First Class Preschool & Daycare Contract &

Post on 23-Jul-2020

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Transcript of First Class Preschool & Daycare Contract &


First Class

Preschool &


Contract &



Table of Contents

Who can enroll? ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Hours and Rates ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Daily Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Registration ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Curriculum Plan ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Tuition ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Late Payments ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Late Pick Up ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Pick Up by Another Person .................................................................................................................................................... 6

Absences & Payment Policy ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Teacher Sick Day .................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Holidays .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Scheduled Closings ................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Snow Days .............................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Provider’s Maternity Leave .................................................................................................................................................... 8

Termination of Care ............................................................................................................................................................... 8

Exclusion due to Illness Policy ............................................................................................................................................... 8

Medicine ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Immunizations Record ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Nap Time ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Discipline ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Toileting/Accidents ................................................................................................................................................................ 9

The Dog ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10

Meals .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Birthday & Special Treats .................................................................................................................................................... 10


Disaster Preparedness Plan ................................................................................................................................................. 11

Emergency Plan for Children with Special Needs ............................................................................................................... 11

Notifying Parents of an Emergency .................................................................................................................................... 12

Notification/Reunification Plan for Emergency Evacuations ............................................................................................. 12

Permission to Photograph .................................................................................................................................................... 13

Contract Agreement ............................................................................................................................................................ 14


Who Can Enroll?

Preschool aged children (ages 3 and up)

All children must be FULLY potty trained and able to use the bathroom independently.

Hours & Rates

Tentative Daily Schedule

Time Activity

7:00-8:00 Morning Drop-Off/Free Play

8:00-8:45 Circle Time (Daily Review)

8:45-9:15 Snack & Bathroom Break

9:15-10:00 Recess (weather permitting)

10:00-10:30 Circle Time (Theme)

10:30-11:30 Centers

11:30-12:30 Lunch & Bathroom Break

12:30-1:00 Educational Movie on Mats

1:00-3:00 Nap Time

3:00-3:30 Snack & Bathroom Break

3:30-4:00 Preschool Activity

4:00-4:30 Recess (weather permitting)

4:30 -5:30 Pickup/Free Play


To register your child, the following will be required: a completed registration form, a copy of

your child’s immunization records, and a non-refundable registration fee of $50. This

registration fee will go toward classroom supplies and curriculum.

Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Hours: 7:00am until 5:30pm

Prices: $30 per day for full day

$20 per day for part time


Tentative Curriculum

Below is s a tentative curriculum plan. It is to be expected that children will start First Class with varying

skills. Upon starting First Class, I will formally assess your child to see what he or she already knows. I will

differentiate my instruction so that I meet the individual needs of each child. For example, if your

child already recognizes all his/her upper and lower case letters, he/she will be working on letter

sounds and sounding out words. Weekly sight words will also be introduced for students that are

ready. Math, reading, writing (and so on) skills will also be differentiated as needed.


1-10 Circle Blue o Teddy Bears

o Colors of the Rainbow

September C, M, A 0, 1, 2 Oval Red o All About Me o Apples & Pumpkins o All things Autumn

October T, S, R 3, 4 Square Yellow o Fire Safety o Halloween

November I, P, B 5, 6 Rectangle Orange o On the Farm o Thanksgiving

December F, O, G 7, 8 Triangle Green o Animals in winter o Christmas o The New Year

January H, J, U 9, 10 Diamond Purple o Winter Wonderland o Health & Fitness

February L, D 11, 12 Octagon Pink o Ground Hog’s Day o Valentine’s Day o Adventures in Seussville

March W, E, N 13. 14 Review Rainbow o St. Patrick’s Day o Spring Fling o Eggs & Life Cycles

April K, Q, V 15, 16, 17 Review Black/White o Easter o Space o Taking Care of the Earth

May X, Y, Z 18, 19, 20 Review Brown o Garden o Insects

June Review 21-29 Review Gray o Dinosaurs o Ocean

July Review Counting 30-39

Review o Stars & Stripes o At the Zoo

***Children who are ready will be introduced to weekly words as well.***



Tuition is $90 per week for full time children and $60 per week for part time children.

Fees are due each Friday by 5:30pm for the upcoming week.

You may choose to pay weekly, biweekly, or monthly. Regardless, tuition must be paid prior

to care.

Cash or check will be accepted. Please make checks out to Angela Christensen.

Late Payments & Bounced Checks

Late payments will result in a $10 late fee per day (including Tuesdays, Thursdays, and

weekends). This late fee plus the regular tuition amount must be paid in full before your child

can return to First Class Preschool and Daycare.

If a check bounces, there will be a $25 fee for the inconvenience and I will no longer accept

checks from that family.

Late Pick-Up

First Class Preschool and Daycare closes promptly at 5:30pm. Please call if you will be late. If I

have not heard from you within a half an hour of closing, I will call one of your child’s

emergency contacts for pick up.

You will be charged $1 per minute for each minute past the time of closing. This late fee

should be added on to your next tuition check.

Pick Up by Another Person

If a child is to be picked up by someone other than a parent listed on the registration form,

please let me know in advance, and let them know that I will need to check photo

identification upon arrival. I will not release your child to anyone that is not listed on your

enrollment forms unless I have been given notice by you, the parent. If this results in a late

pick up by a parent, all late fees will apply.

Please let me know if there are any sensitive custody issues that pertain to your child.

Absences & Payment Policy

Please call by 8 am if your child will not be attending First Class Preschool and Daycare on

any given day. Once enrolled, you must pay weekly tuition regardless of your child’s

attendance. This means, if your child misses any days due to an illness, vacations, holiday

breaks, etc. you must still pay your regular tuition amount.


Teacher Sick Day

If I need to close on a given day because of sickness, family emergency, etc, there will be

no charge for that day. As much advance notice as possible will be given.

If I need to leave in the middle of the day because of an extreme emergency or I am too

sick to work, parents will be contacted to pick up their children.


First Class Preschool and Daycare will be closed on all major holidays. Holidays will always be

paid days IF the holiday lands (or is observed) on a Monday/Wednesday/Friday. First Class

Preschool and Daycare will be closed for the following holidays during the 2016-2017 school

year. These holidays are considered paid days.

Labor Day (Monday, September, 5 2016)

Monday, December 26, 2016 (in observance of Christmas Day)

Monday, January, 2, 2017 (in observance of New Year’s Day)

Memorial Day (Monday, May 29, 2017)

Scheduled Closings

In addition to the holidays above, First Class Preschool and Daycare will be closed the dates

below. These days will be unpaid days.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016 (HALF DAY – Please see note below)

Friday, November 25, 2016 (Thanksgiving Break)

Friday, December 23, 2016 (Christmas Break)

Monday, April 17, 2017 (in observance of Easter)

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Half Day – I will be closing early (at 1:00pm) on Monday, October 31st. Full time paying parents will

have a discounted rate for the day. However, I know that some of you may need to find full day care

elsewhere (or simply decide to take the full day off with your child), because of this, you will not owe

me any payment for the day if your child is absent on Monday, October 31st.

Snow Days

I will remain open on snow days. I just ask that you please keep me informed on whether or

not you will bring your child that day and/or if you will be arriving late.

Snow days are still considered paid days regardless of whether or not you send your child.


Maternity Leave

If the situation arises, I reserve the right to take a six week maternity leave. My goal would be

to give you approximately six months notice to find alternate care during this time.

Termination of Care

Two weeks’ notice, or two weeks’ payment in lieu of notice, is required if your child will no

longer be attending First Class Preschool and Daycare.

I reserve the right to discontinue care for a child without notice for issues such as (but not

limited to) behavior problems or nonpayment of fees.

Exclusion Due to Illness Policy

Children may not attend First Class Preschool and Daycare and/or will be sent home if

he/she has any of the following symptoms:

Fever (100 degrees or higher)



Excessive cough that produces phlegm

Running nose with greenish or yellowish mucus

In order for children to return to First Class Preschool and Daycare after an illness, they must

be fever free (without the use of fever reducing medicine), diarrhea free, and vomit free for

a minimum of 24 hours and/or have been on antibiotics for at least 24 hours.

Children may not attend First Class Preschool and Daycare and/or will be sent home if

he/she has been diagnosed with/or is suspected of having any sort of contagious and

infectious sickness or disease. These diseases may include, but are not limited to:

chickenpox, measles, mumps, pink eye, head lice, influenza, pin worm, ring worm, scabies, fifth

disease, rotavirus, RSV, Rubella, Pertussis, Hib, Diphtheria, Neisseria Meningitides, Hepatitis A, Shiga

toxin producing E. coil, Shigella, TB, and/or suspected food or waterborne clusters or outbreaks.

If your child has been diagnosed with any contagious/infectious sickness or disease, you

must report it to me within 24 hours. I have an obligation to report these outbreaks to the

other parents/families of First Class Preschool & Daycare. This is to protect their children as

well as my own. The name of the child with the diagnosis will not be released to the other




Medication will only be given with written permission and instructions from a parent. Please

label all medication with your child’s name and dosage.

Immunization Records

All children must be up to date on their immunizations in order to attend First Class Preschool

and Daycare. I will need a current copy of your child’s immunization records at all times. This

means that each time your child visits the doctor and receives immunizations; I will need that

updated record.

Nap Time

Nap time is required for all children. Each child will be given a mat to rest on, but should

bring their own pillow and blanket (both small enough to fit in their cubby). Children will not

be forced to sleep, but will be required to lie quietly to allow the other children to get the rest

they need. Other activities will not be offered during this time.


I believe positive reinforcement has positive outcomes in children. Therefore, I offer many

types of positive rewards throughout the day. This may include verbal praise, stickers,

certificates, etc. However, if needed, discipline consisting of verbal warnings and/or time-

outs (one minute, per year of age) will be used.

Physical punishment will never be used.


All children at First Class Preschool and Daycare are expected to be potty trained and are

free to use the restroom as needed. However, I am aware occasional bathroom accidents

may occur. For this reason, children should bring a change of clothes to keep in their


Wet or soiled clothes will be sent home in a bag and it is the responsibility of the parents to

wash them.


The Dog

We do have a German Shepherd, and there will be times that he is in the house while the

children are present. We love and treat our dog, Nero, as if he is our own child. He is well

trained and vaccinations are always current, but he will be totally separated from the

children at all times. l only want to point this out because my home may not be ideal if your

child has any allergies to pet dander.



A breakfast will not be served to children. Please be sure your child eats breakfast

each morning before attending First Class Preschool and Daycare.


Snacks will be provided and offered to the children twice a day. We will have one

snack time in the morning (around 9:00am) and one snack time in the afternoon

(after nap).

Please keep in mind that morning snack should not be counted as your child’s

breakfast. This is merely a snack; not a meal.

If your child comes late and misses morning snack, he/she will not be offered the

morning snack upon arrival.

Although I will provide snacks for the children, if a child prefers to bring his/her own

snacks, they may do so.


All children enrolled in First Class Preschool and Daycare’s full day program, will need

to bring his/her own cold lunch daily.

Lunch boxes will be kept in your child’s cubby, so lunches should not include foods

that need to be refrigerated or should include an ice pack to keep food fresh.

Lunches should not include food that needs to be heated or prepared.

Please be sure to pack a drink, napkin, and all utensils as well.

Birthday & Special Treats

Children are more than welcome to bring specials treats for their friends to celebrate

birthdays and/or holidays. Please be sure that all treats are store-bought and are ready to

be served.


Disaster Preparedness Plan

In order to ensure children’s safety, emergency drills will be practiced periodically. This is so

the children are aware of the following plans:

Fire Plan:

In the event of a fire in the basement, children will exit through the front door or egress

basement window. Once outside, children will then move to the curb, out of harm’s way.

In the event of a fire upstairs, students will exit through the front door and walk to the curb. If

the front door is inaccessible, children will go through the back door and walk clear to the

back fence. Once all children are outside, the gates will be unlocked. The children can then

move to curb in front of the house.

Tornado Plan:

In the event of a tornado, children will be moved to the corner of the basement, away from

the window.

Severe Storms:

Children will stay away from all windows.

Flood Plan:

In the event of a flood, children will be moved upstairs, which is the highest level of the


Emergency Plan for Children with Special Needs

Any child with special needs that is unable to follow the disaster/emergency/evacuation

plans listed above will have a prewritten plan of action based on his/her individual needs.

This plan will be written out and agreed upon by myself and the child’s parent(s) upon

enrollment or as soon as the need is recognized (if after enrollment).

Any children with physical disabilities will be physically picked up and moved to the

designated, safe place.


Notifying Parents of an Emergency

If an emergency occurs while the children are present, the child’s parents (or the child’s

designated emergency contact if the parents can’t be reached) will be notified through a

phone call as soon as possible.

Notification/Reunification Plan for Emergency Evacuations

An emergency card is kept for each child in our ‘Evacuation Pack’ so that parent/guardian

contact information is always on hand in case of an emergency evacuation. First Class will

call the child’s parents (or the child’s designated emergency contact if the parents can’t be

reached) so reunification can happen as soon as possible.


Permission to Photograph

I, _______________________________, give permission for my child,

___________________________, to be photographed by Angela Christensen while

in her care for the following purposes:

For posting in the classroom and/or bulletin boards Yes No

For use in crafts that will be sent home Yes No

For use in print advertising Yes No

For use on the First Class Preschool and Daycare’s website Yes No

For use on social media sites (such as Facebook) Yes No

__________ I understand that it's my responsibility to update this form if I wish to retract

(Initials) permission in category listed above.

________ I understand that permission is given for the entire period of my child's

(Initials) enrollment unless I update the form.

_____________________________________________________________ __________ (Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Date)


First Class Preschool and Daycare Contract Agreement

August 2016- July 2017 School Year

Parent/Legal Guardian #1

I, ________________________________, have thoroughly read the contract and understand it.

I agree to abide by the policies and procedures described in the First Class Preschool and

Daycare Contract. I also understand that failing to comply with this contract may result in

the discontinuation of care of my child.

Printed Name : _________________________________ Date: ______________

Signed: ________________________________________ Date: ______________

Parent/Legal Guardian #2

I, ________________________________, have thoroughly read the contract and understand it.

I agree to abide by the policies and procedures described in the First Class Preschool and

Daycare Contract. I also understand that failing to comply with this contract may result in

the discontinuation of care of my child.

Printed Name : _________________________________ Date: ______________

Signed: ________________________________________ Date: ______________