Find Out the Myth of Limited Time

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Find Out the Myth of Limited Time

The Myth of Limited Time

We tend to look at time

as a linear piece

because clocks make

every 5 minutes.

of the day look the same,


It looks like a line but

really time is not.

Time is a human made concept.

So, if we actually

break down this illusion

then 5 minutes

in prayer,

which creates a vacuum

through which enormous

creative thought comes up,

cannot be equal

to 5 minutes

standing in line in the supermarket.

It just can’t.

And yet, we think that

because incrementally

the same on the clock,

that each is the same,

and it’s not true.

“How can we use

time most powerfully?”

Not by being crazy-busy.

That’s all it is,

it’s being busy.

Sacred Productivity means that the output

is the most powerful,


impactful result of our activity.

Want to learn more

about how to be productive

from your inner wisdom?

Join us at

(excerpt from Summit Interview)