First aid for heart attacks

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of First aid for heart attacks

Stratford Upon Avon First Aid

First aid for heart attacks

What is a heart attack?

Stratford Upon Avon First Aid

The heart is a muscle with its own blood supply

The heart is supplied with blood by a network of coronary arteries

These arteries can become blocked with clots or fatty tissue

What is a heart attack?

Stratford Upon Avon First Aid

When the coronary arteries become blocked, the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen/nutrients and dies

This is known as a heart attack

Stratford Upon Avon First Aid

Signs and Symptoms

Stratford Upon Avon First Aid

> Chest pain (which does not get better)

- May spread to jaw / shoulders / arm / back

> Shortness of breath

> Casualty becomes pale / sweaty

> Fear and anxiety (“sense of impending doom!”)

> Irregular pulse

> Feeling sick (nausea) and vomitting

Stratford Upon Avon First Aid

First aid treatment

Stratford Upon Avon First Aid

1) Call an ambulance immediately

2) Encourage the casualty to chew a 300mg Aspirin unless they are allergic

3) Place the casualty in a position of rest, ideally on the floor

4) Monitor the casualty, and give reassurance whilst waiting for ambulance

5) Be prepared for the casualty to deteriorate


Stratford Upon Avon First Aid

Aspirin helps by breaking down clots which cause heart attacks

You should encourage the casualty to chew a 300mg (large) aspirin so that it is absorbed through the mouth

They should not swallow the Aspirin as this will not be effective