First Baptist Church of · PDF fileFirst Baptist Church of Englewood ... atmosphere in which...

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Transcript of First Baptist Church of · PDF fileFirst Baptist Church of Englewood ... atmosphere in which...


First Baptist Church of Englewood 351 W. Englewood Ave.

Englewood, New Jersey 07631

Phone: (201) 568-3410 Fax: (877) 704-2750


Web: Like us on Facebook

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Rev. Dr. John H. Spencer, Jr., Pastor





Call the Church

“Through the Power of The Holy Spirit We Transform

evil into Good, Pain into Wellness and

Death into New Life”


Dearly Beloved:

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) says: “For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” God has placed a ministry in your DNA and until you discern it and begin to serve in it you will be dissat-isfied and unfilled. There is great personal joy, happiness, meaning and significance in serving the Lord. To help you fulfill your Divine Destiny and experience the joy of serving the Lord and others we have created

this Directory of Ministries. Using this pamphlet you can prayerful discern where God is calling you to serve him. Once you have come to an agreement with God and begin to serve the Lord faith-fully in your ministry, you will begin to experience the power and blessings of God in ways you have never ever imagined.

It is possible that you may be called to a Ministry that is not listed in this pamphlet, simply because it is not currently being done here at FBC. If that is the case, please make an appointment to meet with me, as soon as possible, so that we can prayerfully determine if God is calling you to begin a new initiative of service to our church and community. This has happened here with me on more than one occasion with great and lasting benefits to the Kingdom of God and our church.

Faithfull, effective service given to the glory of God and the build-ing of his kingdom and our church will give you the greatest experi-ence of significance, joy, peace and happiness that can ever be had. May this pamphlet help you on your journey to the fulfillment of your faith and the realization of your potential for the glory of God.

Sincerely Yours

Dr. John H. Spencer, Jr. Rev. Dr. John H. Spencer, Jr.,

Senior Pastor


Ministries of the Future (Volunteers Needed)

FBC Social Media Ministry Coordinator

FBC Facebook Manager

FBC Twitter Manager

FBC LinkedIn Manager

Photographer and Videographer

FBC Administrative Coordinator

Men’s Fellowship

Living for Christ (LFC) Men’s Small Group


Assimilation System Coordinator

Evangelism System Coordinator


Our Awana Youth Ministry helps the church and

parents work together to develop spiritually strong

children and youth who faithfully follow Jesus

Christ. Through AWANA our children learn to share,

listen, respect and relate to others in a loving, safe

and caring atmosphere. Children from toddlers to

senior high-school are welcome to participate in

our AWANA program. We meet the 2nd and 4th

Mondays of each month. We begin at 6:00PM and

end at 8:30PM. We provide dinner for all of our par-

ticipants. Our meetings have three main compo-

nents, large group, handbook and game time. The

heart of AWANA is its biblical stand that give pre-

eminence to the Word of God.


Minister Debra B. Spencer-Commander

To volunteer to be an AWANA Leader please see Minister Spencer.


The First Baptist Church

Mission Statement:

God has called us to be Disciples of Jesus Christ who live our lives for Christ by letting Him live in us to achieve His goals of transforming evil into good, pain into wellness,

and death into new life. Biblical References: Galatians 2:19-20, Luke 4:18 and Matthew 28:19-20

The First Baptist Church Vision Statement:

We are a NEW LIFE church.

We Nurture, Encourage and Welcome one another.

We Love God and one another with all of our hearts

We Inspire one another through worship and prayer

We are Friends who share the joys and burdens of life.

We Evangelize by sharing our salvation experiences.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be

transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you

will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—

his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2


NEW LIFE Deacons Ministry


Deacon George L. Horton. Chairman

Deacon Raymond Addison, Sr. Vice Chairman

Bro James Cosby, Recording Secretary

Deacon Arthur Lynch, Treasurer

Deacon Frederick Hunter, Asst. Treasurer

Bro Selwyn Zacharie, Chaplain


Deacon Gene. A. Backous

Deacon Hans Crews, Sr.

Deacon James B Jones

Deacon Oscar Lewis

Deacon Herman Snyder *(Inactive)

Office of Deacon Emeritus

Deacon Nathaniel Mercer

Deacon Billy Phoenix

Our Deacons

assist individuals and families in


Deacons make visits to hospitals, nursing homes and to the sick and shut in to pray and serve communion.

Whatever the weather or other

conditions our Deacons assist

the Pastor in serving the mem-

bership during times of sickness

or bereavement. They conduct

and participate in funerals,

wakes, revivals, prayer services

and communion, and accompany

the Pastor to various preaching

engagements at other churches.


T he Women's Fellowship provides a congenial

atmosphere in which women can exchange ideas,

knowledge, views, and experiences, while mold-

ing Christian attitudes and developing a heart for

godly service. The First Baptist Church Women's Fellow-

ship is open to all women eighteen years of age and older.

Our goals are to help women develop a closer relationship

with Jesus Christ, to encourage them, to lift each other up in

prayer, to enjoy Christian fellowship and to equip women

for service.

Women’s Fellowship

Sis. Judith Howell, Church Woman of the Year

Minister Debra Spencer, Co-Chairperson

Sis. Seven Summers, Co-Chairperson

Sis. Monica McCallum, Secretary

Sis. Arlene West, Treasurer

Sis.. Marcelle, Morgan, Chaplain


Volunteer Ministry

Sister Charity Gall, Coordinator

Please see Sister Charity Gall to discuss volunteering your time and your talents to FBC.

All inquires are welcome. You can also call the church office at 201-568-3410 for additional information.

First Baptist Church is an authorized Community Service work-site for the Bergen County Judicial System. We open our hearts and our doors to allow individuals to complete their community service hours at our church.

Angel Tree Prison Ministry: FBC donates hundreds of dollars each year to the Angel Tree Prison Ministry to purchase Christ-mas gifts for family members of incarcerated men and women.

Minister Barbara Backous, Coordinator





NEW LIFE Deaconess Ministry

Officers Deaconess Mary Lynch, Chairperson

Deaconess Portia Barber,

Vice Chairperson

Deaconess Lois Campbell, Secretary

Deaconess Natalee Addison, Treasurer

Members Sis Ruby Cosby

Deaconess Vera Jones

Deaconess Evelyn Mercer

Deaconess Virginia Mitchell

Deaconess Beverly Snyder

Office of Deaconess Emeritus

Deaconess Louise Wiggins

Members of the


Ministry visit the

sick and shut-in,

while helping

those in need

within the

church and the



New Life Trustees

Sis. Latonya Reeves, Chairperson

Deacon James Cosby -Vice Chair

Deacon Raymond Addison

Sis. Laurette Fraser

Sis. Tracey Harris

Bro. Derrick House (Security)

Sis. Sylvia Martin

Bro. John McCallum

Deacon Selwyn Zacharie

Office of Trustee Emeritus

Sis. Dr. Elnora Smith

Office of Church Treasurer

Deacon Gene A. Backous

Office of Assistant Church


Sis. Delores Shannon

Sis. Keli Sutton

Our Finance Team

ensures that the

Church will be able

to meet its finan-

cial goals and ob-

jectives in fulfilling

the spiritual needs

of the congregation

and the community.

Trustees are also responsible for the care and custody of the property of the Church, including opening and closing the Church for all regularly scheduled services and special events.


Senior Ushers Ministry Officers Sis. Laurette Fraser, Chairperson

Deacon Raymond Addison, Vice Chair

Sis. Judith Howell, Secretary

Deaconess Ruby Cosby, Treasurer

Bro. Anthony Graham, Assist Treasurer

Deaconess Lois Campbell, Chaplain

Junior Ushers Ministry Officers Sis. Britnae Belcher, Chairperson

Sis. Samira Chapman, Vice Chair

Sis. Tenasia Chapman, Corres. Secretary

Sis. Zafirah Minton, Financial Sec.

Sis. Samantha Whilby, Treasurer

Sis. Kaitlin Faye, Chaplain

An Usher is a doorkeeper who meets and greets people (Psalms 84:10), He/She is God’s Public Relations Officer and represents the church to every visitor, first-timer and the congregation. He/She is to keep the door, meet the needs of people and welcome them into the presence of the Lord; you only have one opportunity to make a first impression.

An Usher is one who maintains order (1 Corinthians 14:40). He/She is expected to maintain order, control movement throughout the service.

An Usher is a leader who is in charge of the things in the temple (1 Chronicles 9:19-32). In summary, an Usher is one who spots a gap and fills it/One-who fines a hurt and heals it; one who has a heart ready to serve with willing hands and ready feet.


Stephen Ministers are not counselors. They are trained Christian caregivers. Their role is to listen and care—not counsel or advise.

Stephen Ministry is a supervised ministry. Stephen Ministers engage in monthly supervision to ensure that they are providing the best-quality Christian care.

Stephen Ministry is a confidential ministry. What a care receiver tells a Stephen Minister remains confi-dential. Even in supervision, the names of care re-ceivers and specific details are never discussed.

Stephens Ministry Leaders

Rev. Marilyn Peoples

Deaconess Mary Lynch

Are you in one of life's storms?

We are here to help and encourage you.




Too busy to meet at the church? This is the class for you!

Read through the Bible in a One Year or Two Year Program. Call–in Bible Study with Pastor Spencer. Every Friday

night at 6:00PM. Call in 609-475-4000 ext. 919803#


Since its inception SonRise Development Corporation (SonRise) has provided programs geared toward low-income families that include female-headed household. Our initial program in 1999 was a satellite based home ownership program. Our second initia-tive in 2000 was His Invitation to Victory: HIV/AIDS education and prevention programs that provide education, case manage-ment services, free testing and spiritual counseling up clients’ re-quest. 2001 Determined to Achieve Parent Network: an advocacy and support group for special needs children and their families. 2003 SonRise worked in conjunction with educational consultants to introduce the Next Step Project to McGraw Elementary School in Camden, New Jersey. The Next Step Project utilized a family-oriented intervention curriculum model to help close the educa-tional achievement gap between urban children and their suburban counterparts. In 2003 SonRise began Phase I of the SonRise House for homeless women and their children project with the receipt of a grant for the renovations of 339 Englewood Avenue, Englewood New Jersey. Phase II of the SonRise. 2007 Collabo-rated with Bergen Family Center to organize a Family Success Center to serve residents of Englewood with information, educa-tion, resources for prevention of child abuse & neglect, as well as, provide programs that delivered services that strengthened fami-lies. 2009 Grand Opening of the SonRise House that is currently serving one family at time until we secure adequate funding to op-erating the facility with 24 hour staffing. 2010 SonRise Family Services Program was established to provide drug and alcohol pre-vention education and computer classes. The SonRise D C con-tinues to explore every opportunity in an effort to help those at a disadvantage to gain knowledge and skills to be victorious. We are committed to raising the awareness of social issues that have a negative impact on society. Because of this commitment our mis-sion is to provide

‘Light for a New Day, Hope for a New Life by Empowering People Through Information, Education and Service.”


A Pastoral Care ministry leady by Rev.

Marilyn Peoples which ministers to

senior citizens who are unable to at-

tend the church of their choice, to as-

sure that they, too, can receive God's

magnified Word. Please contact Rev.

People if you know of a senior in

need of this ministry.

A Word from the Lord, Pastoral Ministry

Rev. Marilyn Peoples

Small Group Systems Coordinator

Minister Sanetta Ponton

Quote from Rick Warren:

“A small group helps people

grow. Everyone is on a spiritual

path full of twists and turns,

forks in the road, dead ends,

and pot holes. Group life helps

you in your spiritual journey

and supports you as you navi-

gate the road.”



Disciplemaking, is the proc-ess of helping someone estab-lish a relationship with Jesus and instructing that friend in the life of faith. To be most effec-tive, Disciplemaking involves more than rubbing shoulders with friends—it is intentionally and actively helping them live on the growing edge of their faith.

Disciplemaking is individualized because no two people learn, change or grow in exactly the same way. Jesus sees us as unique individuals. He invites us, not to a philosophy or a program, but to a unique relationship with himself.

Effective Disciplemaking is suited to that unique-ness. It does not come with a prefabricated formula. The process of Disciplemaking is inductive; it devel-ops and grows as we learn our friends' needs and in-terests.

Disciplemaking Is Inspired. We cannot be effective disciplemakers if the Spirit of God is not at work in our lives and in the lives of those we disciple.

DiscipleMakers Ministry

Deacon James Cosby

See Deacon Cosby or Pastor Spencer for more information. 19

Single Parent Team Ministry

Deaconess Mary Lynch, Coordinator

Soul Seekers Ministry

Deacon Selwyn Zacharie

All single parents and their children are welcome. Call the church office or check our website for meeting dates and times.


Seniors Fellowship Officers

Sis. Fredericka Umar, Chairperson

Sis. Rosella Graham, Vice Chair.

S eniors fellowship with each other on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 12 noon in the Fellowship Hall.

Many of us live alone and have limited contact with another person for conversation, sometimes we are

lonely and just need to talk to someone. The fellowship brings seniors together to talk, joke, laugh, and share some of our concerns. Often we think we have a unique problem only to start discussing it and find someone else is plagued with that same problem, and if we are lucky they have already found a solution. We discuss scams that are targeting seniors and relevant issues that we need to be aware of.

We have hosted presentations from the local police department about safety, a nutritionist, a seminar on legal and healthcare documents we may need, the Senior Services of Bergen County gave us a 6 week course on senior health and exercise, and information about trips and outings from other groups who are willing to share with us.

We welcome all and we are there for each other.

Freddie Umar, Chairperson


Altar Guild Officers

Sister Henrietta Elliott-President

Fredricka Umar, Vice Pres.

Sis. Karen Perry Gundy, Secretary

Sister Laurette Fraser, Treasurer

Sister Marcelle Morgan, Chaplain

The Altar Guild has the privilege of preparing

the altar for any service held in the church. The

members are also responsible for cleaning the

altar and caring for the vessels to be used at

any service.

We are all called to serve our Lord, you may

find the Altar Guild to be a place where you can

serve and grow spiritually.


Chapel of the Four Children

Scholarship, Officers

Sis. Latonya Reeves, Chairperson

Sis. Sondra Akins, Vice Chair.

Sis. Brenda H. Leonard, Treasurer

In 1972, the First Baptist Church, Chapel of the Four Children Scholarship and Education Fund was established for the purpose of encouraging and assisting deserving High School Seniors who exhibits need, be it academic or economic in their pursuit of higher education. In addition to the Chapel of the Four Children Scholarship and Education Fund; over the years scholarships have also been established by various families within the First Baptist Church. As a direct result of the generosity of the

First Baptist Church members and friends

more than $100,000.00 dollars has been

awarded to graduating High School Seniors

and continuing education college students

through the Chapel of Four Children Schol-

arship and Education Fund, Inc. and family

sponsored scholarships.

To God be the Glory!!

Chapel of Four

Children is named

for girls killed dur-

ing 16th Street

Baptist Church

Birmingham, Al.

bombing, Sept. 15,



Adult Choir Rehearsal:

Mondays 7:00—9:30PM

Praise Dance Rehearsal:

Thursdays 6:00PM—7:00PM

(Alternating Groups)

A) Teen & Adults

B) Youth

Youth Choir Rehearsal:

(Call the church for schedule.)



Sister Diane Brown Sister Thelma Hall- Coxson Sister Beverly Edwards Sister Frankie Fortson Sister Peggy Garris Sister Tracey Harris Sister Judith Howell Sister Catherine Jackson Sister Jacqueline Johnson Sister Celesta King Deaconess Mary Lynch Deaconess Evelyn Mercer Sister Wyneth Phillips Sister Anna Poole (Shut-in) Sister Janie Powell Sister Elnora Smith Brother Howard W. Smith Sister Lorainetta Stennett (Shut-in) Sister Cora Thomas (Shut-in) Sister Daisy Thomas Sister Mary Tucker Deaconess Louise Wiggins (Shut-in) Deacon Selwyn Zacharie

Missionary Society Officers

Sis. Wilhelmenia Jackson, Chairperson

Sis. Brenda H. Leonard, Vice Chair.

Sis. Rosella Graham, Secretary

Sis. Ernestine Thomas, Corr. Secretary

Sis. Eunice Walker, Treasurer

Deaconess Virginia Mitchell, Chaplain

Our Work in Word and Deed

Annual Mother-Daughter-

Father-Son Brunch Annual Prayer Breakfast Annual Worship Service Bereavement Care Package Children’s Aid and Family

Services Baby Basics Program Distribution of our Daily

Bread Inglemoor Nursing Center (Provide Christmas Gifts for a

Group of Residents) Monthly Meals for a Group of

Seniors at 111 West St., Engle-wood

Monthly Meals for our Sick & Shut-ins

New Jersey Convention of Progressive Baptists

North Jersey District Mis-sionary Baptist Association

Transportation to Medical Appointments

Visitation of our Sick and Shut-ins To God Be The Glory!

New Members are welcome!

The Missionaries meet the 4th Sun-day of each month immediately after the 10:15AM Worship Service.


Culinary Ministry Officers

Sis. Brenda H. Leonard, Chairperson

Sis. Diane Brown, Co-Chair

Sis. Olivia Davis, Secretary

Sis. Jacqueline Johnson, Financial Secretary

Sis. Ruby Reeves, Chaplain



The Culinary Ministry is an important ministry of FBC. Its primary function is to provide food services for church-wide fellowships and special events. Our Culinary Ministry members prepare and submit budget projections for the cost of events where food will be served. They prepare the necessary food and beverage items for each event. They enlist assistance as needed, from other available committees and organizations within the church. They prepare and decorate the venue selected for all events in a manner con-sistent with Christian values. They insure that all event venues involving the Culinary Ministry are clean and in order following the event.

Garden Ministry Officers

Deaconess Beverly Snyder, Coordinator

Sis. Yvonne Burgess, Coordinator

Visit Our

Meditation Garden (located behind the SonRise House)

New Members Welcome! If you have a green thumb or just like to work in the dirt, join us, we would love to work with



Greeters Ministry Bro. Theodore Chapman,


Men’s Fellowship Bro. Lemond Ponton, Chairperson

Deacon Gene A. Backous, Co-Chair

All FBC Men are asked to attend

our meetings the 2nd Saturday of

each month @ 9:30AM


Multi-Media Ministry

Sis. Jennifer Gall, Chairperson

Bro. Theodore Chapman, Vice Chair

Sis. Tisha Addison, Secretary

Sis. Dian Robertson, Chaplain