Finding Journal Articles

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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For BUS1BUE Students

Transcript of Finding Journal Articles

1La Trobe University

Finding Journal Articles

Use these slides to learn how to:

Identify an Academic journal article

Search for a particular journal article

Search for any journal article

Search using the Business Source Complete database

Find more information

Photo: by Anon CC BY 3.0 AU

2La Trobe University

Identify an Academic journal article

Compare the different characteristics between Academic (or scholarly) journals and popular journals, like news and business magazines.

Academic journal article News/Business Magazines

Original research General information, reporting facts and providing opinions

Written by academics Written by professional writers or journalists

Peer-reviewed or refereed (experts in the same field have reviewed it)

Not reviewed by experts

Written for researchers/Academics, university students, professionals

Written for a business audience

Structure is formal with an abstract, introduction and bibliography

Informal structure

Examples:• Academy of Management Journal• Journal of Organizational Behaviour

Examples:• Forbes’ Fortune• Business Weekly

3La Trobe University

Search for a particular journal article

Use the Library Search option:

1. Select the Search tab from the Library’s homepage

2. Enter the article title and the author’s last name

3. Click the Go button to start the search

4. In the results screen, select ‘view online’

5. Click on the database hyperlink to go to the article


Collis, D. & Montgomery, C. 2008, ‘Competing on resources’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 86, no. 7-8, pp. 140-150.

4La Trobe University

Search for any journal articles

About Databases

Databases are online search tools

They contain collections of journal articles and other resources

You can search a large number of journals at once

Choose a database from the list under your subject area

Login with your University username and password

Recommended and popular business databases:

� Business Source Complete

� Emerald Full Text

� ABI/Inform Global

To search for articles, use an online Library database.

5La Trobe University

Search using the Business Source Complete database

1. Go to Business Source Complete and follow the prompts to login

2. Type in your search terms

3. Limit your results to Scholarly journals

4. Click Search

Tip: login to Business Source Complete from the Databases tab on the Library homepage. Select ‘B’ from the A-Z list and scroll down to the link for Business Source Complete.

6La Trobe University

Need more information?

Online videos (linking to YouTube):

• Using the Library Search Tab – Topic Searching

• Business Source Complete Database – Finding Journal Articles

• Business Source Complete Database – Keyword Searching and Techniques

Searching for Journal Articles – see the online tutorial in the Business & Management Library Skills Module

Searching for information – see the online Library Skills Module

Referencing – see the Academic Referencing Tool for examples of how to reference your sources using the Harvard Referencing Style