First 20 Days

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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First 20 Days. A reader’s mind is always working before, during, & after reading. Reading is Thinking 1. To do your best thinking , the room is quiet. Reading is Thinking 1. You will read silently without talking to anyone. Reading is Thinking 1. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of First 20 Days

First 20 Days

A reader’s mind is always working

before, during, & after reading.

Reading is Thinking 1

To do your best thinking, the room

is quiet.

You will read silently without talking

to anyone.

Reading is Thinking 1

Reading is Thinking 1

When I am talking to a reader, I will whisper. So will the reader I am talking with, so we do not interrupt anyone’s


Reading is Thinking 1 Later at group meeting, we can talk about how well we did at keeping the room completely quiet so we can do our best reading.

Selecting Books 2How are they


Selecting Books 2• Our first choice is to access the LIBRARY….Always have 2 library books; they are to be kept in school for independent reading.• * Our Classroom library is organized by topic Fiction…..Science….. Social Studies

How Readers Choose Books 2Different Ways

EasyJust Right


Readers should choose just right books most of the time

Reading is Thinking 3

•Reading is Thinking, Talking, and Writing about Your Reading

Making Fabulous Choices 3

Easy books• Fun books to read when you want to relax• Favorite Picture book• A new book that will take little effort• A book that you understand very well


Making Fabulous Choices 3Just Right Books

• You Understand well and enjoy• You can read smoothly and only have a few

places where you need to slow down to figure out a word or meaning

• Books that help you become a better reader each time you read


Making Fabulous Choices 3

Challenging • Very difficult to read

• Trouble reading many of the words and you don’t understand most of what you are

reading• Too difficult for you to enjoy right now, but

you may enjoy them later


Making Fabulous Choices• Readers can record their thinking as they read.

• Notes help readers build and deepen their understanding as they read.

• Graphic Organizers also help the reader remember what they read.

Make A List

Ways We Choose Books1. Front cover/ Inside jacket

2. Another Book in the Series3. Interesting Title

List 4 more ways

Thinking & Talking About Your Reading 4

• While you read today, think about what you liked and did not like.

• Make connections… “Hey this reminds me of the story of Cinderella….”

• Make Predictions

Kinds of Thinking• Predications• Likes vs. Dislikes• Questions? Anything in text that is confusing

to you• Life Memory• Thoughts about the author’s style of writing• Connections to other books or characters in

other stories you have read

Abandoning a Book Day 6

• Why would you abandon a book?Disappointed BoringToo Easy/ Too HardNot Interested in that Genre Did Not Like the CharactersDifferent Book InterestToo Scary/ Too Sad/ Too ConfusingExpected Author’s Style to be DifferentDid Not Like Friend’s Recommendation

Fiction VS Nonfiction Day 7

•Fiction = Fake •Nonfiction = True stories with accurate


Different Kinds of FictionDay 8

• Historical Fiction seems real took place in the past• Realistic Fiction seems real could take place now• Science Fiction books that tell about supernatural events

• Fantasy unrealistic elements• Traditional Literature stories past down through history

like folktales, fairy tales, myths, and legends

Day 8 Continued

Genre Types• Realistic Fiction = RF• Historic Fiction = HF• Science Fiction = SF• Fantasy = F• Traditional Literature = TL

Different Types of NonfictionDay 9

Informational TextVS

Biography Text

Informational Text

•Gives information about history, science, language, or other subjects

Biography Text

Biography text tells about people’s lives. If an author tells about some memories or certain experiences in their life it is called a memoir.

Day 10Keep a Record of Your Reading

• Keep a record of the number of pages you read a day in your reading log

• List your book, author, and genre

Day 11Guidelines for Reading Workshop

• You must always be reading a book or writing your thoughts about your reading.

Guidelines for Reading Workshop

• You need to work silently to enable you and your peers to do your best thinking

Guidelines for Reading Workshop

• Always do your best work because neatness counts!

Guidelines for Reading Workshop

• Select books you think you will enjoy and abandon books that aren’t working for you after you’ve given them a good chance.

Guidelines for Reading Workshop