Fine-Grained Soft Semantic Constraints

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Fine-Grained Soft Semantic Constraints. Yuval Marton University of Maryland Knowledge-CorpusBasedSem-Manchester_090614.ppt. Why Care?. Tell’em apart: These, too:. FOX. FOX = FOX = FO rkhead/winged-heli X replicator gene. Road map. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Fine-Grained Soft Semantic Constraints

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 2

Why Care?

Tell’em apart:

These, too:

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 3


• FOX =

• FOX = FOrkhead/winged-heliX replicator gene

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 4

Road map

• Brief overview of doctoral work

• Hybrid knowledge / corpus-based semantic similarity methods– Pure and hybrid methods

– Hard and soft constraints

– Fine-grained

– Named-entities

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 5

Dissertation Theme

• Hybrid Knowledge/Corpus-Based Statistical NLP Models Using Fine-Grained Soft Syntactic and Semantic Constraints– Soft Constraints– Fine-Grained– Syntactic (parsing)– Semantic (“concepts”, paraphrases)

• Evaluated in – Word-pair similarity ranking and – Statistical Machine Translation (SMT)

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 6

Soft Constraints

• Hard constraints– [0,1]; in/out– Decrease search space– “structural zeroes”– Theory-driven– Faster, slimmer

• Soft constraints– [0..1]; fuzzy– Only bias the model– Data-driven: Let patterns emerge





Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 7


• Granularity is a big deal– Soft syntactic constraints in SMT

• Chiang 2005 vs. Marton and Resnik 2008

• Neg results pos results

– Soft semantic constraints in word-pair similarity ranking • Mohammad and Hirst 2006 vs.

Marton, Mohammad and Resnik 2009

• Pos results better results

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 8

Soft Syntactic Constraints• X X1 speech ||| X1 espiche

– What should be the span of X1?

• Chiang’s 2005 constituency feature– Reward rule’s score if rule’s

source-side matches a constituent span

– Constituency-incompatible emergent patterns can still ‘win’ (in spite of no reward)

– Good idea -- Neg-result • But what if…

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 9

Rule granularity

• Chiang: Single weight for all constituents (parse tags)

• … But what if we can assign a separate feature and weight for each constituent?

• E.g., NP-only: (NP= )

• Or VP-only: (VP= )

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 10


• Granularity is a big deal

Soft syntactic constraints in SMT• Chiang 2005 vs. Marton and Resnik 2008• Neg results pos results

– Soft semantic constraints in word-pair similarity ranking • Mohammad and Hirst 2006 vs.

Marton, Mohammad and Resnik 2009• Pos results better results

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 11

Word-pair similarity ranking

• Give each word pair a similarity score– Rooster – voyage– Coast – shore

• Noun-noun (Rubinstein & Goodenough, 1965)

• Verb-verb (Resnik & Diab, 2000)

• Result: list of pairs ordered by similarity• Spearman rank correlation

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 12

Similarity measures

• Distributional profiles (DP)– Which words did I occur next to?

• Context vectors

• Similar vectors similar meaning

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 13

Bank (pure word-based)


Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 14

Bank (pure concept-based)


Financial Institution



–Compare closest senses

–Bankriver = water ??

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 15

Bank (Hybrid Model)


Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 16


• Granularity is a big deal

Soft syntactic constraints in SMT• Chiang 2005 vs. Marton and Resnik 2008• Neg results pos results

Soft semantic constraints in word-pair similarity ranking • Mohammad and Hirst 2006 vs.

Marton, Mohammad and Resnik 2009• Pos results better results

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 17

Unified Model

• Soft constraints in a log-linear model– Syntactic

– Semantic

– …

• ihi(x)

• Add more terms to the sum

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 18

Road map

Brief overview of doctoral work

• Hybrid knowledge / corpus-based semantic similarity methods– Pure and hybrid methods

– Hard and soft constraints

– Fine-grained

– Named-entities

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 19

Distributional profiles (DPs)

• DPW: word-based distributional profile– First order

– Distributional Hypothesis (Harris 1940; Firth 1957)

– Second order (vector representation)

– Strength of association• Counts, PMI, TF/IDF-based,

Log-likelihood ratios …

– Vector similarity (cosine, L1, L2,..)

word x word

Bush Obama


.93 .96


.13 .89


.88 .15


.76 .91

… .45 .74

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 20

Taxonomies and Groupings

• WordNet– Synsets– Relations (“is-a”)– Arc distance

• UMLS• Thesaurus

– Flat– Coarse

– Bankriver = water ??


Academic job




Industry job




Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 21

Hybrid measures

• WordNet– Resnik’s method (info content)– Lin and others

• Thesaurus Concept-based – Mohammad and Hirst (coarse-grained)– word may be listed under several concepts– Distance b/w most similar senses– Pro: Resource-poor languages and domains– Con: Small thesaurus low applicability– WCCM: Financial instit. ~ academic instit.

– Bankriver = water ??

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 22

WCCM: Concept-Word matrix

• WCCM: word-concept collocation matrix

• DPC: concept-based distributional profile

• Potentially iterative process

• Clean-up

conceptx word

Fin.Inst Water

bank .97 .85

teller .88 .07

money .94 .15

water .32 .91

… .45 .74

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 23

Use concept-based DPCs to bias word-based DPWs



WaterFinancial Institution WaterFinancial Institution


–Compare closest senses

–Bankriver = water ??




Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 24

Fine-grained soft constraints

• DPWS: distributional profile of word senses

• Use concept-based DPCs to bias word-based DPWs– Hybrid-filtered

– Hybrid-proportional

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 25


Fin.Inst DPC

Water DPC





bank .97 .85 .76 .76

teller .88 .07 .54 .54

money .94 .15 .68 .68

water .00 .91 .62 .00

… .45 .74 .25 .25

Filter out collocates in DPW, if not appearing in DPC

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 26


Fin.Inst DPC

Water DPC





bank .97 .85 .76 .33

teller .88 .07 .54 .05

money .94 .15 .68 .08

water .00 .91 .62 .00

… .45 .74 .25 .15

Only discount collocate’s value in DPW, in proportion to the ratio of its count in current DPC relative to all DPCs of the target word

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 27


• Each sense of each word has a unique profile

– Bankfin.inst ≠ Bankriver ≠ water !

• Pro:– Not aggregated: DPC profiles are

– Non/less smearing: DPW profiles smear all senses in a single profile

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Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 29


• Word-pair similarity ranking– Spearman Rank correlation

• Paraphrasing in SMT– BLEU, TER, METEOR, ..

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• WordNet results

• LSA results

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• Antonyms (black – white)

• “Hyperonyms” (vehicle – car)

• Co-hypernyms / co-taxonyms

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 32

Named Entities

• Challenges:– Bush – Obama

• Potentially helpful:– H2O – Water– FOX – “forkhead/winged-helix replicator”– FOXP2 – SPCH1

• “SPCH1” turned out to be a member of the FOX (forkhead/winged-helix replicator genes) family, of which several other genes are known all across the animal world. It was then labeled FOXP2, that being its current, and more conventional, name.

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 33

Biomedical/Chemical WSD

• Explore hybrid methods to create DPWS – FOXgene , FOXanimal

• requires a lexical resource – UMLS or other resources

• Useful for smaller training sets!

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 34


• Hybrid Knowledge/Corpus-Based Statistical NLP Models Using Fine-Grained Soft Constraints– Soft Constraints

– Fine-Grained

– Semantic (“concepts”)

– resource-poor setting, special domains




Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 35

Thank you!


Advisors: Philip Resnik & Amy Weinberg

Department of Linguistics and CLIP Lab

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 36

Fine-grained semantic

• Word-based: – Bank: river, money, water, teller, …

• “concept”-based– River: water, bank, boat, …– Financial institution: bank, money, teller,…– Humans compare closest senses

– Bankriver = water ??

• Hybrid: – Bankriver: more strongly associated with water

– Bankfin.inst: more strongly associated with money

Yuval Marton, U Manchester talk 37


• Statistical Machine Translation– What translational units to use?

– Syntactic constituents, re-ordering

– “es gibt”

• Paraphrases– Pivoting vs. bitext-free paraphrasing

– Typically monolingual

– Translation = bilingual / cross-domain paraphrasing

– Can be evaluated in SMT