveyance Expenses 300 00 10 AGM Expenses 21305 00 11 Miscellaneous Expenses 4920 00 12 Refund 165 00 13 Audit Expenses 1325 00 14 Postage & Stamps 22 00

Total 840990 00 Total 771088 75

4 Share Capital 10400 00 12 To Share Capital Fund 10400 00 5 Registration Fees 15600 00 13 To Registration Fund 15600 00

14 To Development Fund 88400 00 6 Development Fees 88400 00 7 Bank Interest 15250 00 15 Bank Charges 40 00 8 Painting Advance 175500 00 16 To Painting Fund

Blood Donation Camp 175500 18104

00 00 9 Central Blood Bank 1240 00 17

To Bank + Cash in hand 68247 25

Grand Total : 11473801 00 1 1 JGrand Total : 1147380 00








YEAR OF AUDIT : 2010-11

Being authorized under section 90(1) of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act-

1983 and of the power conferred upon me by the Director of Co-operative Audit, West

Bengal vide order No. 688/1(2)DA dated 25.04.2011, I have conducted and completed the

statutory audit of the above named society for the year 2010-11, i.e. from 01.04.2010 to

31.03.2011 on the basis of available books and records which were produced by the society

at the time of audit.

A general notice was issued to all debtors, creditors, or members as the case may be

to verify their debit, credit, and share balances as on 31st March 2011. I received written

grievances from two members during the course of my audit. On the basis of these

grievances I made audit queries to the Secretary. On 24.11.11 and the Secretary of Bidisha

Co-operative Society Ltd. replied to my audit queries vide memo no. . Bidisha/Audit 2010-

11 by enclosing some documents which were verified by me such for the purpose of this

auditing works. Audit queries and Society's reply along with supporting documents are


A compliance report under section 91(2) of the W.B.C.S., Act should be sent to the

Asst. Director of Co-operative Audit, Hooghly Range on the basis of audit observations.

PRIMA FACIE : Audited society is a primary housing society registered vide its

registration no. 6HG dated 10.06.2004 by the Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies,

Hooghly Range, object of which is to make arrangement of Housing accommodation to its

members, basically the society was organized to facilitate the transfer of ownership of the

flats or apartments of the housing complex under Konnagar Housing Project of West Bengal

Housing Board. The basic object having been fulfilled. The society now cater to civic

amenities to its members and executes maintenance and development works.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS : The Board of Directors of the society managed by nine

elected members. Existing Board of Directors were elected in the Annual General Meeting

dated 09.08.2009 detail of which has been furnished in the intioductory statement. The

functioning Directors met 11 (eleven) times in their committee meeting and hold one

Annual General Meeting on 09.09.2010. The last Annual General Meeting was held on


MEMBERSHIP : As on 315t March 2011 total number of membership stood at 472.

During the year under audit 12 (twelve) members were admitted and 08(eight) members

have transferred their flats.

SHARE CAPITAL : Authon'sed sham capital is Rs. 5 'acs. L?I'vi'ded 50012 Solicit-ES 100/- each. Issued paid up share capital as on 31" March, 2011 stood at Rs. 94400.00.

Schedule in support of the above item was produced which found tallied with book figures.

Share suspense as on the same date stood at Rs. 2600.00 which needs early regularization.

DEVELOPMENT FUND : As on 31" March,2011 the balance sheet of development

fund stood at Rs. 736075.00. Movement of arriving the said balance has been in the

Balance- sheet as on 31" March,2011 In the captioned member's grievances (the copy

enclosed) "it was noticed that in the A.G.M. for 2010-11 - as. ment of the society

had taken a decision to collect Rs. 5000.00 from each member for building repairing and

coloring and also Rs. 400.00 for organizing puja and for such cases the society has....nat

produced any plan, estimate and budget". Though the cause of action does not fall within

t'he period of this audit work. I would like to •ring the facts to the departmental officers for

'favouring of suitable measures.

STATUTORY FUND : Balance of statutory fund as on 31" March,2011 were as follows:

(a) Reserve fund Rs. 14946.00

(b) Bad Debt Fund Rs. 22420.00

(c) Coop Education Fund Rs. 7473.00

The balance are the brought forward balance. It is advised to remit the entire amount of Co-

operative Education Fund in favour of the fund committee at an early date.

ADVANCE MAINTENANCE CHARGE : Balance of this head account stood at Rs.

41100.00 as on March,2011.

AUDIT FEES : As on 31" March,2011 amount of Rs. 14160.00 was due on account of

audit fees, which should be deposited in favour of the Government of West Bengal under

head of account '0425-00-101-001-16' and the copy of the same should be sent to the

Assistant Director of Co-operative Audit, Hooghly Range.

CASH AND BANK BALANC.E : The ci'osiing cash hat'aRce as vii 31" march,2011 was Rs.

46380.70, I could not verify the same on date as this audit was taken on a latter date. Bank

balance as on the same date stood at Rs. 53737.07. The bank pass book and statements

were verified and found tallied with book figure. Balance of fixed deposits as on 311'

March,2011 was Rs. 1189000.00 with H.D.C.C.B Ltd. Interest accrued on date stood at Rs.

229742.00 which includes this year's interest provision of Rs. 97487,00.

SECURITY DEPOSIT WITH C.E.S.C. LTD. : I3nlanco of Security deposit with C.E.S.0 Ltd.

As on 31" March,2011 stood at Rs. 93700.00. This is a brought forward balance.

CYCLE STAND : During the year under audit amount of Rs. 189252.00 has been added

with the previous years balance and as on 31" March 2011 total value stood at Rs.

200497.00. It has been observed from the documents placed before this audit that for the

captioned work during this year the society has called tender through Statesman Bangla

News paper. Three tenders have been so far received which were opened in the Board

Meetnlg held G7.02.2011. Ou.'v marked the same were seat to the SOC;ety'S 1.:171-tsultarrt

for his opinion. M/s Pasuba, Konnagar being the lowest bidder was engaged to execute the


In the grievances made by the members it was pointed out that in the bye-laws of

the society the won•construc ion as seen •e ete•but the society is still going on with the

cons ructio wol<- also pointed out that previous year's expenditure under this head of

account is illegal. However the facts brought to e no ice o e • epartmental officers.

FURNITURES AND FIXURES : After usual description of Furnitures and fixures the

valuation of the above item stood at Rs. 8284.95 as on 315t March,2011.

RECEIVABLE FROM MEMBERS : As on 315t March,2011 amount of Rs.148080.00 was

shown receivable from members. A schedule in support of this item was produced by the

Society which found tallied with book figure.


1. Cheque book should be maintained in the society.

2. Balance in the cash book should be drawn on a regular basis.

3. Engagement/appointment of sweeper as wel as conducting an development work,

the Management should follow and obey the Bye-Laws of the Society.

4. Register ob Board of Directors should be maintained.

Lastly, I convey my thanks to the Board of Directors for their cooperation extended during

the course of this audit.


Date 30.11.11. Signature of Audit Officer


INCOME & EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR 2010-11 (As on 31.03.2011)


To Electricity Charges 237420.00 By Maintenance Charges 820610.00

To Security Charges 60000.00 Add last year advance 41340.00 received

To Water Supply (KMWSA) 388124.00 861950.00

Less Advance received 41100.00 To Cleaning & Maintenance 129746.00 for 2011-12

820850.00 To Electrical Appliances 3655.00 Add Receivable from 148080.00

Members To Repairing & 39426.00 Maintenance 968930.00

Less last year 144170.00 To Printing & Stationary 7716.00 receivable 824760.00

To Conveyance 1385.00 By Registration Fee 6000.00

To Meeting Expense 21693.00 By Misc. Income 66223.00

To Sports & Culture 28890.00 By Interest received from SIB A/c


To Pump Operation 25770.00 By Interset from F/D 27000.00

To Audit Fee 14160.00 By Interest Receivable from Fixed Deposit 97487.00

To Bank Charges 92.00 By Interset from FID (excess period) 10836.00

To Misc. Expense 4725.00

To Depriciation on Assets 920.55

To Income over Expenditure 76103.02

TOTAL 1039825.57 TOTAL 1039825.57

.-Sd- .-Sd- .-Sd- Chairman




CASH ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR 2010-11 (As on 31.03.2011)

To Opening Balance By Electricity Charges 237420.00

To cash in hand 40161.70 By Security Charges 60000.00 To Cash at Bank 279586.50

By Water Supply 388124.00 To Maintenance Ch(10-11) 779510.00 To Maintenance Ch(11-12) 41100.00 By Cleaning & Maint. 129746.00

To Share Capital 4000.00 By Electrical Appliances 3655.00

To Registration Fee 6000.00 By Cycle stand 189252.00

To Development Fee 34000.00 By Repair & Maint. 39426.00

To Misc Income 66223.00 Dev. Work 88425.00

To Intrest from S/B 7519.57 By Printing & Stationary 7716.00

To Interest on F/D 27000.00 By Conveyance 1385.00

Int.on F/D (exces period) 54336.00 By Meeting Expense 21693.00

By Sports & Culture 28890.00

By Pump Operation 25770.00

By Audit Fee 9200.00

By Bank Charges 92.00

By Misc. Expense 4725.00

Share capital refund 600.00

Security Deposit refund 3200

Cash at Bank 53737.07

Cash in hand 46380.70

TOTAL 1339436.77 1339436.77

.-Sd- .-Sd- -Sd- Chairman Secretary Treasurer

As per L.B.S. Add this year

93700.00 0.00 93700.00

Fixed Deposit with H.D.C.C.B.

Statutory Fund As per L.B.S. Add additional



Receivable from Members

9205.50 0.00

9205.50 920.55 8284.95

Reserve Fund


Bad Debt Fund

22420.00 Co-Op Education Fund


Adv. Maint. Charge Recd 2011-12

Less depr.@10%


BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR 2010-11 (As on 31.03.2011)



Authorised Share Capital 5000 shares @ Rs. 100/- each

Paid up Share Capital

Cash in hand

Cash at Bank

Security Deposit with C.E.S.0 Ltd.


46380 70


As per LBS Add Recd. This year

Less Share Refund

Less Share Suspense

92000.00 4000.00

96000.00 600.00

95400.00 1000.00 94400.00

Share Suspense

As per LBS 1600.00

Add during the year 1000.00

As per last

Add this Year Less withdrawal/

2600.00 (FD maturity)


0.00 0.00

Cycle Stand 11245 00



Development Fund As per last Add This Year

200497 00

As per LBS Add Recd. this year

Less Development Work

790500.00 34000.00

824500.00 88425.00

736075.00 736075.00 Furnitures and Fixures

148080 po.

9200.00 14160.00 23360.00


Audit Fees due to Govt.

As per LBS Add Provision

Less remitted

Against maint. Charge

Accrued interest from investment As per L.B.S. 175755.00

14160.00 l_ess Received


Excess of Income over Expenditure As per LBS 960144.70

Add this year 76103.02

TOTAL 1969421.72

132255.00 Add This Year 97487.00 229742.00

1969421 72 1036247.72

.-Sd- .-Sd- -Sd-

Chairman Secretary


Audit OffiLt-..r