Finding Stuff 2015

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Finding Stuff 2015

Finding Stuff

By the end of this session, you should:

• be able to find the information needed for your assignments.

• understand what resources you can use as a Central student.

Learning Outcomes

Anywhere you find information can be called a source. But some sources are not as reliable as others.

In small groups, match each information sources to its description, strengths and weaknesses.

We’ll discuss your answers as a class and see if everyone agrees!

Information Sources

Course documents & Interact pages

Places to find information

Google & online databases

• What is a database?

• How is it different from just using Google?

Places to find information

• “Phrase searching”

Helps you find two or more words in the correct order

• W*card searching

Helps you find different spellings or alternate endingto words

These can be applied to help find results in library databases

2 weird tricks which improve your searching