Find your data

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Find your data

Use GraphDB capabilities in XPages applications

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

What’s up in the next 45 mins?• Who am I? • What are GraphDBs? • Famous GraphDBs and Use Cases • Terminology • Introduction to GraphNSF in ODA • Implementation & Data Modelling • Demo

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

Oliver Busse• Back again! 2nd SUTOL :-) • Bleeding yellow since R4.5 • Software Architect at We4IT

• aveedo® Application Framework • ScanAlyzr® Application Metrics

• OpenNTF Board Member • NotesIn9 Producer • IBM Champion 2015 + 2016 • @zeromancer1972 • •

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

The Graph Principle

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

GraphDB - DefinitionA graph database, also called a graph-oriented

database, is a type of NoSQL database that uses graph theory to store, map and query


A graph database is essentially a collection of vertices and edges. Each vertex represents an entity (such as a person or business) and each edge represents a connection or relationship

between two vertices.

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

Some GraphDBs and Frameworks• Neo4J • OrientDB • Titan/Cassandra • Tinkerpop (used here in ODA) • Apache Lucene / Solr

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

Who’s using GraphDBs?• Amazon • Google/Youtube • Facebook, Twitter • IBM Watson Workspace • almost every application that offers something like

• "summarize", "assist" • "related posts" (blogs) • "others also bought this" (shops) • collect relations and "likes" • …

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

GraphDB - Terminology• Vertices (singular: Vertex)

• has Properties (Key-Value pairs) • sometimes referred to as Nodes or Elements

• Edges • Connections, Relations between Vertices

• ElementStores • for us: NSF databases

• MetaverseIDs (GraphNSF) • Replica + UNID (hashed) • internal use only (don‘t care about them)

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016



8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

GraphNSF is part of ODA• Introduced and maintained by

• Nathan T. Freeman • Paul S. Withers

• Uses Tinkerpop framework • Under heavy development since ODA 2.0 • Current version is ODA 3.0 • GraphNSF is transactional

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

GraphNSF = GraphDB in Domino• Vertices and Edges are stored as Documents • The data container is a NSF • The ElementStore defines the file path to the

NSF • An ElementStore can hold different types of

Vertices • Usually you create one ElementStore for

each Vertex type

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

Implementation & Data Modeling• Vertices are defined as Interface classes • Fields are defined as properties with Getter

and Setter • Methods define how the Node can build

Edges to other Vertices • Methods also return all Edges to a certain

Vertex • All inside the NSF using ODA

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

Init the Graph• Define the Element Store(s) • Add Element Store(s) to the Graph

Configuration • Define the DFramedTransactionalGraph

object with the Graph Configuration • Add Vertex types to Element store(s) • Work with the Graph object

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

Create an Edge• Parameterize Object 1 • Get Object 2 by a unique key • Call one of the „add“ methods of your Node

class • Commit your changes

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

A strategy? Add some meta data• a most common use case is to add meta

data to existing data using Graph data • no need to touch the original data :-) • graph data is highly extensible (like NoSQL

is in general)

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016



8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

Like what you saw?• It’s IBM Champion nomination time • Nominate YOUR IBM Champions

until Nov 14 •


8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

8th Sutol Conference, November 2016

Resources• The XPages demo application


• A nice glossary •

• OpenNTF Domino API •

OpenNTF%20Domino%20API •

OpenNTF%20Domino%20API%20Demo%20Database • Graphs
